Methods and apparatus for treating fibrillation and creating defibrillation waveforms


  • Patent Grant
  • 6298266
  • Patent Number
  • Date Filed
    Tuesday, August 10, 1999
    25 years ago
  • Date Issued
    Tuesday, October 2, 2001
    22 years ago
Methods and apparatus for treating fibrillation utilize biphasic waveforms. A cardiac stimulator includes a defibrillation circuit that uses a pulse width modulated capacitive discharge to generate various biphasic waveforms, one or more of which may be delivered to the heart to treat the fibrillation.


1. Field of the Invention

The present invention relates generally to cardiac stimulators and, more particularly, to cardiac stimulators having the ability to treat fibrillations.

2. Description of the Related Art

This section is intended to introduce the reader to various aspects of art which may be related to various aspects of the present invention which are described and/or claimed below. This discussion is believed to be helpful in providing the reader with background information to facilitate a better understanding of the various aspects of the present invention. Accordingly, it should be understood that these statements are to be read in this light, and not as admissions of prior art.

As most people are aware, the human heart is an organ having four chambers. A septum divides the heart in half, with each half having two chambers. The upper chambers are referred to as the left and right atria, and the lower chambers are referred to as the left and right ventricles. Deoxygenated blood enters the right atrium through the inferior and superior vena cava. Contraction of the right atrium and of the right ventricle pump the deoxygenated blood through the pulmonary arteries to the lungs where the blood is oxygenated. This oxygenated blood is carried to the left atrium by the pulmonary veins. From this cavity, the oxygenated blood passes to the left ventricle and is pumped to a large artery, the aorta, which delivers the pure blood to the other portions of the body through the various branches of the vascular system.

In the normal human heart, the sinus node (generally located near the junction of the superior vena cava and the right atrium) constitutes the primary natural pacemaker by which rhythmic electrical excitation is developed. The cardiac impulse arising from the sinus node is transmitted to the two atrial chambers. In response to this excitation, the atria contract, pumping blood from those chambers into the respective ventricles. The impulse is transmitted to the ventricles through the atrioventricular (AV) node to cause the ventricles to contract. This action is repeated in a rhythmic cardiac cycle in which the atrial and ventricular chambers alternately contract and pump, then relax and fill. One-way valves between the atrial and ventricular chambers in the right and left sides of the heart and at the exits of the right and left ventricles prevent backflow of the blood as it moves through the heart and the circulatory system.

The sinus node is spontaneously rhythmic, and the cardiac rhythm originating from the sinus node is referred to as sinus rhythm. This capacity to produce spontaneous cardiac impulses is called rhythmicity. Some other cardiac tissues also possess this electrophysiologic property and, hence, constitute secondary natural pacemakers. However, the sinus node is the primary pacemaker because it has the fastest spontaneous rate and because the secondary pacemakers tend to be inhibited by the more rapid rate at which impulses are generated by the sinus node.

The resting rates at which sinus rhythm occurs in normal people differ from age group to age group, generally ranging between 110 and 150 beats per minute (“bpm”) at birth, and gradually slowing in childhood to the range between 65 and 85 bpm usually found in adults. The resting sinus rate, typically referred to simply as the “sinus rate,” varies from one person to another and, despite the aforementioned usual adult range, is generally considered to lie anywhere between 60 and 100 bpm (the “sinus rate range”) for the adult population.

A number of factors may affect the sinus rate, and some of those factors may slow or accelerate the rate sufficiently to take it outside of the sinus rate range. Slow rates (below 60 bpm) are referred to as sinus bradycardia, and high rates (above 150 bpm) are referred to as sinus tachycardia. In particular, sinus tachycardia observed in healthy people arises from various factors which may include physical or emotional stress, such as exercise or excitement, consumption of beverages containing alcohol or caffeine, cigarette smoking, and the ingestion of certain drugs. The sinus tachycardia rate usually ranges between 101 and 160 bpm in adults, but is has been observed at rates up to (and in infrequent instances, exceeding) 200 bpm in younger persons during strenuous exercise.

Sinus tachycardia is sometimes categorized as a cardiac arrhythmia, since it is a variation from the normal sinus rate range. Arrhythmia rates which exceed the upper end of the sinus rate range are termed tachyarrhythmias. Healthy people usually experience a gradual return to their normal sinus rate after the removal of the factors giving rise to sinus tachycardia. However, people suffering from disease may experience abnormal arrhythmias that may require special, and in some instances immediate, treatment. In this text, we typically refer to abnormally high rates that have not yet been determined to be caused by myocardial malfunction as tachycardias and to abnormally high rates that have been determined to be caused by myocardial malfunction as tachyarrhythmias.

It should also be appreciated that an abnormal tachyarrhythmia may initiate fibrillation. Fibrillation is a tachyarrhythmia characterized by the commencement of completely uncoordinated random contractions by sections of conductive cardiac tissue of the affected chamber, quickly resulting in a complete loss of synchronous contraction of the overall mass of tissue and a consequent loss of the blood-pumping capability of that chamber.

In addition to rhythmicity, other electrophysiologic properties of the heart include excitability and conductivity. Excitability, which is the property of cardiac tissue to respond to a stimulus, varies with the different periods of the cardiac cycle. As one example, the cardiac tissue is not able to respond to a stimulus during the absolute refractory phase of the refractory period, which is approximately the interval of contraction from the start of the QRS complex to the commencement of the T wave of the electrocardiogram. As another example, the cardiac tissue exhibits a lower than usual response during another portion of the refractory period constituting the initial part of the relative refractory phase, which is coincident with the T wave. Also, the excitability of the various portions of the cardiac tissue differs according to the degree of refractoriness of the tissue.

Similarly, the different portions of the heart vary significantly in conductivity, which is a related electrophysiologic property of cardiac tissue that determines the speed with which cardiac impulses are transmitted. For example, ventricular tissue and atrial tissue are more conductive than AV junction tissue. The longer refractory phase and slower conductivity of the AV junction tissue give it a significant natural protective function, as described in more detail later.

For a variety of reasons, a person's heart may not function properly and, thus, endanger the person's well-being. Most typically, heart disease affects the rhythmicity of the organ, but it may also affect the excitability and/or conductivity of the cardiac tissue as well. As most people are aware, medical devices have been developed to facilitate heart function in such situations. For instance, if a person's heart does not beat properly, a cardiac stimulator may be used to provide relief. A cardiac stimulator is a medical device that delivers electrical stimulation to a patient's heart. A cardiac stimulator generally includes a pulse generator for creating electrical stimulation pulses and a conductive lead for delivering these electrical stimulation pulses to the designated portion of the heart. As described in more detail below, cardiac stimulators generally supply electrical pulses to the heart to keep the heart beating at a desired rate, although they may supply a relatively larger electrical pulse to the heart to help the heart recover from fibrillation.

Early pacemakers were devised to treat bradycardia. These pacemakers did not monitor the condition of the heart. Rather, early pacemakers simply provided stimulation pulses at a fixed rate and, thus, kept the heart beating at that fixed rate. However, it was found that pacemakers of this type used an inordinate amount of energy due to the constant pulse production. Even the sinus node of a heart in need of a pacemaker often provides suitable rhythmic stimulation occasionally. Accordingly, if a heart, even for a short period, is able to beat on its own, providing an electrical stimulation pulse using a pacemaker wastes the pacemaker's energy.

To address this problem, pacemakers were subsequently designed to monitor the heart and to provide stimulation pulses only when necessary. These pacemakers were referred to as “demand” pacemakers because they provided stimulation only when the heart demanded stimulation. If a demand pacemaker detected a natural heartbeat within a prescribed period of time, typically referred to as the “escape interval”, the pacemaker provided no stimulation pulse. Because monitoring uses much less power than generating stimulation pulses, the demand pacemakers took a large step toward conserving the limited energy contained in the pacemaker's battery.

