The present invention relates to methods and apparatus for analysis of liquid, particularly aquatic, chemical and/or biological systems.
Most “traditional” chemostats are bioreactors that operate like a continuous stirred-tank reactor (CSTR). A given volume of liquid is contained in a well-stirred reactor unit. Biomass is produced in this liquid medium (bacteria, algae, cells in culture, etc.). The system is rendered stable in time by: (1) eliminating excess of the produced biomass and by-products, and (2) by adding chemicals that are consumed by the living organisms (nutriments, oxygen, food, etc.). There is a continuous inlet of additives and a corresponding outlet of products (since the volume of the reactor is constant, inlet and outlet flow rates are equal). Both the flow rate of these inlet/outlet and the composition of the inlet water are adjusted in such a way that the chemical composition of the water inside the stirred reactor remains stable. This is done automatically by measuring the quality of the water in the outlet, and by adjusting the amount of additives accordingly. Usually, the biomass is also maintained constant. This is regulated by measuring the density of cells in the reactor and by changing the inlet/outlet flow rate to more or less dilute the culture medium until biomass stabilizes at the desired level inside the reactor (so-called regime state of the bioreactor).
Such a system is convenient and efficient to produce living biomass and allows for some calculation of the mass balance for given chemicals, which in turn, are proxies to estimate biological processes like growth, respiration, photosynthesis, etc. The mass balance for a given chemical, for example O2, referenced as C in a continuous ideally stirred-tank reactor is:
where Fin and Fout are inlet and outlet flow rates, respectively, [C]in and [C]out are concentrations of the considered chemical in the inlet and outlet1, Vreactor is the volume of the reactor unit, vi is the stoichiometric coefficient of C in the ith reaction that occur in the chemostat and ri is the reaction rate for that ith reaction. In the case of a constant volume reactor, Fin=Fout and since we have a chemostat, the chemical is not supposed to vary significantly in time, that is:
(assuming the automatic regulation system is efficient, of course). 1 Note that for gas, it is not the concentration, but the partial pressure that is considered in the reactions. We should really read her PO2 instead of [O2] in this particular case, but that does not significantly change the explanation.
The equation simplifies to:
In the last equation, the left member is a balance of input and output of C in the system, and the right member is a balance of all the reactions that occur inside the chemostat, that is, a quantification of the net flux of C between the living organisms that grow in the chemostat and the surrounding water. For instance, for organisms that only respire (no photosynthesis), the balance of oxygen input and output is a good estimation of the respiration rate of the living organisms inside the chemostat. It is thus possible to estimate respiration by using three measurements made on inlet and outlet waters: Fin, [C]in and [C]out. The concentration of chemicals can be determined in various ways (electrochemistry, colorimetry, etc.). In the case of oxygen, this can be done using Clark oxygen electrodes, or optodes, placed on the inlet and outlet waters, and connected to oxymeters. Measuring the flow rate is a little bit more delicate. There are various systems and they are either rather expensive, or relatively inaccurate. Another option would be to use a very accurate constant flow pump (very expensive, and also not very convenient to regulate the flow, and thus the biomass inside the reactor). So, in practice, we observe one source of error that is common to all chemostats and all chemicals we would like to study: the error made in the estimation of the inlet/outlet flow rate.
Now, the equations we have developed above are only valid for continuous ideally stirred-tank reactors, that is, reactors where we have perfect and instantaneous mixing of the inlet water and the liquid inside the reactor. Real systems are not ideal because mixing occurs in a measurable amount of time. Since outlet is synchronous to inlet, it becomes hard to tell exactly how much of the additions through the inlet is eliminated through the outlet before even getting a chance to be in contact with the living organisms. Also, [C]out is not a good approximation any more of [C]inside (inside the reactor). Integration over time of the equations that describe a real system that is not ideally perfectly mixed is difficult and one must consider many additional parameters related to fluid dynamic and the way mixing is done inside the reactor. So, in practice, only the equations for an ideal reactor are usable but then, errors are introduced, and that lead to a bias in the quantification of the biological process in the reactor. The importance of the bias is dependent upon the residence time of the chemical inside the reactor versus the mixing time. If the former is 5-10 times larger than the latter, approximation is considered valid for engineering (i.e., industrial production of biomass). For research, where unbiased estimation of the processes is targeted, this can remain a problem.
