Methods for controlling gibberellin levels

Methods and materials are disclosed for the inhibition and control of gibberellic acid levels. In particular, nucleic acid sequences of copalyl diphosphate synthase, 3-β hydroxylase, and 2-oxidase and additional nucleic acid sequences are disclosed. Gibberellic acid levels may be inhibited or controlled by preparation of a chimeric expression construct capable of expressing antisense RNA which suppresses the gibberellin biosynthetic pathway sequence. The antisense sequence is the complement of a copalyl diphosphate synthase sequence, a 3β-hydroxylase sequence, or a C20-oxidase sequence. Administration of a complementing agent, preferably a gibberellin or gibberellin precursor or intermediate restores bioactivity.


The invention relates to materials and methods for the control of seed germination and seedling growth and, more specifically, to the regulation of the gene products of the gibberellin biosynthetic pathway and restoration of normal seed germination and seedling growth by treatment with exogenously applied gibberellins or gibberellin precursors.


Most agriculturally important crop plants are propagated by seed. The seed is planted and under favorable environmental conditions, the seed germinates and grows into crop plants. However, frequently conditions can occur in which after planting of the seed, the seed fails to germinate or germinates poorly producing a thin stand of plants with reduced yield or necessitating the replanting of the crop with new seed at considerable expense to the grower. This has been shown to occur with soybean, corn, and canola in wet and cool field conditions (Wang et al.,

Enviro. Exp. Bot.

36: 377-383, 1996; Zheng et al.,

Crop Sci.

34: 1589-1593, 1994). It is often necessary to plant more seeds than predicted to be necessary to achieve a good crop. The percent of seeds that germinate is considered good at 80%. A measurable savings in resources can be achieved if the seed germination can be controlled to achieve 90% or greater seed germination and vigorous seedling growth. Also, seeds may germinate precociously if the environmental conditions at crop maturity are such that the seed prematurely sprout. This is a problem in some wheat varieties and causes a loss of yield and quality of the harvested grain. Dormancy of seeds during storage is an important criteria for a quality product. Adequate storage and shipping characteristics of seeds is an important prerequisite for distributing food products around the world. In many developing countries storage facilities are inadequate and seed and food quality may be affected when seed dormancy is broken and the process of seed germination begins in storage. However, seeds that are chemically treated to inhibit seed germination often show characteristic traits such as reduced plant height and seedling vigor for some period of time after germination. Seed, genetically engineered for a high level of seed dormancy, can be stored more efficiently and suffer fewer side effects than chemically treated germination inhibition.

The failure of seeds to germinate uniformly and at high frequency is an important factor affecting crop yield. Soybean (

Glycine max

) is a crop species that suffers from loss of seed germination during storage and fails to germinate when soil temperatures are cool. It has been shown that the exogenous treatment of gibberellic acid will stimulate soybean seed germination under conditions that the seed will not normally germinate (Zhang et al.,

Plant Soil

188: 329-335, 1997). Sugar beet (

Beta vulgaris

) seed is often chemically treated to improve germination and plant stand which has a direct affect on the yield of the crop. Canola seed germination and seedling growth can be improved at low temperatures by treatment with gibberellic acid (Zheng et al.,

Crop Sci.

34: 1589-1593, 1994). Improved seedling vigor is observed by these treatments with the plants emerging more quickly from the soil and are more likely to establish themselves under adverse environmental conditions.

There is a need for an effective system which would couple genetically improved seed dormancy with a chemical seed treatment to induce seed germination when germination is desired. The genetic control of gibberellin activity in developing seeds, germinating seeds and during early seedling growth coupled with exogenous replacement of the activity would be an effective means to control seed germination and seedling growth.

Inhibitors of gibberellin biosynthesis suggest that de novo synthesis of GA is a prerequisite for the release from dormancy (Thomas,

Plant Growth Reg.

11: 239-248, 1992). A key enzyme of gibberellin biosynthesis is copalyl diphosphate synthase (CPS) (formerly ent-kaurene synthetase (EKS-A)). Two enzymes, CPS and KS-B (ent-kaurene synthetase-B), catalyze the cyclization of geranylgeranyl diphosphate to ent-kaurene. CPS is the first committed step in GA biosynthesis. Plant mutants blocked at CPS show strong adverse germination/seedling vigor phenotypes that can be reversed by the application of an exogenous supply of GA. Although these mutants demonstrate the role of GA in seed germination, they do not establish the developmental timing required for expression of GA for normal seed germination and seedling growth. It has not been previously established that soybean plants require de novo biosynthesis of GA for normal seed germination and early seedling growth. It has also not been previously demonstrated that endogenous levels of GA can be affected by the expression of an antisense RNA to a gene important in the biosynthesis of GA in soybean. There are no known soybean mutants blocked in GA biosynthesis; therefore, the requirement for de novo GA biosynthesis in soybean is unknown. Inhibitors of GA biosynthesis offer a method to investigate the effect of decreased GA biosynthesis on soybean germination and seedling growth. GA biosynthesis inhibitors can block ent-kaurene biosynthesis or can block at ent-kaurene oxidation or can inhibit the late dioxygenase-catalyzed steps (Jung et al.,

J. Plant Growth Regul.

4: 181-188, 1986).

Dioxygenase enzymes modify various gibberellin substrates. The dioxygenases, 20-oxidase and 3β-hydroxylase, are involved in the biosynthesis of GA precursors and active forms. The overexpression or suppression of the GA 20-oxidase genes affect seedling growth differentially (Hedden, et al., In

Genetic and environmental manipulation of horticultural crops.

Cockshull, Gray, Seymour and Thomas eds. CAB International 1998). Degradation of bioactive GA in specific tissues of the developing seed, germinating seed and early seeding growth can also regulate GA tissue responses. Genes from Arabidopsis and

Phaseolus coccineus

have been identified that encode for enzymes that have gibberellin 2-oxidase activity (Thomas, et al.,

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.

96: 4698-4703, 1999).

Pathways which use substrates in common with the gibberellin pathway are known. The carotenoid pathway (Encyclopedia of Plant Physiology. Secondary Plant Products Vol 8: 259, Bell and Charlwood eds.), the phytol pathway (Encyclopedia of Plant Physiology. Secondary Plant Products Vol 8: 207, Bell and Charlwood eds. ) and the gibberellin pathway each use geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate as a key precursor to the synthesis of their respective end products.

The methods of plant biotechnology provide means to express gene products in plants at particular developmental plant growth stages. Gene promoters that express during seed germination and early seedling development are a preferred embodiment of this invention. The present invention provides a method to genetically suppress seed germination and early seedling development, then by necessity restore normal germination with exogenous application of GA compounds to the seed or seedling. The present invention provides genetically-engineered gibberellin-deficient plants. In agriculture, there exists a need for improved materials and methods for the control of seed germination and seedling growth.


The present invention provides materials and methods for the control of seed germination and seedling growth through the use of plants that have altered levels of a hormone such as a gibberellin (GA) that affects seed germination and seedling growth. Such plants can be germinated and grown to maturity by treating the plants, or seeds or seedlings of such plants, a compound that restores substantially normal levels of the hormone or that has hormone activity.

According to one aspect of the invention, methods are provided for growing a transgenic plant that has a transgene that includes a promoter and, operably linked to the promoter, a sequence that, when expressed, alters the level of a hormone, for example GA. The transgene thus causes one or more abnormal phenotypes in the transgenic plant or seeds or seedlings thereof, such as a shortened hypocotyl, shortened epicotyl, or both (compared with a control, i.e., an otherwise identical except for lacking the transgene). A phenotypically normal plant can be grown from the transgenic plant after applying to the plant or to the seed or seedling thereof (for example, applying indirectly to soil or directly to the plant, seed or seedling) a composition that includes a first compound that is metabolized to produce a second compound that substantially eliminates the abnormal phenotype. In the case of GA-deficient plants, for example, use of GA precursors or biosynthetic intermediates (e.g., ent-kaurene, ent-kaurenoic acid, ent-7α-hydroxykaurenoic acid, steviol, GA


-aldehyde, GA


, GA


, GA


, GA


, GA


, GA


, GA


, GA


, GA


, and GA


-3-acetate) helps to properly regulate the amount of bioactive GA that is available within the plants, seeds, or seedlings. Preferred compounds for administration to GA-deficient plants include GA


, GA


, GA


, GA


, GA


, GA


, GA


, and steviol. Several approaches are described herein for producing GA-deficient plants for which the preferred promoter is preferentially expressed in developing seeds, during seed germination, or in young seedlings.

According to one approach, such methods involve the use of transgenic plants having altered hormone levels resulting from a transgene that comprises a sequence that, when expressed, reduces expression of an enzyme in the pathway for biosynthesis of the hormone. For example, the sequence may be in an antisense orientation (i.e., an antisense construct), or suppress hormone biosynthesis as a ribozyme, triplex DNA, by cosuppression, or by any other well-known methods for reducing the expression of endogenous plant genes. For example, in order to alter GA levels, the sequence may suppress expression of an enzyme such as a copalyl diphosphate synthase, a 3β-hydroxylase, or a C-20 oxidase, such as by antisense expression of a sequence that comprises at least 12 contiguous nucleotides (and preferably at least 15, 18, 20, 24, 30, 40, or longer, up to and including the entire length of) SEQ ID NO:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 8 or complements thereof, or, alternatively, a sequence that hybridizes under high stringency conditions to SEQ ID NO:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 8 or complements thereof.

According to another approach, such methods involve the use of transgenic plants having altered hormone levels resulting from a transgene that comprises a sequence that inactivates the hormone. For example, plants having altered levels of a GA can be produced by expression in the plants of a sequence that encodes a GA 2-oxidase, including, but not limited to: (1) sequences having at least 85% (preferably at least 90, 95, or as much as 100%) nucleotide sequence similarity with SEQ ID NO:57, 58, 60, 62, 64, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, or 71; (2) sequences that encode a GA 2-oxidase having at least 70% (preferably at least 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, or as much as 100%) amino acid identity with an Arabidopsis GA 2-oxidase 4, an Arabidopsis 2-oxidase 5, a soybean GA 2-oxidase 1, a soybean GA 2-oxidase 2, a cotton GA 2 oxidase-1, a cotton GA 2 oxidase-2, a cotton GA 2 oxidase-3, a maize GA 2-oxidase 1, or a maize 2-oxidase 2.

According to another approach, such methods involve the use of transgenic plants having altered hormone levels resulting from a transgene that comprises a sequence that encodes an enzyme that metabolizes a precursor of the hormone to produce a metabolite that is not a precursor of the hormone in the transgenic plant. In the case of GA, such enzymes include phytoene synthases, C-20 oxidases, and 2β,3β-hydroxylases.

According to another aspect of the invention, related methods are provided that involve the use of transgenic plants (or seeds or seedlings thereof) that have a transgene that comprises a promoter (preferably a promoter that is preferentially expressed in developing seeds, during seed germination, or in early seedlings) and, operably linked to the promoter, a sequence that, when expressed, alters the level of an enzyme in the gibberellin biosynthetic pathway and causes an abnormal phenotype in the transgenic plant or the seed or seedling thereof (compared with a control). A phenotypically normal plant can be grown after applying to the plant or to a seed or seedling thereof a composition that comprises at least one GA compound, as defined herein. For example, GA levels can be affected by altering levels of a copalyl diphosphate synthase, a 3β-hydroxylase, or a C-20 oxidase using a sequence that comprises: (1) at least 15 contiguous nucleotides of a member of the group consisting of SEQ ID NO:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8; (2) a sequence having at least 85% (preferably at least 90, 95, or as much as 100%) nucleotide sequence identity with of a member of the group consisting of SEQ ID NO:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8; or (3) a sequence that encodes a polypeptide having at least 70% (preferably at least 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, or as much as 100%) amino acid sequence identity with a polypeptide encoded by member of the group consisting of SEQ ID NO:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8. Preferred GA compounds for rescuing normal plants in this case include ent-kaurene, ent-kaurenoic acid, ent-7α-hydroxykaurenoic acid, steviol, GA


-aldehyde, GA


, GA


, GA


, GA


, GA


, GA


, GA


, GA


, GA


, GA


, GA


, GA


, and GA


-3-acetate, most preferably GA


, GA


, GA


, GA


, GA


, GA


, GA


, and steviol.

According to another aspect of the invention, additional related methods are provided that involve the use of transgenic plants (or seeds or seedlings thereof) that have a transgene that comprises a promoter (preferably a promoter that is preferentially expressed in developing seeds, during seed germination, or in early seedlings) and, operably linked to the promoter, a sequence that encodes an enzyme such as GA 2-oxidase that inactivates an endogenous GA, that is a GA that is normally present in the plant, causing at least one abnormal phenotype in the transgenic plant or the seed or seedling thereof (compared with a control). A phenotypically normal plant can be grown after applying to the plant or to a seed or seedling thereof a composition that comprises at least one GA compound that is metabolized by the seed or seedling to produce a product having gibberellin activity that is not degraded by the enzyme. In order to produce a GA 2-oxidase, such sequences include, for example: (1) sequences having at least 85% (preferably at least 90, 95, or as much as 100%) nucleotide sequence similarity with a member of the group consisting of SEQ ID NO:57, 58, 60, 62, 64, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, and 71; and (2) sequences that encode a GA 2-oxidase having at least 70% (preferably at least 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, or as much as 100%) amino acid identity with an Arabidopsis GA 2-oxidase 4, an Arabidopsis 2-oxidase 5, a soybean GA 2-oxidase 1, a soybean GA 2-oxidase 2, a cotton GA 2 oxidase-1, a cotton GA 2 oxidase-2, a cotton GA 2 oxidase-3, a maize GA 2-oxidase 1, and a maize 2-oxidase 2. Preferred GA compounds include GA


, GA


, GA


, and GA


-3-acetate, most preferably GA


, and GA



According to another aspect of the invention, additional related methods are provided that involve the use of transgenic plants (or seeds or seedlings thereof) that have a transgene that comprises a promoter (preferably a promoter that is preferentially expressed in developing seeds, during seed germination, or in early seedlings) and, operably linked to the promoter, a sequence that encodes an enzyme that metabolizes a gibberellin precursor to produce a metabolite that is not a gibberellin precursor, for example a phytoene synthase, a C-20 oxidase, or a 2β,3β-hydroxylase, thereby reducing the level of a gibberellin and causing at least one abnormal phenotype in the transgenic plant or the seed or seedling thereof (compared to a control). A phenotypically normal plant can be grown after applying to the plant or to a seed or seedling thereof a composition that comprises at least one GA compound that substantially eliminates the abnormal phenotype. In the case of phytoene synthase, the preferred GA compounds are ent-kaurene, ent-kaurenoic acid, ent-7α-hydroxykaurenoic acid, steviol, GA


-aldehyde, GA


, GA


, GA


, GA


, GA


, GA


, GA


, GA


, GA


, GA


, GA


, GA


, and GA


-3-acetate, most preferably GA


, GA


, GA


, GA


, GA


, GA


, GA


and steviol. In the case of C-20 oxidase, the preferred GA compounds are GA


, GA


, GA


, GA


, GA


, GA


, and GA


-3-acetate, most preferably GA


and GA


-3-acetate. In the case of 2β,3β-hydroxylase, the preferred GA compounds are GA


, GA


, GA


, GA


, GA


, GA


, GA


, GA


, GA


, and GA


-3-acetate, most preferably GA


and GA



Compositions are provided that are useful in practicing the methods discussed above.

For example, nucleic acid segments are provided that comprise at least 12 contiguous nucleotides (and preferably at least 15, 18, 20, 24, 30, 40, or longer, up to and including the entire length) of a sequence selected from the group consisting of SEQ ID NO:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 57, 58, 60, 62, 64, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 75, 77, 79, and complements thereof, wherein the nucleic acid segment hybridizes specifically to the selected sequence under stringent hybridization conditions. Included are nucleic acid segments comprising sequences from SEQ ID NO:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 8, that, when expressed in a plant cell (e.g., in an antisense orientation with respect to an operably linked promoter), reduce a level of an endogenous gibberellin compared with an otherwise identical plant cell in which the nucleic acid segment is not expressed.

In addition, nucleic acid segments are provided that comprise a sequence of at least 100 basepairs (and preferably at least 200, 300, 500, 700, 1000, or more) having at least 85% (and preferably at least 90, 95, or 100%) nucleotide sequence similarity with a member of the group consisting of SEQ ID NO:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 57, 58, 60, 62, 64, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 75, 77, 79, and complements thereof. Included among these nucleic acid segments are nucleic acid segments that encode a polypeptide with copalyl diphosphate synthase activity (SEQ ID NO:1, 2, 3, 4, and complements thereof), 3β-hydroxylase activity (SEQ ID NO:5, 6, and complements thereof), C-20 oxidase activity (SEQ ID NO:8, 77, and complements thereof), GA 2-oxidase activity (SEQ ID NO: 57, 58, 60, 62, 64, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, and complements thereof), phytoene synthase activity (SEQ ID NO: 75 and complements thereof), and 2β,3β-hydroxylase activity (SEQ ID NO: 79 and complements thereof).

According to another aspect of the invention, nucleic acid constructs are provided that comprise a promoter that causes expression of an operably linked nucleic acid segment in a plant cell and, operably linked to the promoter, the nucleic acid segment comprising a sequence that encodes a polypeptide having a GA 2-oxidase activity. Expression of the nucleic acid segment in the plant cell results in inactivation of an endogenous gibberellin in the plant cell, thereby reducing levels of the endogenous gibberellin in the plant cell compared with an otherwise identical plant cell in which the nucleic acid segment is not expressed. For example, the sequence may encode a polypeptide having at least 70% amino acid sequence identity, preferably having only silently or conservative amino acid substitutions, and most preferably having 100% amino acid sequence identity with a polypeptide encoded by a member of the group consisting of SEQ ID NO:57, 58, 60, 62, 64, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, and complements thereof.

According to another aspect of the invention, nucleic acid constructs are provided that comprise a promoter that causes expression of an operably linked nucleic acid segment in a plant cell and, operably linked to the promoter, the nucleic acid segment comprising a sequence that encodes a polypeptide having a phytoene synthase, C-20 oxidase, or 2β,3β-hydroxylase activity. Expression of the nucleic acid segment in the plant cell results in metabolism of a gibberellin precursor in the plant cell to produce a metabolite that is not a gibberellin precursor in the plant cell, thereby reducing levels of the endogenous gibberellin in the plant cell compared with an otherwise identical plant cell in which the nucleic acid segment is not expressed. For example, the sequence may encode a polypeptide having at least 70% amino acid sequence identity, preferably having only silently or conservative amino acid substitutions, and most preferably having 100% amino acid sequence identity with a polypeptide encoded by a member of the group consisting of SEQ ID NO: 75, 77, 79, and complements thereof.

According to another aspect of the invention, a promoter that is operable in plant cells is provided that comprises at least 15, preferably 25, 50, 100, 200, 300, 500, or 1000 contiguous nucleotides or more of SEQ ID NO:7. Such a promoter is preferably preferentially expressed in seedlings.

According to another aspect of the invention, transgenic plants are provided that comprise the nucleic acid segments, constructs, and promoters mentioned above. Preferably such transgenic plants are characterized by at least one phenotype selected from the group consisting of a shortened hypocotyl, shortened epicotyl, and both a shortened hypocotyl and shortened epicotyl compared with an otherwise identical plant that lacks the nucleic acid segment.

According to another aspect of the invention, compositions are provided that comprise a seed of a plant that has a gibberellin-deficiency that results in at least one abnormal phenotype in the seed or in a seedling of the plant compared with a seed or seedling of an otherwise identical plant having wild-type levels of gibberellin; and a composition applied to a surface of the seed that comprises an amount of at least one GA compound that is effective to substantially eliminate the abnormal phenotype. The seed may be of a non-transgenic plant (e.g., a GA-deficient point or deletion mutant) or a transgenic plant comprising a transgene comprising a promoter and, operably linked to the promoter, a sequence that, when expressed, reduces gibberellin levels in the seed or seedling. The GA compound is preferably selected from the group consisting of ent-kaurene, ent-kaurenoic acid, ent-7α-hydroxykaurenoic acid, steviol, GA


-aldehyde, GA


, GA


, GA


, GA


, GA


, GA


, GA


, GA


, and GA


, most preferably GA


, GA


, GA


, GA


, GA


, GA


, GA


and steviol.

According to another aspect of the invention, methods are provided for reversibly controlling morphology in a seedling of a transgenic plant in which the capacity to biosynthesize at least one plant hormone that affects normal morphology in said seedling is inhibited, resulting in a deficiency in the level of said plant hormone and modification of at least one morphological trait of the seedling compared to a control seedling. A substantially normal morphology is restored by contacting seed or seedling with an amount of at least one GA compound effective to restore substantially normal morphology, permitting the plants to be grown to maturity. For example, such methods are useful for controlling elongation of a seedling tissue or tissues such as hypocotyl, epicotyl, coleoptile, and/or plumule tissue in a seedling of the transgenic plant. In GA-deficient plants, for example, normal morphology can be restored to plants that display one or more of the following morphological traits: reduced emergence, inhibited shoot growth, reduced height or stature, reduced stem growth, etc.

According to another aspect of the invention, lodging is reduced or prevented in a plant that is susceptible to lodging under conditions that are conducive to lodging by methods that employing a transgenic plant wherein the capacity to biosynthesize one or more plant hormones that affects the height of the seedling or plant is inhibited, resulting in a deficiency in the level of the hormone(s) and reduced height, compared to a control. After the conducive conditions are no longer present, the plant or a seed or seedling thereof can be grown to a normal height by contacting seed of the plant with an amount of at least one GA compound that is effective to increase the height of the seedling or plant.


The following figures and tables form part of the present specification and are included to further demonstrate certain aspects of the present invention. The invention may be better understood by reference to one or more of these drawings in combination with the detailed description of specific embodiments presented herein.



: A vector map of pMON29211.



: A vector map of pMON17227.



: A vector map of pMON29212.



: A vector map of pMON29916.



: A vector map of pMON29217.



: A vector map of pMON29220.



: A vector map of pMON29801.



: A vector map of pMON33512.



: A vector map of pMON42011.



: A vector map of pMON42013.



: A vector map of pMON10098.



: A vector map of pMON29975.



: A vector map of pMON33515.



: A vector map of pMON29815.



: A vector map of pMON34434.



: A vector map of pMON34439.



: A vector map of pMON40401.



: A vector map of pMON34436.



: A vector map of pMON34437.



: A vector map of pMON29807.

FIG. 21. A

vector map of pMON42049.

FIG. 22. A

vector map of pMON42050.

FIG. 23. A

vector map of pMON42051.

FIG. 24. A

vector map of pMON51904.

FIG. 25. A

vector map of pMON42052.

FIG. 26. A

vector map of pMON34495.

FIG. 27. A

vector map of pMON42053.

FIG. 28. A

vector map of pMON42054.

FIG. 29. A

vector map of pMON42055.

FIG. 30. A

vector map of pMON42056.

FIG. 31. A

vector map of pMON42058.



: A vector map of pMON8677.

FIG. 33. A

vector map of pMON42023.

FIG. 34. A

vector map of pMON42020.

FIG. 35. A

vector map of pMON42221.



: Description of relative levels of CPS mRNA in soybean developing seeds and seedling tissues.



. Schematic showing endogenous GA levels in wild type soybeans during seed development, germination, and seedling growth.



. Shows endogenous levels of GA


and GA


in developing soybean seedlings.



. Shows the concentration of




in germinating soybean seedlings when applied as a seed treatment.



. Summary of data from Tables 22-24.



. Comparison of GA compound effects on soybean hypocotyl length.



. Effect of GA/precursors on AX5 (Line 46, R2) soybean seedling rescue (8 DAP).



. Effect of GA precursors/derivatives on AX5 (line 234, R3) soybean height (10 DAP).

Table 1. Mutants and cDNA clones for GA-biosynthetic enzymes

Table 2. Nucleotide percent similarity of CPS conserved core region genes and nucleotide percent similarity of CPS full-length genes.

Table 3. Stature of FMV/asCPS soybean plants at 7 DAP.

Table 4. Distribution of plant heights in the evaluation of segregating R


FMV/asCPS soybean seeds.

Table 5. Effect of GA


soil drench on pMON29801 soybean shoot length at 7 days after planting.

Table 6. Restoration of pMON29801 soybean stature by foliar GA



Table 7. Codon degeneracies of amino acids.

Table 8. GA


and GA


levels in soybean seeds.

Table 9. Effect of GA


seed treatment on soybean stand and yield.

Table 10. Compounds tested.

Table 11. Particulate material present in solutions after mixing

Table 12. GA compound rescue of line 719

Table 13. Effect of various concentrations of selected GA compounds on constitutively GA-deficient transgenic dwarf and wild-type soybeans in the greenhouse.

Table 14. Summary of first two greenhouse experiments on the biological activity of GA compounds in constitutively GA-deficient transgenic dwarf and wild-type soybeans in constitutively GA-deficient transgenic dwarf and wild-type soybeans.

Table 15. Effect of selected GA compounds on constitutively GA-deficient transgenic dwarf soybean line 719 plants in the field.

Table 16. Effect of various GA compounds on emergence of constitutively GA-deficient transgenic dwarf soybean line 719.

Table 17. Effect of GA


on emergence, rescue and height of constitutively GA-deficient transgenic dwarf soybeans and wild-type soybeans in the field.

Table 18. Effect of GA


-3-acetate on emergence, rescue, and height of constitutively GA-deficient transgenic dwarf soybeans and wild-type soybeans in the field.

Table 19. Effects of GA


on emergence, rescue and height of constitutively GA-deficient transgenic dwarf soybeans and wild-type soybeans in the field.

Table 20. Effect of GA


on emergence, rescue, and height of constitutively GA-deficient transgenic dwarf soybeans and wild-type soybeans in the field.

Table 21. Effect of GA


on emergence, rescue, and height of constitutively GA-deficient transgenic dwarf soybeans and wild-type soybeans in the field.

Table 22. Effect of GA compounds on emergence, rescue, and height of soybean seedlings in different soils.

Table 23. Effect of GA compounds on emergence, rescue, and height of soybean seedlings in different soils.

Table 24. Effect of GA compounds on emergence, rescue, and height of soybean seedlings in different soils.

Table 25. Effect of soil conditions on rescue of emergence of line 719 soybeans using GA


and GA


Table 26a. GA


, GA


, and GA


half lives

Table 26b. Radiolabelled GA


, GA


and GA


in soybean tissues.

Table 27. Effect of selected GA compounds applied to the hilum of soybean seeds on seedling growth and development.

Table 28. Evaluation of the rate response of biological activity of selected GA compounds applied to the hilum of soybean seeds on seedling growth and development.


The following sequence listings form part of the present specification and are included to further demonstrate certain aspects of the present invention. The invention may be better understood by reference to one or more of these sequences in combination with the detailed description of specific embodiments presented herein.

SEQ ID NO:1: Canola CPS conserved core sequence.

SEQ ID NO:2: Soybean CPS full length gene nucleotide sequence.

SEQ ID NO:3: Cotton CPS core protein gene nucleotide sequence.

SEQ ID NO:4: Wheat CPS core protein gene nucleotide sequence.

SEQ ID NO:5: Soybean 3βhydroxylase.

SEQ ID NO:6: Cotton 3βhydroxylase.

SEQ ID NO:7: Soybean AX5 promoter nucleotide sequence.

SEQ ID NO:8: Soybean C20 oxidase nucleotide sequence.

SEQ ID NO:9: Primer Mot 0.

SEQ ID NO:10: Primer Mot 7.

SEQ ID NO:11: Primer soydeg1.

SEQ ID NO:12: Primer soydeg3.

SEQ ID NO:13: Primer soydeg7.

SEQ ID NO:14: Primer soydeg8.

SEQ ID NO:15: Primer soy24mer.

SEQ ID NO:16: Primer soy29mer.

SEQ ID NO:17: Primer EKS1.

SEQ ID NO:18: Primer EKS8.

SEQ ID NO:19: Primer NN 1.3.

SEQ ID NO:20: Primer NN 7.5.

SEQ ID NO:21: Primer 3βOH1.

SEQ ID NO:22: Primer 3βOH2.

SEQ ID NO:23: Primer 3βOH3.

SEQ ID NO:24: Primer 3βOH4.

SEQ ID NO:25: Primer ARB1.

SEQ ID NO:26: Primer AX5-1.

SEQ ID NO:27: Primer AX5-5.

SEQ ID NO:28: Primer AX5-6.

SEQ ID NO:29: Primer AX5-3.

SEQ ID NO:30: Primer BOH9.

SEQ ID NO:31: Primer BOH11.

SEQ ID NO:32: Primer BOH12.

SEQ ID NO:33: Primer BOH14.

SEQ ID NO:34: Primer BOH15.

SEQ ID NO:35: Primer BOH16.

SEQ ID NO:36: Primer BOH5.

SEQ ID NO:37: Primer C20-F1.

SEQ ID NO:38: Primer C20-R1.

SEQ ID NO:39: Primer λgt10-1ft.

SEQ ID NO:40: Primer λgt10 rt.

SEQ ID NO:41: Consensus GA 2-oxidase amino acid domain

SEQ ID NO:42: Primer 15434-2

SEQ ID NO:43: Primer 15434-3

SEQ ID NO:44: Primer 15434-7

SEQ ID NO:45: Primer 25182-1

SEQ ID NO:46: Primer 25182-2

SEQ ID NO:47: Primer 25182-5

SEQ ID NO:48: Primer 25182-6

SEQ ID NO:49: Primer 25182-7

SEQ ID NO:50: Primer 25182-8

SEQ ID NO:51: Primer 27516-2

SEQ ID NO:52: Primer 27517-3

SEQ ID NO:53: Primer AUAP

SEQ ID NO:54: Primer AP

SEQ ID NO:55: Primer T7

SEQ ID NO:56: Arabidopsis GA 2-oxidase 4 gene cDNA sequence

SEQ ID NO:57: Arabidopsis GA 2-oxidase 4 genomic clone DNA sequence

SEQ ID NO:58: Arabidopsis GA 2-oxidase 4 cDNA full length sequence

SEQ ID NO:59: Arabidopsis GA 2-oxidase 4 cDNA translation

SEQ ID NO:60: Arabidopsis GA 2-oxidase 5 genomic gene sequence

SEQ ID NO:61: Arabidopsis GA 2-oxidase 5 exon translation

SEQ ID NO:62: Soybean GA 2-oxidase 1 cDNA sequence

SEQ ID NO:63: Soybean GA 2-oxidase 1 cDNA translation

SEQ ID NO:64: Soybean GA 2-oxidase 2 cDNA sequence

SEQ ID NO:65: Soybean GA 2-oxidase 2 cDNA translation

SEQ ID NO:66: Soybean GA 2-oxidase 3 cDNA sequence

SEQ ID NO:67: Cotton GA 2-oxidase 1 cDNA sequence

SEQ ID NO:68: Cotton GA 2-oxidase 2 cDNA sequence

SEQ ID NO:69: Cotton GA 2-oxidase 3 cDNA sequence

SEQ ID NO:70: Maize GA 2-oxidase 1 cDNA sequence

SEQ ID NO:71: Maize GA 2-oxidase 2 cDNA sequence

SEQ ID NO:72: Primer Gm2ox1-1

SEQ ID NO:73: Primer Gm2ox5-1

SEQ ID NO:74: Primer Gm2ox4-1

SEQ ID NO:75: Phytoene synthase cDNA sequence

SEQ ID NO:76: Phytoene synthase cDNA translation

SEQ ID NO:77: Pumpkin C20-oxidase cDNA sequence

SEQ ID NO:78: Pumpkin C20-oxidase translation

SEQ ID NO:79: Pumpkin 2beta,3beta hydroxylase cDNA

SEQ ID NO:80: Pumpkin 2beta,3beta hydroxylase translation

SEQ ID NO:81: Primer PHS1

SEQ ID NO:82: Primer PHS2

SEQ ID NO:83: Primer C20-1 oxidase

SEQ ID NO:84: Primer C20-2 oxidase

SEQ ID NO:85: Primer HOOK

SEQ ID NO:86: Primer 2β,3β-1

SEQ ID NO:87: Primer 2β,3β-2

SEQ ID NO:88: Soybean CPS full length cDNA translation

SEQ ID NO:89: Soybean 3β-hydroxylase cDNA translation


The following definitions are provided in order to aid those skilled in the art in understanding the detailed description of the present invention.

“Amplification: refers to increasing the number of copies of a desired nucleic acid molecule.

“Analyte” refers to a substance or substances, either alone or in mixtures, whose presence is to be detected and, if desired, quantitated.

“3-β hydroxylase” refers to proteins which catalyze the hydroxylation of C-19 GA


and GA


at the 3-position.

“CPS” and “copalyl diphosphate synthase” refer to proteins which catalyze the conversion of geranylgeranyl diphosphate to copalyl diphosphate.

“2β,3β hydroxylase” refers to multifunctional proteins which hydroxylate GA intermediates at the C-2 and/or C-3 position.

“C-20 oxidase” refers to proteins which oxidize GA intermediates at the C-20 position. In the case of pumpkin 20-oxidase, the C-20 position is oxidized to a carboxylic moiety which chemically prevents GA intermediates from becoming bioactive.

“GA pathway diversion enzymes” refers to enzymes that utilize a substrate of the GA biosynthetic pathway which function when expressed in the target plant to reduce the levels of the substrate.

“Autoradiography” refers to the exposure of roentgenographic film to a blot, plate, or membrane containing a radiolabeled probe, used to locate the labeled probe on the blot.

“Bacteriophage” refers to a virus, e.g. lambda phage or M13, that infects bacteria.

“cDNA library” refers to a collection of cDNA fragments, each cloned into a separate vector molecule.

The term “chimeric” refers to a fusion nucleic acid or protein sequence. A chimeric nucleic acid sequence is comprised of two sequences joined in-frame that encode a chimeric protein. The coding regions of multiple protein subunits may be joined in-frame to form a chimeric nucleic acid sequence that encodes a chimeric protein sequence.

The phrases “coding sequence”, “open reading frame”, and “structural sequence” refer to the region of continuous sequential nucleic acid triplets encoding a protein, polypeptide, or peptide sequence.

“Codon” refers to a sequence of three nucleotides that specify a particular amino acid.

“Complementarity” and “complement” when referring to nucleic acid sequences, refers to the specific binding of adenine to thymine (or uracil in RNA) and cytosine to guanine on opposite strands of DNA or RNA.

