Information contained in three sequence listings are submitted in an ASCII text file; the information contained in the three sequence listings are herein incorporated by reference in their entireties. The submitted sequence listings file is:
210818_JSP_003_NCov_Spike_Envelop_Surface_protein_sequences_v10, created on Aug. 18, 2021, and having a file size of 6KB.
1—Importance of Conserved Cysteine Residues in the Coronavirus Envelope Protein, Journal of Virology. Lisa A. Lopez, Ambere J. Riffle, Steven L. Pike, Douglas Gardner, Brenda G. Hogue. DOI: 10.1128/JVI.01914-0
2—SARS-coronavirus spike S2 domain flanked by Cysteine residues C822 and C833 is important for activation of membrane fusion. Virology. Madu IG1, Belouzard S, Whittaker G R. 2009 Oct. 25; 393(2):265-71. doi:10.1016/j.virol.2009.07.038. Epub 2009 Aug. 29.
4—Diallylthiosulfinate (Allicin), a Volatile Antimicrobial from Garlic (Allium sativum), Kills Human Lung Pathogenic Bacteria, Including MDR Strains, as a Vapor. Molecules Jana Reiter, Natalja Levina , Mark van der Linden , Martin Gruhlke , Christian Martin and Alan J. Slusarenko 2017 Oct. 12; 22(10):1711
5—The human allicin-proteome: S-thioallylation of proteins by the garlic defence substance allicin and its biological effects. Martin C. H. Gruhlkea,*,1, Haike Antelmannb,1, Jorg Bernhardtc, Veronika Kloubertd, Lothar Rinkd, Alan J. Slusarenkoa
6—Nutraceuticals Efficacy, Safety and Toxicity 2016, Pages 555-568 Chapter 41-Organosulfur Compounds as Nutraceuticals Nikolay Goncharov Alexander, N. Orekhov, Natalia Voitenko, Anton Ukolov, Richard Jenkins, Pavel Avdonin. Available online 19 Feb. 2016.
7—Association between regional Selenium status and reported outcome of COVID-19 cases in China Jinsong Zhang, Ethan Will Taylor, Kate Bennett, Ramy Saad, Margaret P Rayman The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Volume 111, Issue 6, June 2020, Pages 1297-1299, Published: 28 Apr. 2020
8—Cellular Selenoprotein mRNA Tethering via Antisense Interactions with Ebola and HIV-1 mRNAs May Impact Host Selenium Biochemistry. Ethan Will Taylor, Jan A. Ruzicka, Lakmini Premadasa, Lijun Zhao. Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry: Volume 16, Issue 13, 2016
9—Direct verbal meetings with Dr. Christopher Kevil, Louie K. Scott, and Anthony W. Orr regarding clinical research June 2020.
10—Angiotensin II Mediates Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Type 2 Internalization and Degradation Through an Angiotensin II Type I Receptor-Dependent Mechanism Matthew R. Deshotels*, Huijing Xia*, Srinivas Sriramula, Eric Lazartigues, and Catalin M. Filipeanu Hypertension: Volume 64, Issue 6, December 2014, Pages 1368-1375
11—The enthalpy change in protein folding and binding: refinement of parameters for structure-based calculations. V J Hilser, J Gomez, E Freire Proteins: 1996 October; 26(2):123-33
12—On the origin of the enthalpy and entropy convergence temperatures in protein folding. LITIAN FU AND ERNESTO FREIRE. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA Vol. 89, pp. 9335-9338, October 1992
13—SARS-CoV2 induced respiratory distress: Can cannabinoids be added to anti-viral therapies to reduce lung inflammation? Siddappa N. Byrareddy and Mahesh Mohan. Brain Behavior Immun. 2020 July; 87: 120-121. Apr. 28, 2020.
14—In search of preventive strategies: novel high-CBD Cannabis sativa extracts modulate ACE2 expression in COVID-19 gateway tissues Bo Wang, Anna Kovalchuk, Dongping Li, Rocio Rodriguez-Juarez, Yaroslav Ilnytskyy, Igor Kovalchuk, Olga Kovalchuk. Aging November, 2020. Volume 22; 12(22):22425-22444.
