Method, system, and computer program product for using static single assignment form as a program representation and a medium for performing global scalar optimization


  • Patent Grant
  • 6301704
  • Patent Number
  • Date Filed
    Tuesday, June 16, 1998
    26 years ago
  • Date Issued
    Tuesday, October 9, 2001
    22 years ago
A method, system, and computer product uses a hashed static single assignment (SSA) form as a program representation and a medium for performing global scalar optimization. A compiler, after expressing the computer program in SSA form, can perform one or more static single assignment (SSA)-based, SSA-preserving global scalar optimization procedures on the SSA representation. Such a procedure modifies, (i.e., optimizes) the SSA representation of the program while preserving the utility of its embedded use-deprogram information for purposes of subsequent SSA-based, SSA-preserving global scalar optimizations. This saves the overhead expense of having to explicitly regenerate use-def program information for successive SSA-based, SSA-preserving global scalar optimizations.


1. Field of the Invention

The present invention relates generally to optimization of computer programs and more particularly to efficient performance of optimizing compilation.

2. Related Art

Current global scalar optimization technology requires the compiler to transform a source code program into an equivalent intermediate representation (IR). Based on the IR, the compiler then generates additional information about the program, e.g., the places in the program where each variable is defined and used (referred to as use-def information). A global scalar optimization procedure uses the IR and the program information to transform the IR. This transformed version of the IR, once compiled, should execute more quickly than the original version of the program. In this sense, the program has undergone an optimization during compilation.

Some global scalar optimizations, however, fail to transform the program information when they transform the IR into a new IR. If so, the program information, which has not been transformed, is no longer useful for purposes of subsequent optimization. If additional optimizations are to be performed, they must be performed on the current, transformed version of the IR, to which the previously generated program information no longer corresponds. That program information is now irrelevant. Hence an additional optimization will require that new program information be generated, based on the new IR, before this IR can be further optimized. Therefore, any optimization that transforms the current version of the IR only, and, in so doing, renders the existing program information obsolete, necessitates regeneration of the program information if subsequent optimization is required. This regeneration represents costly overhead each time a subsequent global scalar optimization procedure is performed.

Therefore, what is needed is a method, system, and computer program product for global scalar optimization that operates on a source program to produce an IR and its associated program information, where each optimization procedure transforms the program information as well as the IR. This would allow performance of subsequent optimization procedures without having to regenerate updated program information each time.


The present invention is a method and system for using static single assignment (SSA) form as a program representation and a medium for performing global scalar optimization. A compiler first expresses the computer program in SSA form, which serves as both the IR and the program information. The compiler can then perform one or more static single assignment (SSA)-based, SSA-preserving global scalar optimization procedures on the SSA form. Such a procedure modifies the SSA form of the program while preserving the utility of the SSA form for purposes of subsequent optimizations.

An advantage of the present invention is that when the SSA form is transformed during an SSA-based, SSA-preserving optimization procedure, the program information incorporated in the SSA form is necessarily transformed as well. A subsequent SSA-based, SSA-preserving optimization therefore does not require separate regeneration or updating of program information before the optimization can be executed. This saves time during the optimization process.

Further features and advantages of the invention as well as the operation of various embodiments of the present invention are described in detail below with reference to the accompanying drawings.


The features and advantages of the present invention will become more apparent from the detailed description set forth below when taken in conjunction with the drawings in which like reference numbers indicate identical or functionally similar elements. Additionally, the left-most digit of a reference number identifies the drawing in which the reference number first appears.

FIG. 1

is a flowchart representing the overall preferred operation of an embodiment of the present invention.

FIG. 2

is a diagram illustrating source code optimization using HSSA form, according to an embodiment of the invention.

FIG. 3

is a flowchart representing the operation of an embodiment of the invention that includes SSA-based, non-SSA-preserving optimizations, and non-SSA-based optimizations.

FIG. 4

is a diagram illustrating the operation of an embodiment of the invention that includes SSA-based, non-SSA-preserving optimizations, and non-SSA-based optimizations.

FIG. 5

is a flowchart representing the conversion of a program to HSSA form and the operation of SSA-based, SSA-preserving optimizations in the context of the embodiment of FIG.



