Methods for addressing electrophoretic displays

Novel addressing schemes for controlling bistable electronically addressable displays include the use of addressing signals with additional signals having opposite polarity and equal integrated signal strength, and addressing schemes that minimize the number of state changes that a display element undergoes. In one embodiment, pre-pulses are employed to apply a pre-stress to an display element that is equal and opposite to the electrical stress applied in addressing the element. In another embodiment, the addressing signal is followed by a post-stressing pulse. Methods for minimizing the number of display elements that must change state to change the image displayed include the determination of a set of elements that must be deactivated and a set of elements that must be activated to change the image depicted by a display. Alternatively, only the elements forming one image are deactivated before the elements forming a different image are activated.


The present invention relates to electronic displays and, in particular, to reducing the rate of deterioration of display material in such displays.


Traditionally, electronic displays such as liquid crystal displays have been made by sandwiching an optoelectrically active material between two pieces of glass. In many cases each piece of glass has an etched, clear electrode structure formed using indium tin oxide. A first electrode structure controls all the segments of the display that may be addressed, that is, changed from one visual state to another. A second electrode, sometimes called a counter electrode, addresses all display segments as one large electrode, and is generally designed not to overlap any of the rear electrode wire connections that are not desired in the final image. Alternatively, the second electrode is also patterned to control specific segments of the displays.

Conventional liquid crystal displays are monostable, i.e., in the absence of any potential difference between the electrodes, the liquid crystal molecules assume random orientations, which renders the liquid crystal material non-transmissive of light, and indeed in such displays a given pixel is rendered non-transmissive simply by removing the potential difference between its associated electrode and the counter electrode, thereby allowing the molecules within this pixel to relax to random orientations. To maintain any given pixel in a transmissive state, it is necessary to drive the associated electrode substantially continuously.

Electrophoretic and other bistable displays have been the subject of intense research and development for a number of years. (The term “bistable” is used herein in its conventional meaning in the art to refer to displays comprising display elements having first and second display states differing in at least one optical property, and such that after any given element has been driven, by means of an addressing pulse of finite duration, to assume either its first or second display state, after the addressing pulse has terminated, that state will persist for at least several times, for example at least four times, the minimum duration of the addressing pulse required to change the state of the display element. The bistable characteristics of such displays are discussed in more detail below.) Such displays can have attributes of good brightness and contrast, wide viewing angles, state bistability, and low power consumption when compared with liquid crystal displays. Nevertheless, problems with the long-term image quality of these displays have prevented their widespread usage. For example, particles that make up electrophoretic displays tend to cluster and settle, resulting in inadequate service-life for these displays.

An encapsulated, electrophoretic display typically does not suffer from the clustering and settling failure mode of traditional electrophoretic devices and provides further advantages, such as the ability to print or coat the display on a wide variety of flexible and rigid substrates.

In electrophoretic and other bistable displays, it has been commonly observed that the display fails after some time. One of the reasons why such a display may fail is that the materials used to construct the display are damaged by repeated application of electrical addressing signals. In particular, the application of a signal of one volt over a distance of one micron (one micrometer), or ten microns results in field strengths applied to the capsule of one million volts per meter or one hundred thousand volts per meter, respectively. These are quite large field strengths.


The present invention provides a solution that overcomes these and other problems that are encountered in conventional addressing methods that have been used in the prior art to address bistable displays. This invention provides novel methods and apparatus for controlling and addressing such displays. Additionally, the invention discloses applications of these methods and materials on flexible substrates, which are useful in large-area, low cost, or high-durability applications.

In one aspect, the present invention relates to a first method for addressing a bistable display element having first and second display states differing in at least one optical property. The method comprises (a) applying a first addressing signal to the display element that does not substantially change the display state of the display element; and (b) applying a second addressing signal to the display element that does change the display state of the display element.

In another aspect, the present invention relates to a second method for addressing a bistable display element having first and second display states differing in at least one optical property. The method comprises (a) applying to the display element a first addressing signal effective to change the display state of the display element; and (b) thereafter applying to the display element a second addressing signal that does not change the display state of the display element.

Embodiments of both these methods may have the following features. The display element can be an electrophoretic element, desirably an encapsulated electrophoretic display element. The electrophoretic display element may comprise an electrophoretic medium comprising a liquid and at least one particle disposed within this liquid and capable of moving therethrough on application of an electric field to the medium. Such an element may have a viewing surface and the liquid can have an optical property differing from that of the particle disposed therein so that the display element is in its first display state when the particle(s) lie(s) adjacent the viewing surface and in its second display state when the particle(s) is/are spaced from the viewing surface so that the liquid lies adjacent the viewing surface. Alternatively, the element may have a viewing surface and the liquid can have disposed therein at least one first particle having a first optical property and a first electrophoretic mobility and at least one second particle having a second optical property different from the first optical property and a second electrophoretic mobility different from the first electrophoretic mobility, so that the display element is in its first display state when the first particle(s) lie(s) adjacent the viewing surface and is in its second display state when the second particle(s) lie(s) adjacent the viewing surface.

The first method of the invention can include the step of applying to the display element a first addressing signal having a first polarity, a first amplitude as a function of time, and a first duration, such that the first addressing signal does not substantially change the optical property displayed by the display element. The first method can also include the step of applying to the display element a second addressing signal having a second polarity opposite the first polarity, a second amplitude as a function of time, and a second duration such that the second addressing signal substantially changes the optical property displayed by the display element.

The second method of the invention differs from the first in that, in the second method, the addressing signal which changes the state of the display element is applied first, and thereafter there is applied the addressing signal which does not change the state of the display element. While at first it might appear difficult if not impossible to apply a substantial second addressing signal which does not change the state of the display brought about by the first addressing signal, in practice bistable displays, especially electrophoretic bistable displays, typically exhibit a “threshold” signal level, i.e., it is possible to apply a small signal to a display element without changing the display state of the element, even though a larger signal of the same polarity applied to the display element would bring about a rapid change of display state. Thus, the second method of the invention is conveniently practiced by making the first addressing signal of brief duration and large amplitude, while the second addressing signal is of lengthy duration but small amplitude. Typically, the second addressing signal has amplitude not greater than about one-fifth of the amplitude of the first addressing signal and a duration at least about five times the duration of the first addressing signal; preferably, the second addressing signal has an amplitude not greater than about one-tenth of the amplitude of the first addressing signal and a duration at least about ten times the duration of the first addressing signal.

In both the first and second methods of the present invention, desirably the sum of the first amplitude as a function of time integrated over the first duration and the second amplitude as a function of time integrated over the second duration is substantially zero, i.e., the algebraic sum of the integral of the first addressing signal with respect to time and the integral of the second addressing signal with respect to time is substantially zero. In a preferred embodiment, this algebraic sum is smaller in absolute magnitude than 10 Volt-seconds; in a more preferred embodiment, smaller in absolute magnitude than 1 Volt-second; and in a still more preferred embodiment, smaller in absolute magnitude than 0.1 Volt-seconds. The aforementioned sum (expressed in volt-seconds) is, in a preferred embodiment, smaller in absolute magnitude than one-tenth of the maximum amplitude expressed in volts of the larger of the first and second amplitudes; in a more preferred embodiment, this sum is smaller in absolute magnitude than one one-hundredth of this maximum amplitude; and in a still more preferred embodiment, this sum is smaller in absolute magnitude than one one-thousandth of this maximum amplitude.

The methods can include using first and second addressing signals of opposite polarity.

The methods can include steps of applying first and second addressing pulses such that the second amplitude differs from the first amplitude, or the second duration differs from the first duration. The methods can include steps of applying first and second addressing pulses such that the sum of the product of the first amplitude and the first duration and the product of the second amplitude and the second duration is substantially zero. The methods can also include using first and/or second addressing signals comprising a plurality of addressing pulses. The methods can include the step waiting for a predetermined period of time after step (a) and before step (b).

In another aspect, the present invention relates to a third method for addressing a bistable display, this display comprising a set of display elements each having first and second display states differing in at least one optical property. The method comprises: (a) selecting a first subset of display elements that represent a first image to be displayed, and applying to this first subset a first addressing signal, thereby causing first subset to assume their first display state and the electrophoretic display to display the first image; and (b) selecting a second subset of display elements that represent a second image to be displayed, thereby defining three classes of display elements, namely a first class which are members of both the first and second subsets, a second class which are members of the first subset but not members of the second subset, and a third class which are not members of the first subset but are members of the second subset, and applying to the second class a second addressing signal, thereby setting said second class to their second display state, and applying to the third class a third addressing signal, thereby setting said third class to their first display state and causing the display to display the second image.

In another aspect, the present invention relates to a fourth method for addressing a bistable display, this display comprising a set of display elements each having first and second display states differing in at least one optical property. The method comprises (a) causing the display to display a first image in which a first subset of display elements are in their first display state and the complement of the first subset of display elements are in their second display state; (b) applying to the first subset of display elements, but not to the complement of the first subset, a first addressing signal, thereby causing the first subset to assume their second display state; and (c) applying to a second subset of display elements, different from said first subset, but not to the complement of the second subset, a second addressing signal, thereby causing the second subset to assume their first display state and the display to display a second image, different from the first image, the second image being formed by the second subset of display elements being in their first display state and the complement of the second subset being in their second display state.

Embodiments of both these methods may have the following features. The display element can be an electrophoretic element, desirably an encapsulated electrophoretic display element. The electrophoretic display element may comprise an electrophoretic medium comprising a liquid and at least one particle disposed within this liquid and capable of moving therethrough on application of an electric field to the medium. Such an element may have a viewing surface and the liquid can have an optical property differing from that of the particle disposed therein so that the display element is in its first display state when the particle(s) lie(s) adjacent the viewing surface and in its second display state when the particle(s) is/are spaced from the viewing surface so that the liquid lies adjacent the viewing surface. Alternatively, the element may have a viewing surface and the liquid can have disposed therein at least one first particle having a first optical property and a first electrophoretic mobility and at least one second particle having a second optical property different from the first optical property and a second electrophoretic mobility different from the first electrophoretic mobility, so that the display element is in its first display state when the first particle(s) lie(s) adjacent the viewing surface and is in its second display state when the second particle(s) lie(s) adjacent the viewing surface.

The methods can include, before step (a), the step of applying to all the display elements of the set a blanking signal sufficient to cause every display element of the display to display its second display state. The method may further comprise the step of applying to all the display elements, prior to the application of the blanking signal thereto, a pre-blanking signal sufficient to cause every display element of the display to assume its first display state. If such a blanking signal is used in the fourth method of the invention, it is necessary, before step (a), to apply to the first subset of display elements, but not to the complement of the first subset, a third addressing signal, thereby causing the first subset of display elements to assume their first display state.

In both the third and fourth methods of the invention, desirably the sum of the integral of the amplitude of the first addressing signal as a function of time over the duration of the first addressing signal plus the integral of the amplitude of the second addressing signal as a function of time over the duration of the second addressing signal is substantially zero, i.e., the algebraic sum of the integral of the first addressing signal with respect to time and the integral of the second addressing signal with respect to time is substantially zero. When both a pre-blanking and a blanking signal are applied prior to step (a), it is also desirable that the algebraic sum of the integral of the pre-blanking signal with respect to time and the integral of the blanking signal with respect to time be substantially zero. In a preferred embodiment, this algebraic sum is smaller in absolute magnitude than 10 Volt-seconds; in a more preferred embodiment, smaller in absolute magnitude than 1 Volt-second; and in a still more preferred embodiment, smaller in absolute magnitude than 0.1 Volt-seconds. The methods can include the step of waiting for a pre-determined period of time after step (a). Also, as in the first and second methods described above, in the third and fourth methods of the invention either or both of the first and second addressing signals may comprise a plurality of addressing pulses.

The second and fourth methods of the invention previously described may be used to address a display having on one side thereof a common electrode extending across all the display elements of the set, and on the opposed side thereof a plurality of discrete electrodes, one of the discrete electrodes being associated with each of the display elements of the set. When the fourth method of the invention is used to address such a display, desirably the first addressing signal is provided by setting the common electrode to a first voltage and the discrete electrodes associated with the first subset of display elements to a second voltage different from the first voltage, while the second addressing signal is provided by setting the common electrode to the second voltage and the discrete electrodes associated with the second subset of display elements to the first voltage. This form of the fourth method of the invention may use the blanking and pre-blanking signals previously described, and if so the pre-blanking signal is conveniently provided by setting the common electrode to the second voltage and all the discrete electrodes to the first voltage, while the blanking signal is conveniently provided by setting the common electrode to the first voltage and all the discrete electrodes to the second voltage.

