The various embodiments described herein provide methods and apparatus for providing multiple channel recall on a television receiver. A television receiver stores multiple previously viewed channels for selective recall by a user. A television receiver outputs a selection menu that includes a plurality of previously viewed channels. A user selects one of the channels from the selection menu for viewing, and a tuner of the television receiver is commanded to output the selected channel.

Television receivers typically include a feature for recalling a previously viewed channel. The television receiver remembers the last previously viewed channel, which may be accessed through the recall function. Remote controls associated with television receivers include a recall button that toggles between two channels, i.e., a presently viewed channel and a previously viewed channel. Thus, a user may toggle between watching two different programs with the press of a single button. After actuation of the recall button, the presently viewed channel becomes the previously viewed channel, and vice versa.

A recall button is useful for viewers that desire to alternate between watching two programs. For example, a user may toggle between channels 24 and 57 of the television receiver. However, the user is limited to alternating between the two channels. If the user switches the television receiver from channel 57 to channel 10, then channel 24 may no longer be accessed using the recall button. Rather, the recall button toggles the television receiver between channels 57 and 10 until the user switches to another channel besides 57 or 10. Thus, the user's viewing experience is limited based on the configuration of the recall button.


The same number represents the same element or same type of element in all drawings.

FIG. 1 illustrates an embodiment of an entertainment system.

FIG. 2 illustrates an embodiment of a screenshot of a selection menu.

FIG. 3 illustrates an embodiment of a screenshot including a selection menu of a subset of previously viewed channels.

FIG. 4 illustrates an embodiment of another screenshot including a selection menu of a subset of previously viewed channels.

FIG. 5 illustrates an embodiment of another screenshot including a selection menu of a subset of previously viewed channels.

FIG. 6 illustrates an embodiment of a television receiver of FIG. 1.

FIG. 7 illustrates an embodiment of a process for providing multiple channel recall on a television receiver.


The various embodiments described herein generally provide apparatus, systems and methods which facilitate a user's navigation through channels of a television receiver. More particularly, the various embodiments described herein provide television receivers that store multiple previously viewed channels for selective recall by a user. A user selects one of the previously viewed channels for viewing, and the television receiver changes the outputted channel accordingly. In short, the various embodiments described herein provide multiple channel recall on a television receiver.

In at least one embodiment, a television receiver outputs a selection menu that includes a plurality of previously viewed channels. A user selects one of the channels from the selection menu for viewing, and a tuner of the television receiver is commanded to decode and output the selected channel. In some embodiments, a subset of the previously viewed channels of the selection menu may be highlighted, and a user may provide input to navigate through the subset of previously viewed channels. For example, the subset may include a previously viewed channel and a presently viewed channel, and a user may be able to toggle between the two channels. A user may provide further input to modify the subset of the channels, such that the user may navigate and/or toggle through the modified subset of channels.

FIG. 1 illustrates an embodiment of an entertainment system 100. The entertainment system 100 presents content to a user 108. In at least one embodiment, the content presented to the user 108 includes an audio/video stream, such as a television program, movie or other recorded content and the like. The entertainment system 100 includes a television receiver 102, a display device 104 and a remote control 106. Each of these components is discussed in greater detail below. The entertainment system 100 may include other devices, components or elements not illustrated for the sake of brevity.

The television receiver 102 is operable to receive content from one or more content sources (not shown in FIG. 1), and to output the received content for presentation by the display device 104. More particularly, the television receiver 102 is operable to receive and demodulate a television signal from a programming source, such as a satellite, cable, internet, terrestrial or other type of television transmission signal. The television receiver 102 may receive an audio/video stream in any format (e.g., analog or digital format). Likewise, the television receiver 102 may output the audio/video stream for presentation by the display device 104 in any type of format. In at least one embodiment, the television receiver 102 is a set-top box (e.g., a satellite or cable television converter box), digital video recorder (DVR) or other similar device that processes and provides one or more audio and/or video output streams to the display device 104 for presentation to the user 108. The television receiver 102 may be further configured to output for display menus and other information that allow a user 108 to control the output of content by the television receiver 102. For example, as described in further detail below, the television receiver 102 may output menus of previously viewed channels to provide multiple channel recall functionality to the user 108.