“C-terminal region” refers to the region of a peptide, polypeptide, or protein chain from the middle thereof to the end that carries the amino acid having a free carboxyl group.

“Emergence” broadly refers to the event in seedling or perennial growth when a shoot becomes visible by pushing through the soil surface. As applied to seeds of plants, e.g., beans, that undergo epigeous germination wherein the cotyledons are brought aboveground, the term “emergence” refers to the presence of cotyledons raised to soil level or above. During the germination of such seeds, the hypocotyl usually first elongates, doubling up as it does so, and emerging from the seed coats as an “elbow” or hypocotyl hook. This hook elongates upward through the soil, pulling the cotyledons after it. In this case, the first structure to appear at the soil surface is the bend of the hypocotyl hook, which pulls the cotyledons aboveground soon afterwards. The hook then straightens out, and the epicotyl then grows out from between the cotyledons. As applied to seeds of monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous plants, e.g., corn and peas, respectively, that undergo hypogeous germination wherein the cotyledon(s) remain(s) underground, the term “emergence” refers, in monocots, to the presence of the coleoptile and/or first photosynthetic leaves above the soil surface; in dicots, the term “emergence” refers to the presence of the plumular hook, opening plumular hook, or plumule and young leaves above the soil surface.

The term “encoding DNA” refers to chromosomal DNA, plasmid DNA, cDNA, or synthetic DNA which encodes any of the enzymes discussed herein.

The term “endogenous” refers to materials originating from within an the organism or cell.

“Endonuclease” refers to an enzyme that hydrolyzes double stranded DNA at internal locations.

“Exogenous” refers to materials originating from outside of an organism or cell. This typically applies to nucleic acid molecules used in producing transformed or transgenic host cells and plants.

“Exon” refers to the portion of a gene that is actually translated into protein, i.e. a coding sequence.

The term “expression” refers to the transcription of a gene to produce the corresponding mRNA.

The term “translation” refers to the production the corresponding gene product, i.e., a peptide, polypeptide, or protein from a mRNA.

The term “expression of antisense RNA” refers to the transcription of a DNA to produce an first RNA molecule capable of hybridizing to a second RNA molecule encoding a gene product, e.g. a protein. Formation of the RNA-RNA hybrid inhibits translation of the second RNA molecule to produce the gene product.

The phrase “expressibly coupled” and “expressibly linked” refer to a promoter or promoter region and a coding or structural sequence in such an orientation and distance that transcription of the coding or structural sequence may be directed by the promoter or promoter region.

“GA(s)” refers to gibberellin(s).

“GA compounds” collectively refers to gibberellins, gibberellin precursors, gibberellin biosynthetic intermediates, and derivatives of any of the foregoing. Gibberellin precursors as used herein the term “precursor” refers to compounds preceding GA


-aldehyde in the gibberellin biosynthetic pathway. “Intermediates” refers to compounds including GA


-aldehyde and onward, toward, by not including, final bioactive gibberellins. In addition, the term “GA compounds” also includes gibberellins, gibberellin precursors, gibberellin biosynthetic intermediates, and derivatives synthetically modified to contain protecting groups on substituents attached to the gibberellane nucleus. Such protecting groups can be introduced into these compounds by methods known in the art, e.g., note Greene et al. (1991)

Protective Groups in Organic Synthesis

, Second edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York. Protected compounds can be rendered physiologically active in planta by metabolic processes, e.g., by the action of esterases, etc., depending on the nature of the protecting group.

“GA-deficient seedling or plant” refers to a monocotyledonous or dicotyledonous seedling or plant containing a reduced amount of at least one GA compound compared to the level of that compound(s) generally accepted as being normal for that seedling or plant, or usually found in a seedling or plant of that species or variety, resulting in abnormal seedling or plant morphology, e.g., dwarfism. GA-deficient seedlings or plants can be non-transgenic, wild-type plants, or transgenic seedlings or plants produced by introduction therein of anti-sense nucleic acids that interfere with the production of GA biosynthetic pathway enzymes, and therefore GA biosynthesis and/or metabolism. GA-deficient seedlings or plants can also be transgenic seedlings or plants produced by introduction therein of additional copies of nucleic acids encoding GA biosynthetic pathway enzymes, resulting in cosuppression of these enzymes, and therefore interference with GA biosynthesis and/or metabolism. GA-deficient seedlings or plants can also be transgenic seedlings or plants produced by introduction therein of nucleic acid(s) that result(s) in expression of enzymes that inactivate active GAs, GA precursors, GA biosynthetic intermediates, or derivatives thereof.

The term “gene” refers to chromosomal DNA, plasmid DNA, cDNA, synthetic DNA, or other DNA that encodes a peptide, polypeptide, protein, or RNA molecule, and regions flanking the coding sequence involved in the regulation of expression.

The term “genome” as it applies to bacteria encompasses both the chromosome and plasmids within a bacterial host cell. Encoding nucleic acids of the present invention introduced into bacterial host cells can therefore be either chromosomally-integrated or plasmid-localized. The term “genome” as it applies to plant cells encompasses not only chromosomal DNA found within the nucleus, but organelle DNA found within subcellular components of the cell. Nucleic acids of the present invention introduced into plant cells can therefore be either chromosomally-integrated or organelle-localized.

“Heterologous DNA” refers to DNA from a source different than that of the recipient cell.

“Homologous DNA” refers to DNA from the same source as that of the recipient cell.

“Hybridization” refers to the ability of a strand of nucleic acid to join with a complementary strand via base pairing. Hybridization occurs when complementary sequences in the two nucleic acid strands bind to one another.

“Identity” refers to the degree of similarity between two nucleic acid or protein sequences. An alignment of the two sequences is performed by a suitable computer program. A widely used and accepted computer program for performing sequence alignments is CLUSTALW v1.6 (Thompson, et al.

Nucl. Acids Res.,

22: 4673-4680, 1994). The number of matching bases or amino acids is divided by the total number of bases or amino acids, and multiplied by 100 to obtain a percent identity. For example, if two 580 base pair sequences had 145 matched bases, they would be 25 percent identical. If the two compared sequences are of different lengths, the number of matches is divided by the shorter of the two lengths. For example, if there are 100 matched amino acids between 200 and a 400 amino acid proteins, they are 50 percent identical with respect to the shorter sequence. If the shorter sequence is less than 150 bases or 50 amino acids in length, the number of matches are divided by 150 (for nucleic acid bases) or 50 (for amino acids), and multiplied by 100 to obtain a percent identity.

“Intron” refers to a portion of a gene not translated into protein, even though it is transcribed into RNA.

“N-terminal region” refers to the region of a peptide, polypeptide, or protein chain from the amino acid having a free amino group to the middle of the chain.

“Nucleic acid” refers to deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA).

Nucleic acid codes: A=adenosine; C=cytosine; G=guanosine; T=thymidine. Codes used for synthesis of oligonucleotides: N=equimolar A, C, G, and T; I=deoxyinosine; K=equimolar G and T; R=equimolar A and G; S=equimolar C and G; W=equimolar A and T; Y=equimolar C and T.

A “nucleic acid segment” or a “nucleic acid molecule segment” is a nucleic acid molecule that has been isolated free of total genomic DNA of a particular species, or that has been synthesized. Included with the term “nucleic acid segment” are DNA segments, recombinant vectors, plasmids, cosmids, phagemids, phage, viruses, etcetera.

“Open reading frame (ORF)” refers to a region of DNA or RNA encoding a peptide, polypeptide, or protein.

“Overexpression” refers to the expression of a polypeptide or protein encoded by a DNA introduced into a host cell, wherein said polypeptide or protein is either not normally present in the host cell, or wherein said polypeptide or protein is present in said host cell at a higher level than that normally expressed from the endogenous gene encoding said polypeptide or protein.

“2-oxidase” refers to proteins which oxidize the C-2 position of bioactive and nonbioactive GAs.

“Phytoene synthase” refers to proteins which catalyze the conversion of geranylgeranyl diphosphate to phytoene.

“Plasmid” refers to a circular, extrachromosomal, self-replicating piece of DNA.

“Polyadenylation signal” or “polyA signal” refers to a nucleic acid sequence located 3′ to a coding region that causes the addition of adenylate nucleotides to the 3′ end of the mRNA transcribed from the coding region.

“Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)” refers to an enzymatic technique to create multiple copies of one sequence of nucleic acid. Copies of DNA sequence are prepared by shuttling a DNA polymerase between two amplimers. The basis of this amplification method is multiple cycles of temperature changes to denature, then re-anneal amplimers, followed by extension to synthesize new DNA strands in the region located between the flanking amplimers.

The term “promoter” or “promoter region” refers to a nucleic acid sequence, usually found upstream (5′) to a coding sequence, that controls expression of the coding sequence by controlling production of messenger RNA (mRNA) by providing the recognition site for RNA polymerase and/or other factors necessary for start of transcription at the correct site. As contemplated herein, a promoter or promoter region includes variations of promoters derived by means of ligation to various regulatory sequences, random or controlled mutagenesis, and addition or duplication of enhancer sequences. The promoter region disclosed herein, and biologically functional equivalents thereof, are responsible for driving the transcription of coding sequences under their control when introduced into a host as part of a suitable recombinant vector, as demonstrated by its ability to produce mRNA.

The term “recombinant DNA construct” or “recombinant vector” refers to any agent such as a plasmid, cosmid, virus, autonomously replicating sequence, phage, or linear or circular single-stranded or double-stranded DNA or RNA nucleotide sequence, derived from any source, capable of genomic integration or autonomous replication, comprising a DNA molecule in which one or more DNA sequences have been linked in a functionally operative manner. Such recombinant DNA constructs or vectors are capable of introducing a 5′ regulatory sequence or promoter region and a DNA sequence for a selected gene product into a cell in such a manner that the DNA sequence is transcribed into a functional mRNA which is translated and therefore expressed. Recombinant DNA constructs or recombinant vectors may be constructed to be capable of expressing antisense RNAs, in order to inhibit translation of a specific RNA of interest.

“Regeneration” refers to the process of growing a plant from a plant cell (e.g., plant protoplast or explant).

“Rescue” refers to the restoration of substantially normal growth, development, and morphology in GA-deficient seedlings and plants without causing substantial abnormal growth, development, or morphology, i.e., the phenotype of GA-deficient seedlings or plants substantially resembles that of otherwise identical, non-GA-deficient seedlings or plants. Depending upon whether their seeds undergo epigeous or hypogeous germination, GA-deficient seedlings or plants can have shortened hypocotyls or epicotyls, or both; shortened coleoptiles; or shortened plumular hooks, opening plumular hooks, or plumules. In any of these cases, rescue results in restoration of substantially normal length in these regions. Rescued GA-deficient seedlings and plants look substantially like their normal, otherwise identical non-GA deficient counterparts, and can successfully grow to maturity and bear agronomically or horticulturally valuable crop parts. “Substantially normal” refers to growth, development, and morphology, including length, that is within about ±25%, preferably about ±20%, more preferably about ±15%, more preferably about ±10%, and even more preferably about ±5% of that of otherwise identical counterpart non-GA deficient seedlings or plants. In GA-deficient dwarf seedlings in which cotyledons lie on the ground, “rescue” can refer to hypocotyl elongation such that cotyledons are raised above ground level. It should be noted that there are different degrees of “rescue.”

“Restriction enzyme” refers to an enzyme that recognizes a specific palindromic sequence of nucleotides in double stranded DNA and cleaves both strands; also called a restriction endonuclease. Cleavage typically occurs within the restriction site.

“Selectable marker” refers to a nucleic acid sequence whose expression confers a phenotype facilitating identification of cells containing the nucleic acid sequence. Selectable markers include those which confer resistance to toxic chemicals (e.g. ampicillin resistance, kanamycin resistance), complement a nutritional deficiency (e.g. uracil, histidine, leucine), or impart a visually distinguishing characteristic (e.g. color changes or fluorescence).

“Transcription” refers to the process of producing an RNA copy from a DNA template.

“Transformation” refers to a process of introducing an exogenous nucleic acid sequence (e.g., a vector, recombinant nucleic acid molecule) into a cell or protoplast in which that exogenous nucleic acid is incorporated into a chromosome or is capable of autonomous replication.

“Vector” refers to a plasmid, cosmid, bacteriophage, or virus that carries foreign DNA into a host organism.


A component of this invention is the specific reduction of expression of the genes responsible for normal seed germination and early seedling growth in plants. A component of this invention is that the plants have a phenotype of reduced seed germination and early seedling growth. A component of this invention is the ability to restore seed germination and early seedling growth under appropriate conditions. A seed of this invention planted by the farmer would be treated with a compound and therefore able to germinate and emerge from the soil under normal planting conditions. A plant of this invention would be treated with a compound and therefore able to develop normally under normal planting conditions. A benefit to the farmer of this technology is increased uniformity of germination, emergence, and seedling vigor provided by the treatment of the seed or the plant of the invention. A benefit to the seed producer, seed distributor or farm service agents is that normal seed germination and early seedling growth requires treatment with a compound. Untreated seed or seedlings would have reduced early seedling growth resulting in unfavorable agronomic characteristics. However, plants of reduced stature are useful in hybrid seed production as the female parent. The shortened stature of the female parent permits more efficient pollination which results in better yields of the hybrid seed. This reduces the cost of hybrid seed production.

The first component of the invention could be accomplished by inhibiting genes or functions that are essential for germination or early seedling growth and vigor. When normal germination is required, the second component in the form of a seed treatment, aerosol application, or soil incorporation would be comprised of a compound(s) capable of replacing the missing gene or its products directly or indirectly or by inducing another gene to complement the missing gene or its products. Another way to obtain germination control is to express a gene product or multiple gene products which can act alone or interact with each other or with naturally occurring plant products to affect normal germination or early seedling growth/vigor. The gene product could keep a seed in a dormant state or could influence vital processes in the germination/early seedling development phase. In this case, the seed or plant treatment would function to inhibit the expression of the inhibitor gene or its product/function or induce a secondary pathway or process that would relieve the block or bypass it.

A construct or vector may include a plant promoter to express the protein or protein fragment of choice. A number of promoters which are active in plant cells have been described in the literature. These include the nopaline synthase (NOS) promoter (Ebert et al.,

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.

84: 5745-5749, 1987), the octopine synthase (OCS) promoter (which are carried on tumor-inducing plasmids of

Agrobacterium tumefaciens

), the caulimovirus promoters such as the cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 19S promoter (Lawton et al.,

Plant Mol. Biol.

9: 315-324, 1987) and the CaMV 35S promoter (Odell et al.,


313: 810-812, 1985), the figwort mosaic virus 35S-promoter; the light-inducible promoter from the small subunit of ribulose-1,5-bis-phosphate carboxylase (ssRUBISCO), the Adh promoter (Walker et al.,

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.

84: 6624-6628, 1987), the sucrose synthase promoter (Yang et al.,

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA.

87: 4144-4148, 1990), the R gene complex promoter (Chandler et al.,

The Plant Cell

1: 1175-1183, 1989), and the chlorophyll αβ binding protein gene promoter, et cetera These promoters have been used to create DNA constructs which have been expressed in plants; see, e.g., PCT publication WO 84/02913.

Promoters which are known or are found to cause transcription of DNA in plant cells can be used in the present invention. Such promoters may be obtained from a variety of sources such as plants and plant viruses. In addition to promoters that are known to cause transcription of DNA in plant cells, other promoters may be identified for use in the current invention by screening a plant cDNA library for genes which are selectively or preferably expressed in the target tissues or cells.

For the purpose of expression in source tissues of the plant, such as the leaf, seed, root or stem, it is preferred that the promoters utilized in the present invention have relatively high expression in these specific tissues. For this purpose, one may choose from a number of promoters for genes with tissue- or cell-specific or -enhanced expression. Examples of such promoters reported in the literature include the chloroplast glutamine synthetase GS2 promoter from pea (Edwards et al.,

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.

87: 3459-3463, 1990), the chloroplast fructose-1,6-biphosphatase (FBPase) promoter from wheat (Lloyd et al.,

Mol. Gen. Genet.

225: 209-216, 1991), the nuclear photosynthetic ST-LS1 promoter from potato (Stockhaus et al.,


8: 2445-2451, 1989), the serine/threonine kinase (PAL) promoter and the glucoamylase (CHS) promoter from

Arabidopsis thaliana

. Also reported to be active in photosynthetically active tissues are the ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (RbcS) promoter from eastern larch (

Larix laricina

), the promoter for the cab gene, cab6, from pine (Yamamoto et al.,

Plant Cell Physiol.

35: 773-778, 1994), the promoter for the Cab-1 gene from wheat (Fejes et al.,

Plant Mol. Biol.

15: 921-932, 1990), the promoter for the CAB-1 gene from spinach (Lubberstedt et al.,

Plant Physiol.

104: 997-1006, 1994), the promoter for the cab1R gene from rice (Luan et al.,

Plant Cell

4: 971-981, 1992), the pyruvate, orthophosphate dikinase (PPDK) promoter from

Zea mays

(Matsuoka et al.,

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.

90: 9586-9590, 1993), the promoter for the tobacco Lhcb1*2 gene (Cerdan et al.,

Plant Mol. Biol.

33: 245-255, 1997), the

Arabidopsis thaliana

SUC2 sucrose-H

symporter promoter (Truernit et al.,


196: 564-570, 1995), and the promoter for the thylakoid membrane proteins from spinach (psaD, psaF, psaE, PC, FNR, atpC, atpD, cab, rbcS). Other promoters for the chlorophyll α/β-binding proteins may also be utilized in the present invention, such as the promoters for LhcB gene and PsbP gene from white mustard (

Sinapis alba

) (Kretsch et al.,

Plant Mol. Biol.

28: 219-229, 1995).

For the purpose of expression in sink tissues of the plant, such as the tuber of the potato plant, the fruit of tomato, or the seed of soybean, canola, cotton,

Zea mays

, wheat, rice, and barley, it is preferred that the promoters utilized in the present invention have relatively high expression in these specific tissues. A number of promoters for genes with tuber-specific or -enhanced expression are known, including the class I patatin promoter (Bevan et al.,


8: 1899-1906, 1986; Jefferson et al.,

Plant Mol. Biol.

14: 995-1006, 1990), the promoter for the potato tuber ADPGPP genes, both the large and small subunits, the sucrose synthase promoter (Salanoubat and Belliard,


60: 47-56, 1987; Salanoubat and Belliard,


84: 181-185, 1989), the promoter for the major tuber proteins including the 22 kD protein complexes and proteinase inhibitors (Hannapel,

Plant Physiol.

101: 703-704, 1993), the promoter for the granule bound starch synthase gene (GBSS) (Visser et al.,

Plant Mol. Biol.

17: 691-699, 1991), and other class I and II patatins promoters (Koster-Topfer et al.,

Mol. Gen. Genet.

219: 390-396, 1989; Mignery et al.,


62: 27-44, 1988).

Other promoters can also be used to express a protein in specific tissues, such as seeds or fruits. The promoter for β-conglycinin (Chen et al.,

Dev. Genet.

10: 112-122, 1989) or other seed-specific promoters such as the napin and phaseolin promoters, can be used. The zeins are a group of storage proteins found in

Zea mays

endosperm. Genomic clones for zein genes have been isolated (Pedersen et al.,


29: 1015-1026, 1982), and the promoters from these clones, including the 15 kD, 16 kD, 19 kD, 22 kD, 27 kD, and gamma genes, could also be used. Other promoters known to function, for example, in

Zea mays

include the promoters for the following genes: waxy, Brittle, Shrunken 2, Branching enzymes I and II, starch synthases, debranching enzymes, oleosins, glutelins, and sucrose synthases. A particularly preferred promoter for

Zea mays

endosperm expression is the promoter for the glutelin gene from rice, more particularly the Osgt-1 promoter (Zheng et al.,

Mol. Cell Biol.

13: 5829-5842, 1993). Examples of promoters suitable for expression in wheat include those promoters for the ADPglucose pyrosynthase (ADPGPP) subunits, the granule bound and other starch synthase, the branching and debranching enzymes, the embryogenesis-abundant proteins, the gliadins, and the glutenins. Examples of such promoters in rice include those promoters for the ADPGPP subunits, the granule bound and other starch synthase, the branching enzymes, the debranching enzymes, sucrose synthases, and the glutelins. A particularly preferred promoter is the promoter for rice glutelin, Osgt-1. Examples of such promoters for barley include those for the ADPGPP subunits, the granule bound and other starch synthase, the branching enzymes, the debranching enzymes, sucrose synthases, the hordeins, the embryo globulins, and the aleurone specific proteins.

Root specific promoters may also be used. An example of such a promoter is the promoter for the acid chitinase gene (Samac et al.,

Plant Mol. Biol.

25: 587-596, 1994). Expression in root tissue could also be accomplished by utilizing the root specific subdomains of the CaMV35S promoter that have been identified (Lam et al.,

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.

86: 7890-7894, 1989). Other root cell specific promoters include those reported by Conkling et al. (

Plant Physiol.

93: 1203-1211, 1990).

Germination and early seedling growth promoter specificity could be provided to drive expression of a transgene in a germination and early seedling growth specific or intensive process. Germination and early seedling growth promoters could be used specifically to affect a gene function that is essential for germination, but its gene expression is not limited to this time in the plant growth cycle. The preferred germination specific promoter would be most highly expressed in the appropriate tissues and cells at the appropriate developmental time to inhibit the germination enzyme or gene product only during germination or early seedling growth. Tissues and cells that comprise the germination and early seedling growth stages of plants may include: the radical, hypocotyl, cotyledons, epicotyl, root tip, shoot tip, meristematic cells, seed coat, endosperm, true leaves, internodal tissue, and nodal tissue. Germination-enhanced promoters have been isolated from genes encoding the glyoxysomal enzymes isocitrate lyase (ICL) and malate synthase (MS) from several plant species (Zhang et al,

Plant Physiol.

104: 857-864, 1994; Reynolds and Smith,

Plant Mol. Biol.

27: 487-497, 1995; Comai et al,

Plant Physiol.

98: 53-61, 1992). Other promoters include SIP-seedling imbibition protein (Heck, G., Ph.D. Thesis, 1992, Washington University, St. Louis, Mo.) and others such as a cysteine endopeptidase promoter (Yamauchi et al,

Plant Mol. Biol.

30: 321-329, 1996). Additionally, promoters could be isolated from other genes whose mRNAs appear to accumulate specifically during the germination process, for example class I β-1,3-glucanase B from tobacco (Vogeli-Lange et al.,

Plant J.

5: 273-278, 1994), canola cDNAs CA25, CA8, AX92 (Harada et al.,

Mol. Gen. Genet.

212: 466-473, 1988; Dietrich et al.,

J. Plant Nutr.

8: 1061-1073, 1992), lipid transfer protein (Sossountzove et al,

Plant Cell

3: 923-933, 1991), or rice serine carboxypeptidases (Washio and Ishikawa,

Plant Phys.

105: 1275-1280, 1994), and repetitive proline rich cell wall protein genes (Datta and Marcus,

Plant Mol. Biol.

14: 285-286, 1990).

Seedling-enhanced promoters have utility in modifying GA biosynthesis of the present invention and accumulation of gene products and affect seed germination phase and early seedling growth and development. Seedling-enhanced promoters provide seedling enhanced transcription which provides for expression of other desirable agronomic traits. For example, the seedling portion of the plant life cycle is vulnerable to a variety plant pathogens and pests, seedling damping-off diseases caused by Rhizoctonia sp., Pythium sp., and Sclerotium sp. Production of antifungal proteins such as chitinase, glucanase, maganins, small basic proteins from plant seed extracts or induction of endogenous protective activities in the seedling could confer disease resistance at this sensitive stage of plant growth. Seedlings may also be subject to abiotic stresses, such as cold stress (Hake et al.,

Cotton Production Manual

, Univ. of Cal. Publ. 3352, 1996); Jones, et al.,

Crop Science

16: 102-105, 1976), that negatively impact vigor, establishment in the soil, and yield. Transgenic seedlings can utilize seedling-enhanced promoters to express genes that induce cold tolerance (e.g. Arabidopsis CBF1, Jaglo-Ottosen et al.,


280: 104-106, 1998) and restore vigor. Seedling-enhanced promoters can be used to express gene products which convert or enhance activity of agrichemicals, such as pesticides, nematocides, fungicides, chemical hybridizing agents and fertilizers, to active or more efficacious forms. These chemicals can be administered to seedlings via a seed coating, aerosol, or soil application and converted within the seedling or be secreted into the environment. Germinating seeds (sprouts) have value directly as a food source and a variety of components including phytosterols, vitamins and essential amino acids increase in abundance over the levels found in ungerminated seeds (Kurzer et al.,

Ann. Rev. Nutr.

17: 353-381, 1997; Chavan et al.,

Crit. Rev. Food. Sci. Nutr.

28: 401-437, 1989). Nutritional qualities could further be improved by using seedling-enhanced promoters to produce activities which enhance metabolic conversions or create new biosynthetic capabilities that boost the levels of the above described nutritional qualities of food during germination. A seedling promoter could also be used to provide enhanced metabolism, transport, or utilization of storage reserves. Increased lipid metabolism via seedling expression of lipase, β-oxidation, glyoxosomal, or gluconeogenesis; increased carbohydrate or nitrogen metabolism via seedling expression of glycolysis, TCA cycle, or protein metabolism such as proteases, glutamine synthase, GOGAT, glucose dehydrogenase, and asparagine synthase could provide increased growth and or vigor in the emerging seedling.

Expression of seedling specific promoters is monitored by use of a reporter gene, such as β-glucuronidase (GUS, Jefferson et al,


6: 3901-3907, 1987), luciferase (LUC, Ow et al.,


234: 856-859, 1986), green fluorescent protein (GFP, Sheen et al.,

Plant J.

8: 777-784, 1995) or other suitable reporter gene cloned downstream of the promoter and transiently or stably transformed into plant cells. Detection of reporter gene activity is indicative of transcriptional activity of the promoter within the tissue.

Additional promoters that may be utilized are described, for example, in U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,378,619, 5,391,725, 5,428,147, 5,447,858, 5,608,144, 5,608,144, 5,614,399, 5,633,441, 5,633,435, and 4,633,436. In addition, a tissue specific enhancer may be used (Fromm et al.,

The Plant Cell

1: 977-984, 1989).

Constructs or vectors may also include with the coding region of interest a nucleic acid sequence that acts, in whole or in part, to terminate transcription of that region. For example, such sequences have been isolated including the Tr7 3′ sequence and the NOS3′ sequence (Ingelbrecht et al.,

The Plant Cell

1: 671-680, 1989; Bevan et al.,

Nucleic Acids Res.

11: 369-385, 1983), or the like.

A vector or construct may also include regulatory elements. Examples of such include the Adh intron 1 (Callis et al.,

Genes and Develop.

1: 1183-1200, 1987), the sucrose synthase intron (Vasil et al.,

Plant Physiol.

91: 1575-1579, 1989), first intron of the maize hsp70 gene (U.S. Pat. No. 5,362,865), and the TMV omega element (Gallie et al.,

The Plant Cell

1: 301-311, 1989). These and other regulatory elements may be included when appropriate.

A vector or construct may also include a selectable marker. Selectable markers may also be used to select for plants or plant cells that contain the exogenous genetic material. Examples of such include a neo gene (Potrykus et al.,

Mol. Gen. Genet.

199: 183-188, 1985) which codes for kanamycin resistance and can be selected for using kanamycin, G418, et cetera; a bar gene which codes for bialaphos resistance; a mutant EPSP synthase gene (Hinchee et al.,


6: 915-922, 1988) which encodes glyphosate resistance; a nitrilase gene which confers resistance to bromoxynil (Stalker et al.,

J. Biol. Chem.

263: 6310-6314, 1988); a mutant acetolactate synthase gene (ALS) which confers imidazolinone or sulphonylurea resistance (European Patent Application No. 154,204, Sep. 11, 1985); and a methotrexate resistant DHFR gene (Thillet et al.,

J. Biol. Chem.

263: 12500-12508, 1988).

A vector or construct may also include a transit peptide. Incorporation of a suitable chloroplast transit peptide may also be employed (European Patent Application Publication No. 0218571). The vector may also include translational enhancers. DNA constructs could contain one or more 5′ non-translated leader sequences which may serve to enhance expression of the gene products from the resulting mRNA transcripts. Such sequences may be derived from the promoter selected to express the gene or can be specifically modified to increase translation of the mRNA. Such regions may also be obtained from viral RNAs, from suitable eukaryotic genes, or from a synthetic gene sequence. For a review of optimizing expression of transgenes, see Koziel et al. (

Plant Mol. Biol.

32: 393-405, 1996).

A vector or construct may also include a screenable marker. Screenable markers may be used to monitor expression. Exemplary screenable markers include a β-glucuronidase or uidA gene (GUS) which encodes an enzyme for which various chromogenic substrates are known (Jefferson,

Plant Mol. Biol. Rep.

5: 387-405, 1987); an R-locus gene, which encodes a product that regulates the production of anthocyanin pigments (red color) in plant tissues (Dellaporta et al., Stadler Symposium 11: 263-282, 1988); a β-lactamase gene (Sutcliffe et al.,

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.

75: 3737-3741, 1978), a gene which encodes an enzyme for which various chromogenic substrates are known (e.g., PADAC, a chromogenic cephalosporin); a luciferase gene (Ow et al.,


234: 856-859, 1986); a xylE gene (Zukowsky et al.,

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.

80: 1101-1105, 1983) which encodes a catechol dioxygenase that can convert chromogenic catechols; an α-amylase gene (Ikatu et al.,


8: 241-242, 1990); a tyrosinase gene (Katz et al.,

J. Gen. Microbiol.

129: 2703-2714, 1983) which encodes an enzyme capable of oxidizing tyrosine to DOPA and dopaquinone which in turn condenses to melanin; and an α-galactosidase.

Included within the terms “selectable or screenable marker genes” are also genes which encode a scriptable marker whose secretion can be detected as a means of identifying or selecting for transformed cells. Examples include markers which encode a secretable antigen that can be identified by antibody interaction, or even secretable enzymes which can be detected catalytically. Secretable proteins fall into a number of classes, including small, diffusible proteins which are detectable, (e.g., by ELISA), small active enzymes which are detectable in extracellular solution (e.g., α-amylase, β-lactamase, phosphinothricin transferase), or proteins which are inserted or trapped in the cell wall (such as proteins which include a leader sequence such as that found in the expression unit of extension or tobacco PR-S). Other possible selectable and/or screenable marker genes will be apparent to those of skill in the art.

There are many methods for introducing transforming nucleic acid molecules into plant cells. Suitable methods are believed to include virtually any method by which nucleic acid molecules may be introduced into a cell, such as by Agrobacterium infection or direct delivery of nucleic acid molecules such as, for example, by PEG-mediated transformation, by electroporation or by acceleration of DNA coated particles, etcetera (Potrykus,

Ann. Rev. Plant Physiol. Plant Mol. Biol.

42: 205-225, 1991; Vasil,

Plant Mol. Biol.

25: 925-937, 1994). For example, electroporation has been used to transform

Zea mays

protoplasts (Fromm et al.,


312: 791-793, 1986).

Other vector systems suitable for introducing transforming DNA into a host plant cell include but are not limited to binary artificial chromosome (BIBAC) vectors (Hamilton et al, Gene 200: 107-116, 1997), and transfection with RNA viral vectors (Della-Cioppa et al.,

Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci.

792: (Engineering Plants for Commercial Products and Applications), 57-61, 1996).

Technology for introduction of DNA into cells is well known to those of skill in the art. Four general methods for delivering a gene into cells have been described: (1) physical methods such as microinjection (Capecchi,


22: 479-488, 1980), electroporation (Wong and Neumann,

Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun.

107: 584-587, 1982; Fromm et al.,

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.

82: 5824-5828, 1985; U.S. Pat. No. 5,384,253); and the gene gun (Johnston and Tang,

Methods Cell Biol.

43: 353-365, 1994); (2) viral vectors (Clapp,

Clin. Perinatol.

20: 155-168, 1993; Lu et al.,

J. Exp. Med

178: 2089-2096, 1993); Eglitis and Anderson,


6: 608-614, 1988); and (3) receptor-mediated mechanisms (Curiel et al.,

Hum. Gen. Ther.

3: 147-154, 1992; Wagner et al.,

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.

89: 6099-6103, 1992).

Acceleration methods that may be used include, for example, microprojectile bombardment and the like. One example of a method for delivering transforming nucleic acid molecules to plant cells is microprojectile bombardment. This method has been reviewed by Yang and Christou, eds.,

Particle Bombardment Technology for Gene Transfer,

Oxford Press, Oxford, England, 1994). Non-biological particles (microprojectiles) that may be coated with nucleic acids and delivered into cells by a propelling force. Exemplary particles include those comprised of tungsten, gold, platinum, and the like.

A particular advantage of microprojectile bombardment, in addition to it being an effective means of reproducibly transforming monocots, is that neither the isolation of protoplasts (Cristou et al.,

Plant Physiol.

87: 671-674, 1988) nor the susceptibility of Agrobacterium infection are required. An illustrative embodiment of a method for delivering DNA into

Zea mays

cells by acceleration is a biolistics α-particle delivery system, which can be used to propel particles coated with DNA through a screen, such as a stainless steel or Nytex screen, onto a filter surface covered with corn cells cultured in suspension. Gordon-Kamm et al., describes the basic procedure for coating tungsten particles with DNA (

Plant Cell

2: 603-618, 1990). The screen disperses the tungsten nucleic acid particles so that they are not delivered to the recipient cells in large aggregates. A particle delivery system suitable for use with the present invention is the helium acceleration PDS-1000/He gun is available from Bio-Rad Laboratories (Bio-Rad, Hercules, Calif.; Sanford et al.,


3: 3-16, 1991).

For the bombardment, cells in suspension may be concentrated on filters. Filters containing the cells to be bombarded are positioned at an appropriate distance below the microprojectile stopping plate. If desired, one or more screens are also positioned between the gun and the cells to be bombarded.

Alternatively, immature embryos or other target cells may be arranged on solid culture medium. The cells to be bombarded are positioned at an appropriate distance below the microprojectile stopping plate. If desired, one or more screens are also positioned between the acceleration device and the cells to be bombarded. Through the use of techniques set forth herein one may obtain up to 1000 or more foci of cells transiently expressing a marker gene. The number of cells in a focus which express the exogenous gene product 48 hours post-bombardment often range from one to ten and average one to three.