Clearly, the evolution of the pacemaker did not cease with the advent of monitoring capability. Indeed, the complexity of pacemakers has continued to increase in order to address the physiological needs of patients as well as the efficiency, longevity, and reliability of the pacemaker. For instance, even the early demand pacemakers provided stimulation pulses, when needed, at a fixed rate, such as 72 pulses per minute. To provide a more physiological response, pacemakers having a programmably selectable rate were developed. So long as the heart was beating above this programmably selected rate, the pacemaker did not provide any stimulation pulses. However, if the heart rate fell below this programmably selected rate, the pacemaker sensed the condition and provided stimulation pulses as appropriate.

To provide even further physiological accuracy, pacemakers have now been developed that automatically change the rate at which the pacemaker provides stimulation pulses. These pacemakers are commonly referred to as “rate-responsive” pacemakers. Rate-responsive pacemakers sense a physiological parameter of the patient and alter the rate at which the stimulation pulses are provided to the heart. Typically, this monitored physiological parameter relates to the changing physiological needs of the patient. For instance, when a person is at rest, the person's heart need only beat relatively slowly to accommodate the person's physiological needs. Conversely, when a person is exercising, the person's heart tends to beat rather quickly to accommodate the person's heightened physiological needs.

Unfortunately, the heart of a person in need of a pacemaker may not be able to beat faster on its own. Prior to the development of rate-responsive pacemakers, patients were typically advised to avoid undue exercise, and pacemaker patients that engaged in exercise tended to tire quickly. Rate-responsive pacemakers help relieve this constraint by sensing one or more physiological parameters of a patient that indicates whether the heart should be beating slower or faster. If the pacemaker determines that the heart should be beating faster, the pacemaker adjusts its base rate upward to provide a faster pacing rate if the patient's heart is unable to beat faster on its own. Similarly, if the pacemaker determines that the patient's heart should be beating more slowly, the pacemaker adjusts its base rate downward to conserve energy and to conform the patient's heartbeat with the patient's less active state.

As noted above, pacemakers have historically been employed primarily for the treatment of heart rates which are unusually slow, referred to as bradyarrhythmias. However, over the past several years cardiac pacing has found significantly increasing usage in the management of heart rates which are unusually fast, referred to as tachyarrhythmias. Anti-tachyarrhythmia pacemakers take advantage of the previously mentioned inhibitory mechanism that acts on the secondary natural pacemakers to prevent their spontaneous rhythmicity, sometimes termed “postdrive inhibition” or “overdrive inhibition”. In essence, the heart may be stimulated with a faster than normal pacing rate (1) to suppress premature atrial or ventricular contractions that might otherwise initiate ventricular tachycardia, flutter (a tachyarrhythmia exceeding 250 bpm), or fibrillation or (2) to terminate an existing tachyarrhythmia.

Typically, these pulses need only be of sufficient magnitude to stimulate the excitable myocardial tissue in the immediate vicinity of the pacing electrode. However, another technique for terminating tachyarrhythmias, referred to as cardioversion, utilizes apparatus to shock the heart synchronized to the tachyarrhythmia with one or more current or voltage pulses of considerably higher energy content than that of the pacing pulses. Defibrillation, a related technique, also involves applying one or more high energy “countershocks” to the heart in an effort to overwhelm the chaotic contractions of individual tissue sections to allow reestablishment of an organized spreading of action potential from cell to cell of the myocardium and, thus, restore the synchronized contraction of the mass of tissue.

In the great majority of cases, atrial fibrillation is hemodynamically tolerated and not life-threatening because the atria provide only a relatively small portion (typically on the order of 15 to 20 percent) of the total volume of blood pumped by the heart per unit time, typically referred to as cardiac output. During atrial fibrillation, the atrial tissue remains healthy because it is continuing to receive a fresh supply of oxygenated blood as a result of the continued pumping action of the ventricles. Atrial tachyarrhythmia may also be hemodynamically tolerated because of the natural protective property of the AV junctional tissue attributable to its longer refractory period and slower conductivity than atrial tissue. This property renders the AV junctional tissue unable to respond fully to the more rapid atrial contractions. As a result, the ventricle may miss every other, or perhaps two of every three, contractions in the high rate atrial sequence, resulting in 2:1 or 3:1 A-V conduction and, thus, maintain relatively strong cardiac output and an almost normal rhythm.

Nevertheless, in cases where the patient is symptomatic or at high risk in events of atrial tachyarrhythmia or fibrillation, special treatment of these atrial disorders may be appropriate. Such circumstances may include, for example, instances where the patient suffers from ventricular heart disease and cannot easily withstand even the small consequent reduction of ventricular pumping capability, as well as instances where the rapid atrial rhythm is responsible for an excessively rapid ventricular rate. The methods of treatment commonly prescribed by physicians for treating atrial tachyarrhythmia and fibrillation include medication, catheter ablation, pacing therapy, cardiac shock therapy, and in some cases, surgically creating an A-V block and implanting a ventricular pacemaker.

In contrast to the atrial arrhythmias discussed above, cardiac output may be considerably diminished during an episode of ventricular tachyarrhythmia because the main pumping chambers of the heart, the ventricles, are only partially filled between the rapid contractions of those chambers. As in the case atrial fibrillation, ventricular fibrillation is characterized by rapid, chaotic electrical and mechanical activity of the excitable myocardial tissue. However, in contrast to atrial fibrillation, ventricular fibrillation manifests an instantaneous cessation of cardiac output as the result of the ineffectual quivering of the ventricles - a condition that typically requires almost immediate treatment.

The type and shape of the defibrillation waveform, as well as its intensity, determine the efficacy of the waveform in treating fibrillation. For example, in older defibrillators, such as external devices used in emergency situations, a monophasic waveform was used. A typical monophasic waveform rises from zero volts to some prescribed positive voltage appropriate to defibrillate the heart. While such a waveform typically overcomes the fibrillation of the heart, if it is not of sufficient intensity refibrillation may occur.

To address this concern, most defibrillators now use a biphasic waveform. A typical biphasic waveform rises from zero volts to some prescribed positive voltage, and then switches rapidly to some prescribed negative voltage before returning to zero. Biphasic waveforms exhibit several advantages over monophasic waveforms. For example, because part of a biphasic waveform is at a positive voltage level and part is at a negative voltage level, a biphasic waveform tends to deliver a more balanced charge than a monophasic waveform. Because a more balanced charge leaves less net charge on the interface between the heart and the electrode, there is less polarization at this boundary. This is a desirable result because the polarization potential of a polarized boundary must first be overcome to deliver the required stimulation to the heart, thus increasing the required intensity of the waveform and the power drain on the cardiac stimulator. Therefore, biphasic waveforms typically require less energy to defibrillate than monophasic waveforms.

While biphasic waveforms appear to exhibit greater efficacy than monophasic waveforms, various problems still exist. For instance, theoretically speaking, biphasic waveforms may take virtually an infinite number of shapes. While a variety of biphasic waveforms have been considered for defibrillation, no known waveform appears to be best suited for every situation. Furthermore, many waveforms remain theoretical, because no circuit suitable for use in an implantable ICD has been designed to create the waveform.

The present invention may address one or more of the problems set forth above.


Certain aspects commensurate in scope with the originally claimed invention are set forth below. It should be understood that these aspects are presented merely to provide the reader with a brief summary of certain forms the invention might take and that these aspects are not intended to limit the scope of the invention. Indeed, the invention may encompass a variety of aspects that may not be set forth below.

In accordance with one aspect of the present invention, there is provided a biphasic defibrillation waveform which includes a positive voltage phase beginning at about zero volts and having an initial positive voltage magnitude greater than zero volts. The positive voltage phase has a first positively sloped portion extending from the initial positive voltage magnitude to a maximum positive voltage magnitude greater than the initial positive voltage magnitude. A negative voltage phase has an initial maximum negative voltage magnitude less than zero volts extending from the maximum positive voltage magnitude of the positive voltage phase. The negative voltage phase has a second positively sloped portion extending from the initial maximum negative voltage magnitude to a terminal negative voltage magnitude greater than the initial maximum negative voltage magnitude.

