(Above or below, with the purpose of the text simplification, the concept of “nuclear device” or “device” includes any ammunition which use for own function's realization the physical effect—“nuclear chain-reaction at achievement to the chain-reacting amount”)
(Above or below, with the purpose of the text simplification, under the term “absorbing shutter” be implied the neutron's absorbing substance that carry out controlled changing of own aggregate state and level of neutron's absorbing during of the initiation process of the nuclear device)
(Above or below, the concept of “above-critical configuration” includes such combination of weight, geometrical parameters and a physical phase of a charge at which the nuclear chain reaction starts spontaneously)
(Above or below, the concept “below-critical configuration” includes such combination of weight, geometrical parameters and a physical phase of a charge at which the nuclear chain reaction cannot be starting spontaneously)
(All dimensions of parts and devices and theirs geometrical mutual correlations which are given on the drawings attached at the patent application must not be understood as the specific features of the described method and devices. They serve for the demonstrative purposes)
The destination and the area of application of the method:
Army—designing of special purposes' nuclear devices
The proposals, which are given into the patenting process:
There is possibility to use the “absorbing shutter” in nuclear devices for:
It is presented, the method of stabilization and controlling of nuclear devices' parameters by means of usage of “absorbing shutter”. This method is based on usage of neutron's absorbing substance as “absorbing shutter” that split and shield active parts of nuclear device and may carry out the controlled changing own aggregate state for starting of initiation's process. When its aggregate state is changed, “absorbing shutter” can vary mechanical and physical parameters of a nuclear device's active main body.
Prior to initiation, “absorbing shutter” holds the nuclear device into “below-critical configuration” and forms with parts of the nuclear device's active main body the monoblock that is not having significant hollow spaces. The hollow spaces' lacking gives to device mechanical properties of an incompressible solid body.
The changing of mechanical parameters of “absorbing shutter” in time of the initiation's process starting gives capability to transfer device from “below-critical configuration” to “above-critical configuration” by means of mechanical forcing to the nuclear device's active main body.
This transfer is carry out by removing “absorbing shutter” that has new aggregate state out of the active main body by means of the active main body mechanical deformation into more tight form.
<<Absorbing shutter>> carries out the following functions:
Prior to initiation's moment, “absorbing shutter” has the aggregate state that prevents approaching of active parts and, as result of that, changing of device's condition to “above-critical configuration” under influence of allowable physical and mechanical loads.
The device's active main body consists of active parts—1 divided by “absorbing shutter”—2. “Absorbing shutter” consist of a neutron's absorbing substance that is in the solid aggregate state. Active parts and “absorbing shutter” are covered by a porous casing—3.
The active main body and whole device prior to initiation's moment look like solid, high-stable body.
In first moment of initiation, the active main body is being subjected by mechanical forces and simultaneously “absorbing shutter” has starting of changing of own aggregate state under an external influence. As a result of that, “absorbing shutter” melts or vaporizes and can be forced out off active parts into a porous casing.
As a result of that, active parts are permitted to movement, level of neutron's absorbing ability of “absorbing shutter” is being decreased and active main body comes into “above-critical configuration”.
Nuclear reaction's rise rate depend both as of parts' approach velocity and as of ability changing of “absorbing shutter” to neutrons' absorbing during of the initiation process of the nuclear device.
In result of such imposition, at the equal starting conditions, nuclear reaction's rise rate of device which has “absorbing shutter” above than nuclear reaction's rise rate of devices using simple approaching or implosion.
In the capacity of the external influence onto “absorbing shutter” which initiates his aggregate state changes it can be heating liberation as a result of a plastic deformation of “absorbing shutter” and/or warming by means of an energy arrival from without.
Delay of the initiation start can be set by choice of an initial temperature of “absorbing shutter”.
Capacity of “absorbing shutter” to neutrons' absorbing in every one key moment is depend on mechanical and physical characteristic property of its material, a rise rate of its aggregate state changing and of speed of its squeezing-out from active main body. These parameters should be chosen depending on active parts' features of a device.
In specific cases, the first step of the initial changing of mechanical and physical characteristics of “absorbing shutter” can be induced by electric or magnetic method.
In specific cases, during of process of squeezing-out from the active main body, “absorbing shutter” can get through a few aggregate states and isotopes composition changing.
In specific cases, during of initiation's process, “absorbing shutter” can change own ability to the neutron's absorbing as and due to isotopes transmutation.
In specific cases, “absorbing shutter” can include substances, which use energy and neutrons emitting from the active main body for the initiation of fusion reaction and/or activating of substances boosting a damage effect. CL Examples of Innovation Usage
/All dimensions, materials and percentage ratios used in the description of hypothetical devices, which are described below, are taken from open Internet sources and they does not correspond a specific features of the given patent's innovation and they serve for the demonstrative purposes only./
Active main body of the device is spheroid
This layered spheroid by heat treatment usage is modified into the uniform solid body, which is having channels for a passing of a cooling agent, and this spheroid, prior to the initiation's moment, is being in “below-critical configuration”.
The spheroid is covered by a porous case—3 that is made by means of usage of 235U of the high enrichment that is ligation to plasticize. This case works as collector of squeezed out “absorbing shutter”.
For preventing of an untimely deformation, a porous case is filled by a substance having a low temperature of vaporization or sublimation. During initiation process, this substance is being removed and replaced by “absorbing shutter” squeezed out of main body.
The active main body consisting of the porous case and the spheroid is located between of matrix and puncheon—6, 9 which look like cylinders made by means of usage the deuteride of alloy of 235U and 6Li. Each of cylinders, in one side, comprises tablet of 239PU—4, being in “below-critical configuration” and “D” phase.
Cylinders are located inside of the directing barrels—8, which consist of 235U having approximately 50-60% of enrichment. All module—1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 9 is covered by case-resonator—13 that consist of 235U having approximately 40% of enrichment.
The case-resonator is covered by neutron reflector—7.
The massive piston-tup—5 thrusts to the one side of the module and has an auxiliary charge of chemical explosive—11.
Whole device is located in the case of high mechanical strength—12 and cooled up to the moment of penetration's beginning to a target by an external device.
After a target is hit, device
Under the decelerating forces, deformations of the module's parts are started. Along process of deformation, under of the applying forces; the tablets—4,
The active main body of the device is spheroid
This case works as “absorbing shutter”. Its melting temperature is approximate 50-60° C. The spheroid is covered by perforated jacket—14.
The device
Inside the case, the active main body is located between two blocks looking like the multiple-die of 238U—15 each of which have on its inner face two layers: the first of a neutron reflector—21 and the second of spongy 235uranium carbide—20 of the high enrichment. This spongy case, into the initiation's moment, is working as the collector of “absorbing shutter”.
Each of the multiple-die blocks is organized by a helix-consolidator—17. Between the high mechanical strength case and the multiple-die blocks have chemical charges—18. They triggers—19 are located on each ends of the strength case.