FIG. 6

is a diagram illustrating the operation of the SSA-based, SSA-preserving optimization module of the embodiment of FIG.



FIG. 7

is a flowchart representing the conversion of a program to an IR form and the operation of an SSA-based, non-SSA-preserving optimization in the context of the embodiment of FIG.



FIG. 8

is a diagram illustrating the operation of the SSA-based., non-SSA-preserving optimization module of the embodiment of FIG.



FIG. 9

is a flowchart representing the conversion of a program to an IR form and the operation of a non-SSA-based optimization in the context of the embodiment of FIG.



FIG. 10

is a diagram illustrating the operation of the non-SSA-based optimization module of the embodiment of FIG.



FIG. 11

is a block diagram of an example computer system useful for implementing the present invention.

FIG. 12

is a block diagram illustrating the operation of the invention in the context of the example computer system of FIG.




I. Overview

II. Terminology

III. Transformation of source code into HSSA form

IV. SSA-based, SSA-prescrving optimizations

V. Other embodiments

VI. Environment

VII. Conclusion


I. Overview

The present invention relates to expression of a computer program in a way that permits efficient global scalar optimization of the program during compilation.

Current global scalar optimization technology requires the compiler to transform a source code program into an equivalent IR. Based on the IR, the compiler then generates an additional body of program information supplementing the IR and corresponding to the IR. A global scalar optimization algorithm uses both the IR and the program information to transform the IR. The transformed version of the IR, if compiled, would execute more quickly than the original version of the program. In this sense, the program has undergone an optimization.

Some global scalar optimizations fail to transform the program information when they transform the IR. If the optimization is in this category, the generated program information is no longer useful for purposes of subsequent optimizations. If additional optimizations are to be performed, they must be performed on the current, transformed version of the IR. to which the previously generated program information no longer corresponds. The program information is now irrelevant. Hence an additional optimization will require that new program information be generated, based on the new IR, before this IR can be further optimized. Therefore, any optimization that transforms the current version of the IR, but, in so doing, renders the program information obsolete, necessitates regeneration of this information if subsequent optimization is required.

The current invention obviates the need for regeneration of use-def program information for each successive optimization. Here the compiler constructs the IR in the SSA form. Such a form combines the IR and use-def program information in a single entity. Moreover, optimizing transformations are limited to those that not only transform the IR, but also update the use-def program information that is embodied with the IR in the SSA form. Hence the IR and use-def program information continue to correspond even after optimization. Hence subsequent optimizations do not require separate regeneration of use-def program information. Rather, this information, integrated in the SSA form, is transformed whenever the SSA form is transformed, so that separate regeneration of use-def program information is unnecessary for a subsequent SSA-based optimization.

The embodiment described herein employs hashed static single assignment (HSSA) form, a specific type of SSA form.

FIG. 1

is a flowchart of a routine


for a global scalar optimization process using an HSSA form according to an embodiment of the present invention. Such a global optimization is started during compilation (step


). Source code is then transformed into HSSA form (step


). In step


, an SSA-based, SSA-preserving optimization is chosen from among the optimizations represented by steps




. After the chosen optimization is completed, further SSA-based, SSA-preserving optimization may be required in step


. if so, an additional SSA-based, SSA-preserving optimization be chosen by returning to step


. If no additional SSA-based, SSA-preserving optimization is required in step


, then the optimized IR is passed to subsequent compilation processes in step



The operation of each of these steps is described in further detail below with respect to an example system


in FIG.


. System


includes a memory


, an HSSA expresser


, and a selector entity


. Memory


stores source code


, which is input to HSSA expresser


. HSSA expresser


then expresses the source code in an HSSA form


. HSSA form


is then sent (as an optimization input


) to one of the SSA-based, SSA-preserving optimizers




(collectively labeled


) chosen by a selector


. The transformed HSSA


that is produced by one of the optimizers then comes under the control of the selector


once again. If additional SSA-based, SSA-preserving optimization is required, the selector


again chooses one of the SSA-based, SSA-preserving optimizers




to further optimize the transformed HSSA


. If additional SSA-based, SSA-preserving optimization is not required, the selector


forwards the transformed HSSA


(now labeled as the final optimized HSSA


) to subsequent compilation processes



II. Terminology

Several terms recurring herein are defined below.

