Schizophrenia is present in about 1% of the population worldwide. It is estimated that about 2.8 million people in the US alone have the disorder. In spite of antipsychotic drugs 30-40% of patients remain treatment resistant. A similar number remain considerably symptomatic with residual negative (see below) and psychotic (eg, hallucinations and delusions) symptoms. On the other hand, psychosis in schizophrenia is a remitting relapsing disorder with deteriorating forms. 60 to 80% of patients will relapse or worsen in 1 to 2 years even on maintenance antipsychotic treatment. Although psychotic symptoms are the signal for antipsychotic drug treatment, other clinical domains of schizophrenia are more socially and functionally disabling. Only 7% of patients will be fully employed, while only one in five will be working at some time in their lives.
Antipsychotic drugs do not satisfactorily treat cognitive impairments or negative symptoms of schizophrenia, including social competence and problem solving (eg, Bellack et al, 2004). Cognitive impairments and negative symptoms are considered to be the core of the disorder. Both domains are believed the major cause of deterioration of social and occupational functioning, caretaker burden, and increased risk of psychotic relapse (Verdoux et al., 2002; van Kammen et al, unpublished data, 1996).
Negative symptoms such as flat affect, social and emotional withdrawal, poverty of content of speech, lack of motivation, anhedonia (inability to experience pleasure), apathy, motor retardation and lack of personal hygiene are major disabling symptoms of the disorder, that do not respond well to antipsychotics. At any given time, negative symptoms may be present in 60% of patients. Negative symptoms can be present before the onset of the illness and worsen over time. Although they tend to be stable, they do improve somewhat with improvement in psychosis. Antipsychotic drugs may induce negative symptoms (eg, flatness of affect, emotional withdrawal, motor retardation) through dopamine receptor blockade (extrapyramidal side effects or EPS). Negative symptoms, induced by dopamine receptor blockade, psychosis or depression, are called secondary (non-eniduing) negative symptoms. Those negative symptoms may respond to switching to serotonin-dopamine antagonists (SDAs) with fewer EPS, lowering the dose of antipsychotics, to prescribing anticholinergic agents or antidepressants. However, anticholinergic agents induce their ownk (recent) memory impairments. Enduring primary negative symptoms are also called the deficit syndrome. Those are unresponsive to our present day antipsychotics. Increased negative symptoms are associated with a slower and poorer antipsychotic response, while more negative symptoms indicate a greater cognitive impairment.
Cognitive abnormalities are peivasively present in a broad spectrum in patients with schizophrenia. Approximately 85% of patients with schizophrenia exhibit some degree of cognitive impainnent (Palmer et al., 1999; McGurk and Meltzer, 2000; Meltzer and McGurk, 1999). The remaining 15% of patients, who score within the normal range on some cognitive tests often perform at levels below those of their siblings and parents, indicating that these patients may not be functioning at their full potential. They may still have abnonnal regional brain activation on fMRI during cognitive testing (activation of alternative regions or increased activity). Sustained attention is almost always impaired (Goldstein et al, 1999). In spite of a variable cognitive impainnent across patients with schizophrenia, basically all patients have some form of cognitive impairment. These deficits are present in antipsychotic-naïve patients with first-episodes schizophrenia as well in medicated chronic patients. Patients with higher IQ scores may be better able to avoid hospitalization (greater compensatory reserve?), but can be as psychotic as other patients.
The following cognitive categories are impaired in schizophrenia: sustained attention, working memory (eg, executive function), verbal learning and memory, visual learning and memory (visual-spatial), speed of processing and word fluency, reasoning and problem solving, and social cognition. Although it makes intuitive sense that psychosis should interfere with cognitive tests, positive symptoms (eg, hallucinations, delusions) do not correlate significantly with cognitive impairments or outcome (Seaton et al, 1999) or finctional outcome over time. TIhought disorder, negative symptoms and cognitive impairments do (Green, 1996, 1999).
Neuropsychological impairinents are associated with negative symptoms (eg, psychomotor poverty). They include a) impairments in working memory, b) a weakening of the influences of stored memories of previous input on current perception, with links to inipaired latent inhibition and c) abnormal lateralization of cognitive functioning, emphasizing either left or right cerebral dysfunction
In general, most patients show a relative, stable cognitive impaimnent during adulthood with a relatively small annual decline. On the Mini-Mental Status Exam (MMSE) patients with schizophrenia decline 2-3 points over 50 years, in contrast with patients with Alzheimer Disorder who loose 1.5 points per year. In addition to cognitive impairment prior to the appearance of psychosis, further deterioration may occur with the first one or two psychotic episodes. Particularly, impairnent in executive functioning, semantic memory and speeded motor performance tends to worsen over tine. Some patients improve slightly after the initial worsening associated with early psychotic episodes, but this improvement is not observed in all tests. Executive fiunctioning is particularly uimesponsive to antipsychotic treatment. An earlier the age of onset and more negative symptoms are associated with a greater cognitive impairment (dementia praecox). Although studies with atypical or SDA antipsychotics indicate that risperidone, olanzapine, ziprasidone or quetiapine significantly may improve cognition in schizophrenia, the response to these agents is rather small, inconsistent or insufficient. Executive functioning (working memory) does not improve with the SDAs. Clozapine has been shown to have the strongest positive effect, however the anticholinergic side effects interfere with recent memory.