One aim of the present invention is thus to provide a practical and economically viable way to achieve analysis of liquid, particularly aquatic, chemical and/or biological systems with a desirably level of analytical accuracy.
According to one of its aspects, the present invention provides a method of analysing behaviour of a chemical and/or biological sample in a liquid medium, for example a liquid test medium, as defined by claim 1. According to another of its aspects, the present invention provides apparatus, for example a test apparatus, for analysing behaviour of a system, for example a test system, comprising a chemical and/or biological sample in a liquid medium as defined by claim 7. Alternative and/or preferred embodiments of the invention are defined in the dependent claims.
Based on the realisations that: (1) flow rate is a major source of error in chemostats and (2) biases occur in real chemostats due to lack of instant perfect mixing, we have designed a chemically stabilized reactor that operates differently.
Instead of constant inlet and outlet, these are intermittent. The volume of the reactor is variable, so that it is possible to add supplementation (referred to below as a compensation liquid) without allowing any liquid to flow out of the reactor in a first stage. Then, the whole (the fluid in the reactor and the addition) is mixed during enough time to homogenize the content inside the reactor. Only then, a similar volume of the mix is eliminated from the reactor, so that the initial volume is recovered and by-products are eliminated. That way, our system behaves like an ideal, but intermittent stirred-tank reactor.
Both the amount of addition and the amount of liquid that is eliminated are weighted. Laboratory scales are widespread and allow for very accurate determination of the weight of liquid added, and then, eliminated from the reactor. Another benefit is that concentration expressed in term of weight, i.e., molality, or molinity, are temperature invariant. Concentration of the same chemical expressed in term of volume (which naturally derives from flow rate measurements in volume per time unit), i.e. molarity, varies with temperature. The source of error is low, but can be significant when very accurate determinations are required.
Variable volume may be achieved by using a gas compartment on top of the liquid in the reactor compartment whose volume can fluctuate. The role of the gas compartment is not limited to this purpose. It is also a compartment that may simulate atmosphere on top of the aquatic system in the chemostat, and thus, air-water gas exchanges may also be simulated in the unit. Furthermore, a gas compartment may be used to regulate oxygen partial pressure inside the reactor, and/or the partial pressure of one or more other gases. Since the unit operates intermittently, it is a closed unit during a significant period of time. During that stage, water chemistry is modified inside the reactor, as well as, exchanges between the liquid and gas compartments. To be considered as a chemostat, fluctuations must be reasonably small (say, no more than 5% of the concentration of the chemicals), and be readily equilibrated once liquid additions occur. This can be achieved by choosing carefully both the biomass per reactor volume and the time between two additions. Sometimes, buffer effects help to stabilize the medium. For example, pH is well buffered in seawater and changes less rapidly due to accumulation of CO2 from respiration (in the example chemostat we discuss here) than the oxygen is consumed. In one litre of seawater, there is 5 to 7 mg of oxygen dissolved; this can be very rapidly depleted when living organisms respire in a closed unit. In the system according to the invention, a gas compartment containing air may allow storage of much more oxygen in the whole system: at 1 atmosphere and 20° C., there is roughly 240 mg of oxygen in one litre of air. Thus, a system made of 1 L of seawater and 1 L of air on top contains roughly 246 mg of oxygen in total. The same reactor entirely filled with seawater contains only 12 mg of oxygen, I.e. more than 20 times less. If air-water gas exchanges are fast enough (for instance, both the liquid and the gas are well stirred), oxygen concentration will be much more stable in the reactor with 1 L or seawater and 1 L of air, for the same biomass of living organisms.
The preferred system according to the invention contains both a liquid and a gas phase that simulates air-water gas exchanges, and allows for a more stable oxygen concentration (or other gaseous components) in the water. Stabilisation of oxygen in the chemostat can also be mediated by intermittent replacement of the gas phase, simultaneous to the partial replacement of the liquid phase. The latter operates intermittently, with additions and eliminations of liquids being decoupled in time so as to make sure the medium is well mixed before eliminating any liquid. There is thus no bias in the equations used to quantify chemical fluxes. Finally, the unit does not require expensive fixed flow pumps, or accurate flow meters, because flow rates do not need to be measured. Liquids that are added or eliminated are discrete samples, and these samples can be accurately weighted, leading to much lower errors in the determination of inputs and outputs than in traditional chemostats. This design leads to a system that is optimized to quantify fluxes, including those that are usually hard to measure very accurately, like net flux of CO2 in a buffered medium, e.g., seawater, in the presence of living organisms and thus, with many different processes that impact these fluxes (respiration, photosynthesis, calcification, nitrification, denitirification, etc.) combined with a rather complex chemical system (inorganic carbon species in seawater).
