Method to Determine a Field Strength by a Reader for Telemetry Units


  • Patent Application
  • 20100085159
  • Publication Number
  • Date Filed
    March 21, 2007
    17 years ago
  • Date Published
    April 08, 2010
    14 years ago
A method and a passive tag enable making a distance d detection of a radio telemetry unit, typically an RFID active tag or passive tag, without having the possibility to measure the incoming amplitude of power at the reader. The telemetry unit of a tag sends a sequence of steps together with its value of amplitude and data to be transmitted to the reader. The reader decodes the first understandable part of the sequence to determine the amplitude of the power required by the telemetry unit to be in range of the reader, and therefore can deduce a distance d.

This invention relates to a method to determine a field strength by a reader for telemetry units such as active or passive tags according to the preamble of claim 1.

The present invention covers the field of portable RFID-devices as active tags or passive tags. A typical RFID-System is disclosed in WO 1996/028941 A1 [1], especially of active tags. The present invention covers also the implementation on passive tags, especially on UHF tags where very long distance of communication can be achieved, and thus, determining the distance from tag to reader may be a very useful information.

Many applications involving the usage of telemetry require having information of distance to the reader from which it is in sight in order to provide some means for localization. In the radio-frequency domain, the distance information is an image of the amplitude of the electrical field received. The path loss, or attenuation needs to be calculated differently in open space or in confined environment. The involved principle is depicted in FIG. 1. This attenuation or Free space loss is calculated using the following formula:

A=(−27.6)+20·Log f+20·Log d


    • A is the free space loss, in [dB];
    • f is the RF frequency in [MHz];
    • d is the distance between the transmitting and receiving antennas in meter [m].

At f=2.4 GHz, the above mentioned formula becomes to

A=40+20·Log d

When the RF signal passes through solid objects, some of the signal power is absorbed. The most convenient way to express this is by adding an allowed loss to the Free Space loss.

Attenuation can vary greatly depending upon the structure of the object the signal is passing through. Metal or concrete in the barrier greatly increases the attenuation. Walls account for 10 to 15 dB depending upon the construction. Interior walls are on the low end and exterior walls create more loss. Floors of buildings account typically for an extra 12 to 27 dB of loss.

Considering a transmission at 2.4 GHz, the attenuation in building typically becomes

A=40+10·n·Log d+(Structure Loss)

where n is a factor to model the effect of scattering.

The scattering effect comes when the radiation is forced to deviate from its direct trajectory due to non-uniformities of the medium through which it passes. RF scattering involves some change in the energy of the radiation. The n factor is very difficult to predict and may vary substantially in the real life due to the physical modification of the area in which the radio transmission takes place such as movement of people, movement of objects.

In a different embodiment, the distance calculator is based on the measure of the phase shift related to the frequency shift, as described in patent WO2005/091013 [4].

In the case of confined areas the multipath of the travelling wave is much more difficult to predict. Several models are available, typically like the Rayleigh model. The purpose of this invention is to provide an image of the distance by knowing the value of the amplitude of the field received on the receiving section. This information is often abbreviated by the term RSSI, for Received Signal Strength Indication. The state of the art to provide the RSSI on the receiver of the reader is typically a diode detector connected on the analogue intermediate frequency signal. In some cases the chipset used to make the receiver of the reader doesn't provide either the RSSI or the analogue intermediate frequency. Therefore, building a field detector implies to use extra hardware on the RF section of the receiver in order to get this information. Building an RSSI on the RF section of the receiver is a difficult operation that may alter the performance of the overall system.

The object of the present invention is to overcome the problems presented by the above cited devices to provide a method to determine a field strength by a reader without having extra hardware on its radio section.

This object is solved by a method with the steps specified in claim 1 and a tag specified with the features given in claim 7.

Further advantageous embodiments are given in dependant claims.

One of the main applications and use of this method is for the distance detection/distance deduction/distance measuring of tags, mainly active tags. Passive tags can also benefit from this invention.

Another application, immediately derived, is the localization of tags. The purpose of this invention is to localize mobile tags inside a confined area.

The invention will be now described in a preferred embodiment with reference to the accompanying drawings wherein:

FIG. 1 Situation of a typical path loss between transmitter/tag and receiver/reader;

FIG. 2 principle of a step transmission sent by a tag;

FIG. 3 Simplified representation of a circuitry enabling different output powers for an active tag;

FIG. 4 Simplified representation of a circuitry according to the state of the art for a passive tag;

FIG. 5 Simplified representation of a circuitry enabling different output powers according to the invention for a passive tag;

FIG. 6 involved components for detection of a position.