In addition, recent evidence suggests that cognitive impairment is a much better predictor of poor social functioning and employment in patients with schizophrenia than hallucinations or delusions (Green, 1996; Green, 1999). Particularly, secondary (storage) memory may be a consistent predictor of work and social function.
Multiple hypotheses have been put forward to explain the underlying mechanisms of the cognitive deficits. Abnormal connectivity (eg, decreased neuronal arborizationi, increased synaptic turnover, increased white matter neurons, white matter impairments—particularly in uncinate fasciculus, longitudinal fasciculus, corpus caflosum, and in the prefrontal, parietal and temporal lobe), altered neurotransmitter activity (eg, decreased prefrontal dopamine, decreased glutamate activity, decreased acetylcholine, hypercortisolemia (Walker and Diforio, 1997; Walder et al, 2000; Newcomer et al, 1991; Altainura et al, 1991), subsensitive □7niconticic receptor stimulation in the temporal lobe, increased COMT activity in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), altered alpha receptor activity and pharmacological mechanisms (eg, D1 receptor blockade in PFC, anticholinergic mechanisms, extrapyramidal side effects (Cassens et a. 1990)). Hypercortisolemia may play a major role in the cognitive deficit on different levels. It is associated with increased glutamate activity (eg, effects on gray and white matter) and stimulation of IL-6, IL1B and IL2 (Zhang et al, in press). On an aside, it is of interest that as a group, female patients with schizophrenia score better than their male counterparts on cognitive tests, including responding better to cogttitive therapy. This difference cannot be explained on the basis of estrogens.
Gray matter. Decreased brain volume has been noted in schizophrenia since 1976, when Eve Johnstone reported the first brain CT scan study in schizophrenia. Subsequent CT brain scan studies confirmed this finding emphasizing cortical atrophy and wider lateral ventricles (for review see Goetz and van Kammen, 1984). Initial PET scan studies identified a hypofrontality (Buchsbaum et al, 1982), which later was clarified with fMRI studies indicating a decreased activation in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPC) in schizophrenia (Berman and Weinberger) as well as decreased neuropil from autopsy studies (eg, Selemon et al;). This decreased in gray matter without cell loss has been explained by a decrease in synapse formation, dendritic spines and arborization. During normal development neuronal pruning and an increase in synaptogenesis occur. Neuronal pruning takes place particularly during adolescence. By the age of 30, we have already lost 50% of the neurons we were born with. In the normal brain synaptogenesis and synaptic reduction takes place concomitantly. Long-term memory (learning) requires neuronal growth and synaptogenesis.
Studies indicating altered neuronal migration patterns, with increased neurons in white matter areas, particularly in the temporal cortex, (eg, Jalkob and Beckman, 1986) have been reported, albeit not consistently. Such findings suggest disturbances in neurodevelopment. These studies combined with epidemiological studies of increased incidence of severe stress or viral infections, or hemorrhage/ischemia in utero in the 2nd or 3rd trimester and perinatally (in the presence of genetic abnormalities) let to the formulation of schizophrenia as a disorder of neurodevelopmental, ie interference with normal brain development, which expresses it self during or after adolescence (Weinberger, 1987; Murray, 1987). fMRI studies with working memory tasks identified decreased DLPFC activity. This is in addition to decreased volume in the DLPFC (see above). In healthy controls stimulation of the DLPFC prefrontal cortex leads to activation of the temporal lobe, but not in schizophrenia. Extensive psychophysiology, MRI and PET studies identified altered connectivity and information processing in schizophienia brains. In addition to hypoactivity also increased activity was noted in other brain areas not activated in healthy controls during certain cognitive tasks (McCarley et al; Liddle et al). With improved brain autopsy and imaging technology, identification of decreased neuropil (eg, shrinkage of neuronial mass, decreased arborization and altered synaptic proteins, decreased synaptic formation), but little evidence of actual neuronal loss, except perhaps of some cortical GABAergic interneurons (Lewis; Benes et al, 1999) have been identified. Gray matter decreases have been associated with positive and negative symptoms, as well as cognitive deficits and poor functional outcome in schizophrenia.