A non-limiting example of the invention is described below with reference to:
The apparatus of the described embodiment may be thought of as a special kind of bioreactor that encloses a chemical or biological aquatic system in a unit which has its own enclosed atmosphere. Physico-chemical characteristics of the water compartment and of the atmosphere are stabilized and standardized. Any exchange between the water compartment and the chemical or biological system under study can be monitored, as well as all gas exchanges with the internal atmosphere in the unit. In the example, the system mainly targets changes in carbon chemical species, but can also be used to quantify exchanges of, say, nitrogen, phosphorus, silica, calcium, etc.
Various optional instrumentations (here a pH probe 24 and an oxygen probe 25) continuously monitor the water which makes up the liquid test medium. Similarly, gas analyzers are connected to analyze the gas phase. In our example, an infrared gas analyzer (IRGA) 41 measures CO2 partial pressure in an input gas 61 which may be selected from the reference air and the gas of the reaction vessel's internal atmosphere. A mechanical filter 42 protects the gas analyzer from contamination from water droplets, bacteria, etc.
Each test apparatus also comprises a series of addition/sampling peristaltic pumps (here P1-P4) which are configured and controlled to automatically add compensation solutions to and then collect samples from the liquid test medium 111 in the reaction vessel 11 (with intervening rinsing of the samples' containers).
The conglomerated unit comprises a plurality, typically greater than 2 and/or less than 12) test apparatus that run in parallel, each of which is selectively connectable to the gas analyzers, for example the IRGA 41, via an appropriate valve V4.
In a prototype arrangement in which the biological sample being tested in the liquid test medium was a nubbin of the coral Seriatopora hystrix, the preferred duration of the steps is: closed unit reaction step (
The following is a more detailed description of the operation of the illustrated embodiment.
The test apparatus is a closed unit operating its reaction step most of the time, with valves V2 and V3 diverting reference gas to the gas analyzer, e.g., IRGA CO2 analyzer 41. All peristaltic pumps (P1, P2, P3, P4) are off. The magnetic stirrer 14 homogenizes water inside the unit, and the diaphragm pump 22 mixes air inside the unit and enhances water-air gas exchanges. Water quality is monitored using the instrumentation 24, 25 installed inside reaction vessel 11.
After allowing a chemical and/or biological system 50 which is in contact with the liquid test medium to react for a predefined reaction step time (which is calculated to allow enough gas change (e.g., O2 and CO2 partial pressure) to quantify fluxes, but not too much so as to avoid significant physico-chemical changes (i.e., roughly 5-10% above or below the consign value would be acceptable values for most biological systems, but this is dependent on the particular experiment to run), a sampling step comprising a cycle of addition/sampling is initiated using one of the four P1-P4 peristaltic pumps. The sampling step runs as follows.
The unit is switched into its addition mode. The diaphragm pump 22 is switched off to limit water-air gas exchanges at this stage. Valve V3 is switched to open the gas phase of the unit to the IRGA CO2 analyzer 41 and to block the source of the reference air 61. The selected peristaltic pump is activated in addition mode: the compensation solution 71 in the corresponding compensation liquid vessel is injected inside the reaction vessel 11. That solution 71 is formulated to precisely compensate chemical changes that occurred in the unit between two sampling steps. Since the volume of water in the reaction vessel 11 increases, it pushes air from the gas phase of the unit towards the IRGA CO2 analyzer 41 (piston effect), which will measure CO2 partial pressure of the gas phase in the unit after pipes and the infrared measurement cell are completely flushed (after 70-80 ml of compensation solution is injected in one prototype embodiment). The peristaltic pumps are configured to have a flow rate that allows injection of all the compensation solution over a duration which represents half to two-third of the time the pump is run in addition mode (two to three minutes in our prototype while the addition mode lasts for four minutes). In this way, we don't need accurate flow peristaltic pumps, and all of the compensation liquid is injected with a margin during which reference air from within the compensation liquid vessel is injected into the reaction vessel 11. Thus, it is not the flow rate of the pump that is used to determine how much of the compensation solution is injected, but the weighing of that solution before use (thus, a measurement that is at least one order of magnitude more accurate than an estimation from flow rate and time).
