The invention is related to the studies of rock mass and processes therein by means of wellbore measurements, particularly to obtaining the rock mass data by means of wellbore temperature measurements. Examples of such measurements may be temperature measurements in the well drilled in the rock mass with the oil reservoir when the rock mass thermal mode is changed by its cooling or heating through injecting flush mud with the temperature different from the rock mass temperature with subsequent temperature record in the well at different depths. By the recorded rate of the rock mass temperature change in different layers after flushing zones with different oil content are identified. In the latter case such measurements are used, for example, to improve oil fields' development efficiency. Another application area of the invention is related to the studies of the rock mass properties being reservoirs with geothermal fluid and vapor. The invention may be applied to study rock masses with the ore mineral deposits.
A method of rock mass properties studies consisting in the record of the temperature distribution along the well drilled in the rock mass after the rock mass thermal excitation by pumping through the flush mud with the temperature different from that of the rock mass and subsequent identification of productive layers with different properties, this method is described in: V. N. Dakhnov Promyslovaya Geofizika (Production Geophysisc), Moscow, Gostopizdat, 1959, pp. 56-59. In this case the productive layers' areas are classified by the temperature difference in the productive reservoirs' zones relative to the rock mass non-productive areas after the flushing completion. A dramatic disadvantage of this method is the difficulty in identifying the productive reservoirs' zones when these zones are separated from the well by the layers with the flushing mud due to the impossibility to record small temperature drops between productive layers and non-productive areas against the background of large absolute values of the temperature characteristic for the rock mass at the oil occurrence depths. Another disadvantage of this method is the fact that the temperature in the wellbore is recorded after the flushing fluid pumping through the well when the temperature profile at the boundaries of the rock mass layers with different properties is blurred due to conductive heat transfer process occurring between the rock mass sections with different temperature. Yet another disadvantage of this method is the fact that the time period during which the wellbore temperature profile should be recorded is not defined which reduces the method application efficiency. The method's disadvantage also consists in the fact that the rock mass temperature change record as function of time at each depth selected is impossible which also reduces the method's efficiency because it prevents segregating the effects of the interference and rock mass properties by the different degree of the manifestation thereof in terms of temperature changes as function of time.
Apparatus for the rock mass properties' study consisting of flushing fluid injection unit, temperature transducer, temperature transducer signal electronic record and processing unit, cylindrical body in which the temperature transducer and electronic unit are located, cable for the cylindrical body sinking into the wellbore, power supply and measurement results data transfer to the surface, the apparatus is described in: V. N. Dakhnov Promyslovaya Geofizika (Production Geophysisc), Moscow, Gostopizdat, 1959, pp. 56-59. The device is used for the implementation of the method of rock mass properties study described in the same book. A disadvantage of this apparatus is the impossibility to record the wellbore temperature distribution during the flushing mud injection into the well which results, as mentioned before, to the extended measurement time, indistinct identification of the boundaries of the rock mass strata with different properties. Another disadvantage is the availability of one temperature transducer only which results in the insufficient sensitivity of the rock mass layers with low difference in their properties.
The engineering result attained in case of the implementation of the invention claimed consists in the enhanced accuracy and efficiency of the identification of the rock mass zones with different thermal properties. The method provides the segregation of the rock mass located along the wellbore into the zones with different thermal properties—thermal conduction, thermal diffusivity and volumetric heat capacity. Such segregated zones may include, for example, zones with rock water- or oil-saturation, or zones with different degree of the rocks oil-saturation. All these zones may be identified using the engineering solution claimed because they are characterized with different thermal properties.
The said engineering result is attained due to thermal excitation of the rock mass or a portion thereof by means of pumping the flushing fluid through the wellbore using a tubing string (the flush fluid temperature must differ from the rock mass temperature), subsequent record of the wellbore temperature changes at least in one section thereof, and identification of the rock mass areas with different thermal properties based on the measurement results. Prior to the start of the thermal excitation of the rock mass (or a portion thereof) and after the completion of the excitation, continuously or intermittently at the intervals pre-selected based on the wellbore temperature interference nature and possible divergence of the thermal properties of the selected rock mass areas. Differential electrical signals proportional to the temperature difference are recorded using at least one pair of temperature transducers located along the wellbore axis so that the transducers' wellbore positioning depth covered the area of the rock mass in question. The distances between the transducers in the pairs and the number of pairs shall be selected in advance based on the required accuracy of the determination of the boundaries of the rock mass strata with different properties, minimum and maximum possible length of the selected rock mass areas and wellbore temperature noise nature and degree. The thermal excitation degree should be selected to provide the required ratio of the differential electrical signals to the wellbore temperature noise. Differential electrical signals from the temperature transducers measured before the rock mass excitation start are compared with the differential electrical signals from the same temperature transducer pairs measured during the thermal excitation, and differential electrical signals from different temperature transducers positioned along the wellbore are compared with one another. Based on the results of the differential electrical signals' comparison different rock mass areas are characterized by their properties and the boundaries between the rock mass areas with different thermal properties are identified.