White matter. Over 40% of brain volume is white matter. White matter develops over time and continues to expand into the 5th decade, partially making up for space provided by neuronal pruning and neuronal loss (see gray matter). While cortical association areas complete their myelination after the motor areas, the prefrontal cortex does not reach full myelination until puberty. The dopamine system is among the latest to be myelinated. For normal myelination to occur normal conduction is required. Myelination is the ultimate neuroprotectant, assuring optimal neurotransmission. Impaired myelination will cause decreased conduction velocity, and expose neurons to increased metabolic toxins. This means a decrease in neuronal functioning, brain reserve and resilience. However, myelination is not an indispensable property of functional axons. Axons can still function without myelination. Myelination is just one criterion of neural maturation.
Since 1998 decreases in white matter volume have been reported in the PFC, temporal lobe, perigenual cingulate gyrus, corpus callosum, thalamus, and parietal lobe of patients with schizophrenia (for review see Davis et al., 2002 and Bartzokis, 2002). In addition, autopsy and genetic studies have reported impaired myelination in schizophrenia (see below). Alterations in white matter have been associated with impaired cognition and increased negative symptoms (Kubicki et al, 2003; Lim et al; Wolkin et al. 1998; Foong et al, 2000, 2001). Because the white matter volume deficit compared to healthy controls increases with age, a diminished or halted myelination process has been suggested (Bartzokis et al. 2003; Andreassen). The following observations have also been reported:
Several groups have shown that many of the genes involved in myelination are abnormal in schizophrenia (Davis et al, 2002; Tkachev et al, 2003; Hakak et al., 2001; Pongrac et al., 2002; Mimmack et al., 2002; Stefansson et al., 2002). Although these research groups have replicated in general their myelin related gene abnormalities, not all groups have identified the same genes or observed them in the same direction. Particularly younger patients show an increase in myelin related gene activity, while older Kraepelinian patients show a decrease in those genes (Davis et al, 2002; Hakak et al., 2001). Presumably, the failed attempts to jack up gene activity to overcome the impairments in myelination finally run out later in life, with the associated rapid deterioration in those older patients.
For years, disconnectivity (or dysfunctional brain architecture) hypotheses of schizophrenia (McGuire and Frith, 1996; Friston, 1998;) have been at pains to explain the information processing difficulties in schizophrenia with gray matter abnormalities alone without invoking white matter abnormalities. Only recently has a wealth of these white matter studies indicated that indeed white matter abnormalities are present in schizophrenia, and in particular in the white matter tracts. The neurodevelopmental hypothesis based upon gray matter changes explains mainly the onset of schizophrenia into late adolescence or early adulthood. The peak onset of schizophrenia occurs in young adulthood but onset of schizophrenia can occur as late as in the fifth decade. The recent reports of white matter changes into the fifth decade of life have made the neurodevelopmental and disconnection hypotheses more consistent with the clinical data, ie, an age of onset into the 50's.
Brain imaging studies have provided evidence of lower volume, metabolic activity or brain blood flow in specific brain regions (eg, DLPC), suggesting localized brain lesion(s) in schizophrenia (Selemon; Goldmnan-Rakic; Benes). In spite of the evidence from human and animnal lesion studies, that specific brain lesions may cause memory and other problems in cognition, there is no evidence that such localized lesions are involved in schiizoplhrenia. Brain autopsy studies going back to the end of the 19th century have failed to identify such specific brain lesions, even with the improved methodologies of recent studies. Interestingly, psychosis can occur in patients with white matter disorders such as multiple sclerosis (MS), metachroinatic leukodystrophy (MLD) and traumatic brain injury (TBI), particularly when lesions occur in the frontal cortex tracts. In MS, the white matter disorder par excellence, psychosis is associated with white matter lesions in the frontal cortex, while MLD occurring in adolescence or early adulthood may present it self as schizophrenia. TBI is sometimes associated with psychosis when frontal white matter tracts are interrupted (shearing). Schizophrenia, without such identifiable lesions, is therefore associated with different white matter disorder than MS, MLD or TBI.