In accordance with another aspect of the present invention, there is provided a biphasic defibrillation waveform which includes a positive voltage phase having an initial voltage magnitude equal to about zero volts and having a first positively sloped portion extending from the initial voltage magnitude to a maximum positive voltage magnitude greater than the initial voltage magnitude. A negative voltage phase has an initial negative voltage magnitude less than or equal to zero volts extending from the maximum positive voltage magnitude of the positive voltage phase. The negative voltage phase has a second sloped portion extending from the initial is negative voltage magnitude to a terminal negative voltage having a magnitude less than or equal to zero volts.

In accordance with still another aspect of the present invention, there is provided a biphasic defibrillation waveform which includes a positive voltage phase having an initial maximum positive voltage magnitude greater than zero volts and having a first negatively sloped portion extending from the initial maximum positive voltage magnitude to a terminal positive voltage magnitude less than the initial maximum positive voltage magnitude. A negative voltage phase has an initial negative voltage magnitude less than or equal to zero volts extending from the terminal positive voltage magnitude of the positive voltage phase. The negative voltage phase has a second sloped portion extending from the initial negative voltage magnitude to a terminal negative voltage having a magnitude less than or equal to zero volts.

In accordance with yet another aspect of the present invention, there is provided a biphasic defibrillation waveform which includes a positive voltage phase having an initial positive voltage having a magnitude greater than or equal to zero volts and having a first sloped portion extending from the initial positive voltage to a terminal positive voltage having magnitude greater than or equal to zero volts. A negative voltage phase has an initial negative voltage having a magnitude less than or equal to zero volts extending from the terminal positive voltage of the positive voltage phase. The negative voltage phase has a second sloped portion extending from the initial negative voltage to a terminal negative voltage having a magnitude less than or equal to zero volts.

In accordance with a further aspect of the present invention, there is provided a method of generating a biphasic defibrillation waveform that includes the acts of: generating a positive voltage phase having an initial positive voltage having a magnitude greater than or equal to zero volts and having a first sloped portion extending from the initial positive voltage to a terminal positive voltage having magnitude greater than or equal to zero volts; and generating a negative voltage phase having an initial negative voltage having a magnitude less than or equal to zero volts extending from the terminal positive voltage of the positive voltage phase, the negative voltage phase having a second sloped portion extending from the initial negative voltage to a terminal negative voltage having a magnitude less than or equal to zero volts.

In accordance with a still further aspect of the present invention, there is provided a defibrillation waveform generator that includes: an arrhythmia detector adapted to be coupled to a heart, the arrhythmia detector delivering a detection signal in response to detecting fibrillation in the heart; a charging circuit coupled to a capacitor, the charging circuit charging the capacitor to a given voltage; a controller operably coupled to the arrhythmia detector to receive the detection signal, the controller delivering a first control signal, a second control signal, and a third control signal in response to receiving the detection signal; a voltage-to-frequency convertor coupled to the controller to receive the first control signal, the voltage-to-frequency convertor delivering a frequency signal having a frequency correlative to the first control signal; a pulse width modulator coupled to the controller to receive the second control signal and coupled to the voltage-to-frequency convertor to receive the frequency signal, the pulse width modulator delivering a pulse width modulated signal having a frequency correlative to the frequency signal and having a duty cycle correlative to the second control signal; and a switching circuit adapted to be coupled between the capacitor and the heart, the switching circuit being coupled to the controller to receive the third control signal and to the pulse width modulator to receive the pulse width modulated signal, the switching circuit controllably discharging the capacitor across the heart to deliver a defibrillation waveform in response to the third control signal and the pulse width modulated signal.

In accordance with a yet further aspect of the present invention, there is provided a defibrillation waveform generator that includes: an arrhythmia detector adapted to be coupled to a heart, the arrhythmia detector delivering a detection signal in response to detecting fibrillation in the heart; a charging circuit coupled to a first capacitor and to a second capacitor, the charging circuit charging the first capacitor and the second capacitor to a respective given voltage; a controller operably coupled to the arrhythmia detector to receive the detection signal, the controller delivering a first control signal, a second control signal, and a third control signal in response to receiving the detection signal; a voltage-to-frequency convertor coupled to the controller to receive the first control signal, the voltage-to-frequency convertor delivering a frequency signal having a frequency correlative to the first control signal; a pulse width modulator coupled to the controller to receive the second control signal and coupled to the voltage-to-frequency converter to receive the frequency signal, the pulse width modulator delivering a pulse width modulated signal having a frequency correlative to the frequency signal and having a duty cycle correlative to the second control signal; and a switching circuit adapted to be coupled between the first and second capacitors and the heart, the switching circuit being coupled to the controller to receive the third control signal and to the pulse width modulator to receive the pulse width modulated signal, the switching circuit controllably discharging the first capacitor across the heart to deliver a positive phase defibrillation waveform in response to the third control signal and the pulse width modulated signal, and the switching circuit controllably discharging the second capacitor across the heart to deliver a negative phase defibrillation waveform in response to the third control signal and the pulse width modulated signal.

In accordance with another aspect of the present invention, there is provided a cardiac stimulator for treating fibrillations. The cardiac stimulator includes an implantable case containing: an atrial sensing circuit adapted to deliver an atrial signal correlative to a condition of an atrium of a heart; a ventricular sensing circuit adapted to deliver a ventricular signal correlative to a condition of a ventricle of the heart; an inductor-less pulse generator adapted to deliver pulse width modulated electrical stimulation to the ventricle; and a control circuit coupled to the ventricular sensing circuit to receive the ventricular signal, the control circuit directing the pulse generator to deliver pulse width modulated electrical stimulation to the ventricle in response to classifying a ventricular tachyarrhythmia as a fibrillation.

In accordance with still another aspect of the present invention, there is provided a cardiac stimulator that includes: means for determining whether a fibrillation exists in a ventricle; means for charging at least one capacitor; and means for discharging the at least one capacitor in a pulse width modulated manner to the ventricle to create a defibrillation waveform for treating the fibrillation.

In accordance with yet another aspect of the present invention, there is provided a method of treating fibrillation that includes the acts of: (a) determining whether a fibrillation exists in a ventricle; (b) charging at least one capactitor; and (c) electrically stimulating the ventricle with a waveform to treat the fibrillation by discharging the at least one capacitor in a pulse width modulated manner.


The foregoing and other advantages of the invention will become apparent upon reading the following detailed description and upon reference to the drawings in which:

FIG. 1

illustrates a cardiac stimulator having two leads coupled to a patient's heart;

FIG. 2

illustrates a block diagram of one embodiment of a cardiac stimulator's circuitry in accordance with the present invention;

FIG. 3

illustrates a diagram of a heart rate spectrum that is partitioned into various arrhythmia classes;

FIG. 4

illustrates a portion of a conventional monophasic defibrillation waveform;

FIGS. 5-7

illustrate three positive voltage phase components of a biphasic waveform;

FIGS. 8-13

illustrate six negative voltage phase components of a biphasic waveform;

FIGS. 14-31

illustrate eighteen biphasic defibrillation waveforms created from combining the three positive voltage phase components illustrated in

FIGS. 5-7

with the six negative voltage phase components illustrated in

FIGS. 8-13


FIG. 32

illustrates a detailed version of the waveform illustrated in

FIG. 14


FIG. 33

illustrates a first embodiment of a circuit for generating biphasic defibrillation waveforms, such as the waveforms illustrated in

FIGS. 14-31


FIG. 34

illustrates a second embodiment of a circuit for generating biphasic defibrillation waveforms, such as the waveforms illustrated in

FIGS. 14-31


FIG. 35

illustrates a third embodiment of a circuit for generating biphasic defibrillation waveforms, such as the waveforms illustrated in

FIGS. 14-31


FIG. 36

illustrates a pulse train generated by the circuit illustrated in

FIG. 34

; and

FIG. 37

illustrates a waveform in the heart produced by the pulse train illustrated in FIG.




