This invention relates to the field of plant diseases, more specifically to improving the resistance of plants to pathogens, more specifically to prime and increase the induced resistance mechanism.
When plants encounter pathogens, resistance mechanisms are activated that can prevent infection, aid recovery from disease and prevent even future infections. A common feature of resistance is that it is induced in response to a first initial encounter or attack by pathogens.
It has recently become clear that plant resistance proteins when activated by interaction with pathogen-derived elicitor molecules are capable of inducing a signal transduction pathway. It has been established that some interactions at least partly use a common pathway (Science, 1997, 278, 1963-1965). In this publication the NDR1 locus has been shown to be required for resistance to the bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato and to be induced by the fungal pathogen Peronospora parasitica. Similarly Parker, J. E. et al. (The Plant Cell, 1996, 8, 2033-2046) have shown that the product encoded by the EDS1 locus in Arabidopsis thaliana also has a key function in the signal transduction pathway after infection with Peronospora parasitica, but not after infection with Pseudomonas syringae pv glycinae.
Many different research groups introduced genes coding for such elicitor sensor or receptor molecules into plants in order to make these transformed plants resistant to pathogen infection. In general, these elicitor-receptors are only able to recognize one pathogen, or even one virulent strain of a pathogen species. Moreover, the pathogen can adapt rapidly and easily towards this form of selection pressure and small modifications of the elicitor molecule proved to be sufficient to render the plant unable to recognize the pathogen. Although there is a large number of possible sensor molecules, the number of genes involved in transmitting the signal is very small, and consists of evolutionary conserved proteins.
Much broader levels of perception and of broad-spectrum disease resistance responses are mediated by perception of pathogen molecules, which are conserved in a large variety of pathogens. These pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) are recognized by plant receptors like the flagellin peptide receptor FLS2 (Mol Cell., 2000, 5, 1003-1011), or the receptor for elongation factor Tu (The Plant Cell, 2004, 16, 3496-3507).
The intracellular warning signals transmitted by the elicitor-receptors provide a suitable target for basal resistance manipulation (Trends in Genetics, 2000, 16, 449-450). The intracellular signalling cascades at the site of primary invasion are similar and conserved in the majority of plant species. Modulating the basal signalling in transgenic plants to a higher level (see WO99/45129) resulted in an induced basal resistance level.
The continuous activation of the primary defence signal seems therefore the strategy of choice to increase resistance at the first defence barrier. However, constant overstimulation of this level of resistance is undesired due to the fitness costs involved (Trends in Plant Science, 2002, 7, 61-67).
Priming is known to be induced by a variety of biological as well as chemical agents that result in a physiological condition allowing a plant to better react to a threat, i.e. faster and/or stronger. Priming is not associated with major changes in gene expression or constitutive defence responses both of which would demand heavy investments in resources from the plant, but rather potentiates or sensitises the plant so to speak for an adequate defence response in case for example of pathogen infection or challenging environmental conditions (MPMI (2006) 19(10): 1062-1071).
The second resistance barrier is provided by a process of induced resistance (IR) responses throughout the whole plant. This defence barrier is essential in the fight against pathogens. It can be roughly divided in two different processes:
(a) the release of alarm signals from the primary site of infection and the systemic spreading of signals throughout the plant;
(b) the perception of these signals in the different organs and the activation of induced resistance (IR).
Perception of the alarm signals and downstream processing that yield to the activated resistance are processes that can be different among the various alarm signals.
Salicylic acid (SA) has since long been recognised as being one of the major alarm signals. It is also acting as a hormone involved in plant developmental processes like senescence and thermogenesis (Plant Physiol., 1992, 99, 799-803; Science, 1987, 237, 1601-1602; PNAS, 1989, 86, 2214-2218). In the animal medical field salicylic acid (and its derivatives) has since long been used against inflammation induced fever. Rising temperatures in the human body can be lowered by applying salicylic acid that mediates its effect through COX2, a cyclo-oxygenase. The link between resistance in inflammation and disease, both in animal systems (Journal of Endocrinology, 2003, 178, 1-4) and in plant systems is mediated by the activity of COX2. COX2 has clear homologues in the plant kingdom, like Piox in tobacco (The Plant Cell, 1998, 10, 1523-1537), or pCa-COX1 from pepper, which expression pattern is strongly and quickly induced upon pathogen invasion (J. Exp. Botany, 2002, 53, 383-385). Here we define the plant homologues of these cyclo-oxygenase homologues as perception molecules (receptors) of salicylic acid. Binding of SA to cyclo-oxygenase results in modification of its enzymatic activity, resulting in changes in intracellular (lipid) processes that finally result in SA-mediated induction of resistance within the plant.
Another molecule involved in mediating the SA response towards resistance in plants is SABP2. SABP2 binds salicylic acid with high affinity (PNAS, 2003, 100, 16101-16106). SABP2 hydrolase enzymatic activity is thereby modified, resulting in changes in intracellular lipid processes that finally result in SA-mediated induction of plant resistance. It has recently become known that SABP2 is a methyl esterase that modifies MeSA into SA activating SAR and that SA inhibits this reaction in a feedback loop (PNAS, 2005, 102, 1773-1778). Therefore this molecule is presumably miss defined as receptor.
The brassinosteroid receptor BRI1 (BRassinosteroid Insensitive 1) is a LRR (leucine rich repeats containing) transmembrane receptor kinase (Cell, 1997, 90, 929-938). It belongs to a small family in Arabidopsis comprising: BRI1 (At4g39400); BRL1 (Atlg55610), BRL2 (At2g01950) and BRL3 (At3g13380) (Development, 2004, 131, 5341-5351). BRI1 and homologues are not only directly involved in steroid perception (Nature 2005, 433, 167-171), but also bind with high affinity to systemin (pro-systemin homologue from Arabidopsis: At2g22940), a peptide hormone involved in systemic signalling of resistance responses (PNAS, 2002, 99, 9090-9092). Downstream intracellular pathways for plant steroid signalling have been described (Bioassays, 2001, 23, 1028-1036; Trends in Plant Science, 2004, 9, 91-95).
Another family of receptors involved in the brassinosteroid perception is defined by the RKS (Receptor Kinase-like SERK; Development, 1997, 124, 2049-2062) gene products (WO 04/007712). These RKS gene products are also involved in mediating brassinosteroid signalling in plants and appear to form complexes with the BRI1-like receptors (The Plant Cell, 2004, 16, 3216-3229; Cell, 2002, 110, 213-222; Cell, 2002, 110, 203-212). They are also involved in binding extracellular peptide ligands, represented by candidate peptide ligands like the 14 Arabidopsis GASA (Gibberelic Acid Stimulated Arabidopsis; Plant Mol Biol., 1995, 27, 743-752) gene products that have been postulated to bind directly to the 14 Arabidopsis RKS gene products (WO 04/007712). GASA proteins contain a pocket in their structure that is postulated to be involved in binding brassinosteroids with high affinity. GASA peptide ligands would thereby act as an intermediate between the RKS/BRI-dimers and the brassinosteroid molecule. The dimerisation complex between RKS and other receptors like BRI1 is a dynamic plasma membrane complex, in which different family-members are able to participate as dimerisation partners (see
Modulation of activity of these classes of receptor kinases is regulated by both peptide ligands and steroid hormones. Plant brassinosteroids are available in different forms (described in J. Exp. Botany, 1999, 50, 275-282; The Plant Cell, 2002, S97-S110; Plant Physiol., 2003, 131, 287-297). Apart from these, a number of synthetic agonists or antagonists (Trends in Plant Science, 1999, 4, 348-353) can be used to regulate these receptor activities.
In the protein receptor complex described above the ELS proteins (WO 04/007712) are also involved in perception of brassinosteroids and transmission of the signal and thus in mediating the resistance responses throughout the plant. LRP, the tomato homolog of the Arabidopsis ELS gene products, is specifically induced and surprisingly also proteolytically processed during pathogenesis (Mol. Gen. Genet., 1994, 243, 47-53; Plant J., 1996, 10, 315-330). ELS protein products are therefore clearly involved in the resistance responses, and might play a role in the modulation of brassinosteroid regulation of resistance.
Jasmonate signalling, mediated by jasmonic acid (JA) and a number of derivative molecules, is also known to play an important role in plant resistance as well as in developmental processes like fruit ripening, senescence, and embryo- and pollen development (The Plant Cell, 2002, 14, S153-S164). JA is involved in mediating ubiquination pathways, through the action of F-Box proteins like COI1. Perception of JA might be mediated by gene products like those encoded by the JAI-1 locus (PNAS, 2002, 99, 6416-6422) or by receptors yet to be identified.
Plants have developed sophisticated processes of activating a systemic immunity mechanism throughout the whole plant. In many aspects this secondary defence barrier is comparable to a vaccination response in humans, and overlapping elements depend on similar gene products and signalling pathways that remained conserved during evolution between plants and animals (EMBO reports, 2005, 6, 504-507). The systemic resistance response in plants can be broadly divided into systemic acquired resistance (SAR) and induced systemic resistance (ISR) (Curr Opin Plant Biol., 2004, 7, 456-464). Although these different modes of resistance are each effective against a broad range of pathogens, their responses are at this stage more or less specific for different classes of pathogens (Mol Plant Microbe Interact., 2002, 15, 27-34). A broad-spectrum resistance response aimed against bacteria or viruses is not necessarily resulting in an induced level of resistance against e.g. nematodes or aphids. Besides each signalling cascade is induced and transmitted by combinations of different signalling molecules (Trends in Genetics, 2000, 16, 449-455).
