FIG. 1. Illustration of PEP (Pre-ejection period) T1 measurement. PEP is measured from the trigger point detected on the ECG (upper trace) to the point where arterial pressure (lower trace) upstroke is detected. The R-wave of the QRS complex of the ECG is the large peak indicated by arrows and diagonal lines. The P-wave precedes the QRS complex while the T-wave occurs after the QRS complex.
FIG. 2. Illustration of the deflation time T2, which is the time from the start of deflation to the end of deflation. ECG shown on upper trace. When R-wave deflation is used, deflation starts when the trigger point is detected. Deflation ends when the Balloon Pressure Waveform (bottom trace) returns to the baseline. This indicates that at least 90% of the helium has returned to the IABP (pump) from the IAB (Balloon).
FIG. 3. Schematic of relationship between electrocardiogram (ECG), arterial pressure (AP) and intra-aortic balloon (Balloon) Speed with R-Wave deflation. T2-T1 value calculation is shown. The amount of Helium (He) remaining in the IAB is shown, with 100% to the left side and <10% to the right of the graph. The threshold value is shown above the % of He remaining graph. In the illustration shown in the Figure, the threshold value represents the point where approximately 70% of the He is removed from the IAB; this point is shown on the % of He remaining at 30%.
FIG. 4. Schematic of selection of mode of deflation timing.