15—Identification of Coronavirus Isolated from a Patient in Korea with COVID-19 Jeong-Min Kim, Yoon-Seok Chung, Hye Jun Jo, Nam-Joo Lee, Mi Seon Kim, Sang Hee Woo, Sehee Park, Jee Woong Kim, Heui Man Kim, and Myung-Guk Han Osong Public Health Res Perspect. 2020 February; 11(1):3-7. doi:10.24171/j.phrp.2020.11.1.02 v.11(1); 2020 February PMC7045880
The field relates generally to the sanitization of the sinuses and lungs by treatment with a vapor formula that can bring therapeutics to the lungs immediately with high bioavailability.
Respiratory antigen treatments using novel molecules that are unstable when heated has been for the most part unavailable to the general public because the technology to deliver these molecules has been unavailable to the general public. Vapor based heating technology from the tobacco and cannabis industries have recently emerged as those industries have been allowed to evolve away from smoking of tobacco and cannabis products. The U.S. Government allows the consumption of these specific products by consumers. The emergence of different methods of gentle vaporization have become commercially available as a result of these markets. None of the market applications have been outside the scope of the tobacco or cannabis markets. Many formulas exist for the solubilization of tobacco and cannabis plant extract technologies but none exist for treating digitally encoded antigens. The emergence of digitally encoded antigens has resulted in respiratory diseases for mammalian organisms such as humans. This emergence illustrated to the populations of the Earth a need to treat said respiratory antigens with a novel method in order to provide sanitization, shielding, disablement of the antigen function for the purpose of providing immunity to the host organism. The use of vapor technology to provide a safe molecular agent directly to the surface of the sinuses or lungs with optimal bioavailability is required in order to achieve such sanitization and immunity goals. The ability to identify and formulate agents capable of performing such function is now in demand for human organisms. Bacteria, viruses, mold, fungi, etc. are all example of digitally encoded antigenic vectors that leverage Deoxy Ribonucleic Acid or Ribonucleic Acid as digital languages.
On Feb. 2, 2020 the GENBANK DNA, RNA, and protein sequences of novel coronavirus-19 NC_045512.2 (N-CoV) 100 were reviewed by CannDetect LLC for the purpose of generating the probabilities of the critical proteins of novel N-CoV as well as the homology with of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). It was clear that the SARS coronavirus had 80% homology 101 with N-CoV virus from the GENBANK BLAST analysis. Sequence homology of SARS-CoV-2 with SARS-CoV, and MERS-CoV was 77.5% and 50%, respectively per widely published in the Scientific literature (15).
The probabilities of these N-CoV viral proteins were then calculated using the 2-dimensional (2D) permutation of sequences formula for the Spike Protein 102 , the Envelope Protein 103 , and the Surface Glycoprotein 104 as shown in
The art of 3D protein folding in Biochemistry is a very complicated Physical Chemistry Art that is traditionally validated by both Biochemical Molecular Biology assays in vitro, in vivo, and ultimately through X-ray Crystallography structural validation. The 2D structure can reveal many things about the Genomic DNA and protein homology of a virus or organism. The exercise revealed that the probabilities of getting a functional 3-Dimensional antigen functional viral assembled vector structure at thermostable equilibrium with ΔG=0 with the proper fold were extremely low (
It is known that the N-CoV can mutate like SARS and maintain functionality. This means that the real-life probabilities of a 2D sequence folding to a functional structure are actually a little less than our sequence calculations (
That would simply mean that the probabilities would move from 1 in 10x to something like n values in 10x combination, and that there would be more 2D sequences that could fold into functional 3D proteins in N-CoV after a normal mutation caused during replication. This is in fact observed in nature. However, the glaring high probabilities 102, 103, 104 relative to the permutation of sequences for the amino acid combinations reveals astronomically high probabilities of getting a proper 3D protein fold. Currently, 1 in 10e+56 is considered an absurd probability in Physics. This was an indication that there had to be highly conserved functional sequences maintained in this class of virus that contribute to a very specific viral function. It was already known that SARS had an 80% GENBANK BLAST DNA & RNA homology with N-CoV 101. The next exercise was to look for publications involving the SARS genome and conserved regions. Typically this is a very ominous task, but here we lucked out and found two publications on Feb. 2, 2020 that revealed the conserved amino acids in the SARS family genome as published by Lopez et al, and Madu et al (1)(2) that exist in all coronaviruses 105. The first protein sequence was found in the N-CoV Envelope
This revelation highlighted in yellow which was first observed by the team who published the Virology article Madu et al (2) had already found conserved Cysteine residues in the SARS viral family.