The telemetry unit, i.e. the transmission section of a tag, is sending a message with different amplitudes in its frame. This transmission with different amplitudes is called a step transmission or transmission in form of a step function. An example of this transmission is depicted in FIG. 2. Each of the portions or in this paper called steps 3 of the frame 1′, 1″ or 1′″ has a different amplitude. Within one frame the amplitude of the sequence of steps 3 is strongly increasing. The value of the amplitude A1, A2, A3, A4 sent is digitally coded inside the corresponding step 3 of the frame 1, together with the data D to be sent, see the representation in the lower part of FIG. 2. The data D is therefore repeated by the number of steps 3 included inside the step sequence. The number of steps 3 of one frame is not limited to the value 4 given in FIG. 2. The amplitude and the Data are denoted by payload of a step.

The receiving unit—part of a reader 20—receives the step signal—sometimes also called chirp signal—of the telemetry unit—part of a tag 10—and decodes its digital portion. The digital portion of the step 3 contains the value A1, A2, A3, A4 of the amplitude. The minimum value of the amplitude decoded provides an indication of the distance to which the telemetry unit is transmitting the RF signal. In other word: The reader decodes the first understandable step 3 of the sequence to determine the amplitude of the power required by the telemetry unit to be in range of the reader, and therefore can deduct a distance. If the reader is placed at a distance such as the attenuation of the path loss only allows to receive the sequence . . . , . . . , [A3,D], [A4,D] the reader detects the information that amplitude of transmission A1 and A2 sent by the tag are not enough to cover the path loss brought by the distance and/or scattering effect and multipath loss. Therefore the distance from reader to tag is estimated to be at a reduced distance as compared to if the reader was able to decode the full step function sequence from A1 to A4.

The realization on tag will be described for an active and a passive tag:

  • i) The case of the active tag is described by a way to implement the digital step transmission, for better understanding, as an example. Other realizations are also possible.
  • ii) For the case of the passive tag first is given a circuitry according to the state of the art without step transmission. The invention describes a way to implement the step transmission also on a typical UHF passive tag.

For an active tag—see FIG. 3—the telemetry unit is fitted with a power amplifier 2. The gain of the power amplifier 2 is determined by the feed-back loop of the counter-reaction. The value of this counter-reaction can be digitally determined by the combination of the FET transistor Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 which is switched ON or OFF; this is shown in a simplified representation according to FIG. 3. The micro-controller unit determines the output power with the combination of In1, In2, In3, In4 switched on or off.

For a passive tag the amplitude of the transmission is based on the amount of RF energy reflected by the antenna 4, details see FIG. 4. The amount of reflection is a function of the mismatch of impedance done by the modulating transistor during the modulation. The RF energy received on the dipole antenna 4 is rectified by the equivalent charge pump C1,D2,C2,D1 to produce a virtual battery as described in patent application EP 1 645 994 A1 [3]. The virtual battery powers up the logic, which activates the state machine of the tag. Upon decision of this state machine, a modulating message is sent to the transistor Q1. The digital transistor Q1 brings the equivalent of a short circuit to the impedance seen by the antenna 4 at a rate given by the modulation sent by the state machine. For most designs, as the maximum amount of reflection is required, a transistor with very large W/L ratio is used in order to bring an impedance as close as possible to the short circuit during modulation. W/L is the width to length ratio of the transistor. The higher the ratio the higher the current can flow inside the drain of the transistor. The limiter 10 doesn't have any function in this application.