Turning now to the drawings, and referring initially to

FIG. 1

, one embodiment of a dual-chamber cardiac stimulator is illustrated and generally designated by the reference numeral


. As discussed below, the cardiac stimulator


advantageously includes a defibrillator circuit that produces one or more waveforms for treating a detected fibrillation. The general structure and operation of the cardiac stimulator


will be discussed with reference to

FIGS. 1-3

. Then, various waveforms for treating fibrillation will be discussed with reference to

FIGS. 4-32

. Once these waveforms have been described, various exemplary methods and circuits for creating these waveforms will be described with reference to

FIGS. 33-37


As shown in

FIG. 1

, the body of the cardiac stimulator


includes a case


and a header


. The cardiac stimulator


may be implantable or non-implantable. If implantable, the case


and the header


are hermetically sealed to prevent bodily fluids from damaging the internal circuitry of the cardiac stimulator


. Typically, the case


is made of titanium, and the header


is made of polyethylene.

In the described embodiment, the cardiac stimulator


is a dual chamber cardioverter/defibrillator (ICD), although it should be understood that the teachings set forth herein may apply to other types of cardiac stimulators, such as an implantable defibrillator or an external, stand-alone defibrillator for example. Because the cardiac stimulator


is a dual chamber ICD, it includes an atrial lead


and a ventricular lead


. Typically, the leads




are generally flexible and include an electrically conductive core surrounded by a protective sheath. For instance, the internal core may be a coiled wire of titanium, and the protective sheath may be a coating of polyurethane or silicone.

Each lead




includes a respective tip




that is designed to be implanted or coupled to an interior surface of a chamber of the heart


. As illustrated, the tip


of the atrial lead


is implanted in an inner wall of the right atrium


of the heart


for sensing and/or stimulating the right atrium


. Similarly, the tip


of the ventricular lead


is implanted in an inner wall of the right ventricle


of the heart


for sensing and/or stimulating the right ventricle



The cardiac stimulator


uses electronic circuitry to perform its functions, such as the circuitry illustrated in FIG.


and generally designated by the reference numeral


. A microprocessor


provides pacemaker control and computational facilities. Although it will be appreciated that other forms of circuitry, such as analog or discrete digital circuitry, can be used in place of microprocessor


, a microprocessor is typically advantageous due to its miniature size and its flexibility. Energy efficient microprocessors, which are designed specifically for use in pacemakers, are particularly advantageous.

The microprocessor


has input/output ports connected in a conventional manner via bidirectional bus


to memory


, an AV interval timer


, and a pacing interval timer


. In addition, the AV interval timer


and pacing interval timer


each has an output connected to a corresponding input port of the microprocessor


by lines




respectively. Memory


may include both ROM and RAM, and the microprocessor


may also contain additional ROM and RAM. The pacemaker operating routine is typically stored in ROM, while the RAM stores programmable parameters and variables in conjunction with the pacemaker operation.

The AV and pacing interval timers




may be external to the microprocessor


, as illustrated, or internal thereto. The timers




may be, for instance, suitable conventional up/down counters of the type that are initially loaded with a count value and count up to or down from the value and output a roll-over bit upon completing the programmed count. The initial count value is loaded into the timers




on bus


and the respective roll-over bits are output to the microprocessor


on lines





The microprocessor


typically also has an input/output port connected to a telemetry interface


by line


. The pacemaker, when implanted, is thus able to receive pacing and rate control parameters from an external programmer


and to send data to an external receiver if desired. Many suitable telemetry systems are known to those skilled in the art.

The microprocessor output ports are connected to inputs of an atrial stimulus pulse generator


and a ventricular stimulus pulse generator


by control lines




, respectively. The microprocessor


transmits pulse parameter data, such as amplitude and width, as well as enable/disable and pulse initiation codes to the generators




on the respective control lines. The microprocessor


also has input ports connected to outputs of an atrial sense amplifier


and a ventricular sense amplifier


by lines




respectively. The atrial and ventricular sense amplifiers




detect occurrences of P-waves and R-waves respectively.

The input of the atrial sense amplifier


and the output of the atrial stimulus pulse generator


are connected to a first conductor


which is inserted in a first conventional lead


. Lead


is inserted into a heart


intravenously or in any other suitable manner. The lead


has an electrically conductive pacing/sensing tip


at its distal end which is electrically connected to the conductor


. The pacing/sensing tip


is typically lodged in the right atrium



The input of the ventricular sense amplifier


and the output of the ventricular stimulus pulse generator


are connected to a second conductor


. The second conductor


is inserted in a second conventional lead


which is inserted intravenously or otherwise in the right ventricle


of the heart


. The second lead


has an electrically conductive pacing/sensing tip


at its distal end. The pacing/sensing tip


is electrically connected to the conductor


. The pacing/sensing tip


is typically lodged on the wall of the right ventricle



The conductors




conduct the stimulus pulses generated by the atrial and ventricular stimulus pulse generators




, respectively, to the pacing/sensing tips




. The pacing/sensing tips




and corresponding conductors




also conduct sensed cardiac electrical signals in the right atrium and right ventricle to the atrial and ventricular sense amplifiers





To provide defibrillation capability in the cardiac stimulator


, a high voltage defibrillator circuit


is provided which is controlled by the microprocessor


. The defibrillator circuit


is connected to heart tissue through two high voltage leads




which communicate with the heart through electrodes




. In the illustrated embodiment, epicardial patch electrodes are diagrammatically represented. However, other electrode configurations, including endocardial electrodes, may also be suitable. In fact, certain leads may be suitable for delivering pacing pulses as well as defibrillation pulses, thus rendering the leads




and the electrodes




superfluous. One example of suitable leads is disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 5,476,502, the entirety of which is hereby incorporated by reference.

The atrial and ventricular sense amplifiers




communicate both with the microprocessor and with a compressed signal A-to-D converter


. The compressed signal A-to-D converter


communicates through the bus


with memory


and the microprocessor


, primarily, and on a line


with the telemetry


. Thus, the output of the converter


can be manipulated by the microprocessor


, or stored in memory


or directly communicated through the telemetry


to the programmer


. The stored output of the convertor


may also be subsequently communicated from memory


through the telemetry


to the programmer



The microprocessor


may also base its control on other parameters, such as information received from other sensors. For example, an activity sensor


, such as an implanted accelerometer, may be used to gather information relating to changing environmental or physiological conditions. Although the use of an accelerometer as the activity sensor


may be advantageous, other types of sensors may also be used to gauge certain types of physical activity or physical condition, such as “displacement” sensors, temperature sensors, oxygen sensors, pH sensors, and/or impedance sensors. Indeed, when the dual-chamber cardiac stimulator


is operating in rate-responsive mode, the stimulator


typically adjusts the pacing rate in response to one or more detected physiological or environmental parameters correlated to a physiologic need.

The operation of the cardiac stimulator


may be affected by heart rate. With reference now to

FIG. 3

, a heart rate spectrum may be stored in the circuitry


and partitioned into a multiplicity of regions defining contiguous, successive heart rate ranges. At the lower end of the illustrated heart rate spectrum is normal rhythm, which is designated SINUS. As the heart rate rises along the spectrum, the spectrum enters progressively higher rate ranges associated with ventricular tachycardia or tachyarrhythmia, respectively labeled TACH-




, and TACH-


. Beyond the ventricular tachycardia ranges of the spectrum lies the range associated with ventricular fibrillation, which is labeled FIB.

It will be observed that the spectrum may be partitioned such that the rate ranges are representative of respective degrees of hemodynamic tolerance of the patient to cardiac rates in those regions. Generally speaking, heart rates in the SINUS region are normal, whereas rates in the FIB region cannot be tolerated. Furthermore, the ascending order of the three illustrated ventricular tachyarrhythmia regions TACH-




, and TACH-


depicts well tolerated, moderately tolerated, and poorly tolerated classes of tachycardia, respectively. Although three tachyarrhythmia classes are illustrated, the actual number of such classes may be greater or fewer depending on the judgment of the physician regarding the management of arrhythmias and the prescription of therapy regimens for a particular patient. As will become clear from the discussion of therapy considerations below, the fibrillation range FIB is of particular concern for the purposes of this discussion.