The method may also provide additional measurement of the flush fluid temperature along the wellbore in the depth range in question before the thermal excitation, during the thermal excitation and after the completion thereof. Based on the data obtained the temperature change nature is determined, both during the rock mass thermal excitation, and during the temperature recovery in the course of the rock mass post-excitement relaxation. Based on the data obtained the start time, interval and end time of the differential electrical signals; measurement is selected and the decision to stop the thermal excitation is made.
The thermal excitation of the rock mass or a portion thereof may be performed periodically at pre-set duration of each thermal excitation and pauses between them or according to the harmonic law with a pre-set frequency and intensity. Simultaneously oscillation amplitude of the differential electrical signals in question, their phase shift relative to the rock mass or a portion thereof, rock mass temperature variations' amplitude and rock mass temperature variations' phase shift is measured. After that based on the measurement data set properties of the rock mass various areas are determined.
In another embodiment the main method of the rock mass properties study is supplemented by the fact that the periodical excitation of the rock mass or a portion thereof is performed by means of flush fluid in the tubing string with the periodical motion direction change. In this case the tubing string lower end is located below the rock mass area in question so that in the rock mass area in question periodical heteropolar flush fluid temperature change relative to the initial temperature of the area in question took place. The frequency of the circulating flush fluid direction change, circulating flush fluid flow rate and position of the tubing string lower end is set based on the wellbore temperature gradient to provide a sufficient amplitude of the differential electrical signals, hereby the amplitude of the differential signals in question, their phase shift relative to the rock mass (or a portion thereof) thermal excitation, rock mass temperature variations amplitude as well as rock mass temperature variations phase shift relative to the thermal excitation of the rock mass or a portion thereof is measured.
Temperature transducers may be located on the tubing string, in this case the diameter and metallurgy of the tubing string section in which the transducers are positioned is selected to provide maximum differential electrical signals, minimum effect of the fluid convective motion in the gap between the production string and tubing string wall or wellbore wall on the temperature noises taking place in the gap between the production string and tubing string wall or wellbore wall during the thermal excitation of the rock mass (or a portion thereof) or after the thermal excitation stop as well as the minimum blur of the temperature differences between the rock mass strata having different properties.
The main method of the rock mass properties determination may be supplemented by the fact that to provide the best segregation of the rock mass areas along the wellbore based on their properties, duration and intensity of the thermal excitation of the rock mass or a portion thereof as well as differential electrical signals' measurement times after the start of the thermal excitation of the rock mass or a portion thereof are selected based on the dependence of the wellbore temperature noise on the time and based on the wellbore temperature noise in the wellbore during the measurement of the differential electrical signals' to obtain maximum ratio of the differential electrical signals to the wellbore temperature noise.
Apart from the main method, in order to enhance the accuracy of the determination of the boundaries between the rock mass areas along the wellbore based on their properties and reduce the vagueness of the boundaries between the rock mass areas having different properties, duration and intensity of the thermal excitation of the rock mass or a portion thereof and the time of measurement of the differential electrical signals after the thermal excitation start is selected based on the nature and value of the wellbore temperature noise taking place before the differential electrical signals' measurements so that the spatial changes of the differential electrical signals at the area between the areas of the rock mass with different properties were localized within the minimum distance range along the wellbore.
A method of the rock mass properties may be implemented characterized by the fact that to enhance the accuracy of the characterization of the rock mass (or a portion thereof) and the characterization of their distributions in the direction perpendicular to the wellbore both at the stage of the thermal excitation of the rock mass or a portion thereof as well as after the thermal excitation end the nature of the change of the differential electrical signals as a function of time and maximum values of the differential signals and the time to attain maximum values of the differential signals is determined, and based on the set of these values the depth of the flush fluid penetration zone and oil-saturation of the rock mass or a portion thereof is determined.