The unit is then switched into a rinsing mode for a duration of 2 minutes. The peristaltic pump is run three times during 20 seconds in one direction and during 20 seconds in the other direction. The bottom of the compensation liquid vessel is thus rinsed three times with the liquid test medium water from the reaction vessel 11. Meanwhile, the liquid test medium water and compensation solution are progressively homogenized in the reaction vessel unit thanks to the magnetic stirrer 14.
Re-equilibration of the internal atmosphere in the unit is also initiated at this stage: the diaphragm pump is switched on again and valve V2 is switched to feed reference air into the unit.
The unit is then configured in sample extraction mode, which lasts for another four minutes. The peristaltic pump is activated and combined compensation liquid vessel and sample receiving vessel 72 is completely filled with a sample 73 whose volume approximately equates the volume of the compensation solution that was added. This is assured by the collecting pipe inside the reaction vessel that plunges just deep enough in the unit to pump the correct volume of solution, but that is flushed with air once the water goes just down the required level. Once again, the peristaltic pump is run a little longer than the time required to collect the sample, and it will just bubble a little bit of the flushing air out of the reaction vessel the rest of the time (internal atmosphere is still flushed with reference air at a greater flow rate than the flow rate of the peristaltic pump in this mode).
The sample 73 is thus a perfectly homogenized (not just a theoretical approximated homogenate) of (i) the liquid tested medium water whose composition has been slightly modified during the previous reaction step and that was in contact with the chemical and/or biological system under study and (ii) the compensation solution that was just added. Once again, its amount is not estimated by flow rate measurement, but it is very accurately measured by weighting the sample later on. It is available for further chemical analysis (alkalinity, calcium, ammonium, nitrite, nitrate, orthophosphate, silicate, etc.).
If the compensation solution was correctly formulated, chemical composition of this sample should be identical or at least very close to targeted values in an ideally equilibrated chemostat. Since the composition of the compensation solution was anticipated using a dynamic mathematical model, any drift observed in the chemical composition of the sample denotes an over- or underestimation of that chemical by the model, we have here real-time validation of the model as a constituting part of the apparatus and/or method itself.
The sampling step (and the cycle) is finished when the unit is configured again as a closed unit in its reaction step configuration by stopping the peristaltic pump and inverting valves V2 and V3. A new cycle can then begin, which will use another of the four peristaltic pumps and compensation solution vessels, with another compensation solution ready to be injected.
The whole system as illustrated in this embodiment thus has an autonomy of four cycles. In our prototype, we arrange the chemical and/or biological system so that each cycle could last for four hours without too great a change in the chemical composition of the liquid and gas test media inside the reaction vessel. That way, the unit has an autonomy of 16 hours outside of working hours, and it still satisfactorily approximates an ideal chemically static environment, despite corrections made at discrete time intervals. During working hours, two additional cycles are run with pumps P1 and P2 after collecting all samples and formulating other compensation solutions (see
Note that the error in net fluxes measured over several cycles is no more than the addition of errors for each cycle, which are kept to the minimum by design. For a lower time resolution, but a higher precision over a longer period, several successive samples can be pooled and analyzed together. On the other hand, slight errors in the calculation by the model of the various compensation solutions do accumulate over successive cycles, leading to a better detection of even slight discrepancies between the model and the actual chemical and/or biological system under study. This design is also optimized to most accurately measure net fluxes and net balances that are usually measured by other means or by balancing equations containing several measurements, and where errors tend to accumulate to a much larger extent in the final estimation. For example, the crucial net flux of CO2 between the liquid test medium reaction water and the air of the gas phase in the context of ocean acidification forecasts is not calculated here, but is quantitatively and most accurately measured directly in our artificial system by the IRGA CO2 analyser once per cycle while operating its sampling step. Changes observed in air PCO2 in the reaction vessel are the accumulations of air-water exchanges that occur all along one cycle (minus time required for addition—washing—sampling, that is, just 10 min in our prototype) when the unit is operated as a closed unit. Moreover, the same IRGA is used to selectively measure that air of the gas phase and reference gas alternatively, further minimising error in the quantification of PCO2 changes between the two gasses.
The system is particularly adapted to the study of aquatic chemical and/or biological systems. Possible applications include, but are not limited to:
Further examples of industrial applicability of the system will be immediately apparent to the skilled addressee.