Intermediate representation (IR): This refers to a form of a source code program upon which optimization procedures may be performed. An IR is “intermediate” in that it is derived from source code during compilation, but is not in an executable form.

Program information: This refers to information about a program that can be used by an optimization procedure to optimize the program.

Use-def program information: This refers to the locations, within an IR, of scalar variable definitions and their subsequent occurrences.

Static single assignment (SSA) form: This refers to a type of combined program information and associated IR. In an SSA form, use-def information is explicitly represented. A program is in SSA form if every variable that is assigned a value in the program occurs as the target of only one assignment.

Hashed static single assignment (HSSA): This refers to a particular method of representing SSA program information. HSSA form represents the expression of the original source code program in a hash table format. Each entry in the hash table is either an operand or an operator. Additional characteristics of HSSA form are provided in the discussion below. SSA-based optimization: This refers to an optimization which uses an SSA form as an input to the optimization process.

Non-SSA-based optimization: This refers to an optimization which uses program information in a format other than SSA.

SSA-preserving optimization: This refers to an SSA-based optimization which modifies the SSA form, both use-def program information and the IR, so that the resulting use-def program information and IR will correspond after the optimization. In other words, the resulting use-def program information is still descriptive of the resulting IR, even after optimization. Hence the utility of the resulting SSA form is “preserved” for subsequent SSA-based optimization.

Non-SSA-preserving optimization: This refers to an SSA-based optimization which optimizes the IR, but does not update the use-def pro(gram information contained in the SSA form. The SSA use-def program information and the modified IR therefore do not correspond after the optimization, in that the use-def program information is no longer descriptive of the new IR. Such an optimization therefore destroys the utility of the ssa form for purposes of subsequent optimization.

III. Transformation of Source Code Into HSSA Form

Before performing an SSA-based, SSA-preserving optimization on a source code program, the source code must first be converted into an SSA form, HSSA, which provides SSA use-def program information in addition to the IR.

Referring to

FIGS. 1 and 2

, in step


, original source code


is transformed into an HSSA form


by an HSSA expresser module


. In any HSSA form, each variable definition is given a unique version in the SSA form. Different variable versions are treated as different program variables. Each use of a variable version refers to a single reaching definition. In the SSA form, if several definitions of a variable reach a merging, node in the control flow graph of the program, the definitions are merged into a new version of that variable. Each variable definition in the SSA form must dominate all its uses in the control flow graph of the program. Moreover, identical versions of the same variable must have the same value.

HSSA form is a particular form of SSA form in a number of respects. For example, aliasing of scalar variables can lead to a significant increase in the number of variable versions in conventional SSA form; HSSA form avoids this increase by the use of so-called zero versions of a variable. A zero version represents those versions of the variable that are created in the normal course of SSA form generation; the new version of a variable created at a merging node in the control flow graph of a program, described above, is an example of a variable created during SSA form generation. Moreover, the lifetimes of different versions of the same variable are not allowed to overlap. HSSA form also implements the concept of virtual variables. Virtual variables model those variables that are accessed indirectly, e.g., through the use of pointers. Such variables can then be treated as ordinary scalar variables during subsequent optimization. HSSA form also represents the expressions of the original source code program in a hash table format, where each entry in the table is either an operand or an operator.

Details regarding conversion of source code to HSSA form, as well as SSA and HSSA representation are provided in a commonly-owned, co-pending application entitled “A System and Method to Efficiently Represent Aliases and Indirect Memory Operations in Static Single Assignment Form During Compilation,” assigned application Ser. No. 08/636,605 (attorney docket number 15-4-324.00), and incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.