In the embodiment supplementary to the previous method, in order to enhance the accuracy of the characterization of the properties of the rock mass or a portion thereof and characterization of the properties' distribution in the direction perpendicular to the wellbore, at least one repeated thermal excitation of the rock mass or a portion thereof is performed during the time different from the time of the previous thermal excitations. Every time differential electrical signals during the thermal excitation of the rock mass or a portion thereof are measured and every time maximum values of the differential signals and time to attain maximum values of the differential signals both during the thermal excitation and after the completion thereof are determined. Then, based on the set of the data obtained during all the cycles of the thermal excitation of the rock mass or a portion thereof the depth of the flush fluid penetration zone and oil-saturation of the rock mass or a portion thereof is determined.
A method of the determination of the properties of the rock mass or a portion thereof may also be implemented in such a way that, in addition to the main method, the thermal excitation is every time performed at a different volume of the flush fluid injected into the well than during the preceding thermal excitations. Every time during or after the thermal excitation of the rock mass or a portion thereof differential electrical signals are measured, maximum values of the differential electrical signals and the times to attain maximum values of the differential electrical signals are found. Then, based on the set of the data obtained during all the cycles of the thermal excitation of the rock mass or a portion thereof the depth of the flush fluid penetration zone and oil-saturation of the rock mass or a portion thereof is determined.
If the casing string in the wellbore is separated from the rock mass by the cement ring, in order to improve the accuracy of the determination of the rock mass or a portion thereof by means of the record of the temperature noise occurring due to the changes of the cement ring thickness and the deviations of the casing string and tubing string from the wellbore axis, in addition to the main method, the differential signals are recorded at the time when the ratio of the differential electrical signals to the wellbore temperature noise resulting from the changes in the cement ring thickness and deviations of the casing string and tubing string from the wellbore axis is maximum.
In still another embodiment the main method of the rock mass properties' determination may be supplemented by the fact that in addition porosity in different parts of the roc mass alog the wellbore is determined. After that, based on the set of the results of the measurements of the maximum values of the differential signals, time of attainment of the maximum values of the differential signals and porosity the depth of the flush fluid penetration zone and oil-saturation of the rock-mass or a portion thereof are determined.
Another claimed method of the rock mass properties' determination is characterized by the fact that during the thermal excitation of the rock mass or a portion thereof and upon completion of the thermal excitation in the areas located in the gap between the casing string and wellbore wall at different distances from the casing string differential signals proportional to the temperature difference are additionally measured, based on the measurement results the nature and value of the temperature noise to be accounted for during the differential electrical signals and subsequent rock mass properties' determination are determined.
Another method of the rock mass properties' determination is possible in which in addition to the main method at least one temperature transducer is displaced along the wellbore prior to the start of the thermal excitation of the rock mass or a portion thereof and then, at least once, during the thermal excitation, then the temperature distribution along the wellbore is recorded using at least one temperature transducer displaced along the wellbore. The temperature transducers' displacement speed and temperature profile record start time after the start of the thermal excitation of the rock mass or a portion thereof is selected in such a way as to provide the optimum usable signal/noise ratio. After that the properties of the rock mass (or a portion thereof) are determined both by the temperature distribution along the wellbore and by the extent of the temperature variation in different strata of the rock mass as a function of time.
Another method of the rock mass properties' determination is proposed, it is different from the main method by the fact that the temperature is measured at some sections along the wellbore before the start of the thermal excitation of the rock mass or portions thereof and then the temperature is measured at some sections along the wellbore after the start of the thermal excitation. The number of the wellbore sections in which the temperature is measured is every time selected to ensure the required accuracy of the determination of the boundaries between the strata of the rock mass with different properties. The time of the temperature measurement along the wellbore after the thermal excitation start is selected to provide the optimum usable signal/noise ratio. After that based on the temperature measurements at these sections along the wellbore prior to the start and after the start of the thermal excitation of the rock mass or a portion thereof the wellbore temperature distribution characterizing the rock mass properties is determined and based on this temperature distribution the rock mass strata with different properties are determined.
Another method of the rock mass properties' determination is proposed, it is different from the main method by the fact that the differential electrical signals are additionally measured along one or more lines directed along the wellbore and located parallel to each other and to the main line along which the differential signals are measured. The number of the lines and angles between them around the wellbore axis are selected proceeding from the location of the rock mass areas and wellbore space areas with different properties around the wellbore axis.