In bombardment transformation, one may optimize the pre-bombardment culturing conditions and the bombardment parameters to yield the maximum numbers of stable transformants. Both the physical and biological parameters for bombardment are important in this technology. Physical factors are those that involve manipulating the DNA/microprojectile precipitate or those that affect the flight and velocity of either the macro- or microprojectiles. Biological factors include all steps involved in manipulation of cells before and immediately after bombardment, the osmotic adjustment of target cells to help alleviate the trauma associated with bombardment, and also the nature of the transforming DNA, such as linearized DNA or intact supercoiled plasmids. It is believed that pre-bombardment manipulations are especially important for successful transformation of immature embryos.

Accordingly, it is contemplated that one may wish to adjust various aspects of the bombardment parameters in small scale studies to fully optimize the conditions. One may particularly wish to adjust physical parameters such as gap distance, flight distance, tissue distance, and helium pressure. One may also minimize the trauma reduction factors by modifying conditions which influence the physiological state of the recipient cells and which may therefore influence transformation and integration efficiencies. For example, the osmotic state, tissue hydration and the subculture stage or cell cycle of the recipient cells may be adjusted for optimum transformation. The execution of other routine adjustments will be known to those of skill in the art in light of the present disclosure.

Agrobacterium-mediated transfer is a widely applicable system for introducing genes into plant cells because the DNA can be introduced into whole plant tissues, thereby bypassing the need for regeneration of an intact plant from a protoplast. The use of Agrobacterium-mediated plant integrating vectors to introduce DNA into plant cells is well known in the art. See, for example the methods described by Fraley et al., (


3: 629-635, 1985) and Rogers et al., (

Methods Enzymol.

153: 253-277, 1987). Further, the integration of the Ti-DNA is a relatively precise process resulting in few rearrangements. The region of DNA to be transferred is defined by the border sequences, and intervening DNA is usually inserted into the plant genome as described (Spielmann et al.,

Mol. Gen. Genet.

205: 34, 1986).

Modem Agrobacterium transformation vectors are capable of replication in

Escherichia coli

as well as Agrobacterium, allowing for convenient manipulations as described (Klee et al., In:

Plant DNA Infectious Agents

, Hohn and Schell, eds., Springer-Verlag, N.Y., pp. 179-203, 1985). Moreover, technological advances in vectors for Agrobacterium-mediated gene transfer have improved the arrangement of genes and restriction sites in the vectors to facilitate construction of vectors capable of expressing various polypeptide coding genes. The vectors described have convenient multi-linker regions flanked by a promoter and a polyadenylation site for direct expression of inserted polypeptide coding genes and are suitable for present purposes (Rogers et al.,

Methods Enzymol.

153: 253-277, 1987). In addition, Agrobacterium containing both armed and disarmed Ti genes can be used for the transformations. In those plant strains where Agrobacterium-mediated transformation is efficient, it is the method of choice because of the facile and defined nature of the gene transfer.

A transgenic plant created using Agrobacterium transformation methods typically contains a single gene on one chromosome. Such transgenic plants can be referred to as being heterozygous for the added gene. More preferred is a transgenic plant that is homozygous for the added structural gene; i.e., a transgenic plant that contains two added genes, one gene at the same locus on each chromosome of a chromosome pair. A homozygous transgenic plant can be obtained by sexually mating (selfing) an independent segregant transgenic plant that contains a single added gene, germinating some of the seed produced and analyzing the resulting plants produced for the gene of interest.

It is also to be understood that two different transgenic plants can also be mated to produce offspring that contain two independently segregating added, exogenous genes. Selfing of appropriate progeny can produce plants that are homozygous for both added, exogenous genes that encode a polypeptide of interest. Back-crossing to a parental plant and out-crossing with a non-transgenic plant are also contemplated, as is vegetative propagation.

Transformation of plant protoplasts has been reported using methods based on calcium phosphate precipitation, polyethylene glycol treatment, electroporation, and combinations of these treatments (See for example, Potrykus et al.,

Mol. Gen. Genet.

205: 193-200, 1986); Lorz et al.

Mol. Gen. Genet.

199: 178, 1985); Fromm et al.,


319: 791, 1986); Uchimiya et al.,

Mol. Gen. Genet.

204: 204, 1986); Marcotte et al.,


335: 454-457, 1988).

To transform plant strains that cannot be successfully regenerated from protoplasts, other ways to introduce DNA into intact cells or tissues can be utilized. For example, regeneration of cereals from immature embryos or explants can be effected as described (Vasil,


6: 397, 1988). In addition, “particle gun” or high-velocity microprojectile technology may be utilized (Vasil et al.,


10: 667, 1992).

Using the latter technology, DNA is carried through the cell wall and into the cytoplasm on the surface of small metal particles as described (Klein et al.,


328: 70, 1987); Klein et al.,

Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. U.S.A.

85: 8502-8505, 1988); McCabe et al.,


6: 923, 1988). The metal particles penetrate through several layers of cells and thus allow the transformation of cells within tissue explants.

The regeneration, development, and cultivation of plants from single plant protoplast transformants or from various transformed explants is well known in the art (Weissbach and Weissbach, In:

Methods for Plant Molecular Biology

, (Eds.), Academic Press, Inc. San Diego, Calif., 1988). This regeneration and growth process typically includes the steps of selection of transformed cells, culturing those individualized cells through the usual stages of embryonic development through the rooted plantlet stage. Transgenic embryos and seeds are similarly regenerated. The resulting transgenic rooted shoots are thereafter planted in an appropriate plant growth medium such as soil.

The development or regeneration of plants containing the foreign, exogenous gene that encodes a protein of interest is well known in the art. Preferably, the regenerated plants are self-pollinated to provide homozygous transgenic plants. Otherwise, pollen obtained from the regenerated plants is crossed to seed-grown plants of agronomically important lines. Conversely, pollen from plants of these important lines is used to pollinate regenerated plants. A transgenic plant of the present invention containing a desired polypeptide is cultivated using methods well known to one skilled in the art.

There are a variety of methods for the regeneration of plants from plant tissue. The particular method of regeneration will depend on the starting plant tissue and the particular plant species to be regenerated.

Methods for transforming dicots, primarily by use of

Agrobacterium tumefaciens

, and obtaining transgenic plants have been published for cotton (U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,004,863; 5,159,135; 5,518,908); soybean (U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,569,834 and 5,416,011; McCabe et. al.,


6: 923, 1988; Christou et al.,

Plant Physiol.

87: 671-674, 1988); Brassica (U.S. Pat. No. 5,463,174); peanut (Cheng et al.,

Plant Cell Rep.

15: 653-657, 1996), McKently et al.,

Plant Cell Rep.

14: 699-703, 1995); and pea (Grant et al.,

Plant Cell Rep.

15: 254-258, 1995).

Transformation of monocotyledons using electroporation, particle bombardment, and Agrobacterium have also been reported. Transformation and plant regeneration have been reported in asparagus (Bytebier et al.,

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.

84: 5354, 1987); barley (Wan and Lemaux,

Plant Physiol

104: 37, 1994);

Zea mays

(Rhodes et al.,


240: 204, 1988; Gordon-Kamm et al.,

Plant Cell

2: 603-618, 1990; Fromm et al.,


8: 833, 1990; Koziel et al.,


11: 194, 1993; Armstrong et al.,

Crop Science

35: 550-557, 1995); oat (Somers et al.,


10: 1589, 1992); orchard grass (Horn et al.,

Plant Cell Rep.

7: 469, 1988); rice (Toriyama et al.,

Theor. Appl. Genet.

205: 34, 1986; Part et al.,

Plant Mol. Biol.

32: 1135-1148, 1996; Abedinia et al., Aust.

J. Plant Physiol.

24: 133-141, 1997; Zhang and Wu,

Theor. Appl. Genet.

76: 835, 1988; Zhang et al.

Plant Cell Rep.

7: 379, 1988; Battraw and Hall,

Plant Sci.

86: 191-202, 1992; Christou et al.,


9: 957, 1991); rye (De la Pena et al.,


325: 274, 1987); sugarcane (Bower and Birch,

Plant J.

2: 409, 1992); tall fescue (Wang et al.,


10: 691, 1992), and wheat (Vasil et al.,


10: 667, 1992; U.S. Pat. No. 5,631,152).

Assays for gene expression based on the transient expression of cloned nucleic acid constructs have been developed by introducing the nucleic acid molecules into plant cells by polyethylene glycol treatrnent, electroporation, or particle bombardment (Marcotte et al.,


335: 454-457, 1988; Marcotte et al.,

Plant Cell

1: 523-532, 1989; McCarty et al.,


66: 895-905, 1991; Hattori et al.,

Genes Dev.

6: 609-618, 1992; Goff et al.,


9: 2517-2522, 1990). Transient expression systems may be used to functionally dissect gene constructs (see generally, Mailga et al.,

Methods in Plant Molecular Biology

, Cold Spring Harbor Press, 1995). It is understood that any of the nucleic acid molecules of the present invention can be introduced into a plant cell in a permanent or transient manner in combination with other genetic elements such as vectors, promoters, enhancers, et cetera.

In addition to the above discussed procedures, practitioners are familiar with the standard resource materials which describe specific conditions and procedures for the construction, manipulation and isolation of macromolecules (e.g., DNA molecules, plasmids, et cetera), generation of recombinant organisms and the screening and isolating of clones, (see for example, Sambrook et al.,

Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual

, Cold Spring Harbor Press, 1989; Mailga et al.,

Methods in Plant Molecular Biology

, Cold Spring Harbor Press, 1995; Birren et al.,

Genome Analysis: Detecting Genes,

1, Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y., 1998; Birren et al.,

Genome Analysis: Analyzing DNA,

2, Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y., 1998;

Plant Molecular Biology: A Laboratory Manual

, eds. Clark, Springer, N.Y., 1997).


Gibberellins (GAs) are plant hormones that affect a wide variety of processes throughout the life cycle of plants, including seed germination, stem elongation, flower induction, anther development, and seed and pericarp growth. Plant responses to the environment can also be effected by modification of the flux through the GA biosynthetic pathway due to external stimuli. The biosynthesis and activity of GAs are therefore fundamentally important to plant development and adaptation of plants to the environment.

Gibberellins are tetracyclic diterpenoid acids found in fungi and higher plants having the ent-gibberellane ring system shown in structure (1).

GAs were first isolated by Japanese researchers in the 1930s from cultures of the fungus

Gibberella fujikuroi


Fusarium moniliforme

). These secondary metabolites have been shown to be present in other fungal species, in some ferns, and in many gymnosperms and angiosperms. Of the 121 known GAs, 96 have been identified only in higher plants, 12 are present only in Gibberella, and 12 are present in both. As in Gibberella, many different GAs can be present in individual angiosperms.

Two main types of GAs exist: the C


-GAs, which have 20 carbon atoms (structure (2), above), and the C


-GAs, in which the twentieth carbon atom has been lost due to metabolism (structure (3)). The carboxylic acid at carbon-19 bonds to carbon-10 to produce a lactone bridge in almost all of the C



The ent-gibberellane ring system can contain many structural modifications, accounting for the large number of known GAs. Naturally occurring GAs with structures that have been chemically characterized are allocated an “A number” (MacMillan et al. (1968) Nature 217:170-171). At present, 121 naturally occurring GAs of plant and fungal origin are known.

The variations in GA structure arise in several ways. Carbon-20 can exist in different oxidative states, e.g., methyl (—CH


), hydroxymethyl (—CH


OH), aldehyde (—CHO), or carboxylic acid (—COOH). The ent-gibberellane skeleton, especially that of C


-GAs, can also contain additional functional groups. Hydroxyl (—OH) groups are frequently inserted into the ring system; insertion of epoxide (>O) and ketone (═O) functions also occurs, although less commonly. The position and/or stereochemistry of substituent groups affects the biochemical and physiological significance of the molecules. Substituent groups positioned above the ring plane are said to be in the β-configuration; their bonding to the ring is designated by a solid, elongated triangle. Substituent groups positioned below the ring plane are said to be in the α-configuration; their bonding to the ring is designated by a dashed, elongated triangle. The attachment of substituent groups in the plane of the ring system is indicated by a straight line.

Gibberellins can exist as conjugates, for example with a molecule of glucose, either by an ether or an ester linkage. Such conjugation may temporarily or permanently inactivate a GA.

The biological activity of different GAs varies, and various GAs within a plant can be precursors, biosynthetic intermediates, or deactivation products of active GAs. Three structural features are commonly associated with GA biological activity: a 3-hydroxyl group, a 7-carboxyl group, and a lactone ring. Broadly speaking, a compound possessing the ent-gibberellane ring system but lacking one or more of these structural features can be considered a GA precursor, intermediate, or derivative. Understanding the GA biosynthetic and metabolic pathways provides a tool for determining which GAs possess biological activity. For example, identification of GA(s) within a plant that is(are) responsible for a particular growth or developmental event is facilitated by the use of single gene dwarf mutants and chemical growth retardants that inhibit specific metabolic steps.

Sites of Gibberellin Biosynthesis in Plants

GA biosynthesis can occur in all growing, differentiated plant tissues. Developing fruits and seeds contain enzymes that can convert mevalonic acid to C


-GAs (Graebe et al. (1974)


120:307-309; Kamiya et al. (1983)


22:681-690), indicating that these organs are sites of GA biosynthesis. Immature seeds exhibit two main phases of GA biosynthesis. The first phase occurs shortly after anthesis, correlates with fruit growth, and appears to involve, both qualitatively and quantitatively, GAs that are similar to those in vegetative tissues. The second phase of GA biosynthesis occurs as maturing seeds increase in size, and results in a large accumulation of GAs. In contrast to that in developing seeds, evidence for GA biosynthesis in vegetative tissues has been difficult to obtain. Based on the demonstration of several GA metabolic sequences in elongating internodes, petioles, expanding leaves, and stem apices in several plants (Gilmour et al. (1986)

Plant Physiol.

82:190-195; Zeevaart et al. (1993)

Plant Physiol.

101:25-29), it is generally accepted that these immature organs are sites of GA biosynthesis. Although GAs have been identified in root extracts, there is little evidence for GA biosynthesis in roots.

The Gibberellin Biosynthetic Pathway

The gibberellin biosynthetic pathway has been the subject of several recent reviews, to which the reader's attention is directed for additional details. Among these are the reviews by V. M. Sponsel (1995)

Plant Hormones, Physiology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,



Edition, P. J. Davies, Ed., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, pp. 66-97, and Hedden and Kamiya (1997)

Annu. Rev. Plant Physiol. Mol. Biol.


The gibberellin biosynthetic pathway is shown in

FIGS. 1 and 2

of Hedden and Kamiya (1997).

Annu. Rev. Plant Physiol. Plant Mol. Biol.

48:431-460. Mutants and cDNA clones for GA biosynthetic enzymes are listed in Table 1.


Mutants and cDNA clones for GA-biosynthetic enzymes







Data base


Arabidopsis thaliana





Zea mays





Pisum sativum










Cucurbita maxima


U43 904

A. thaliana



Z. mays



L. esculentum




P. sativum





A. thaliana



Oryza sativa




Z. mays






P. sativum



GA 20-

C. maxima




A. thaliana







A. thaliana





P. sativum





P. sativum



Phaseolus vulgaris





O. sativa



Spinacia oleracea



GA 3-

A. thaliana






Z. mays



O. sativa



P. sativum



Lathyrus odoratus



GA2 oxidase

P. sativumsin



A. thaliana




AJi 32487


M. macrocarpus







2-β, 3-β-

C. maxima




Enzyme references

1. Koornneef et al. (1983) Genet. Res. 41:57-68

2. Katsumi, M. (1964) PhD thesis, Univ. Calif., Los Angeles

3. Swain et al. (1995) Planta 195:426-33

4. Bensen et al. (1990) J. Plant Growth Regul. 9:237-42

5. Zeevaart et al. (1992) in Karssen et al., eds. Progress in Plant Growth Regulation, Dordrecht:Kluwer, pp. 34-42

6. Hedden et al.(1979) Phytochemistry 18:1475-79

7. Bensen et al. (1990) J. Plant Growth Regul. 9:237-42

8. Swain et al. (1995) Plant Cell Physiol. 36:S110

9. Zeevaart et al. (1992) in Karssen et al., eds. Progress in Plant Growth Regulation, Dordrecht:Kluwer, pp. 34-42

10. Ogawa et al. (1996) Plant Cell Physiol. 37:363-68

11. Fujioka et al. (1988) Plant Physiol. 88:1367-72

12. Ingram et al. (1987) Plant Physiol. 83:1048-53

13. Talon et al. (1990) Proc. Natl. Acad Sci. USA 87:7983-87

14. Talon et al. (1990) Proc. Natl. Acad Sci. USA 87:7983-87

15. Fujioka et al. (1988) Plant Physiol. 88:1367-72

16. Kobayashi et al. (1989) Plant Cell Physiol. 30:963-69

17. Ingram et al. (1984) Planta 160:455-63

18. Ross et al. (1990) Physiol. Plant. 79:453-58

19. Ross et al. (1995) Plant J. 7:513-23

20. Thomas et al (1999) Proc. Natl. Acad Sci. USA 96:4698-4703

21. Sun et al. (1994) Plant Cell 6:1509-18

22. Bensen et al. (1995) Plant Cell 7:75-84

23. Ait-Ali et al. (1997) PlantJ 77:443-54

24. Yamaguchi et al. (1996) PlantJ. 10:203-13

25. Winkler et al. (1995) Plant Cell 7:1307-17

26. Lange et al. (1994) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 9 1:8522-66

27. Xu et al. (1995) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 92:6640-44

28. Phillips et al. (1995) Plant Physiol. 108:1049-57

29. Martin et al. (1996) Planta 200:159-66

30. Garcia-Martinez et al. (1987) Plant Physiol. 85:212-16

31. Lester et al. (1996) Plant Physiol. 111:1353

32. Garcia-Martinez et al. (1987) Plant Physiol. 85:212-16

33. Toyomasu et al. (1997) Physiol. Plant. 99:111-18

34. Wu et al. (1996) Plant Physiol. 110:547-54

35. Chiang et al. (1995) Plant Cell 7:195-201

36. Lange (1997) Proc. Natl. Acad Sci. USA 94: 6553-6558

37. Lange et al. (1997) The Plant Cell 9:1459-1467

ent-Kaurene Synthesis and the Formation of GA



As shown in Hedden and Kamiya (1997)

Annu. Rev. Plant Physiol. Plant Mol. Biol.

48:431-460., the fundamental ent-Kaurene nucleus is synthesized by the two-step cyclization of geranylgeranyl diphosphate (GGDP) via an ent-copalyl diphosphate (CDP) intermediate. The first reported committed step occurs when geranylgeranyl diphosphate (GGDP) is cyclized by ent-copalyl diphosphate synthase (“CPS”; also referred to as ent-kaurene synthase A) to copalyl diphosphate (CDP). GGDP is produced in plastids by the isoprenoid pathway, originating from mevalonic acid. A non-mevalonate pathway to isoprenoids involving pyruvate and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate has been proposed in green algae (Schwender et al. (1996)

Biochem. J.

316:73-80), and may operate in plastids of higher plants as well in view of the difficulty in demonstrating the incorporation of mevalonate into isoprenoids in these organelles.

The second reported committed step leading to gibberellins is the cyclization of copalyl diphosphate to ent-kaurene, catalyzed by ent-kaurene synthase (“KS”; also referred to as ent-kaurene synthase B). KS exhibits amino acid homology to CPS and other terpene cyclases. Both CPS and KS are reported to be localized in developing plastids, which are generally found in vegetative tissues and seeds (Aach et al.,


197: 333-342 (1995)).

Cytochrome P-450 monooxygenases are presumed to catalyze the oxidation of ent-kaurene along the path to GA


. The successive products of this reaction are ent-kaurenol, ent-kaurenal, and/or ent-kaurenoic acid (Hedden and Kamiya,

Ann. Rev. Plant Physiol. Plant Mol. Biol.

48: 431-460 (1997)). An isolated

Zea mays

cytochrome P-450 monooxygenase gene has been reported (Winkler and Helentjaris,

Plant Cell

7: 1307-1317 (1995)). Hydroxylation of ent-kaurenoic acid at position seven via a 7-hydroxylase generates ent-7-hydroxy-kaurenoic acid. A critical branchpoint in the pathway occurs at ent-7-hydroxy-kaurenoic acid. One of the subsequent products, GA


-aldehyde, is the first-formed GA in all systems. It is formed by contraction of the B ring of ent-7-hydroxy-kaurenoic acid with extrusion of carbon-7, catalyzed by GA


-aldehyde synthase. In contrast, the other product, i.e., ent-6,7-dihydroxykaurenoic acid, cannot be converted to GAs, and has no known function in plants. Both GA


-aldehyde and ent-6,7-dihydroxykaurenoic acid appear to be formed from a single common intermediate (Graebe (1987)

Ann. Rev. Plant Physiol.


Biosynthetic Steps From GA



The biosynthetic pathway up to GA


-aldehyde appears to be the same in all plants. As the conversion of GA


-aldehyde to other GAs can vary from genus to genus, several different pathways from GA


-aldehyde exist. However, there is a basic sequence of reactions from GA


-aldehyde common to all pathways (Hedden and Kamiya 1997. Annu. Rev. Plant Physiol. Plant Mol. Biol. 48:431-460.).

First, carbon-7 of GA


-aldehyde is oxidized in a reaction catalyzed by a dioxygenase or monooxygenase having GA 7-oxidase activity, producing GA


-dicarboxylic acid (GA


). A C-7 carboxyl group appears to be an essential feature of all biologically active GAs.

Following the formation of the C-7 carboxyl group, carbon-20 is oxidized by a GA 20-oxidase (a 2-oxoglutarate-dependent dioxygenase) through successive intermediates with the eventual loss of CO


to produce the C


lactone and C


-GAs. The C-20 methyl group is first oxidized to a hydroxymethyl (—CH


OH) group. Upon extraction and work-up, this hydroxymethyl group lactonises to produce GA


; the open-lactone (—CH


OH) form is probably the true intermediate. Next, the open-lactone intermediate is oxidized to the C-20 aldehyde (GA


). The GA


intermediate represents another branch-point in the pathway. Carbon-20 can be oxidized to the acid, producing GA


, or this carbon can be eliminated from the molecule as CO


, producing the C


-GA lactone, GA


. This step in GA biosynthesis is a reported regulatory point that is responsive to environmental and feedback regulation (Xu et al.,

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.

92: 6640-6644 (1995)). It is the C


-GAs that usually exhibit direct biological activity. However, C


-GAs, for example GA


, GA


, and ent-kaurene, can exhibit activity, presumably due to biological conversion to more active forms of gibberellins.

Genes encoding GA 20-oxidase have been isolated from several species, including pumpkin, Arabidopsis, and rice. Different members of the GA 20-oxidase multigene family have been reported to be developmentally and spatially regulated (Phillips et al.,

Plant Physiol.

108: 1049-1059 (1995)). Certain GA 20-oxidases (e.g., from pumpkin, Marah, and Arabidopsis) prefer non-hydroxylated substrates to the 13-hydroxylated analogues. In contrast, a GA 20-oxidase cloned from shoots of rice oxidizes GA


, which has a C-13 hydroxyl group, more efficiently than it does GA


, which lacks the hydroxyl function at this position (Toyomasu et al. (1997)

Physiol. Plant.


Functional groups can be introduced into the GA molecule at any stage during this sequence of reactions. The position and order of insertion of these substituents differs in different plant genera. For example, early in the gibberellin biosynthetic pathway (“early 13-hydroxylation pathway”; (Hedden and Kamiya 1997. Annu. Rev. Plant Physiol. Plant Mol. Biol. 48:431-460.)), prior to the C-20 oxidation sequence described above, GA


can by hydroxylated at C-13 by a 2-oxoglutarate-dependent GA 13-hydroxylase. Both dioxygenase and monooxygenase forms of this enzyme have been described, and the preferred substrate for the 13-hydroxylases appears to be GA


, although other GAs are hydroxylated to some extent. While “late” 13-hydroxylation (Hedden and Kamiya 1997. Annu. Rev. Plant Physiol. Plant Mol. Biol. 48:431-460.) has been demonstrated in the pathway during the interconversion of bioactive, non-13-hydroxylated C-19 GAs to their 13-hydroxylated derivatives (e.g., GA




and GA




), this may be inefficient, and accompanied by hydroxylation at other positions on the C and D rings. Both the 13-hydroxylation and non-13-hydroxylation pathways have been demonstrated in seeds as well as in vegetative tissues. 12-hydroxylases (both mono-oxygenases and dioxygenases) have also been described.

3-hydroxylation results in the conversion of the C




and GA


to GA


and GA


, respectively, in the final step in the formation of physiologically active GAs. Pumpkin GA 3-hydroxylase has properties typical of a 2-oxoglutarate-dependent dioxygenase (Lange et al. (1994)


195:98-107). Certain 3-hydroxylases can hydroxylate more than one GA species. 3-hydroxylase enzymes can also exhibit multifunctional capabilities, catalyzing additional reactions such as 2,3-desaturation and 2-hydroxylation of GAs (Smith et al.,

Plant Physiol.

94: 1390-1401(1990); Lange et al.,

Plant Cell

9: 1459-1467 (1997)).

Gibberellins can be rendered biologically inactive by several mechanisms. 2-hydroxylation has been reported to result in the formation of inactive products. Hydroxylation of bioactive GAs by the 2-oxidase renders them inactive, while hydroxylation of biosynthetic precursors creates non-preferable substrates for GA biosynthetic enzymes. Multiple enzymes with this activity may be present in a species (Smith and MacMillan,

Journal of Plant Growth Regulators

2: 251-264 (1984); Thomas et al., 1999.

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.

96:4698-4703). A bifunctional 2,3-hydroxylase gene has been isolated from pumpkin endosperm (Lange et al.,

Plant Cell

9: 1459-1467 (1997)).

Further catabolism of 2-hydroxylated GAs to form 2-keto derivatives occurs by additional oxidation steps that can be catalyzed by 2-oxoglutarate-dependent dioxygenases. Note, for example, the conversion of GA


to GA


-catabolite in Hedden and Kamiya 1997. Annu. Rev. Plant Physiol. Plant Mol. Biol. 48:431-460. GAs may also be inactivated or sequestered in planta by conjugation to sugars to form gibberellin glucosides and glucosyl ethers (Schneider and Schmidt,

Plant Growth Substances

, ed. Pharis, et al., Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 300 (1988)).

GA compounds, precursors, and derivatives useful in rescuing GA-deficient, transgenic dwarf plants

Biological activity varies among GAs, not all GAs having high biological activity. The GAs found within a plant can include bioactive compounds, as well as precursors and deactivation products of active GAs. Understanding GA biosynthetic and metabolic pathways, and the presence and role of different GAs during seed formation and seedling growth, facilitates identification of GA compounds, precursors, and derivatives (synthetic or naturally occurring) effective in stimulating hypocotyl or epicotyl elongation in GA-deficient plants. Useful compounds can be identified by studying their effect on single gene dwarf mutants, by applying chemical growth retardants that inhibit specific steps in GA biosynthesis, and, as specifically exemplified herein, by employing transgenic plants. The genome of such plants can contain antisense nucleic acid constructs that inhibit the synthesis of particular enzymes in the GA biosynthetic pathway, or that encode GA deactivating enzymes that interfere with GA activity in planta.

Rescue compounds of the present invention, however derived, preferably possess one or more of the following properties:

(1) That are not directly or intrinsically bioactive per se;

(2) That are not immediately bioactive, or that exhibit low bioactivity compared to GA compounds naturally occurring in the species or variety of plant to which they are applied;

(3) That are available for bioconversion in the appropriate tissue, e.g., the hypocotyl and/or epicotyl, and that can be converted to bioactive gibberellins in planta in the appropriate amount as needed by the seedling at or by the appropriate developmental stage;

(4) That are sufficiently stable in planta, in soil, and on plant surfaces to exert their rescue effect;

(5) That are translocatable within the seedling or plantlet;

(6) That exhibit selective bioactivity in specific tissue(s) (tissue specificity), such as the hypocotyl and/or epicotyl. This tissue-specific bioactivity can also be developmental stage-specific or intensive (temporal specificity);

(7) That are capable of rescuing GA-deficient plants without over-supplying bioactive gibberellins during the early stages of seedling emergence;

(8) That do not cause undesirable hypocotyl or epicotyl overelongation during seedling emergence;

(9) That exhibit lower bioactivity on normal plants than on GA-deficient plants, and that therefore do not cause undesirable overelongation of normal, non-GA-deficient plants;

(10) That are capable of restoring substantially normal growth, development, and morphology in GA-deficient plants without causing substantial abnormal growth, development, and morphology due to oversupply or activity of bioactive GAs;

(11) That do not cause increased hypocotyl fragility;

(12) That do not adversely affect seedling emergence;

(13) That do not adversely affect plant stand count or yield;

(14) That do not cause stem overelongation;

(15) That do not cause thinning of stem cell walls;

(16) That do not weaken stems;

(17) That do not promote insect and disease infestation; and

(18) That are cheaply produced.

Candidate compounds for rescue of GA-deficient transgenic or non-transgenic, wild-type soybeans or other plants include C


and C


gibberellins, including the presently known 121 naturally occurring gibberellins of plant or fungal origin. The structures of GAs 1-121 naturally occurring in plant and fungi are known in the art. In addition to these compounds, the biosynthetic precursors and intermediates shown in

FIGS. 1 and 2

of Hedden and Kamiya (cited above), and the metabolic intermediates leading from these biosynthetic intermediates to final gibberellin end products in plants and fungi, are also candidate rescue compounds. Chemically synthesized GA compounds, and derivatives of any of the foregoing compounds produced by biological or chemical means, are also candidates for rescue compounds useful in the present invention. Preferred esters of carboxyl groups are methyl esters; preferred derivatives of hydroxyl groups are acetate derivatives. In addition, gibberellins can exist as conjugates, for example with a molecule of glucose, either by an ether or an ester linkage. Such conjugation may temporarily or permanently inactivate a GA. Preferred conjugates are those of sugars with hydroxyl and/or carboxyl groups. GA compounds, precursors, and derivatives temporarily inactivated by conjugation are also encompassed within the scope of the present invention as such conjugation may be effective to retard conjugate activity sufficiently for the purposes disclosed herein without eliminating bioactivity entirely.

Plant growth regulators and hormones include auxins, such as indoleacetic acid and 2,4-D; gibberellins; cytokinins, such as zeatin and benzyladenine; dormins, such as abscisic acid and xanthoxin; and alkenes such as ethylene and propylene. Auxins generally promote elongation of stems and stemlike organs of higher plants. Cytokinins generally stimulate cell division. Dormins generally inhibit growth, suppress shoot elongation, induce the formation of resting buds, and promote leaf abscission. Alkenes such as ethylene generally inhibit elongation of plant tissues, promote senescence, and promote fruit ripening. Auxins include, for example, centrophenoxine, p-chlorophenoxyacetic acid, chlorogenic acid, trans-cinnamic acid, 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, indole-3-acetic acid, indole-3-acetic acid methyl ester, indole-3-acetyl-L-alanine, indole-3-acetyl-L-aspartic acid, indole-3-acetyl-L-phenylalanine, indole-3-acetylglycine, indole-3-butyric acid, indole-3-butyryl-β-alanine, indole-3-propionic acid, (α-naphthaleneacetic acid, β-naphthoxyacetic acid, phenylacetic acid, picloram, 2,4,5-tricholorophenoxyacetic acid, and 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid. Cytokinins include, for example, adenine, adenine hemisulfate, 6-benzylaminopurine, 6-benzylaminopurine riboside, N-benzyl-9-(2-tetrahydropyranyl)adenine, N-(2-chloro-4-pyridyl)-N′-phenylurea, DL-dihydrozeatin, 6-(γ,γ-dimethylallylamino)purine, 6-(γ,γ-dimethylallylamino)purine riboside, 1,3-diphenylurea, kinetin, kinetin riboside, 1-phenyl-3-(1,2,3-thiadiazol-5-yl)urea, zeatin, trans-zeatin O-β-D-glucopyranoside, and zeatin riboside.

It should be noted that combinations of any of the foregoing GA compounds and other plant hormones and growth regulators can be used as rescue compounds in the methods of the present invention. It should be further noted that the methods of the invention can be applied to transgenic plants containing traits of agronomic importance, e.g., insect resistance, herbicide resistance, virus resistance, fungal resistance, nematode resistance, disease resistance, modified nutrient profile, yield, etc.

Terms that may be used herein to describe substituents of GA compounds useful in the present invention are defined below.

The term “hydrido” denotes a single hydrogen atom (H). This hydrido radical may be attached, for example, to an oxygen atom to form a hydroxyl radical, or two hydrido radicals may be attached to a carbon atom to form a methylene radical.

Where used, either alone or within other terms such as “haloalkyl”, “alkylsulfonyl”, “alkoxyalkyl” and “hydroxyalkyl”, “cyanoalkyl” and “mercaptoalkyl”, the term “alkyl” embraces linear or branched radicals having one to about twenty carbon atoms or, preferably, one to about twelve carbon atoms. More preferred alkyl radicals are “lower alkyl” radicals having one to about ten carbon atoms. Most preferred are lower alkyl radicals having one to about six carbon atoms. Examples of such radicals include methyl, ethyl, n-propyl, isopropyl, n-butyl, isobutyl, sec-butyl, tert-butyl, pentyl, iso-amyl, hexyl and the like.

The term “alkenyl” embraces linear or branched radicals having at least one carbon-carbon double bond of two to about twenty carbon atoms or, preferably, two to about twelve carbon atoms. More preferred alkenyl radicals are “lower alkenyl” radicals having two to about six carbon atoms. Examples of alkenyl radicals include ethenyl, allyl, propenyl, butenyl, and 4-methylbutenyl. The terms “alkenyl” and “lower alkenyl” embrace radicals having “cis” and “trans” orientations, or alternatively, “E” and “Z” orientations. The term “alkynyl” embraces linear or branched radicals having at least one carbon-carbon triple bond of two to about twenty carbon atoms or, preferably, two to about twelve carbon atoms. More preferred alkynyl radicals are “lower alkynyl” radicals having two to about six carbon atoms. Examples of alkynyl radicals include propargyl, 1-propynyl, 2-propynyl, 1-butyne, 2-butenyl, and 1-pentynyl.