The display device 104 may comprise any type of device capable of receiving and outputting a video signal in any format. Exemplary embodiments of the display device 104 include a television, computer monitor, liquid crystal display (LCD) screen, touch screen and projector. The display device 104 and television receiver 102 may be communicatively coupled through any type of wired or wireless interface. For example, the display device 104 may be communicatively coupled to the television receiver 102 through a coaxial cable, component or composite video cables, an HDMI cable, a VGA or SVGA cable, a Bluetooth or WiFi wireless connection or the like. In at least one embodiment, the television receiver 102 and the display device 104 may be integrated as a device combining the functionality of a display device and a set-top box, digital video recorder (DVR) or the like.

The remote control 106 may comprise any system or apparatus configured to remotely control the output of content by the television receiver 102. The remote control 106 may minimally include a transmitter, an input device (e.g., a keypad) and a processor for controlling the operation of the remote control 106. The remote control 106 may communicate commands to the television receiver 102 requesting to playback content, temporally move through content (e.g., fast-forward or reverse), adjust the volume, access electronic programming guides and the like. In some embodiments, the remote control 106 may additionally be configured to remotely control the display device 104. The remote control 106 may communicate with the television receiver 102 and/or the display device 104 through any type of wireless communication medium, such as infrared (IR) signals or radio-frequency (RF) signals.

The remote control 106 may include any type of man-machine interface for receiving input from the user 108. For example, the remote control 106 may include buttons for receiving input from the user 108. In at least one embodiment, the remote control 106 includes a touch pad for receiving input from the user 108. The remote control 106 may further include a trigger, utilized in association with the touch pad, for allowing the user to input information associated with the menus displayed on-screen.

During a viewing session, the user 108 requests to view one or more channels accessible through the television receiver 102. The user 108 may request to access these through a variety of techniques. Exemplary techniques for requesting to view a particular channel include directly entering a channel number, e.g., 140, utilizing a channel up/down button of the remote control 106 to navigate channels, selecting a channel in an electronic programming guide (EPG), selecting a channel from a list of favorite channels and utilizing a recall function of the television receiver 102. As the user 108 navigates through the channels of the television receiver 102, the television receiver 102 maintains a list of channels previously viewed by the user 108.

In at least one embodiment, the number of previously viewed channels stored in memory may be a pre-defined number (N). In other words, the television receiver 102 may maintain a first-in-first-out (FIFO) in memory reflecting the last N channel changes. For example, if N is five, and the user 108 views channels 14, 57, 23, 73, 2, 6, 8, and 9, respectively, then the television receiver 102 would store 8, 6, 2, 73 and 23 in memory. It is to be appreciated that the contents of the FIFO memory may change each time the television receiver 102 changes channels. Thus, if the user 108 switches from channel 9 to channel 3, then the content of the memory may subsequently store 9, 8, 6, 2 and 73.

However, often a user 108 doesn't switch between five unique channels. Rather, the user 108 may repeatedly switch back to the same channel or channels during the viewing session. For example, a user 108 may initially watch channel 3, switch to channel 27, return back to channel 3, switch to channel 4, return to channel 3, switch to channel 10, return to channel 3, switch to channel 50, return to channel 3 and then switch to channel 13. If the television receiver 102 maintained a list of the last N channel changes, where N is equal to five, then channel 3 would represent three of the five previously viewed channels when the user 108 is viewing channel 13. However, in at least one embodiment, the television receiver 102 may maintain a list of N previously viewed unique channels. For example, in the aforementioned example, the television receiver 102 may store the previously viewed channels, 3, 50, 10, 4 and 27 while the user 108 is viewing channel 13.

The list of previously viewed channels may be stored as a modified FIFO buffer. Rather than overwriting the first channel in the buffer, the television receiver 102 may overwrite the least recently accessed channel in the buffer. Thus, if a channel farther down in the buffer is subsequently accessed, the channel is moved from its previous spot to the top of the buffer, reflecting that the channel was more recently accessed than other channels within the list of previously viewed channels.