In still another method of the rock mass properties' determination in addition to the main and preceding methods the differential electrical signals proportional to the temperature difference in the areas located in the gap between the casing string and wellbore wall at different distances from the casing string are measured along one or more lines directed the wellbore and located parallel to each other and parallel to the main line along which the differential signals are measured. The number of the lines and angles between them around the wellbore axis are selected proceeding from the location of the rock mass areas and wellbore space areas with potentially different properties around the wellbore axis.
For the implementation of the method above an apparatus for the rock mass properties' study is proposed, it includes a unit for the flush fluid injection into the wellbore for the thermal excitation of the rock mass or a portion thereof by the fluid circulation inside the wellbore, the unit for the adjustment of the time during which the flush fluid is injected into the wellbore and temperature transducers positioned along the wellbore axis. The apparatus also includes at least one pair of the temperature transducers providing the reception of differential electrical signals characterizing the temperature difference in two spots along the wellbore and a unit generating differential electrical signals for the temperature transducer pairs ensuring the reception of the differential electrical signals proportional to the wellbore temperature difference in at least one pair of spots. The distances between the transducers in the pairs and the number of the transducer pairs is selected based on the required accuracy of the determination of the location of the boundaries of the rock mass strata with different properties, minimum and maximum possible length of the identified rock mass areas and the degree of the temperature noise in the wellbore. Additionally the apparatus includes record unit ensuring simultaneous record of the differential signals measured at the same times and ensuring the identification of the rock mass areas with different properties based on the comparison and processing of the differential electrical signals.
The apparatus may additionally include the unit ensuring periodical thermal excitation of the rock mass or separate portions thereof with the setting of a certain duration of each thermal excitation and pre-set pauses between the thermal excitations or ensuring thermal excitation on the harmonic law with the pre-set frequency and intensity. Besides, the apparatus includes a unit providing the measurement of the oscillations amplitude of the differential signals in question as well as a unit measuring the phase shift of the variations of the differential signals in question. The apparatus also includes a unit measuring the rock mass temperature variations' amplitude and a unit measuring the phase shift of the rock mass temperature variations relative to the thermal excitation of the rock mass or a portion thereof.
Another embodiment of the apparatus claimed is characterized by the fact the apparatus also includes a unit ensuring periodical thermal excitation of the rock mass or a separate part thereof by means of the flush fluid circulation in the casing string with the periodical change of the flush fluid motion direction so that heteropolar fluid temperature change relative to the temperature of the rock mass area in question took place in the said rock mass area. Besides, this apparatus also includes a unit setting the frequency of the circulating flush fluid direction change, the circulating flush fluid flow rate and the position of the lower end of the casing string in the wellbore based on the wellbore temperature gradient. To determine the temperature gradient the apparatus includes a unit evaluating the temperature gradient by the temperature transducers' signals and the distance between the temperature transducers along the wellbore.
Another embodiment of the apparatus for the rock mass properties' study different from the main embodiment by the fact that the apparatus additionally includes the unit for the record and amplitude-temperature analysis of the wellbore temperature noise, this unit is connected with the temperature transducers. The unit for the record and amplitude-temperature analysis of the wellbore temperature noise is also connected with the differential signals' matching and processing to ensure the exclusion of the temperature noise with a similar frequency from the differential signals in question.
A proposed supplementary embodiment of the apparatus for the rock mass properties' study differs from the main apparatus by the fact that the apparatus additionally includes temperature transducers positioned at the same wellbore levels as the temperature transducers used for the record of the differential electrical signals along the wellbore but at different distances from the casing string in the gap between the casing string and the wellbore wall or tubing string wall. Besides, the apparatus includes a unit providing the measurement of the differential signals between all the additional transducers positioned at the similar depth in the wellbore as well as a unit providing amplitude-frequency analysis of the differential electrical signals measured between all the additional transducers and resulting segregation of the temperature noise existing in the area between the casing string and wellbore wall or tubing string wall. Besides, the apparatus includes a unit ensuring the record and exclusion of the noise segregated from the differential electrical signals recorded by the pairs of the temperature transducers positioned along the wellbore.
An apparatus for the rock mass properties' study different from the main apparatus by the fact that the apparatus includes at least one additional set of temperature transducers located along the wellbore for the measurement of the differential electrical signals similar to the set of the temperature transducers in the main apparatus is also proposed. The additional sets of the temperature transducers are positioned along one or more lines directed along the wellbore and located parallel to one another as well as parallel to the line along which the main apparatus temperature transducers for the differential electrical signals are located. The number of the additional temperature transducers and angles between the lines along which the temperature transducers are located around the wellbore axis is selected based on the location of the rock mass areas and wellbore space areas with potentially different properties.