Mutation experiments in mice showed that removal of a single Cysteine required in the 2D sequence for a critical Cysteine bridge motif in the spike or envelope rendered the SARS virus as no longer functional and unable to replicate (1)(2). These were critical validation of the sequences that the N-CoV had exposed Cysteine amino acids 107 that were viable drug targets, and it was no longer necessary to solve the X-ray crystal structure of the viral proteins at this point. SARS reference to 3D protein known structures could be used as a reference due to protein sequence homology. Now the focus moved to a means of using known Organic Chemistry (6, Gruhlke et al) by to negate access to the exposed Cysteines to activation by cell surface proteins. The first method is to use 2-Propene-1-sulfinothioic acid S-2-propenyl ester (2PSP) 109 a molecule that is known to bind directly 112 to Cysteine amino acids 111 in proteins when exposed.
This molecule will break in half producing two sulfonated propenes
The reactions shown in 6c 112 or 6e 113 block the flanking Cysteines 114, 115 shown in
These exposed Cysteine targets 107, 108 are available for 1-Sulfur-2-propene thiolation as described by
Selenium 119 is naturally found in many foods, but is most commonly eaten in Brazil Nuts. Selenium can be cold pressed into an oil and the entire mixture also extracted into alcohol polar solution . For example 10-25 micrograms of Selenium can be used. Selenium is a heavy metal that can cause liver and kidney damage in high doses. Typically the safe daily oral consumption of Selenium is ˜55 microgram which is the approximate concentration in an average Brazil nut. Higher oral doses of 200 micrograms is acceptable during infection. Here the Selenium atom 119 replaces the Sulfur atom in the exposed Cysteine of a protein during a protein translation error whereby the translating tRNA protein 120 accidentally injects 122 a Selenocysteine 121 for a Cysteine amino acid into the 2D translated system structure (
2PSP 109, Selenocysteine 121 and/or ionized Selenium 119 can enter in to lung cells because they are known to be permeable to the outer membrane of the cells and to the Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) of the cell where the SARS or N-CoV viral proteins are manufactured after cellular invasion by SARS or N-CoV. Here 2PSP 109 and Selenocysteine 121 can provide a dual inhibition of the SARS, N-CoV or similar viruses from properly folding into a functional 3D structure that will assemble the N-CoV virus capsule thus disabling the ability of the virus to properly assemble and replicate. Disabling the N-CoV in the ER allows the native human immune system to activate and generate antibodies for the malformed viral proteins. The malformed viral proteins are then removed by the immune system. It is absolutely critical to treat the human with a vapor in order to coat the sinuses, throat, bronchial, and lung surfaces against SARS, N-CoV, etc. because these viruses are airborne and typically infect patients through the lungs. Autopsies have shown that the most damage for SARS, N-CoV, and similar viruses have done major damage to the lungs during infection (3). Leveraging the said emulsion 200-205 with aromatic capability to shield the lungs is the practice of the art of shielding the sinuses, throat, bronchial, and lung surfaces from viral infection. Similarly the same technology can be used for single celled organisms that cause respiratory viral infections like bacteria, mold, mildew, yeast, etc.