The term “cycloalkyl” embraces saturated carbocyclic radicals having three to about twelve carbon atoms. The term “cycloalkyl” embraces saturated carbocyclic radicals having three to about twelve carbon atoms. More preferred cycloalkyl radicals are “lower cycloalkyl” radicals having three to about eight carbon atoms. Examples of such radicals include cyclopropyl, cyclobutyl, cyclopentyl, and cyclohexyl. The term “cycloalkylalkylene” embraces alkyl radicals substituted with a cycloalkyl radical. More preferred cycloalkylalkylene radicals are “lower cycloalkylalkylene” which embrace lower alkyl radicals substituted with a lower cycloalkyl radical as defined above. Examples of such radicals include cyclopropylmethyl, cyclobutylmethyl, cyclopentylmethyl and cyclohexylmethyl. The term “cycloalkenyl” embraces partially unsaturated carbocyclic radicals having three to twelve carbon atoms. Cycloalkenyl radicals that are partially unsaturated carbocyclic radicals that contain two double bonds (that may or may not be conjugated) can be called “cycloalkyldienyl”. More preferred cycloalkenyl radicals are “lower cycloalkenyl” radicals having four to about eight carbon atoms. Examples of such radicals include cyclobutenyl, cyclopentenyl, and cyclohexenyl.

The term “halo” means halogens such as fluorine, chlorine, bromine or iodine. The term “haloalkyl” embraces radicals wherein any one or more of the alkyl carbon atoms is substituted with halo as defined above. Specifically embraced are monohaloalkyl, dihaloalkyl, and polyhaloalkyl radicals. A monohaloalkyl radical, for one example, may have either an iodo, bromo, chloro, or fluoro atom within the radical. Dihalo and polyhaloalkyl radicals may have two or more of the same halo atoms or a combination of different halo radicals. “Lower haloalkyl” embraces radicals having one to six carbon atoms. Examples of haloalkyl radicals include fluoromethyl, difluoromethyl, trifluoromethyl, chloromethyl, dichloromethyl, trichloromethyl, trichloromethyl, pentafluoroethyl, heptafluoropropyl, difluorochloromethyl, dichlorofluoromethyl, difluoroethyl, difluoropropyl, dichloroethyl and dichloropropyl.

The term “hydroxyalkyl” embraces linear or branched alkyl radicals having one to about ten carbon atoms any one of which may be substituted with one or more hydroxyl radicals. More preferred hydroxyalkyl radicals are “lower hydroxyalkyl” radicals having one to six carbon atoms and one or more hydroxyl radicals. Examples of such radicals include hydroxymethyl, hydroxyethyl, hydroxypropyl, hydroxybutyl, and hydroxyhexyl.

The terms “alkoxy” and “alkyloxy” embrace linear or branched oxy-containing radicals each having alkyl portions of one to about ten carbon atoms. More preferred alkoxy radicals are “lower alkoxy” radicals having one to six carbon atoms. Examples of such radicals include methoxy, ethoxy, propoxy, butoxy, and tert-butoxy. The term “alkoxyalkyl” embraces alkyl radicals having one or more alkoxy radicals attached to the alkyl radical, that is, to form monoalkoxyalkyl and dialkoxyalkyl radicals. The “alkoxy” radicals may be further substituted with one or more halo atoms, such as fluoro, chloro, or bromo, to provide haloalkoxy radicals.

The term “aryl”, alone or in combination, means a carbocyclic aromatic system containing one, two, or three rings wherein such rings may be attached together in a pendent manner, or may be fused. The term “aryl” embraces aromatic radicals such as phenyl, naphthyl, tetrahydronaphthyl, indane, and biphenyl. Aryl moieties may also be substituted at a substitutable position with one or more substituents selected independently from halo, alkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, aryl, heterocyclyl, alkylthio, arylthio, alkylthioalkylene, arylthioalkylene, alkylsulfinyl, alkylsulfinylalkylene, arylsulfinylalkylene, alkylsulfonyl, alkylsulfonylalkylene, arylsulfonylalkylene, alkoxy, aryloxy, aralkoxy, aminocarbonyl, alkylaminocarbonyl, arylaminocarbonyl, alkoxycarbonyl, aryloxycarbonyl, haloalkyl, amino, cyano, nitro, alkylamino, arylamino, alkylaminoalkylene, arylaminoalkylene, aminoalkylamino, hydroxy, alkoxyalkyl, carboxyalkyl, alkoxycarbonylalkyl, aminocarbonylalkylene, acyl, carboxy, and aralkoxycarbonyl.

The term “heterocyclyl” embraces saturated, partially unsaturated, and unsaturated heteroatom-containing ring-shaped radicals, which can also be called “heterocyclyl”, “heterocycloalkenyl”, and “heteroaryl” correspondingly, where the heteroatoms may be selected from nitrogen, sulfur, and oxygen. Examples of saturated heterocyclyl radicals include saturated 3 to 6-membered heteromonocyclic groups containing 1 to 4 nitrogen atoms (e.g., pyrrolidinyl, imidazolidinyl, piperidino, piperazinyl, etc.); saturated 3 to 6-membered heteromonocyclic groups containing 1 to 2 oxygen atoms and 1 to 3 nitrogen atoms (e.g., morpholinyl, etc.); saturated 3 to 6-membered heteromonocyclic groups containing 1 to 2 sulfur atoms and 1 to 3 nitrogen atoms (e.g., thiazolidinyl, etc.). Examples of partially unsaturated heterocyclyl radicals include dihydrothiophene, dihydropyran, dihydrofuran, and dihydrothiazole. Heterocyclyl radicals may include a pentavalent nitrogen, such as in tetrazolium and pyridinium radicals. The term “heteroaryl” embraces unsaturated heterocyclyl radicals. Examples of heteroaryl radicals include unsaturated 3 to 6-membered heteromonocyclic groups containing 1 to 4 nitrogen atoms, for example, pyrrolyl, pyrrolinyl, imidazolyl, pyrazolyl, pyridyl, pyrimidyl, pyrazinyl, pyridazinyl, triazolyl (e.g., 4H-1,2,4-triazolyl, 1H-1,2,3-triazolyl, 2H-1,2,3-triazolyl, etc.), tetrazolyl (e.g., 1H-tetrazolyl, 2H-tetrazolyl, etc.), etc.; unsaturated condensed heterocyclyl groups containing 1 to 5 nitrogen atoms, for example, indolyl, isoindolyl, indolizinyl, benzimidazolyl, quinolyl, isoquinolyl, indazolyl, benzotriazolyl, tetrazolopyridazinyl (e.g., tetrazolo[1,5-b]pyridazinyl, etc.), etc.; unsaturated 3 to 6-membered heteromonocyclic groups containing an oxygen atom, for example, pyranyl, furyl, etc.; unsaturated 3 to 6-membered heteromonocyclic group containing a sulfur atom, for example, thienyl, etc.; unsaturated 3- to 6-membered heteromonocyclic groups containing 1 to 2 oxygen atoms and 1 to 3 nitrogen atoms, for example, oxazolyl, isoxazolyl, oxadiazolyl (e.g., 1,2,4-oxadiazolyl, 1,3,4-oxadiazolyl, 1,2,5-oxadiazolyl, etc.) etc.; unsaturated condensed heterocyclyl groups containing 1 to 2 oxygen atoms and 1 to 3 nitrogen atoms (e.g. benzoxazolyl, benzoxadiazolyl, etc.); unsaturated 3- to 6-membered heteromonocyclic groups containing 1 to 2 sulfur atoms and 1 to 3 nitrogen atoms, for example, thiazolyl, thiadiazolyl (e.g., 1,2,4-thiadiazolyl, 1,3,4-thiadiazolyl, 1,2,5-thiadiazolyl, etc.) etc.; unsaturated condensed heterocyclyl groups containing 1 to 2 sulfur atoms and 1 to 3 nitrogen atoms (e.g., benzothiazolyl, benzothiadiazolyl, etc.), and the like. The term “heterocycle” also embraces radicals where heterocyclyl radicals are fused with aryl or cycloalkyl radicals. Examples of such fused bicyclic radicals include benzofuran, benzothiophene, and the like. Said “heterocyclyl group” may have 1 to 3 substituents such as alkyl, hydroxyl, halo, alkoxy, oxo, amino, alkylthio, and alkylamino. The term “heterocyclylalkylene” embraces heterocyclyl-substituted alkyl radicals. More preferred heterocyclylalkylene radicals are “lower heterocyclylalkylene” radicals having one to six carbon atoms and a heterocyclyl radicals. The term “alkylthio” embraces radicals containing a linear or branched alkyl radical of one to about ten carbon atoms attached to a divalent sulfur atom. More preferred alkylthio radicals are “lower alkylthio” radicals having alkyl radicals of one to six carbon atoms. Examples of such lower alkylthio radicals are methylthio, ethylthio, propylthio, butylthio, and hexylthio.

The term “alkylthioalkylene” embraces radicals containing an alkylthio radical attached through the divalent sulfur atom to an alkyl radical of one to about ten carbon atoms. More preferred alkylthioalkylene radicals are “lower alkylthioalkylene” radicals having alkyl radicals of one to six carbon atoms. Examples of such lower alkylthioalkylene radicals include methylthiomethyl.

The term “alkylsulfinyl” embraces radicals containing a linear or branched alkyl radical, of one to about ten carbon atoms, attached to a divalent —S(═O)— radical. More preferred alkylsulfinyl radicals are “lower alkylsulfinyl” radicals having alkyl radicals of one to six carbon atoms. Examples of such lower alkylsulfinyl radicals include methylsulfinyl, ethylsulfinyl, butylsulfinyl, and hexylsulfinyl.

The term “sulfonyl”, whether used alone, or linked to other terms such as “alkylsulfonyl”, “halosulfonyl”, etc., denotes a divalent radical, —SO2—. “Alkylsulfonyl” embraces alkyl radicals attached to a sulfonyl radical, where alkyl is defined as above. More preferred alkylsulfonyl radicals are “lower alkylsulfonyl” radicals having one to six carbon atoms. Examples of such lower alkylsulfonyl radicals include methylsulfonyl, ethylsulfonyl, and propylsulfonyl. The “alkylsulfonyl” radicals may be further substituted with one or more halo atoms, such as fluoro, chloro, or bromo to provide haloalkylsulfonyl radicals. The term “halosulfonyl” embraces halo radicals attached to a sulfonyl radical. Examples of such halosulfonyl radicals include chlorosulfonyl, and bromosulfonyl. The terms “sulfamyl”, “aminosulfonyl” and “sulfonamidyl” denote NH





The term “acyl” denotes a radical provided by the residue after removal of hydroxyl from an organic acid. Examples of such acyl radicals include alkanoyl and aroyl radicals. Examples of such alkanoyl radicals include formyl, acetyl, propionyl, butyryl, isobutyryl, valeryl, isovaleryl, pivaloyl, hexanoyl, and radicals formed from succinic, glycolic, gluconic, lactic, malic, tartaric, citric, ascorbic, glucuronic, maleic, fumaric, pyruvic, mandelic, pantothenic, -hydroxybutyric, galactaric, and galacturonic acids.

The term “carbonyl”, whether used alone or with other terms, such as “alkoxycarbonyl”, denotes —(C═O)—. The terms “carboxy” or “carboxyl”, whether used alone or with other terms, such as “carboxyalkyl”, denotes —CO2H. The term “carboxyalkyl” embraces alkyl radicals substituted with a carboxy radical. More preferred are “lower carboxyalkyl” which embrace lower alkyl radicals as defined above, and may be additionally substituted on the alkyl radical with halo. Examples of such lower carboxyalkyl radicals include carboxymethyl, carboxyethyl, and carboxypropyl. The term “alkoxycarbonyl” means a radical containing an alkoxy radical, as defined above, attached via an oxygen atom to a carbonyl radical. More preferred are “lower alkoxycarbonyl” radicals with alkyl portions having one to six carbons. Examples of such lower alkoxycarbonyl (ester) radicals include substituted or unsubstituted methoxycarbonyl, ethoxycarbonyl, propoxycarbonyl, butoxycarbonyl, and hexyloxycarbonyl. The term “alkoxycarbonylalkyl” embraces alkyl radicals substituted with a alkoxycarbonyl radical as defined above. More preferred are “lower alkoxycarbonylalkyl” radicals with alkyl portions having one to six carbons. Examples of such lower alkoxycarbonylalkyl radicals include substituted or unsubstituted methoxycarbonylmethyl, ethoxycarbonylmethyl, methoxycarbonylethyl, and ethoxycarbonylethyl. The term “alkylcarbonyl”, includes radicals having alkyl radicals, as defined herein, attached to a carbonyl radical. Examples of such radicals include substituted or unsubstituted methylcarbonyl, ethylcarbonyl, propylcarbonyl, butylcarbonyl, pentylcarbonyl, hydroxymethylcarbonyl, and hydroxyethylcarbonyl.

The term “aralkyl” embraces aryl-substituted alkyl radicals such as benzyl, diphenylmethyl, triphenylmethyl, phenylethyl, and diphenylethyl. The aryl in said aralkyl may be additionally substituted with one or more substituents selected independently from halo, alkyl, alkoxy, halkoalkyl, haloalkoxy, amino, and nitro. The terms benzyl and phenylmethyl are interchangeable.

The term “heterocyclylalkylene” embraces saturated and partially unsaturated heterocyclyl-substituted alkyl radicals (which can also be called heterocycloalkylalkylene and heterocycloalkenylalkylene, correspondingly), such as pyrrolidinylmethyl, and heteroaryl-substituted alkyl radicals (which can also be called heteroarylalkylene), such as pyridylmethyl, quinolylmethyl, thienylmethyl, fuirylethyl, and quinolylethyl. The heteroaryl in said heteroaralkyl may be additionally substituted with halo, alkyl, alkoxy, halkoalkyl, and haloalkoxy.

The term “aryloxy” embraces aryl radicals attached through an oxygen atom to other radicals. The term “aralkoxy” embraces aralkyl radicals attached through an oxygen atom to other radicals.

The term “aminoalkyl” embraces alkyl radicals substituted with amino radicals. More preferred are “lower aminoalkyl” radicals. Examples of such radicals include aminomethyl, aminoethyl, and the like. The term “alkylamino” denotes amino groups which are substituted with one or two alkyl radicals. Preferred are “lower alkylamino” radicals having alkyl portions having one to six carbon atoms. Suitable lower alkylamino groups may be monosubstituted N-alkylamino or disubstituted N,N-alkylamino, such as N-methylamino, N-ethylamino, N,N-dimethylamino, N,N-diethylamino, or the like. The term “arylamino” denotes amino groups which are substituted with one or two aryl radicals, such as N-phenylamino. The “arylamino” radicals may be further substituted on the aryl ring portion of the radical. The term “aminocarbonyl” denotes an amide group of the formula —C(═O)NH


. The term “alkylaminocarbonyl” denotes an aminocarbonyl group which has been substituted with one or two alkyl radicals on the amino nitrogen atom. Preferred are “N-alkylaminocarbonyl” and “N,N-dialkylaminocarbonyl” radicals. More preferred are “lower N-alkylaminocarbonyl” and “lower N,N-dialkylaminocarbonyl” radicals with lower alkyl portions as defined above. The term “alkylcarbonylamino” embraces amino groups which are substituted with one alkylcarbonyl radicals. More preferred alkylcarbonylamino radicals are “lower alkylcarbonylamino” having lower alkylcarbonyl radicals as defined above attached to amino radicals. The term “alkylaminoalkylene” embraces radicals having one or more alkyl radicals attached to an aminoalkyl radical.

The “hydrocarbon” moieties described herein are organic compounds or radicals consisting exclusively of the elements carbon and hydrogen. These moieties include alkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, and aryl moieties. These moieties also include alkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, and aryl moieties substituted with other aliphatic or cyclic hydrocarbon groups, such as alkaryl, alkenaryl, and alkynaryl. Preferably, these moieties comprise 1 to 20 carbon atoms.

The heterosubstituted hydrocarbon moieties described herein are hydrocarbon moieties which are substituted with at least one atom other than carbon, including moieties in which a carbon chain atom is substituted with a hetero atom such as nitrogen, oxygen, sulfur, or a halogen atom. These substituents include lower alkoxy, such as methoxy, ethoxy, and butoxy; halogen, such as chloro or fluoro; ethers; acetals; ketals; esters; heterocyclyl such as furyl or thienyl; alkanoxy; hydroxy; protected hydroxy; acyl; acyloxy; nitro; cyano; amino; and amido.

The additional terms used to describe substituents of the ent-gibberellane ring system which are not specifically defined herein are defined in a manner similar to that illustrated in the foregoing definitions. As above, more preferred substituents are those containing “lower” radicals. Unless otherwise defined to contrary, the term “lower” as used herein means that each alkyl radical of an ent-gibberellane ring system substituent comprising one or more alkyl radicals has one to about six carbon atoms; each alkenyl radical of an ent-gibberellane ring system substituent comprising one or more alkenyl radicals has two to about six carbon atoms; each alkynyl radical of an ent-gibberellane ring system substituent comprising one or more alkynyl radicals has two to about six carbon atoms; each cycloalkyl or cycloalkenyl radical of an ent-gibberellane ring system substituent comprising one or more cycloalkyl and/or cycloalkenyl radicals is a 3 to 8 membered ring cycloalkyl or cycloalkenyl radical, respectively; each aryl radical of an ent-gibberellane ring system substituent comprising one or more aryl radicals is a monocyclic aryl radical; and each heterocyclyl radical of an ent-gibberellane ring system substituent comprising one or more heterocyclyl radicals is a 4-8 membered ring heterocyclyl.

The present invention also comprises compounds as disclosed herein having one or more asymmetric carbons. It is known to those skilled in the art that those GAs of the present invention having asymmetric carbon atoms may exist in diastereomeric, racemic, or optically active forms. All of these forms are contemplated within the scope of this invention. More specifically, the present invention includes all tautomers, enantiomers, diastereomers, racemic mixtures, and other mixtures thereof.

Derivatives of GA compounds useful in the present invention include structures based on various GA ring structures as follows:

wherein R


, R


, R


, R


, R


, R


, and R


are each independently selected from hydrido, hydroxy, “protected” hydroxy, hydrido isotopes, alkyl, alkoxy, alkenyl, alkynyl, halo, thio, alkylthio, amino, and alkylamino;



is selected from alkyl, e.g., methyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, hydroxyalkyl, alkoxyalkyl, cyano, cyanoalkyl, aminoalkyl, aminocarbonyl, alkanoyl, carboxy, carboxyalkyl, and alkoxycarbonyl; and



is selected from carboxylate, “protected” carboxylate, alkyl, hydroxyalkyl, alkoxyalkyl, haloalkyl, haloalkoxy, cyano, cyanoalkyl, aminoalkyl, aminocarbonyl, alkanoyl, sulfonyl, alkylsulfonyl, halosulfonyl, alkylsulfinyl, phosphonyl, phosphinyl, alkylphosphinyl, hydroxamyl, tetrazolyl, acylhydroxamino, alkylthioalkylene, arylthioalkylene, carboxy, carboxyalkyl, alkoxycarbonyl, heterocycle-substituted acyl, and aralkoxyalkyl.

wherein R


, R


, and R


are each independently selected from hydrido, hydroxy, “protected” hydrido isotopes, alkyl, alkoxy, alkenyl, alkynyl, halo, thio, alkylthio, amino, and alkylamino;



is selected from alkyl, e.g., methyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, hydroxyalkyl, alkoxyalkyl, cyano, cyanoalkyl, aminoalkyl, aminocarbonyl, alkanoyl, carboxy, carboxyalkyl, and alkoxycarbonyl; and



is selected from carboxylate, “protected” carboxylate, alkyl, hydroxyalkyl, alkoxyalkyl, haloalkyl, haloalkoxy, cyano, cyanoalkyl, aminoalkyl, aminocarbonyl, alkanoyl, sulfonyl, alkylsulfonyl, halosulfonyl, alkylsulfinyl, phosphonyl, phosphinyl, alkylphosphinyl, hydroxamyl, tetrazolyl, acylhydroxamino, alkylthioalkylene, arylthioalkylene, carboxy, carboxyalkyl, alkoxycarbonyl, heterocycle-substituted acyl, and aralkoxyalkyl.

wherein R


, R


, R


, R


, and R


are each independently selected from hydrido, hydroxy, “protected” hydroxy, hydrido isotopes, alkyl, alkoxy, alkenyl, alkynyl, halo, thio, alkylthio, amino, and alkylamino;



is selected from alkyl, e.g., methyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, hydroxyalkyl, alkoxyalkyl, cyano, cyanoalkyl, aminoalkyl, aminocarbonyl, alkanoyl, carboxy, carboxyalkyl, and alkoxycarbonyl; and



is selected from carboxylate, “protected” carboxylate, alkyl, hydroxyalkyl, alkoxyalkyl, haloalkyl, haloalkoxy, cyano, cyanoalkyl, aminoalkyl, aminocarbonyl, alkanoyl, sulfonyl, alkylsulfonyl, halosulfonyl, alkylsulfinyl, phosphonyl, phosphinyl, alkylphosphinyl, hydroxamyl, tetrazolyl, acylhydroxamino, alkylthioalkylene, arylthioalkylene, carboxy, carboxyalkyl, alkoxycarbonyl, heterocycle-substituted acyl, and aralkoxyalkyl.

wherein R


, R


, and R


are each independently selected from hydrido, hydroxy, “protected” hydroxy, hydrido isotopes, alkyl, alkoxy, alkenyl, alkynyl, halo, thio, alkylthio, amino, and alkylamino;



is selected from alkyl, e.g., methyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, hydroxyalkyl, alkoxyalkyl, cyano, cyanoalkyl, aminoalkyl, aminocarbonyl, alkanoyl, carboxy, carboxyalkyl, and alkoxycarbonyl; and



is selected from carboxylate, “protected” carboxylate, alkyl, hydroxyalkyl, alkoxyalkyl, haloalkyl, haloalkoxy, cyano, cyanoalkyl, aminoalkyl, aminocarbonyl, alkanoyl, sulfonyl, alkylsulfonyl, halosulfonyl, alkylsulfinyl, phosphonyl, phosphinyl, alkylphosphinyl, hydroxamyl, tetrazolyl, acylhydroxamino, alkylthioalkylene, arylthioalkylene, carboxy, carboxyalkyl, alkoxycarbonyl, heterocycle-substituted acyl, and aralkoxyalkyl.

wherein R


, R


, and R


are each independently selected from hydrido, hydroxy, “protected” hydroxy, hydrido isotopes, alkyl, alkoxy, alkenyl, alkynyl, halo, thio, alkylthio, amino, and alkylamino;



is selected from alkyl, e.g., methyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, hydroxyalkyl, alkoxyalkyl, cyano, cyanoalkyl, aminoalkyl, aminocarbonyl, alkanoyl, carboxy, carboxyalkyl, and alkoxycarbonyl; and



is selected from carboxylate, “protected” carboxylate, alkyl, hydroxyalkyl, alkoxyalkyl, haloalkyl, haloalkoxy, cyano, cyanoalkyl, aminoalkyl, aminocarbonyl, alkanoyl, sulfonyl, alkylsulfonyl, halosulfonyl, alkylsulfinyl, phosphonyl, phosphinyl, alkylphosphinyl, hydroxamyl, tetrazolyl, acylhydroxamino, alkylthioalkylene, arylthioalkylene, carboxy, carboxyalkyl, alkoxycarbonyl, heterocycle-substituted acyl, and aralkoxyalkyl.

wherein R


, R


, R


, R


, and R


are each independently selected from hydrido, hydroxy, “protected” hydroxy, hydrido isotopes, alkyl, alkoxy, alkenyl, alkynyl, halo, thio, alkylthio, amino, and alkylamino;



and R


are each independently selected from alkyl, e.g., methyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, hydroxyalkyl, alkoxyalkyl, cyano, cyanoalkyl, aminoalkyl, aminocarbonyl, alkanoyl, carboxy, carboxyalkyl, and alkoxycarbonyl; and



and R


are each independently selected from carboxylate, “protected” carboxylate, alkyl, hydroxyalkyl, alkoxyalkyl, haloalkyl, haloalkoxy, cyano, cyanoalkyl, aminoalkyl, aminocarbonyl, alkanoyl, sulfonyl, alkylsulfonyl, halosulfonyl, alkylsulfinyl, phosphonyl, phosphinyl, alkylphosphinyl, hydroxamyl, tetrazolyl, acylhydroxamino, alkylthioalkylene, arylthioalkylene, carboxy, carboxyalkyl, alkoxycarbonyl, heterocycle-substituted acyl, and aralkoxyalkyl.

wherein R


, R


, R


, R


, R


, and R


are each independently selected from hydrido, hydroxy, “protected” hydroxy, hydrido isotopes, alkyl, alkoxy, alkenyl, alkynyl, halo, thio, alkylthio, amino, and alkylamino;



is selected from alkyl, e.g., methyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, hydroxyalkyl, alkoxyalkyl, cyano, cyanoalkyl, aminoalkyl, aminocarbonyl, alkanoyl, carboxy, carboxyalkyl, and alkoxycarbonyl; and



is selected from carboxylate, “protected” carboxylate, alkyl, hydroxyalkyl, alkoxyalkyl, haloalkyl, haloalkoxy, cyano, cyanoalkyl, aminoalkyl, aminocarbonyl, alkanoyl, sulfonyl, alkylsulfonyl, halosulfonyl, alkylsulfinyl, phosphonyl, phosphinyl, alkylphosphinyl, hydroxamyl, tetrazolyl, acylhydroxamino, alkylthioalkylene, arylthioalkylene, carboxy, carboxyalkyl, alkoxycarbonyl, heterocycle-substituted acyl, and aralkoxyalkyl.

wherein R


, R


, and R


are each independently selected from hydrido, hydroxy, “protected” hydroxy; hydrido isotopes, alkyl, alkoxy, alkenyl, alkynyl, halo, thio, alkylthio, amino, and alkylamino;



and R


are each independently selected from alkyl, e.g., methyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, hydroxyalkyl, alkoxyalkyl, cyano, cyanoalkyl, aminoalkyl, aminocarbonyl, alkanoyl, carboxy, carboxyalkyl, and alkoxycarbonyl; and



and R


are each independently selected from carboxylate, “protected” carboxylate, alkyl, hydroxyalkyl, alkoxyalkyl, haloalkyl, haloalkoxy, cyano, cyanoalkyl, aminoalkyl, aminocarbonyl, alkanoyl, sulfonyl, alkylsulfonyl, halosulfonyl, alkylsulfinyl, phosphonyl, phosphinyl, alkylphosphinyl, hydroxamyl, tetrazolyl, acylhydroxamino, alkylthioalkylene, arylthioalkylene, carboxy, carboxyalkyl, alkoxycarbonyl, heterocycle-substituted acyl, and aralkoxyalkyl.

wherein R


, R


, and R


are each independently selected from hydrido, hydroxy, “protected” hydroxy, hydrido isotopes, alkyl, alkoxy, alkenyl, alkynyl, halo, thio, alkylthio, amino, and alkylamino;



is selected from alkyl, e.g., methyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, hydroxyalkyl, alkoxyalkyl, cyano, cyanoalkyl, aminoalkyl, aminocarbonyl, alkanoyl, carboxy, carboxyalkyl, and alkoxycarbonyl; and



is selected from carboxylate, “protected” carboxylate, alkyl, hydroxyalkyl, alkoxyalkyl, haloalkyl, haloalkoxy, cyano, cyanoalkyl, aminoalkyl, aminocarbonyl, alkanoyl, sulfonyl, alkylsulfonyl, halosulfonyl, alkylsulfinyl, phosphonyl, phosphinyl, alkylphosphinyl, hydroxamyl, tetrazolyl, acylhydroxamino, alkylthioalkylene, arylthioalkylene, carboxy, carboxyalkyl, alkoxycarbonyl, heterocycle-substituted acyl, and aralkoxyalkyl.

wherein R


, R


, R


, and R


are each independently selected from hydrido, hydroxy, “protected” hydroxy, hydrido isotopes, alkyl, alkoxy, alkenyl, alkynyl, halo, thio, alkylthio, amino, and alkylamino;



is selected from alkyl, e.g., methyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, hydroxyalkyl, alkoxyalkyl, cyano, cyanoalkyl, aminoalkyl, aminocarbonyl, alkanoyl, carboxy, carboxyalkyl, and alkoxycarbonyl; and



is selected from carboxylate, “protected” carboxylate, alkyl, hydroxyalkyl, alkoxyalkyl, haloalkyl, haloalkoxy, cyano, cyanoalkyl, aminoalkyl, aminocarbonyl, alkanoyl, sulfonyl, alkylsulfonyl, halosulfonyl, alkylsulfinyl, phosphonyl, phosphinyl, alkylphosphinyl, hydroxamyl, tetrazolyl, acylhydroxamino, alkylthioalkylene, arylthioalkylene, carboxy, carboxyalkyl, alkoxycarbonyl, heterocycle-substituted acyl, and aralkoxyalkyl.

wherein R


are R


are each independently selected from hydrido, hydroxy, “protected” hydroxy, hydrido isotopes, alkyl, alkoxy, alkenyl, alkynyl, halo, thio, alkylthio, amino, and alkylamino;



is selected from alkyl, e.g., methyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, hydroxyalkyl, alkoxyalkyl, cyano, cyanoalkyl, aminoalkyl, aminocarbonyl, alkanoyl, carboxy, carboxyalkyl, and alkoxycarbonyl; and



is selected from carboxylate, “protected” carboxylate, alkyl, hydroxyalkyl, alkoxyalkyl, haloalkyl, haloalkoxy, cyano, cyanoalkyl, aminoalkyl, aminocarbonyl, alkanoyl, sulfonyl, alkylsulfonyl, halosulfonyl, alkylsulfinyl, phosphonyl, phosphinyl, alkylphosphinyl, hydroxamyl, tetrazolyl, acylhydroxamino, alkylthioalkylene, arylthioalkylene, carboxy, carboxyalkyl, alkoxycarbonyl, heterocycle-substituted acyl, and aralkoxyalkyl.

wherein R


and R


are each independently selected from hydrido, hydroxy, “protected” hydroxy, hydrido isotopes, alkyl, alkoxy, alkenyl, alkynyl, halo, thio, alkylthio, amino, and alkylamino; and



is selected from alkyl, e.g., methyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, hydroxyalkyl, alkoxyalkyl, cyano, cyanoalkyl, aminoalkyl, aminocarbonyl, alkanoyl, carboxy, carboxyalkyl, and alkoxycarbonyl; and



is selected from carboxylate, “protected” carboxylate, alkyl, hydroxyalkyl, alkoxyalkyl, haloalkyl, haloalkoxy, cyano, cyanoalkyl, aminoalkyl, aminocarbonyl, alkanoyl, sulfonyl, alkylsulfonyl, halosulfonyl, alkylsulfinyl, phosphonyl, phosphinyl, alkylphosphinyl, hydroxamyl, tetrazolyl, acylhydroxamino, alkylthioalkylene, arylthioalkylene, carboxy, carboxyalkyl, alkoxycarbonyl, heterocycle-substituted acyl, and aralkoxyalkyl.

wherein R


is selected from alkyl, e.g., methyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, hydroxyalkyl, alkoxyalkyl, cyano, cyanoalkyl, aminoalkyl, aminocarbonyl, alkanoyl, carboxy, carboxyalkyl, and alkoxycarbonyl; and



is selected from carboxylate; “protected” carboxylate, alkyl, hydroxyalkyl, alkoxyalkyl, haloalkyl, haloalkoxy, cyano, cyanoalkyl, aminoalkyl, aminocarbonyl, alkanoyl, sulfonyl, alkylsulfonyl, halosulfonyl, alkylsulfinyl, phosphonyl, phosphinyl, alkylphosphinyl, hydroxamyl, tetrazolyl, acyihydroxamino, alkylthioalkylene, arylthioalkylene, carboxy, carboxyalkyl, alkoxycarbonyl, heterocycle-substituted acyl, and aralkoxyalkyl.

wherein R


is selected from hydrido, hydroxy, “protected” hydroxy, hydrido isotopes, alkyl, alkoxy, alkenyl, alkynyl, halo, thio, alkylthio, amino, and alkylamino;



and R


are each independently selected from alkyl, e.g., methyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, hydroxyalkyl, alkoxyalkyl, cyano, cyanoalkyl, aminoalkyl, aminocarbonyl, alkanoyl, carboxy, carboxyalkyl, and alkoxycarbonyl; and



is selected from alkyl, hydroxyalkyl, alkoxyalkyl, haloalkyl, haloalkoxy, cyano, cyanoalkyl, aminoalkyl, aminocarbonyl, alkanoyl, sulfonyl, alkylsulfonyl, halosulfonyl, alkylsulfinyl, phosphonyl, phosphinyl, alkylphosphinyl, hydroxamyl, tetrazolyl, acylhydroxamino, alkylthioalkylene, arylthioalkylene, carboxy, carboxyalkyl, alkoxycarbonyl, heterocycle-substituted acyl, and aralkoxyalkyl.

Protecting Groups for Hydroxy: hydroxy groups can be protected by forming the corresponding ethers. Some examples of protecting groups include methyl, substituted methyl, substituted ethyl, substituted benzyl, and silyl groups.

Protecting Groups for Carboxylates (carboxylic acids): carboxylic acids can be protected by forming the corresponding esters. Some examples of protecting groups include methyl, phenyl, silyl, 9-fluorenylmethyl (Fm), methoxymethyl (MOM), methylthiomethyl (MTM), tetrahydrofuranyl, and methoxyethoxymethyl (MEM). Other methods to protect carboxylic acids include the formation of derivatives. Examples of derivatives include oxazoles, 2-alkyl-1,3-oxazolines, and 4-alkyl-5-oxo-1,3-oxazolidine as well as sulfonates.

Methods for preparing gibberellin derivatives are well known in the art. Note for example: Takahashi et al. (1983) in A. Crozier, ed., Biochem. Physiol. Gibberellins, Praeger, N.Y., p. 457; Pour et al. (1998) Pure & Appl. Chem. 70:351-354; Cross et al. (1968) Tetrahedron 24:231-237; Ali et al. (1997) Z. Naturforsch., B: Chem. Sci. 52:1143-1146; Mander et al. (1997) Tetrahedron 53:2137-2162; Owen et al. (1996) Phytochemistry 42:921-925; Mander et al. (1996) Aust. J. Chem. 49:249-253; Penny et al. (1993) J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 1:541-545; Furber et al. (1992) Acta Crystallogr., Sect. C: Cryst. Struct. Commun. C48(7):1348-50; CL Willis (1990) Tetrahedron Lett. 31:6437-40.