In yet another aspect, the present invention provides a fifth method of addressing a bistable display, this display comprising a set of display elements each having first and second display states differing in at least one optical property. This fifth method comprises (a) selecting a first subset of display elements that represent a first image, and applying to the first subset a first addressing signal, thereby causing the first subset to assume their first display state and the display to display the first image; (b) selecting a second subset of display elements that represent a second image different from the first image and thereby defining four classes of display elements, namely a first class which are members of both the first and second subsets, a second class which are members of the first subset but not members of the second subset, a third class which are not members of the first subset but are members of the second subset, and a fourth class which are not members of either the first or the second subset, and applying to the second class a second addressing signal, thereby setting the second class to their second display state, and applying to the third class a third addressing signal, thereby setting the third class to their first display state, and causing the display to display the second image. In this fifth method, the display has on one side thereof a common electrode extending across all the display elements of the set, and on the opposed side thereof a plurality of discrete electrodes, one of the discrete electrodes being associated with each display element of the set, and the common electrode is kept at a substantially constant first voltage during steps (a) and (b).

In a preferred form of this fifth method, the discrete electrodes associated with at least one (and preferably both) of the first and fourth classes of display elements are kept at substantially the constant first voltage during steps (a) and (b). Also, desirable the second addressing signal is provided by setting the discrete electrodes associated with the second class of display elements to a second voltage substantially equal to the first voltage plus a predetermined difference, and the third addressing signal is provided by setting the discrete electrodes associated with the third class of display elements to a third voltage substantially equal to the first voltage minus the predetermined difference. Also, desirably the second and third addressing signals are each preceded by a pre-addressing signal, this pre-addressing signal being provided by setting the discrete electrodes associated with the second class of display elements to substantially the third voltage and the discrete electrodes associated with the third class of display elements to substantially the second voltage.

In yet another aspect, the present invention provides a sixth method of addressing a bistable display, comprising a set of display elements each having first and second display states differing in at least one optical property, the display having on one side thereof a common electrode extending across all the display elements of the set, and on the opposed side thereof a plurality of discrete electrodes, one of the discrete electrodes being associated with each display element of the set. The sixth method comprises (a) selecting a first subset of display elements that represent a first image; (b) selecting a second subset of display elements that represent a second image different from the first image and thereby defining four classes of display elements, namely a first class which are members of both the first and second subsets, a second class which are members of the first subset but not members of the second subset, a third class which are not members of the first subset but are members of the second subset, and a fourth class which are not members of either the first or the second subset, (c) bringing the display to a state in which the first and classes of display elements are in their first display state and the third and fourth classes are in their second display state, thereby causing the first image to be displayed; and (d) applying a first voltage to the common electrode for a first period and a different second voltage to the common electrode for a second period, while maintaining the discrete electrodes associated with at least one of the first and fourth classes of display elements at substantially the same voltages as the common electrode, and maintaining the discrete electrodes associated with one of the second and third classes of display elements substantially at the first voltage while maintaining the discrete electrodes associated with the other of the second and third classes substantially at the second voltage, thereby causing the first and third classes of display elements to be in their first display state and the second and fourth classes of display elements to be in their second display state, so that the display displays the second image. In a preferred form of this sixth method, in step (d) the discrete electrodes associated with both the first and fourth classes, of display elements are maintained at substantially the same voltage as the common electrode. Desirably, the first and second periods are substantially equal in duration.

In an especially preferred form of this sixth method, the common electrode is subjected to a plurality of cycles each comprising a first period in which the first voltage is applied and a second period in which the second voltage is applied, and the discrete electrodes associated with one of the second and third classes of display elements are maintained substantially at the first voltage and the discrete electrodes associated with the other of the second and third classes are maintained substantially at the second voltage throughout the plurality of cycles.

In yet another aspect, the present invention relates to a bistable display element having first and second display states differing in at least one optical property, and a signal control module that controls the signal applied to the display element, the signal control module applying at least a first addressing signal and at least a second addressing signal to the display element, the first addressing pulse not substantially changing the display state of the element and the second addressing signal changing the display state of the element. This signal control module is designed to carry out the first method of the invention. This invention also provides a similar bistable display element in association with a signal module arranged to apply at least first and second addressing signals to the display element, the first addressing pulse changing the display state of the element and the second addressing signal not substantially changing the display state of the element. This signal control module is designed to carry out the second method of the invention.

Embodiments of these aspects of the invention have the following features. The display element can be an electrophoretic display element, desirably an encapsulated electrophoretic display element. The electrophoretic display element may comprise a liquid and at least one particle disposed within this liquid and capable of moving therethrough on application of an electric field to the medium. Such an element may have a viewing surface and the liquid can have an optical property differing from that of the particle disposed therein so that the display element is in its first display state when the particle(s) lie(s) adjacent the viewing surface and in its second display state when the particle(s) is/are spaced from the viewing surface so that the liquid lies adjacent the viewing surface. Alternatively, the element may have a viewing surface and the liquid can have disposed therein at least one first particle having a first optical property and a first electrophoretic mobility and at least one second particle having a second optical property different from the first optical property and a second electrophoretic mobility different from the first electrophoretic mobility, so that the display element is in its first display state when the first particle(s) lie(s) adjacent the viewing surface and is in its second display state when the second particle(s) lie(s) adjacent the viewing surface.

The signal control module can apply a first addressing signal that has a first polarity and a second addressing signal that has a second polarity opposite the first polarity. Either or both of the first and second addressing signals can comprise a plurality of addressing pulses. The first addressing signal can have a first polarity, a first amplitude as a function of time and a first duration, and the second addressing signal can have a second polarity, a second amplitude as a function of time and a second duration, such that the sum of the first amplitude as a function of time integrated over the first duration and the second amplitude as a function of time integrated over the second duration is substantially zero.


The invention is pointed out with particularity in the appended claims. The advantages of the invention described above, together with further advantages, may be better understood by referring to the following description taken in conjunction with the accompanying drawings. In the drawings, like reference characters generally refer to the same parts throughout the different views. Also, the drawings are not necessarily to scale, emphasis instead generally being placed upon illustrating the principles of the invention.


is a diagrammatic side view of an embodiment of an addressing electrode structure for a particle-based display element in which no field has been applied to the display element, and the particles are dispersed throughout the element.


is a diagrammatic side view of an embodiment of an addressing electrode structure for a particle-based display element in which the bottom electrode has been placed at a voltage relative to the top electrode causing the particles to migrate to the bottom electrode.


is a diagrammatic side view of an embodiment of an addressing electrode structure for a particle-based display element in which the bottom electrode has been placed at a voltage relative to the top electrode causing the particles to migrate to the top electrode.


is a diagrammatic side view of an embodiment of an addressing electrode structure for a particle-based display element in which no field has been applied to the display element, and two species of particles are dispersed throughout the element.

FIG. 2

depicts representations of time functions that embody various addressing signals used to address an electrophoretic display element, in which:


is a representation of a square wave signal;


is a representation of a sinusoidal signal;


is a representation of a sawtooth signal;


is a representation of a signal composed of a series of pulses;


is a representation of a signal having an arbitrary amplitude as a function of time;


is a representation of a signal comprising a positive square wave signal and a negative signal comprising a series of pulses; and


is a representation of a signal comprising a positive square wave signal and a negative rectangular signal.


is a diagrammatic side view of an embodiment of an addressing electrode structure for a particle-based display element in which a first addressing signal has been applied to the display element, and the particles are situated at the top surface of the display element.


is a diagrammatic side view of an embodiment of an addressing electrode structure for a particle-based display element in which the particles are situated at the top surface of the display element, and a pre-addressing signal is applied to the display element before a first addressing signal is applied to the display element.


is a diagrammatic side view of an embodiment of an addressing electrode structure for a particle-based display element in which a pre-addressing signal has first been applied to the display element, followed by the application of a second addressing signal, and the particles are situated at the bottom surface of the display element.


depicts an embodiment of a negative pre-pulse and a positive addressing signal as a function of time.


depicts another embodiment of a negative pre-pulse and a positive addressing signal as a function of time.


depicts an embodiment of a positive addressing signal followed by a negative pulse as a function of time.

FIGS. 4A and 4B

depict an embodiment of the logic used in addressing individual display elements or pixels to minimize the number of display elements that must change state to change the image depicted by the display, using the letters “A” and “B” as an example.


depicts an embodiment of the set (set A) of elements that are active in displaying the letter “A.”


depicts an embodiment of the set (set B) of elements that are active in displaying the letter “B.”

FIG. 5

is a diagrammatic side view of an embodiment of a color display element having red, green, and blue particles of different electrophoretic mobilities.


depict the steps taken to address the display of

FIG. 5

to display red.


depict the steps taken to address the display of

FIG. 5

to display blue.


depict the steps taken to address the display of

FIG. 5

to display green.

FIGS. 9A and 9B

illustrate two different arrangements for addressing an electrophoretic display.

FIGS. 10 and 11

illustrate two drive waveforms which can be used with the addressing arrangement shown in FIG.



FIGS. 12 and 13

illustrate two drive waveforms which can be used with the addressing arrangement shown in FIG.



FIG. 14

illustrates a third drive waveform which can be used with the addressing arrangement shown in


, this third drive waveform including blanking and pre-blanking signals.


An object of the invention is to provide a long-lasting, highly-flexible, display that can be manufactured easily, consumes little or no power, and can, therefore, be incorporated into a variety of applications. Preferred embodiments of the invention feature methods of addressing a display comprising an encapsulated electrophoretic display medium that result in zero, or nearly zero, net time-averaged applied electric field. These methods of addressing reduce the net electric field stresses that are experienced by the display, lengthening the life of the electrophoretic display.

Encapsulated electrophoretic displays, and other types of bistable displays such as bichromal rotating ball displays, can be constructed so that the optical state of the display is stable for some length of time. As previously mentioned, when the display has two states that are stable in this manner, the display is said to be bistable. If more than two states of the display are stable, then the display can be said to be multistable. For the purpose of this invention, the term bistable will be used to indicate a display in which at least two optical states and in which, after an addressing voltage is removed, either of at least two optical states remains fixed for a period several times the minimum duration of the addressing pulse required to change the state of the display element. In practice, how long an optical state is required to remains stable depends on the application for the display. A slowly-decaying optical state can be effectively bistable if the optical state is substantially unchanged over the required viewing time. For example, in a display that is updated every few minutes, a display image that is stable for hours or days is effectively bistable for that application. In this invention, the term bistable also indicates a display with an optical state sufficiently long-lived as to be effectively bistable for the application in mind. Whether or not an encapsulated electrophoretic display is bistable, and its degree of bistability, can be controlled through appropriate chemical modification of the electrophoretic particles, the suspending fluid, the capsule, and binder materials.

Use of the word “printing” is intended to include all forms of printing and coating, including, but without limitation: pre-metered coatings such as patch die coating, slot or extrusion coating, slide or cascade coating, and curtain coating; roll coating such as knife over roll coating, forward and reverse roll coating; gravure coating; dip coating; spray coating; meniscus coating; spin coating; brush coating; air knife coating; silk screen printing processes; electrostatic printing processes; thermal printing processes; ink jet printing processes; and other similar techniques. Thus, the resulting display can be flexible. Further, because the display media can be printed (using a variety of methods), the display itself can be made inexpensively.

Preferred embodiments of this invention provide encapsulated electrophoretic and other types of bistable display that provide a flexible, reflective display that can be manufactured easily and consume little power (or no power in the case of bistable displays in certain states), as well as materials and methods useful in their construction. Such displays, therefore, can be incorporated into a variety of applications. The display can be formed from and can include particles that move in response to an electric charge. This mode of operation is typical in the field of electrophoretics. A display in which the particles, ordered by an electric charge, take on a certain configuration can take on many forms. Additionally, providing a subsequent electric charge can alter a prior configuration of particles. Some encapsulated electrophoretic displays may include two or more different types of particles. Such displays may include, for example, displays containing a plurality of anisotropic particles and a plurality of second particles in a suspending fluid. Application of a first electric field may cause the anisotropic particles to assume a specific orientation and present an optical property. Application of a second electric field may then cause the plurality of second particles to translate, thereby disorienting the anisotropic particles and disturbing the optical property. Alternatively, the orientation of the anisotropic particles may allow easier translation of the plurality of second particles. The particles may have a refractive index that substantially matches the refractive index of the suspending fluid.