The rapid damage to the lungs can occur while a patient is being treated by Hydroxychloroquine, Azithromycin, and traditional oral or intravenous antivirals and antibacterial. The autopsy data from Wuhan (3)(7) proved this. The 2PSP 109, 2PSP-R 116, and 2PSP/2PSP-R formulas 200, 201, 202 with elemental Selenium and/or natural Selenocysteine can be used to firewall shield the lungs from a SARS or N-CoV viral attack. In the event that the patient presents with the virus and an infection in the lungs the practice of the art is to add Glucose to the aromatic vapor for the purpose of providing the inflamed and damaged cells and energy source to repair themselves. Cysteine coding genetic take out applied to the Spike protein (2 Madu et al) conserved regions required for Angiotensin II receptor binding and cellular invasion is inhibited in mice studies of SARS (2). The constant attack by the virus can result in inflammatory conditions that the energy source glucose can resolve by allowing the native lung tissue to heal using normal in vivo cellular repair locally as an energy source. A typical aerosol or vapor solution may consist of ˜1% glucose for this purpose 200-205. A secondary condition involves the scenario where some of the surface tissues of the body are exposed like in the sinus and lung mucus membranes of the Bronchi or Alveoli. Here the 2PSP 109, 2PSP-R 116, and the respective combined Selenocysteine 121 formulas 200-205 are permeable and will easily be up taken by the infected cells and they will be absorbed into the cytoplasm where the Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum is used by the SARS 99, N-CoV 100, etc. virus to translate the mRNA of the viral genome into specific proteins required for viral assembly. Here Selenium 119 in the form of Selenocysteine 121 is incorporated in the viral protein sequences 122 keeping them from properly folding into a functional 3D geometry that must produce a conserved Cysteine bridge motif in the 3D protein structure of the Spike (2) or Envelope (1) of a coronavirus. Similarly, 2PSP 109 or 2PSP-R 116 are also able to establish a thiosulphate bond 114, 115 with the conserved Cysteines of both the spike (2) and the envelope (1) during translation from mRNA into a protein that is then structurally modified and cannot fold into the proper 3D Geometry that is able to establish a stable equilibrium with a ΔG=0. The enthalpy of the protein folding mechanism is distorted as well due to these structural changes. The practice of the art of folding proteins has been well established in the Scientific literature affiliated with the Physical Chemistry Thermodynamics of protein folding to be enthalpy specific with respect to in vivo cellular solutions. These environmental conditions for the modified Spike or Envelope easily distort the Geometry of the protein and in some cases inhibit an equilibrium condition favorable of a functional Spike or Envelope 3D protein geometry. In some cases ΔG=0 is not accomplished. This inhibits the capacity of the SARS 99, N-CoV 100, or related virus to replicate and lyse infected cells. The immune system can then leverage white blood cells and phagocytes to engulf and remove the foreign viral proteins that are not native to the human mucus membrane cell in the eyes, ears, nose, throat, sinuses, or lung. The immune response mechanisms thereof are well documented in the Scientific literature for such malformed viral antigens.