Normally, the systemic transport of these plant-produced signals results in systemic induction of long-term broad resistance. However, the specific combinations of plant signals together dictate the specific nature of the resulting long-lasting systemic response. Some responses are triggered already by the presence of one signalling chemical; others have overlapping requirements for different chemicals altogether. Examples of the signal compounds are salicylic acid, jasmonic acid, ethylene, (Nature Biotechn., 2000, 18, 779-783), and brassinosteroids (WO 04/007712). Peptide factors such as systemin and GASA are known to interfere with brassinosteroid signal perception, as discussed above. Artificial application from outside the plants by e.g. spraying these specific signalling molecules is able to activate the desired induced resistance responses within the plant. Modulation of the concentration and the composition of the various systemic plant signals in the spraying solutions allows for the modulation of acquisition of systemic resistance.
These systemic signals are perceived by the cells and organs in the parts of the plants, which are not directly involved in the infection process. This perception is accomplished by specific receptors for each of these systemic signal molecules.
Controlling the level of disease resistance in (mono)cultures of crop plants under field conditions is a constant struggle between the producing farmer on one side and the various natural pathogens on the other side. The plant itself often consists of a clonal variety bred for high yield levels, and its genomic make-up is generally not optimized for optimal disease resistance. The major tool available for protection of the growing plants or the subsequent protection of the harvested crop consists of the application of biocides, such as fungicides, bactericides and insecticides. The current understanding of environmental problems associated with these chemicals has resulted in prohibiting many of the available chemicals, leaving farmers without available alternatives for the control of diseases. Many of the currently ongoing classical breeding strategies aimed at disease resistance will take many years to come to produce new valuable hybrids and cultivars for commercial application. However, in the last decades numerous attempts have been made to increase the resistance by genetic engineering, e.g. by transforming the plant with components of the hypersensitive response and intermediates of the signal molecules (Transgenic Res., 2002, 11, 599-613). Most of these transgenic alternatives have, as for yet, not reached the market.
One method in which the farmer takes advantage of the plant's natural defence mechanism is by priming the defence response by administration of signalling compounds such as salicylic acid. These signalling compounds can be applied within the environment (soil additive, spraying, dusting, etc.). The disadvantage of this approach, however, is that the signalling compounds, while they need to be administered in high doses to compensate for losses of spraying and losses during uptake by the plant, at least in the concentration in which they have to be used to induce ISR, are partly toxic and/or environmentally unfriendly. Using the plant's own machinery offers an alternative through an increased endogenous production of the signalling compounds by the plant itself. Hereby the genes regulating the levels of active signalling compounds (like SA, brassinosteroids, etc.) are expressed within the transgenic plant itself under the control of an inducible/tissue specific or stage specific promoter. Modulation of the steady state level of these gene products in turn regulates the level of active signalling compounds. Examples of such gene products are the proteases involved in cleaving the pro-systemin peptide, or the DWARF4 gene product (Plant Journal 26 2001 573-582). A specific disadvantage of the latter approaches is that the whole plant is induced, which often is not necessary and reduces the overall fitness (and yield) of the plant.
In order to achieve a primed state, i.e. a state which itself does not elicit a resistance response, but that induces an increased response to a second (or real) stimulus, a cascade of events has to be set into action upon a given stimulus. In the case of plant defence it can be a non-pathogenic soil bacterium (Ann. Rev. Phytopathol. (1998) 36: 453-483) or a chemical such β-aminobutyric acid (BABA—Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2000) 97(23): 12920-12925). Although no active defence response is induced and no or limited changes in gene expression take place, changes must occur both at the molecular and at the physiological level. To date our knowledge of these changes is limited and even more with respect to the actual regulation mechanism(s). Signalling events that lead to the onset of priming are indeed poorly understood but represent the key steps on which to operate in order to control priming and thereby achieve efficient crop protection, rather than searching for new priming-inducing agents without fully knowing what to act on.
Signalling cascades, including those involved in plant defence, largely depend on signal transduction, starting with the recognition of a signal by a receptor followed by a series of phosphorylations and dephosphorylations leading to a cellular response. Acting at this level seems to be the strategy of choice in order to influence and eventually trigger priming even in the absence of signal or further enhance priming in combination with the signal.
In order to mimic a proper signal one can think of modulating the activity of one or more receptors towards the ubiquitous activation or inhibition of specific pathways resulting in the primed state of a plant. Although the molecular mechanism(s) underlying priming are not yet understood those that govern the defence responses that are amplified as a result of priming are well studied and characterised.
Accordingly, there is a large need for alternative strategies for enhancing disease resistance in plants that would as little as possible interfere with the fitness and yield characteristics of the plant. One of those strategies is priming.
The invention now provides a method for priming and enhancing pathogen resistance in plants by providing these plants with an increased expression of an RKS receptor.
The enhancement of the sensitivity of plants for induced resistance is achieved by increasing the number of receptor molecules per cell/organ.
Increase in perception can be performed by increasing the amount of warning signal receptors but also by increasing the (local) concentration of these warning signals themselves. This can be performed by administration or by (local) endogenous production of these signals like brassinosteroids.
A specific embodiment is formed by a method wherein the DNA sequence coding for the receptor is under control of a tissue specific promoter (like promoters specifically expressed in fruits, seeds, or flowers) or an inducible promoter, like pathogen inducible promoters, detergent inducible promoters (TWEEN20; Hunzicker, G. M., et al. (2004) Proceedings for the 4th International Crop Science Congress, Brisbane, Australia, 26 Sep.—1 Oct. 2004), heat shock inducible promoters (Biochem Biophys Res Commun., 200, 321, 364-369), steroid inducible promoters (either animal steroids (e.g. Plant J., 2005, 41, 899-918) or plant steroids (e.g. promoter of At2g14560), tetracyclin-repressor-based promoter systems (Plant J., 2000, 21, 579-588) etc.
A further specific embodiment is formed by a method wherein the DNA sequence coding for the receptor is chimaeric, wherein chimaeric means that the ligand recognising part of the above mentioned receptors has been replaced by a ligand recognising part of another receptor, such as a different signal compound recognising receptor from the selection mentioned above, a steroid receptor, receptor for PAMPs, sterols, peptides, or a receptor for other diffusible molecules involved in mediating a systemic resistance response.
Also part of the invention are plants which are produced by a method according to the invention. A specific embodiment of such a plant is a plant in which two or more receptors, which may or may not be chimaeric, have been introduced. Further part of the invention is an inbred plant variety produced from the offspring of said plant wherein said variety still contains the increased sensitivity for induced resistance. Similar results can be obtained by combining different overexpressing constructs involved in the same pathway, like a construct coding for a receptor in combination with a construct coding for a downstream target molecule like a transcription factor.
Another embodiment of the invention is a method to prime or to induce resistance in a plant or a variety according to the invention, comprising applying a ligand molecule to said plant or variety, which is able to bind to and stimulate the heterologous or chimaeric receptor with which the plant or variety is provided. Said application preferably comprises spraying of the molecule.
Proteins interacting with RKS receptors are shown in dark grey. BRL stands for BRI1-like and other RLKs (receptor like kinases) that may heterodimerise with RKS. NHL (NDR1/HIN1-like) and SPL (Squamosa-binding Protein-Like) correspond to the members of these two families that interact with RKS. Upstream and downstream components are indicated in light grey.
Nine-day old Arabidopsis seedlings, ecotype Columbia (Col-0) or Wassilewskija (WS-0), were sprayed with mock-Silwet L-77 (0.01%) (MQ=water+Silwet) or 0.05 mM brassinosteroids(+0.01% Silwet L-77=Bras). After drying, the plants were incubated in the long day growth chamber (MPMI 2005, 18, 583-592). After two days half of the plants were sprayed on their leaves with Waco9 (50 spores/μL; European journal of Plant Pathology, 2001, 107, 63-68). Plants (40 seedlings per line) were scored for sporulation, 7 days post inoculation. The mock was used as a control. Experimental infections and analyses were performed as previously described (MPMI 2005, 18, 583-592). This showed that, two days after spraying the mock and, Brassinosteroid mix, the plants sprayed with brassinosteroids were elongated but after six days they looked almost the same as the mock, only treated with 0.01% Silwett-L77 in water (just slightly more elongated. Also some of the cotyledons had turned upside-down. Col-0 and Ws-0 plants sprayed with brassinosteroids showed less sporulation of Waco9 compared to the mock control.