As already indicated, it is generally preferred that a display of the present. invention be an encapsulated electrophoretic display, and the following description of preferred embodiments of the invention will focus on such encapsulated electrophoretic displays, since it is believed that those skilled in display technology will have no difficulty in adapting the teachings below for use with other types of bistable displays, for example non-encapsulated electrophoretic displays and bichromal rotating ball displays.

An encapsulated electrophoretic display may take many forms. The display may include capsules dispersed in a binder. The capsules may be of any size or shape. The capsules may, for example, be spherical and may have diameters in the millimeter range or the micron range, but are preferably from about ten to about a few hundred microns. The capsules may be formed by an encapsulation technique. Particles may be encapsulated in the capsules. The particles may be two or more different types of particles. The particles may be colored, luminescent, light-absorbing or transparent, for example. The particles may include neat pigments, dyed (laked) pigments or pigment/polymer composites, for example. The display may further include a suspending fluid in which the particles are dispersed.

Generally, an encapsulated electrophoretic display includes a capsule with one or more species of particle that either absorb or scatter light and that are suspended in a fluid. One example is a system in which the capsules contain one or more species of electrophoretically mobile particles dispersed in a dyed suspending fluid. Another example is a system in which the capsules contain two separate species of particles suspended in a clear suspending fluid, in which one species of particle absorbs light (black), while the other species of particle scatters light (white). There are other extensions (more than two species of particles, with or without a dye, etc.). The particles are commonly solid pigments, dyed particles, or pigment/polymer composites.

In electrophoretic displays, the particles may be oriented or translated by placing an electric field across the capsule. The electric field may include an alternating-current field or a direct-current field. The electric field may be provided by at least one pair of electrodes disposed adjacent to a display comprising the capsule.

The successful construction of an encapsulated electrophoretic display requires the proper interaction of all these materials and processes. Materials such as a polymeric binder (for example, for binding the capsules to a substrate), electrophoretic particles, fluid (for example, to surround the electrophoretic particles and provide a medium for migration), and a capsule membrane (for example, for enclosing the electrophoretic particles and fluid) must all be chemically compatible. The capsule membranes may engage in useful surface interactions with the electrophoretic particles, or may act as an inert physical boundary between the fluid and the binder. Polymer binders may act as adhesives between capsule membranes and electrode surfaces.

Materials for use in creating electrophoretic displays relate to the types of materials, including, but not limited to, particles, dyes, suspending fluids, and binders used in fabricating the displays. In one embodiment, types of particles that may be used to fabricate suspended particle displays include scattering pigments, absorbing pigments and luminescent particles. Such particles may also be transparent. Exemplary particles include titania, which may be coated in one or two layers with a metal oxide, such as aluminum oxide or silicon oxide, for example. Such particles may be constructed as corner cubes. Luminescent particles may include, for example, zinc sulfide particles. The zinc sulfide particles may also be encapsulated with an insulative coating to reduce electrical conduction. Light-blocking or absorbing particles may include, for example, dyes or pigments. Types of dyes for use in electrophoretic displays are commonly known in the art. Useful dyes are typically soluble in the suspending fluid, and may further be part of a polymeric chain. Dyes may be polymerized by thermal, photochemical, and chemical diffusion processes. Single dyes or mixtures of dyes may also be used.

A suspending (i.e., electrophoretic) fluid may be a high resistivity fluid. The suspending fluid may be a single fluid, or it may be a mixture of two or more fluids. The suspending fluid, whether a single fluid or a mixture of fluids, may have its density substantially matched to that of the particles within the capsule. The suspending fluid may be halogenated hydrocarbon, such as tetrachloroethylene, for example. The halogenated hydrocarbon may also be a low molecular weight polymer. One such low molecular weight polymer is poly(chlorotrifluoroethylene). The degree of polymerization for this polymer may be from about 2 to about 10.

Furthermore, capsules may be formed in, or later dispersed in, a binder. Materials for use as binders include water-soluble polymers, water-dispersed polymers, oil-soluble polymers, thermoset polymers, thermoplastic polymers, and radiation-cured (for example, UV-cured) polymers. The materials used as substrates to support and as electrodes to address electrophoretic displays must also be compatible with the materials and processes that are described above.

While the examples described here are listed using encapsulated electrophoretic displays, there are other particle-based display media that also should work well, including encapsulated suspended particles and rotating ball displays. Other display media, such as magnetic particles, also can be useful.

In some cases, a separate encapsulation step of the process is not necessary. The electrophoretic fluid may be directly dispersed or emulsified into the binder (or a precursor to the binder material) to form what may be called a “polymer-dispersed electrophoretic display.” In such displays, the individual electrophoretic phases may be referred to as capsules or microcapsules even though no capsule membrane is present. Such polymer-dispersed electrophoretic displays are considered to be subsets of encapsulated electrophoretic displays.

In an encapsulated electrophoretic display, the binder material surrounds the capsules and separates the two bounding electrodes. This binder material must be compatible with the capsule and bounding electrodes and must possess properties that allow for facile printing or coating. It may also possess barrier properties for water, oxygen, ultraviolet light, the electrophoretic fluid, or other materials, Further, it may contain surfactants and cross-linking agents, which could aid in coating or durability. The polymer-dispersed electrophoretic display may be of the emulsion or phase separation type.

An electronic ink is an optoelectronically active material which comprises at least two phases: an electrophoretic contrast media phase and a coating/binding phase. The electrophoretic phase comprises, in some embodiments, a single species of electrophoretic particles dispersed in a clear or dyed medium, or more than one species of electrophoretic particles having distinct physical and electrical characteristics dispersed in a clear or dyed medium. In some embodiments the electrophoretic phase is encapsulated, that is, there is a capsule wall phase between the two phases. The coating/binding phase includes, in one embodiment, a polymer matrix that surrounds the electrophoretic phase. In this embodiment, the polymer in the polymeric binder is capable of being dried, crosslinked, or otherwise cured as in traditional inks, and therefore a printing process can be used to deposit the electronic ink onto a substrate. An electronic ink is capable of being printed by several different processes, depending on the mechanical properties of the specific ink employed. For example, the fragility or viscosity of a particular ink may result in a different process selection. A very viscous ink would not be well-suited to deposition by an ink jet printing process, while a fragile ink might not be used in a knife over roll coating process.

The optical quality of an electronic ink is quite distinct from other electronic display materials. The most notable difference is that the electronic ink provides a high degree of both reflectance and contrast because it is pigment based (as are ordinary printing inks). The light scattered from the electronic ink comes from a very thin layer of pigment close to the top of the viewing surface. In this respect it resembles an ordinary, printed image. Also, electronic ink is easily viewed from a wide range of viewing angles in the same manner as a printed page, and such ink approximates a Lambertian contrast curve more closely than any other electronic display material. Since electronic ink can be printed, it can be included on the same surface with any other printed material, including traditional inks. Electronic ink can be made optically stable in all display configurations, that is, the ink can be set to a persistent optical state. Fabrication of a display by printing an electronic ink is particularly useful in low power applications because of this stability.

Electronic ink displays are novel in that they can be addressed by DC voltages and draw very little current. As such, the conductive leads and electrodes used to deliver the voltage to electronic ink displays can be of relatively high resistivity. The ability to use resistive conductors substantially widens the number and type of materials that can be used as conductors in electronic ink displays. In particular, the use of costly vacuum-sputtered indium tin oxide (ITO) conductors, a standard material in liquid crystal devices, is not required. Aside from cost savings, the replacement of ITO with other materials can provide benefits in appearance, processing capabilities (printed conductors), flexibility, and durability. Additionally, the printed electrodes are in contact only with a solid binder, not with a fluid layer (like liquid crystals). This means that some conductive materials, which would otherwise dissolve or be degraded by contact with liquid crystals, can be used in an electronic ink application. These include opaque metallic inks for the rear electrode (e.g., silver and graphite inks), as well as conductive transparent inks for either substrate. These conductive coatings include semiconducting colloids, examples of which are indium tin oxide and antimony-doped tin oxide. Organic conductors (polymeric conductors and molecular organic conductors) also may be used. Polymers include, but are not limited to, polyaniline and derivatives, polythiophene and derivatives, poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT) and derivatives, polypyrrole and derivatives, and polyphenylenevinylene (PPV) and derivatives. Organic molecular conductors include, but are not limited to, derivatives of naphthalene, phthalocyanine, and pentacene. Polymer layers can be made thinner and more transparent than with traditional displays because conductivity requirements are not as stringent.

As an example, there is a class of materials called electroconductive powders which are also useful as coatable transparent conductors in electronic ink displays. One example is Zelec ECP electroconductive powders from DuPont Chemical Co. of Wilmington, Del.

Referring now to




B and


C, an addressing scheme for controlling particle-based displays is shown in which electrodes are disposed on both sides of a display, allowing the display to be addressed according to the present invention. The top electrode can be fabricated from a conductive material that is transparent, such as indium tin oxide (“ITO”), to permit the state of the display element to be observed through the top electrode.


depicts a single capsule


of an encapsulated display element. In brief overview, the embodiment depicted in


includes a capsule


containing at least one particle


dispersed in a suspending fluid


. The capsule


is addressed by a first electrode


and a second electrode


. In one embodiment, the first electrode


is situated on the top of the capsule


of the display element, while the second electrode


is situated below the capsule


of the display element. The first electrode


and the second electrode


may be set to voltage potentials which affect the position of the particles


in the capsule



The particles


represent 0.1% to 20% of the volume enclosed by the capsule


. In some embodiments the particles


represent 2.5% to 17.5% of the volume enclosed by capsule


. In preferred embodiments, the particles


represent 5% to 15% of the volume enclosed by the capsule


. In more preferred embodiments the particles


represent 9% to 11% of the volume defined by the capsule


. In general, the volume percentage of the capsule


that the particles


represent should be selected so that the particles


provide the predominant visual effect when positioned at the top surface of the capsule


. As described in detail below, the particles


may have any one of a number of optical characteristics, such as color, reflectance, retroreflectance and luminescence. The particles


may be either positively charged or negatively charged.

The particles


are dispersed in a dispersing fluid


. The dispersing fluid


should have a low dielectric constant. The fluid


may be clear, or substantially clear, so that the fluid


does not inhibit viewing the particles


and the bottom electrode


from position


. In other embodiments, the fluid


is dyed. In some embodiments the dispersing fluid


has a specific gravity matched to the density of the particles


. These embodiments can provide a bistable display media, because the particles


do not tend to move in certain compositions absent an electric field applied via the electrodes





The electrodes




should be sized and positioned appropriately so that together they address the entire capsule


. There may be exactly one pair of electrodes




per capsule


, multiple pairs of electrodes




per capsule


, or a single pair of electrodes




may span multiple capsules


. In the embodiment shown in


, the capsule


has a flattened, rectangular shape. In these embodiments, the electrodes




should address most, or all, of the flattened surface area adjacent the electrodes





Electrodes may be fabricated from any material capable of conducting electricity so that electrode




may apply an electric field to the capsule


. The embodiments depicted in


allow the electrode


to be fabricated from opaque materials such as solder paste, copper, copper-clad polyimide, graphite inks, silver inks and other metal-containing conductive inks. Electrodes


may be fabricated using transparent materials such as indium tin oxide and conductive polymers such as polyaniline or polythiophenes. Electrode


may also be fabricated using transparent materials. Electrode


may be provided with contrasting optical properties. In some embodiments, the electrode


has an optical property complementary to optical properties of the particles



In one embodiment, the capsule


contains positively charged black particles


, and a dyed suspending fluid


. The top electrode


is clear, and the bottom electrode


is opaque. When the top electrode


is placed at a negative voltage potential relative to bottom electrode


, the positively-charged particles


migrate to the top electrode


. The effect to a viewer of the capsule


located at position


is a capsule having a front surface covered with black particles


, creating an effect that is largely black. Referring to


, when the top electrode


is placed at a positive voltage potential relative to the bottom electrode


, particles


migrate to the bottom electrode


and the viewer is presented a view of the dyed suspending fluid


that is observed through the transparent top electrode


, creating an effect which is largely the appearance of the dyed suspending fluid


. In this manner the capsule


may be addressed to display either a visual state characteristic of the dyed fluid


or a black visual state.