A more compelling interpretation of the data is the conventional hypothesis of functional lesions in schizophrenia. This functional lesion may well be in the impaired white mnatter tracts such as uncinate, longitudinal fasciculus, temporo-parietal or fronto-parietal tracts (ie, decreased anisotropy, with DTI or MRT MRI) or in the synaptic strength of the neurons (Kubicki et al, 2003; Foong et al; Lim et al; Buchsbaum et al, 1998). Connectivity is the ability of different brain regions to communicate with each other effectively. Several investigators have showvn that synchrony or communication between different brain areas is altered in schizophrenia (Cleghorn et al, 1992; Liddle at al; Woodruff et al, 1997). In other words, the different brain areas, which need to work together in the many circuits in the normal functioning brain, are functionally disconnected. These disconnectivity hypotheses are based on weakened or altered neuronal transmission between different neuronal areas leading to decreased or altered activation of the necessary neuronial circuits, without evidence of actual cell lesions or neuronal loss. Altered synaptic strength, impaired myelination or both may cause this disconnectivity, although other causes cannot be ruled out. Questions have been raised whether these white matter abnormalities in schizophrenia are based upon a neurodevelopmental disturbance, as is hypothesized for the gray matter changes. Such alterations may decrease long-term memory, working memory, processing speed and word fluency, as well as negative symptoms.
For efficient functioning of the brain groups of neurons or networks need to fire at the same time (synchronicity). Alterations in this synchronicity (simultaneously firing) indicate inefficient or ineffective processing of information. Such responses can be used to identify changes in conduction velocity (ie, latency of amplitude, amplitude). Averaged evoked response (AER) or Event-Related potentials (ERP) are EEG wave amplitudes to a specified repeated stimulus. The amplitude of such brain waves will be significantly larger than when neurons fire randomly. A larger amplitude suggests more efficient processing of the stimulus and greater synchrony. Impaired conduction velocity, either through white or gray matter alterations may explain the many abnormal (psycho-) physiological tests results in schizophrenia: decreased reaction time, increased latency and decreased amplitude on AER (eg, p300, N400, p50), decreased mismatch negativity (MMN), early response of anti-sacchadic eye traclking (SPEM), decreased olfactory function, as well as impaired cognition (eg, decreased speed of processing, impaired backward masking, verbal fluency), abnormal fMRI activation(eg, hypo or hyperactivity, or activation of different regional areas in the brain), and the impaired social and functional outcome in schizophienia.
In summary, negative symptoms (primaiy enduring symptoms or deficit syndrome), cognitive impairment, altered psychophysiology and brain-imaging responsiveness may all be expressions of an underlying hypoconnectivity or altered functional architecture of the brain: eg, decreased conduction velocity, secondary to impaired myelination and synaptic weakness. Negative symptoms, cognitive deficit, psychophysiological measures such as the AER p300) (latency and amnplitude) and brain imaging eg, diffusion tensor imaging or magnetization transfer MRI may improve with improvement in conduction velocity and myelination.
Hyperglycemia and type 2 diabetes mellitus are more common in schizophrenia than in the general population. Glucoregulatory abnormalities have also been associated with the use of antipsychotic medications themselves. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2002 April; 59(4):337-45. Newer antipsychotics, so-called “atypical antipsychotics”, induce minimal extrapyramidal side effects (EPS). The lack of EPS is believed to be due to the relatively greater affinity of these new antipsychotics for certain nondopaminergic receptors than their older, conventional counterparts. However, this polyreceptor affinity may be responsible for the development of metabolic side effects such as, for example, glucose intolerance, new-onset tye 2 diabetes, diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) and hyperentringlyceridemia. H. Jin et al. Schizophrenia Research 2004.
Diabetes is a group of metabolic diseases with characteristic hyperglycemia associated with defects in insulin secretion, insulin action, or both. Diabetes is widely recognized as one of the leading causes of death and disability contributing to the deaths in the USA alone of more than 169,000 persons in 1992. Its toll increases every year.
There are several different types of diabetes. Type 2 (Non-Insulin dependent) diabetes may range from predominantly insulin resistance with relative insulin deficiency to a predominantly secretory defect with insulin resistance. Type 2 diabetes affects more than 15 million adult Americans and the prevalence is increasing. Persons with diabetes experience significant illness and even death from a variety of long term effects of elevated blood glucose levels. This is related to the damage of blood vessels in important organs such as the heart eye, and kidney.
Although the precise mechanism of the antipsychotic-associated diabetes is unclear, it has been hypothesized that histaminic and possibly serotonergic antagonism induces weight gain. This antagonism is believed to cause changes in glucose regulation. Scientists also postulate that serotonin1A antagonism might decrease pancreatic beta-cell responsiveness, resulting in inappropriately low insulin and hyperglycemia. Biol Psychiatry. 1998 Oct 15;44(8):778-83.
In 2003, the FDA stated its position that all drugs for schizophrenia—known as atypical antipsychotics—should hase labels waiming of increased risk of diabetes. Thus, there is a high unmet medical need to find new antipsychotic therapeutics that have no adverse effects on glucose regulation. It is also clear that there is a need for improved antidiabetic agents to combat the diabetes epidemic.