Effective Ranges of GA Compounds for Rescuing Dwarf Plants

GA-deficient phenotypes in plants can be rescued or reversed by the exogenous application of GA compounds as described herein to seeds, seedlings, plantlets, and plants by a variety of methods, including seed coatings and other conventional seed treatments, seed imbibition, hilum treatment, soil drenches, and foliar sprays. The effective dose of the GA compound will depend on many factors, including:

the severity of the GA-deficiency;

the target tissue that is GA-deficient;

the length of time post-germination that the tissue(s) is GA-deficient;

the biotechnology method by which GA-deficiency is introduced to plants;

the environmental conditions of plant growth;

the chemical properties of the GA compound, stability and translocation;

the bioactivity of the GA compound;

the method of application of the GA compound;

the formulation of the GA compound; and

the type of plant.

For example, in side-by-side comparisons using soybean, the same dose of GA


gives substantial differences in hypocotyl elongation depending on the method of application. The relative sensitivity can be: soil drench>hilum treatment>seed imbibition). Also, the dose of GA


, applied as a soil drench, that is needed to fully restore normal seedling height in ancymidol-treated soybean increases with time after planting (10


M at 4 DAP; greater than 10


M at 11 DAP).

For the application of GA compounds as a seed treatment, levels ranging between about 1 ng/seed to about 1 mg/seed would provide an effective dose to restore normal growth and development to GA-deficient plants. A more preferred effective dose is in the range between about 10 ng/seed to about 750 mg/seed. A more preferred dose is in the range between about 50 ng/seed to about 500 mg/seed. An even more preferred dose is in the range between about 75 ng/seed to about 250 mg/seed. An even more preferred dose is in the range between about 0.1 mg/seed to about 100 mg/seed. An even more preferred dose is in the range between about 0.1 mg/seed to about 50 mg/seed. An even more preferred dose is in the range between about 0.1 mg/seed to about 10 mg/seed.

For the application of GA compounds as a soil drench or foliar spray, levels ranging between about 10


M and 10


M would provide an effective dose to restore normal growth and development to GA-deficient seedlings or plants. A more preferred effective dose is in the range between about 10


M and about 10


M. An even more preferred effective dose of a GA compound in a soil drench or foliar spray is in the range between about 10


and about 10



Soil drenches can be applied before planting seeds, or within 2 to 3 weeks post planting, or anytime during plant growth. Foliar applications can be made anytime after germination and during subsequent plant growth.

Formulations Comprising GA Compounds

The GA compounds of the present invention can be formulated and applied to seeds, germinating seeds, seedlings, soil, roots, stems, cotyledons, leaves, etc., by any conventional method, including but not limited to: (1) application as a seed treatment; (2) direct injection into the soil around seeds or in the root zone of developing plants, for example, at a point 2 cm deep and within a 3 cm radius of the plant crown; (3) application as a soil drench or irrigation water; and (4) application as a foliar spray, aerosol, or fumigant. In these formulations, the GA compound(s) may comprise the sole active agent, or the compound(s) can be mixed with other agrichemicals such as fungicides, insecticides, herbicides, and other plant growth regulators.

For these purposes, the GA compound formulations can be prepared in any of the relevant forms conventional in the art including, but not limited to: solid formulations, such as powders or dusts, water dispersible powders, water soluble powders, compositions for seed pelleting or seed coating, water dispersible granules (dry flowable), and impregnated granules; and liquid formulations, such as solutions, suspensions, slurries, flowable concentrates, emulsifiable concentrates, and emulsions. These liquid formulations can be prepared in an aqueous medium (e.g., water), an organic medium (e.g., ethanol or acetone), an inorganic medium, or mixtures thereof (e.g., water/ethanol or water/acetone), at a concentration of active ingredient of from about 0.5% to about 99% by weight, preferably from about 5 to about 50% by weight, based on the weight of the total liquid formulation.

Conventional biologically inactive or inert ingredients can be incorporated along with the GA compounds or in media used for producing the formulations of the present invention. Such inert ingredients include, but are not limited to: conventional sticking agents; dispersing agents, such as methylcellulose (Methocel™ A15LV or Methocel™ A15C, for example, serve as combined dispersant/sticking agents for use in seed treatments); polyvinyl alcohol (e.g., Elvanol 51-05); lecithin (e.g., Yelkinol P); polymeric dispersants (e.g., polyvinylpyrrolidone/vinyl acetate PVP/VA S-630); carriers and thickeners (e.g., clay thickeners such as Van Gel B to improve viscosity and reduce settling of particle suspensions); emulsion stabilizers; wetting agents and surfactants; antifreeze compounds (e.g., urea); dyes; colorants; and the like. Further inert ingredients useful in the formulations of the present invention can be found in McCutcheon's, Vol. 1, “Emulsifiers and Detergents,” MC Publishing Company, Glen Rock, N.J., U.S.A., 1996. Additional inert ingredients useful in the formulations of the present invention can be found in McCutcheon's, Vol. 2, “Functional Materials,” MC Publishing Company, Glen Rock, N.J., U.S.A., 1996.

More particularly, GA compound formulations useful in the present invention include the following:

Seed Treatments

Formulations conventionally used for seed treatment are usually either solid or liquid, and can be of the following types:

A. Solid Formulations

1. Powders for dry-seed treatment, i.e., a powder for application in the dry state directly to the seed. These are sometimes referred to as “dusts.”

2. Water dispersible powders for slurry seed treatment. Such powders are usually dispersed at high concentration in water before application as a slurry to the seed. These are also called “wettable powders.” While the content of water dispersible powders can vary widely due to the active ingredient, application rate, etc., they generally contain components such as wetting agents, dispersing agents, stabilizers, compatibility agents, antifoams, stickers, fillers, etc., in addition to the active ingredient.

3. Water soluble powders for seed treatment. Such powders are usually dissolved in water before application to the seed. This normally gives a clear solution of the active ingredient in water.

4. Pelleted or coated seed. In this case, the seed is embedded in a pellet, or coated in some manner to produce a treated seed.

B. Liquid Formulations

1. Flowable concentrates for seed treatment. These are stable suspensions for application to the seed either directly, or after dilution. These are also called “suspension concentrates.” These types of formulations can contain high concentrations of insoluble or poorly soluble solid active ingredients dispersed in water, and usually contain wetting agents, dispersing agents, antifreezes, antifoams, thickeners, and water in addition to active ingredients. Dispersing agents permit a relatively uniform or homogeneous mixture to form. The dispersing agent preferably also provides a degree of “tackiness” or adhesion to the formulation in order for the formulation to adhere to treated seeds or other plant surfaces, such as roots, hypocotyls, epicotyls, cotyledons, leaves, etc. Suitable dispersing agents include, but are not limited to, aqueous 0.25-1.0% poly(vinyl alcohol), such as Elvanol 51-05 (DuPont) and Methocel™ A15LV.

2. Solutions for application to the seed either directly, or after dilution. Such solutions contain active ingredients in, for example, water or polar solvents miscible in water. This is the simplest and cheapest type of formulation, and can contain an active ingredient(s), a surfactant, a buffer or sequestrant, water, and a polar solvent(s). The pH can be adjusted so as to avoid solubility problems with water soluble active ingredients in the form of salts having a pH-dependent solubility. Sequestrants can be used to avoid flocculation due to salt concentration in dilution water.

3. Emulsifiable concentrates. These are liquid, homogeneous formulations applied as emulsions after dilution in water. Emulsifiable concentrates can contain active ingredients, solvents and cosolvents, emulsifiers, stabilizers, stickers, antifoams, etc.

4. Oil in water emulsions. In these emulsions, the continuous phase is water, with the oil dispersed in the water. In addition to the active ingredient, such emulsions can contain emulsifiers, antifreezes, defoamers, thickeners, biocides, and water.

In addition to the foregoing, any conventional active or inert material can be used for coating seeds with GA compounds according to the present invention, such as conventional film-coating materials including, but not limited to, water-based film coating materials such as Sepiret (Seppic, Inc., Fairfield, N.J.) and Opacoat (Berwind Pharm. Services, Westpoint, Pa.).

Examples of the preparation of these and other types of formulations are described in the literature, for example in U.S. Pat. No. 3,989,501. The GA compound formulations according to the present invention can be applied to seeds by any standard seed treatment methodology, including but not limited to, mixing in a container (e.g., a bottle or bag), mechanical application, tumbling, spraying, or immersion. Combinations of these methods can also be employed. An important consideration in the preparation of seed treatment formulations is that the ingredients be non-phytotoxic to the seed. In addition, colorants are normally added for identification purposes to protect from the direct use of treated seed in human or animal food products. Sticking agents are also commonly used to keep the formulation on the seed during handling, shipping, etc.

One embodiment of the present invention provides a GA compound composition comprising a GA compound in a polymer matrix, and an agricultural adjuvant. The composition can take a variety of forms, including a liquid suspension, a wettable powder, a granule, a water-dispersible granule, a suspension concentrate, or the like. Preferably, the GA compound composition comprises a dispersant. The composition can also comprise an adjuvant. The GA compound composition can also comprise a diluent. The diluent can be either a solid or a liquid diluent. Solid diluents can include, for example, silica, alumina, cellulose, methylcellulose, clay, or a polymer. Liquid diluents can include, for example, water, an organic solvent, or an inorganic solvent.

In addition to GA compound formulations, the present invention also encompasses processes for coating one or more GA compounds onto a seed of a plant, comprising depositing on the seed a composition comprising the GA compound(s). The GA compounds and plants useful in this embodiment are as described above. The GA compound can be used neat (that is, without adjuvants), or it can be applied in a formulated form comprising one or more adjuvants. The coating process can comprise, for example, spraying, dipping, misting, precipitation, coacervation, dusting, tumbling, granulation, or any other method which allows the GA compound to be deposited on the surface of the seed. The coating process can be used alone or in combination with other seed treating processes, such as imbibing.

Seeds can be coated using a variety of methods including imbibition, solid matrix priming, coating, spraying and dusting. Seed treatments can take a variety of forms, including suspension concentrates, solutions, emulsions, powders, granules, as well as using polymeric carriers or stickers. For example, the coating process can comprise spraying a composition comprising the GA compound(s) onto the seed while agitating the seed in an appropriate apparatus, such as a tumbler or a pan granulator.

In one embodiment, when coating seed on a large scale (for example a commercial scale), seed is typically introduced into the treatment equipment (such as a tumbler, a mixer, or a pan granulator) either by weight or by flow rate. The amount of treatment composition that is introduced into the treatment equipment can vary depending on the seed weight to be coated, surface area of the seed, the concentration of the GA compound in the treatment composition, the desired concentration on the finished seed, and the like. The treatment composition can be applied to the seed by a variety of means, for example by a spray nozzle or revolving disc. The amount of liquid is typically determined by assay of the formulation and the required rate of active ingredient necessary for efficacy. As the seed falls into the treatment equipment, the seed can be treated (for example by misting or spraying with the seed treatment composition) and passed through the treater under continual movement/tumbling, where it can be coated evenly and dried before storage or use.

In another embodiment, a known weight of seed can be introduced into the treatment equipment (such as a tumbler, a mixer, or a pan granulator). A known volume of seed treatment composition can be introduced into the treatment equipment at a rate that allows the seed treatment composition to be applied evenly over the seed. During the application, the seed can be mixed, for example by spinning or tumbling. The seed can optionally be dried or partially dried during the tumbling operation. After complete coating, the treated sample can be removed to an area for further drying or additional processing, use, or storage.

In still another embodiment, seeds can be coated in laboratory size commercial treatment equipment such as a tumbler, a mixer, or a pan granulator by introducing a known weight of seeds into the treater, adding the desired amount of seed treatment composition, tumbling or spinning the seeds, and placing them on a tray to dry.

In another embodiment, seeds can also be coated by placing a known amount of seed into a narrow neck bottle or receptacle with a lid. While tumbling, the desired amount of seed treatment composition can be added to the receptacle. The seed is tumbled until it is coated with the seed treatment composition. After coating, the seed can optionally be dried, for example on a tray.

In yet another embodiment of the present invention, a GA compound can be introduced onto or into a seed by use of solid matrix priming. For example, a quantity of the GA compound can be mixed with a solid matrix material, and then the seed can be placed into contact with the solid matrix material for a period to allow the GA compound to be introduced to the seed. The seed can then optionally be separated from the solid matrix material and stored or used, or the mixture of solid matrix material plus seed can be stored or planted directly. Solid matrix materials which are useful in the present invention include polyacrylamide, starch, clay, silica, alumina, soil, sand, polyurea, polyacrylate, or any other material capable of absorbing or adsorbing the GA compound for a time and releasing that compound into or onto the seed. The GA compound and the solid matrix material should be compatible with one another. For example, the solid matrix material should be chosen so that it can release the GA compound at a reasonable rate, for example over a period of minutes, hours, or days, as desired or required.

The present invention further embodies imbibition as another method of treating seed with GA compounds. For example, plant seed can be combined for a period of time with an aqueous, organic, inorganic, or mixed solvent solution comprising from about 1% by weight to about 75% by weight of the GA compound, preferably from about 5% by weight to about 50% by weight, more preferably from about 10% by weight to about 25% by weight. During the period that the seed is combined with the solution, the seed takes up (imbibes) a portion of the GA compound present in the solution. Optionally, the mixture of plant seed and solution can be agitated, for example by shaking, rolling, tumbling, or other means. After imbibition, the seed can be separated from the solution and optionally dried, for example by patting or air drying.

In yet another embodiment, a powdered GA compound can be mixed directly with seed. Optionally, a sticking agent can be used to adhere the powder to the seed surface. For example, a quantity of seed can be mixed with a sticking agent and optionally agitated to encourage uniform coating of the seed with the sticking agent. The seed coated with the sticking agent can then be mixed with the powdered GA compound. The mixture can be agitated, for example by tumbling, to encourage contact of the sticking agent with the powdered GA compound, thereby causing the powdered GA compound to stick to the seed.

The present invention also encompasses a composition, comprising a seed having a surface, and a layer of one or more GA compounds deposited on the seed surface. The GA compound layer can comprise at least one GA compound and, for example, a sticking agent or coating aid. The amount or concentration of GA compound in the GA compound layer preferably comprises an amount or concentration effective to overcome any GA-deficiency in the seed or developing seedling, and/or to restore normal seedling and/or plant morphology to what would be an otherwise dwarf, GA-deficient seedling or plant. The sticking agent can be useful as an aid in sticking the GA compound to the surface of the seed. An example of a sticking agent is polyethylene glycol. The coating aid can be useful in aiding the coating of a layer onto the surface of the seed. An example of a useful coating agent is gelatin.

In another embodiment, the present invention provides a composition, comprising a GA compound and a sticking agent or other agent as discussed herein. Such a composition is useful for applying the GA compound to seed. Useful GA compounds in this embodiment include without limitation those disclosed herein. The amount or concentration of GA compound in the composition preferably comprises an amount or concentration effective to overcome any GA-deficiency in the seed or developing seedling, and/or to restore normal seedling and/or plant morphology to what would be an otherwise dwarf, GA-deficient seedling or plant. The sticking agent can be any material which aids in the adherence of the GA compound to the seed surface. Useful sticking agents include polyethylene glycol, gelatin, agar, polyvinyl alcohol, methyl cellulose, an alginate, a poly(vinylpyrrolidone) copolymer, a wax (such as a microcrystalline wax, beeswax, oxidized microcrystalline wax, an alkyl palmitate, carrageenan, paraffin, and the like), a lignosulfonate, a xanthan gum, mineral oil, a C9-C25 fatty acid or a salt thereof, a C9-C25 alcohol, a C9-C25 amine, lanolin, a polyglyceride, polyethylene, substituted polyethylene, ethylene bis(stearamide), a silicone oil, an ethoxylated alcohol, an ethoxylated alkylamine, an alkylpolyglucoside, and the like. A preferred sticking agent is polyethylene glycol. Polyethylene glycol useful in the present invention can have a molecular weight in the range of about 1,000 daltons to about 10,000 daltons, preferably about 2,000 daltons to about 8,000 daltons, more preferably about 2,500 daltons to about 6,000 daltons, and still more preferably about 3,000 daltons to about 4,500 daltons.

Alternatively, the composition of the present invention can comprise a GA compound and a coating agent. A useful coating agent is any material which aids in the coating of the GA compound onto the surface of the seed. Useful coating agents include gelatin, a wax, polyethylene, polyethylene glycol, polypropylene, polypropylene glycol, or the like. A preferred coating agent is gelatin.

Additional formulating aids can also be present in the seed treatment compositions of the present invention. Such formulating aids include, but are not limited to, an absorbent, an adsorbent, an anticaking agent, an antioxidant, a binder, a carrier, a chelating or sequestering agent, a colorant, a dispersant, a flocculant, a humectant, a lubricant, a plasticizer, a preservative, a release agent, a solubilizer, a solvent, a suspending agent, a thickener, a water repellent, or the like.

Foliar Sprays

The GA compounds of the present invention can also be formulated for use as foliar sprays. For this purpose, compositions containing one or more GA compounds can comprise a solvent, a carrier, and one or more surfactants, wetting agents, or emulsifiers.

The solvent can comprise water, an organic solvent, an inorganic solvent, and mixtures thereof. The organic solvent can be acetone, ethanol, or any other organic solvent in which GA compounds are known to be soluble. The organic solvent can also be an aromatic solvent. Useful aromatic solvents include benzene, toluene, o-xylene, m-xylene, p-xylene, mesitylene, naphthalene, bis(a-methylbenzyl)xylene, phenylxylylethane, and combinations thereof. Other useful solvents include substituted aromatic solvents such as chlorobenzene or ortho-dichlorobenzene. Alternatively, the solvent can comprise an aliphatic solvent such as paraffin oil. As another alternative, the solvent can comprise a phosphate solvent, preferably a triaryl phosphate or an alkyldiaryl phosphate. Particularly useful phosphate solvents include trixylenyl phosphate and 2-ethylhexyl diphenyl phosphate. Combinations of aromatic, aliphatic and phosphate solvents can also be successfully used in the present invention. Other solvents which can be used successfully in the present invention include N-methylpyrrolidone, dimethylformamide, polyvinylpyrrolidone, 4-butyrolactone, and fatty acid esters.

The carrier can be an inorganic or organic carrier. Examples of useful inorganic carriers include clay (such as bentonite, montmorillonite, or attapulgite), silica, alumina, ammonium sulfate, and diatomaceous earth. Examples of useful organic carriers include cellulose, polyethylene glycol, paraffins, and fatty acid esters such as methyl oleate or tridecyl stearate.

Surfactants, wetting agents, or emulsifiers useful in the foliar sprays of the present invention include, without limitation, an ethoxylated alkyl amine, an ethoxylated alkyl polyamine, an alkylpolyglucoside, an alkoxylated acetylenic diol, a polyoxyalkylene alkyl ether, an organosilicone, an ethoxylated alcohol, an ethoxylated Guerbet alcohol, an alkylphenol ethoxylate, a sulfated polyoxyalkylene alkylphenol, an alcohol sulfate, a polyoxyalkylene alcohol sulfate, a monoalcoholphosphate, a dialcoholphosphate, a mono(polyoxyalkylene alcohol)phosphate, a di(polyoxyalkylene alcohol)phosphate, a mono(polyoxyalkylene alkylphenol)phosphate, a di(polyoxyalkylene alkylphenol)phosphate, a polyoxyalkylene alkylphenol carboxylate, a polyoxyalkylene alcohol carboxylate, a fluorinated surfactant, an N-alkoxylated alkylpolyalkoxy amine surfactant (i.e., an etheramine surfactant), an alkylsulfonate, an alkylphenylsulfonate, an alkylsulfate, an alkylphenolsulfate, an alkyl betaine surfactant, an alkyl carboxylate (including fatty acids and fatty acid salts such as pelargonic acid), an ethoxylated alkylamide, a quaternary alkylamine, and combinations thereof. Preferred surfactants include an ethoxylated alkyl amine, an ethoxylated alkyl polyamine, an alkylpolyglucoside, a polyoxyalkylene alkyl ether, an ethoxylated alcohol, an ethoxylated Guerbet alcohol, a monoalcoholphosphate, a dialcoholphosphate, a mono(polyoxyalkylene alcohol)phosphate, a di(polyoxyalkylene alcohol)phosphate, a mono(polyoxyalkylene alkylphenol)phosphate, a di(polyoxyalkylene alkylphenol)phosphate, an etheramine surfactant, an alkyl betaine surfactant, a quaternary alkylamine, and combinations thereof. Still more preferred surfactants include an ethoxylated alkyl amine surfactant, an alkylpolyglucoside surfactant, an etheramine surfactant, a quaternary alkylamine surfactant, and combinations thereof. Ethoxylated alkyl amine surfactants such as a tallowamine ethoxylate are particularly preferred. Alkoxylated acetylenic diol surfactants and polyoxyalkylene alkyl ether surfactants are also preferred in the foliar spray compositions of the present invention. Preferred alkoxylated acetylenic diols include polyethoxylated acetylenic diols, more preferably polyethoxylated tetramethyldecynediol, and still more preferably PEG-10 tetramethyldecynediol. PEG-10 tetramethyldecynediol is commercially available under the trade name Surfynol 465, available from Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. (Allentown, Pa., U.S.A.). Preferred polyoxyalkylene alkyl ethers include polyethoxyethylene-polyoxypropylene alkyl ethers, more preferably a polyethoxyethylene-polyoxypropylene-2-ethylhexyl ether such as Epan U-108 available from Dai-ichi Kogyo Seiyaku Co., Ltd. (Tokyo, Japan) or Newkalgen 4016EHB available from Takemoto Oil and Fat Co., Ltd. (Aichi, Japan). Typically the polyethoxyethylenepolyoxypropylene-2-ethylhexyl ether surfactant comprises about 5 to about 30, preferably about 10 to about 25, and more preferably about 10 to about 20 moles of ethylene oxide per mole of surfactant. Also, the polyethoxyethylenepoly-oxypropylene-2-ethylhexyl ether surfactant comprises about 5 to about 30, preferably about 10 to about 25, and more preferably about 10 to about 20 moles of propylene oxide per mole of surfactant. A particularly preferred polyethoxyethylenepolyoxypropylene-2-ethylhexyl ether surfactant comprises about 15 moles of ethylene oxide and about 15 moles of propylene oxide per mole of surfactant.

Formulations for Soil Application

Formulations for soil drenches/irrigation water can be the same as those used for foliar applications. While foliar sprays generally contain surfactants or wetting agents, drift reduction agents (if applied via airplane), and a carrier(s) in addition to active ingredients, the use of surfactants and wetting agents in soil drenches is not required. Therefore, the amount of surfactants and wetting agents can be reduced in soil drenches, or these components can be eliminated entirely. It should be noted that formulations for foliar application can be simultaneously applied to the soil.

Antisense Gene Regulation

Regulation of endogenous gene expression in plants is achievable by expression of an antisense gene (U.S. Pat. No. 5,107,065). An antisense gene is a complete (full length) coding sequence of the gene or a fragment thereof. An antisense gene may also be to a nontranslated portion of an endogenous plant gene, such as a 5′ nontranslated leader region or a 3′ untranslated terminator or polyadenylation region of the gene as it exists in plants. Expression of a transgenic antisense sequence allows for the regulation of the specific endogenous plant genes. This technology involves an antisense RNA introduced into the cell (via a strong promoter driving the antisense sequence or portion of a gene. The plant expression vector would contain the appropriate leader, termination, and processing signals for expression of a RNA transcript in transgenic plants. The transgene antisense RNA interacts with the endogenous sense mRNA to affect the transcription, processing, transport, turnover, and/or translation of the endogenous sense mRNA. Antisense inhibition was first reported in electroporation of carrot protoplasts with antisense and sense constructs containing the CAT reporter gene resulted in varying inhibition of CAT activity dependent on promoter strength (Ecker et al,

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.

83: 5372-5376, 1986). A stable inheritable antisense effect is first reported in tobacco using the NOS transgene (Rothstein et al.,

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.

84: 8439-8943, 1987). Constitutive expression of antisense chalcone synthase (CHS) in transgenic tobacco and petunia plants decreased endogenous CHS RNA and protein activity demonstrating the application of this technology in regulating endogenous gene expression (van der Krol et al.,


333: 866-869, 1988; van der Krol et al.,

Plant Molecular Biology

14: 457-466, 1990). The technology is extended to show seed specific modulation of gene expression (versus leaf-specific modulation) using the B-conglycinin promoter to drive antisense expression of GUS mRNAs in transgenic tobacco (Fujiwara et al,

Plant Mol. Biol.

20: 1059-1069, 1992). The potential commercial value of antisense technology is realized when transgenic tomato plants expressing antisense polygalacturonase (PG, an enzyme which partially solublizes cell wall pectin) showed a delay in fruit ripening (Smith et al.,


334: 724-726, 1988). Antisense technology has since been used to alter the expression of many plant genes, including ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase oxygenase in tobacco (Rodermel et al.,


55: 673-681, 1988), granule-bound starch synthase in potato (Visser et al.,

Mol. Gen. Genet.

225: 289-296, 1991), a photosystem II polypeptide in potato (Stockhaus et al.,


9: 3013-3021, 1990), and TOM5 in tomato (Bird et al.,


9: 635-639, 1991).

Antisense gene expression in plants has also been useful to alter plant development via the regulation of plant hormone biosynthetic pathways and relative hormone levels. For example, expression of antisense ACC synthase and ACC oxidase RNA have been shown to inhibit fruit ripening in transgenic tomato (Oeller et al.,


254: 437-439, 1991; Hamilton et al.,


346: 284-287, 1990), and cantaloupe (Ayub et al., Nature Biotechnol. 14: 862-866, 1996). Expression of an antisense 7 transmembrane domain (7TM) receptor homologue (GCR1) RNA reduces sensitivity to cytokinins in roots and shoots of transgenic Arabidopsis (Plakidou-Dymock et al.,

Current Biol.

8: 315-324, 1998). Expression of antisense prosystemin severely depressed systemic wound inducibility proteinase inhibitor synthesis in transgenic tomato and decreased resistance against insects (Schaller et al.,


18: 27-33, 1996). Expression of antisense catalase RNAs accumulated high levels of PR-1 proteins and showed enhanced resistance to tobacco mosaic virus (Takahashi et al,

Plant J.

11: 993-1005, 1997) in transgenic tobacco. Thus, much success has been achieved using antisense technology to regulate biosynthetic pathways and hormone levels in plants. In this way, reduction in endogenous GA levels is induced by constitutive or by the tissue-specific antisense inhibition of expression of the endogenous GA biosynthetic enzyme mRNA molecule. Suitable and preferred features of the antisense molecule are the antisense to the nucleic acid full length or partial length of: the coding sequence, the native intron sequences, and the antisense to the intron/exon slice site region of the GA biosynthetic enzyme genes.

Another way of controlling seed germination and seedling growth involves the expression of ribozyme sequences in plants. These are small catalytic RNA molecules capable of very specific cleavage of target mRNA sequences. These RNAs are constructed to have homology with a target endogenous mRNAs such that when expressed in a transgenic plant they hybridize with the target mRNA and their specific catalytic activity inactivates the expression of this endogenous target mRNA. Ribozyme molecules targeted at mRNAs involved with GA biosynthesis and degradation are useful to affect endogenous GA levels. The first self-cleaving RNA (ribozyme) is found in Tetrahymena rRNA introns, however, they are now known to exist in hepatitis delta virus, plant pathogenic RNAs (such as viroids, viroid-like RNAs and satellite RNAs), and as part of the RNaseP complex. The catalytic activity is dependent upon the formation of a specific structure involving the target RNA and ribozyme sequences as well as the ribozyme catalytic center. Commonly studied self-cleaving RNAs include the hammerhead and hairpin ribozymes; both of which can form 40-50-nucleotide self-cleaving structures. In principle, a ribozyme is introduced into the cell where it hybridizes with the target sequence and cleaves the substrate. Based on natural self-cleaving RNAs, a set of rules are used to design ribozymes that specifically bind and cleave target RNA molecules in a bimolecular reaction. Hammerhead ribozymes have been shown to function transiently in tobacco protoplasts (Steinecke et al.,


11: 1525-1530, 1992); Perriman et al.,

Antisense Res. Dev.

3: 253-263, 1993) to confer resistance to tobacco mosaic virus (de Feyter et al.,

Mol. Gen. Genet.

250: 329-338, 1996) in stable transgenic tobacco, and to provide resistance against the potato spindle tuber viroid in stable transgenic potatoes. Hairpin ribozymes have proven effective in delaying CaMV symptoms in transgenic Brassica (Bomeman et al.,


159: 137-142, 1995). Most ribozymes are embedded within stable RNAs to increase effectiveness, and have also been effective when incorporated within tRNAs (Perriman et al.,

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.

92: 6175-6179, 1995). Thus, ribozymes could be useful to control GA hormone levels in plants by selectively binding and cleaving mRNAs which produce the enzyme involved in the biosynthetic pathway of gibberellins.

Another potential way of controlling seed germination and seedling growth is through homology-dependent gene silencing (cosuppression) of genes involved with GA biosynthesis. Specifically, overexpression of mRNAs involved with GA biosynthesis could be used to decrease GA levels. Cosuppression, also known as cosense suppression, homology-dependent gene silencing, repeat-induced gene silencing, et cetera, is the inactivation of a gene in a cell where it is normally functional (for reviews see Baulcombe et al.,

Current Opinion Biotechnol.

7: 173-180, 1996; Meyer et al.,

Annu. Rev. Plant Physiol. Plant Mol. Biol.

47: 23-48, 1996; Matzke et al.,

Plant Physiol.

107: 679-685, 1995). Transgene induced cosuppression in plants has been shown to have useful effects which include reduced impact of viral infection, fruit ripening, affecting flower color, inactivation of infecting transposons and retrotransposons, and editing aberrant RNA transcripts (Smyth et al.,

Current Biol.

7: 793-795, 1997; Napoli et al.,

Plant Cell

2: 279-289, 1990). Many examples of cosuppression have been reported in the literature: sense suppression of caffeic acid O-methyltransferase resulted in altered stem coloration of aspen (Tsai et al.,

Plant Physiology

117: 101-112, 1998); cosuppression of a lipoxygenase isozyme (LOX2) resulted in transgenic Arabidopsis plants unable to accumulate jasmonic acid following wounding (Bell et al,

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.

92: 8675-8679, 1995); cosuppression of phytochrome-regulated chlorophyll α/β 140 RNA levels in Arabidopsis (Brussian et al.,

Plant Cell

5: 667-677, 1993); cosuppression of a pea cDNA encoding light-activated chloroplast NADP-malate dehydrogenase in transgenic tobacco (Faske et al.,

Plant Physiol.

115: 705-715, 1997); cosuppression of

Flaveria bidentis

NADP-MDH via heterologous sorghum NADP-MDH cDNA despite only about 71% sequence homology (Trevanion et al.,

Plant Physiol.

113: 1153-1163, 1997); cosuppression of a proline-rich glycoprotein (TTS) involved in pollen tube growth in transgenic tobacco (Cheung et al.,


82: 383-393, 1995); cosuppression of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) in transgenic tobacco (Elkind et al.,

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.

87: 9057-9061); and cosuppression of two MADS box floral binding protein genes (FBP7 and FBP11) in petunia (Colombo et al,

Plant Cell

9: 703-715, 1997). Cosuppression of the genes involved in GA biosynthesis will provide the same result as antisense or ribozyme inhibition of these same genes.

Many of the genes of the GA biosynthetic pathway have been cloned from various plant sources. Some of these are: ent-kaurene synthase A (CPS) from

Arabidopsis thaliana

(GenBank Accession No. U11034),

Zea mays

(GenBank Accession No. L37750),

Pisum sativum

(GenBank Accession No. U63652); ent-kaurene synthase B from

Cucurbita maxima

(GenBank Accession No. U43904); monooxygenase from

Zea mays

(GenBank Accession No. U32579); C20-oxidase from

C. maxima

(GenBank Accession No. X73314), Arabidopsis (GenBank Accession No. U20872, U20873, U20901, X83379, X83380, X83381),

Pisum sativum

(GenBank Accession No. X91658, U70471, U58830),

Phaseolus vulgaris

(GenBank Accession No. U70503, U70531, U70532),

Oryza sativa

(GenBank Accession No. U50333),

Spinacia oleracea

(GenBank Accession No. U33330); and 3-β-hydroxylase from Arabidopsis (GenBank Accession No. L37126).

The present invention is easily distinguishable from the related art (U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,773,288, 5,612,191, WO9316096, WO9605317), in that tissue and developmentally regulated promoters, not of the GA biosynthetic pathway, are directed at the seed germination and early seedling growth stages is a preferred embodiment. The present invention also provides a rescue strategy to restore normal seed germination and seedling growth.

The present invention provides an embodiment for soybean for which no previous known mutants in the GA biosynthetic pathway have been identified to suggest that down regulation of GA levels during early seedling growth would result in a dwarf plant phenotype. The present invention provides novel gene sequences of GA biosynthetic enzymes from canola (SEQ ID NO:1), soybean (SEQ ID NO:2, SEQ ID NO:5, SEQ ID NO:8), cotton (SEQ ID NO:3, SEQ ID NO:6) and wheat (SEQ ID NO:4) and methods to affect seed germination and seedling growth with these genes by genetic engineering of these crops.

The CPS gene from various plant sources contains a conserved core region. Table 2. shows a comparison of the nucleotide similarity determined for the CPS conserved core and full length coding sequences of some of the published CPS genes and the new genes (canola, soybean, cotton, wheat) isolated as part of this invention. The conserved core sequence comparisons are made for soybean, pea, Arabidopsis, maize, canola, cotton, and wheat and shown in the upper right half of Table 2. The full length sequence comparisons are made for soybean, pea, Arabidopsis, and maize and shown in the lower left portion of Table 2. Heterogeneity exists for the nucleotide sequences of all of the CPS genes compared in this table. The comparison is expressed as percent similarity using the Wilbur-Lipman algorithm (Wilbur and Lipman

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.

80: 726-730 (1983)).


Percent similarity of full length and conserved core nucleotide sequences

from the CPS genes of various monocot and dicot plant species.