Other two-color schemes are easily provided by varying the color of the suspending fluid


and the particles


. For example, varying the color of the suspending fluid


allows fabrication of a two-color display having black as one of the colors. Alternatively, varying the color of the particles


allows a two-color system to be fabricated having the color of the dyed suspending fluid


as one of the colors. In certain embodiments, the particles


exhibit bistability, that is, they are substantially motionless in the absence of an electric field.

Another alternative embodiment, depicted in


, can be constructed using two species of particles




′ having two different colors, and two different charges, such that one of the species, for example


, moves toward the top electrode


when a first potential is applied across the electrodes




, and the other species of particles,


′, moves toward the top electrode


when a second potential is applied across the electrodes




. Note that in


as shown there is no field applied between top electrode


and bottom electrode


. For example, the first species of particles


can be black and positively charged, while the second species of particles


′ can be white and negatively charged. In such an embodiment, when the top electrode


is held at a more positive potential than electrode


, the white, negative particles


′ move toward the top electrode


and the black, positive particles


move toward the bottom electrode


, causing the capsule to have a white visual appearance characteristic of the particles


′. When the top electrode


is held at a more negative potential than electrode


, the white, negative particles


′ move toward the bottom electrode


and the black, positive particles


move toward the top electrode


, causing the capsule to have a black visual appearance characteristic of the particles


. In other two color embodiments, an appropriate choice of the colors of the positive and the negative particles can permit an electrophoretic element that can display two desired colors to be realized.

FIG. 2

depicts representations of time functions that embody various addressing signals used to address an electrophoretic display element, such as that depicted in


. An addressing signal can be applied across electrodes




in order to apply an electric field to the electrophoretic display element. For the purposes of this discussion, a positive, or a positive-going, signal will be taken as one that places a more positive voltage potential on electrode


and a less positive voltage potential on electrode


. A negative, or negative-going, signal will be taken as one of opposite polarity, that is, one with a less positive voltage potential on electrode


and a more positive voltage potential on electrode



In general, one can characterize an addressing signal as an electrical signal that can vary with time, e.g., as an electrical signal that has an amplitude that is a function of time, the amplitude expressed in units of volts, and that has a duration that can be expressed in units of seconds. The generation of such signals is well known. In one embodiment, such signals can conveniently be generated with a power source, such as a battery or some other source of electricity, and suitable signal conditioning apparatus, such as resistors, inductors, capacitors, and switches. Alternatively, one can obtain such signals from programmable signal generators. Various examples of types of electrical addressing signals that may be employed in embodiments of the invention are presented below. In general, one can characterize an addressing signal by its amplitude as a function of time, its duration and its polarity. As a general rule, a measure of an area bounded by the graph of the signal and the time axis may be found by the mathematical process of integrating the instantaneous amplitude of the signal over the duration of the signal. If a signal is represented by a function that is not integrable in closed form, one can always estimate the area to any desired precision by integration of an upper bounding piecewise linear function and a lower bounding piecewise linear function. Such an area, expressed in volt-seconds, can serve as a measure of the magnitude of the applied signal.


is a representation of a square wave signal


. An embodiment of an electrical signal of the kind shown in


has an amplitude expressed as a constant value of V


volts during a time period having a duration from t


to t




, which can be expressed as t


seconds. The square wave signal


has an area given by V


* t




is a representation of a sinusoidal signal


. An embodiment of an electrical signal of the kind shown in


has an amplitude expressed as a time varying value with a maximum amplitude of V


volts given by the relation V


sin(t) during a time period having a duration from t


to t




, which can be expressed as t


seconds. The sinusoidal signal


has an area given by



∫ sin(




over the range t


to t




, or V








)] volt-seconds.


is a representation of a sawtooth signal


. An embodiment of an electrical signal of the kind shown in


has an amplitude expressed as a time varying value with a maximum amplitude of V


volts during a time period having a duration from t


to t




, which can be expressed as t


seconds. The sawtooth signal


has an area given by ½V






is a representation of a signal


composed of a series of pulses


. An embodiment of an electrical signal of the kind shown in


has a plurality of pluses, where each pulse


is a rectangular signal of amplitude V


and of duration t


. Thus the area of each pulse is V




, and the area of all 5 pulses is 5 V






is a representation of a signal


having an arbitrary amplitude as a function of time. An embodiment of an electrical signal of the kind shown in


has an arbitrary amplitude as a function of time, and a duration given by t


to t




, or t


. The area of this electrical signal would have to be computed by the method of calculating an upper and a lower bounding area, and taking an intermediate value.

One can also add together the effects of a plurality of electrical signals. In particular, if one were to add the effects of any signal followed by another signal that was the negative of the first, such as the first signal reflected about the time axis or x-axis and delayed by the duration of the first signal, the net signal would be zero.


is a representation of a signal comprising a positive rectangular wave signal


and a series of negative pulse signals


. In an embodiment of the signal depicted in


, if the amplitudes and durations are correctly chosen, one can have the area represented by rectangle


measured by a value that is equal and opposite in sign to the area represented by the sum of the negative areas of the pulses


. The net value of the sum of the areas of the positive rectangular wave signal


and the negative pulses


would thus be zero, and the signal embodied by


would thus apply no net field to a display upon which it acted. This may be viewed as a zero net time average signal.

Another signal that may be selected to apply no net field to an electrophoretic display element upon which it acts is depicted in FIG.


G. This signal comprises a positive square or rectangular signal


having a larger amplitude and a shorter duration than the negative-going rectangular signal


that follows. However, if the product of the amplitude times the duration of signal


is numerically equal in magnitude and opposite in sign to the product of the magnitude times the duration of signal


, the net applied signal would be zero, and the time average of the combined signals




would also be zero.

The above examples are illustrative of some of the many kinds of signals that may be employed as addressing signals, but this discussion is not meant to be exhaustive. It will be clear to those of ordinary skill in the art that there are many additional kinds of signals, and many combinations of positive-going and negative-going addressing signals, that could be applied to electrodes




. Many possible choices of addressing signals can be selected to result in a net zero applied field and a net zero time average signal across the capsule



The application of combinations of addressing signals that result in a net zero time average signal can be used to reduce the degradation of the materials used in constructing the electrophoretic display elements. The degradation in the behavior of the electrophoretic display elements can also be reduced. The method by which a reduction in degradation can be accomplished will now be described.


is a diagrammatic side view of an embodiment of an addressing electrode structure for a particle-based display element in which a first addressing signal has been applied to the display element at some time in the past, and the particles


are situated at the top surface of the display element. As depicted in


, the addressing signal has been removed after the display element attained the desired configuration. If the positively charged particles


are black, and the suspending fluid


is dyed, an observer viewing the display element from position


would see a substantially black display. In order to change the state of the display to the appearance of the dyed fluid, one must apply a positive signal to the electrodes




. This positive signal must provide a relatively positive voltage potential of sufficient magnitude applied to electrode


arid a relatively negative voltage potential applied to electrode


, repelling the positive particles


from electrode


and attracting them to electrode


. The addressing signal must be applied for a long enough period of time to allow the positive black particles


to migrate from the top of the capsule


to the bottom of the capsule


, leaving the dyed suspending fluid


to be observed by the observer at position


, as depicted in FIG.


C. The display element will then present substantially the visual appearance of the dyed suspending fluid



Rather than applying the required positive addressing signal alone to the electrophoretic display element capsule


and its contents, it is possible to apply a pre-addressing signal to the electrophoretic display element to condition it.


is a diagrammatic side view of an embodiment of an addressing electrode structure for a particle-based display element in which the particles are situated at the top surface of the display element, and a pre-addressing signal is applied to the display element before a first addressing signal is applied to the display element. In


, the pre-addressing signal is one of negative polarity, so that a relatively negative voltage potential appears on electrode


and a relatively positive voltage potential appears on electrode


. The electrostatic force that is applied to each of positive particles


is depicted by the arrow


. The positive particles


are pressed against the internal surface of the uppermost part of capsule


as a result of the pre-addressing negative signal. In response to this pre-addressing signal, there is substantially no movement of the black particles


, which are already situated in close proximity to the inner surface of the capsule


located closest to electrode


. However, the pre-addressing signal serves to pre-stress the electrophoretic display element and the materials from which it is constructed. This pre-stress is in the direction opposite that which is required to change the visual state of the display.


is a diagrammatic side view of an embodiment of an addressing electrode structure for a particle-based display element in which a pre-addressing signal has first been applied to the display element, followed by the application of a second addressing signal, and the particles are situated at the bottom surface of the display element. When a second addressing signal is applied to the display element, which in the discussion of the present embodiment is a positive addressing signal, a relatively more positive voltage potential appears at the top electrode


and a relatively more negative voltage potential appears at the bottom electrode


. The positive black particles


thus experience a repulsive force from electrode


and an attractive force from electrode


, which net force is depicted as an arrow


. The positive black particles


are caused to move to the bottom of the display element. The electrophoretic display element will appear to an observer situated at position


as a display having the characteristic appearance of the dyed fluid, because the observer will see only the dyed suspending fluid


. To the extent that the second addressing signal is the same magnitude and duration as the pre-addressing signal, but opposite in polarity to the pre-addressing signal, arrow


depicted in FIG.


B and arrow


will be equal in magnitude and opposite in direction.

The application of a pre-addressing pulse that has a first polarity, a first magnitude as a function of time and a first duration, followed by the second addressing signal that has the opposite polarity, and a second magnitude as a function of time and a second duration can result in a net zero average applied field if the integral of the first magnitude as a function of time integrated over the first duration is numerically equal to the integral of the second magnitude as a function of time integrated over the second duration. This is the most general expression of the condition that will result in a net zero average applied field. Many signals may be evaluated without resort to sophisticated mathematics. For example, for addressing signals or pre-addressing signals that have rectangular, or triangular, waveforms, one can determine the area under the signal represented in volt-seconds by simple multiplication. Many other signals, for example, signals based on sinusoids, exponentials, and step functions, as well as their integrals and derivatives, can be treated by the application of the methods of calculus. Signals which are not amenable to closed form mathematical integration may be treated by obtaining a value bounded from above and from below by application of numerical integration methods.


depicts an embodiment of addressing signals that satisfy the conditions described above. A display element in the condition depicted in


is provided at an arbitrary time denoted by t=0. At a time t


a negative pulse


of amplitude −V


is applied across electrodes




as depicted in FIG.


B. This negative pulse is maintained until time t


, for a duration given by t




. At a time t


, a positive signal


of amplitude V


is applied across electrodes




, as depicted in FIG.


C. The positive signal


can be applied immediately after the negative pulse


, or it can be applied after a delay. Here


incorporates a delay. The positive signal


is applied for a duration given by t




which is equal in duration to the duration t




. The strength of the negative pulse


is thus equal and opposite to that of the positive signal


. The net effect of applying the pulse


and the signal


is the change of state of the display element from that depicted in


to that depicted in


with zero average net field having been applied to the display element.

Other embodiments are depicted in

FIGS. 3E and 3F

using rectangular shaped waveforms as examples. In


, the negative pulse


of amplitude −2 units of voltage and duration of 3 units of time precedes the positive addressing signal


, which is of amplitude 3 units of voltage and has a duration of 2 units of time. In


, the positive addressing signal


can precede the negative pulse


so long as the negative pulse does not have sufficient amplitude to cause the particles


to move within capsule


. In the embodiment depicted in


, the negative pulse


and the positive signal


have equal strength as measured by the area of each. In another embodiment, the negative waveform may be comprised of a series of pulses.

It will be appreciated that the signal shown in


is especially suitable for carrying out the second method of the present invention. As previously mentioned, many bistable displays, especially electrophoretic displays, exhibit a threshold behavior such that signals below a certain threshold value do not cause the display to change its display state even if the signal is applied for a long time, whereas a signal above the threshold will cause a rapid change in display state. It is believed (although the invention is in no way limited by this belief) that at least part of the explanation for such threshold behavior in encapsulated electrophoretic displays is a limited adhesion of the particles to the capsule wall; signals below the threshold are not sufficient to remove the particle from the wall, so that such signals can be applied for a long period without moving the particles and hence without changing the optical state of the display, whereas application of a signal in excess of the threshold will detach the particles from the wall, whereupon the particles will move rapidly through the liquid and cause change in the display state of the display.