An embodiment of a circuitry carrying out a step transmission according to the invention is depicted in FIG. 5 for a passive tag. The logic 7 has control over which of the transistor FET to shut during the modulation. The resistors R1, R2, R3 are a typical representation of a single transistor with variation over the W/L ratio. The pair R3-Q4 has higher impedance than the pair R2-Q3, which has higher impedance than the pair R1-Q2, itself having higher impedance than the single Q1. Therefore, the maximum amplitude of reply is given by modulating with all transistors Q1 to Q40N. The lowest amplitude of reply is given by modulating Q4 alone. The message of the modulation carries the information of which transistor is used to do the modulation. Transistor Q4 alone is used for modulation of the transmission with lowest backscatter, so it carries the payload [A1, D]. The table below explains the transistor used for modulation and the payload [Ai, D] sent:


Used transistors and corresponding payloads

Transistor used

[A1, D]

Q4 and Q3
[A2, D]

Q4 and Q3 and Q2
[A3, D]

Q4 and Q3 and Q2 and Q1
[A4, D]

Position Detection

The ultimate goal is to have a position indication of the tag, at least on a floorplan represented by coordinates x,y. This information is provided by setting an array of telemetry receivers (readers) on the surface to monitor. Each tag has a unique digital identification number that can also be called a signature.

For simplicity of understanding, only the 2D representation is given here. The application for localization in volume is the same concept, with a 3D array of readers. The position detection in building is strongly affected by the multipath route of the wave. This multipath effect is highly unpredictable, even if some models tend to describe its behaviour, like the Rayleigh model.

The method for determining the x,y-position of the tag is based, at the first order, on the amplitude of power received by each of the three readers. The x,y-coordinate is located at the geometrical center of the three readers A, B, C. This method is described in the literature as the Nearest Neighbor or K-Nearest Neighbor KNN. The reference of the center of all three readers is measured with one tag placed physically at a known place, preferably the center. The instantaneous reception power is measured with a permanent reference tag and is used as a reference for the measurement of the moving tag. Unlike the teachings in the application WO 2004/073343 [2] which describes a probabilistic model to model the terminal's wireless environment, the presence of a permanent low power tag such as disclosed in the European patent application 07002606.7 allows to have a permanent sampling of the characteristics of the wireless environment. This feature is highly important because the characteristics of the wireless environment is tremendously versatile, depending on the presence of materials or people or any items. So in industrial environment it is believed that only a permanent sampling of the wireless environment is adequate.

The situation is depicted in FIG. 6. A minimum of three readers, named A, B, C needs to be in sight of the reference tag PRef. All readers A, B, C are instantly capturing the power of the reference tag PRef. The power measurement of the tag Ptag to localize on reader A, B, C is indicated as α, β, γ. This power measurement is in fact the value indicated by the first power captured by the step sequence, An of the mobile tag. At the same time they are also capturing the power of the tag Ptag from which the position is requested. The power measurement of the reference tag PReg on reader A, B, C is indicated as α′, β′, γ′, being the first power captured from the step sequence An, where n=1, 2, . . . of the reference tag PREf. The difference between the measured position of the reference tag PRef and its real position gives the offset to determine the exact position of the tag Ptag to localize according to the equation:

α·{right arrow over (Ptag)}A+β·{right arrow over (Ptag)}B+γ·{right arrow over (Ptag)}C=−(α′·{right arrow over (Pref)}A+β′·{right arrow over (Pref)}B+γ′·{right arrow over (Pref)}C)

In order to have a better precision in the position, especially in logistics environments where the tag Ptag is standing still during a long period, the distance measurement can be repeated several times and integrated over the time. Samples of positions can therefore be counted from (1, . . . , j). The plot of all the instantaneous samples of power measurement gives an elipsoïde of uncertainty, which can be averaged to provide the user with only one position indication:











Another way to reduce the uncertainty of measurement is to have more than three readers simultaneously in sight of the same reference tag. The area of the elipsoïde of uncertainty is reduced together with the quantity of readers able to capture the power indication of the tag.

A method to reduce the uncertainty of the position is to confirm the x,y-position calculated with three readers, by adjacent readers. This confirmation by adjacent readers is a very good help to reduce the uncertainty brought by the multipath fading in case the quantity of position samples (1, . . . , j) is very small.


  • 1, 1', 1″, 1″″
    • Step transmission, sequence of steps

  • 2 amplifier

  • 3 portion, step of a frame

  • 4 antenna dipole

  • 5 antenna gain

  • 6 virtual battery

  • 7 logic

  • 8 path loss

  • 9 limiter

  • 10 transmitter

  • 11 C1,D2,C2,D1 peak to peak rectifier

  • 20 receiver

  • α, β, γ
    • Power derived from mobile tag on the respective reader A, B, C

  • α′, β′, γ′
    • Power derived from reference tag on the respective reader A, B, C