IV. SSA-Based, SSA-Preserving Optimizations

Once a source program has been represented in HSSA form, a specific optimization procedure may be chosen by a selector entity


in step


. Note that the selector entity


may be either a human operator or an automated decision-making entity, such as a computer. In one embodiment, the selector entity


performs no processing on its input other than to route HSSA form


, as an optimization input


, to another process. The choice of optimizations is limited to those which operate on SSA forms (which include HSSA forms), i.e., SSA-based optimizations. The choice of optimizations is also limited to those which transform SSA forms (including HSSA forms), so that the utility of the use-def program information in the SSA forms is maintained for subsequent use, i.e., SSA-preserving optimizations. A resulting set of available optimizations for this embodiment is identified in

FIG. 2

as SSA-based, SSA-preserving optimizations


. The HSSA form


becomes an optimization input


to an optimization selected by the selector entity



In the embodiment of the invention illustrated in

FIGS. 1 and 2

, eight such optimizations are available. In step


, dead store elimination is performed by a dead store elimination optimizer


. Here, the optimization input


is analyzed to find all code that is never executed, or statements that compute values that are never used. Such code is useless, or “dead,” and so wastes memory and execution time. This optimization eliminates such code. Dead store elimination is well known in the art and need not be described in further detail.

In step


, copy propagation is performed by a copy propagation optimizer


. Here the optimization input


is analyzed to find situations where a variable is assigned a value and where subsequent variables receive the value of the first. This procedure eliminates unnecessary copying. Consider the following sequence:

A :=2

B :=A

In such a case, the program could be optimized by assigning the value 2 to variable B directly, and, provided that variable A does not otherwise need the value 2, eliminating the first assignment. Copy propagation is also well known in the art and need not be described in further detail.

In step


, SSA partial redundancy elimination (SSAPRE) is performed by a SSAPRE optimizer


. Here the compiler analyzes the optimization input


to find partial redundancies, then converts them to full redundancies, which can be eliminated through subsequent optimizations. SSAPRE is described in greater detail in a commonly-owned, co-pending application entitled “A System, Method and Computer Product for Partial Redundancy Elimination Based on Static Single Assignment Form During Compilation,” having application Ser. No. 08/873,895 (attorney docket number 15-4-479.00), incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.

In step


, register promotion is performed by a register promotion optimizer


. Here the compiler creates symbolic registers to hold the values of computations that are to be re-used. When actual register allocation is performed, the symbolic registers for which timely access would be most beneficial to program performance are assigned real registers. Remaining symbolic registers are assigned to memory. This represents an optimization because access to a register is faster than access to memory. Register promotion is described in greater detail in a commonly-owned, co-pending application filed concurrently herewith, entitled “Method, System, and Computer Program Product for Performing Register Promotion via Load and Store Placement Optimization within an Optimizing Compiler” having application number TBA (Attorney Docket No. 15-4-658.00) incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.

In step


, speculative code motion is performed by a speculative code motion optimizer


. Speculative code motion refers to the compiler's placement of computations (e.g., expressions, loads, stores, assignments, etc.) in positions in the program that results in some paths being executed more efficiently while some paths execute less efficiently. By placing more time-consuming operations in less frequently executed paths, and less time-consuming operations in more frequently executed paths, the overall efficiency of the program can be improved. Speculative code motion is described in greater detail in a commonly-owned, co-pending application filed concurrently herewith, entitled “Method, System, and Computer Program Product for Extending Sparse Partial Redundancy Elimination to Support Speculative Code Motion within an Optimizing Compiler” having application number TBA (Attorney Docket No. 15-4-721.00), incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.

In step


, strength reduction is performed by a strength reduction optimizer


. Here the compiler replaces relatively slow, complex operations with faster, simpler operations. An example would be the replacement of a multiplication by an addition. If, for instance, a loop contains induction variables I and J in the following code segment

I :=I+1

J :=I*2

then it may be more efficient to replace the second assignment with

J :=J+2

if such a replacement leaves the logic of the code unchanged otherwise. Strength reduction is well known in the art. Note that strength reduction, and, in particular, strength reduction using SSAPRE, is documented further by Kennedy el al. in “Strength Reduction via SSAPRE,”

Proceedings of the Seventh International conference on Compiler Construction

, March 1998, pp.144-158.