For example, consider the application of the signals shown in


to the capsule


shown in


, which is in its second display state with the particles spaced from the viewing surface (the upper surface as shown in FIG.


B). The positive-going signal


substantially exceeds the threshold of the capsule, and hence the particles


move through the liquid


and within a short time the capsule is in its first display state, as shown in


, with the particles lying adjacent the viewing surface of the capsule. When the negative-going signal


, which has an amplitude below the threshold of the capsule, is then applied to the capsule, the particles remain adjacent the viewing surface of the capsule, which thus remains in its first display state.

Typically, because of the need to keep the signal


below the threshold of the capsule, the amplitude of the signal


will need to be not more than about one-fifth, and in most cases not more than about one-tenth, of the amplitude of the signal


. (Note, however, that the threshold of a capsule may be deliberately increased using the techniques described in copending application Ser. No. 60/132,303, filed May 3, 1999, the entire disclosure of which is herein incorporated by reference). Thus, to produce zero net time average signal, the duration of the signal


typically needs to be at least five, and in most cases at least ten, times the duration of the signal


. Thus, the total duration of the “cycle” shown in


is likely to be substantially greater than that of, for example, a cycle such as that shown in


, in which the durations of the signals




are equal. Although, the longer duration of the cycle shown in


can be disadvantageous because it limits the frequency at which the display state can be changed, there are certain applications in which the “post-balancing” technique (i.e., using a non-state-changing signal following the state-changing signal) of the second method of the present invention may be preferred over the “pre-balancing” technique (i.e., using a non-state-changing signal before the state-changing signal) of the first method of the present invention. For example, if the display is being used as a warning device to indicate some unusual or alarm condition, for obvious reasons it is advantageous to apply the state-changing signal first, thus immediately advising the operator of the unusual or alarm condition, while the long duration of the non-state-changing signal, which merely delays turning the alarm signal off, is of little concern.

In the process of addressing a display having a plurality of pixels or elements, it is necessary to change the state of one or more pixels when the image that is being displayed is altered. As an example, one can describe an embodiment of the addressing process of the present invention using alphanumeric characters. The process can be equally applied to graphic images, and to symbols such as those used in mathematical or other specialized notation, or to arbitrary combinations of alphanumeric characters, graphic images and other symbols.

FIGS. 4A and 4B

depict an embodiment of the logic used (in the third method of the present invention) in addressing individual display elements or pixels of a bistable display to minimize the number of display elements that must change state to change the image depicted by a display.

FIGS. 4A and 4B

show a 9×7 rectangular array or set 200 of pixels, in which the columns are labeled with the letters A through G, and the rows are labeled with the numerals




, so that any square in the 9×7 rectangular array


may be denoted by a letter followed by a numeral. For example, the square in the uppermost row and the leftmost column is the square “A


.” Each of the pixels in the array


has a second display state (assumed to be white and shown blank in

FIGS. 4A and 4B

) and a first display state differing from the second in at least one optical property; in

FIGS. 4A and 4B

this first display state is assumed to be dark and is indicated by placing an “X”, “Y” or “Z” in the relevant square (this use of “X”, “Y” and “Z” is only for purposes of the explanation below, there is no visual difference between the pixels in the three cases, all “X”, “Y” or “Z” pixels being uniformly dark).


shows the array


displaying a representation of the letter “A.” The letter A depicted in


is composed of a first subset of squares containing the letter “X” or “Y”, namely squares B


through B


, C


, C


, D


, D


, E


, E


and F


through F


. One can denote this first subset of active squares as:




















































shows the array


displaying a representation of the letter “B.” This letter B is composed of a second subset of squares containing the letter “X” or “Z”, namely squares B


through B


, C


, C


, C


, D


, D


, D


, E


, E


, E


and F


, F


, F


and F


. One can denote this second subset of active squares as:































































Inherently, the two subsets A and B define three classes of pixels. The first class, denoted by the letter “X” in

FIGS. 4A and 4B

, is composed of pixels which are in their first optical state in both the depiction of the letter “A” and the depiction of the letter “B”, i.e., which are members of both the sets A and B. In mathematics, the intersection of two sets is given by the list of elements that are common to the two sets, and is denoted symbolically by the operator symbol ∩, as in A∩B is the intersection of the sets A and B. In this example, a comparison of the depictions of the letters “A” and “B” as given in

FIGS. 4A and 4B

, respectively, demonstrates that the intersection of the active squares that comprise the subsets A and B is given by the equation







































The first class of pixels defined by this intersection of A and B is denoted by “X” in

FIGS. 4A and 4B


The second class of pixels is composed of the pixels which are members of subset A but are not members of subset B, in other words the pixels which are active in the representation of “A” but not in the representation of “B”. This second class of pixels is defined as the subset A minus (A∩B), or A−(A∩B)=(C


, E


, F


, F


), and are denoted “Y” in FIG.



The third class of pixels is composed of the pixels which are not members of subset A but are members of subset B, in other words the pixels which are not active in the representation of “A” but are active in the representation of “B”. This third class of pixels is defined as the subset B minus (A∩B), or B−(A∩B)=(B


, B


, C


, C


, D


, E


, E


, F


), and are denoted “Z” in FIG.


B. (The subsets A and B also, of course, define a fourth class of pixels which are not members of either subset. However, this fourth class of pixels can be ignored for present purposes.)

With these three classes so defined, it is possible to demonstrate the minimum number of elements that must change state (i.e., being changed from “on” to “off,” or vice versa) in order to convert a display showing a letter “A” to one showing a letter “B.” In order to perform this conversion of what is displayed, one must at the least turn off those elements (the second class) in the letter “A” that are not active in the letter “B” and turn on those elements (the third class) of the letter “B” that are not active in displaying the letter “A.” The active elements (the first class) that are common to the letters “A” and “B” can remain on, or active, at all times during the process. This series of steps can be expressed in mathematical terms as follows.

It is possible to perform the conversion of “A” to “B” by performing the step of turning off the second class of elements before, at the same time as, or after performing the step of turning on the third class of elements needed to complete the letter “B” because these two classes are disjoint, that is they contain no common element at all. The second and third classes can be addressed as groups or as individual elements. The classes can each be addressed simultaneously or sequentially, and if sequentially, in any order.

The use of methods that involve a pre- or post-pulse that sums to zero with the addressing signal assures that the net signal on any display element will be zero. The possible exception to this general observation can be an initial addressing signal that can be required to bring a display element into a known state (e.g., either on or off). However, a single uncompensated signal will be of minimal effect on a display element that can be operated many times over its active lifetime. With the further use of methods that minimize the number of elements that must be addressed in the process of displaying an image, the number of state changes that display elements must undergo will in general be held to a minimum as well, thereby minimizing the deleterious effect of addressing signals on the materials of construction.

For displays that are addressed to exhibit images such as alphanumeric characters, the elements which must be turned off and the elements which must be turned on to go from an “A” to a “B” will always be the same elements, so one can determine the addresses of the elements that need to be changed once and record the list for future use. One also notes that the same list can be used in the inverted sense to go from a display showing the letter “B” to one showing the letter “A.” That is, the elements turned on in going from “A” to “B” are the elements turned off in going from “B” to “A” and the elements turned off in going from “A” to “B” are the ones that are turned on in going from “B” to “A.” By the same logic, any two images that will occupy the same region of the display can be evaluated as to the minimum number of elements that must change state. By extension of the analytical method to either or both multiple display states (for example, multiple colors) and images that appear to “move” or translate across the display, one can determine the minimum number of changes that must be made to cause a display to change the image that appears thereon.

As already explained, many displays which are bistable within the meaning of that term as defined above are not truly bistable over extended periods. For example, pixels which are supposed to remain dark gradually become lighter in color.

Thus, such displays might be said to be “bi-metastable” rather than truly bistable. Accordingly, when such displays are used for an extended period, it is desirable to apply at intervals a “blanking” signal to all the elements of the display in order to ensure that all the elements are driven to one of their two optical states. For example, in the display shown in

FIGS. 4A and 4B

, it is desirable at intervals to apply a blanking pulse to drive all the pixels to their white state. In the interest of using methods which sum to zero, it is desirable that the blanking signal be preceded by a pre-blanking signal, which in the case of the display shown in

FIGS. 4A and 4B

, would drive all the pixels to their dark state.

It will be appreciated that the “bi-metastability” of such displays normally affects both the display states. For example, in a display where one display state is white and the other is dark, the white state slowly becomes darker, while the dark state slowly becomes lighter. In practice, the gradual darkening of the white state tends to be more troublesome than the gradual lightening of the dark state, especially when the display is operated to show white characters on a dark background. As is well-known to (for example) manufacturers of paints, the human eye is highly sensitive to small differences in reflectivity (albedo) within areas which are supposed to be a uniform white color, but is considerably less sensitive to small changes in reflectivity and hue within dark colored areas. Also, observers tend to be more sensitive to variation in foreground colors (i.e., the colors of the letters they are reading) than to variations in background colors.

Suppose, for example, that the display shown in

FIGS. 4A and 4B

is operated to display white characters on a dark background, i.e., in the reverse manner to that described above. When the display is changed from a white “A” to a white “B” using the third method of the invention as described above, the first class of pixels (denoted by “X” in

FIGS. 4A and 4B

) stay white, the second class of pixels (denoted by “Y”) change from white to dark, the third class of pixels (denoted by “Z”) change from dark to white, and a fourth class of pixels (all those pixels not included in the first, second or third classes, and left blank in

FIGS. 4A and 4B

) stay dark. Thus, the letter “B” displayed is composed of two different types of pixels, namely the first class of pixels which have been white for some time, and the third class of pixels which have just been driven to their white state. If the white state is metastable, these first and third classes of pixels will differ in reflectivity, since the white state of the first class of pixels has had a chance to darken, whereas the white state of the third class is freshly written. Depending upon the rate at which the white state darkens, the difference in color between the first and third classes of pixels may be visible to the observer as an undesirable mottling within the letter “B”. (While there is in principle a difference between the dark color of the newly-darkened second class of pixels and the dark color of the fourth class of pixels which have been dark for a longer time, for reasons already explained this difference is not usually noticeable and problems can be avoided by applying pre-blanking and blanking pulses at intervals.)

This potential mottling problem is avoided by the fourth process of the present invention. To carry out the change from a white “A” to a white “B” using this fourth process, both the first and second classes of pixels shown in


(i.e., the entire first subset of pixels forming the letter “A”) are first driven dark, so that all the pixels of the display are dark. The first and third classes of pixels (i.e., the entire second subset of pixels forming the letter “B”) are then driven white, thus achieving the state shown in FIG.


B. Since all the white pixels forming the letter “B” have been driven white at the same time, they all display a uniform appearance. Furthermore, even if the “B” remains displayed for some time, so that the white state of the pixels forming this letter gradually darkens, such darkening will be uniform, and the eye is less sensitive to slight color changes throughout an area of the same color than to color differences between pixels within this area.

From the foregoing description, it will be seen that the fourth process of the invention does require more changes of color than the third process, in that the fourth process requires that the first class of pixels (which form part of both images) undergo a double transition, white-dark-white, during the process. However, the number of additional changes is relatively small, and thus the fourth process achieves most of the reduction in rate of deterioration of the display material achieved by the third process while also avoiding any mottling problem.