In some embodiments, the list of previously accessed channels may be initialized upon activation of a new viewing session. In other words, each time the television receiver 102 powers off/on, the list of previously viewed channels may be erased. In other embodiments, the list of previously accessed channels may carry over between viewing sessions.

To recall a previously viewed channel, the user 108 actuates the recall functionality of the television receiver 102. For example, the recall function may be actuated through a button on the television receiver 102 or may be accessed through a button/switch or the like of the remote control 106. The television receiver 102 then allows the user 108 to navigate through the list of previously viewed channels (or a subset thereof) to select a particular channel for viewing.

In at least one embodiment, the television receiver 102 outputs a selection menu of previously viewed channels. The user 108 utilizes the remote control 106 to select one of the previously viewed channels for viewing. For example, the selection menu may include a numeric identifier (e.g., 1-5) identifying each of the previously viewed channels. A user 108 may then press a numeric key of the remote control 106 to select a particular previously viewed channel for viewing. The television receiver 102 then responsively tunes and outputs the selected channel for display by the display device 104.

In some embodiments, the selection menu outputted by the television receiver 102 may include a manipulatable cursor that the user 108 utilizes to select a particular channel of the selection menu. For example, the remote control 106 may include arrow keys, a touch pad or the like that the user 108 utilizes to select a particular previously viewed channel for viewing.

FIG. 2 illustrates an embodiment of a screenshot 200 of a selection menu 202. FIG. 2 will be discussed in reference to the entertainment system 100 of FIG. 1. The user 108 utilizes the remote control 106 to activate the recall function. For example, the user 108 may press a recall button of the remote control 106 or make a movement along a touch pad of the remote control 106. Responsive to activation of the recall function, the television receiver 102 outputs the selection menu 202.

The selection menu 202 is overlaid on the video data 204 of a presently viewed channel. As illustrated in the screenshot 200, each previously viewed channel may be represented by an icon 206-214 associated with the channel. Further, the selection menu 202 includes a cursor 216 highlighting one of the previously viewed channels. In the illustrated embodiment, a user 108 utilizes the remote control 106 to manipulate the position of the cursor 216 to select one of the previously viewed channels. For example, the user 108 may provide input to a touch pad of the remote control 106 to manipulate the cursor 216. Responsive to receiving a user selection from the selection menu 202, the television receiver 102 tunes and outputs the selected channel indicated by the position of the cursor.

In some embodiments, the television receiver 102 may change the channel responsive to movement of the cursor 216. In other words, as the position of the cursor 216 moves, the television receiver 102 switches the channel outputted for display by the display device. In at least one embodiment, the user 108 manipulates a position of the cursor 216 by providing a first user input, and makes a selection of a particular channel by providing a second user input. For example, a user 108 may move the position of the cursor 216 using a touch pad of the remote control 106, and the user may select a particular previously viewed channel utilizing a trigger of the remote control 106.

In some embodiments, the television receiver 102 may store a plurality of previously viewed channels, and may allow the user 108 to navigate a subset of the plurality of previously viewed channels. In at least one embodiment, the subset navigation feature may be activated based upon user input received from the user 108. FIG. 3 illustrates an embodiment of a screenshot 300 including a selection menu 302 of a subset of previously viewed channels. FIG. 3 will be discussed in reference to the entertainment system 100 of FIG. 1.

The selection menu 302 is similar to the selection menu 202 of FIG. 2. More particularly, the selection menu 302 includes icons 206-214 representing four previously viewed channels. In the described embodiment, the channels associated with icons 206-212 are sorted from left-to-right in the order of viewing of the channels. The most recent previously viewed channel is represented by icon 206, and the least recent previously viewed channel is represented by icon 212.