2PSP 109 is created by pressing organic native garlic thus releasing the alliin 98 and alliinase 97 from the stored vesicles within the garlic cloves. The skin of the garlic clove is removed. The resulting well known practice of the art involving solubilization in 20-40% ethanol (
The Vaporesso revenger 2 has an on-board micro-computer capable of programmatically regulating the DC current, the power, and thus the thermal heating that is acceptable by the ceramic heating element for the 2PSP 109 formulation 200. This is how it was determined that the 0.30 mg/ml suspension of 2PSP 109 in PG 125 and glycerol 127 would be usable for a CCELL cartridge 200. We used a CCELL cartridge to formulate our solution for practical use in the CCELL, the defined practice of the art described herein can be used to produce a 2PSP 109 formula in PG 125 and glycerol 127 that can be used with other ceramic or quartz heating elements from other manufacturers. The choice of using such ceramic technology is because metal heating elements are not easily controlled within the heating ranges required to gently heat a viscous thiolester solution of this type in such a way to avoid thermal degradation. 2PSP 109 and 2PSP-R 116 are easily degraded by thermal heating. 2PSP 109 and its R group derivatives 116 are easily degraded even at room temperature in non-viscous aqueous solutions over time because of molecular collisions that can occur. The described practice of the art formulation example here allows us to suspend the 2PSP 109 molecules in such a way that they not only become stable and colloidally suspended in solution 200-203, but are also stable and kept away from the ceramic heating element so that destabilization of 2PSP 109 in solution does not occur. The formula is designed to only introduce 2PSP 109 to the heating element 129 at time of vaporization due to inhalation because the colloidal suspension of the 2PSP 109 molecules in the 1 ml vial of the CCELL vapor cartridge used as an example here. Other vapor cartridges may have larger volumes or different pores in the ceramic heating elements may require a viscosity adjustment by varying the PG 125 or glycerol 127 concentration. This will allow for using those vapor producing devices as well. The practice of the art may require minor changes to the viscosity that inhibit 2PSP 109 from reacting with itself.
These viscous colloidal emulsions 200-205 require special heating that can be performed using ceramic resistors 129. The ceramic resistors 129 in a CCELL vapor cartridge 128 can maintain the ˜35° C. temperatures allowing the emulsion 200-205 to go into vapor and reach all of the surfaces of the lungs, bronchial, throat, and sinuses. Variable controlled voltage can be used in the electronic circuit across the ceramics to create different heating conditions that favor 2PSP 109 or 2PSP-R 116 vaporization. Some 2PSP 109 self-reaction occurs to form Ajoene on the surface of the ceramic heating element. Ajoene 118 is known to have therapeutic action on the blood and circulatory system when allowed to enter the blood. Ajoene 118 is known to thin mammalian blood and reduce blood pressure. Specifically Ajoene 118 reduces the coagulation of Von Willebrand Factors in locations of the blood were the mucosal walls of the said blood vessel, artery, capillary, etc. are inflamed. The ability to put 2PSP 109, 2PSP-R 116, and/or Ajoene 118 with high availability into the surface of the lungs allows high surface bioavailabilities of 99%+ to be achieved on the surface of the alveoli of the lungs. 2PSP 109, 2PSP-R 116, and Ajoene 118 are known to exist in oral products that enter the GI tact. These molecules can also exist in intravenous forms. The problem as previously mentioned is that 2PSP 109, 2PSP-R 116, and/or Ajoene 118 will decompose through interactions with other biological compounds existing in the GI tract or the blood. This will cause the bioavailability to the Alveoli of the lungs to be extremely low. In the case of a ˜140 nm in size coronavirus you must provide a monolayer of 2PSP 109 directly to the lungs. It is impossible to do this with oral or intravenous solutions due to the stated decomposition. Thus the described colloidal solution is used to achieve vapor nanocoating of the lungs for antigen shielding in an immediate way by means of inhalation into the lungs. In the case of a coronavirus the ability to monocoat the lungs and Alveoli of the lungs allows exposure of the 2PSP 109 or 2PSP-R 116 to the digitally coded antigen.