In another embodiment, depicted in

FIG. 5

, a color display is provided by a capsule


of size d containing multiple species of particles in a clear, dispersing fluid


. Each species of particles has different optical properties and possess different electrophoretic mobilities (μ) from the other species. In the embodiment depicted in

FIG. 5

, the capsule


contains red particles


, blue particles


, and green particles


, and







That is, the magnitude of the electrophoretic mobility of the red particles


, on average, exceeds the electrophoretic mobility of the blue particles


, on average, and the electrophoretic mobility of the blue particles


, on average, exceeds the average electrophoretic mobility of the green particles


. As an example, there may be a species of red particle with a zeta potential of 100 millivolts (mV), a blue particle with a zeta potential of 60 mV, and a green particle with a zeta potential of 20 mV. The capsule


is placed between two electrodes




that apply an electric field to the capsule.


depict the steps to be taken to address the display shown in

FIG. 5

to display a red color to a viewpoint


. Referring to


, all the particles






are attracted to one side of the capsule


by applying an electric field in one direction. The electric field should be applied to the capsule


long enough to attract even the more slowly moving green particles


to the electrode


. Referring to


, the electric field is reversed just long enough to allow the red particles


to migrate towards the electrode


. The blue particles


and green particles


will also move in the reversed electric field, but they will not move as fast as the red particles


and thus will be obscured by the red particles


. The amount of time for which the applied electric field must be reversed can be determined from the relative electrophoretic mobilities of the particles, the strength of the applied electric field, and the size of the capsule.


depict addressing the display element to a blue state. As shown in


, the particles






are initially randomly dispersed in the capsule


. All the particles






are attracted to one side of the capsule


by applying an electric field in one direction (shown in FIG.


B). Referring to


, the electric field is reversed just long enough to allow the red particles


and blue particles


to migrate towards the electrode


. The amount of time for which the applied electric field must be reversed can be determined from the relative electrophoretic mobilities of the particles, the strength of the applied electric field, and the size of the capsule. Referring to


, the electric field is then reversed a second time and the red particles


, moving faster than the blue particles


, leave the blue particles


exposed to the viewpoint


. The amount of time for which the applied electric field must be reversed can be determined from the relative electrophoretic mobilities of the particles, the strength of the applied electric field, and the size of the capsule.


depict the steps to be taken to present a green display to the viewpoint


. As shown in


, the particles






are initially distributed randomly in the capsule


. All the particles






are attracted to the side of the capsule


proximal the viewpoint


by applying an electric field in one direction. The electric field should be applied to the capsule


long enough to attract even the more slowly moving green particles


to the electrode


. As shown in


, the electric field is reversed just long enough to allow the red particles


and the blue particles


to migrate towards the electrode


, leaving the slowly-moving green particles


displayed to the viewpoint. The amount of time for which the applied electric field must be reversed can be determined from the relative electrophoretic mobilities of the particles, the strength of the applied electric field, and the size of the capsule.

In other embodiments, the capsule contains multiple species of particles and a dyed dispersing fluid that acts as one of the colors. In still other embodiments, more than three species of particles may be provided having additional colors. Although

FIGS. 5-8C

depict two electrodes associated with a single capsule, the electrodes may address multiple capsules or less than a full capsule.

In order to address the capsule


to display red, green or blue as described above, at least one application of an addressing signal that creates an electric field is required. In some instances, more than one addressing signal may be needed to address capsule


to display a desired color. As was described with regard to the addressing of a two color (i.e., black and white) display element, one can compute the integral of the amplitude as a function of time integrated over the duration of application of an addressing signal for each signal that must be applied. The polarity of the applied signal must also be taken into account in the computation. To the extent that multiple addressing signals of the same polarity are applied, their integrals will be added. To the extent that addressing signals of opposite polarities are used, the integrals of the addressing signals of the same polarity will be added, and the integrals of addressing signals of the opposite polarity will be subtracted from the first sum. Thus, one can compute a net value of the residual value in volt-seconds of all of the signals needed to address a display element. One can then determine for a pre- or post-addressing signal the polarity, the magnitude as a function of time, and the duration required to pre- or post-address the capsule, such that the net average field including the pre- or post-addressing signal and all of the components of the addressing signal will be zero. One can then apply such a pre- or post-addressing signal prior to or subsequent to the application of the sequence of addressing signals needed to address the capsule


to bring about a display state of the desired color, with the feature that the time average net field applied to the capsule will be zero.

When the second method of the present invention, which requires the use of a post-addressing signal, is used with the display illustrated in

FIGS. 5-8C

, it should be noted that, provided the post-addressing signal does not affect the particles adjacent the viewing surface of the display, it does not matter that particles elsewhere in the display element move. For example, suppose that the second method of the invention requires application of a low-amplitude post-addressing signal to the display shown in


, this signal requiring application of a positive potential to the rear electrode


and a negative potential to the front electrode


. Provided that this post-addressing signal is kept below the threshold of the green particles, so that the green particles remain adjacent the viewing surface, it is irrelevant that the post-addressing signal causes the blue particles to move from their central positions shown in


to positions adjacent the rear electrode


and intermingled with the red particles, since such movement of the blue particles causes no visible difference in the state of the display.

FIGS. 9A and 9B

illustrate schematically two different arrangements for addressing an encapsulated electrophoretic display using an active matrix liquid crystal display backplane or similar structure. In both these arrangements, the display is provided, on its front or viewing surface (top surface as illustrated in

FIGS. 9A and 9B

) with a common, transparent front electrode


, and on its rear surface with a substrate


carrying a matrix of discrete electrodes (only two of these electrodes, designated




respectively are shown in FIGS.


A and


B). Each of the discrete electrodes




defines a pixel of the display. An encapsulated electrophoretic medium (generally designated


) is disposed between the common electrode


and the discrete electrodes




; for ease of illustration,

FIGS. 9A and 9B

show only a single capsule


of the medium


associated with each discrete electrode




, although in practice a plurality of capsules (typically at least


) would be associated with each discrete electrode. Also for ease of illustration, the capsules are shown in

FIGS. 9A and 9B

as of circular cross-section, although in practice it is preferred that they have the flattened form shown in, for example, FIG.



Each of the capsules


comprises a capsule wall


, a dark colored fluid


contained within this capsule wall


and a plurality of light colored charged particles


suspended in the fluid


; the particles


may for example be formed of titania. For purposes of illustration, it is assumed that the particles


are negatively charged so that they will be drawn to whichever of their associated discrete electrode and the common electrode is at the higher potential. However, the particles


could alternatively be positively charged. Also, the particles could be dark in color and the fluid


light in color so long as sufficient color contrast occurs as the particles move between the front and rear surfaces of the display medium, as shown in

FIGS. 9A and 9B

. The medium


could also be of the type previously described which contains two different types of particles having different optical properties and different electrophoretic mobilities.

Although the electrode structures shown in

FIGS. 9A and 9B

are essentially identical to those of conventional active matrix liquid crystal displays, the voltages which need to be applied to these electrodes are very different. Conventional liquid crystal display materials require continuous driving with an alternating electric field if a given pixel is to be maintained in a transmissive state. If a given pixel is to be non-transmissive, no field is applied so that the liquid crystal molecules can revert to random orientations. Accordingly, in conventional liquid crystal displays the common electrode is normally held at half the maximum pixel voltage (conventionally denoted “+V/2”), while the discrete electrodes are either cycled rapidly between 0 and +V (when the associated pixels are to be transmissive) or not driven at all (when the associated pixels are to be non-transmissive). Electrophoretic displays, on the other hand, require addressing with a field which remains in one direction for a time sufficient to permit the particles


to move between the two positions shown in


; the field must be capable of being applied in either direction, depending upon the direction in which it is desired to move the particles, but after the field has been applied for the time necessary to move the particles from one of the positions shown in


to the other, the field can be removed since the electrophoretic medium is essentially bistable.

FIGS. 9A and 9B

illustrate two different arrangements for achieving the necessary reversible fields. In


, the common electrode is held at half the maximum pixel voltage (+V/2), while the discrete electrodes




can be set to either 0 or +V. To drive a specific pixel dark, its associated discrete electrode is set to +V; to drive a pixel white, its associated discrete electrode is set to 0. The resulting voltages across the electrophoretic display medium are 0 or V/2. In


, on the other hand, both the common electrode and each of the discrete electrodes can be set to 0 or +V. The resulting voltages across the electrophoretic display medium are 0 or V.

FIG. 10

illustrates a especially preferred drive scheme using the arrangement shown in FIG.


A. This drive scheme, which is an example of both the fourth and fifth methods of the present invention, comprises two essential sub-cycles. However, since an electrophoretic display is bistable and is not normally driven continuously, in

FIG. 10

these two essential sub-cycles are illustrated flanked by two resting sub-cycles, designated “R”, in which the display is not being driven, and all the discrete electrodes are set to +V/2, the same voltage as the common electrode, so that there is no field across any part of the electrophoretic medium





FIG. 10

assumes that dark characters are being written on a light background, and thus the drive schemes shown in

FIG. 10

has as its first sub-cycle a “white clearing frame” (designated


), in which all the pixels of the display are set to white, thus allowing for uniform image updating, as previously described. This white clearing frame


is followed by the addressing frame, designated



More specifically, as already described, the pixels of the display can be divided into four classes. The first class comprises those pixels which form part of both the initial and the final image displayed, and hence are dark at both the beginning and the end of the transition illustrated in FIG.


. The wave form applied to the discrete electrodes associated with this first class of pixels is denoted “A” in FIG.


. As will be seen from

FIG. 10

, the discrete electrodes associated with this first class are set to 0 during the white clearing frame


(thus driving the first class of pixels white), and are then set to +V during the addressing frame


(thus driving the first class of pixels back to their dark state). The second class comprises those pixels which form part of the initial image but not part of the final image, and hence are dark at the beginning of the transition illustrated in

FIG. 10

but white at the end of this transition. The wave form applied to the discrete electrodes associated with this second class of pixels is denoted “B” in FIG.


. The discrete electrodes associated with the second class are set to 0 during the white clearing frame


(thus driving the second class of pixels white), and are then set to +V/2 during the addressing frame


(thus maintaining the second class of pixels in their white state). The third class comprises those pixels which do not form part of the initial image but do form part of the final image, and hence are white and the beginning of the transition illustrated in

FIG. 10

but dark at the end of this transition. The wave form applied to the discrete electrodes associated with this third class of pixels is denoted “C” in FIG.


. The discrete electrodes associated with the third class are set to +V/2 during the white clearing frame


(thus maintaining the third class of pixels in their initial white state), and are then set to +V during the addressing frame


(thus driving the third class of pixels dark). Finally, the third class comprises those pixels which do not form part of either the initial or the final image, and hence are white and the beginning and end of the transition illustrated in FIG.


. As denoted by “D” in

FIG. 10

, the discrete electrodes associated with the fourth class are set to +V/2 during both the white clearing frame


and the addressing frame


, so that no field is applied to these pixels during either frame and they maintain their initial white states.

The drive scheme shown in

FIG. 10

requires that the controller used to able to supply three voltage levels, namely 0, +V/2 and +V. Furthermore, this drive scheme is DC-balanced in the sense that the time integral of the applied field is zero for any pixel during a period which starts and ends in the same white or dark display state; note that a pixel which undergoes a dark-white-dark or white-dark-white transition, and is thus exposed to wave forms B and C in

FIG. 10

in either order has no net average field applied. Furthermore, since the drive scheme shown in

FIG. 10

does not apply any field to the fourth class of pixels, which will typically be the most numerous in any alphanumeric display, the drive scheme keeps the number of pixel transitions, and hence the periods during which the electrodes are exposed to substantial fields, close to a minimum. The drive scheme typically requires that data for the final image be loaded at the beginning of the addressing frame



FIG. 11

shows a somewhat less preferred, but still useful, drive scheme which may be substituted for that shown in

FIG. 10

, again with the common electrode held at +V/2 throughout the drive scheme. In addition to the two resting sub-cycles R, the drive scheme shown in

FIG. 11

comprises a balance frame


and an addressing frame


. As shown in

FIG. 11

, the discrete electrodes associated with the first and fourth classes of pixels (wave forms A and D) are held at the same voltage as the common electrode throughout the drive scheme, so that no re-writing occurs of any pixel which does not need to change color during the transition shown in

FIG. 11

, thus keeping the number of pixel transitions to the absolute minimum, in accordance with the third process of the present invention.

As in the drive scheme shown in

FIG. 10

, in the drive scheme shown in

FIG. 11

the third class of pixels (wave form C) are changed from white to dark by setting the associated discrete electrodes to +V during the addressing frame


. Similarly, the second class of pixels (wave form B) are changed from dark to white by setting the associated discrete electrodes to 0; however, in the drive scheme shown in

FIG. 11

, this change of the second class of pixels from dark to white is effected during the addressing frame


, rather than during a white clearing frame, as in the drive scheme shown in FIG.


. Thus, in the drive scheme shown in

FIG. 11

the white-to-dark and dark-to-white transitions occur simultaneously, rather than sequentially as in the drive scheme shown in FIG.