Another embodiment of the apparatus for the rock mass properties studies is different from the main apparatus by the fact that the apparatus additionally includes temperature transducers whose signals are used to measure differential electrical signals characterizing the temperature changes in the wellbore in the direction from the casing string towards the wellbore walls, hereby these transducers are positioned on the casing string along one or more lines directed along the wellbore and located parallel to each other and to the line on which the main temperature transducers are located and along which the differential signals are measured, hereby the number of the lines and angles between these lines along the wellbore axis are selected based on the location of the rock mass and wellbore space areas with potentially different properties along the wellbore axis.
Additional embodiment of the apparatus for the rock mass properties' study is different from the main apparatus by the fact that the apparatus additionally includes a unit providing the displacement of at least one temperature transducer and wellbore differential temperature transducers. Besides, the apparatus additionally includes a unit ensuring setting of the displacement speed of the temperature transducers and wellbore differential temperature transducers, as well as a unit ensuring the binding of each temperature transducer to the depth for each time moment of the temperature and differential temperature signal. Besides the apparatus includes a unit providing periodical change of the temperature transducers' displacement along the wellbore with the displacement direction change at the preset time.
An apparatus for the rock mass properties' study is also proposed, it differs from the main apparatus by the fact that the apparatus additionally includes several temperature transducers positioned along the wellbore, hereby the number of the temperature transducers positioned along the wellbore is selected to provide the required accuracy of the determination of the boundaries between the rock mass areas with different properties. Besides, the apparatus includes a unit for the record and processing of the signals from the temperature measurement transducers which is used to provide the temperature measurement by the transducers at the pre-set time moments, temperature distribution record along the wellbore based on the results of the temperature measurements after the start of the thermal excitation of the rock mass or a part thereof based on the temperature distribution along the wellbore before the thermal excitation of the rock mass or a portion thereof and identification of the rock mass strata with different properties.
Another claimed embodiment of the apparatus for the rock mass properties study differs from the preceding apparatuses by the fact that the apparatus includes a unit providing the flush fluid injection at a pre-set flow-rate over a time unit.
The invention is explained by the drawing where
As shown in
As an additional example of the implementation of the engineering solution proposed a case of segregating sections 4, 5, 6 with different thermal properties of the rock mass 2 when significant depth-variable random deviation of the tubing string 7 axis or casing string 10 axis from the wellbore 1 axis (in the latter case it will result in the change of the cement ring 11 thickness) or eccentricity of the tubing string 7 axis or casing string 10 within the depth range 3 in which sections 4, 5, 6 with different thermal properties which need to be segregated by means of the claimed engineering solution implementation. In both the cases significant change of the thermal resistance between the walls of tubing string 7 and walls of the wellbore 1 will take place which will result in a significant noise in the recorded values of the temperature and differential temperatures at different depths and, consequently, complicate the solution of the problem on segregating sections 4, 5, 6 of the rock mass 2 with different thermal properties. To reduce this noise in the case above with the segregation of sections 4, 5, 6 with different thermal properties in the depth range of 2,000-2,030 m in addition 6+3
To reduce this noise in the case above with the segregation of sections 4, 5, 6 with different thermal properties in the depth range of 2,000-2,030 m in addition to 35 temperature transducers 9 installed along tubing sting 7 earlier with the interval of 1 m additional sets comprising 35 temperature transducers 9 at the distance between the neighbouring temperature transducers 9 equal to 1 m. In case of availability of the information of equal probability of azimuth deflections of the tubing string 7 axis and casing string 10 axis relative to the wellbore 1 axis as well as the information of the possibility of the tubing string 7 and casing string 10 eccentricity uniformly distributed around the axes of the tubing string and casing string three additional sets of temperature transducers 9 are mounted along the axis of the tubing string 7, hereby the lines of positioning of all the four sets of temperature transducers 9, each set comprising 35 temperature transducers 9 is uniformly distributed along the circumference of the tubing string 7. The process of the implementation of the proposed engineering solution differs from the previously considered case by the fact that the differential electrical signals are measured simultaneously along four lines oriented along wellbore 1 and located parallel to one another. The results of each measurement of the differential temperature obtained for each of the four pairs of temperature transducers 9 at the similar depths in the wellbore 1 are averaged. The average values of the differential temperature are used to identify sections 4, 5, 6 of the rock mass 2 with different thermal properties as it was done in the preceding case of the implementation of the engineering solution proposed.
Number | Date | Country | Kind |
2009149027 | Dec 2009 | RU | national |