The selection menu 302 further includes an icon 304 representing a presently viewed channel. As illustrated in screenshot 300, a visual indicator 306 highlights a subset of the previously viewed channels. More particularly, the visual indicator 306 highlights the icon 304 representing the presently viewed channel and the icon 206 representing the most recent previously viewed channel. The visual indicator 306 highlights the icons 206 and 304 by graying out the other icons in the selection menu 302, thus, drawing attention to the icons 206 and 304. The graying out of the other previously viewed channels indicates that they are not part of the subset of channels navigable in the selection menu 302. It is to be appreciated that other types of visual indicators 306 may be utilized instead to highlight a subset of channels in the selection menu 302. Initially, a cursor 308 highlights the icon 304. The user 108 may then provide user input to manipulate a position of the cursor 308 to navigate the subset of the previously viewed channels. In at least one embodiment, the position of the cursor 308 determines the particular previously viewed channel to be outputted by the television receiver 102. Thus, if the subset includes two channels, i.e., the presently viewed channel and a previously viewed channel, then the user 108 may toggle between the two channels by providing input to the remote control 106. For example, the user 108 may provide input by scrolling along a touch pad of the remote control 106. It is to be appreciated that the subset of previously viewed channels may include any number M of the N previously viewed channels.

In at least one embodiment, the user 108 may provide user input to change the composition of the subset of the previously viewed channels in the selection menu 302. For example, the user 108 may provide input via an arrow pad, button or the like to change the composition of the subset of previously viewed channels by moving the location of the visual indicator 306. In other embodiments, the user 108 may activate checkboxes associated with the icons 206-214 and 304 to indicate which channels are part of the subset of previously viewed channels in the selection menu 302. Changing the composition of the subset may also include changing the size of the subset of previously viewed channels.

FIG. 4 illustrates an embodiment of another screenshot 400 including a selection menu 402 of a subset of previously viewed channels. FIG. 4 will be discussed in reference to the entertainment system 100 of FIG. 1. In the screenshot 400, the visual indicator 406 highlights the icons 206-208, indicating that the user 108 may navigate between the channels associated with the icons 206-208. Thus, the user 108 may toggle between the associated channels.

The subset of previously viewed channels may also include a non-contiguous subset of previously channels. FIG. 5 illustrates an embodiment of another screenshot 500 including a selection menu 502 of a subset of previously viewed channels. FIG. 5 will be discussed in reference to the entertainment system 100 of FIG. 1. In selection menu 502, the visual indicator 506 highlights the icons 304, 208 and 214, indicating that a user 108 may navigate between the three channels associated with the icons. Thus, a user 108 may depress a recall button or scroll along a touch pad of the remote control 106 to navigate the subset of previously viewed channels.

FIG. 6 illustrates an embodiment of a television receiver of FIG. 1. FIG. 6 will be discussed in reference to the entertainment system 100 illustrated in FIG. 1. The television receiver 102A includes a tuner 602, a memory 604, a processor 606 and an interface module 608. Each of these components will be discussed in greater detail below. The television receiver 102A may include other elements, components or devices which are not illustrated for the sake of brevity.

The tuner 602 is operable to receive an audio/video input 610 from a content source. More particularly, the tuner 602 receives and tunes a television signal including television programming. The tuner 602 may receive an over-the-air broadcast, a direct broadcast satellite signal, a cable television signal or an internet protocol television (IPTV) signal and tune the audio/video input 610 to extract the selected television programming.

The memory 604 is operable to store settings and other data of the television receiver 102A. The memory 604 may comprise any type of memory appropriate for storing data utilized to control the operation of the television receiver 102A. Exemplary memory 604 includes semiconductor random access memory (RAM), flash memory, magnetic memory and the like. The memory 604 is at least operable to store data regarding a plurality of previously viewed channels.

The processor 606 is operable to control the operation of the television receiver 102A. The processor 606 may be a single processing device or a plurality of processing devices that cooperatively operate to control the operation of the television receiver 102A. The processor 606 may include various components or modules for processing and outputting audio/video content. Exemplary components or modules for processing audio/video content include a demodulator, a decoder, a decompressor, a conditional access module and a transcoder module.

The processor 606 processes the audio/video input 610 to generate an audio/video output stream. The audio/video output stream is outputted to the display device 104 (see FIG. 1) for presentation to a user. The processor 606 may incorporate circuitry to output the audio/video streams in any format recognizable by the display device 104, including composite video, component video, Digital Visual Interface (DVI) and High-Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI). The processor 606 may also incorporate circuitry to support multiple types of these or other audio/video formats. In at least one embodiment, as described above, the television receiver 102A may be integrated with the display device 104, and the processor 606 may be operable to control the presentation of the audio/video output stream.