. The balance frame


is used to provide pre-addressing pulses to the second and third classes of pixels, in accordance with the first method of the present invention; as shown in

FIG. 11

, during the balance frame


the discrete electrodes associated with the second class of pixels are set to +V, while the discrete electrodes associated with the third class of pixels are set to 0. Thus, the drive. scheme shown in

FIG. 11

ensures that the time average of the electric field applied to any pixel during any transition is zero. The drive scheme shown in

FIG. 11

is especially suitable for applications involving fast frame rates.

It will be appreciated that the drive schemes shown in

FIGS. 10 and 11

can be modified to include pre-blanking and blanking signals as already described. When these drive schemes are used to write dark alphanumeric characters on a white background, the pre-blanking signal will write all pixels dark, while the blanking signal will write all pixels white. Accordingly, in both the drive schemes shown in

FIGS. 10 and 11

, pre-blanking is effected by setting all the discrete electrodes to +V, while blanking is effected by setting all the discrete electrodes to 0.

FIG. 12

shows a third drive scheme which is similar to the first drive scheme shown in

FIG. 10

in that it comprises, in sequence, a resting sub-cycle R, a white clearing frame


, an addressing frame


and a second resting sub-cycle R. However, this third drive scheme differs from the first in that it uses the arrangement shown in


, in which the common electrode can be toggled between 0 and +V, while each of the discrete electrodes can also be set to 0 or +V. Thus, this third drive scheme requires that the controller only be able to supply voltages of 0 and +V, and also allows twice as high a drive voltage across the electrophoretic medium as compared with the first drive scheme shown in FIG.



As indicated by wave form E in

FIG. 12

, the common electrode is maintained at 0 during the resting sub-cycles R and during the addressing frame


, but is toggled to +V during the white clearing frame


. Apart from the differences in the voltages which can be applied to the common and discrete electrodes, the wave forms A-D in

FIG. 12

are directly comparable to those shown in FIG.


. Thus, all the discrete electrodes are kept at the same voltage (0) as the common electrode during the two resting sub-cycles R. The discrete electrodes associated with the first class of pixels (wave form A) are kept at a voltage (0) lower than that of the common electrode during the white clearing frame


, but at a voltage (+V) higher than that of the common electrode during the addressing frame


. The discrete electrodes associated with the second class of pixels (wave form B) are kept at a voltage (0) lower than that of the common electrode during the white clearing frame


, and at the same voltage as the common electrode during the addressing frame


; thus, the discrete electrodes associated with the second class of pixels are kept at 0 throughout. The discrete electrodes associated with the third class of pixels (wave form C) are kept at the same voltage (+V) as the common electrode during the white clearing frame


but at a voltage (again +V) higher than that of the common electrode during the addressing frame.


. Finally, the discrete electrodes associated with the fourth class of pixels (wave form D) are simply kept at the same voltage as the common electrode throughout.

The third drive scheme shown in

FIG. 12

is not recommended for applications such as video displays which require high frame rates but is very suitable for applications such as electronic books which only require relatively slow updating.

FIG. 13

shows a fourth drive scheme in which the common electrode (wave form E) is repeatedly toggled between 0 and +V, so that the addressing frame (designated


) consists of a plurality of sub-cycles, each of these sub-cycles comprising a short period during which the common electrode is held at +V, followed by a period of equal duration during which the common electrode is held at 0. As in the drive schemes previously discussed, the addressing frame


is preceded and followed by two resting sub-cycles R in which both the common electrode and all the discrete electrodes are set to 0.

The fourth drive scheme shown in

FIG. 13

resembles the second drive scheme shown in

FIG. 11

in that the voltage is applied to the discrete electrodes associated with the first and fourth classes of pixels (wave forms A and D respectively) is kept throughout the same as the voltage applied to the common electrode, so that the first and fourth classes of pixels experience no field at any time (and thus the fourth drive scheme carries out the third method of the present invention). The discrete electrodes associated with the second class of pixels (wave form B) are held at 0 throughout the addressing frame


, while the discrete electrodes associated with the third class of pixels (wave form C) are held at +V throughout the addressing frame



The fourth drive scheme will appear to an observer to effect dark-to-white and a white-to-dark transitions simultaneously. The fourth drive scheme may be modified, in a manner similar to the second drive scheme already discussed, to include a balancing frame which ensures that the time average field applied to any electrode during the complete transition is zero.

FIG. 14

shows a fifth drive scheme which, like the third and fourth drive schemes already discussed, uses a common electrode which is toggled between 0 and +V. This fifth drive scheme is preferred for writing white alphanumeric characters on a dark background using the fourth method of the present invention.

FIG. 14

, unlike

FIGS. 10-13

, illustrates the fifth drive scheme without resting sub-cycles but with pre-blanking and blanking signals; it should of course be understood that these pre-blanking and blanking signals are only applied at spaced intervals depending upon the meta-bistability of the electrophoretic display, and that a plurality of addressing frames (described below) intervene between successive applications of the pre-blanking and blanking signals.

The fifth drive scheme begins with a dark clearing frame


, in which the common electrode (wave form E) is set to +V. In this dark clearing frame


, the discrete electrodes associated with the first and second classes of pixels (wave forms A and B respectively) are set to +V, thus driving these pixels dark, while the discrete electrodes associated with the third and fourth classes of pixels (wave forms C and D respectively) are kept at the same voltage (0) as the common electrode, so that these pixels remain dark. Thus, at the end of the dark clearing frame


all pixels are dark. The next frame of the fifth drive scheme is an addressing frame


, in which the common electrode is set to +V, while the discrete electrodes associated with the first and third classes of pixels are set to 0, thus driving the first and third classes of pixels white. The discrete electrodes associated with the second and fourth classes of pixels are set to +V during the addressing frame


, so that the second and fourth classes of pixels remain dark.

The next frame of the fifth drive scheme, as shown in

FIG. 14

, is a pre-blanking frame


, in which the common electrode is set to +V and all the discrete electrodes are set to 0, so that all pixels are driven white. The pre-blanking frame is followed by a blanking frame


, in which the common electrode is set to 0 and all the discrete electrodes are set to +V, thus driving all pixels dark. After this blanking frame, the regular sequence of dark clearing frames


and addressing frames


resumes, although obviously the dark clearing frame


immediately following a blanking frame


can be omitted if desired since all the pixels are already dark at the conclusion of the blanking frame.

As already mentioned, the drive schemes discussed above can be implemented by modifying a conventional active matrix liquid crystal display backplane and front electrode. In view of the differences discussed above between driving conventional liquid crystal displays and driving electrophoretic displays, the controller for the display needs to be modified to provide the reversible electric fields needed by electrophoretic displays; thus, it is necessary to modify the pixel value/pixel voltage mapping of the controller as set out in Table 1 below. For those drive schemes which require toggling of the voltage applied to the common electrode, additional software control is required to effect such toggling, which is conveniently effected via a control register; however, to avoid such modification it is generally preferred to use a drive scheme, such as the first or second scheme described above, which used the same three voltages (namely 0, +V/2 and +V) as a conventional liquid crystal display. The controller hardware also needs to be modified so that frame and column inversion driving is effectively shut off. This may readily be accomplished by providing the same polarity reference voltages to the driver chip.

Once the pixel value/pixel voltage mapping has been modified in the manner set out in Table 1, the image on the electrophoretic display can rapidly been modified simply by writing different digital images to the video RAM of the controller.

LCD Pixel Voltage



Electrophoretic Pixel Voltage

Pixel value





= +V/2



= 0 or +V




0 (white)

0 (white, not


127, 128



+V/2 (not

not used





+V (dark)

+V (dark, not


It will be appreciated that the various wave forms described above do not include any gate pulse timing diagrams, as there is little love to control decides the scan frequency. The display may, for example, operate at a frame rate of 60-75 Hz and with gate pulse widths in the range of 17-22 μs. For obvious reasons, the highest frame rate possible is preferred.

In an encapsulated electrophoretic image display, an electrophoretic suspension, such as the ones described previously, is placed inside discrete compartments that are dispersed in a polymer matrix. This resulting material is highly susceptible to an electric field across the thickness of the film. Such a field is normally applied using electrodes attached to either side of the material. However, some display media may be addressed by writing electrostatic charge onto one side of the display material. The other side normally has a clear or opaque electrode. For example, a sheet of encapsulated electrophoretic display media can be addressed with a head providing DC voltages.

In another implementation, the encapsulated electrophoretic suspension can be printed onto an area of a conductive material such as a printed silver or graphite ink, aluminized Mylar, or any other conductive surface. This surface which constitutes one electrode of the display can be set at ground or high voltage. An electrostatic head consisting of many electrodes can be passed over the capsules to address them. Alternatively, a stylus can be used to address the encapsulated electrophoretic suspension.

In another implementation, an electrostatic write head is passed over the surface of the material. This allows very high resolution addressing. Since encapsulated electrophoretic material can be placed on plastic, it is flexible. This allows the material to be passed through normal paper handling equipment. Such a system works much like a photocopier, but with no consumables. The sheet of display material passes through the machine and an electrostatic or electrophotographic head addresses the sheet of material.

In another implementation, electrical charge is built up on the surface of the encapsulated display material or on a dielectric sheet through frictional or triboelectric charging. The charge can built up using an electrode that is later removed. In another implementation, charge is built up on the surface of the encapsulated display by using a sheet of piezoelectric material.

Microencapsulated displays offer a useful means of creating electronic displays, many of which can be coated or printed. There are many versions of microencapsulated displays, including microencapsulated electrophoretic displays. These displays can be made to be highly reflective, bistable, and low power.

To obtain high resolution displays, it is useful to use some external addressing means with the microencapsulated material. This invention describes useful combinations of addressing means with microencapsulated electrophoretic materials in order to obtain high resolution displays.

One method of addressing liquid crystal displays is the use of silicon-based thin film transistors to form an addressing backplane for the liquid crystal. For liquid crystal displays, these thin film transistors are typically deposited on glass, and are typically made from amorphous silicon or polysilicon. Other electronic circuits (such as drive electronics or logic) are sometimes integrated into the periphery of the display. An emerging field is the deposition of amorphous or polysilicon devices onto flexible substrates such as metal foils or plastic films.

The addressing electronic backplane could incorporate diodes as the nonlinear element, rather than transistors. Diode-based active matrix arrays have been demonstrated as being compatible with liquid crystal displays to form high resolution devices.

There are also examples of crystalline silicon transistors being used on glass substrates. Crystalline silicon possesses very high mobilities, and thus can be used to make high performance devices. Presently, the most straightforward way of constructing crystalline silicon devices is on a silicon wafer. For use in many types of liquid crystal displays, the crystalline silicon circuit is constructed on a silicon wafer, and then transferred to a glass substrate by a “liftoff” process. Alternatively, the silicon transistors can be formed on a silicon wafer, removed via a liftoff process, and then deposited on a flexible substrate such as plastic, metal foil, or paper. As another implementation, the silicon could be formed on a different substrate that is able to tolerate high temperatures (such as glass or metal foils), lifted off, and transferred to a flexible substrate. As yet another implementation, the silicon transistors are formed on a silicon wafer, which is then used in whole or in part as one of the substrates for the display.

The use of silicon-based circuits with liquid crystals is the basis of a large industry. Nevertheless, these display possess serious drawbacks. Liquid crystal displays are inefficient with light, so that most liquid crystal displays require some sort of backlighting. Reflective liquid crystal displays can be constructed, but are typically very dim, due to the presence of polarizers. Most liquid crystal devices require precise spacing of the cell gap, so that they are not very compatible with flexible substrates. Most liquid crystal displays require a “rubbing” process to align the liquid crystals, which is both difficult to control and has the potential for damaging the TFT array.

The combination of these thin film transistors with microencapsulated electrophoretic displays should be even more advantageous than with liquid crystal displays. Thin film transistor arrays similar to those used with liquid crystals could also be used with the microencapsulated display medium. As noted above, liquid crystal arrays typically requires a “rubbing” process to align the liquid crystals, which can cause either mechanical or static electrical damage to the transistor array. No such rubbing is needed for microencapsulated displays, improving yields and simplifying the construction process.