When the cardiac stimulator


detects a heart rate in the fibrillation range FIB, the defibrillator circuit


generates one or more defibrillation waveforms that are delivered to the heart via the appropriate leads. The type, shape, and intensity of a defibrillation waveform are determinative of the efficacy of the treatment of the fibrillated heart. Regarding the type of waveform, the advantages of a biphasic waveform over a monophasic waveform have been discussed previously. To illustrate certain differences between these types of waveforms, a monophasic waveform


is illustrated in FIG.



As can be seen, a typical monophasic waveform rises from zero volts to a certain maximum voltage V


and exhibits a certain oscillatory characteristic about an average voltage V


before returning to zero volts. As compared to the biphasic waveforms illustrated in the subsequent figures, the maximum voltage V


necessary for the monophasic waveform


to overcome the defibrillation threshold tends to be greater, possibly by fifty percent or more, than the maximum voltage of the various biphasic waveforms. As discussed previously, this problem is primarily due to the generation of a polarized boundary between the electrodes and the heart caused by the large net voltage delivery of the monophasic waveform



However, the primary advantage of the monophasic waveform


is that it may be generated by capacitive discharge circuitry that is small enough to be used within an implantable cardiac stimulator. At present, the circuitry for producing suitable biphasic defibrillation waveforms typically utilizes a massive circuit containing a very large inductor to create the appropriately shaped waveforms. Such circuitry is not feasible for use in an implantable device.

Furthermore, the types of biphasic waveforms previously considered for use in treating fibrillation are somewhat limited and are not programmably selectable for treating various types of fibrillation. In the discussion below, various biphasic waveform components are described, as well as the various combinations of resulting biphasic waveforms. The nature of each of these waveforms will be discussed, along with exemplary situations in which certain waveforms may prove efficacious. Then, three exemplary circuits will be described for producing a variety of biphasic waveforms, including the illustrated biphasic waveforms.

FIGS. 5-7

illustrate three different positive voltage components of a biphasic waveform that may be used for defibrillation. The positive voltage component


illustrated in

FIG. 5

includes a linearly sloped portion


. The linearly sloped portion


begins at some value greater than or equal to zero volts and rises in a linear fashion to a maximum voltage dependent upon the given slope and the duration of the positive phase of the waveform. It is believed that a positive voltage which ramps up to its maximum voltage may lower the defibrillation threshold, thus reducing the maximum voltage necessary to defibrillate the heart. Thus, the shape of the waveform component


may exhibit advantages over the monophasic waveform



The waveform component


illustrated in

FIG. 6

also ramps up to a maximum positive voltage. However, unlike the waveform component


, the waveform component


includes a portion


which ramps upwardly with a variably decreasing slope. The portion


begins its rise at a voltage greater than or equal to zero volts and increases to its maximum voltage at the end of the positive phase. Given the same initial voltage, it should be appreciated that the waveform component


carries slightly more power than the waveform component



Another variant of a positive voltage component of a biphasic waveform is illustrated in

FIG. 7

as a waveform component


. The waveform component


is illustrated as including a sloped portion


that decreases at an exponential rate from an initial maximum voltage to a final voltage that is greater than or equal to zero volts. It should be appreciated that the sloped portion


of the waveform component


alternatively may be positively sloped in an exponentially increasing fashion from an initial voltage that is greater than or equal to zero volts to some maximum voltage at the end of the phase.

It is currently believed that most patients will respond adequately to one or more of the waveform components




, and


. Thus, in combination with the negative voltage phases described below with reference to

FIGS. 8-13

, a physician may program one or more defibrillation waveforms into the cardiac stimulator


to provide a patient with the most efficacious treatment.

Various negative voltage waveform components are illustrated in

FIGS. 8-13

. As described in more detail below, these six negative voltage components may be combined with the three positive voltage components described above to form the eighteen waveforms illustrated in

FIGS. 14-31


FIG. 8

illustrates a negative voltage waveform component


. The component


includes a positively sloping portion


that increases at a linear rate from a maximum negative voltage to a smaller negative voltage that is less than or equal to zero volts.

FIG. 9

illustrates a negative voltage waveform component


which includes a negatively sloping portion


that linearly decreases from an initial voltage less than or equal to zero volts to some maximum negative voltage.

FIG. 10

illustrates a waveform


that includes a portion


that slopes negatively in an exponential manner from an initial voltage less than or equal to zero volts to a maximum negative voltage.

FIG. 11

illustrates a waveform


that includes a portion


that slopes positively in an exponential manner from an initial maximum negative voltage to a smaller negative voltage less than or equal to zero volts.

FIG. 12

illustrates a waveform


that includes a portion


that ramps upwardly with a variably decreasing slope from a maximum negative voltage to a smaller negative voltage less than or equal to zero volts. Finally,

FIG. 13

illustrates a waveform


that includes a sloped portion


similar to the portion


where the final negative voltage is less than zero volts.

Referring additionally now to

FIGS. 14-31

, it can be seen that the waveforms




illustrated in

FIGS. 14-19

are comprised of the positive voltage waveform component


in combination with the negative voltage waveform components










, and


, respectively. Similarly, the waveforms




illustrated in

FIGS. 20-25

are composed of the positive voltage waveform component


in combination with the negative voltage waveform components










, and


, respectively, and the waveforms




illustrated in

FIGS. 26-31

are composed of the positive voltage waveform component


in combination with the negative voltage waveform components










, and


, respectively.

Each of the waveforms




illustrated in the respective

FIGS. 14-31

have certain advantages that may make a particular waveform advantageous for treating fibrillation. For example, the waveforms




have a positively sloped first phase. This slow ramp up of the positive voltage in the first phase tends to minimize polarization of the electrode-tissue interface and results in more efficient energy transfer. Using conventional techniques, the first phase of the waveforms




would be easier to generate than the first phase of the waveforms




using analog circuitry, primarily because the latter requires the use of an inductor. Similarly, the second phase of the waveforms














, and


is more difficult to generate using conventional analog methods than the other waveforms because such generation requires the use of an inductor in the circuit. Conversely, using conventional techniques, the generation of the first phase of the waveforms




could be generated using a capacitive discharge. However, as will be explained in detail below, the presently disclosed circuits illustrated in

FIGS. 34 and 35

can generate each of the waveforms




through the use of a capacitive discharge without the use of an inductor.

In regard to additional advantages, it should also be noted that the waveforms














, and


have a large, abrupt gradient between the positive peak of the first phase and the negative peak of the second phase. This gradient typically promotes more effective defibrillation. Indeed, each of these waveforms has an ascending slope in the first phase followed by the large gradient. As the slope rises, by virtue of its capacitance (dV/dt), the tissue is prepared for the abrupt change in the amplitude and direction of the voltage which occurs between the two phases. Thus, these waveforms combine two advantageous characteristics leading to low defibrillation thresholds, i.e., a slow ramp up of the positive voltage to minimize polarization to reduce the threshold combined with a large voltage gradient to overcome the threshold.

It should be further understood that the waveforms




are each considered to be generic in the sense that the amplitudes, widths, time constants, and delays between phases may vary somewhat to provide efficacious defibrillation so long as the basic shape of the respective waveform is maintained. To demonstrate this, a detailed discussion of the waveform


is set forth below with reference to FIG.