A. Effect of 24-epibrassinolide (EBL) concentration on root growth as measured on Ws-0 (WT), RKS4-OX1 and RKS10 (BAK1, Cell, 2002, 110, 213-222) overexpression (RKS10-OX) seedlings after 9 days on vertical plates. B. Root length on 0.1 nM EBL. Each square is 1 cm2. C. Effect of high EBL concentration on root growth of RKS4 KO (knock-out) lines (see
A. T-DNA insertion sites on the RKS4 gene. B. RT-PCR analysis of the RKS4 full-length messenger in 10 day-old seedlings from wild-type (Ws-0 and Col-0), an overexpression line (RKS4-OX) and two T-DNA insertion lines (rks4-1 and rks4-2). A no template control was included and equal amounts of cDNA template were assessed on the constitutive ubiquitin gene (Ubi). The position of the different oligonucleotides used within the RT-PCR reaction is indicated with respect to the different T-DNA integration sites.
A. Overexpression of RKS4 (RKS4-OX1) shows induced levels of resistance against the pathogen Pseudomonas syringae. This is represented by the disease index on the Y axis. Extrapolation of available data suggests that knock out lines of RKS4 are also involved in mediating resistance responses. Resistance assays were performed as described previously (Plant Cell 1996, 8, 1225-1237; Plant cell 1998, 10, 1571-1580). B. KO of RKS4 (rks4-1; increased expression of N-terminus, see
This was performed by quantitative RT-PCR (qRT-PCR) using the Primer Library for Arabidopsis Pathogen-inducible genes (SIGMA) on RNA isolated from 10d-old seedlings from Ws-0, 35S::RKS4 and 35S::RKS10. Fold induction corresponds to the average of three replicates in expression changes (2−ΔΔCt values) after normalisation with Actin (control primers of the library) and using the wild-type as a reference. The error bars correspond to the standard deviation between replicates. A. RLK1=At5g60900, WAK1=Atlg21250, HEL (hevein-like protein)=PR4=At3g04720 and WRKY70=At3g56400. B. ZAT7 (C2H2 zing finger protein)=At3g46090 and the peptide is encoded by At2g32200. It shows that RKS4 overexpression induces the expression of specific defence-related genes, confirming its involvement in disease resistance.
Histograms shown in panels (b), (e), (f) and (g) are based on measurements performed on plants with RKS4 altered expression and depict changes in percentages related to the corresponding wild-type (Col-0 for rks4-1 and -2; Ws-0 for RKS4-OX1 and 2). Statistical significance of the observed differences was analyzed by t-test and the * indicates that the measured differences are not statistically significant (i.e. p-value >0.05).
(a) Increased flower size due to RKS4 overexpression (RKS4-OX1) versus wild-type Ws-0 (WT) (scale bar=1 mm).
(b) Influence of RKS4 overexpression on petal and petal epidermis cell size. The number of cells/petal was obtained by dividing the mean of the petal surface area by the mean of the cell surface area.
(c) Altered leaf shape in rosettes of RKS4-OX1 plants (scale bar in cm).
(d) Overview of rosette shape and size in RKS4-OX1 and WT plants (scale bar in cm).
(e) Influence of RKS4 altered expression on cotyledon size based on measurements of the surface area of cotyledons and of their palisade mesophyll cells. The number of cells per cotyledon was obtained by dividing the mean surface area of the cotyledons by the one of the mesophyll cells.
(f) Influence of RKS4 altered expression on seed yield determined by seed length and weight measurement.
(g) Influence of RKS4 altered expression on root length as measured on 9 day-old seedlings grown on vertical plates.
(h-i) Changes in root tip mitotic activity caused by overexpression of RKS4. (h)
From left to right: GUS positive/dividing cells in the root tip of a 7-d old seedling containing the pCDG construct (Colón-Carmona, A., You, R., Haimovitch-Gal, T. and Peter Doerner, O. (1999) Spatio-temporal analysis of mitotic activity with a labile cyclin-GUS fusion protein. Plant J. 20, 503-508) alone; reduced number of dividing cells in the root tip of a 7-d old F1 seedling from a cross between RKS4-OX1 and pCDG; root tip of a 7-d old F1 seedling from a cross between RKS4-OX2 and pCDG (scale bar=50 um). (i) Histogram of the average number of GUS positive cells per root tip in the main root (standard deviation indicated by the error bars).
Ws-0, Col-0, pGREEN 4K (empty vector control) and 35S::RKS10 were used as controls. The graph shows that fresh weight is increased, again in the overexpression and in the KO lines, which is in agreement with the data in
A. qRT-PCR analysis of the reporter gene At2g14560 (a marker for both brassinosteroid induction and for NPR-1 mediated resistance activation). RKS4-OX1 (RKS4S 6) and rks4-1 (ko566568) both show an increase of mRNA levels of this reporter, indicating a function of the N-terminal fragments of RKS4 (as visualised in
At2g14560 mRNA levels were detected by qRT-PCR after spraying of Brassinomix (diluted stock of brassinosteroids, 0.05 or 0.01 mM (resp. 1:1000 or 1:5000 diluted), mixed with Silwett L-77 (final concentration 0.01%)) or a mock solution of 0.01% Silwett L-77. This shows a very strong increase in the amplitude of brassinosteroid responses in the RKS4-OX1 line (RKS4S 6) compared to the wild-type WS control. This increase is already detected at 3 hours after spraying the brassinosteroids. This time is too short for indirect activation responses. The RKS-mediated signalling therefore has a direct effect on transcriptional activation by this brassinosteroid and NPR-1 activated reporter genes. The mRNA levels of At2g14560 within the wild-type and transformed plants at time point t=0, just prior to spraying are used as the baseline in this figure. For each experiment 3 plants were treated and harvested. Material was mixed for mRNA isolation. Q-PCR experiments were performed in triplo, standard errors are indicated.
Interestingly, the optimal brassinosteroid concentration in the RKS4-OX1 plants was the most diluted one (0.01 mM), confirming that too much brassinosteroids does not have stimulating effects any more. Therefore both receptor levels and brassinosteroid levels together determine the final responses of the plant.
Results shown in all panels represent the protection index obtained in each line which corresponds to the percentage of symptom-free leaves as compared to the wild-type.
A. Resistance to Pseudomonas syringae pv tomato DC3000 (Pst). Symptoms were scored on Arabidopsis rosette leaves 5 days post inoculation (dpi). Significant protection can be obtained in a number of cases, especially with the GT5 and GT19 lines that overexpress 2 different forms of the RKS4 gene.
B. Resistance to Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. raphani. Symptoms were scored on Arabidopsis rosette leaves 28 dpi. Significant protection can be obtained in an even large number of cases than with Pst, and again especially with the GT5 and GT19 lines that overexpress several forms of the RKS4 gene but also with GT10 and GT12 in which the RKS10 and RKS12 genes respectively are overexpressed.
C. Resistance to Frankliniella occidentalis (Western Flower Thrips, also known as greenhouse thrips). Symptoms were scored on Arabidopsis rosette leaves 14 dpi. Again the highest levels of protection are mostly obtained with the GT5 and GT19 lines.
Callose deposition was observed on Arabidopsis leaves after infection with Hyaloperonospora parasitica essentially as described by Ton et al. (Plant Cell (2005) 17(3):987-999).
A. Example of germinating conidiospore in a wild-type leaf (WT). No callose deposition is observed as a result of the infection that can proceed normally.
B. Example of germinating conidiospore in a GT19-A14 leaf. Callose deposition (indicated by the arrow) is observed right in front of the elongating hyphae, which process is mechanically hindered by the callose plug.
C. Quantification of callose formation as a result of H. parasitica infection. Wild-type leaves were also treated with BABA as a control. The level of callose deposition in untreated GT19 plants is roughly the same as in BABA-treated plants, indicating that GT19 plants might as upon BABA treatment be better prepared to cope with H. parasitica infection.
The basis of the invention is to increase the sensitivity of a plant for induced resistance by priming. As has been discussed in the introduction the induced resistance is caused by a reaction of a plant to an attack by a pathogen, which attack subsequently results in the dispersal of systemic signalling compounds such as salicylic acid, jasmonic acid and brassinosteroids. These compounds are perceived by specific receptors in the plant cell. By studying the family of Receptor Kinases like SERK (RKS) for their role in plants it has now been found that modulating their activity could lead to improved disease resistance (copending European Patent Publication No. EP1621629 and the present Examples as well as to improved stress tolerance (Copending European Patent Application EP 07109621 and Example 6). The spectrum of protection thereby achieved is strikingly similar to what can be obtained with priming using chemicals such as BABA (MPMI (2006) 19(10): 1062-1071). In addition as upon treatment with BABA (MPMI (2005) 18(8): 819-829) callose deposition is enhanced in RKS transgenic plants during infection with Hyaloperonospora parasitica, which hinders hyphal growth and leads to induced resistance to the pathogen (
In line with this hypothesis no major gene expression changes occur in unchallenged plants and there is no fitness cost associated with the modulation of the RKS receptors. In fact, in some cases organ size including seed size is even increased (European Patent Publication Nos. EP1382682 and EP1621629) suggesting improved fitness. On the other hand metabolite analyses of unchallenged (modified) RKS transgenic plants showed that a number of compounds are differentially present, mostly more abundant, as compared to control wild-type plants (Example 7). Interestingly most of these compounds are also found to be more abundant in Arabidopsis and Brassica leaves when treated with the defence signal molecule methyl jasmonate (MeJA—Plant Science (2006) 170(6): 1118-1124 and Phytochemistry (2006) 67(22): 2503-2511) as well as in milk thistle (Silybum marianum) cells treated with an elicitor or MeJA (J. Biotechnol. (2007) 1320(2): 133-142), or in Brassica leaves upon attack by herbivorous insects (J. Chem. Ecol. (2006) 32(11):2417-2428) or pre-harvest bacterial contamination (Food Chem. (2008) 107(1):362-368—advanced on-line publication). Based on the treatments applied to the plants in these examples such changes in metabolite profiles could be associated with the onset of defence responses. In the last example, the study is focused on microbial contamination of food products that have an impact on human health; plants were therefore inoculated with (for the plant) non-pathogenic bacteria. As a result the authors conclude that this spectrum of metabolic changes does not represent an active defence response of the plant but rather a form of priming as observed in the presence of non-pathogenic rhizobacteria. Although metabolic changes upon root colonisation by a rhizobacterium are to our knowledge not described, this is a valid assumption in view of the results obtained upon herbivory attack (J. Chem. Ecol. (2006) 32(11):2417-2428) that are indeed fully in line with a priming effect that can be caused by herbivores (Plant J. (2007) 49(1):16-26 and Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (2007) 104(13):5467-5472). In addition jasmonate (JA) production is known to be increased after wounding and damage caused by herbivores and MeJA treatment can mimic priming as induced by non-pathogenic rhizobacteria (Mol. Plant-Microbe Interact. (2002) 15(1):27-34 and Plant. Mol. Biol. (1999) 41(4): 537-549).