  • A, B, C
    • Readers

  • A1; A2; . . . ; An
    • coded amplitude of a step sequence

  • d distance between transmitting and receiving antenna

  • D data, content in a step sequence

  • f frequency

  • KNN K-Nearest Neighbour

  • In signal in

  • In1, In2, In3, In4
    • binary coding of input signals

  • Out signal out

  • {right arrow over (PA)} vector from the location of a tag to the location of reader

  • {right arrow over (PRefB)} vector from the location of a reference tag to the location of a reader

  • Ptag location of a tag

  • PRef location of a reference tag

  • Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4
    • FET-transistors

List of Symbols

ISM Industrial, Scientific and Medical; ISM band

RFID Radio Frequency IDentification
RSSI Received Signal Strength Indication
UHF Ultra High Frequency

  • [1] WO 1996/028941 A1
    • <<Radio Frequency Identification System for reliable Communication>>
    • Motorola Inc., Schaumburg, Ill. 60196 US.

  • [2] WO 2004/073343 A1
    • <<Location applications for wireless networks>>
    • MISIKANGAS, Pauli, Helsinki FI-00940.

  • [3] EP 1 645 994 A1
    • <<Very high frequency passive transponder, in particular a UHF transponder, with a voltage multiplier or booster at the entry of its logic circuit>>
    • EM Microelectronic Marin S A, 2520 Marin Switzerland

  • [4] WO2005/0591013 A1
    • <<Multi-resolution object location system and method>>
    • Symbol Technologies, Inc, New-York 11742-1300 US.

  • 1-7. (canceled)
  • 8. A method of determining a field strength for a communication between a wireless transceiver device forming a reader and one of a plurality of wireless identification tags, the method which comprises: transmitting from the wireless identification tag messages in the form of frames;shaping each frame to be transmitted from the wireless identification tag in the form of an amplitude step function, wherein each step contains the amplitude and data to be transmitted; anddetermining the minimal field strength of reception at the reader, from the corresponding amplitude of the transmitted step, which is indicated by the first decodable step of the sequence received by the reader.
  • 9. The method according to claim 8, wherein the determining step comprises deducing from the amplitude in the first decodable step a distance from the tag to the reader.
  • 10. The method according to claim 8, wherein the determining step comprises calculating a distance d from the tag to the reader by calculating the following: A=(−27.6)+20·Log f+20·Log d where A is a free space loss, in [dB];f is an RF frequency used in the transmission, in [MHz]; andd is a distance between a transmitting antenna and a receiving antenna, in meters [m].
  • 11. The method according to claim 8, wherein the determining step comprises calculating the distance d from the tag to the reader for a RF frequency in a range of 2.4 GHz by calculating the following: A=40+20·Log d whereA is a free space loss, in [dB]; andd is a distance between a transmitting antenna and a receiving antennas, in meters [m].
  • 12. The method according to claim 8 for determining a position of a tag within a confined area, the method which comprises: providing at least three readers and placing the at least three readers within the confined area;a) determining with each reader a field strength with values α′, β′, γ′ of a reference tag placed in a center of the confined area defined by the readers;b) determining with each reader a field strength with values α, β, γ of the tag to be localized; andc) determining the position of the tag to be localized via the equation: ∝ PtagA+β PtagB+ γPtagC=∝′ PrefA+β′ PrefB+γ′ PrefC  (I)wherePtagA and PrefA denote vectors from the tag to be localized and a reference tag, respectively, to a reader A;PtagB and PrefB denote vectors from the tag to be localized and the reference tag, respectively, to a reader B; andPtagC and PrefC denote vectors from the tag to be localized and the reference tag, respectively, to a reader C.
  • 13. The method according to claim 12, which comprises repeating steps a) and b) and integrating the values α′, β′, γ′, a, β, γ and using each integrated value in equation.
  • 14. A passive tag for transmitting messages in the form of frames each having the form of an amplitude step function and each step containing an amplitude and data to be transmitted, the tag comprising: a number n modulating transistors, where n is a number of steps of the amplitude step function, each of said modulating transistors providing a different amplitude of reflection of RF energy incoming via an antenna; anda logic connected to and controlling said modulating transistors for sending a step with an amplitude thereof and data to be transmitted.
Priority Claims (1)
Number Date Country Kind
07005789.8 Mar 2007 EP regional
PCT Information
Filing Document Filing Date Country Kind 371c Date
PCT/EP07/09352 3/21/2007 WO 00 7/24/2009