Microencapsulated electrophoretic displays can be highly reflective. This provides an advantage in high-resolution displays, as a backlight is not required for good visibility. Also, a high-resolution display can be built on opaque substrates, which opens up a range of new materials for the deposition of thin film transistor arrays.

Moreover, the encapsulated electrophoretic display is highly compatible with flexible substrates. This enables high-resolution TFT displays in which the transistors are deposited on flexible substrates like flexible glass, plastics, or metal foils. The flexible substrate used with any type of thin film transistor or other nonlinear element need not be a single sheet of glass, plastic, metal foil, though. Instead, it could be constructed of paper. Alternatively, it could be constructed of a woven material. Alternatively, it could be a composite or layered combination of these materials.

As in liquid crystal displays, external logic or drive circuitry can be built on the same substrate as the thin film transistor switches.

In another implementation, the addressing electronic backplane could incorporate diodes as the nonlinear element, rather than transistors.

While the invention has been particularly shown and described with reference to specific preferred embodiments, it should be understood by those skilled in the art that various changes in form and detail may be made therein without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention as defined by the appended claims.

  • 1. A method for addressing a bistable display element having first and second display states differing in at least one optical property, the method comprising:(a) applying to the display element a first addressing signal effective to change the display state of the display element; and (b) thereafter applying to the display element a second addressing signal which does not change the display state of the display element the algebraic sum of the integral of the first addressing signal with respect to time and the integral of the second addressing signal with respect to time having an absolute value less than about 1 Volt-second.
  • 2. A method according to claim 1 wherein the display element is an electrophoretic display element.
  • 3. A method according to claim 2 wherein the display element is an encapsulated electrophoretic display element.
  • 4. A method according to claim 2 wherein the display element comprises an electrophoretic medium comprising a liquid and at least one particle disposed within the liquid and capable of moving therethrough on application of an electric field to the medium.
  • 5. A method according to claim 4 wherein the display element has a viewing surface and the liquid has a optical property differing from that of the at least one particle, the display element being in its first display state when the at least one particle lies adjacent its viewing surface and being in its second display state when the at least one particle is spaced from its viewing surface so that the liquid lies adjacent the viewing surface.
  • 6. A method according to claim 4 wherein the display element has a viewing surface and the liquid has disposed therein at least one first particle having a first optical property and a first electrophoretic mobility and at least one second particle having a second optical property different from the first optical property and a second electrophoretic mobility different from the first electrophoretic mobility, the display element being in its first display state when the at least one first particle lies adjacent its viewing surface and being in its second display state when the at least one second particle lies adjacent its viewing surface.
  • 7. A method according to claim 1 wherein the absolute value of the algebraic sum is less than about 0.1 Volt-second.
  • 8. A method according to claim 1 wherein the first and second addressing signals are of opposite polarity.
  • 9. A method according to claim 1 wherein the first and second addressing signals have different amplitudes and different durations.
  • 10. A method according to claim 9 wherein the second addressing signal has an amplitude not greater than about one-fifth of the amplitude of the first addressing signal and a duration at least about five times the duration of the first addressing signal.
  • 11. A method according to claim 10 wherein the second addressing signal has an amplitude not greater than about one-tenth of the amplitude of the first addressing signal and a duration at least about ten times the duration of the first addressing signal.
  • 12. A method according to claim 1 wherein, in step (a), a plurality of first addressing pulses are applied to the display element.
  • 13. A method according to claim 1 wherein, in step (b), a plurality of second addressing pulses are applied to the display element.
  • 14. A method according to claim 1 wherein a predetermined time is allowed to elapse after step (a) and before step (b).
  • 15. A method of addressing a bistable display, this display comprising a set of display elements each having first and second display states differing in at least one optical property, the method comprising:(a) causing the display to display a first image in which a first subset of display elements are in their first display state and the complement of the first subset of display elements are in their second display state; (b) applying to the first subset of display elements, but not to the complement of the first subset, a first addressing signal, thereby causing the first subset to assume their second display state; and (c) applying to a second subset of display elements, different from said first subset, but not to the complement of the second subset, a second addressing signal, thereby causing the second subset to assume their first display state and the display to display a second image, different from the first image, the second image being formed by the second subset of display elements being in their first display state and the complement of the second subset being in their second display state.
  • 16. A method according to claim 15 wherein the display elements are electrophoretic display elements.
  • 17. A method according to claim 16 wherein the display elements are encapsulated electrophoretic display elements.
  • 18. A method according to claim 16 wherein the display element comprises an electrophoretic medium comprising a liquid and at least one particle disposed within the liquid and capable of moving therethrough on application of an electric field to the medium.
  • 19. A method according to claim 18 wherein the display element has a viewing surface and the liquid has a optical property differing from that of the at least one particle, the display element being in its first display state when the at least one particle lies adjacent its viewing surface and being in its second display state when the at least one particle is spaced from its viewing surface so that the liquid lies adjacent the viewing surface.
  • 20. A method according to claim 18 wherein the display element has a viewing surface and the liquid has disposed therein at least one first particle having a first optical property and a first electrophoretic mobility and at least one second particle having a second optical property different from the first optical property and a second electrophoretic mobility different from the first electrophoretic mobility, the display element being in its first display state when the at least one first particle lies adjacent its viewing surface and being in its second display state when the at least one second particle lies adjacent its viewing surface.
  • 21. A method according to claim 15 further comprising, prior to step (a), causing all the display elements of the set to assume their second display state, and thereafter applying to the first subset of display elements, but not to the complement of the first subset, a third addressing signal, thereby causing the first subset of display elements to assume their first display state.
  • 22. A method according to claim 21 wherein all the display elements of the set are caused to assume their second display state by applying to all the display elements a pre-blanking signal sufficient to cause every display element to assume its first display state, and thereafter applying to all the display elements a blanking signal sufficient to cause every display element to assume its second display state.
  • 23. A method according to claim 22 wherein the algebraic sum of the integral of the pre-blanking signal with respect to time and the integral of the blanking signal with respect to time is substantially zero.
  • 24. A method according to claim 15 wherein the algebraic sum of the integral of the first addressing signal with respect to time and the integral of the second addressing signal with respect to time is substantially zero.
  • 25. A method according to claim 24 wherein the absolute value of the algebraic sum is less than about 10 Volt-seconds.
  • 26. A method according to claim 25 wherein the absolute value of the algebraic sum is less than about 1 Volt-second.
  • 27. A method according to claim 26 wherein the absolute value of the algebraic sum is less than about 0.1 Volt-second.
  • 28. A method according to claim 15 wherein a plurality of first addressing pulses are applied to the first subset of display elements.
  • 29. A method according to claim 15 wherein a plurality of second addressing pulses are applied to the second subset of display elements.
  • 30. A method according to claim 15 wherein said display has on one side thereof a common electrode extending across all the display elements of the set, and on the opposed side thereof a plurality of discrete electrodes, one of the discrete electrodes being associated with each display element of the set, and wherein the first addressing signal is provided by setting the common electrode to a first voltage and the discrete electrodes associated with the first subset of display elements to a second voltage different from the first voltage, while the second addressing signal is provided by setting the common electrode to the second voltage and the discrete electrodes associated with the second subset of display elements to the first voltage.
  • 31. A method according to claim, 30 further comprising, prior to step (a), causing all the display elements of the set to assume their second display state, and thereafter applying to the first subset of display elements, but not to the complement of the first subset, a third addressing signal, thereby causing the first subset of display elements to assume their first display state.
  • 32. A method according to claim 31 wherein all the display elements of the set are caused to assume their second display state by applying to all the display elements a pre-blanking signal sufficient to cause every display element to assume its first display state, and thereafter applying to all the display elements a blanking signal sufficient to cause every display element to assume its second display state.
  • 33. A method according to claim 32 wherein the pre-blanking signal is provided by setting the common electrode to the second voltage and all the discrete electrodes to the first voltage, while the blanking signal is provided by setting the common electrode to the first voltage and all the discrete electrodes to the second voltage.
  • 34. A method of addressing a bistable display, this display comprising a set of display elements each having first and second display states differing in at least one optical property, the method comprising:(a) selecting a first subset of display elements that represent a first image, and applying to the first subset a first addressing signal, thereby causing the first subset to assume their first display state and the display to display the first image; (b) selecting a second subset of display elements that represent a second image different from the first image and thereby defining four classes of display elements, namely a first class which are members of both the first and second subsets, a second class which are members of the first subset but not members of the second subset, a third class which are not members of the first subset but are members of the second subset, and a fourth class which are not members of either the first or the second subset, and applying to the second class a second addressing signal, thereby setting the second class to their second display state, and applying to the third class a third addressing signal, thereby setting the third class to their first display state, and causing the display to display the second image, and wherein the display has on one side thereof a common electrode extending across all the display elements of the set, and on the opposed side thereof a plurality of discrete electrodes, one of the discrete electrodes being associated with each display element of the set, the common electrode being kept at a substantially constant first voltage during steps (a) and (b).
  • 35. A method according to claim 34 wherein the discrete electrodes associated with at least one of the first and fourth classes of display elements are kept at substantially the constant first voltage during steps (a) and (b).
  • 36. A method according to claim 35 wherein the discrete electrodes associated with both the first and fourth classes of display elements are kept at substantially the constant first voltage during steps (a) an (b).
  • 37. A method according to claim 35 wherein the second addressing signal is provided by setting the discrete electrodes associated with the second class of display elements to a second voltage substantially equal to the first voltage plus a predetermined difference, and the third addressing signal is provided by setting the discrete electrodes associated with the third class of display elements to a third voltage substantially equal to the first voltage minus the predetermined difference.
  • 38. A method according to claim 37 wherein the second and third addressing signals are each preceded by a pre-addressing signal, this pre-addressing signal being provided by setting the discrete electrodes associated with the second class of display elements to substantially the third voltage and the discrete electrodes associated with the third class of display elements to substantially the second voltage.
  • 39. A method of addressing a bistable display comprising a set of display elements each having first and second display states differing in at least one optical property, the display having on one side thereof a common electrode extending across all the display elements of the set, and on the opposed side thereof a plurality of discrete electrodes, one of the discrete electrodes being associated with each display element of the set, the method comprising:(a) selecting a first subset of display elements that represent a first image; (b) selecting a second subset of display elements that represent a second image different from the first image and thereby defining four classes of display elements, namely a first class which are members of both the first and second subsets, a second class which are members of the first subset but not members of the second subset, a third class which are not members of the first subset but are members of the second subset, and a fourth class which are not members of either the first or the second subset, (c) bringing the display to a state in which the first and classes of display elements are in their first display state and the third and fourth classes are in their second display state, thereby causing the first image to be displayed; and (d) applying a first voltage to the common electrode for a first period and a different second voltage to the common electrode for a second period, while maintaining the discrete electrodes associated with at least one of the first and fourth classes of display elements at substantially the same voltages as the common electrode, and maintaining the discrete electrodes associated with one of the second and third classes of display elements substantially at the first voltage while maintaining the discrete electrodes associated with the other of the second and third classes substantially at the second voltage, thereby causing the first and third classes of display elements to be in their first display state and the second and fourth classes of display elements to be in their second display state, so that the display displays the second image.
  • 40. A method according to claim 39 wherein, in step (d) the discrete electrodes associated with both the first and fourth classes of display elements are maintained at substantially the same voltage as the common electrode.
  • 41. A method according to claim 39 wherein the first and second periods are substantially equal in duration.
  • 42. A method according to claim 39 wherein the common electrode is subjected to a plurality of cycles each comprising a first period in which the first voltage is applied and a second period in which the second voltage is applied, and wherein the discrete electrodes associated with one of the second and third classes of display elements are maintained substantially at the first voltage and the discrete electrodes associated with the other of the second and third classes are maintained substantially at the second voltage throughout the plurality of cycles.
  • 43. A bistable display element having first and second display states differing in at least one optical property; anda signal control module arranged to apply at least first and second addressing signals to the display element, the first addressing signal changing the display state of the element and the second addressing signal not substantially changing the display state of the element, the algebraic sum of the integral of the first addressing signal with respect to time and the integral of the second addressing signal with respect to time having an absolute value less than about 1 Volt-second.

This application is a continuation-in-part of application Ser. No. 09/520,743, filed Mar. 8, 2000 by the present inventors. This application also claims priority from Provisional Application Serial No. 60/131,790, filed Apr. 30, 1999.

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