Noteworthy among the differential metabolites identified in unchallenged plants is γ-amino butyric acid (GABA). Its involvement in stress tolerance has been repeatedly demonstrated (Crit. Rev. Plant Sci. (2000) 19(0):479-509) and was also proposed as one of the reasons for increased stress tolerance in RKS transgenic plants (Copending European Patent Application EP 07109621). Based on the evidence reviewed by the authors it is reasonable to assume that GABA is—directly or indirectly—involved in a form of priming. Recent work provides further support to this hypothesis by establishing the link between GABA and volatile-induced defence responses (Mirabella et al. The Plant Journal OnlineEarly Articles). An increase in GABA, as found in the RKS transgenic plants, is therefore in agreement with a role of the RKS receptors in amplifying defence responses through priming.
All together these observations suggest that plants in which RKS receptor activity is modulated are indeed likely to be primed for induced defence responses. This hypothesis is further strengthened by transcriptome analysis of RKS plants after infection with the bacterium Pseudomonas syringae (Example 8). Functional categorisation of the differentially expressed genes shows that plant defence pathways are indeed enhanced as compared to control plants, which also corroborates the results previously obtained with pathogenicity tests using this bacterium (Patent Publication No. EP1621629 and Example 6). Moreover, when comparing these results with publically available data it is clear that JA-modulated genes are over-represented (Example 8). Placing the differential genes thereby identified on the Arabidopsis metabolic map revealed that pathways leading for example to the formation of phenylpropanoids as well as isoprenoids are activated (Example 9) both of which are known to actively contribute to plant defence and to be modulated by JA (Plant Cell Environ. (2004) 27( ):675-684). This is in line with the analysis of Example 8 and once again draws a parallel with BABA-induced priming in which enhanced defence responses are correlated with JA signalling. A specific point of interest in the pathways that are activated in the transgenic RKS4 plants is the synthesis of monoterpenes via the up-regulation of the genes coding for the terpene synthases TPS03 and TPS10. Both enzymes are directly linked with plant defence through the production of several volatiles that act directly on the invader but can also act as a warning signal within the plant or towards other plants in order to activate or amplify defence responses, including during abiotic stress (Crit. Rev. Plant Sci. (2006) 25: 417-440). Therefore priming by an RKS receptor could also be achieved through the increased production of volatiles mimicking priming as induced by herbivores or wounding (Plant J. (2007) 49(1):16-26 and Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (2007) 104(13):5467-5472).
Although genes were not found for other branches of linked pathways one can assume that the synthesis of other isoprenoids is likely to be either directly or indirectly affected by such changes, and in particular the giberellic acid pathway including the expression of an ent-kaurene synthase gene is up-regulated. Changes in ABA synthesis, for example, will inevitably influence defence responses (Plant Cell (2007) 19(5):1665-1681). Interestingly sugar metabolism is also influenced in RKS4 transgenic plants which might reflect resource reallocations that would be in line with the lack of fitness costs. Besides by favouring the accumulation of trehalose-6-phosphate, which is a key molecule in carbohydrate sensing (EP 0 901 527), a feedback loop could be acting on ABA signalling as well as on the phosphorylation of α-D-glucose through the inhibition of HXK1 or on starch biosynthesis (Plant Physiol. (2007) 144(1): 3-5) all of which will influence plant health.
Interestingly a side branch of isoprenoid synthesis at the bottom of the MEP pathway leads to cytokinin synthesis, in which 4 genes are found to be differentially regulated in the RKS4 transgenic plants. This could again be in favour of the lack of fitness costs through the growth promotion effect of cytokinin.
In addition pyruvate necessary for the first step of the MEP pathway is produced from several other synthesis routes such as tryptophan, glucosinolate or salicylic acid synthesis, which can be derived from the gene annotation of a number of differentially regulated genes. For example a tryptophan synthase is up-regulated, as well as 3 myrosinase binding proteins involved in glucosinolate metabolism indicating that the latter, well known for its role in plant defence responses (Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (2007) 104(3):1075-1080), is also influenced by the modified activity of the RKS4 receptor. Another example is BSMT1, responsible for the methylation of salicylic acid, which also makes the link with the other main pathway that is modulated in RKS4 plants, phenylpropanoid synthesis.
Clear defence responses can also be deduced from this pathway, not only in relation to salicylate methylation that is essential for systemic acquired resistance (Science (2007) 318(5847): 113-116) but also to lignin synthesis for example. The latter is indeed, like callose deposition, associated with a physical response of the plant to a pathogen, i.e. cell wall strengthening in order to prevent it from invading its cells (‘The Role of Phenols in Plant Defense’ in ‘Phenolic Compound Biochemistry’ (2006) 211-234). In addition phenylpropanoids in general are associated with stress tolerance for example as UV-B protectant (Plant Cell Envir. (2004) 27(6): 675-684) or antioxidant both for plant defence as well as human health (Curr. Topics Nutr. Res. (2004) 2(1): 47-65).
Modulation of volatile production and the plant responses thereby activated might be the common denominator in the changes induced by the (modified) RKS receptors.
An increase of the expression of the RKS receptor in a plant will preferably be performed by transformation of the plant cell with a nucleotide construct, which comprises the coding sequence for such a receptor molecule.
The BRI/RKS dimerising transmembrane protein complex (see
Surprisingly, it has been established by the present inventors that overexpression of the BRI1-receptor does not enhance the pathogen resistance of a plant, whereas overexpression of an RKS-receptor has a marked effect (see Experimental Section). This suggests, that, as far as involvement in the pathogen resistance pathway is concerned, the RKS receptors seem to be a limiting factor.
This makes it an important group of receptors, which are very suitable for use in the present invention. The perception mechanism of these receptors resembles that of the inflammation responses in animal systems, which are controlled by steroids. There, glucocorticoid application reduces the primary responses towards pathogen invasion. This process is modulated by a reduction of mRNA stability of several key regulators of the inflammatory response, e.g. COX2. Furthermore these steroids regulate the activity of several transmembrane TOLL-like receptor complexes such as IL-1 (J. Endocrinology, 2003, 178, 1-4). Homologues of the TOLL-like receptors in plants are represented by a subgroup of LRR receptor kinases, containing among others the BRI1 and RKS homologues together involved in plant steroid signal transduction. One of the pathways modulated by plant steroid signalling is the intracellular MAP kinases pathway (FEBS Lett., 2001, 2, 346-50), which is in animal systems a target for inhibition by glucocorticoids (Curr Opin Pharmacol., 2003, 3, 404-11). These data led to the hypothesis that plant steroid signalling and SA signalling show extensive cross-talk with each other, and that they mediate this interaction by using similar pathways and gene products as in animal systems. Each of these signalling compounds by itself is able to regulate resistance responses, for which they use partially overlapping intracellular processes.
It has now been established that overexpression of such a receptor primes for a higher level of pathogen resistance in a plant. A higher level, indeed, because it appears that there already is an endogenous (low) level of signalling compound, which is able to stimulate the receptor, which sets the cascade, discussed above, running and which then leads to a (low) level of induced resistance. This is in particular advantageous since this already provides a level of resistance without the need for additionally applying the signalling compound. This can be seen as an explanation for the priming effect by an increased sensitivity of the downstream cascade, which makes it possible to use ligands, which can stimulate compounds of the downstream cascade for increasing the level of resistance. These ligands can, inter alia, be chosen from the group consisting of SPL, At4g14400, At4g23130, NPR1, At2914610, At2g14560 and other proteins that are part of the downstream cascade. Since it has appeared that there is crosstalk between the brassinosteroid anti-pathogenic cascade and e.g. the SA pathogen resistance cascade, it is possible that application of other factors, such as plant steroids, elicitors from pathogens or fragments thereof, SA, JA and extracellular peptides with a signalling function like GASA or systemin or fragments of these peptides, can be used to boost the activated cascade.