Kv2.1 is a voltage-dependent K+ channel found throughout the CNS as well as in other tissues. Blockade of Kv2.1 channels has been linked to enhancement of glucose-stimulated insulin release. A putatively selective blocker of the Kv2.1 channel [bispidine derivative (C-1)] enhances glucose-stimulated insulin release (MacDonald et al, 2002). Kv2.1 channel blockade is believed to enhance the post-prandial insulin response (Roe et al, 1996; MacDonald et al, 001; 2002).
Blockade of Kv1.3 channels has recently been shown to increase insulin sensitivity in mice (Xu et al, 2004). Indeed, Kv1.3 knock-out mice gain less weight than controls when fed high fat diets (Xu et al, 2003).
A compound which blocks either the Kv2.1 channel or the Kv1.3 channel, or both, may act on pancreatic β-cells to stimulate insulin release, especially glucose-stimulated insulin release thereby makring it useful as an antihabetic agent. Furthermore, a compound that additionally has the ability to enhance conduction velocity and repair white matter should provide a new and useful antipsychotic medication, i.e. one without the propensity to induce diabetes in the schizophrenic patient population.
The instant application provides a method of enhancing glucose-stimulated insulin release in a patient in need thereof. The instant application also provides a method of treating schizophrenia and/or glucoregulatory abnormalities comprising administering a compound of Formula I to a patient in need thereof;
U.S. application Ser. No. 10/076191 discloses that the compounds of formula I provide a unitique combination of blocking properties for both the potassium and sodium channels. This unique combination of blocking properties means that these compounds are useful as therapeutic agents for the treatment of demyelinating diseases or conditions such as multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injury, traumatic brain injury and stroke. The '191 application also discloses that the compounds are useful for stroke rehabilitation, the treatment of bladder irritation and dysfunction, the treatment of visceral, chemokine-induced pain (including arthritic pain) and neuropathic pain.
Characteristic symptoms fall into two broad categories: positive and negative. Positive symptoms reflect an excess or distortion of normal functions. Negative symptoms reflect a diminution or loss of normal functions. Positive symptoms include the following: distortions in thought content (delusions), perception (hallucinations), language and thought process (disorganized speech), and self-monitoring of behavior (grossly disorganized or catatonic behavior). Negative symptoms include the following: restrictions in the range and intensity of emotional expression (affective flattening), in the fluency and productivity of thought and speech (alogia), and in the initiation of goal-directed behavior (avolition).
Particularly preferred are compounds wherein R is hydrogen, halogen, trifluoromethyl, or C1-C6alkyl; R1 is hydrogen or C1-C6alkyl; R2 is hydrogen or C1-C6-alkyl; R3 is hydrogen, C1-C6alkyl or halogen; and p is 0. Further preferred compounds are those wherein the amino group is attached to the 4-position of the pyridine group. Also preferred are compound of Formula I wherein R3 is amino and is attached to the 3-position of the pyridine group.
Even more particularly preferred are the compounds of formulas II [also known herein as HP184 or N-(3-fluoro-4-pyridinyl)-N-propyl-3-methyl-1H-indole-1-amine-] and III (also known herein as “8183”). The compounds of formulas IV, V, VI and VII are also particularly preferred.
The compounds used in the methods claimed herein can be synthesized via procedures disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 4,970,218. All patents and other publications cited herein are hereby incorporated by reference.
With the ever-increasing evidence of white matter impairment in schizophrenia over the last 6 years, the methods claimed herein should have efficacy in schizophrenia, based on the effects of the compounds of formula I on conduction velocity and white matter repair.
HP184, for example, increases conduction velocity and may increase myelination in schizophrenia. HP184 and other compound of formula I would therefore be expected to improve cognition, decrease negative symptoms and improve functional outcome in patients with residual symptoms after treatment with other antipsychotic medications. Without wishing to be bound by theory, it has been hypothesized that residual symptoms and cognitive impairment are due to decreased conduction velocity, preventing antipsychotic drugs from being fully effective. Other mechanisms of HP184, such as enhanced release of cortical dopamine (prefrontal cortex), acetyicholine (temporal lobe) and noradienaline are also expected to play a role in the hypothesized cognitive and clinical improvements. As schizophrenia is associated with altered but not chronically deteriorating or dying neurons, improvement of conduction should be possible with improvement in cognitive impairment and negative symptoms.
It has now been discovered that compounds of formula I block the Kv2.1 and Kv1.3 channels. Compounds with such activity should provide useful agents to treat glucoregulatory abnormalities such as hyperglycemia and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Such compounds should also be useful to treat the schizophrenic patient population that has been identified as having an increased risk of developing diabetes. The differences in glucose regulation in the schizophrenic patient population may be related to the disease itself or they may be medication-related.