Conserved core

















































Full length

Temporal expression of the mRNA for ent-kaurene synthase in soybean developing seeds and seedlings is determined for the purpose of identifying the target tissue and the peak times of expression. Soybean developing seeds are collected by size and maturity. Seeds in pods 2-5 mm in diameter, 7-11 mm in diameter, desiccating seeds, mature embryo and mature cotyledons. Seedling tissue is collected at various time from 12 hours to 144 hours after imbibing (HAI) mature seeds in water. The developing seed tissue and root, shoot axis, cotyledon, hypocotyl and epicotyl from the germinating seed tissue is extracted for polyA+ selected mRNA and the level of CPS mRNA is determined by Northern blot analysis using standard methods (Mailga et al.,

Methods in Plant Molecular Biology,

Cold Spring Harbor Press (1995)) and soybean conserved core nucleotide sequence as the radiolabeled probe (SEQ ID NO:2). The results are shown in

FIG. 36

which illustrate that at the 96 hours time point, the soybean hypocotyl expressed 3-10 fold more CPS mRNA than any other tissues sampled in the developing seedling. The data indicates that the hypocotyl region should be targeted for strategies for reducing the amount of GA production in the developing seedling. The data from the developing seed also indicates that mature green seeds (7-11 mm) are producing high levels of CPS mRNA relative to the other seed development stages. Targeting this developmental stage would serve to reduce any available pool of GA in the mature desiccated seed.

The present invention also provides gene sequences from

Cucurbita maxima

(pumpkin) and tomato and methods to affect seed germination and seedling growth with these genes by genetic engineering of these and other crops. The present invention also discloses how the expression of pathway diversion enzymes that can be used to control endogenous gibberellin levels and therefore seed germination and growth in a reversible germination-control system. This invention describes the use of the pathway diversion genes to limit overexpression of the pathway diversion proteins to specific stages of seed or seedling development by using seed and/or seedling-specific promoters for the purpose of delaying and/or preventing germination in a controlled manner.

The use of the phytoene synthase enzyme in this invention functions to divert the substrate geranylgeranyl diphosphate (GGDP) from the gibberellin biosynthetic pathway to the carotenoid biosynthetic pathway. The resulting diversion results in a reduced amount of substrate available for the production of GA(s). Plants deficient in GA(s) show a reduction in seed germination and early seedling growth. Recovery of normal seed germination and seedling growth is achieved by exogenous addition of GA compounds. The present invention provides phytoene synthase sequence from tomato which when overexpressed in plants using methods of plant biotechnology reduce the availability of GGDP as a substrate for GA biosynthesis.

The present invention also provides novel GA 2-oxidase gene sequences from Arabidopsis, soybean, maize, and cotton and methods to affect seed germination and seedling growth with these genes by genetic engineering of these and other crops. The present invention discloses how the GA 2-oxidase gene can be used to reduce endogenous gibberellin levels and therefore seed germination and growth in a reversible germination-control system. This invention describes the use of the GA 2-oxidase gene and antisense sequence thereto to limit overexpression of the GA 2-oxidase protein to specific stages of seed or seedling development by using seed and/or seedling-specific promoters for the purpose of delaying and/or preventing germination in a controlled manner.

The GA 2-oxidase gene product functions by controlling bioactive gibberellin levels. Hydroxylation of bioactive GAs, such as GA


and GA


, by 2-oxidase renders them inactive, while hydroxylation of biosynthetic precursors, such as GA


and GA


, creates non-preferable substrates for GA biosynthetic enzymes. Overexpression of the 2-oxidase protein can therefore be used to directly inactivate GA levels or indirectly down-regulate endogenous bioactive GA levels by affecting the substrate levels, and delay or prevent seed germination. To restore germination capacity, seeds and plants can be treated exogenously with bioactive GA


or GA analogs that are not substrates for 2-oxidase. Seeds and plants can also be treated with nonpreferred substrates or by treatment with excess amounts of preferred substrates. Mature seeds contain small amounts of stored bioactive GAs. Mobilization of this stored GA is used by the seed during early seed germination. The overexpression of 2-oxidase during mid or late seed development would inactivate these GAs and reduce the pool of bioactive GA available to the seed for germination resulting in delay or inhibition of germination of these seeds. Similarly, 2-oxidase could be overexpressed during seed germination to inactivate mobilized GAs. Bioactive GAs increase during seedling growth, overexpression of GA 2-oxidase during early seedling growth could be used to inactivate bioactive GAs as they are accumulating, also delaying or preventing seedling growth after germination. Several classes of development-specific promoters could be used to drive the GA 2-oxidase gene: a) seed-intensive promoters and promoters from genes which have been shown to express during seed development such as, LEA-type promoters (Hsing et al.,

Plant Physiol.

100: 2121-2122, 1992), Per (Haslekas et al.,

Plant Mol. Biol.

36: 833-845, 1998), Sle2 (Calvo et al.,

Theor. Appl. Genet.

94:957-967, 1997) b) germination-intensive promoters such as, SIP and Acc oxidase gene, and c) seedling-specific promoters such as, AX5 from soybean axis (SEQ ID NO:7), VSPB (Mason et al.,

Plant Cell

5: 241-251, 1993), ICL, Lectin, and MS promoters It is well known in the art how to isolate the promoters and regulatory elements from genes which have been shown to express in specific plant tissue or plant cells related to seed development, seed germination and early seedling growth. The previous list is not exhaustive in describing promoters of genes which have been shown to express in the cells and tissues that are the target of this invention.

Different GA 2-oxidase genes exist whose proteins have varied substrate specificities. The known GA 2-oxidase enzymes have different substrate preferences, catalytic properties, and tissue/developmental distributions. These differences in expression and catalytic capabilities may reflect mechanisms for the fine control of specific GAs and their relative contributions to regulating plant growth and development. Additional GA 2-oxidase genes may exist in higher plants genomes as evidenced by a wide variety of GA metabolites identified (Thomas et., 1999.

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.

96:4698-4703; Owen et al.,


97: 331-337, 1998).

The specific activities can be selected and used in combination with different developmentally regulated or tissue specific promoters to affect plant growth and development. The specific GA 2-oxidase gene chosen for overexpression should correlate with the GA being targeted and have the highest possible substrate specificity for that GA or its precursors. For example, if GA


is predominant in developing seeds, then the GA 2-oxidase protein with highest specificity for GA


and/or GA


precursors would be desired. The techniques of gene evolution (Arnold, F. H.,

Acc. Chem. Res.

31: 125-131, 1998) could be used to generate GA 2-oxidase proteins with additional specificities such as a specificity for multiple GAs, or for precursors early in the pathway. Multiple 2-oxidase sequences driven by similar or different promoters could also be expressed, such as expression of GA 2-oxidase during seed development by a LEA-type promoter and again during seedling growth with the AX5 promoter. Additionally, GA 2-oxidase could be used in conjunction with the other disclosed approaches to alter germination and seedling growth, such as, GA 2-oxidase expression during seed-development or germination in combination with antisense CPS expression, phytoene synthase expression, C20-oxidase expression or 2β,3β-hydroxylase expression during seedling growth. Restoration of seed germination and seedling growth can be controlled by balancing the specific plant expression cassette, such as a double GA 2-oxidase construct, or GA 2-oxidase plus antisense CPS cassette, or other GA biosynthetic enzyme, or pathway diversion plant expression cassette, using different tissue or developmentally regulated promoters with a specific seed treatment of GA, GA analogs or GA precursors used to restore the normal seed germination and seedling growth phenotype.

The inventive nucleic acid molecule segments, recombinant vectors, recombinant host cells, and recombinant plants may comprise structural nucleic acid sequences related to SEQ ID NOS:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 56, 57, 58, 60, 62, 64, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 75, 77, and 79. The structural nucleic acid sequences may be related to these SEQ ID NOS by percent identity. The percent identity is preferably at least about 90%, and more preferably at least about 91%, 92%, 93%, 94%, 95%, 96%, 97%, 98%, 99%, and most preferably 100%. Alternatively, the structural nucleic acid sequences may be related to these SEQ ID NOS by their hybridization properties. Preferably the structural nucleic acid sequence hybridizes under stringent hybridization conditions to the reverse complement of the SEQ ID NO.

Recombinant vectors may be plasmids, cosmids, YACs, BACs, phage, phagemids, or other forms of vectors known in the art. The vectors may be linear or circular. The vectors preferably further comprise a promoter and a 3′ transcription terminator. The vectors may further comprise a selectable marker or a screenable marker. The vectors may comprise an origin of replication.

Recombinant host cells may be characterized by having a copy number of the given structural nucleic acid sequence which is higher than the copy number of the structural nucleic acid sequence in a wild type host cell of the same species. If the structural nucleic acid sequence is partially or completely exogenous to the host cell, then the copy number of the recombinant host cell is by definition higher than the copy number in the wild type host cell of the same species. If the structural nucleic acid sequence is entirely endogenous to the host cell, then successful transformation will result in a recombinant host cell with a higher copy number of the structural nucleic acid sequence than in the wild type host cell. Recombinant host cells may further comprise a selectable marker or a screenable marker to aid in the identification of recombinant host cells.

Recombinant plants may be characterized by having a copy number of the given structural nucleic acid sequence which is higher than the copy number of the structural nucleic acid sequence in a wild type plant of the same species. If the structural nucleic acid sequence is partially or completely exogenous to the plant, then the copy number of the recombinant plant is by definition higher than the copy number in the wild type plant of the same species. If the structural nucleic acid sequence is entirely endogenous to the plant, then successful transformation will result in a recombinant plant with a higher copy number of the structural nucleic acid sequence than in the wild type plant. Recombinant plants may further comprise a selectable marker or a screenable marker to aid in the identification of recombinant plants.

Methods of preparing recombinant host cells are disclosed. The methods comprise selecting a host cell, transforming the host cell with a recombinant vector, and obtaining recombinant host cells. The recombinant vector comprises a sequence related to SEQ ID NOS:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 56, 57, 58, 60, 62, 64, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 75, 77, and 79 as described above. The methods may take advantage of selectable or screenable markers to assist in the identification of recombinant host cells.

Methods of preparing recombinant plants are disclosed. The methods comprise selecting a host plant cell, transforming the host plant cell with a recombinant vector, obtaining recombinant host plant cells, and regenerating a recombinant plant from the recombinant host plant cells. The recombinant vector comprises a sequence related to SEQ ID NOS:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 56, 57, 58, 60, 62, 64, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 75, 77, and 79 as described above. The recombinant vector may further comprise a promoter, a 3′ transcription terminator, and a 3′ polyadenylation signal. The methods may take advantage of selectable or screenable markers to assist in the identification of recombinant host plant cells and recombinant plants.

An alternative embodiment of the invention consist of isolated proteins related to SEQ ID NOS:3, 4, 59, 61, 63, 65, 76, 78, 80, 88, or 89. The isolated proteins may be related to these SEQ ID NOS by percent identity. The percent identity is preferably at least about 90%, and more preferably at least about 91%, 92%, 93%, 94%, 95%, 96%, 97%, 98%, 99%, and most preferably 100%. Alternatively, the isolated proteins may be related to these SEQ ID NOS by their immunoreactive properties. The isolated proteins may be immunoreactive with an antibody prepared using a given SEQ ID NO as an antigen, with the antibody being immunoreactive with the given SEQ ID NO. Immunoreactivity may be determined by any method acceptable in the art, including blotting and ELISA assays.

The disclosed consensus sequence SEQ ID NO:41 may be used in methods to identify 2-oxidase amino acid sequences. The methods may comprise obtaining a obtaining a library of candidate amino acid sequences; searching the library; and identifying one or more candidate amino acid sequences comprising SEQ ID NO:41. Preferably, the methods are performed by computer or any other automated method. Alternatively, SEQ ID NO:41 may be used to generate antibodies useful in ELISA, blotting, or other screening methods to identify proteins comprising SEQ ID NO:41. Candidate sequences may be screened for enzymatic activity by contacting the protein with a bioactive gibberellin or precursor that is not unsaturated at the 2-position. The isolated proteins are able to oxidize the 2-position of gibberellins that are not unsaturated at that position. For example, GA3 is unsaturated at the 2-position, and thus not a substrate for 2-oxidase.

The disclosed consensus sequence SEQ ID NO:41 may further be used in methods to identify 2-oxidase nucleic acid sequences. SEQ ID NO:41 may be “back-translated” to determine possible nucleic acid sequences which may encode the amino acid sequence. The methods may comprise obtaining a library of candidate nucleic acid sequences; searching the library; and identifying one or more candidate nucleic acid sequences which encode SEQ ID NO:41. Candidate sequences may be screened for enzymatic activity by contacting the encoded protein with a bioactive gibberellin or precursor that is not unsaturated at the 2-position.

Methods for delaying seed germination in plants are disclosed. The methods comprise selecting plant cells, transforming the plant cells with a recombinant vector, selecting transformed plant cells, regenerating transformed plant cells to produce transformed plants, and selecting a transformed plant which exhibits delayed seed germination with respect to a non-transformed plant of the same species. The recombinant vector comprises a sequence related to SEQ ID NOS:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 56, 57, 58, 60, 62, 64, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 75, 77, and 79 as described above. Seed germination may be controlled by subsequently contacting the seeds with a complementing agent (rescue agent) to restore seed germination. The complementing agent may be a GA compound, tissue regulated gene expression of nucleic acid sequences which provide the necessary complementing protein product, or an antisense nucleic acid sequence to nucleic acid sequences that produce GA degrading enzymes, or any other agent effective to increase the concentration of gibberellins in the seed or during early seedling growth.

The following examples are included to demonstrate preferred embodiments of the invention. It should be appreciated by those of skill in the art that the techniques disclosed in the examples which follow represent techniques discovered by the inventors to function well in the practice of the invention, and thus can be considered to constitute preferred modes for its practice. However, those of skill in the art should, in light of the present disclosure, appreciate that many changes can be made in the specific embodiments which are disclosed and still obtain a like or similar result without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention.


Example 1

Canola (

Brassica napus

) CPS Gene

The canola (

Brassica napus

) CPS gene is isolated by identifying sequence conservation between the amino acid sequences of the maize (Bensen et al.,

Plant Cell

7: 75-84 (1995)) and Arabidopsis (Sun et al.,

Plant Cell

6: 1509-1518 (1994)) CPS proteins. Based on the sequence in the conserved regions, degenerate oligonucleotides are designed. These primers correspond nucleotides 439-459 and 1702-1720 in maize and nucleotides 393-413 and 1642-1660 in Arabidopsis in the respective referenced articles.




(SEQ ID NO:10)

Primer sequences Mot 0 and Mot 7 are used in reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) to isolate canola CPS sequences.

RNA is isolated from 4 day old canola seedlings and first strand cDNA is prepared using the SuperScript Preamplification System (Gibco-BRL Life Technologies) according to the manufacturer's recommendations. The CDNA synthesized is amplified by PCR using the following conditions: after an initial 3 minute denaturation at 94° C., 30 cycles are run, each with 94° C., 1 minute denaturation, followed by 1 minute annealing at 51° C., followed by 2 minute extension at 72° C. The PCR reaction resulted in a 1.2 kb fragment which is purified by agarose gel electrophoresis. The fragment is cloned into the TA vector (Invitrogen, Corp.). The insert is sequenced and the nucleotide sequence of the conserved core region is shown in SEQ ID NO:1. The canola CPS conserved core sequence has a 59% identity to the maize and an 82% identity to the Arabidopsis CPS conserved core sequences, respectively (Table 2).

Analysis of CPS Expression During Canola Germination

Northern analysis is performed to determine the temporal and spatial expression pattern of CPS during canola seedling growth. Total RNA is isolated from whole canola seedlings starting at 12 hours after imbibition until 6 days after imbibition. The 2 day, 4 day and 6 day samples are also divided into cotyledons, hypocotyls and roots. RNA is isolated according to the procedure of Altenbach et al., 1981. After denaturation in 50% formamide and 2.18 M formaldehyde, the RNA samples are separated on a 1% agarose gel. The gel is transferred in 10×SSC onto Hybond N nylon membrane (Amersham) which is then UV crosslinked using the UV Stratalinker (Stratagene). The Northern blot is probed with an EcoRI restriction fragment from plasmid containing the 1.2 kb canola CPS sequence. The probe is prepared by random priming using the RTS Radprime DNA labeling system from GIBCO BRL. Hybridization is performed for 35 hours at 37° C. in 50% formamide, 6×SSC, 1×Denhardts solution, 0.1% SDS and 250 μg/ml. denatured salmon sperm DNA. The blot is washed by first rinsing at room temperature in 2×SSC, 0.5% SDS; followed by two 10 minute washes at room temperature in 2×SSC, 0.1% SDS; followed by two 30 minute washes at 55° C. in 0.1×SSC, 0.1% SDS. The blot is exposed with intensifying screen at −70° C. to Kodak X-OMAT film. No CPS expression is observed in dry seeds. CPS mRNA is detected as early as 1 day after imbibition. The mRNA is detected specifically in the hypocotyl tissue at 2, 4 and 6 days after imbibition. The mRNA levels increased over time with maximum levels detected at 6 days after imbibition. In all cases, the mRNA is approximately 2.6 kb in size.

Construction of Antisense Canola CPS Plant Transformation Vectors

Vectors are constructed for constitutive as well as germination enhanced expression of canola CPS in antisense orientation. For constitutive expression, the plasmid containing the CPS gene is digested using restriction enzyme EcoRI (Promega Corp.) to excise the canola CPS gene and inserted into the EcoRi restriction site of plasmid Bluescript II SK+ (Stratagene). The resulting plasmid is digested with restriction enzymes BamHI (Promega Corp.) and KpnI (Promega Corp.). This BamHI/KpnI restriction fragment is ligated into the BamHI/Kpnl restriction sites of a plant expression vector to generate plasmid pMON29211 (FIG.


). This resulted in the insertion of the canola CPS fragment in antisense orientation behind the constitutive FMV promoter (P-FMV). The plant expression cassette from plasmid pMON29211 containing P-FMV/antisense canola CPS/NOS3′ end (NOS, Fraley et al.,

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.

80: 4803-4807 (1983)) is excised on a single NotI (Promega) restriction fragment and inserted into the NotI restriction site in plasmid pMON17227 (

FIG. 2

) to form plasmid pMON29212 (FIG.


). In addition to the P-FMV/antisense canola CPS/NOS sequences, plasmid pMON29212 also contains a CP4-EPSPS (U.S. Pat. No. 5,633,435) expression cassette for constitutive expression in plants for use in glyphosate selection of transgenic plants and two border sequences for T-DNA transfer into the plant chromosome. Plasmid pMON29212 is introduced into Agrobacterium tumefaciens and utilized in canola transformations.

For germination enhanced expression, the plasmid containing the CPS gene is digested using restriction enzyme EcoRI to excise the canola CPS gene, this fragment is inserted into the EcoRI restriction site of plasmid Bluescript II SK+ (Stratagene, Corp). The orientation of the insert is opposite to that previously described. A Kpnl/SacI restriction DNA fragment is inserted into the KpnI/SacI restriction sites of plasmid pMON29916 (

FIG. 4

) to generate plasmid pMON29217 (FIG.


). This resulted in the insertion of the canola CPS fragment in antisense orientation behind the

Brassica napus

isocitrate lyase (ICL) promoter (Zhang et al.,

Plant Physiol.

104: 857-864 (1994)). Plasmid pMON29217 is partially digested with restriction enzyme NotI, and a NotI cassette from containing the P-FMV/ctp-CP4/E93′ is inserted to form plasmid pMON29220 (FIG.


). Plasmid pMON29220 is introduced into

Agrobacterium tumefaciens

and utilized in transformation of canola.



plants containing plasmid pMON29212 are examined for phenotypes. Of 63 R


plants examined, 4 plants show GA deficient phenotypes including reduced stature, delayed flowering and poor fertility. Only small amounts of R


seed or no seed is produced from these plants. The seed is analyzed for GA affected germination phenotypes by planting in soil in a greenhouse or growth chamber. The population of seeds from these plants would be segregating for the GA deficient phenotype. The seeds when planted show no delay in emergence and no reduction in hypocotyl lengths. A multigene family with sufficiently divergent gene sequence such that not all members of the family are suppressed may mask the effects of suppression of one member of that family. It may be necessary to identify and clone a representative of each member of the gene family to insure suppression of GA production. The constitutive expression of the antisense canola CPS sequence affects the fertility of the primary transformants, apparently the GA deficient phenotype does not survive well during fertilization or seed development. Tissue directed expression of the antisense CPS gene from an early seedling growth promoter in canola will reduce any effects on fertility that are observed with the constitutive expression.

Seeds are produced from plants transformed with plasmid pMON29220 (P-ICL/canola antisense CPS). These are planted and analyzed for germination phenotype. A 2 day delay in emergence is observed for 58% of the R


lines tested from pMON29220. Exogenous GA


application (10


M) to the seed or soil results in rescuing the emergence delay.

Example 2

Soybean (

Glycine max

) CPS Gene

For the generation of soybean CPS gene sequences, a series of degenerate oligonucleotides are designed based on comparisons of the Arabidopsis and

Zea mays

sequences. Based on this information, four oligonucleotide primer pools are designed for use in PCR experiment containing mixtures potentially capable of annealing to the CPS gene coding nucleotide sequences from diverse plant species:

#1 soydeg1:


(SEQ ID NO:11)

#2 soydeg3:


(SEQ ID NO:12)

#3 soydeg7:


(SEQ ID NO:13)

#4 soydeg8:


(SEQ ID NO:14)

Seeds from

Glycine max

(Asgrow, A3237) are grown in a greenhouse for 6 days. Epicotyls are collected and flash frozen with liquid nitrogen. Total cellular RNA is prepared using standard phenol-chloroform extraction procedures followed by lithium chloride precipitation to remove contaminating DNA and low molecular weight RNA species. Purified RNA precipitates are then resuspended in DEPC-treated water and stored at −80° C. until use. PolyA+ mRNA is then prepared from 1 milligram of total cellular RNA using the PolyATtract mRNA Isolation System III (Promega Corp.) according to manufacturer's instructions. First strand cDNA is then prepared by reverse transcription of 600 ng of polyA+ selected RNA using the Superscript Preamplification System (Gibco BRL) according to manufacturer's instructions.

Oligo-dT primed first-strand cDNA is prepared from 500 ng of poly(A)+ mRNA (144 hours after imbibtion) epicotyl using the SuperScript Preamplification System (Gibco-BRL Life Technologies) per the manufacturer's instructions. Polymerase chain reactions with different primer combinations are performed using the “Touchdown PCR” technique. In one set of reactions, oligonucleotide pools #1 and #3 are used in each tube and in the second set of reactions oligonucleotide pools #2 and #4 are combined. Following a 3 minutes/94° C. denaturation, annealing temperatures are decreased by 1° C. every two cycles between 60° C. and 46° C., followed by 10 cycles at 45° C., then 10 minutes/72° C. Reactions contained 2 ml first-strand cDNA, 250 picomoles of each primer, 10 mM TrisHCl (pH 8.3), 50 mM KCl, 1.5 mM MgCl


, 200 μM dNTPs, 2.5 U Taq polymerase, in a final volume of 100 μL. RT-PCR products are gel-purified, and cloned directly into the plasmid pCRII (Invitrogen). Isolation of the 5′ end and 3′ end of the CPS coding sequence is performed using oligonucleotides complementary to sequences obtained from the RT-PCR products (above) with the 5′ RACE System for Rapid Amplification of cDNA Ends, Version 2.0, and the 3′ RACE System for Rapid Amplification of cDNA Ends (GIBCO-BRL Life Technologies), respectively, per the manufacturer's instructions. For both 3′ and 5′ RACE reactions, 1st strand cDNAs are generated using 250 ng of poly(A)+ mRNA isolated from internode 3 of 18-day-old soybean plants (A3237).

To identify the products homologous to CPS, Southern blot analysis of the PCR reactions is performed using an Arabidopsis CPS cDNA as probe. Appropriate stringency conditions which promote DNA hybridization, for example, 6.0×sodium chloride/sodium citrate (SSC) at about 45° C., followed by a wash of 2.0×SSC at 50° C., are known to those skilled in the art or can be found in

Current Protocols in Molecular Biology,

John Wiley & Sons, N.Y. (1989), §§6.3.1-6.3.6. For example, the salt concentration in the wash step can be selected from a low stringency of about 2.0×SSC at 50° C. to a high stringency of about 0.2×SSC at 50° C. In addition, the temperature in the wash step can be increased from low stringency conditions at room temperature, about 22° C., to high stringency conditions at about 65° C. Both temperature and salt may be varied, or either the temperature or the salt concentration may be held constant while the other variable is changed. PCR products which hybridized strongly with the Arabidopsis probe are purified by agarose gel electrophoresis and directly sequenced using the PRISM DyeDeoxy Terminator Cycle Sequencing Kit (Applied Biosystems). The sequences obtained are analyzed in all possible reading frames using the TFASTA program in the GCG sequence analysis software package.

Two oligonucleotides are designed corresponding to the 5′-most and 3′-most sequences contained within the original CPS RT-PCR products:


(SEQ ID NO:17)


(SEQ ID NO:18)

Oligonucleotides EKS1 and EKS8 are used as primers in RT-PCR reactions with cDNA prepared from 6-day-old soybean epicotyl mRNA as described above. The reactions are performed using conditions: 94° C. for 1 minute, 61° C. for 1 minute, then 72° C. for two minutes, for 35 cycles. The resulting 1.1 kb PCR product is gel purified. The 1.1 kb CPS conserved core protein gene fragment (CPScc) occurs in the full length soybean CPS gene sequence (SEQ ID NO:2) between nucleotide positions 418 and 1518. The 1.1 kb gene sequence is then ligated into the pCRII T/A vector (Invitrogen). All DNA manipulations and transformations of

Escherichia coli

are performed according to standard protocols (Sambrook et al.,

Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual,



., Cold Spring Harbor Press (1989).

Production of Soybean Plants with Constitutive Expression of CPScc Antisense

To construct an antisense CPS transformation vector, an approximately 1.1 kb soybean CPS RT-PCR product is excised from the pCRII T/A vector by digestion with restriction enzymes BarnHI and EcoRV. A plasmid which contains the

Escherichia coli

uidA gene flanked by the Figwort Mosaic Virus 35S promoter (P-FMV) (U.S. Pat. No. 5,378,619) and the nopaline synthase polyadenylation region (NOS3′) is digested with restriction enzyme BamHI, then treated with mung bean nuclease, then digested with restriction enzyme Bg1II. The resulting vector minus the uidA coding region is then gel-purified, and ligated with the BamHI/EcoRV 1.1 kb CPS fragment, which positioned the partial CPS cDNA in antisense orientation between the P-FMV and the NOS3′. This antisense expression cassette is then excised from this plasmid by restriction enzyme NotI digestion, agarose gel-purified, then ligated into the NotI restriction site of the binary plant transformation vector pMON 17227 (

FIG. 2

) containing a 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase gene conferring glyphosate resistance in plants (U.S. Pat. No. 5,633,435). The resulting transformation vector pMON29801, (

FIG. 7

) by Agrobacterium mediated method is used to transform soybean (this method is described below).

Isolation of Full-length Soybean CPS Gene

Primers corresponding to sequences encompassing the predicted translation initiation and termination codons are used to RT-PCR amplify a full length CPS ORF gene using Pwo DNA polymerase (Boehringer Mannheim Biochemicals) from RNA purified from soybean seedling tissue (144 hours after imbibition). The RNA is selected for polyA+ enriched mRNA (Promega PolyATtract system). PCR primers (soy24mer and soy29mer) are then designed to amplify the full-length coding region (SEQ ID NO:2) using the Expand High Fidelity PCR System (Boehringer Mannheim Biochemicals).



(SEQ ID NO:15)



(SEQ ID NO:16)


Ten cycles are performed with 30 second denaturation at 94° C., 1 minute annealing at 60° C., and 2 minute 45 second extension at 68° C. An additional 15 cycles are performed where the extension time increased 20 seconds per cycle, followed by a final 10 minute incubation at 68° C. Multiple PCR products generated from independent amplifications are analyzed to avoid thermostable polymerase-induced sequence errors. The PCR product is subcloned into the PCR2.1 vector (Invitrogen), digested with restriction enzymes EcoRV and KpnI, and the CPS gene insert is cloned into plasmid containing P-FMV/petunia Hsp70 5′ leader/NOS3′ at the unique StuI and KpnI restriction sites between the leader and the NOS3′ to create that contains an P-FMV/petunia HSP70 5′ leader/soybean CPS/NOS3′ terminator in a cassette flanked by NotI restriction sites. This plasmid is then digested with restriction enzyme NotI and cloned into the NotI digested soy linear transformation backbone to create pMON33512 (FIG.


). Protein translation of the cDNA clone of the soybean CPS gene sequence is shown in SEQ ID NO:88.

Antisense CPS Full Length Plant Expression Vector

The vector containing the P-FMV/petunia Hsp70 5′ leader/soybean CPS/NOS3′ plant expression cassette is digested with restriction enzymes KpnI and Bg1II, and the 2547 bp insert (containing the petunia HSP leader and soybean full length CPS gene sequence) is cloned into KpnI and BamHI double digested plasmid to create plasmid pMON42011 (FIG.


). Plasmid pMON42011 contains an FMV promoter, antisense soybean CPS, and NOS3′ terminator in a cassette flanked by NotI restriction sites. Plasmid pMON42011 is then digested with restriction enzyme NotI, the expression cassette is agarose gel purified and ligated into the NotI digested, phosphatase treated plant transformation plasmid to create plasmid pMON42013 (FIG.


). Plasmid pMON42013 is transformed into soybean to decrease the endogenous soybean CPS levels which will result in a decrease relative GA hormone levels thus altering seedling germination.

Soybean Transformation Methods

Methods for the regeneration of

Glycine max

plants from various tissue types and methods for the tissue culture of

Glycine max

are known in the art (See, for example, Widholm et al.,

In vitro Selection and Culture-induced Variation in Soybean

, In Soybean: Genetics, Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Eds. Verma and Shoemaker, CAB International, Wallingford, Oxon, England (1996)). Regeneration techniques for plants such as

Glycine max

can use as the starting material a variety of tissue or cell types. With

Glycine max

in particular, regeneration processes have been developed that begin with certain differentiated tissue types such as meristems, (Cartha et al.,

Can. J. Bot.

59: 1671-1679 (1981)), hypocotyl sections, (Cameya et al.,

Plant Science Letters

21: 289-294 (1981)), and stem node segments, (Saka et al.,

Plant Science Letters,

19: 193-201 (1980)). Cheng et al.,

Plant Science Letters,

19: 91-99 (1980) have been reported. Regeneration of whole sexually mature

Glycine max

plants from somatic embryos generated from explants of immature

Glycine max

embryos has been reported (Ranch et al.,

In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology

21: 11, 653-658 (1985)). Regeneration of mature

Glycine max

plants from tissue culture by organogenesis and embryogenesis has also been reported (Barwale et al.,


167: 473-481 (1986); Wright et al.,

Plant Cell Reports

5: 150-154 (1986)).

Glycine max

(A3237) transformants can be generated by

Agrobacterium tumefaciens

-mediated transformation of cotyledon explants using the method of Hinchee et al. (1988). Transformation of soybean is satisfactorily performed by the methods described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,120,657, 5,015,580, and 5,503,998. Enhanced shoot elongation in tissue culture may be obtained by several methods. Biological active gibberellic acid (GA


, Sigma cat #G-7645) is incorporated into the media at concentrations ranging from 1-10 mM. Shoots that are elongating are removed and placed on rooting media. In addition or alternatively, shoots are removed from the media and placed in a petri dish with sterile aqueous solution of 1-1000 ppm (parts per million) of GA


in 0.05% Tween 80 or other suitable nonionic detergent or surfactant at biologically effective concentrations. They are agitated in this GA


solution for about 5-15 seconds before being placed back on the media. The shoots subjected to this dipping procedure are then assessed 1-week after treatment for shoot elongation. In addition or alternatively, shoots are sprayed with a sterile aqueous solution of 1-1000 ppm of GA


, shoots are then assessed 1-week after treatment for shoot elongation. During this elongation phase of the procedure, shoots that are observed to be elongating are selected for rooting by transferring to rooting media. Rooted plants are transplanted into soil.

Analysis of Soybean with Constitutive Expression of CPS Antisense

Thirty-five soybean plants are produced by transformation with pMON29801 (

FIG. 7

) containing the antisense CPS conserved core (asCPScc) gene driven by constitutive FMV promoter. The seed (R


) from the initial R


transgenic lines is collected. R


seeds are sown in 4-inch pots filled with commercial potting soil (Metromix 350) that is saturated with water or GA


at a rate of either 3×10


or 10


M. Typically, 20 seeds are sown in 10 pots for each treatment, except where the seed supply is limiting. Pots are incubated in a greenhouse routinely used for soybean growth. Emergence is scored versus days after planting (DAP). Two soybean lines, 724 and 720, show a delayed emergence phenotype. Line 724 emergence is 1 to 2 days later than the control.



lines are also evaluated for stature reduction, a key indicator of GA-deficiency in soybean. R


seeds are grown as described above. Plant height is routinely measured at approximately one week after planting. Four lines (696, 719, 720 and 724) are identified that had overall stature reduction relative to the control (A3237) line and the control line plus ancymidol (10 mg/L), an inhibitor of GA (Table 3). As these are segregating from R


seeds, the distribution stature of the plants is evaluated. Three lines (719, 720 and 724) have a population of strong dwarf soybean plants (<25% the height of the average control plant). The segregation ratio of R


pMON29801 (FMV/asCPScc) (

FIG. 7

) soybean plants is checked by phenotype (stature) and for the expression of CP4 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase by ELISA (Rogan et al.,

J. Food Control

, in Press (1998)). The results for both of these analyses are fairly consistent (Table 4): Line 696 segregated at about 1:3, line 719 at about 1:2, line 720 at about 2:1 and line 724 at about 3:1. Thus, only line 724 is what could be considered normal Mendelian segregation.


Stature of FMV/asCPScc soybean plants at 7 DAP


Height (% of control)


A3237 Control



A3237 + ancymidol
















Distribution of plant heights in the evaluation of segregating R


FMV/asCPScc (pMON29801) soybean seeds

Frequency of heights relative to A3237 control (%)











A3237 + ancym.





















Ancymidol added as a soil drench at 10 mg/L.