In step


, linear function test replacement is performed by a linear function test replacement optimizer


. Here the optimizer


performs strength reduction in the context of program loops in order to replace induction variables. The compiler locates the comparison operator that controls iteration of the loop and replaces the test with another, so as to allow removal of the original induction variable by dead code elimination. Linear function test replacement is well known in the art, and is documented further by Cocke et al., in “An Algorithm for Reduction of Operator Strength,”

Communications of the ACM

, 1977, pp. 850-856, and by Kennedy et al. in “Strength Reduction via SSAPRE,”

Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Compiler Construction

, March 1998, pp. 144-158.

In step


, the loop induction variable canonicalization is performed by a loop induction variable canonicalization optimizer


. Here a loop is transformed so as to use a single primary induction variable that is incremented by one after each iteration. Other induction variables in the loop are removed, with their original references expressed in terms of the primary induction variable. Loop induction variable canonicalization is described in greater detail in “Loop Induction Variable Canonicalization,” Liu et al.,

Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques

, January 1996, pp. 273-286.

Note that all of these optimizations are SSA-preserving, so that after any of them has completed processing, the resulting transformed HSSA form


may again serve as optimization input


for another optimization chosen in step


, should additional optimization be required in step


. These optimizations may be executed an arbitrary number of times, in an arbitrary sequence. When no further optimization is required in step


, a final optimized HSSA form


is submitted to subsequent compilation processes



Note also that while the embodiment described here identifies eight specific SSA-based, SSA-preserving optimizations, this description is illustrative and not intended to limit the present invention. Other embodiments of the invention may utilize a greater or lesser number, or may use other known or future SSA-based, SSA-preserving optimizations not discussed here.

V. Other Embodiments

The invention may also be embodied so as to use SSA forms other than HSSA. In general, the invention may use any SSA form of a source code program. The invention may also be embodied in a compiler which allows a variety of optimizing transformations to take place in addition to the SSA-based, SSA-preserving optimizations described above. These additional optimizations may not be SSA-preserving, or may not be SSA-based.

One such embodiment is illustrated in

FIGS. 3 and 4

. In step


an optimization category is chosen for a source code program


by an optimization category selector entity


. Note that the selector entity


may be either a human operator or an automated decision-making entity, such as a computer. In one embodiment, optimization category selector entity


performs no processing on its input other than to route source code


, in the form of optimization input


, to another process. Under the control of the selector entity


, the source code


serves as an optimization input


to one of three optimization modules





In step


, SSA-based, SSA-preserving optimizations are performed by an SSA-based, SSA-preserving optimization module


. Step


is illustrated in greater detail in FIG.


. Module


is illustrated in greater detail in FIG.





asks whether the existing code needs to be transformed into HSSA form. Note that at this point, the optimization input


may be the original source code. Alternatively, if other optimizations have already taken place, the existing code may be some form of IR. If the existing code needs to be expressed in HSSA form, then in step


the transformation is performed by an HSSA expresser


. Transformation of code into HSSA form is discussed above in section III.

In step


, an optimization process selector entity


chooses the specific SSA-based, SSA-preserving optimization. Note that the selector entity


may be either a human operator or an automated decision-making entity, such as a computer. In one embodiment, selector entity


performs no processing on its input other than to route it to another process. The HSSA form


acts as an HSSA optimization input


to one of the SSA-based, SSA-preserving optimization processes, collectively labeled


. These alternative SSA-based, SSA-preserving optimizations, illustrated in steps




(and depicted as optimizers




), are the same as those described above in section IV and are discussed therein. The output of the SSA-based, SSA-preserving optimization module


is an optimized HSSA form



Note also that while the embodiment described here with respect to

FIG. 5

identifies eight specific SSA-based, SSA-preserving optimizations, this description is illustrative and not intended to limit the present invention. Other embodiments of the invention may utilize a greater or lesser number, or may use other known or future SSA-based, SSA-preserving optimizations not discussed here.

Referring again to

FIGS. 3 and 4

, in step


an SSA-based, non-SSA-preserving optimization is chosen, performed by SSA-based, non-SSA-preserving optimization module


. Such an optimization process is illustrated generically in FIG.