For example, one of the consequences of the increase of CO2 in the atmosphere is a shift of inorganic carbon equilibrium in the oceans, leading to so-called ocean acidification (partial neutralisation of alkaline seawater pH). Since the beginning of industrial era, mean seawater pH has already lowered by about 0.1 units, and a further decrease by 0.2-0.3 units is expected by the next century, or so. Whether this pH shift has an impact on aquatic live being is sure now. It impacts calcification rate, photosynthesis rate, as well as, other biochemical reactions that are sensitive to extracellular pH. The calcium carbonate (both aragonite and calcite) saturation horizon is the depth where corresponding form of calcium carbonate is in equilibrium in seawater. Above, water is supersaturated and favours precipitation (mainly by accretion by living organisms). Below, calcium carbonates dissolves by chemical erosion in the depths of the oceans. These saturation horizons occur at lower and lower depths as pH of seawater drops. Due to the large number of potential effects on the physiology of marine plants, animals and microbes, their indirect effects on whole ecosystems, and changes in global chemical state regarding precipitation and dissolution of calcium carbonate, it is not clear yet how aquatic environments will be impacted at large scale by this pH drop. This is currently the field of intensive research by the scientific community.
In this context, it is important to know which system acts as a sink (it consumes more inorganic carbon than it produces) or as a source (the opposite). Indeed, possible actions to limit CO2 increase in the atmosphere include any resources management that favor sinks against sources of inorganic carbon on the earth. This requires quantification and fine understanding of the carbon cycle on our planet. Whether a biological and/or chemical system acts as a sink or a source of inorganic carbon is not easy to quantify, because this is the result of several fluxes of carbon in opposite directions (biological systems, in particular, are very dynamics). Net balance is often quantified with a large part of uncertainty, as the net result of many fluxes that are individually quantified with significant error (photosynthesis, respiration, calcification, nitrification, denitrification, chemical precipitation or dissolution, . . . ). These errors accumulate in the equations.
The most accurate quantification of the net carbon fluxes of a given system is by direct measurement. For aquatic systems, the system of the present invention may be used to place the chemical or biological aquatic system under study in such conditions that net resulting carbon exchanges at the air-water interface can be directly and accurately measured.
Another aim of the system is to permit operation as a chemostat (chemical environment is static), with a control of inorganic composition of the water, its pH, and its nutrients load (for biological systems).
A third aim is to allow concurrent determination of most important mechanisms that alter inorganic carbon chemistry of the water and its pH in natural systems, i.e., precipitation or dissolution of calcium carbonate, photosynthesis and respiration, nitrification and denitrification, exchange at air-water interface . . . . The system of the present invention may be used to target measurement of these mechanisms simultaneously, with the highest possible precision, non-destructively, and without using radioactive isotopes (for example 14C incorporation measurements). Temporal resolution is crucial too: the system must remain stable enough for a few days and several measurements per day should allow to understand circadian changes in the processes.
A fourth aim is to get a good mechanistic understanding of the processes that occur in the unit. The approach that is made possible in accordance with the invention may be used to reverse the usual mode of operation between an experimental system and its mathematical (dynamic) model. Usually, an experimental system is studied first. Being a chemostat, it requires stabilisation of the chemical composition of the medium. This is done by measurements in the outlet water, and adjustment of the inlet water to stabilize concentration of the chemicals inside the unit, independently from the mathematical model. The model is eventually adjusted on the experimental data, but it never interacts directly with the way the experimental unit (the chemostat) is operating. The model is thus a kind of passive mathematical representation of the changes that occur independently in the experimental unit. On the contrary to an usual experimental unit, the system of the present invention may be (and in some configurations must be) directly driven by the mathematical model. The latter is used to anticipate changes that will occur in the system a few hours ahead, and to formulate supplementations in order to bring required corrections. Compatibility of the model with the real system under study is quantified by the variations observed with time that are due to incorrect prediction by the model. In such a case, the model must be corrected first, and the experiment in the system is run again until the whole system stabilizes. At that moment, we obtain a direct experimental validation of the mathematical model, since this demonstrates that changes in the system are correctly predicted and anticipated in the calculations.
Number | Date | Country | Kind |
1112269.4 | Jul 2011 | GB | national |
Filing Document | Filing Date | Country | Kind | 371c Date |
PCT/EP2012/062460 | 6/27/2012 | WO | 00 | 4/2/2014 |