. However, it should be understood that similar statements are applicable to each of the waveforms





As illustrated in

FIG. 32

, the waveform


has an initial amplitude


, typically between 0 volts and 50 volts. The amplitude slopes upwardly as a ramp


until it reaches a maximum amplitude


, typically between about 200 volts and 400 volts, that is greater than the initial amplitude


. Advantageously, the slope of the ramp


is greater than zero but need not be precisely linear, such as less than 70 volts per millisecond. At the beginning of the second phase, the waveform


transitions from the maximum positive amplitude


to the maximum negative amplitude


, typically between about −200 volts and −400 volts. The amplitude of the waveform


then slopes upwardly in the form of a ramp


to a final negative amplitude


, typically between 0 volts and -50 volts. Again, the slope of the ramp


is advantageously greater than zero but need not be precisely linear, such as less than 70 volts per millisecond.

The waveform


may also exhibit an interphase delay


that is greater than or equal to zero. Advantageously, the interphase delay


is as close to zero as possible, but it may have some small positive value due to the manner in which the circuit that generates the waveform


operates. Finally, the widths




of the positive and negative phases are greater than zero. Indeed, the amplitudes






, and


and the widths




are typically selected to provide efficacious defibrillation while minimizing power consumption.

The waveforms




are of particular interest, because these waveforms along with waveforms










, and


, have a large gradient between the positive peak of the first phase and the negative peak of the second phase. It is currently believed that this large gradient, along with an appropriate selection of slope, promotes more effective defibrillation than other biphasic waveforms. Indeed, the results of certain tests support this belief.

During testing on eight canine subjects, it has been determined that the waveform


provides more efficacious defibrillation than the waveform


. Before discussing details of this test, it should be noticed that the waveform


differs from the waveform


primarily in the positive phase. Indeed, as illustrated, the negative phase of the waveforms




are identical. However, it should be noted that the positive phase of the waveform


begins at a nominal positive value and slopes positively to a maximum positive value before transitioning to a maximum negative value in the negative phase. In contrast, the waveform


includes a positive phase which begins at its maximum positive value and slopes negatively to a lower positive value before transitioning to the maximum negative value in the negative phase.

The purpose of this test was to examine the effects of rising edge waveforms on defibrillation thresholds, commonly referred to as DFT. In this test, the defibrillation efficacy of a test waveform generally corresponding to the waveform


was compared to a capacitive discharge reference waveform generally corresponding to the waveform


. The reference waveform was a biphasic, truncated, capacitive discharge waveform with a first phase having a duration of 6.5 milliseconds and a second phase having a duration of 3.5 milliseconds, with a delay between phases of 0.08 milliseconds. The capacitance of both phases was fixed at 125 microfarads. In as much as the capacitance and pulse widths were fixed, the load impedance and the peak voltage of the first phase generally determine the total energy delivered in both phases.

The test waveform was a biphasic waveform having a positive first phase and a negative second phase with a delay between phases of 0.1 milliseconds. Although the rising edge waveform in the first phase differs from the capacitive discharge waveform in the second phase, the peak voltage of the negative phase was correlated as closely as possible to the peak voltage of the first phase. However, due to energy delivery considerations, the peak voltage of the negative phase was varied by as much as ±20 percent from the peak voltage of the positive phase. The negative phase of the test waveform remained identical to the negative phase of the reference waveform throughout the test. However, the duration and slope of the positive phase was varied throughout the test as set forth in the table below.










40 V/ms.

3 ms./3.5 ms.


80 V/ms.

3 ms./3.5 ms.


40 V/ms.

4 ms./3.5 ms.


80 V/ms.

4 ms./3.5 ms.


40 V/ms.

5 ms./3.5 ms.


80 V/ms.

5 ms./3.5 ms.

In the test, the reference waveform was used to define a reference energy corresponding to a defibrillation threshold. Once this reference energy was defined, a search algorithm applied test waveforms randomly from about 50 percent to about 200 percent of the reference energy defined by the reference waveform. When the data from the test waveforms and the reference waveform was analyzed and compared, the data clearly showed a reduction of the defibrillation threshold associated with the test waveform. Specifically, the data demonstrated that the test waveform was particularly efficacious where the peak positive voltage was greater than 300 volts with the slope less than 70 volts per millisecond. Indeed, the data demonstrated a trend for lower slope value coupled with higher peak voltages to be more efficacious for defibrillation. Overall, by prpper selection of the peak voltage in the positive phase and slope value, it was found that the defibrillation threshold can be reduced significantly, as the data showed reductions of 10 percent to 50 percent as compared to the reference waveform.

FIG. 33

illustrates a circuit


that is capable of generating the waveforms




. The circuit


includes three subcircuits for producing the desired waveforms. The first subcircuit is a curve shaping circuit


, the second subcircuit is a charging circuit


, and the third subcircuit is a biphasic switching circuit



In regard to the curve shaping circuit


, the values of the capacitors




, the inductor


, and the resistor


are chosen to produce the desired discharge curve which corresponds to the sloped portions
















, and


of the respective waveforms
















, and


. For example, the values of the inductor


and the capacitor


can be modified to produce the waveforms




. The resistor


essentially operates as a “dummy” load which is used to modify the discharge characteristics of the capacitor


. Finally, the filter circuit


, which is typically a capacitive circuit, may be used to linearize the discharge output to form ramped sections as illustrated in the waveforms




, and


, for example. Even more particularly, it should be understood that the resistance


provided by the heart along with the values of the capacitor


and the inductor


generally determine the initial shape of the waveform. While the resistor


may be used to change the waveform shape, it should also be noted that changes in the value of the capacitor


or the value of the inductor


, whether by using variable elements, parallel elements, or elements of different values, may also affect the waveform shape.

To charge the elements in the curve shaping circuit


, the switch


is initially placed in an open state so that the power supply


can charge the capacitor


. Similarly, the charging circuit


closes the switch


so that the power supply


can charge the capacitor


. In this embodiment the state of the switches




are controlled by pulse generators




, respectively. However, it should be understood that the switches




alternatively may be controlled by a variety of other suitable methods, such as an appropriate logic circuit, state machine, or microprocessor.

Once the capacitors




have been charged, the switches




are simultaneously opened to allow the respective capacitors




to discharge. To produce the positive voltage of the first phase of the biphasic waveform, the switches




of the switching circuit


are closed, and the switches




are opened. As before, the state of the switches in the charging circuit


are controlled by pulse generators




, but other methods of control may be suitable.

With the switches




in this configuration, current flows through the switch


, through the heart


, and through the switch


to complete the circuit. This current is designated as the first phase current which produces the positive voltage waveform in the heart


. To complete phase one and begin phase two, the switches




are opened, and the switches




are closed. With the switches in this configuration, current flows through the switch


, through the heart


, and through the switch


to complete the circuit. This phase two current produces the negative voltage waveform in the heart



Although the circuit


is capable of producing any of the biphasic waveforms




illustrated in

FIGS. 14-31

, it does suffer from certain disadvantages. First, the circuit


includes at least one inductor


. Because it is difficult, if not commercially impossible, to fabricate an inductor of sufficient value to produce the necessary waveform while still being small enough to fit within an implantable cardiac stimulator, the circuit


may not be suitable for an implantable device. Secondly, without the use of multiple elements




and/or variable elements




, the circuit


can only produce a waveform having a specified shape. Even if multiple or variable elements were used, these elements would occupy even more space, making the circuit


even less suitable for an implantable device.

The circuits




illustrated in

FIGS. 34 and 35

have been designed to address these problems. The circuits




use a combination of pulse width modulation (PWM) and frequency modulation (FM) to generate a plurality of waveforms suitable for defibrillating ventricular or atrial tissue. Through the proper choice of these PWM and FM parameters, and through the proper selection of capacitor charging parameters, the circuits




can generate a number of suitable monophasic or biphasic waveforms such as the waveforms




. Particularly, the circuits




can produce a rising edge waveform that begins at some value greater than or equal to zero volts and increases linearly to some maximum voltage dependent upon the slope and duration of the first phase. The circuits




can also produce, in a similar manner, a second phase waveform where the initial voltage is dependent upon the final voltage of the capacitor used to generate the first phase (circuit



FIG. 34

) or upon the charge voltage of a second capacitor (circuit


of FIG.