It has further been found that overexpression of the receptor for priming and/or enhancing resistance is bound to an optimum. Apparently, too much receptor can give overstimulation of the downstream cascade, which suggests that it is auto-regulated by inhibition mechanisms (see
The RKS family (Receptor Kinase like SERK) forms the LRRII RLK subfamily as defined by (PNAS (2001) 98:10763-10768) based on the copy number and structural arrangement of the Leucine-Rich-Repeats (LRRs). It consists of 14 members in Arabidopsis for which the corresponding genes were first described (see WO 01/29240 and WO 2004/007712) and are listed below.
Three subgroups can be defined based on kinase domain sequence (J. Mol. Evol. (2006) 63: 612-621). Subgroup I consists of RKS1, RKS4 RKS5, RKS7, RKS11 and RKS14, subgroup II of: RKS0, RKS8, RKS12 and RKS13 and subgroup III of RKS2, RKS3 and RKS6. The RKS receptors all contain the 3 characteristic domains of this subfamily: an extracellular domain consisting of 5 LRRs arranged in tandem in a single continuous block, a transmembrane domain and an intracellular kinase domain. The first four LRRs of the extracellular domain are full-length (24 amino acids) whereas LRR5 is truncated and consists of 16 residues only and in RKS3 LRR4 has been deleted. Intron position and number is conserved except in the extracellular domain of RKS3 and in the kinase domain of RKS2 and RKS6.
Based on amino acid sequence the family can be further subdivided into 3 groups (see WO 01/29240 and WO 2004/007712) also recently described by Zhang et al. (J. Mol. Evol. (2006) 63: 612-621) when looking at the kinase domain. Furthermore subgroup II has a common SPP box preceding the transmembrane domain (Schmidt et al. (1997) Dev. 124: 2049-2062) absent from the other subgroups. On the other hand subgroup I distinguishes itself from the others by for example the presence of the ‘PSQ’ motif in LRR1 or the ‘LQNNxI’ motif in LRR2, that are conserved across species.
Orthologous receptors from other plants and the coding sequences for these receptors, which have not yet been isolated, can be used as well. It is believed that these coding sequences will be homologous to the sequences disclosed in the above mentioned references. Thus, in principle any nucleotide sequence, which is homologous to said sequences and which codes for a protein that at least functions as an RKS receptor would be useful. These nucleotide sequences can be isolated from plants expressing orthologous receptors, however, these nucleotide sequences can also be made by modifying the existing nucleotide sequences, which then would code for muteins of the already known receptors. Muteins of the receptors of the invention are proteins that are obtained from the already known receptors by replacing, adding and/or deleting one or more amino acids, while still retaining their function as receptor for systemic signalling compounds. Such muteins can readily be made by protein engineering, e.g. by changing the open reading frame capable of encoding the protein so that the amino acid sequence is thereby affected. As long as the changes in the amino acid sequences do not altogether abolish the activity of the protein such muteins are embraced in the present invention. Further, it should be understood that muteins should be derivable from the known receptors while retaining biological activity, i.e. all, or a great part of the intermediates between the mutein and the protein depicted in the sequence listing should be capable of being induced by systemic signalling compounds. A great part would mean 30% or more of the intermediates, preferably 40% of more, more preferably 50% or more, more preferably 60% or more, more preferably 70% or more, more preferably 80% or more, more preferably 90% or more, more preferably 95% or more, more preferably 99% or more.
Thus, also part of the invention are receptors which are at least 70% identical to known proteins, but more preferably more than 80% identical, more preferably more than 90% identical and most preferably more than 95% identical to the above discussed known receptors. For calculation of percentage identity the BLAST algorithm can be used (Nucl. Acids Res., 1997, 25, 3389-3402) using default parameters or, alternatively, the GAP algorithm (J. Mol. Biol., 1970, 48, 443-453), using default parameters, which both are included in the Wisconsin Genetics Software Package, Genetics Computer Group (GCG), 575 Science, Madison, Wis., USA. BLAST searches assume that proteins can be modelled as random sequences. However, many real proteins comprise regions of non-random sequences, which may be homopolymeric tracts, short-period repeats, or regions enriched in one or more amino acids. Such low-complexity regions may be aligned between unrelated proteins even though other regions of the protein are entirely dissimilar. A number of low-complexity filter programs can be employed to reduce such low-complexity alignments. For example, the SEG (Comput. Chem., 1993, 17, 149-163) and XNU (Comput. Chem., 1993, 17, 191-201) low-complexity filters can be employed alone or in combination. As used herein, ‘sequence identity’ or ‘identity’ or ‘homology’ in the context of two protein sequences (or nucleotide sequences) includes reference to the residues in the two sequences which are the same when aligned for maximum correspondence over a specified comparison window. When percentage of sequence identity is used in reference to proteins it is recognised that residue positions which are not identical often differ by conservative amino acid substitutions, where amino acids are substituted for other amino acid residues with similar chemical properties (e.g. charge or hydrophobicity) and therefore do not change the functional properties of the molecule. Where sequences differ in conservative substitutions, the percentage sequence identity may be adjusted upwards to correct for the conservative nature of the substitutions. Sequences, which differ by such conservative substitutions are said to have ‘sequence similarity’ or ‘similarity’. Means for making these adjustments are well known to persons skilled in the art. Typically this involves scoring a conservative substitution as a partial rather than a full mismatch, thereby increasing the percentage sequence identity. Thus, for example, where an identical amino acid is given a score of 1 and a non-conservative substitution is give a score of zero, a conservative substitution is given a score between 0 and 1. The scoring of conservative substitutions is calculated, e.g. according to the algorithm of Meyers and Miller (Computer Applic. Biol. Sci., 1998, 4, 11-17).
As used herein, ‘percentage of sequence identity’ means the value determined by comparing two optimally aligned sequences over a comparison window, wherein the portion of the amino acid sequence or nucleotide sequence in the comparison window may comprise additions or deletions (i.e., gaps) as compared to the reference sequence for optimal alignment of the two sequences. The percentage is calculated by determining the number of positions at which the identical amino acid or nucleic acid base residue occurs in both sequences to yield the number of matched positions, dividing the number of matched positions by the total number of positions in the window of comparison and multiplying the result by 100 to yield the percentage of sequence identity.
In general not all amino acids of a protein and not all nucleotides of a nucleotide sequence are equally well interchangeable. In most case proteins have one or more regions which are important or crucial for the function. For the RKS receptors of the invention it is easy to determine the less variable regions by aligning the sequences (which can be found in WO 04/007712) and determining so-called consensus sequences, i.e. parts of the protein which are well conserved between homologous sequences with the same function. When trying to design variants (or muteins) of the RKS receptors, these consensus sequences should preferably be kept intact, while other regions may be varied more. In the group of RKS receptors the most preferred are RKS1, RKS4, RKS5, RKS7, RKS11 and RKS14. This subgroup I shares specific consensus sequences described above. Very important is to mention that partial receptors, e.g. only (parts of the) extracellular domain or only intracellular domain or fragments thereof are able to act as constitutive active compounds in the heterodimer receptor protein complex. Our results indicate that the N-terminal part of RKS4 (the extracellular domain) might act as a constitutive activator of the brassinosteroid response with respect to resistance (
When, in the present invention the N-terminal part of an RKS receptor is mentioned, the extracellular domain of said RKS receptor is meant. A person skilled in the art will understand what part of the receptor is meant by the extracellular domain. Besides, in WO 04/007712 the extracellular domains of the RKS receptors have been indicated.
A further embodiment of the invention is formed by chimaeric receptors, in which the ligand binding part of the above mentioned receptors is replaced by a ligand binding part of another receptor, such as a different signal compound recognising receptor or e.g. a steroid receptor. In this way it is possible to induce different IR pathways, which are triggered by different receptors, as discussed above, by one and the same signal molecule or ligand. This also enables the use of cheaper and more readily available compounds for the induction of the IR response. One example, for instance is to replace the ligand binding part of the RKS receptor with the SA-binding part of the salicyclic acid receptor. After transformation of plants with both the native salicylic acid receptor and the chimaeric RKS receptor application of salicylic acid would trigger both the salicylic acid induced response and the brassinosteroid-induced response. It is, however, also possible to use ligand-binding parts of receptors and ligands, which are not involved in pathogen resistance. It would, for instance be possible to replace the ligand-binding part of any of the above mentioned receptors by the ligand-binding part of another not-related LRR-receptor kinase like ERECTA (Plant Cell, 1996, 8, 735-746).