For example in the case of N-CoV 100 the viral spike 107 protrudes from the viral vector 117 as an antigen. The viral spike 107 is coated with glucose molecules that shield the spike 107. These are used as a glycolytic energy source that is used by the host cell for energy in the absence of Oxygen in order to power the glycolysis required to power the digital DNA/RNA viral replication of N-CoV. The glycosylated spike 107 requires the use of a small molecule that is capable of traversing the glycosylated outer portion of the spike 107 and reaching the exposed Cysteine bridge 107b of the spike 107 identified in N-CoV that exists in all functional coronaviruses as published by Madu et al (2). Our identification of the continued conserved Cysteines 107b in N-CoV 100 on Feb, 2, 2020 was the first ever. This revelation led to the vapor formulation design to attack this spike 107 Cysteine bridge 107b on the surface of the lungs. However, 2PSP 109 and 2PSP-R 116 are permeable to the semipermeable membranes of the human cells on the surface of the lungs. Unlike a coronavirus such as N-CoV 109 the spike 107 is not directly permeable to the membrane of the cells because its size and physical properties are simply too large to permeate the semipermeable membrane. Instead the spike 107 of N-CoV 100 must bind to the ACE2 receptor of an intramembrane protein on that cell in order to be engulphed. This has been published and is well known in the scientific literature to date. Because 2PSP 109 or 2PSP-R 116 can enter the cell by traversing the semipermeable membrane the 2PSP 109 and/or 2PSP-R 116 molecules can proceed through Brownian motion of the aqueous cellular solution into the Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (RER) of the cell where the digital codes for N-CoV 100 hijack the host cell and reverse translate into a protein encoding for the N-CoV spike 107. As the 2D translation occurs in the RER the 2PSP or 2PSP-R binds the 2D added Cysteine thus disabling its ability to later fold into a functional 3D protein 107 in the Golgi Body. Upon completion of the translation of the entire spike protein 107 into a 2D amino acid polymer the protein will migrate to the Golgi Body of the cell. At this point the protein will attempt to fold 3 dimensionally. The 2-dimensional protein sequence will fail to properly fold into a proper 3D structure that has proper spike 107 functionality for N-CoV 100. This knock out of the Cysteine amino acid side arm sulfur atom 111 in the spike 107b disables its ability to allow ACE2 binding during infection because the essential Cysteine bridge is not formed in the spike protein 107. The result of that creates an immune response by the well-known and scientifically published literature on the human immune system and how antigens are removed through immunity.
A secondary mechanism is even more probable based on the probabilities 102, 103, 104 computed and shown previously in
Consumption of 2PSP 109, PG 125, a Glycerol 127 are safe as described in the regulatory food processing literature provided publicly by the FDA work to determine the safety of R-group modifications of 2PSP 109 to produce 2PSP-R molecules 116 must be performed using the traditional animal safety testing methods, and clinical methods used in the practice of the art relative to bringing forth any sort of FDA approved therapeutic in the USA. This is a requirement by the US Government for product labeling. It however, is not a requirement for the sale and consumption of processed food items using the said safe molecules on the FDA list without labeling beyond food processing.
The one problem with 2PSP 109 and 2PSP-R 116 are the shelf life storage of the molecules in the colloidal suspension. Our thermogenic study indicated that a 0.3 mg/ml solution in a glass vapor cartridge such as a CCELL vapor cartridge 128 would have an approximate 30-day shelf life with regular limited daily usage 200-205. The colloidal suspension 200-205 allows for the shelf life because the viscosity of the mixture is such that heating does not cause degradation of the 2PSP 109 or 2PSP-R 116 molecules. There were no adverse human affects from the inhalation of this 2PSP 109 formula on humans with a limited study over the course of one year. Additionally our limited study was conducted on a single human with diabetes and a known Eosinophilic respiratory disease. No adverse effects from this limited study occurred. Further studies need to be performed on animals and humans in order to validate inhalation safety. However, the FDA has already approved these molecules for food safety based on published research. So, the expectation of an inhalation safety issue for normal inhalation is minimal. In addition in vitro studies validated that 2PSP 109 can be used as a vapor antimicrobial that inhibits bacterial infection (4).
A more advanced formula 203, 204 was created using Selenocysteine 121 because the 2PSP 109 are unstable molecules, and the fact that they have limited capability during digitally encoded viral infection. Selenocysteine 121 can be added to the formula 203, 204 such that for instance 25 micrograms per milliliter exists. This will result in a sub-nanogram vapor aliquot released by the cartridge into the lungs with each inhalation from a vapor cartridge 128. Selenocysteine 121 is a natural amino acid that is not one of the 21 essential amino acids for life. Selenocysteine 121 is the 22nd amino acid. Selenocysteine 121 is encoded for by the protein translation stop codon. Typically Selenocysteine 121 is not present in high concentrations in a mammalian organism. Humans can live with low concentrations of Selenocysteine 121 just fine. The oral consumption of Selenocysteine 121 is allowed by the FDA as a vitamin supplement. The oral and intravenous consumption of Selenocysteine 121 can cause a heavy metal toxicity condition that is well published and mentioned previously herein the background of the embodiment. Selenocysteine 121 like 2PSP 109 is highly reactive with tissues of the body because like all amino acids they are permeable to the semipermeable membranes of the eukaryotic cells of the mammalian tissues of humans.