. Module


is illustrated in greater detail in FIG.





asks if the existing optimization input


, whether it be the original source code or some IR, needs to be expressed as an IR that is usable for an SSA-based optimization. If so, in step


the optimization input


is transformed into an IR


by an IR expresser


. In step


, a body of SSA use-def program information


is created by the IR expresser


, corresponding to the IR


. In step


, SSA-based, non-SSA-preserving optimizer


performs the optimizing transformation of the IR


, using the IR


and the SSA use-def program information


as inputs. The result is the optimized IR



Referring again to

FIG. 3

, step


represents performance of a generic optimization that is not SSA-based, by a non-SSA-based optimization module


. This option is illustrated in greater detail in FIG.


. Module


is illustrated in greater detail in FIG.





asks if the existing optimization input


, whether it be the original source code or some IR, needs to be expressed as an IR that usable for this optimization. If so, in step


the optimization input


is transformed into an IR


by an IR expresser


. In step


, a body of program information


is created by the IR expresser


and corresponding to the IR


. In step


, the optimizing transformation of the IR


is performed by the non-SSA-based optimizer


, using the IR


and the program information


as inputs. The result is the optimized IR



Note that after processing by any one of the optimization modules




, the resulting optimized form may serve as optimization input


for the same or another optimization category chosen in step


by selector


, should additional optimization be required in step


. If no further optimization is required in step


, a final body of optimized code


is submitted to a set of subsequent compilation processes



The present invention is described in terms of the above example. This is for convenience only and is not intended to limit the application of the present invention. In fact, after reading the following description, it will be apparent to one skilled in the relevant art how to implement the following invention in alternative embodiments.

VI. Environment

The present invention may be implemented using hardware, software or a combination thereof and may be implemented in a computer system or other processing system. In fact, in one embodiment, the invention is directed toward one or more computer systems capable of carrying out the functionality described herein. An example of a computer system


is shown in FIG.


. The computer system


includes one or more processors, such as processor


. The processor


is connected to a communication infrastructure


(e.g., a bus or network). Various software embodiments are described in terms of this exemplary computer system. After reading this description, it will become apparent to a person skilled in the relevant art how to implement the invention using other computer systems and/or computer architectures.

Computer system


also includes a main memory


, preferably random access memory (RAM), and may also include a secondary memory


. The secondary memory


may include, for example, a hard disk drive


and/or a removable storage drive


, representing a floppy disk drive, a magnetic tape drive, an optical disk drive, etc. The removable storage drive


reads from and/or writes to a removable storage unit


in a well known manner. Removable storage unit


, represents a floppy disk. magnetic tape, optical disk, etc. which is read by and written to by removable storage drive


. As will be appreciated, the removable storage unit


includes a computer usable storage medium having stored therein computer software and/or data.

In alternative embodiments, secondary memory


may include other similar means for allowing computer programs or other instructions to be loaded into computer system


. Such means may include, for example, a removable storage unit


and an interface


. Examples of such may include a program cartridge and cartridge interface (such as that found in video game devices), a removable memory chip (such as an EPROM, or PROM) and associated socket, and other removable storage units


and interfaces


which allow software and data to be transferred from the removable storage unit


to computer system


Computer system


may also include a communications interface


. Communications interface


allows software and data to be transferred between computer system


and external devices. Examples of communications interface


may include a modem, a network interface (such as an Ethernet card), a communications port, a PCMCIA slot and card, etc. Software and data transferred via communications interface


are in the form of signals


which may be electronic, electromagnetic, optical or other signals capable of being received by communications interface


. These signals


are provided to communications interface


via a communications path (i.e., channel)


. This channel


carries signals


and may be implemented using wire or cable, fiber optics, a phone line, a cellular phone link, an RF link and other communications channels.

In this document, the terms “computer program medium” and “computer usable medium” are used to generally refer to media such as removable storage drive


, a hard disk installed in hard disk drive


, and signals


. These computer program products are means for providing software to computer system


. The invention is directed to such computer program products.