The nucleotide sequences will need to be expressed in the plant(s) into which they are transformed. For this a genetic construct (expression cassette) that comprises an expressible nucleotide sequence is needed. The expression of the nucleotide sequence depends on the operational elements contained in such a construct, such as a promoter, a terminator, and enhancing elements. The term “promoter” is intended to mean a short DNA sequence to which RNA polymerase and/or other transcription initiation factors bind prior to transcription of the DNA to which the promoter is functionally connected, allowing transcription to take place. The promoter is usually situated upstream (5′) of the coding sequence. In its broader scope, the term “promoter” includes the RNA polymerase binding site as well as regulatory sequence elements located within several hundreds of base pairs, occasionally even further away, from the transcription start site. Such regulatory sequences are, e.g. sequences that are involved in the binding of protein factors that control the effectiveness of transcription initiation in response to physiological conditions. The promoter region should be functional in the host cell and preferably corresponds to the natural promoter region of the receptor protein. However, any heterologous promoter region can be used as long as it is functional in the host cell where expression is desired. The heterologous promoter can be either constitutive, tissue or developmental specific or regulable. A constitutive promoter such as the CaMV 35S promoter or T-DNA promoters, all well known to those skilled in the art, are promoters, which are subjected to substantially no regulation such as induction or repression, but which allows for a steady and substantially unchanged transcription of the DNA sequence to which it is functionally bound in all or most of the active cells of the organism provided that other requirements for the transcription to take place are fulfilled. A tissue-specific promoter is a promoter, which restricts the expression of the coding sequence to a limited part of the plant, i.e. a special tissue and/or a special cell type. An often used tissue-specific promoter is the Rubisco promoter (which is specific for green parts of the plants). A regulable or inducible promoter is a promoter of which the function is regulated by one or more factors, either internally present or externally added (Trends in biotechnology 2005, 23, 283-290). In the absence of an inducer, the DNA sequence will either not be transcribed or will be transcribed at a reduced level relative to transcription levels in the presence of an inducer. In certain instances, a factor may bind specifically to an inducible promoter to activate transcription, said factor being present in an inactive form and convertible (either directly or indirectly) to an active form by the inducer. The inducer may be a chemical/biochemical agent, such as a protein, metabolite (sugar, alcohol, etc.) a growth regulator, a herbicide, or a phenolic compound. Alternatively, the inducer may be a directly imposed physiological stress (for example, heat, salt, wounding, toxic elements, etc.) or an indirectly imposed physiological stress (for example, the action of a pathogen or disease agent, such as a virus). A plant cell containing an inducible promoter may be exposed to an inducer by external application of the inducer to the cell such as by spraying, watering, heating, or similar methods. Examples of inducible promoters include the inducible 70 kD heat shock promoter of Drosophila melanogaster (Ann. Rev. Genet., 1985, 19, 297-323) and the alcohol dehydrogenase promoter which is induced by ethanol (Nagao, R. T. et al., in: Miflin, B. J. (ed.) Oxford Surveys of Plant Molecular and Cell Biology, Vol. 3., pp. 384-438, Oxford Univ. Press, 1986). Examples of promoters that are inducible by a simple chemical are described in Gurr and Rushton (Trends in biotechnology 2005, 23, 283-290), WO 90/08826, WO 93/21334, WO 93/031294 and WO 96/37609.
A terminator is a short piece of DNA that serves to terminate the transcription of the DNA into RNA and is preferably selected from the group consisting of plant transcription terminator sequences, bacterial transcription terminator sequences and plant virus terminator sequences known to those skilled in the art.
Enhancing elements (such as the 35S enhancer) and other elements like scaffold attachment regions (SARs) can be used to increase expression of the genes of the invention. It is also possible to boost expression by introducing an intron (e.g. the Adh-intron) in the open reading frame or to use viral enhancer sequences. The term “gene” is used to indicate a DNA sequence, which is involved in producing a polypeptide chain and which includes regions preceding and following the coding region (5′-upstream and 3′-downstream sequences) as well as intervening sequences, the so-called introns, which are placed between individual coding segments (so-called exons) or in the 5′-upstream or 3′-downstream region. The 5′-upstream region may comprise a regulatory sequence that controls the expression of the gene, typically a promoter. The 3′-downstream region may comprise sequences, which are involved in termination of transcription of the gene and optionally sequences responsible for polyadenylation of the transcript and the 3′ untranslated region.
In eukaryotic cells, an expression cassette usually further comprises a transcriptional termination region located downstream of the open reading frame, allowing transcription to terminate and polyadenylation of the primary transcript to occur. In addition, the codon usage may be adapted to accepted codon usage of the host of choice. The principles governing the expression of a DNA construct in a chosen host cell are commonly understood by those of ordinary skill in the art and the construction of expressible DNA constructs is now routine for any sort of host cell, be it prokaryotic or eukaryotic.
In order for the open reading frame to be maintained in a host cell it will usually be provided in the form of a replicon comprising said open reading frame according to the invention linked to DNA, which is recognised and replicated by the chosen host cell. Accordingly, the selection of the replicon is determined largely by the host cell of choice. Such principles as govern the selection of suitable replicons for a particular chosen host are well within the realm of the ordinary skilled person in the art.
A special type of replicon is one capable of transferring itself, or a part thereof, to another host cell, such as a plant cell, thereby co-transferring the open reading frame according to the invention to said plant cell. Replicons with such capability are herein referred to as vectors. An example of such vector is a Ti-plasmid vector, which, when present in a suitable host, such as Agrobacterium tumefaciens, is capable of transferring part of itself, the so-called T-region, to a plant cell. Different types of Ti-plasmid vectors (vide: EP 0 116 718 B1) are now routinely being used to transfer DNA sequences into plant cells, or protoplasts, from which new plants may be generated which stably incorporate said DNA in their genomes. A particularly preferred form of Ti-plasmid vectors are the so-called binary vectors (as claimed in EP 0 120 516 B1 and U.S. Pat. No. 4,940,838). Other suitable vectors, which may be used to introduce DNA according to the invention into a plant host, may be selected from the viral vectors, e.g. non-integrative plant viral vectors, such as derivable from the double stranded plant viruses (e.g. CaMV) and single stranded viruses, Gemini viruses and the like. The use of such vectors may be advantageous, particularly when it is difficult to stably transform the plant host. Such may be the case with woody species, especially trees and vines.
The expression “host cells incorporating a DNA sequence according to the invention in their genome” shall mean to comprise cells, as well as multicellular organisms comprising such cells, or essentially consisting of such cells, which stably incorporate said DNA into their genome thereby maintaining the DNA, and preferably transmitting a copy of such DNA to progeny cells, be it through mitosis or meiosis. According to a preferred embodiment of the invention plants are provided, which essentially consist of cells that incorporate one or more copies of said DNA into their genome, and which are capable of transmitting a copy or copies to their progeny, preferably in a Mendelian fashion. By virtue of the transcription and translation of the DNA according to the invention in some or all of the plant's cells, those cells that are capable of producing the receptor(s) for the systemic signal compounds will show an enhanced resistance to pathogen infections.
Transformation of plant species is now routine for an impressive number of plant species, including both the Dicotyledonous as well as the Monocotyledonous. In principle any transformation method may be used to introduce chimeric DNA according to the invention into a suitable ancestor cell, as long as the cells are capable of being regenerated into whole plants. Methods may suitably be selected from the calcium/polyethylene glycol method for protoplasts (, Nature, 1982, 296, 72-74; Plant Mol. Biol., 1987, 8, 363-373), electroporation of protoplasts (Bio/Technol., 1985, 3, 1099-1102), microinjection into plant material (Mol. Gen. Genet., 1986, 202, 179-185), (DNA or RNA-coated) particle bombardment of various plant material (Nature, 1987, 327, 70), infection with (non-integrative) viruses and the like. A preferred method according to the invention comprises Agrobacterium-mediated DNA transfer. Especially preferred is the use of the so-called binary vector technology as disclosed in EP A 120 516 and U.S. Pat. No. 4,940,838.
Transformation can be facilitated by the use of selectable or screenable markers to discriminate between transformed plants or plant cells and non-transformed plants or plant cells. However, possibly so-called marker-free transformation protocols, such as for instance described in WO 01/29240, can be used. Generally, after transformation plant cells or cell groupings are selected for the presence of one or more markers which are encoded by plant expressible genes co-transferred with the nucleic acid sequence according to the invention, where after the transformed material is regenerated into a whole plant. Genes which can be used as marker genes can be roughly divided in antibiotic resistance marker genes, such as nptII (giving resistance to kanamycin) and hpt (giving resistance to phosphonotricin), and developmental or metabolic selection marker genes, such as the trehalase gene, the mannose gene (both metabolic markers) and the IPT gene or the RKS receptor kinase genes (developmental markers). For marker-free transformation it is possible to use the previously described T/R system based on transient activity of regenerating gene products WO9743427, or stable integration of inducible regenerating gene products.
Although considered somewhat more recalcitrant towards genetic transformation, monocotyledonous plants are amenable to transformation and fertile transgenic plants can be regenerated from transformed cells or embryos, or other plant material. Presently, preferred methods for transformation of monocots are microprojectile bombardment of embryos, explants or suspension cells, and direct DNA uptake or electroporation (Shimamoto, et al, 1989, Nature 338, 274-276). Transgenic maize plants have been obtained by introducing the Streptomyces hygroscopicus bar-gene, which encodes phosphinothricin acetyltransferase (an enzyme which inactivates the herbicide phosphinothricin), into embryogenic cells of a maize suspension culture by microprojectile bombardment (Plant Cell, 1990, 2, 603-618). The introduction of genetic material into aleurone protoplasts of other monocot crops such as wheat and barley has been reported (Plant Mol. Biol., 1989, 13, 21-30). Wheat plants have been regenerated from embryogenic suspension culture by selecting only the aged compact and nodular embryogenic callus tissues for the establishment of the embryogenic suspension cultures (Bio/Technol., 1990, 8, 429-434). The combination with transformation systems for these crops enables the application of the present invention to monocots.