Therefore the use of Selenocysteine 121 in a vapor formula allows for specific and immediate targeting of the human lungs. Selenocysteine 121 is then up taken by the surface cells of the lungs and is allowed to proceed to the RER where digital translation of the viral codes of N-CoV 100 occur. Here you have 2 effects that come into play. The first effect is the ability of Selenocysteine 121 to inject in the Cysteine position when the tRNA transferase 122 codes for Cysteine because a wobble in the codon translation protein(s) can mistakenly inject a Selenocysteine 121 amino acid into the 2D sequence of the spike 107, 107b or envelope 123. This will disable the ability of that 2D protein sequence from folding into the proper functional 3D protein structure. This occurs specifically when the Sulfur atom is replaced by a Selenium atom from Selenocysteine 121 , which will not allow that Sulfur atom to form a bridge with another Sulfur atom from a corresponding Cysteine amino acid 111 in the juxtaposition of a 3-Dimensional viral (etc. digitally coded antigen) protein. It will then allow the viral protein replication assembly kinetics to become dysfunctional in such a way that the mammalian immune response will cleanup all of the existing viral protein debris as normal. This is well published in the scientific literature relative to viral immunology.
The second digital exploit that becomes enabled by providing Selenocysteine 121 to the surface cells of the lungs using vapor is the fact that the stop codon 131 in protein translation in the presence of a higher concentration of Selenocysteine 121 will in fact not stop translation. Instead the translating protein machinery will instead inject a Selenocysteine amino acid 121 and then continue translating the mRNA sequence 130 injecting other amino acids. A higher concentration of Selenocysteine 121 during protein translation can malform the spike 107 and envelope proteins 108 of a coronavirus like N-CoV (
The concentrations of Selenocysteine 121 can be brought up in a mammalian organism like a human over time by orally consuming Selenocysteine 121 thereby making the rare amino acid available for translation Biochemistry. However, this does not immediately increase the local Selenocysteine 121 concentration at the surface of the lungs like the herein described mechanism does. The viral replication rates are exponential and time is of the essence when the digital codes of a coronavirus 100 enter a host cell. It is essential to immediately bring the Selenocysteine 121 to the infected cells using the vapor mechanism in order to slow the exponential viral replication rate kinetics immediately. This is not even possible with intravenous injections of Selenocysteine 121 due to the permeability of the amino acid across the semipermeable cell membranes of a mammalian cell that result in uptake of tissues that are not the primary infection tissue of an environmental virus like a coronavirus 117, 100.
The practicality of this technology is such that it can be made available to the masses in such a way that large portions of the populations can gain access to the vapor formulas 200-205 through just in time manufacturing using the same conventional packaging methods used by the tobacco and cannabis industry infrastructure in place today. The colloidal suspension formula production does not have any special refrigeration requirements that makes it more complex relative to distribution to the masses. The effects of refrigeration or freezing is such that the viscosity of the solution decreases and allows long term storage of the P2SP 109 without degradation.