Previously, HP184 and other compounds of Formula I have been shown to inhibit potassium currents in PC12 cells. This blockade is consistent with a voltage-dependent block, and has not been fully characterized. Recently, applicants tested HP184 to see if the compound could block Kv2.1 and Kv1.3 channels. As stated earlier herein, blockade of Kv2.1 channels has been linked to enhancement of glucose-stimulated insulin release. In the examples that follow, HP184 is shown to block voltage-activated Kv2.1 channels in both Syrian Hamster Insulinoma Cells (MIT-T15) and U-373MG cells expressing the human Kv2.1 channel. The magnitude of the blockade result was rather surprising since 4-amino pyridine (i.e. “4-AP”), another potassium channel blocker, showed a much lower affinity for the human Kv2.1 channel. Furthermore, as previously disclosed, HP184 affects neurotranmsitter release in a different way than 4-AP. From rat brain slices, HP184 enhances the release of norepinephrine, acetylcholine and serotonin in the absence of added calcium, whereas 4-AP's neurotransmitter release enhancing properties are dependent on added calcium (Smith et al, 1993; 1996).
It is also interesting to note that HP184 does not interact with muscarinic, α2-adrenergic or serotonin1A receptors, nor the noradrenergic or serotonergic uptake carriers (Smith et al, 1993; 1996). This lack of interaction at serotonin1A receptor differentiates HP184 from several atypical antipsychotics which are believed to be responsible for the increased risk of hyperglycemia and diabetes in the schizophrenic patient population.
Recent experiments conducted by applicants suggest that HP184 also blocks Kv1.3 channels. As stated earlier, these channels have been shown to increase insulin sensitivity in mice (Xu et al, 2004). The examples that follow include data showing that HP184 blocks voltage-activated K+ currents present on human T-cells, previously activated eight times with CD3/CD28, which activates the T-cells immunologically (Panyi et al, 2003). Under these conditions, the predominant potassium channel is of the Kv1.3 type (Beeton et al, 2003).
Current type 2 diabetes treatments aimed at enhancing insulin secretion are limited to sulfonylurea drugs, which act in a glucose-independent manner. HP184 and other compounds of Formula I may be effective as monotherapy agents, or alternatively as adjunct therapy to other agents that can be used to treat glucoregulatory abnormalities, such as for example, type 2 diabetes agents.
In treating a patient afflicted with a condition or disorder described above, a compound of formula (I) can be administered in any form or mode which makes the compound bioavailable in therapeutically effective amounts, including orally, sublingually, buccally, subcutaneously, intramuscularly, intravenously, transdermally, intranasally, rectally, topically, and the like. One skilled in the art of preparing formulations can determine the proper form and mode of administration depending upon the particular characteristics of the compound selected for the condition or disease to be treated, the stage of the disease, the condition of the patient and other relevant circumstances. For example, see Remington's Pharmaceutical Sciences, 18th Edition, Mack Publishing Co. (1990), incorporated herein by reference.
The compounds of Formula I may be administered as monotherapy or adjunct therapy. The compounds of Formula I can be administered alone or in the form of a pharmaceutical composition in combination with pharmaceutically acceptable carriers, the proportion and nature of which are determined by the solubility and chemical properties of the compound selected, the chosen route of administration, standard pharmaceutical practice and other relevant criteria. Further active ingredients may be combined with the compounds of the formula I in particular for a synergistic improvement of the effect. Administration of the active ingredient combination may take place either by separate administration of the active ingredients to the patient or in the form of combination products in which a plurality of active ingredients are present in one pharmaceutical preparation.
Further active ingredients that may be combined with compounds of the formula I include antidiabetics agents. These agents include insulin and insulin derivatives such as, for example, Lantus® (see or HMR 1964, fast-acting insulins (see U.S. Pat. No. 6,221,633), GLP-1 derivatives such as, for example, those disclosed in WO 98/08871 of Novo Nordisk A/S, and orally effective hypoglycemic active ingredients.
The orally effective hypoglycemic active ingredients include, preferably, sulfonylureas, biguanidines, meglitinides, oxadiazolidinediones, thiazolidinediones, glucosidase inhibitors, glucagon antagonists, GLP-1 agonists, potassium channel openers such as, for example, those disclosed in WO 97/26265 and WO 99/03861 of Novo Nordisk A/S, insulin sensitizers, inhibitors of liver enzymes involved in the stimulation of gluconeogenesis and/or glycogenolysis, modulators of glucose uptake, compounds which alter lipid metabolism, such as antihyperlipidemic active ingredients and antilipidemic active ingredients, compounds which reduce food intake, PPAR and PXR agonists and active ingredients which act on the ATP-dependent potassium channel of the beta cells.