Monocotyledonous plants, including commercially important crops such as rice and corn are also amenable to DNA transfer by Agrobacterium strains (vide WO 94/00977; EP 0 159 418 B1; Plant. Physiol., 1991, 95, 426-434; The Plant J., 1994, 6, 271-282).
Following DNA transfer and regeneration, putatively transformed plants may be evaluated, for instance using Southern analysis, for the presence of the DNA according to the invention, copy number and/or genomic organization. After the initial analysis, transformed plants showing the desired copy number and expression level of the newly introduced DNA according to the invention may be tested for resistance levels against a pathogen.
Other evaluations may include the testing of pathogen resistance under field conditions, checking fertility, yield, and other characteristics. Such testing is now routinely performed by persons having ordinary skill in the art.
Following such evaluations, the transformed plants may be grown directly, but usually they may be used as parental lines in the breeding of new (inbred) varieties or in the creation of hybrids and the like.
These plants, including plant varieties, with improved resistance against pathogens may be grown in the field, in the greenhouse, or at home or elsewhere. Plants or edible parts thereof may be used for animal feed or human consumption, or may be processed for food, feed or other purposes in any form of agriculture or industry. Agriculture shall mean to include horticulture, arboriculture, flower culture, and the like. Industries which may benefit from plant material according to the invention include but are not limited to the pharmaceutical industry, the paper and pulp manufacturing industry, sugar manufacturing industry, feed and food industry, enzyme manufacturers and the like.
The advantages of the plants, or parts thereof, according to the invention are the decreased need for pesticide treatment, thus lowering costs of material, labour, and environmental pollution, or prolonging shelf-life of products (e.g. fruit, seed, and the like) of such plants. Plants for the purpose of this invention shall mean multicellular organisms capable of photosynthesis, and subject to some form of pathogen induced disease. They shall at least include angiosperms as well as gymnosperms, monocotyledonous as well as dicotyledonous plants.
One of the goals of the invention is to provide an enhanced pathogen resistance, while maintaining fitness and yield of the plants. It has been shown (see e.g. WO 04/007712) that introduction of an RKS receptor induced phenotypical changes in a plant. However, the changes that are induced by overexpression of RKS receptor molecules appear not to lower fitness and yield, but they appear to enhance fitness and yield. Thus, an additional advantage of inducing an enhanced pathogen resistance by providing a plant with a gene construct coding for a receptor which responds to a signalling compound, is that overexpression of such a receptor also increases yield and/or overall fitness of the plants.
Further, if such effects are less desired, it may be preferable, in order to maintain optimal fitness of the plants, to express the receptor molecules tissue specifically, i.e. only in those tissues which are (most) susceptible to pathogen infection. Of course, the choice of tissue also depends on the pathogen for which protection is sought: some of the pathogens will only infect e.g. the roots of the plant, while other pathogens are specific for the green parts or only the leaf or the stem. It will be understandable that expression of the receptor only in a limited part of the plant will not greatly harm the fitness of the plant, and in the meantime will be sufficient to give the plant an enhanced resistance against disease.
Although the transgenic plants, by themselves, will show an increased susceptibility to systemic signal compounds which will be produced by those same plants systemically on a basis level or in larger amounts after pathogen attack, it is part of the invention to induce an enhanced induced resistance by applying a systemic signal compound which is recognised by the receptor(s) or a ligand which is recognised by the chimaeric receptor(s) for which the plant is transgenic. Preferably the systemic signal compounds are applied by spraying. For most crop plants it is known when they are most vulnerable to pathogen infection, or when the pathogens, which use such plants as host, are most pathogenic. In order to optimally protect these plants against disease it is advisable to spray these plants at a time point, which allows the induced resistance to build up, before pathogen attack is expected.
In order to provide a quick and simple test if a new plant species indeed can yield an increased resistance upon spraying of a systemic signalling compound, a person skilled in the art can perform a rapid transient expression test known under the name of ATTA (Agrobacterium tumefaciens Transient expression Assay). In this assay (of which a detailed description can be found in Van den Ackerveken, G., et al. (Cell, 1996, 87, 1307-1316) the nucleotide sequence coding for the receptor of choice is placed under control of a plant constitutive promoter and introduced into an Agrobacterium strain which is also used in protocols for stable transformation. After incubation of the bacteria with acetosyringon or any other phenolic compound that is known to enhance Agrobacterium T-DNA transfer, 1 ml of the Agrobacterium culture is infiltrated in situ into a plant by injection after which the plants are placed in a greenhouse. After 2-5 days the leaves can be sprayed with the signalling compound and the following day they can be tested for pathogen resistance, either by applying a pathogen directly on the leaves, or by using the leaves in the well-known detached leaf assay. It is also possible to not actively spray with the signalling compound, but to use the plant's own signalling system to test for increased resistance of not directly affected plant parts.
An alternative test for detecting the level of resistance is by assaying for resistance markers, i.e. molecules that indicate an increased resistance to pathogens. Markers, which can be used in this respect, are PR-1, which is a marker for salicylic acid induction; At2g14560, which is a marker for brassinosteroid and salicylic acid induction, but not for auxin induction, and which is under direct transcriptional control of NPR1 (Plant Physiology 2005, 137, 1147-1159; Science 2005, 308, 1036-1040). The zinc finger protein ZAT7 (At3g46090); and At2g32200, encoding an extracellular peptide signalling molecule represent other markers for SAR-mediated resistance responses (see
The intracellular amounts of these markers are easy to determine with standard assays, which are well known to a person skilled in the art (see also Experimental part).
Ligand molecules or signal compounds, which would be applicable for spraying, are known to the person skilled in the art. Salicylic acid, jasmonic acid and brassinosteroids are compounds which are produced in bulk and which are readily available. The peptidergic GASA signal compounds which modify the activity of the RKS receptor have been described and can either be made synthetically or through recombinant DNA techniques well known in the art. The concentration of the compounds to be applied depends on the characteristics of the compound itself, the density of endogenous and transgenic receptors present in the plant tissue to be treated and the way in which the compound is to be applied (e.g. by spraying, through nutrient or water-uptake, etc.). For example, specifically designed brassinosteroids with optimised function, and antagonists of brassinosteroid signalling, interfering with normal binding of active brassinosteroids, could be further optimised based on molecular reporter systems based on detecting quantitatively and qualitatively the intracellular responses to brassinosteroid agonists and antagonists. Optimised detection of enhanced resistance responses could be determined in different genetic backgrounds of model plants, or in plants mutated for certain signalling pathways.
Activation of the GASA or systemin peptide ligands is possible by removing the N-terminal part of the pro-protein sequence. Active peptide products can be provided by either spraying active GASA and/or systemin protein, activation of the pro-proteins by extracellular proteases, or by providing the plant with inducible/tissue or stage-specific promoter constructs fused to the active peptide ligand sequences directly.
If it is considered to enhance the effect of providing plants with a larger amount of receptor molecules for the signalling compounds, a second construct coding for one or more of the downstream intermediates of such a processor could enlarge the resistance enhancing effects. Compounds which would qualify for this approach are either represented by gene products transmitting the signalling cascade downstream from the receptor, or gene products activated upon receptor activation. An example of direct signal transmission is provided by the NHL and the SPL gene products, which have been shown to interact directly as two-hybrid protein partners with RKS proteins. An example of genes controlled at the transcriptional level by this signalling cascade are represented by gene products involved in inducing resistance priming, like the previously described At2g14560, or alternatively At 4g14400 (an ankyrin repeat protein involved bringing different intracellular proteins together) and At4g23130 (a transmembrane receptor kinase).
Production and expression of receptors is performed for example through the gateway cloning system as defined in ( Overexpression constructs are made by the cloning of full length cDNA clones obtained from SALK, RIKEN or elsewhere as indicated by the Arabidopsis gene-mapping tool (, e.g. by recombination cloning using vector sequences (M13 forward and reverse or T7 and SP6/T3 primers) and e.g. fusing them to the B1 and B2 recombination sites as used in the gateway cloning technology. Recombination into ectopic binary expression vectors is e.g. performed by gateway recombination. PCR amplification of the expression cassettes alone and subsequent particle bombardment using e.g. the T/R marker free transformation technology (WO 01/29240) might subsequently be performed for routine transformation of plant species with the desired gene product. A specific inducible system for expression may be performed in the same gateway cloning vector where inducible promoters like for example the Tween 20 inducible 1200 bp OPR1 promoter from Arabidopsis thaliana (Plant Mol Biol. 2001 November; 47(5):595-605) or tissue or stage inducible promoters like e.g. the early senescence 2000 bp CDPK1 (At1g18890) promoter (Mol Gen Genet., 1994, 244, 331-340) are used.
Chimaeric receptors might be constructed using RT-PCR production of the different receptor domains. Subsequent cloning (as described in Science, 2000, 288, 2360-2363) and expression of the resulting chimaeric receptors may again be performed using the gateway cloning and expression system.