Levels of CPS Endogenous mRNA, Transgenic mRNA and GA in Transgenic Soybean Plants

To verify the antisense effect, the CPS mRNA levels are measured by Northern blot and the endogenous GA levels analyzed by GC/MS. R


pMON29801 plants from lines 719 and 724 are grown the dark for 5 days at 30° C. These R


lines segregate into the tall and dwarf plant phenotypes. The tall plants are pooled into a single sample, the dwarf plants are pooled into a separate sample. The mRNA is purified by a method of Qiagen Corp. A Northern blot analysis is performed. The endogenous 2.9 kb mRNA is easily detected in the samples from the tall plants and from the A3237 control plant samples. The dwarf plant sample has undetectable levels of the 2.9 kb endogenous CPS mRNA, but high levels of the 1.2 kb transgenic antisense message. This results indicates that antisense expression is providing the expected effect by reducing the level of the endogenous CPS mRNA which will in turn reduce the level of GA in those plants producing the observed as a dwarf plant phenotype.

Endogenous GA


levels are measured in the upper half of hypocotyls from 5-day old etiolated soybean seedlings by a variation of the method described by Sheng, et al., (


31: 4055-4057 (1992)). Hypocotyl lengths are measured, the upper half separated, frozen and ground into a fine powder in liquid nitrogen. For segregating transgenic lines, hypocotyl samples are separated into “tall” and “dwarf” fractions by size. Between 0.36 g and 1.30 g frozen hypocotyl powder is transferred to a glass 40-mL centrifuge tube and homogenized (Pro300D, Pro Scientific) in 80% (v/v) methanol. Deuterated GA


standard (17,17-d




, obtained from L. Mander, Australia National University) are added to levels between 0.2 and 1 ng/ml prior to homogenization. The homogenate is filtered (Whatman No. 42) and the filtrate added to a 6-ml. C18 chromatography column (Bakerbond spe, J T Baker, Inc., Phillipsburg, N.J.). GA


is eluted with 2 ml 80% (v/v) methanol and the methanol is evaporated under vacuum. The remaining aqueous phase is adjusted to pH 3 with hydrochloric acid and partitioned three times against hydrated ethyl acetate. The combined ethyl acetate fractions are evaporated under vacuum, resuspended in 35% methanol containing 0.05% (v/v) acetic acid and filtered (0.25 μm, 25 mm Nylon Acrodisc, Gelman Sciences). The filtered extract is injected onto a C18 reverse-phase column (Xpertek Spherisorb ODS-2 5 μm, 4.6 mm×250 mm) and eluted at a flow rate of 1 ml/minute with a 20-minute linear gradient from 35% to 68% (v/v) acidified methanol controlled by a Waters Model 680 Gradient Controller (Waters Associates, Milford, Mass.). One-ml fractions are collected and pooled according to the expected retention of GA


as determined by previous chromatography of tritiated standard for GA


(obtained from R. Pharis, U. of Calgary). Pooled HPLC fractions are evaporated under vacuum and resuspended in 600 μl methanol. Each sample (100 μL) is methylated with diazomethane (10-20 μL) in a 1 ml reacti-vial at room temperature. Excess diazomethane and its solvent are removed with a stream of nitrogen. Each methylated sample received 1 μL of pyridine and 50 μL of BSTFA (N,O-bis(trimethylsilyl)trifluoroacetamide) and is heated at 70° C. for 45 minutes. Excess BSTFA is removed with a stream of nitrogen. An aliquot of each sample is injected into a GC for GC/SIM (selected ion monitoring)/MS. The GC is typically programmed from 100° C. to 300° C. with 10° C./min. The MS signal peak height method for endogenous GA


and the di-deuterated GA


is chosen for quantitation of GA



Endogenous GA


levels are 62% and 88% lower in the hypocotyl segments from the dwarf transgenic lines 724 and 719, respectively relative to the A3237 control. These substantial reductions in endogenous GA


levels correlated strongly with the length of the hypocotyls from which the GA


is extracted. These results indicate the transgenic soybeans tested are shorter due to a reduction in endogenous GA



The level of GA


, the gibberellin considered to be responsible for stem elongation in plants, is measured in additional two lines, 674 and 678, of transgenic antisense copalyl diphosphate synthase conserved core sequence (asCPScc) soybean and the control (A3237). The elongation region (upper half) of the hypocotyl from four-day-old etiolated soybean seedlings is lyophilized and analyzed for GA


levels in the laboratory of Dr. Richard Pharis at the University of Calgary. The control and line 674 hypocotyl tissue is extracted into 80% methanol and purified using C18 reverse phase chromatography, silica partitioning chromatography, HPLC and GC-MS. GA


recovery is calculated by the addition of deuterated GA


to the methanol extract. Gibberellin activity in the fractions collected by HPLC is detected using the microdrop dwarf rice bioassay (Nishijma et al.,

Plant Cell Phys.

30: 623-627 (1989)). For line 678, the silica partitioning step is omitted and the pooled HPLC fractions corresponding to GA


, as detected using




, are directly analyzed for GA


by GC-MS. The GA


levels in the two transgenic lines 674 and 678 are found to be 42% and 19%, respectively, measured in the control (A3237) hypocotyl segments.

Seed Yield from asCPScc Soybean Lines

Lines engineered for reduced GA levels produce sufficient quantities of fertile seed when treated with GA


. One hundred nine soybean plants from four asCPScc lines (696, 719, 720 and 724) identified with GA-deficient phenotypes are grown to maturity and the seed harvested. Three of the lines (696, 719 and 720) required weekly spraying with GA


to restore normal vegetative growth. Line 724 showed early GA-deficiency symptoms, but then resumed normal growth and development without the need for exogenously supplied GA


. Seed yield, seed weight per seed, pod number and seeds/pod data are collected for each plant. Data is collected in three groups for each line: plants that are wild-type; plants that are dwarfs and received no exogenous GA; and plants that are treated with exogenous GA


. In plants that are originally dwarfs, seed yield is reduced 75% if GA


is not provided exogenously. The dwarfs treated continuously with GA


restored 70% of the yield of the wild-types for lines 696 and 719. Line 720 provides lower seed yields even with GA


treatments. Line 724 dwarf plants produces equivalent yields to the wild-type plants within this line without any external spraying. Seed weight per seed is reduced 20% to 30% in lines 696, 719 and 724 dwarf plants without GA and this reduction is nearly completely rescued by the GA treatments. Line 724 has no reduction in seed weight in dwarfs without supplying exogenous GA. These results indicate that the use of a strong constitutive promoter to constitutively reduce GA levels in soybean plants substantially reduce seed yields. Exogenous a GA


treatment strategy can restore near normal yields.



Plant Analysis

Sixty-six R


soybean lines selected from four gibberellin-deficient R


lines (696, 719, 720, and 724) are evaluated for reduced emergence, reduced stature and segregation at two locations, Chesterfield, Mo. and Yauco, Puerto Rico (Table 3). The 66 lines are sent to Puerto Rico and planted in the growth chamber in Chesterfield, Mo. simultaneously to allow a detailed examination of the emergence and stature phenotypes in a controlled setting. Approximately 20 seeds per line are planted in 96-well seedling trays. Emergence timing is measured as before, and the stature data is collected on a percentage of short and tall plants to differentiate homozygous from heterozygous lines.

Thirty of the fifty dwarf lines identified at the R


generation have seedling emergence delays of one to two days in the growth chamber at Chesterfield. Fourteen of the fifty dwarf lines have a germination delay of approximately two days in Puerto Rico. A wide range of reduced stature plants are in this trial. In general, the severity of the dwarf phenotype is 719>720>696>724. Some of the progeny from line 719 are only 7% of the height of the wild-type controls in the trial in Puerto Rico.

Soybean Plants Transformed with Antisense to the Fall Length Soybean CPS Sequence

A linear fragment spanning the MluI restriction fragment of pMON42013 (

FIG. 10

) containing the P-FMV/antisense full length soybean CPS sequence/NOS3′ cassette is transformed into soybean by particle gun bombardment. The shoots are subjected to the post-transformation GA treatment to induce shoot elongation. The shoots that respond to the GA treatment are rooted in rooting media then transferred to soil. A small number of R


plants show a severe GA-deficient phenotype including short stature and dark green leaves. A few more plants show a more moderate phenotype

Example 3

Cotton (

Gossypium hirsutum


The same series of degenerate oligonucleotides that are designed based on comparisons of Arabidopsis and

Zea mays

CPS sequences for the cloning of the

Glycine max

CPS cDNA are used in PCR experiments to clone the CPS gene from

Gossypium hirsutum

(soydeg1 SEQ ID NO: 11, soydeg7 SEQ ID NO: 13).

PCR is performed on

Gossypium hirsutum

, cv. Coker-312, genomic DNA using the ‘Touchdown PCR’ technique (Don et al., 1991). Following a 3 minutes/94° C. denaturation, annealing temperatures are decreased by 1° C. every two cycles between 60 and 46° C., followed by 10 cycles at 45° C., then 10 minutes/72° C. Primers soydeg1 (SEQ ID NO:11) and soydeg3 (SEQ ID NO:12) generated a 1.3 kb PCR product. The PCR product is purified by agarose gel electrophoresis and subcloned into the TA cloning vector pCR


2.1 (Invitrogen). The subdlone is sequenced using the PRISM DyeDeoxy Terminator Cycle Sequencing Kit (Applied Biosystems). The DNA sequences obtained are analyzed using a “BLAST Search” program in the GCG sequence analysis software package. Based on the genomic sequence obtained, exact primers (NN1.3 (SEQ ID NO:19) and NN7.5 (SEQ ID NO:20)) are designed to clone the CPS cDNA by RT-PCR using the same “Touch Down PCR” technique previously described. An approximately 750 bp PCR product is produced and subcloned into the TA cloning vector pCR


2.1 (Invitrogen Corp.). The cloned product is sequenced using the PRISM DyeDeoxy Terminator Cycle Sequencing Kit (Applied Biosystems). The DNA sequence from cotton (SEQ ID NO:3) is analyzed using a BLAST (GCG) and shows homology to the published

Arabidopsis thaliana


Zea mays

gibberellin CPS genes

Construction of Antisense CPS Construct for Expression in Cotton

Vectors are constructed for constitutive expression of the cotton CPS (SEQ ID NO:3) in antisense orientation. For constitutive expression, the plasmid containing the cloned cotton CPS cDNA is digested with restriction enzyme BamHI to excise the CPS fragment and is subcloned into the BamHI/Bg1II restriction site of plasmid containing a plant expression cassette. This construct resulted in the insertion of the cotton CPS fragment in the antisense orientation behind the constitutive FMV promoter. The plasmid is partially digested with restriction enzymes HindIII and BamHI, and the 1.326 kb FMV-antisense-CPS fragment subcloned into the HindlIl and BamiHI restriction sites of plasmid pMON10098 (FIG.


), creating plasmid pMON29975 (FIG.


). This plant expression cassette contains the FMV promoter driving an antisense-CPS-E9-3′ construct as well as the 35s constitutive promoter driving expression of the gene for selection of transgenic plants on the antibiotic, kanamycin. Cotton transformation is conducted as described in U.S. Pat. No. 5,004,863. Enhanced shoot elongation may be obtained by several methods. Biological active gibberellic acid (GA


, Sigma cat #G-7645) is incorporated into the media at concentrations ranging from 1-10 mM. Shoots that are elongating are removed and placed on rooting media. In addition or alternatively, shoots are removed from the media and placed in a petri dish with sterile aqueous solution of 1-1000 ppm (parts per million) of GA


in 0.05% Tween 80 or other suitable nonionic detergent or surfactant at biologically effective concentrations. They are agitated in this GA


solution for about 5-15 seconds before being placed back on the media. The shoots subjected to this dipping procedure are then assessed 1-week after treatment for shoot elongation. In addition or alternatively, shoots are sprayed with a sterile aqueous solution of 1-1000 ppm of GA


, shoots are then assessed 1-week after treatment for shoot elongation. During this elongation phase of the procedure, shoots that are observed to be elongating are selected for rooting by transferring to rooting media. Rooted plants are transplanted into soil.

Example 4

Wheat (

Triticum aesativum


The conserved core sequence of wheat is isolated from wheat (Ta) mRNA by using the degenerate PCR primers Mot 0 (SEQ ID NO:9) and Mot 7 (SEQ ID NO:10). The amplified fragment is purified on an agarose gel by electrophoresis. The PCR fragment is ligated into a suitable plasmid for growth in

Escherichia coli

. The fragment is subsequently purified from the plasmid, radioactively labeled and used as a probe. Alternatively, the amplified PCR fragment purified from an agarose gel is radioactively labeled and used as a probe. A lambda ZapII cDNA library (Stratagene) is made from wheat seedling leaf extracts. The radioactive probe is used to identify a 2.1 kb cDNA homologous to the PCR fragment produced using the degenerate primers Mot 0 and Mot 7. The 2.1 kb cDNA of wheat CPS DNA sequenced is determined (SEQ ID NO:4). The wheat CPS gene is excised from

E. coli

plasmid with restriction enzymes XbaI and SphI and is ligated into XbaI/SphI digested plasmid containing the plant expression cassette. The orientation of the coding sequence of the Ta CPS gene is antisense in this plant expression cassette. Transcription of the antisense Ta CPS gene in is controlled by the CaMV enhanced 35S promoter (Kay et al.,


236: 1299-1302 (1987)), a

Zea mays

heat shock protein gene intron sequence, and the NOS3′ terminator region in the monocot expression cassette. The P-e35S/Zmhsp70intron/antisenseTaCPS/NOS3′ is transformed into wheat cells by particle bombardment (Vasil,

Plant Mol. Biol.

25: 925-937 (1994) and transgenic plants are regenerated. Transgenic plants are selected which demonstrate the dwarf plant phenotype useful for this invention.

Example 5

Soybean (

Glycine max

) Gibberellin 3β-hydroxylase

PolyA+ selected mRNA is prepared from dry seed embryos, dry seed cotyledons; root, hypocotyl, and cotyledon from 2-day-old seedlings; root, hypocotyl, epicotyl, and cotyledon from 4-day-old seedlings; and root, hypocotyl, epicotyl, and cotyledon from 6-day-old seedlings. Approximately 5 μg of each sample is subjected to Northern analysis and probed with a 1.4 kb cDNA insert encoding a putative full-length 3-β-hydroxylase coding region. The expression pattern of this gene more closely matched that of CPS than C20-oxidase. High levels of expression are seen in cotyledons at 2 and 4 days after imbibition, which declined by day six. Roots showed strong expression at day 2, but became almost undetectable by day 4. Cotyledons had the highest 3-β-hydroxylase mRNA levels at day 6, whereas for CPS maximal expression is seen in hypocotyls at this time. These data also reveal that two distinct mRNAs of similar size are produced in soybean.

A heterologous library screening approach is used to obtain cDNA sequences from soybean homologous to gibberellin 3β-hydroxylase. A λgt10 cDNA library prepared from 10-day-old light grown soybean seedlings is obtained (Soybean 5′-STRETCH cDNA library; Clontech). Approximately 800,000 phage are plated and replicated onto nitrocellulose. Membranes are pre-hybridized and hybridized in 35% de-ionized formamide, 5×Denhardt's reagent, 5×saline citrate solution (SSC), 0.1% sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), and 100 μg/ml of heat-denatured, sonicated calf thymus DNA at 37° C. A PCR generated Arabidopsis gibberellin 3β-hydroxylase full-length cDNA (Chiang et al.,

Plant Cell

7: 195-201 (1995)) is radiolabeled with


P dCTP using the Redi-prime random primer labeling kit (Amersham), heat denatured, then added to heat-sealable bags containing the membranes in hybridization buffer to a concentration of 1 ng/ml. Hybridization is allowed to proceed for 24 hours at 37° C. Filters are then washed twice for 15 minutes in 2×SSC/0.2% SDS at room temperature, twice for 20 minutes in 2×SSC/0.2% SDS at 37° C., and finally once for 30 minutes in 0.2×SSC/0.2% SDS at 37° C. Washed membranes are then subjected to autoradiography overnight at −80° C. using an intensifying screen.

Twenty three recombinant phage of the 800,000 screened initially hybridized strongly with the Arabidopsis cDNA. From these, ten are chosen for a single round of plaque purification per manufacturer's instructions, using the above described hybridization and wash conditions for primary screening. Purified phage particles are eluted from agar plugs into SM buffer overnight at 4° C. or for one hour with shaking at 37° C.

Five microliters of each phage eluate is placed in thin-walled PCR reaction tubes and boiled for 5 minutes. PCR is then performed on the boiled eluates using oligonucleotide primers complementary to sequences flanking the λgt10 EcoRI cloning site (Clontech).



(SEQ ID NO:39)

λgt10 rt:


(SEQ ID NO:40)

PCR conditions are for 35 cycles of 94° C. for 30 seconds, then 45° C. for 1 minute, followed by 68° C. for two minutes. The PCR products obtained are then purified by agarose gel electrophoresis, then directly sequenced using the PRISM DyeDeoxy Terminator Cycle Sequencing Kit (Applied Biosystems). The sequences obtained are analyzed in all possible reading frames for homology with the Arabidopsis protein using the TFASTA program in the GCG sequence analysis software package. These analyses identified 5 cDNA inserts showing a high degree of homology to the Arabidopsis gibberellin 3β-hydroxylase (3β-OH) enzyme. The sequence of the soybean gibberellin 3β-hydroxylase is shown in SEQ ID NO:5. Phage DNA from these clones is digested with EcoRI and cloned into EcoRI digested pBluescript KS(+) (Stratagene). One clone is chosen for further characterization and digested with restriction enzymes EcoRV and KpnI and the 3β-OH insert is cloned into plasmid containing the P-FMV/petunia Hsp70 5′ leader/NOS3′ at the unique StuI and KpnI sites, the expression cassette is flanked by unique NOT1 sites. The plasmid is digested with restriction enzyme NotI and cloned into the NotI-digested soybean linear transformation vector to create plasmid pMON33515 (FIG.


). The plant expression plasmid pMON33515 is transformed into soybean as previously described to affect endogenous GA levels by cosuppression. Protein translation of the soybean 3β-hydroxylase cDNA sequence is shown in SEQ ID NO:89.

The construction of plant expression vectors designed to express an antisense gene for soybean 3β-OH is performed as follows. The plasmid containing the first 3β-OH clone is digested with restriction enzymes XbaI and KpnI, and cloned into the XbaI/KpnI-sites of the plant expression cassette. This vector contains an FMV promoter, soybean antisense 3β-OH, and 3′ NOS terminator in a cassette flanked by NotI restriction sites. This plasmid is then digested with restriction enzyme NotI and cloned into the NotI digested vector pMON17227 (

FIG. 2

) to create pMON29815 (FIG.


). This construct contains (from 5′ to 3′) the right border, FMV promoter, CTP2 sequence, CP4-EPSPS gene, E9 3′ terminator; FMV promoter, antisense soybean 3β-OH, NOS3′ terminator, and left border. Plasmid pMON29815 is transformed into soybean by an Agrobacterium-mediated soybean transformation method without exogenous application of GA. Plants are regenerated, planted into soil and seeds recovered. These seeds are planted into soil and analyzed for the GA deficient phenotype. No phenotype is observed for these plants. This indicates that the exogenous application of GA during the shooting phase of plant regeneration is important for recovery of plants expression the GA deficient phenotype. An additional vector for particle gun transformation of soybean is made by cloning the KpnI/XbaI antisense 3β-OH sequence into a plant expression vector designed for linear DNA particle gun transformation. The transformation of soybean is performed with the agarose gel purified HindIII linearized vector which contains the plant expression cassettes for expression of the antisense 3β-OH sequence and the expression of the selectable marker gene (CP4, glyphosate). Transformed soybean plants are selected from those shoots that respond to exogenous GA applications at the shoot elongation stage of plant regeneration in tissue culture. These shoots are rooted, then transferred to soil.

Example 6

Cotton (

Gossypium hirsutum

) Gibberellin 3-β-hydroxylase

A series of degenerate oligonucleotides are designed based on comparisons of the Arabidopsis (Chiang et al.,

Plant Cell

7: 195-201 (1995)),

Glycine max

(SEQ ID NO:5), and

Pisum sativum

3-β-hydroxylase (Martin et al.,

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.

94: 8907-8911 (1997)) sequences for the cloning of 3-β-hydroxylase from

Gossypium hirsutum



(SEQ TD NO:21)


(SEQ ID NO:22)


(SEQ ID NQ:23)


(SEQ ID NO:24)

PCR is performed on

Gossypium hirsutum

, variety Coker-312, genomic DNA using the ‘Touchdown PCR’ technique. Following a 3 minutes/94° C. denaturation, annealing temperatures are decreased by 1° C. every cycle between 58° C. and 43° C., using a 68° C. extension at each cycle, followed by 20 cycles at 43° C., then 10 minutes/72° C.

An approximately 1.12 kb PCR product generated using oligonucleotides 3BOH1 and 3BOH4 is purified by agarose gel electrophoresis and subcloned into the TA cloning vector pCR


2.1 (Invitrogen Corp.) The subclone is sequenced using the PRISM DyeDeoxy Terminator Cycle Sequencing Kit (Applied Biosystems). The partial genomic clone contains an intron of 320 base pairs (bp) and two exons of 271 bp and 530 bp. The DNA sequences obtained are analyzed using a BLAST program in the GCG sequence analysis software package. These analyses identified genomic DNA sequence (SEQ ID NO:6) showing homology to the

Arabidopsis thaliana. Glycine max


Pisum sativum

3β-hydroxylase genes identifying the cotton gene as a 3β-hydroxylase

cDNA Cloning of Cotton 3-β-hydroxylase

Cloning of partial and full length 3β-hydroxylase cDNA clones is done using BRL Life Technologies 5′ and 3′ RACE Systems for Rapid Amplification of cDNA Ends, Version 2.0 as per manufacturer's instructions. Primers are designed based on the genomic clone sequences of the of the 5′ exon and 3′ exons for amplification.

5-RACE Primers



(SEQ ID NO:30)



(SEQ ID NO:31)



(SEQ ID NO:32)



(SEQ ID NO:33)

3′-RACE Primers



(SEQ ID NO:34)



(SEQ ID NO:35)



(SEQ ID NO:35)

Messenger RNA from cotton 2-4 day old seedlings is used for 5′ and 3′ RACE reactions as per manufacturer's instructions. For 5′ RACE primer BOH9 is used for the first strand synthesis reaction followed by C-Tailing of the cDNA. A second nested primer, (BOH11, BOH12 or BOH14) that anneals to sequences located 3′ (with respect to cDNA not mRNA) of BOH9 is used in conjunction with the manufacturers AUAP primer to amplify the 5′ coding region of cotton 3-β-hydroxylase The 3′-RACE primer BOH15 is used on cDNA generated using the manufacturers AP primer. A second nested primer, (BOH16 or BOH5) that anneals to sequences located 3′ of BOH15 (with respect to the mRNA) is used in conjunction with the manufacturer's AUAP primer to amplify the 3′ coding region of cotton 3-β-hydroxylase. Both 5′ and 3′ PCR products are subcloned into the TA cloning vector pCR2.1 and sequenced as previously described. Following DNA sequence verification PCR primers are designed to flank the 3β-hydroxylase open reading frame which contain unique restriction sites compatible with the polylinker sites of the constitutive plant expression vector. RT-PCR using mRNA from cotton 2-4 day old seedlings is done using the high fidelity Pwo DNA polymerase (BMB) to produce a complete clone of the cotton 3β-hydroxylase open reading frame.

Vectors are constructed for constitutive expression of the cotton 3β-hydroxylase. The 3β-hydroxylase ORF PCR product previously described is digested with restriction enzymes compatible with the vector and cloned in both sense and antisense orientations. This plant expression vector contains the FMV promoter driving sense or antisense 3-β-hydroxylase with a E9 terminator.

Example 7

Soybean AX5 Promoter

A small gene family encoding repetitive proline-rich cell wall protein exists in soybean (Datta, et al.,

Plant Cell

1: 945-952 (1989); Hong, et al.,

J. Biol. Chem.

265: 2470-2475 (1990)) with individual members being expressed in distinctive patterns in different organs, stages of development, and cell types (Hong, et al.,

Plant Cell

1: 937-943 (1989); Wyatt, et al.,

Plant Cell

4: 99-11 (1992)). The AX5 cDNA is isolated from soybean (A3237) by differential screening of a 2 days after imbibition (2 DAI) axis cDNA library with first strand cDNA derived from 2 DAI axis and 9 DAI epicotyls. Several AX5 cDNAs are isolated which exhibited preferential expression in the 2 DAI axis. The AX5 cDNA is isolated based on its preferential expression within the soybean seedling axis and limited expression beyond the seedling stage of development. By Northern blot analysis, the AX5 mRNA accumulates in the axis of the soybean seedling beginning 12-24 hours after the start of imbibition at 30° C. with lower levels of AX5 mRNA accumulating in roots and cotyledons. Peak levels of AX5 accumulation in the axis are seen 3-5 days after the start of imbibition (DAI). A prolonged but decreasing level of expression occurs in the hypocotyl at least to 18 DAI with little to no detectable accumulation of AX5 in younger internodal tissue at 18 DAI. AX5 mRNA is undetectable in mature leaves. Environmental stresses (heat, drought, jasmonic acid as a surrogate for wounding, and salicylate as a surrogate for pathogenesis) does not induce AX5 mRNA in aerial portions of the plant although increased expression is observed in roots in response to heat and drought.

The AX5 promoter is PCR amplified from soybean genomic DNA (cv. A3237) by TAIL PCR (Liu and Whittier,


25: 674-681 (1995)) using the primers ARB1, AX5-1, and AX5-5.



(SEQ ID NO:25)



(SEQ ID NO:26)



(SEQ ID NO:27)

The AX5 primers for PCR are chosen to discriminate the RPRP3 gene from related cell wall protein genes in the soybean genome. The PCR conditions are set using those described by Liu et al., (

Plant J.

8: 457-463 (1995)) in a Perkin-Elmer 9600 PCR machine. The resulting 942 bp PCR fragment (SEQ ID NO:7) is cloned into the NotI/Bg1II restriction sites of plasmid pMON8677 (

FIG. 32

) after reamplification with the primers AX5-6 (SEQ ID NO:28) and AX5-3 (SEQ ID NO:29) to introduce NotI and Bg1II restriction sites, respectively. The resulting construct, plasmid pMON34434 (FIG.


), contains the AX5 promoter immediately upstream of the uidA (β-glucuronidase) reporter gene.

(SEQ ID NO:28)


(SEQ ID NO:29)


The soybean AX5 promoter will express gene transcripts in a developmentally specific manner. The CPScc (conserved core) gene and CPSfl (full-length) genes are cloned in the antisense orientation into a plant expression cassette containing the soybean AX5 promoter. The XhoI restriction fragment from plasmid pMON29801 (

FIG. 7

) is cloned into the Bg1II/BamHI restriction sites of plasmid pMON34434 (

FIG. 15

) replacing the uidA gene with 1082 bp (base pairs +435 to +1577 of the coding sequence) of the soybean CPScc in antisense orientation. The NotI cassette of plasmid (P-AX5/asCPScc/NOS3′) is then ligated into the NotI site of a plant transformation vector containing the CP4 gene for selection on glyphosate to create plasmid pMON34439 (FIG.


). Approximately 150 transgenic soybean plants are produced, transplanted into soil and grown in a greenhouse to make seed. Sixty-four of these lines are analyzed for a GA-deficient phenotype. In this assay, 20 seeds are planted and compared to A4922 (non-transgenic control) to determine whether or not they show delayed emergence and reduced stature. From the segregating population of plants, 2 lines are identified that show severe and moderate dwarf phenotype. Line 46 has 8 severe dwarfs plants at 7 days after planting and 5 moderate dwarfs at 14 days after planting. Line 213 has 2 severe and 2 moderate dwarfs 7 days after planting and 4 severe dwarfs 14 days after planting. These 2 lines are advanced to a secondary assay. In this assay, forty seeds are planted, 20 with a soil drench of 1×10




and 20 without to assess the GA-reversibility of this early seedling phenotype.

Plant expression vectors are constructed containing the NotI cassette of plasmid pMON34434 (

FIG. 15

) subdloned into the NotI restriction site a plant expression vector for Arabidopsis transformation via Agrobacterium to create pMON40401 (FIG.


). For transformation via particle gun and Agrobacterium in soybean, plasmid pMON34436 (FIG.


), and plasmid pMON34437 (FIG.


), respectively. These constructs include the reporter cassette and a constitutively expressed marker for selection of transformants using kanamycin or glyphosate. Plants from the seeds of transgenic soybeans transformed with plasmid pMON34436 and plasmid pMON34437 are produced and examined for expression driven by the AX5 promoter.

The cloned AX5 promoter causes restricted expression of downstream genes in transgenic plants. Arabidopsis plants transformed with plasmid pMON40401 show a common histochemical pattern of expression. Expression is observed shortly after the start of germination, initially expression is present in all organs of the seedling within 1-2 days after germination (DAG). By 4 DAG, the expression becomes restricted, with the highest levels observable in cells of the cotyledon petioles, hypocotyl and the hypocotyl/root junction. Expression is also present in some epidermal cells of the mature root, often being associated with emerging lateral roots. Post-seedling organs such as rosette leaves and developing flower buds assayed at 9 DAG and in bolting plants, typically do not show the histochemical staining indicative of transcription of the reporter gene by the AX5 promoter. The AX5 promoter is responsive to mechanical wounding and drives expression immediately around the site of mechanical damage to tissues. This general pattern is consistent with the expression profile of the endogenous AX5 gene in soybean and indicates that this promoter is likely to express in a similar manner in many plant species.

Example 8

Soybean (

Glycine max

) Gibberellin 20-oxidase Gene

A gibberellin 20-oxidase is cloned from soybean by low stringency screening of a soybean library using a heterologous probe. Based on the published sequence of the 386 amino acid

C. maxima

(pumpkin) 20-oxidase cDNA sequence (Lange et al.,

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.

91: 8552-8556 (1994)), primers are designed and used to reverse transcribe and PCR-amplify the 20-oxidase cDNA from developing pumpkin seed polyA+ mRNA.


(SEQ ID NO:37)


(SEQ ID NO:38)

Amplified products are radiolabeled by random priming of RT-PCR products which are gel purified for removal of vector sequences, and used as a heterologous probe to screen approximately 500,000 λGT10 phage from a commercially prepared soybean 10-day-old light-grown seedling cDNA library (Clontech Laboratories; 5′-Stretch cDNA library). Duplicate plaque lifts on 132 mm supported nitrocellulose membranes (Schleicher and Schuell) are prepared, and membranes are pre-hybridized and hybridized at 37° C. in 35% formamide, 5×Denhardt's solution (0.1% ficoll, 0.1% polyvinylpyrrolidone, 0.1% bovine serum albumin), 5×SSC, 0.1% sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), and 100 μg/ml sonicated herring sperm DNA. Heat denatured radiolabeled probes are added to the hybridization solution at a concentration of 1-2 ng/ml, and after hybridization for 24 hours, membranes are washed using low-stringency conditions (twice for 15 minutes at room temperature in 2×SSC, 0.2% SDS, then twice for 20 minutes in the same solution at 37° C., then finally once for 30 minutes in 0.2×SSC, 0.2% SDS at 37° C.). Positive plaques are subjected to one round of plaque purification and the inserts are PCR-amplified and directly sequenced. Five selected phage inserts are isolated and subcloned into the plasmid pBluescript KS+ (Stratagene) at the EcoRI restriction site. Of the five putative 20-oxidase cDNA sequences, one showed homology over a 1071 bp stretch to known 20-oxidase family members (Hedden and Kamiya,

Ann Rev Plant Physiol.

48: 431-460 (1997)) and is cloned into the XbaI and KpnI restriction sites of plant expression cassette. The vector is digested with restriction enzyme NotI and the FMV promoter/petunia hsp70 leader-soybean C20 oxidase/NOS3′ expression cassette is purified and ligated into NotI digested plant transformation plasmid containing the CP4 gene for transgenic plant selection on glyphosate. The sequence of the soybean gibberellin 20-oxidase is shown in SEQ ID NO:8.

Example 9

Cosuppression CPS Vector for Soybean

The soybean CPS ORF region of pMON33512 (

FIG. 8

) is sequenced in both directions to verify the ORF, and this vector is submitted for soybean transformation by what method. The linear DNA fragment is produced by digestion with restriction enzyme HindIII. The Hind III restriction fragment containing the plant expression cassette is agarose gel purified then transformed into soybean by the particle gun method. Developing shoots are treated with GA to promote shoot elongation as previously described. The shoots are rooted in rooting media, then transferred to soil. Plants are assayed for the GA deficient phenotype. Plants which show the GA deficient phenotype are propagated for seed and assayed in further generations for the GA deficient phenotype. Those plants that stably maintain the dwarf phenotype are introduced into a breeding program for propagation to commercial introduction.

Example 10

Cosuppression 3β-OH Soybean

The soybean 3β-OH gene sequence of plasmid pMON33515 (

FIG. 13

) is linearized by digestion with restriction enzyme HindIII. The Hind III restriction fragment containing the plant expression cassette is agarose gel purified then transformed into soybean by the particle gun method. Developing shoots are treated with GA to promote shoot elongation as previously described. The shoots are rooted in rooting media, then transferred to soil. Plants are assayed for the GA deficient phenotype. Plants which show the GA deficient phenotype are propagated for seed and assayed in further generations for the GA deficient phenotype. Those plants that stably maintain the dwarf phenotype are introduced into a breeding program for propagation to commercial introduction

Example 11

ICL Promoter/GUS in Soybean

A germination restricted promoter/reporter vector is constructed using the canola isocitrate lyase (ICL) promoter (from pBtIL-GUS-IL, cloned from

Brassica napus

(Zhang, et al.,

Plant Physiol.

104: 857-864 (1994)). The HindIII-PstI restriction fragment containing the 2.9 kb canola ICL promoter and the GUS gene is subcloned into the HindIII-PstI restriction sites of plant expression cassette replacing the FMV promoter and antisense CPS fragment, thereby creating the canola ICL promoter/GUS coding sequence/NOS3′ terminator plant expression cassette. The plasmid is digested with Not1 and is ligated into a NotI digested and phosphatase (CIP) treated plant transformation plasmid to create plasmid pMON29807 (FIG.