The compounds of the present invention may be administered orally, for example, in the form of tablets, troches, capsules, elixirs, suspensions, solutions, syrups, wafers, chewing gums and the like and may contain one or more of the following adjuvants: binders such as microcrystalline cellulose, gum tragacanth or gelatin; excipients such as starch or lactose, disintegrating agents such as alginic acid, Primogel, corn starch and the like; lubricants such as magnesium stearate or Sterotex; glidants such as colloidal silicon dioxide; and sweetening agents such as sucrose or saccharin may be added or a flavoring agent such as peppermint, methyl salicylate or orange flavoring. When the dosage unit form is a capsule, it may contain, in addition to materials of the above type, a liquid carrier such as polyethylene glycol or a fatty oil. Other dosage unit forms may contain other various materials which modify the physical form of the dosage unit, for example, as coatings. Thus, tablets or pills may be coated with sugar, shellac, or other enteric coating agents. A syrup may contain, in addition to the present compounds, sucrose as a sweetening agent and certain preservatives, dyes and colorings and flavors.
The compounds of Formula (I) of this invention may also be administered topically, and when done so the carrier may suitably comprise a solution, ointment or gel base. The base, for example, may comprise one or more of petrolatum, lanolin, polyethylene glycols, bee wax, mineral oil, diluents such as water and alcohol, and emulsifiers and stabilizers.
The solutions or suspensions may also include one or more of the following adjuvants: sterile diluents such as water for injection, saline solution, fixed oils, polyethylene glycols, glycerine, propylene glycol or other synthetic solvents; antibacterial agents such as benzyl alcohol or methyl paraben; antioxidants such as ascorbic acid or sodium bisulfite; chelating agents such as ethylene diaminetctraacetic acid; buffers such as acetates, citrates or phosphates and agents for the adjustment of tonicity such as sodium chloride or dextrose. The parenteral preparation can be enclosed in ampules, disposable syringes or multiple dose vials.
The highly lipophilic esters, amides and carbamate derivatives of the present invention are capable of sustained release in mammals for a period of several days or from about one to four weeks when formulated and administered as depot preparations, as for example, when injected in a properly selected pharmaceutically acceptable oil. The preferred oils are of vegetable origin such as sesame oil, cottonseed oil, corn oil, coconut oil, soybean oil, olive oil and the like, or they are synthetic esters of fatty acids and polyfunctional alcohols such as glycerol or propyleneglycol.
The depot compositions of the present invention are prepared by dissolving a highly lipophilic ester, amide or carbamate derivative of a compound of formula I in a pharmaceutically acceptable oil under sterile conditions. The oil is selected so as to obtain a release of the active ingredient over a desired period of time. The appropriate oil may easily be determined by consulting the prior art, or without undue experimentation by one skilled in the art.
The dosage range at which the compounds of Formula I exhibit their ability to act therapeutically can vary depending upon the particular disease or condition being treated and its severity, the patient, the formulation, other underlying disease states that the patient is suffering from, and other medications that may be concurrently administered to the patient. Generally, the compounds of Formula I will exhibit their therapeutic activities at dosages of between about 0.001 mg/kg of patient body weight/day to about 100 mg/kg of patient body weight/day.
The following examples are for illustrative purposes only and are not intended to limit the scope of the invention in any way.
The purpose of this in vitro study was to evaluate the effects of HP184 on voltage-gated potassium channels in hamster HIT-T15 insulinoma cells using the whole-cell patch-clamping technique.
HIT-T15 cells (from Syrian Hamster pancreas) expressing voltage-gated potassium channels were grown in RPMI media supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum and 1×penicillin/streptomycin in an atmosphere of 95% air/5% CO2. Cells used for patch-clamping were seeded on glass or plastic coverslips 12-36 hours before use. Currents were recorded at room temperature using the whole-cell configuration of the patch clamp technique with an Axopatch 200B amplifier (Axon Instruments, Foster City, Calif.). Briefly, electrodes (3-6 MΩ resistance) were fashioned from TW150F glass capillary tubes (World Precision Instruments Sarasota, Fla.) and filled with pipette solution (in mM: potassium aspartate 120; KCl 20; Na2ATP 4; HEPES 5; MgCl2 1; pH 7.2 adjusted with KOH). Currents were initiated by a 300-ms positive voltage pulse (20 mV) followed by a 50-ms negative pulse (−100 mV) and were recorded for off-line analyses. Once current from a cell perfused with control external solution (in mM: NaCl 130; KCl 5; sodium acetate 2.8; MgCl2 1; HEPES, 10; glucose 10; CaCl2 1 at pH7.4 adjusted with NaOH) was stabilized, the cell was perfused with external solution containing 1 μM HP184 (batch: R.C.4.53.3; molecular weight: 320.5; diluted from a 50 mM stock solution in DMSO prepared daily; the DMSO final concentration in all drug solutions was not more than 0.06%). Currents were continuously recorded until they reached steady-state condition. The same procedure was performed with increasing concentrations of HP184 (3, 10 and 30 μM, sequentially). For each concentration from each cell, the steady-state current at the end of the 20-mV activation pulse was measured in pico Ampere (pA).