Two Arabidopsis lines were used for the experiment; Ws-0, and Col-0. Nine-day old seedlings were sprayed with mock-Silwet L-77 (0.01%) or brassinosteroids(+0.01% Silwet L-77) After drying, the plants were incubated in the long day growth chamber (MPMI 2005, 18, 583-592). After two days half of the plants were sprayed on their leaves with Waco9 (50 spores/μL), a strain of Peronospora parasitica (MPMI 2005, 18, 583-592). Seven days post inoculation, the plants (40 seedlings per line) were scored for sporulation. The mock was used as a control. Experimental infections and analyses were performed as previously described (MPMI 2005, 18, 583-592).
Results (see
Overexpression of RKS genes results in modified responses towards different concentrations of brassinosteroids in a root reponse bioassay (Cell 2002, 110 203-112 & 213-222).
To study the function of RKS4 in detail both gain- and loss-of-function approaches were followed. The RKS4 full-length cDNA was ectopically expressed in Arabidopsis Ws-0 plants under the control of the CaMV 35S promoter and we looked for T-DNA insertion lines in the SALK collection (Alonso et al., 2003 available from NASC the European Arabidopsis seed-stock center). Two insertion lines, SALK—066568 and SALK—071166, renamed rks4-1 and rks4-2 respectively were studied along with overexpression lines (RKS4-OX). Changes in RKS4 steady state mRNA level were verified by RT-PCR in 12d seedlings (
A similar N-terminal protein product, the tomato LRP protein (homologous of the ELS gene products very similar to the RKS extracellular domain) has been described previously as being associated with viroid infection. This LRP protein is processed during pathogenesis by subtilisins (Plant Journal 1996, 10, 315-330). These specific endoproteinases are involved in modulating the responses of the plant towards pathogen invasion by the specific modification of regulatory gene products within the cell wall. The resulting shifts in resistance as monitored indicate a role for the N-terminal domain of RKS-like gene products in the activation of the induced resistance within the plant as described below.
A number of RKS gene products have been shown to be involved in viral resistance, mediating resistance to a broad-spectrum of Geminiviruses (Genes and Development 2004, 18, 2545-2556). Herein the endogenous function of RKS 7, 14 and 1 has been studied with respect to their effect on viral infection. Successful plant infection proved to depend on the suppression of these RKS receptors by a viral virulence factor NSP. The NSP virulence protein interacts directly with the RKS protein, resulting in the suppression of antiviral responses (Virology 2004, 318, 24-31).
Our data are in agreement with a role of this subclass of RKS receptors since plants for which RKS4 expression has been modulated show an increased level of resistance. Ectopic expression of RKS4 in Arabidopsis thaliana does indeed result in an approximately 50% reduction of Pseudomonas syringae infection (
In RKS4 overexpressing plants the At2g14560 gene product, a marker for brassinosteroid induction but not for auxin induction, is upregulated (see
We conclude from these results that brassinosteroid signalling mediated by RKS4 is inducing SA signalling responses within the plant as visualized by the strong upregulation of PR-1. Other highly induced resistance marker genes as the C2H2/ZAT7 (see
Observation of RKS4 overexpressing plants reveals a wide range of morphological changes, the most dramatic effects being found in flowers which size is drastically increased in RKS4-OX1 (
The sum of these observations is in accordance with the RKS4 promoter activity and suggests that the RKS4 receptor is involved in maintaining the size of the organs in which it is expressed. The fact that an increase and a decrease in its expression both can lead to larger organs (except in seeds) suggests a requirement for a specific level of RKS4 receptor at an optimum keeping organ size constant. Although loss of function of the receptor did not give rise to phenotypes as dramatic as its overexpression it is clear that in the RKS4 knockouts cell division is stimulated at least in cotyledons and maybe in roots as well whereas the opposite is observed in the same organs of overexpression plants, confirming that cell division could be repressed/maintained under a certain level by RKS4. This was not observed in petals on the other hand where overexpression of RKS4 stimulated cell division as well as elongation. However RKS4 is normally not expressed in petals and we might be looking at a pleiotropic effect due to an ectopic interaction that might not represent the endogenous function of the receptor. Interestingly in line RKS4-OX2 that shows a stronger expression of RKS4 the phenotypes observed are milder than in the other overexpression line or even absent like in petals. This probably indicates that a saturation level has been reached in the number of receptors produced leading to weaker effects.
The influence of light conditions on the observed phenotypes during vegetative growth and the known involvement of brassinosteroids in the modulation of photomorphogenesis are in agreement with a role of RKS4, as in concordance with literature on RKS10 (BAK1/AtSERK3) in brassinosteroid (BR) signalling as also illustrated by the root growth assay described here above.
In conclusion, RKS gene products are involved in brassinosteroid perception. Modulation of these receptors results in elevated levels of resistance against different pathogens like Pseudomonas bacteria and viruses. Plants with modified levels of RKS show not only broad-spectrum disease resistance, but also show induced fitness characteristics.
Testing of Arabidopsis transgenic plants overexpressing the full-length or a modified form of the RKS4 gene for their response to an array of stress treatments revealed that such plants were better protected to challenging conditions than wild-type plants. Table 1 gives an overview of some of the results obtained in various assays and examples for improved pathogen resistance are shown in
Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000
Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. raphani
Plectosphaerella curcumina
Hyaloperonospora parasitica
Frankliniella occidentalis
Improved resistance/tolerance is indicated by ‘+’ when it is largely independent of the modification brought to the RKS4 gene, whereas ‘+/−’ indicates that the effect is dependent on the nature of the transgene (i.e. modification brought to the coding sequence).
Improved defence responses in RKS4-modulated plants could not be correlated with changes in gene expression in unchallenged plants. In order to understand what could cause the protection status of these plants a metabolite analysis was performed in the hope to identify differences that could explain improved tolerance to both biotic and abiotic stress.
Metabolite analysis was performed essentially as described by Jahangir et al. (Food Chem. (2008) 107(1): 362-368) using 1H-NMR on total extracts from lyophilised rosette leaves of plants overexpressing the full-length or a modified form of the RKS4 gene. Arabidopsis plants were grown on soil in a growth chamber at 21° C. and 65% relative humidity with a 16 h photoperiod (100 μmol.m−2.s−1). The rosette of 1 month-old Arabidopsis plants was harvested for 5 individual plants of each line. Each rosette was lyophilised and further analysed individually as an independent sample. After normalisation of signal intensities of the NMR spectra, differences between samples (individual rosettes) were identified and categorised using Multivariate Data Analysis (Principal Component Analysis and Partial Least Square-Discriminant Analysis). Differential metabolites are shown in the table hereafter (Table 2).
Since only a few changes of expression take place in unchallenged RKS4 transgenic plants, a transcriptome analysis was performed after challenge inoculation with Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 (AvrPst). Five week-old Arabidopsis plants (15 per line) overexpressing the full-length or a modified form of the RKS4 gene were inoculated with the bacterium and flash frozen at 3 time points (6, 24 and 48 hours post inoculation—5 plants per line) for RNA isolation. Expression analysis was performed by hybridisation to Agilent 4×44K Arabidopsis 3 Oligonucleotide microarrays and data was analysed using the Genespring GX software. Lists of significant differentially expressed genes as compared to the wild-type (more than 2-fold changes) were established per time point as well as in a time-course manner. A battery of defence-related genes was found to be strongly influenced in several lines after Pseudomonas syringae infection. Based on the annotations of these genes it was established that defence-related genes are over-represented.
To gain further insight in the putative function the identified genes were searched in public databases for their expression profiles in other conditions. Comparison of these data with our results revealed that a majority of the up-regulated genes are also modulated by JA. This observation is also in line with the results of the metabolite analysis which showed that the identified compounds are induced by JA as well as other elicitors of defence responses that might themselves also be modulated by JA.
The results of the transcriptome analysis of Example 9 were subjected to the ‘Pathway Tools Omics Viewer’ at The Arabidopsis Information Resource ( Genes for which a link with a metabolic pathway was already established are highlighted on the corresponding reaction with a colour related to the expression level. The individual pathways thereby identified were copied from the tool and it was found that links could be made in a number of cases between several pathways leading to the definition of two main biosynthesis pathways: isoprenoids and phenylpropanoids. Both classes of metabolites are associated with plant defence and, in view of the links established by our analysis, are at the basis of the primed state induced by the (modified) RKS4 receptor, possibly in combination with yet to be identified pathways.
For example the isoprenoid synthesis pathway and more specifically the methylerythritol-4-phosphate (MEP) pathway, also known as non-melavonate (MVA) pathway, was found as a central point. Noteworthy is the up-regulation of the gene coding for DXPS1 (1-deoxy-D-xylulose-5-phosphate synthase, At3g21500, jk which catalyses the rate-limiting step in plastidic isoprenoid synthesis (J. Biol. Chem. (2001) 276(25):22901-22909). This enzyme is also the target of choice for metabolic engineering of this pathway (Plant Biotechnol. J. (2005) 3(1):17-27; Nature Chem. Biol. (2007) 3(7): 387-395). An increase in its expression in the RKS4 plants is therefore in agreement with an increase in precursors of the MEP pathway and consequently in isoprenoid synthesis.
Number | Date | Country | Kind |
EP 04077173.5 | Jul 2004 | EP | regional |
Number | Date | Country | |
Parent | PCT/NL2005/000540 | Jul 2005 | US |
Child | 12013831 | US |