Computer programs (also called computer control logic) are stored in main memory


and/or secondary memory


. Computer programs may also be received via communications interface


. Such computer programs, when executed, enable the computer system


to perform the features of the present invention as discussed herein. In particular, the computer programs, when executed, enable the processor


to perform the features of the present invention. Accordingly, such computer programs represent controllers of the computer system



In an embodiment where the invention is implemented using software, the software may be stored in a computer program product and loaded into computer system


using removable storage drive


, hard drive


or communications interface


. Such an embodiment is illustrated in greater detail in

FIG. 12. A

compiler program


, containing an optimizer subprogram


and other subprograms (such as a code generator


), is loaded into main memory


from either removable storage drive


, hard drive


or communications interface


, via the communication infrastructure


. Likewise a source code program that is to be optimized and compiled is loaded into main memory


. The compiler


(software), when executed by the processor


, causes the processor


to perform the functions of the invention as described herein.

Note that in an embodiment where the invention is implemented using software, the optimizer


corresponds to embodiments of the invention such as those illustrated in

FIGS. 2 and 4

. In the embodiment of

FIG. 2

, the optimizer


would include software serving as the HSSA expresser


, the selector entity


, and optimizers




. In the embodiment of

FIG. 4

, the optimizer


would include software serving as the optimization category selector


and optimization modules





In another embodiment, the invention is implemented using a combination of both hardware and software.

VII. Conclusion

While various embodiments of the present invention have been described above, it should be understood that they have been presented by way of example, and not limitation. It will be apparent to persons skilled in the relevant art that various changes in form and detail can be made therein without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention. Thus the present invention should not be limited by any of the above-described exemplary embodiments, but should be defined only in accordance with the following claims and their equivalents.

  • 1. A method of performing global scalar optimization of computer program code, within a compiler, comprising the steps of:(1) expressing the computer program code in static single assignment (SSA) form; and (2) performing at least one SSA-based, SSA-preserving global scalar optimization procedure on the SSA form to produce an optimized SSA form, wherein each of said at least one procedure preserves utility of the SSA form, said at least one procedure comprises at least one of SSA partial redundancy elimination (SSAPRE), register promotion, speculative code motion, strength reduction, linear function test replacement, copy propagation, and loop induction variable cannonicalization, and any global scalar optimization performed is SSA-based and SSA preserving.
  • 2. A system for performing global scalar optimization of computer program code, within a compiler, comprising the steps of:(1) expressing logic for expressing the computer program code in static single assignment (SSA) form; and (2) performing logic for performing at least one SSA-based, SSA-preserving global scalar optimization procedure on the SSA form to produce an optimized SSA form, wherein each of said at least one procedure preserves utility of the SSA form, said at least one procedure comprises at least one of SSA partial redundancy elimination (SSAPRE), register promotion, speculative code motion, strength reduction, linear function test replacement, copy propagation, and loop induction variable cannonicalization, and any global scalar optimization performed is SSA-based and SSA preserving.
  • 3. A computer program product comprising a computer usable medium having computer readable program code means embodied in said medium for causing an application program to execute on a computer, thereby performing global scalar optimization of computer program code, within a compiler, comprising the steps of:(1) a computer readable program code means for causing the computer to express the computer program code in static single assignment (SSA) form; and (2) a computer readable program code means for causing the computer to perform at least one SSA-based, SSA-preserving global scalar optimization procedure on the SSA form to produce an optimized SSA form, wherein each of said at least one procedure preserves utility of the SSA form, said at least one procedure comprises at least one of SSA partial redundancy elimination (SSAPRE), register promotion, speculative code motion, strength reduction, linear function test replacement, copy propagation, and loop induction variable cannonicalization, and any global scalar optimization performed is SSA-based and SSA preserving.

This application is related to the following commonly-owned applications: “Method, System, and Computer Program Product for Performing Register Promotion via Load and Store Placement Optimization within an Optimizing Compiler” by Chow et al., filed concurrently herewith; “Method, System, and Computer Program Product for Extending Sparse Partial Redundancy Elimination to Support Speculative Code Motion within an Optimizing Compiler” by Lo et al., filed concurrently herewith; “System, Method, and Computer Program Product for Partial Redundancy Elimination Based on Static Single Assignment Form During Compilation,” application Ser. No. 08/873,895, filed Jun. 17, 1997; and “System, Method, and Computer Program Product to Efficiently Represent Aliases and Indirect Memory Operations in Static Single Assignment Form During Compilation,” application Ser. No. 08/636,605, filed Apr. 23, 1997. These applications are incorporated herein by reference in their entirety.

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