The Biochemistry 132 of using the vapor formulas discussed herein the embodiment is easily described using the typical Biochemical pathway of the molecules used in vapor form 200-205. Here we studied the use of several other vapor formulas that are currently available in the USA Markets by means of prescription to show the synergistic effects as they work with the 2PSP 109 vapor formula in conjunction with Selenium from Selenocysteine 121 to produce synergistic effects (
Protein translation and protein folding in vitro is a practice of the art typically used in laboratories studying protein function after a protein has been expressed in a micro-organism like bacteria, yeast, mammalian cell line, etc. There are a few different methods of purifying and attempting to crystalize the proteins so that X-ray crystallography can be performed to identify the structure of the protein. One skilled in the practice of the art knows that there are reasonable temperatures to incubate the micro-organisms they culture and also the protein isolates they are trying to crystallize. This is because the temperature range usually effects the function of the protein itself. The best observations are temperature changes that effect the rates of catalytic function of proteins that have enzymatic function. Viruses, bacteria, and other pathogenic digitally encoded entities rely on the proteins of the host organism to function at the optimal rates in order to hijack the function of the host cell. There has so far been a long discussion of how to intervene on the respiratory infection by an N-CoV 100 virus that takes advantage by hijacking the DNA & RNA polymerases of the host cell or the DNA & RNA amino acid translation and polymerization methods. These normal mechanisms are throttled to rates that are higher than normal for the targeted host cell. Additional energy is required in order to maintain those rates. In the case of N-CoV 100 the energy is in the form of sugar that the virus caries on the glycosylated spike protein 107, but also in the cytoplasm of the mammalian cells from which it hijacks after infection for the purpose of replicating. The use of P2SP 109, 2PSP-R 116, Selenium ion, or Selenocysteine 121 vapor formulas 203-204 is enhanced by changing the environment of the mammalian host cell proteins. This is performed by changing the equilibrium state of the already folded 3D proteins of the cell required to allow cellular hijack. Heating of the mammalian cells to temperatures as high as 130+° F. causes an enthalpy change related to the protein folds of the 3D structures of the enzymes involved in the polymerization of the pathogen digital codes 100 and proteins required for replication. This is typically known as heat shock for a digital code that is attempting to hijack host cell machinery at an abnormal rate in order to replicate its own digital codes. When heat is introduced to the machinery the scientific literature tells us that the enthalpy of the 3D protein structures changes, such that the 3D folded confirmation at ΔG=0 changes slightly. This happens because the thermodynamics of the 3D protein structures being hijacked follow the thermodynamic equilibrium equation ΔG=ΔH−TΔS like anything else per the scientific literature (11)(12).
When this equilibrium is shifted by changing the equilibrium state of the 3D folded proteins subjected to hijack and those that are being introduced by the digitally encoded pathogen the rates of catalytic replication function required by the digitally encoded pathogen are changed such that more translation errors occur. This allows the vapor agents discussed here to function at an even more optimal nature. Allowing the 2PSP 109, 2PSP-R 116, Selenium ions, or Selenocysteine 121 to be immediately placed at the point of infection by the digitally encoded pathogen becomes more than just being at the right place at the right time relative to optimal bioavailability, It becomes a shift in function of the cellular operating system that the digitally encoded pathogen 100 is attempting to hijack. Fortunately this allows the vapor agents to take advantage of the dysfunction introduced into the catalytic protein function of the 3D nano-machinery in such a way that the rates of viral replication are impacted greater due to unfolding of the normally folded proteins of the host cell required for pathogen replication. The further slowing or negation of the digital pathogen replication and translation of the protein sub-components allows the 2PSP 109, 2PSP-R 116, Selenium ions, or Selenocysteine 121 to then have a more profound effect on the infection rate of the pathogen and the ability of the pathogen to replicate and translate into its sub-components. That is because a heat change does not affect the equilibrium state of the molecules used in the vapor formulas herein discussed 200-205. This of course is leveraged by making the molecules available to the center of infection immediately by providing them to the place of entry of the digitally encoded pathogen to the host cell as well as allowing the discussed agents to enter the semipermeable membranes of the host cells in order to mitigate the digitally encoded pathogen at the point of cellular hijack.
This application claims priority under 35 U.S.C. 119€ to U.S. provisional patent application No. 62/993,481 entitled “METHOD TO DESTABALIZE CYSTEINE EXPOSED INFECTIOUS INFORMATION VECTORS,” which was filed Mar. 23, 2020, and which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.