In regard to the circuit


illustrated in

FIG. 34

, an arrhythmia detector


is coupled to the heart which is symbolized by a resistance


. If the arrhythmia detector


detects a treatable arrhythmia in the heart


, it issues a command to the system controller


via a line


. The system controller


, typically the microprocessor


, signals a charging circuit


via a line


to initiate the charging of a capacitor


. The charging circuit


then charges the capacitor


to a preprogrammed voltage. When the capacitor


reaches the desired voltage level, the system controller


closes a switch


and modulates the opening and closing of a switch


to control delivery of a defibrillation signal to the heart. The controller


controls the modulation of the switch


by delivering a signal on line


to a voltage-to-frequency converter


. The magnitude of the voltage delivered to the voltage-to-frequency converter


by the controller


controls the frequency of the signal delivered by the voltage-to-frequency converter


on line


. The frequency is advantageously in a range between about 5 kilohertz and about 25 kilohertz. A pulse width modulator


receives the frequency signal from the line


, and it also receives a control signal from the controller


via line


. The pulse width modulator


delivers a pulse width modulated signal to the switch


. The frequency of the pulse width modulated signal is controlled by the frequency of the signal on line


, while the duty cycle of the pulse width modulated signal is controlled by the control signal delivered on line


. Each time the pulse width modulated signal is high, the switch


closes so that current passes from the capacitor


through the switch


, through the heart


, and through the switch


to complete the circuit. Thus, the waveforms are produced by essentially modulating the current discharged by the capacitor



An example of actual waveform characteristics is illustrated in FIG.


. Here, it can be seen that the first pulse


of the waveform has a voltage magnitude equal to the fully charged voltage of the capacitor


, with the pulse width determined by the duty cycle of the pulse width modulated signal delivered to the switch


. The next pulse


has a lower magnitude because the capacitor


was partially discharged in order to form the first pulse


. As before, the width of the second pulse


is determined by the duty cycle of the pulse width modulated signal delivered to the switch


. Furthermore, the time delay between the first pulse


and the second pulse


is determined by the frequency of the pulse width modulated signal delivered to the switch


. As successive pulses


are delivered, the magnitude of each pulse tends to diminish as the capacitor


continues to discharge. The duty cycle of the pulse width modulated signal continues to determine the width of each successive pulse


, while the frequency of the pulse width modulated signal continues to determine the time at which each pulse edge occurs.

Each of these pulses is applied to the heart via the path described above. Notwithstanding the fact that the heart


has been illustrated by a resistor, it is believed that myocardial tissue and individual cells essentially act as low pass filters in the sense that they reject frequencies higher than approximately two kilohertz to about five kilohertz. In other words, the heart


does not respond to each pulse so long as the pulses are being applied to it at a suitably high frequency. Instead, the heart tends to filter the pulses and integrate the power in the pulse train. Thus, the pulse train illustrated in

FIG. 36

will generate a voltage through the heart similar to the waveform


illustrated in FIG.


. However, it should be understood that by varying the timing and width of the pulse train virtually any waveform can be created by the circuit



Phase two of a biphasic waveform is produced by the circuit


in much the same way as the phase one component of the waveform. Specifically, upon completion of the phase one component, the controller


opens the switches




, closes the switch


, and modulates the opening and closing of the switch


. Similar to the operation described above, the switch


remains on at all times during phase two, while the switch


receives a pulse width modulated signal from the pulse width modulator


. The controller


controls the pulse width modulated signal in the same manner as described previously in order to produce the desired shape of the phase two component of the waveform. Hence, current flows from the capacitor


through the switch


, through the heart


, and through the switch


to complete the circuit.

The operation of the circuit


illustrated in

FIG. 35

is similar to the operation of the circuit


described above, with the primary exception of the use of a dedicated capacitor to generate each respective phase of the biphasic waveform. As illustrated in

FIG. 35

, an arrhythmia detector


is coupled to the heart which is symbolized by a resistance


. If the arrhythmia detector


detects a treatable arrhythmia in the heart


, it issues a command to the system controller


via a line


. The system controller


signals a charging circuit


via a line


to initiate the charging of the capacitors




. The charging circuit


then charges the capacitors




to a respective preprogrammed voltage. When the capacitors




reach the desired voltage levels, the system controller


closes a switch


and modulates the opening and closing of a switch


. The controller


controls the modulation of the switch


by delivering a signal to a voltage-to-frequency converter


on line


. The magnitude of the voltage delivered to the voltage-to-frequency converter


by the controller


controls the frequency of the signal delivered by the voltage-to-frequency converter


on line


. The frequency is advantageously in a range between about 5 kilohertz and about 25 kilohertz. A pulse width modulator


receives the frequency signal from the line


, and it also receives a control signal from the controller


via line


. The pulse width modulator


delivers a pulse width modulated signal to the switch


. The frequency of the pulse width modulated signal is controlled by the frequency of the signal on line


, while the duty cycle of the pulse width modulated signal is controlled by the control signal delivered on line


. Each time the pulse width modulated signal is high, the switch


closes so that current passes from the capacitor


through the switch


, through the heart


, and through the switch


to complete the circuit.

The negative phase of a biphasic waveform is produced by the circuit


in much the same way as the positive phase component of the waveform. Specifically, upon completion of the phase one component, the controller


opens the switches




, closes the switch


, and modulates the opening and closing of the switch


. Similar to the operation described above, the switch


remains closed at all times during phase two, while the switch


receives a pulse width modulated signal from the pulse width modulator


. The controller


controls the pulse width modulated signal in the same manner as described previously in order to produce the desired shape of the phase two component of the waveform. However, unlike the circuit


, in the circuit


current flows from the second capacitor


through the switch


, through the heart


, and through the switch


to complete the circuit. Thus, the negative phase is not reliant on the charge left in the first capacitor


at the end of the positive phase.

Specific embodiments of the invention have been shown by way of example in the drawings and have been described in detail herein. However, the invention may be susceptible to various modifications and alternative forms, and it should be understood that the invention is not intended to be limited to the particular forms disclosed. Rather, the invention is to cover all modifications, equivalents, and alternatives falling within the spirit and scope of the invention as defined by the appended claims.