The interface module 608 is operable to wirelessly receive data from the remote control 106. The interface module 608 may communicate with the remote control 106 utilizing any type of IR or RF communication link. In at least one embodiment, the interface module 608 receives a key code from the remote control 106, and responsively provides the key code to the processor 606. In some embodiments, the interface module 608 may receive positional information from a scrolling device of the remote control 106, e.g., a touch pad, scroll wheel or the like.

Some of the data received by the interface module 608 may request to change a channel outputted by the television receiver 102A. The processor 606 stores data to the memory 604 to reflect a list of previously viewed channels as well as the presently viewed channels. The user 108 then requests to activate a recall function of the television receiver 102A, e.g., by pressing a recall button of the remote control. The processor responsively outputs a selection menu that includes the plurality of previously viewed channels. The selection menu may optionally include the presently viewed channels.

The interface module 608 receives input, from the remote control 106, selecting one of the previously viewed channels of the selection menu. The processor 606 processes the input and responsively commands the tuner 602 to tune to the selected previously viewed channel. The processor further outputs a video signal associated with the selected one the plurality of previously viewed channels for presentation by the display device 104. Thus, a user 108, through the improved television receiver 102A, may navigate through a plurality of previously viewed channels, to experience multiple channel recall function during their viewing experience.

Those of ordinary skill in the art will appreciate that the various functional elements 602 through 604 shown as operable within the television receiver 102A may be combined into fewer discrete elements or may be broken up into a larger number of discrete functional elements as a matter of design choice. Thus, the particular functional decomposition suggested by FIG. 6 is intended merely as exemplary of one possible functional decomposition of elements within the television receiver 102A.

FIG. 7 illustrates an embodiment of a process for providing multiple channel recall on a television receiver. More particularly, the process of FIG. 7 provides a user with a selection menu of previously viewed channels, and allows the user to navigate the selection menu to select one of the previously viewed channels for viewing. The process of FIG. 7 may include other operations not illustrated for the sake of brevity.

The process includes storing a plurality of previously viewed channels (operation 702). The process further includes outputting a selection menu including the plurality of previously viewed channels (operation 704). The selection menu may be outputted responsive to a user request to activate a recall function. For example, a user may press a recall button of a remote control or may scroll using a touch pad, arrow keys of the like of a remote control.

The process further includes receiving user input selecting one of the plurality of previously viewed channels (operation 706). For example, the user may manipulate a cursor using a remote control to highlight a particular channel, and press an enter button or actuate a trigger of the remote control to select a particular channel. The process further includes commanding a television tuner to output the selected one of the plurality of previously viewed channels (operation 708). Thus, the user may switch from a previously viewed channel to one of a plurality of previously viewed channels, experiencing multiple channel recall on a television receiver.

Although specific embodiments were described herein, the scope of the invention is not limited to those specific embodiments. The scope of the invention is defined by the following claims and any equivalents therein.