The amplitude in pA for each concentration was compared with that for the control solution from the same cell and expressed as percent control (% control). The effect of HP184 on the voltage-gated potassium currents in hamster HIT-T15 insulinoma cells is summarized in Table 1. The compound blocked the currents dose-dependently with an IC50value of 3.9 μM (
The purpose of this in vitro study was to evaluate the effects of HP184 on cloned human Kv2.1 potassium channels expressed in U-373MG cells using the whole-cell patch-clamping technique.
U-373MG cells expressing the human Kv2.1 channels were grown in DMEM media supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum, 1×penicillin/streptomycin and 500 mg/mL, G418 (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, Calif.) in an atmosphere of 95% air/5% CO2. Cells used for patch-clamping were seeded on glass or plastic coverslips 12-36 hours before use. Kv2.1 Currents were recorded at room temperature using the whole-cell configuration of the patch clamp technique with an Axopatch 200B amplifier (Axon Instruments, Foster City, Calif.). Briefly, electrodes (2-4 MΩ resistance) were fashioned from TW150F glass capillary tubes (World Precision Instruments, Sarasota, Fla.) and filled with pipette solution (in mM: potassium aspartate 120; KCl 20; Na2ATP 4; HEPES 5; MgCl2 1; pH 7.2 adjusted with KOH). For dose-dependently, currents were initiated by a 300-ms positive voltage pulse (20 mV) followed by a 50-ms negative pulse (−100 mV) and were recorded for off-line analyses. Once current from a cell perfused with control external solution (in mM: NaCl 130; KCl 5; sodium acetate 2.8; MgCl2 1; HEPES, 10; glucose 10; CaCl2 1 at pH7.4 adjusted with NaOH) was stabilized, the cell was perfused with external solution containing 1 μM HP184 (batch: R.C.4.53.3; molecular weight: 320.5; diluted from a 50 mM stock solution in DMSO; the DMSO final concentration in all drug solutions was not more than 0.06%). Currents were continuously recorded until they reached steady-state condition. The same procedure was performed with increasing concentrations of HP184 (3, 10 and 30 μM, sequentially). For each concentration from each cell, the steady-state current at the end of the 20-mV activation pulse was measured in pico Ampere (pA). The amplitude in pA for each concentration was compared with that for the control solution from the same cell and expressed as percent control (% control). For comparison, 4-aminopyridine (4-AP) was tested in a similar manner at concentrations ranging from 100 to 10,000 μM. The effect of HP184 and 4-AP on the human Kv2.1 currents expressed in U-373MG cells is summarized in Table 1 and 2, respectively. HP184 blocked the Kv2.1 current dose-dependently with an IC50 value of 5.6 μM, while 4-AP blocked the current with an IC50>10,000 μM (
The prose of this in vitro study was to evaluate the effect of HP184 on voltage-gated potassium channels in activated T cells using the whole-cell patch-clamping technique.
Human T cells activated with CD3/CD28 (8×) by Melinda Cilio (IP Cellular Immunogly) were seeded on plastic coverslips 12-36 hours before use. Voltage-gated potassium channel currents were recorded at room temperature using the whole-cell configuration of the patch clamp technique with an Axopatch 200B amplifier (Axon instruments, Foster City, Calif.). Briefly, electrodes (3-6 MΩ resistance) were fashioned from TW150F glass capillary tubes (World Precision Instruments, Sarasota, Fla.) and filled with pipette solution (in mM: potassium aspartate 120; KCl 20; Na2ATP 4; HEPES 5; MgCl2 1; pH 7.2 adjusted with KOH). The potassium currents were initiated by a 100-ms 20-mV voltage pulse from a holding potential of −80 mV and were recorded for off-line analyses. Once the current from the cell perfused with control external solution (in mM: NaCl 130; KCl 5; sodium acetate 2.8; MgCl2 1; HEPES, 10; glucose 10; CaCl2 1 at pH7.4 adjusted with NaOH) was stabilized, the cell was perfused with external solution containing 1 μM HP184. Currents were continuously recorded until they reached steady-state condition. The same procedure was preformed with 10 μM HP184. The data is shown in the figure below.
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Number | Date | Country | |
60558451 | Apr 2004 | US |
Number | Date | Country | |
Parent | PCT/US05/11107 | Apr 2005 | US |
Child | 11536808 | Sep 2006 | US |