  • 1. A defibrillation waveform generator comprising:an arrhythmia detector adapted to be coupled to a heart, the arrhythmia detector delivering a detection signal in response to detecting fibrillation in the heart; a capacitor: a charging circuit coupled to the capacitor, the charging circuit charging the capacitor to a given voltage; a controller operably coupled to the arrhythmia detector to receive the detection signal, the controller delivering a first control signal, a second control signal, and a third control signal in response to receiving the detection signal; a voltage-to-frequency convertor coupled to the controller to receive the first control signal, the voltage-to-frequency convertor delivering a frequency signal having a frequency correlative to the first control signal; a pulse width modulator coupled to the controller to receive the second control signal and coupled to the voltage-to-frequency convertor to receive the frequency signal, the pulse width modulator delivering a pulse width modulated signal having a frequency correlative to the frequency signal and having a duty cycle correlative to the second control signal; and a switching circuit adapted to be coupled between the capacitor and the heart, the switching circuit being coupled to the controller to receive the third control signal and to the pulse width modulator to receive the pulse width modulated signal, the switching circuit controllably discharging the capacitor across the heart to deliver a defibrillation waveform in response to the third control signal and the pulse width modulated signal.
  • 2. The generator, as set forth in claim 1, wherein the switching circuit comprises a first switch adapted for being coupled between the capacitor and the heart, the first switch being coupled to the controller to receive the third signal, the first switch being closed in response to receiving the third signal, and wherein the switching circuit comprises a second switch adapted for being coupled between the heart and the capacitor, the second switch being coupled to the pulse width modulator to receive the pulse width modulated signal, the second switch being repeatedly opened and closed in response to receiving the pulse width modulated signal to produce a positive phase waveform adapted for being delivered to the heart.
  • 3. The generator, as set forth in claim 2, wherein the switching circuit comprises a third switch adapted for being coupled between the capacitor and the heart, the third switch being coupled to the controller to receive the third signal, the third switch being closed in response to receiving the third signal, and wherein the switching circuit comprises a fourth switch adapted for being coupled between the heart and the capacitor, the fourth switch being coupled to the pulse width modulator to receive the pulse width modulated signal, the fourth switch being repeatedly opened and closed in response to receiving the pulse width modulated signal to produce a negative phase waveform adapted for being delivered to the heart.
  • 4. A defibrillation waveform generator comprising:an arrhythmia detector adapted to be coupled to a heart, the arrhythmia detector delivering a detection signal in response to detecting fibrillation in the heart; a first capacitor; a charging circuit coupled to the first capacitor and to a second capacitor, the charging circuit charging the first capacitor and the second capacitor to a respective given voltage; a controller operably coupled to the arrhythmia detector to receive the detection signal, the controller delivering a first control signal, a second control signal, and a third control signal in response to receiving the detection signal; a voltage-to-frequency convertor coupled to the controller to receive the first control signal, the voltage-to-frequency convertor delivering a frequency signal having a frequency correlative to the first control signal; a pulse width modulator coupled to the controller to receive the second control signal and coupled to the voltage-to-frequency convertor to receive the frequency signal, the pulse width modulator delivering a pulse width modulated signal having a frequency correlative to the frequency signal and having a duty cycle correlative to the second control signal; and a switching circuit adapted to be coupled between the first and second capacitors and the heart, the switching circuit being coupled to the controller to receive the third control signal and to the pulse width modulator to receive the pulse width modulated signal, the switching circuit controllably discharging the first capacitor across the heart to deliver a positive phase defibrillation waveform in response to the third control signal and the pulse width modulated signal, and the switching circuit controllably discharging the second capacitor across the heart to deliver a negative phase defibrillation waveform in response to the third control signal and the pulse width modulated signal.
  • 5. The generator, as set forth in claim 4, wherein the switching circuit comprises a first switch adapted for being coupled between the first capacitor and the heart, the first switch being coupled to the controller to receive the third signal, the first switch being closed in response to receiving the third signal, and wherein the switching circuit comprises a second switch adapted for being coupled between the heart and the capacitor, the second switch being coupled to the pulse width modulator to receive the pulse width modulated signal, the second switch being repeatedly opened and closed in response to receiving the pulse width modulated signal to produce a positive phase waveform adapted for being delivered to the heart.
  • 6. The generator, as set forth in claim 5, wherein the switching circuit comprises a third switch adapted for being coupled between the second capacitor and the heart, the third switch being coupled to the controller to receive the third signal, the third switch being closed in response to receiving the third signal, and wherein the switching circuit comprises a fourth switch adapted for being coupled between the heart and the capacitor, the fourth switch being coupled to the pulse width modulator to receive the pulse width modulated signal, the fourth switch being repeatedly opened and closed in response to receiving the pulse width modulated signal to produce a negative phase waveform adapted for being delivered to the heart.
  • 7. A cardiac stimulator for treating fibrillations comprising:an implantable case containing: an atrial sensing circuit adapted to deliver an atrial signal correlative to a condition of an atrium of a heart; a ventricular sensing circuit adapted to deliver a ventricular signal correlative to a condition of a ventricle of the heart; an inductor-less pulse generator adapted to deliver pulse width modulated electrical stimulation to the ventricle; and a control circuit coupled to the ventricular sensing circuit to receive the ventricular signal, the control circuit classifying a ventricular tachyarrhythmia as a fibrillation and directing the pulse generator to deliver pulse width modulated electrical stimulation to the ventricle in response to the classifying a ventricular tachyarrhythmia as a fibrillation.
  • 8. A cardiac stimulator comprising:means for determining whether a fibrillation exists in a ventricle; means for charging at least one capacitor; and means for discharging the at least one capacitor in a pulse width modulated manner to the ventricle to create a defibrillation waveform for treating the fibrillation.
  • 9. A method of treating fibrillation comprising the acts of:(a) determining whether a fibrillation exists in a ventricle; (b) charging at least one capacitor; and (c) electrically stimulating the ventricle with a pulse width modulated waveform to treat the fibrillation by discharging the at least one capacitor in a pulse width modulated manner.
  • 10. A defibrillator comprising:first and second outputs, adapted for being coupled to a heart; a capacitor for storing defibrillation energy, the capacitor having first and second terminals; a charging circuit, coupled to the capacitor; a pulse-width-modulated (PWM) switching circuit coupling the capacitor to the first and second outputs for delivering a PWM defibrillation waveform to the heart, the PWM defibrillation waveform for delivery to the heart including a switching frequency that is greater than about 5 kilohertz.
  • 11. The defibrillator of claim 10, further including a pulse-width modulator, coupled to the switching circuit, and providing the switching circuit with control signals at the switching frequency, wherein a value of the switching frequency is based at least in part on a value of the defibrillation energy stored on the capacitor.
  • 12. The defibrillator of claim 11, in which the switching circuit includes:a first switch coupling the first terminal of the capacitor to the first output; a second switch coupling the first terminal of the capacitor to the second output; a third switch coupling the second terminal of the capacitor to the first output; and a fourth switch coupling the second terminal of the capacitor to the second output.
  • 13. A defibrillator comprising:first and second outputs, adapted for being coupled to a heart; a first capacitor for storing defibrillation energy at a first polarity; a second capacitor for storing defibrillation energy at a second polarity that is opposite the first polarity; a charging circuit, coupled to at least one of the first and second capacitors; a pulse-width-modulated (PWM) switching circuit coupling the first and second capacitors to the first and second outputs for delivering a PWM defibrillation waveform to the heart, the PWM defibrillation waveform for delivery to the heart including a switching frequency that is greater than about 5 kilohertz.
  • 14. The defibrillator of claim 13, further including a pulse-width modulator, coupled to the switching circuit, and providing the switching circuit with control signals at the switching frequency, wherein a first value of the switching frequency during delivery of defibrillation energy at the first polarity is based at least in part on a value of the defibrillation energy stored on the first capacitor, and wherein a second value of the switching frequency during delivery of defibrillation energy at the second polarity is based at least in part on a value of the defibrillation energy stored on the second capacitor.
  • 15. The defibrillator of claim 13, in which the switching circuit includes:a first switch coupling the first terminal of the first capacitor to the first output; a second switch coupling the second terminal of the first capacitor to the first output; a third switch coupling the first terminal of the second capacitor to the second output; and a fourth switch coupling the second terminal of the second capacitor to the second output.
  • 16. A method including:detecting an arrhythmia in a heart; charging a defibrillation energy storage capacitor; and coupling the storage capacitor to the heart, using a switching circuit at a switching frequency that exceeds about 5 kilohertz, to deliver defibrillation energy to the heart; and modulating a switching frequency of the switching circuit to shape a waveform of the defibrillation energy being delivered to the heart.
  • 17. The method of claim 16, in which modulating the switching frequency includes basing the switching frequency on a voltage across the defibrillation energy storage capacitor.
  • 18. A method including:detecting an arrhythmia in a heart; charging first and second defibrillation energy storage capacitors; and coupling the first storage capacitor to the heart, using a switching circuit at a switching frequency that exceeds about 5 kilohertz, to deliver defibrillation energy to the heart at a first polarity; coupling the second storage capacitor to the heart, using the switching circuit at a switching frequency that exceeds about 5 kilohertz, to deliver defibrillation energy to the heart at a second polarity; modulating a switching frequency of the switching circuit to shape a waveform of the defibrillation energy being delivered to the heart.
  • 19. The method of claim 18, in which modulating the switching frequency includes basing the switching frequency on a voltage one of the first and second storage capacitors.
  • 20. The method of claim 18, in which modulating the switching frequency includes basing the switching frequency, during delivery of defibrillation energy to the heart at the first polarity, on a voltage across the first storage capacitor, and basing the switching frequency, during delivery of defibrillation energy to the heart at the second polarity, on a voltage across the second storage capacitor.
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