  • 1. A method of providing multiple channel recall on a television receiver, the method comprising: storing a plurality of previously viewed channels;outputting a selection menu including the plurality of previously viewed channels;receiving user input selecting one of the plurality of previously viewed channels; andcommanding a television tuner to output the selected one of the plurality of previously viewed channels.
  • 2. The method of claim 1, wherein receiving the user input further comprises: outputting a cursor within the selection menu;receiving first user input requesting to manipulate a position of the cursor; andreceiving second user input selecting the one of the plurality of previously viewed channels associated with the position of the cursor.
  • 3. The method of claim 1, wherein outputting the selection menu further comprises: outputting the presently viewed channel within the selection menu.
  • 4. The method of claim 3, further comprising: outputting a visual indicator highlighting a subset of the plurality of previously viewed channels;outputting a cursor within the selection menu, the cursor moveable within the subset of the plurality of previously viewed channels; andreceiving first user input requesting to manipulate a position of the cursor, wherein the position of the cursor determines the selected one of the plurality of previously viewed channels.
  • 5. The method of claim 4, further comprising: receiving second user input selecting the one of the plurality of previously viewed channels associated with the position of the cursor.
  • 6. The method of claim 4, wherein the subset of the plurality of previously viewed channels includes a first previously viewed channel and the presently viewed channel, and wherein the method further comprises: receiving user input requesting to alternate between the first previously viewed channel and the presently viewed channel.
  • 7. The method of claim 4, further comprising: receiving third user input requesting to change a composition of the subset of the plurality of the previously viewed channels.
  • 8. The method of claim 1, wherein outputting the selection menu further comprises: outputting an icon associated with each of the previously viewed channels.
  • 9. A television receiver comprising: a tuner that receives television programming from a programming source;a memory that stores a plurality of previously viewed channels;a processor communicatively coupled to the memory and communicatively coupled to the tuner that outputs a selection menu, including the plurality of previously viewed channels, for presentation by a display device; andan interface module communicatively coupled to the processor that communicates with an input device to receive input selecting one of the previously viewed channels;the processor further operable to process the input and responsively command the tuner to tune to the selected one of the plurality of previously viewed channels and further operable to output a video signal associated with the selected one of the plurality of previously viewed channels for presentation by the display device.
  • 10. The television receiver of claim 9, wherein the processor outputs a cursor within the selection menu having a position manipulatable based on the input received by the interface module from the input device, the input further selecting the one of the plurality of previously viewed channels associated with the position of the cursor.
  • 11. The television receiver of claim 9, wherein the processor overlays the selection menu over video data associated with a presently viewed channel, the selection menu additionally comprising a representation of the presently viewed channel.
  • 12. The television receiver of claim 11, wherein: the processor outputs a visual indicator highlighting a subset of the plurality of previously viewed channels and outputs a cursor moveable within the subset of the plurality of previously viewed channels;the interface module receives first user input from the input device requesting to manipulate a position of the cursor and second user input selecting the one of the plurality of previously viewed channels associated with the position of the cursor.
  • 13. The television receiver of claim 11, wherein: the processor outputs a visual indicator highlighting a subset of the plurality of previously viewed channels and outputs a cursor moveable within the subset of the plurality of previously viewed channels, the subset of the plurality of previously viewed channels including a first previously viewed channel and the presently viewed channel;the interface module receives first user input from the input device requesting to manipulate a position of the cursor and second user input selecting the one of the plurality of previously viewed channels associated with the position of the cursor.
  • 14. The television receiver of claim 13, wherein: the interface module receives third user input from the input device requesting to change a composition of the subset of the plurality of the previously viewed channels;the processor operable to output a second visual indicator highlighting another subset of the plurality of previously viewed channels based on the third input.
  • 15. The television receiver of claim 9, wherein the processor outputs an icon associated with each of the previously viewed channels in the selection menu.
  • 16. A system comprising: a remote control including: an input device that receives user input;a transmitter that transmits the user input; anda television receiver including: a tuner that receives television programming from a programming source;a memory that stores a plurality of previously viewed channels;a processor communicatively coupled to the memory and communicatively coupled to the tuner that outputs a presently viewed channel for presentation by a display device, the processor further overlaying a selection menu including representations of the plurality of previously viewed channels and the presently viewed channel, the selection menu further comprising a manipulatable cursor; andan interface module communicatively coupled to the processor that receives the user input from the transmitter, the user input manipulating a position of the cursor and selecting one of the previously viewed channels;the processor further operable to process the remote command and responsively command the tuner to tune to the selected one of the plurality of previously viewed channels and operable to output a video signal associated with the selected one of the plurality of previously viewed channels for presentation by the display device.
  • 17. The system of claim 16, wherein the input device comprises a touch pad.
  • 18. The system of claim 17, wherein the processor outputs a visual indicator highlighting a subset of the plurality of previously viewed channels, the position of the cursor manipulatable within the subset of the plurality of previously viewed channels.
  • 19. The system of claim 18, wherein the subset of the plurality of previously viewed channels includes a first previously viewed channel and the presently viewed channel, and wherein movement across the touch pad responsively toggles the output of the processor between the first previously viewed channel and the presently viewed channel.
  • 20. The system of claim 18, wherein the interface module receives third user input from the input device requesting to change the subset of the plurality of the previously viewed channels, the processor outputting a second visual indicator highlighting the changed subset of the plurality of previously viewed channels based on the third user input.