). Plasmid pMON29807 now contains the P-ICL/GUS reporter cassette plus the FMV promoter/CP4 EPSPS and the P-ICL/antisense soybean CPS/NOS3′. Soybean is transformed by an Agrobacterium mediated transformation method using glyphosate for transgenic plant selection and GA to promote shoot elongation as previously described.

Germinating R


seeds containing plasmid pMON29807 are examined by histochemically staining for GUS expression. GUS activity is evident in both the hypocotyl and cotyledons prior to 1 day after the start of imbibition (DAI). By 2 DAI activity is localizing in less mature portions of the hypocotyl (apical hook and elongating zone). Higher levels of expression (on an activity/mg total protein basis) are found in the cotyledons than in the axis (9 of 9 lines examined) and can be 5-fold or more greater than in the axis (4 of 9 lines examined). Lower levels of activity are also observed in root tips and associated with the vasculature of older internodes and petioles.

Example 12

Restoration of Normal Seedling Growth with GA Treatments

The timing of emergence and plant stature at for transgenic (plasmid pMON29801, FMV/asCPScc) soybean line 724 is rescued by sowing seeds in soil saturated with 3×10




. At 7 days after planting (DAP), the GA


treatment to the seeds rescued plant stature to within 10% of the A3237 control. As an additional control, soybean (A3237) seeds are coated with different concentrations of a commercial formulation of GA


(Release®) blended with talc and sown in sand saturated with 3 mg/L ancymidol and grown in a greenhouse. Plant height is measured at 6 DAP. Good reversal of ancymidol inhibition of soybean stature is realized with 3 mg GA


/kg seed. This rate is equivalent to approximately 62 mg GA


per acre (assuming 140,000 seeds/acre).

GA treatments to the seed, soil, and foliar application restores normal growth and development of FMV/asCPScc (plasmid pMON29801) soybean plants. Three methods of addition of GA


to plasmid pMON29801 Line #719 soybean seeds restores stature to the plants when seeds are sown and plants grown in the greenhouse and field. The GA


is added to seeds as Release 10 SP (Abbott Laboratories) milled with talc powder. The GA


is also added as a one-step seed treatment with a suspension in water of Release SP, polyethylene glycol (3,000 to 20,000 MW) and talc powder. The GA


is also added as a two-step seed treatment where the soybean seed is treated first with water and polyethylene glycol (3,000 to 20,000 MW) followed by a second treatment with Release 10 SP and talc. Water/polyethylene glycol ratios from 10:1 to 1:1 are used. GA


concentrations between 5 and 20 ppm restore normal shoot height in emerged #719 soybean plants.



added to plasmid pMON29801 transgenic soybean seeds as a soil drench also restores soybean emergence timing and plant height during early seedling growth. Rates of GA


between 1×10


and 1×10


M, when added to soil either immediately before planting or immediately after, restores normal shoot length in emerged Line #719 seedlings (Table 5).

A foliar spray of GA


restores normal stature of Line 719 plants. GA


restores normal vegetative development (Table 6) when sprayed on the foliage of GA-deficient dwarf plants during vegetative development at rates between 10


and 10


M plus a surfactant (Tween 20, 0.05% v/v).


Effect of GA3 soil drench on pMON29801 soybean shoot length at 7

days after planting.

Plant height (cm)

R1 line #


+3 × 10




11.9 (0.2) 

14.9 (0.3)


8.3 (1.1)

11.3 (1.0)


4.5 (0.7)

10.9 (0.9)


Restoration of pMON29801 soybean stature by foliar GA3 treatment

Plant height (cm)

R1 plant line


21 DAP

50 DAP


no GA





no GA















Plants receive a single spray treatment at 21 DAP with GA and then are not further sprayed.


Plants are sprayed approximately every week starting at 21 DAP.

Two out of 59 transgenic soybean lines transformed with construct pMON34439 (AX5 promoter/antisense CPScc, FIG.


), lines 46 and 202, show a reduced stature during early seedling growth and then resume normal vegetative growth. Twenty seeds of each line are sown in Metromix 350 soil in 3″ plastic pots in the greenhouse, approximately 40% of the seedlings are reduced in stature for line 46 and 25, 35% for line 202. Normal growth rate of seedlings in these two lines is at least partially restored by the addition of 1×10




as a soil drench treatment immediately before planting in addition to a foliar 1×10





Example 13

Identification of GA 2-oxidase Consensus Sequence and Cloning of Two Novel Arabidopsis GA 2-oxidases

Known dioxygenases which are involved in GA biosynthesis or catabolism are aligned using the PileUp program in the GCG software package (Wisconsin Package Version 10.0-UNIX, Genetics Computer Group, Madison, Wis.). Sequences included gibberellin 7-oxidases, C20 oxidases, 3β-hydroxylases, 2,3β-hydroxylases, and GA 2-oxidases identified in a variety of dicot and monocot species (Genbank accession numbers: X73314, U61385, y09112, Y14007, Y14008, Y14009, U70532, U58830, U70471, X91658, U70530, U70531, X83380, X83379, X83381, Y09113, At132435, At132436, At132437, At132438, Af010167, L37126, U85045, U63650, U61386). The results of this alignment indicated general conservation at the amino acid level among these dioxygenases with particular regions in the GA 2-oxidases being diagnostic of this subfamily. The consensus amino acid sequence is shown in SEQ ID NO:41.



This is an example of a region which has higher amino acid identity and overall similarity between GA 2-oxidase members (>60% identity) than amongst other dioxygenases which utilize GAs or their biosynthetic intermediates as substrates. The conserved regions in GA 2-oxidase sequences are used to screen the sequence databases for new family members. All 3 Arabidopsis GA 2-oxidase sequences (EMBL. database Nos: AJ132435, AJ132436, AJ132437) are used to search an Arabidopsis genomic sequence database using the TBLASTN and TBLASTX search algorithms (Altschul, et. al.,

J. Mol. Biol.

215:403-410, 1990). Two novel Arabidopsis GA 2-oxidases (At2ox4 and At2ox5) are identified which have amino acid identity of greater than 50% to the consensus sequence constructed from all GA oxidases (SEQ ID NO:41). Arabidopsis GA 2-oxidase 4 (At2ox4) nucleotide sequence is shown in SEQ ID NO:58, its amino acid translation shown in SEQ ID NO:59. Arabidopsis GA 2-oxidase 5 (At2ox5) gene nucleotide sequence is shown in SEQ ID NO:60, its exon amino acid translation shown in SEQ ID NO:61. These genes are overall distinct from the previously described Arabidopsis sequences (Thomas, et al.,

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.

96: 4698-4703, 1999) and from each other at the nucleotide and amino acid level when compared in their entirety.

Isolation of genomic clones containing the new sequences is performed to allow complete determination of the coding region, exon/intron structure, and regulatory regions such as 5′ promoter sequence. An Arabidopsis genomic library is constructed in the λFIX II vector (Stratagene, La Jolla, Calif.,) following the manufacturer's protocol. Arabidopsis genomic DNA from the Landsberg erecta ecotype is partially digested with restriction enzyme Sau3A and then partially filled-in with dGTP and dATP using

E. coli

polymerase I (Klenow) fragment. Fragments in the 9-23 kbp size range are gel purified and ligated into the arms of the λFIX II vector according to manufacturer's instruction. The resulting library is amplified in the

E. coli

strain XLI-Blue MRA P2 (Stratagene, LaJolla, Calif.) for amplification prior to screening. For screening, phage are plated at approximately 133-200 pfu/cm


. One hundred square segments (10×10) of agar (1.5 cm


) are isolated from the plates and phage are eluted in 1.5 ml of SM buffer [100 mM NaCl, 8 mM MgCl


, 50 mM Tris.HCl pH7.5, 0.01% (w/v) gelatin. Superpools (pooled rows and columns of eluted phage) are then screened by PCR using primers sets, 15434-2 (SEQ ID NO:42) and 15434-3 (SEQ ID NO:43); 25182-1 (SEQ ID NO:45) and 25182-2 (SEQ ID NO:46); 27516-2 (SEQ ID NO:51) and 27516-3 (SEQ ID NO:52), which specifically amplify each of the new GA 2-oxidase sequences. One μL of each superpool is amplified in a 25 μl. reaction using the following conditions: 1×PCR buffer (Sigma RedTaq), 200 mM dNTPs, 0.5 mM each primer, 1.25 units Taq polymerase; amplification parameters: one cycle of 94° C. for 2 min; 32 cycles of 94° C.-15 s, 60° C. 15 s, 68° C.-30 s, one cycle of 68° C.-5 min. At least one positive superpool and corresponding individual pool are found for each of the amplifications attempted. Expected fragments for the 15434-2 and -3 and 25182-1 and -2 primer sets are amplified from the same individual pools. Digoxigenin-labeled probe (Boehringer Mannheim Biochemicals Corp.) made for SEQ ID NO:56 (PCR amplified with primers 15434-2 and 15434-3), is used to screen low density platings of positive pools according to stringent hybridization conditions (Boehringer Mannheim EasyHyb hybridization solution, 42° C.-overnight, final wash: 0.2×SSC, 0.1% SDS, 68° C.-15 minutes). Individual positive plaques are isolated and grown in liquid culture to isolate the corresponding DNA (Lech, K.

Current Protocols in Molecular Biology,

1.12.2, 1990).

Mapping of the positive phage DNA with XbaI digests, indicated an approximately 1.4 kbp XbaI fragment and an approximately 2.8 kbp XbaI fragment. DNA sequencing of these fragments revealed them to be contained within a genomic clone for Arabidopsis GA 2-oxidase 4 (SEQ ID NO:57). Sequencing primer 25182-6 (SEQ ID NO:48) is be used to sequence a portion of the genomic DNA of the At2ox4 gene. The putative start of translation of the GA 2-oxidase open reading frame is located at position 1002 in SEQ ID NO:57 estimated by homology with known GA 2-oxidases. However, in the genomic clone an in-frame upstream translation initiation codon also occurs at position 852. Two introns are present, positions 1348-2247 and 2613-2931. The open reading frame terminates at position 3179.

A cDNA for Arabidopsis GA 2-oxidase 4 (At2ox4) (SEQ ID NO:58) is isolated to confirm exon/intron structure of the gene. Arabidopsis ecotype Columbia bolting rosette first-strand cDNA is prepared according to manufacturer's instructions for first-strand cDNA synthesis using the AP primer (SEQ ID NO:54) (3′ RACE Kit, GIBCO/BRL, Gaithersburg, Md.). The AUAP (SEQ ID NO:53) and 25182-8 (SEQ ID NO:50) primers are used to perform a first round of PCR, 1×PCR buffer (Boehringer High Fidelity), 200 mM dNTPs, 0.5 mM each primer, 2.5 units Boehringer High Fidelity Taq polymerase (Boehringer Mannheim, Indianapolis, Ind.); cycle parameters: one cycle of 94° C. for 2 min; 9 cycles of 94° C.-15 s, 72° C.-30 s, 68° C.-1 min 15 s, decreasing annealing temperature every cycle by 2° C.; 27 cycles of one cycle of 94° C. for 2 min; 27 cycles of 94° C.-15 s, 60° C.-15 s, 68° C.-1 min 15 s; one cycle of 68° C.-5 min. Two microliters of a 1:1000 dilution of the first round PCR reaction is used with a nested primer set, 25182-7 (SEQ ID NO:49) and 15434-7 (SEQ ID NO:44) and same amplification parameters are used to amplify the cDNA of Arabidopsis GA 2-oxidase 4 (using same cycle parameters as described in the first strand reaction).

The cDNA is cloned into plasmid pCR2.1 (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, Calif.) by the TA cloning procedure of the manufacturer. The vector is digested with restriction enzymes EcoRI and EcoRV, followed by agarose purification of the DNA fragment containing the GA 2-oxidase. Vector pET-30A(+) (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, Calif.) is digested with restriction enzymes EcoRI and EcoRV, and ligated using T4 DNA ligase. The clone is fully sequenced and the cDNA protein translation produced (SEQ ID NO:59). A plant expression vector, pMON42049 (FIG.


), is constructed to express the At 2-oxidase 4 cDNA in transgenic plants. The At2ox4 is excised from pET-30A(+) as an EcoRI/EcoRV endonuclease digested fragment, blunted and ligated using T4 DNA ligase into a plasmid which is previously digested with restriction endonucleases StuI and treated with alkaline phosphatase (Promega Corp, Madison, Wis.). An aliquot of the ligation reaction is transformed into

E. coli

XL-1 blue competent cells (Stratagene, LaJolla Calif.), transformed cells are selected on 50 μg/ml ampicillin, and screened for the DNA insert by mini-DNA plasmid preparation (Wizard®, Promega Corp, Madison, Wis.) and restriction endonuclease digestion. Plasmid pMON42049 contains the FMV promoter linked to the At2ox4 gene linked to the nos 3′ terminator region. An Agrobacterium binary transformation vector is constructed by digestion of pMON42049 with restriction enzyme NotI, followed by agarose gel purification of the DNA fragment (Wizard® PCR Preps, Promega Corp., Madison, Wis.), digestion of a plant expression vector with restriction enzyme NotI followed by alkaline phosphatase treatment, then ligation of the agarose gel purified fragment with the plant expression plasmid to make plasmid pMON42050 (FIG.


). The transformation vector useful for particle bombardment transformation is constructed by digesting plasmid pMON42049 with restriction enzyme NotI and agarose gel purification of the plant expression cassette DNA fragment. The plasmid is linearized with restriction enzyme NotI, treated with phosphatase, and ligated with the pMON42049 gel purified fragment. An aliquot of the ligation reaction is transformed into

E. coli

competent cells and selected on kanamycin, and screened for the DNA insert by miniprep DNA plasmid preparation and restriction endonuclease digestion. The resulting vector is pMON42051 (

FIG. 23

) which contains the FMV promoter linked to At2ox4 gene and the nos 3′ terminator and the plant expression cassette for conferring resistance to glyphosate.

Tissue specific expression of the At2ox4 gene is achieved by digestion of pMON42051 with restriction enzymes EcoRV and XbaI, followed by filling the 5′ overhang with DNA polymerase I (Klenow enzyme) and dNTPs, isolating the large vector DNA fragment by agarose gel electrophoresis. Plasmid pMON51904 (

FIG. 24

) is digested with restriction enzymes EcoRV and NcoI, fill in the overhang using DNA polymerase I and dNTPs, and isolate the Sle2 promoter DNA fragment by agarose gel purification. The vector fragment is ligated to the Sle2 promoter DNA fragment with T4 DNA ligase. An aliquot of the ligation reaction is transformed into competent

E. coli

cells, selected on 50 μg/ml kanamycin, and the vector which contains the Sle2 promoter/At2ox4/nos3′ and the plant expression cassette is selected for glyphosate resistance. This vector is pMON42052 (FIG.


). The plant expression vector is mated into Agrobacterium ABI by the triparental mating procedure (Ditta et al.,

Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. U.S.A.

77: 7347-7351, 1980) and confirmed by recovery of the vector and endonuclease restriction mapping. The transgene plant expression cassette is transferred into plants by an Agrobacterium mediated transformation method. Transformation methods for soybean, cotton, canola, sugarbeets, rice, wheat, maize using Agrobacterium are well know in the art. Methods using particle gun bombardment of regenerable plant tissue using circular or linear DNA containing the plant expression cassette is also well known in the art. Addition of GA3 or GA analog which is not a substrate of GA 2-oxidase, or addition of excess bioactive GA to the shooting media may be necessary to promote shoot elongation during the regeneration phase of plant tissue culture. Alternatively, GA3 or suitable analog, or excess bioactive GA may be applied as a soil drench or foliar spray to promote shoot elongation during the plant growth phase of propagation after transfer of rooted shoots to soil or artificial potting media.

Expression of these genes in the tissues of developing seeds, germinating seeds and during early seedling growth will result in a delay or inhibition of seed germination or reduced seedling stature. To recover seed germination and seedling height it is necessary to add exogenous bioactive gibberellic acid which is not a substrate for inactivation by GA 2-oxidases. Exogenous bioactive GA is preferably added as a seed treatment, alternatively, bioactive GA is applied as a foliar spray or soil drench to promote shoot elongation.

A promoter/reporter construct is prepared to analyze expression of the Arabidopsis GA 2-oxidase 4 gene upon reintroduction into Arabidopsis via stable transformation. Histochemical staining of such transgenic plant material for β-glucuronidase activity revealed developmental, spatial and temporal patterns of expression driven by the transcriptional activity of the GA 2-oxidase 4 promoter. A 991 bp (position 1-991 of SEQ ID NO:57) genomic sequence containing 5′ untranslated sequences and transcriptional regulatory elements is used as template and the primers, 25182-5 (SEQ ID NO:47) and T7-promoter (SEQ ID NO:55) (other reaction components same as for cDNA for amplification, but template concentration is approximately 1 ng of plasmid; cycle parameters: one cycle of 94° C. for 2 min; 22 cycles of 94° C.-15 s, 60° C. 15 s, 68° C.-1 min; one cycle 72° C.-5 min). The resulting amplification product is digested with restriction enzymes PstI and Bg1II and ligated into PstI/Bg1II digested pMON8677 (

FIG. 32

) to generate pMON34495 (FIG.


), containing the promoter and 5′ untranslated region of the Arabidopsis GA 2-oxidase 4 gene immediately upstream of the β-glucuronidase open reading frame. The pMON34495, P-At2ox4:GUS:NOS-terminator construct may be removed as a NotI cassette for insertion into appropriate Agrobacterium mediated plant transformation vectors. The temporal expression of transgenes using the At2ox4 promoter is useful for modification of GA substrates, modification of GA 2-oxidase activity, and expression of other genes useful for affecting plant development.

A genomic clone for Arabidopsis GA 2-oxidase 5 (At2ox5) corresponding to SEQ ID NO:20 is identified in the Arabidopsis genomic library and a corresponding individual phage isolate is obtained. Phage DNA is isolated and primers complementary to the DNA sequence are used to obtain additional sequence of the DNA. The amino acid translation of the exon sequence from the At2ox5 genomic gene sequence is shown in SEQ ID NO:61.

Example 14

Isolation of Soybean GA 2-oxidase Sequences

Soybean (

Glycine max

) cDNA libraries are searched for GA 2-oxidase consensus sequence and several candidate sequences are found in seed, root, flower and leaf libraries. Based on these cDNA sequences, nucleotide primers for PCR are designed to amplify the full reading frames plus 5′ untranslated regions (AUAP; SEQ ID NO:53) and the respective primers: Gm2ox1-2 (SEQ ID NO:72) for soybean GA 2-oxidase 1; Gm2ox5-1 (SEQ ID NO:73) for soybean GA 2-oxidase 2; Gm2ox4-1 (SEQ ID NO:74) for soybean GA 2-oxidase 3). First-strand cDNA is made from soybean seedling axes from seeds imbibed for 2 days in 100 mM abscisic acid in water using the same method which generated rosette cDNA for cloning Arabidopsis GA 2-oxidase 4. Amplifications are performed as for the amplification of the Arabidopsis GA 2-oxidase 4 cDNA, but with altered amplification parameters (one cycle of 94° C. for 2 min; 9 cycles of 94° C.-15 s, 72° C.-30 s, 68° C.-1 min 30 s, decreasing annealing temperature every cycle by 2° C.; denature 94° C.-2 min for one cycle; “touchdown”conditions−94° C. (15 sec)−72° C. (30 sec)−68° C. (90 sec) for 9 cycles with 2° C. reduction per cycle; amplification at 94° C. (15 sec), 60° C. (30 sec)-68° C. (90 sec) for 27 cycles, then 72° C.-5 min. Two cDNAs which represent distinct GA 2-oxidase genes, soybean GA 2-oxidase 1 (SEQ ID NO:62 and SEQ ID NO:63) and soybean GA 2-oxidase 2 (SEQ ID NO:64 and SEQ ID NO:65), are amplified and inserted into the pCR2.1 vector by the TA cloning method (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, Calif.). The soybean GA 2-oxidase 3 gene (SEQ ID NO:66), a contig of cDNA sequences GM2417 and 700556244H1 contained in a soybean cDNA library database, is identified by homology to the GA 2-oxidase consensus sequence (SEQ ID NO:41). Plant expression vectors are constructed by digestion of a plasmid with restriction enzymes BamHI and StuI followed by isolation of the large vector fragment by agarose gel electrophoresis. The plasmid is digested with restriction enzyme NcoI, filled with Klenow and dNTPs, and digested with restriction enzyme BamHI. The Gm2ox1 sequence is isolated by agarose gel purification. The vector fragment and the Gm2ox1 gene are ligated and transformed into competent

E. coli

, and selected on 50 μg/ml ampicillin. Isolated DNA is screened with endonucleases to verify insertion. The resulting vector is pMON42053 (FIG.


). Plasmid pMON42053 is digested with restriction enzyme NotI, followed by isolation of the plant expression cassette containing the Gm2ox-1 gene by agarose gel purification. The cassette is ligated into NotI digested, alkaline phosphatase treated vector, creating pMON42054 (FIG.


). This vector provides for glyphosate selection of transformed plants. Tissue specific expression of Gm2ox-1 can be achieved by digesting pMON42054 with restriction enzymes EcoRV and XbaI, filling in with DNA polymerase I and dNTPs and isolating the large vector fragment by agarose gel purification. Plasmid pMON51904 is digested with restriction enzymes EcoRV and NcoI, filled with Klenow and dNTPs, and the Sle2 promoter DNA fragment is isolated by agarose gel purification. The vector backbone from pMON42054 is ligated to the Sle2 promoter DNA fragment using T4 DNA ligase. The mixture is transformed into competent

E. coli

, and selected on 50 μg/ml kanamycin. DNA preparation from isolated colonies is screened with restriction endonucleases for the Sle2 promoter insertion. The resulting vector is pMON42055 (FIG.


). The Gm2ox2 gene is inserted into a plant expression cassette by digestion of with restriction enzymes StuI and BamHI and isolation of the large vector DNA fragment by agarose gel electrophoresis. The plasmid is digested with restriction enzymes BamHI and DraI and the Gm2ox2 gene is isolated by agarose gel purification. The two DNA fragments are ligated together with T4 DNA ligase. An aliquot of the ligation mix is transformed into competent

E. coli

, selected on 50 μg/ml ampicillin, and screened by endonuclease restriction analysis of mini preparation plasmid DNA. The resulting plant expression cassette is pMON42056 (FIG.


). A plant expression vector containing the Gm2ox2 gene and a plant expression cassette for selection of plants resistant to glyphosate is constructed by digestion of pMON42056 with restriction enzyme NotI and isolating the plant expression cassette containing the Gm2ox2 gene. The plasmid is digested with restriction enzyme NotI, treated with alkaline phosphatase, and an aliquot is ligated to the NotI fragment isolated from pMON42056 using T4 DNA ligase. An aliquot of the ligation reaction is transformed into competent

E. coli

, selected on 50 μg/ml ampicillin, screened for the insert by endonuclease restriction digestion. The resulting vector which contains the Gm2ox2 gene in a plant expression cassette and a plant expression cassette which confers glyphosate resistance to plants. Tissue specific expression of Gm2ox2 gene is achieved by digestion of the vector with restriction enzyme EcoRV, then partially digestion with restriction enzyme DraI and isolation of the approximate 7315 bp vector DNA fragment by agarose gel purification. Plasmid pMON51904 is digested with restriction enzymes EcoRV and NcoI, filled with DNA polymerase I (Klenow) and dNTPs, and the Sle2 promoter DNA fragment isolated by agarose gel purification. Ligation of the vector DNA fragment and the Sle2 promoter DNA fragment creates pMON42058 (FIG.


). Plasmid pMON42058 contains the tissue specific expression promoter Sle2 driving the Gm2ox2 gene and the plant expression cassette conferring glyphosate resistance to plants. Expression of these genes in the tissues of developing seeds, germinating seeds and during early seedling growth result in a delay or inhibition of seed germination or reduced seedling stature. To recover seed germination and seedling height it is necessary to add exogenous bioactive gibberellic acid which is not a substrate for inactivation by GA 2-oxidases.

Example 15

Isolation of Cotton GA 2-oxidases Sequences

A cotton (

Gossypium hirsutum

) cDNA database is searched for GA 2-oxidase sequences using the Arabidopsis GA 2-oxidase 4 amino acid sequence (At2ox4) and the TBLASTN algorithm. Several candidates are found with at least 50% identify over 85 amino acids or which had sequence homologous to the conserved GA 2-oxidase domain. Two distinct genes are represented by cDNA sequences LIB3166-002-Q1-K1-B5 (SEQ ID NO:67), and LIB3147-022-Q1-K1-H9 (SEQ ID NO:68). A third cDNA, LIB3048-028-Q1-L1-G9 (SEQ ID NO:69), representing an N-terminal portion of a GA 2-oxidase is identified and could not be linked to the other cotton GA 2-oxidase genes based on available sequence. These sequences are found in seedling axis (SEQ ID NO:67 and SEQ ID NO:68) and abscission zone libraries (SEQ ID NO:67 and SEQ ID NO:69). The methods used for cloning genomic DNA and full length cDNA clones of the Arabidopsis and soybean GA 2-oxidases as well as the methods for making plant expression vectors can be applied to clone the cotton GA 2-oxidase full length genes contained in a cDNA database of sequences contained in seedling axis and abscission zone cDNA libraries of cotton plants. Expression of these genes in the tissues of developing seeds, germinating seeds and during early seedling growth will result in a delay or inhibition of seed germination or reduced seedling stature. To recover seed germination and seedling height it is necessary to add exogenous bioactive gibberellic acid which is not a substrate for inactivation by GA 2-oxidases.

Example 16

Isolation of Corn GA 2-oxidase Sequences

A corn (

Zea mays

) cDNA database is searched for the GA 2-oxidase consensus sequence. Two cDNA sequences, L1892837 (SEQ ID NO:70) and L30695722 (SEQ ID NO:71), are found in leaf and 18 hour post-pollination libraries, respectively. L1892837 and L30695722 both exhibit 53% identity over 117 amino acids of At2ox1 which contains the consensus sequence found among GA 2-oxidases (SEQ ID NO:41). The methods used for cloning genomic DNA and full length cDNA clones of the Arabidopsis and soybean GA 2-oxidases as well as the methods for making plant expression vectors can be applied to clone the corn genes contained in a cDNA database of sequences contained in leaf and post-pollination cDNA libraries of corn plants. Those skilled in the art would know how to optimize expression of transgenes in monocots, such as use of introns, codon preference, monocot tissue and developmentally regulated promoters. Expression of these genes in the tissues of developing seeds, germinating seeds and during early seedling growth will result in a delay or inhibition of seed germination or reduced seedling stature. To recover seed germination and seedling height it is necessary to add exogenous bioactive gibberellic acid which is not a substrate for inactivation by GA 2-oxidases.

Example 17

Isolation of

Cucurbita maxima

C20-oxidase Gene

Young developing seeds of

Cucurbita maxima

(pumpkin) are extracted for total RNA (Triazol Reagent, BRL) and polyA mRNA isolation (Qiagen polyA kit). The HOOK primer (SEQ ID NO:85) is incubated with approximately 1 μg of polyA selected mRNA first strand synthesis reaction (Superscript Kit, Bethesda Research Labs) according to manufacturer's instructions. The primers C20-1 (SEQ ID NO:83) and C20-2 (SEQ ID NO:84) are used in a high fidelity PCR reaction in the following conditions to yield a cDNA product suitable for cloning. The reaction mix is the same as previously described containing dNTPs, and reaction buffer, and polymerase. The PCR reaction product (Stratagene Robocycler) is 1 cycle at 94° C. for 3 minutes, then 25 cycles of: 94° C., 1 minute; 56° C.-66° C. (gradient block), 1 minute; 72° C., 1 minute. The DNA product from the 60° C. annealing step is incubated at 70° C. for 10 minutes with approximately 5U Taq polymerase to add A nucleotides to the ends of the DNA The DNA product is cloned into the TOPO TA cloning vector. The DNA product is sequenced (SEQ ID NO:77) and amino acid deduced (SEQ ID NO:78). This plasmid contains the C.m. C20-oxidase gene which is further inserted into a plant expression vector with T4 DNA ligase as a BamHI/EcoRV DNA fragment into a BamHI/StuI digested vector plasmid. This expression cassette is combined with the expression cassette for glyphosate resistance to create pMON42023 (FIG.



Example 18

Isolation of

Lycopersicum Esculentum

Phytoene Synthase Gene

Total RNA is isolated from developing tomato fruit using Triazol reagent and following the manufacturer's methods (BRL). The RNA is selected for polyA RNA using the Qiagen polyA kit (Qiagen Corp). The first strand cDNA reaction is conducted using the Superscript kit (BRL), followed by high fidelity PCR with the PHS1 (SEQ ID NO:81) and PHS2 (SEQ ID NO:82) primers. The conditions are as described in Example 17 for the production of the PCR DNA product and cloning into the TA vector. The DNA product is sequenced (SEQ ID NO:75) and identified as phytoene synthase gene of tomato (GenBank #M84744). This sequence (SEQ ID NO:75) is modified by site directed mutagenesis to change nucleotide 1029 from T to A and nucleotide 1058 from T to G. The deduced amino acid sequence is shown in SEQ ID NO:76. The phytoene synthase gene DNA is digested with XbaI/BamHI and ligated into XbaI/BamHI digested plant expression cassette to make P-FMV/Le.Phs/NOS3′. This expression cassette is combined with the expression cassette for glyphosate resistance to create pMON42020 (FIG.



Example 19

Isolation of

Cucurbita maxima


PolyA selected RNA is made by the method described in Example 17 from young tissue of

Cucurbita maxima

(pumpkin). First strand cDNA synthesis is conducted using the HOOK primer (SEQ ID NO:85), as previously described, followed by high fidelity PCR using Cm 2β,3β-1 (SEQ ID NO:86) and Cm 2β,3β-2 (SEQ ID NO:87). The DNA fragment is sequenced (SEQ ID NO:79) and amino acid sequence deduced (SEQ ID NO:80). The TA vector containing DNA product is digested with XbaI/BamHI, blunted using Klenow fragment and ligated into Bg1II/blunted plant expression vector to make p35S/C.m.2b,3b-oh/NOS3′. This expression cassette is combined with the expression cassette for glyphosate resistance to create pMON42221 (

FIG. 35


Example 20

Alternative Nucleic Acid and Protein Sequences

Sources other than those disclosed may be used to obtain the sequences used to generate a 2-oxidase nucleic acid sequence, and the encoded 2-oxidase protein. Furthermore, sequences from different organisms may be combined to create a novel 2-oxidase sequence incorporating structural, regulatory, and enzymatic properties from different sources.

Example 21

Nucleic Acid Mutation and Hybridization

Variations in the nucleic acid sequence encoding a 2-oxidase protein may lead to mutant 2-oxidase protein sequences that display equivalent or superior enzymatic characteristics when compared to the sequences disclosed herein. This invention accordingly encompasses nucleic acid sequences which are similar to the sequences disclosed herein, protein sequences which are similar to the sequences disclosed herein, and the nucleic acid sequences that encode them. Mutations may include deletions, insertions, truncations, substitutions, fusions, shuffling of subunit sequences, and the like.

Mutations to a nucleic acid sequence may be introduced in either a specific or random manner, both of which are well known to those of skill in the art of molecular biology. A myriad of site-directed mutagenesis techniques exist, typically using oligonucleotides to introduce mutations at specific locations in a nucleic acid sequence. Examples include single strand rescue (Kunkel, T.

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.,

82: 488-492, 1985), unique site elimination (Deng and Nickloff,

Anal. Biochem.

200: 81, 1992), nick protection (Vandeyar, et al.


65: 129-133, 1988), and PCR (Costa, et al.

Methods Mol. Biol.

57: 31-44, 1996). Random or non-specific mutations may be generated by chemical agents (for a general review, see Singer and Kusmierek,

Ann. Rev. Biochem.

52: 655-693, 1982) such as nitrosoguanidine (Cerda-Olmedo et al.,

J. Mol. Biol.

33: 705-719, 1968; Guerola, et al.

Nature New Biol.

230: 122-125, 1971) and 2-aminopurine (Rogan and Bessman,

J. Bacteriol.

103: 622-633, 1970), or by biological methods such as passage through mutator strains (Greener et al.

Mol. Biotechnol.

7: 189-195, 1997).

Nucleic acid hybridization is a technique well known to those of skill in the art of DNA manipulation. The hybridization properties of a given pair of nucleic acids is an indication of their similarity or identity. Mutated nucleic acid sequences may be selected for their similarity to the disclosed nucleic acid sequences on the basis of their hybridization to the disclosed sequences. Low stringency conditions may be used to select sequences with multiple mutations. One may wish to employ conditions such as about 0.15 M to about 0.9 M sodium chloride, at temperatures ranging from about 20° C. to about 55° C. High stringency conditions may be used to select for nucleic acid sequences with higher degrees of identity to the disclosed sequences. Conditions employed may include about 0.02 M to about 0.15 M sodium chloride, about 0.5% to about 5% casein, about 0.02% SDS and/or about 0.1% N-laurylsarcosine, about 0.001 M to about 0.03 M sodium citrate, at temperatures between about 50° C. and about 70° C. More preferably, high stringency conditions are 0.02 M sodium chloride, 0.5% casein, 0.02% SDS, 0.001 M sodium citrate, at a temperature of 50° C.

Example 22

Determination of Homologous and Degenerate Nucleic Acid Sequences

Modification and changes may be made in the sequence of the proteins of the present invention and the nucleic acid segments which encode them and still obtain a functional molecule that encodes a protein with desirable 2-oxidase properties. The following is a discussion based upon changing the amino acid sequence of a protein to create an equivalent, or possibly an improved, second-generation molecule. The amino acid changes may be achieved by changing the codons of the nucleic acid sequence, according to the codons given in Table 7.


Codon degeneracies of amino acids


Amino acid


Three letter










Aspartic acid




Glutamic acid




































































Certain amino acids may be substituted for other amino acids in a protein sequence without appreciable loss of enzymatic activity. It is thus contemplated that various changes may be made in the peptide sequences of the disclosed protein sequences, or their corresponding nucleic acid sequences without appreciable loss of the biological activity.

In making such changes, the hydropathic index of amino acids may be considered. The importance of the hydropathic amino acid index in conferring interactive biological function on a protein is generally understood in the art (Kyte and Doolittle,

J. Mol. Biol.,

157: 105-132, 1982). It is accepted that the relative hydropathic character of the amino acid contributes to the secondary structure of the resultant protein, which in turn defines the interaction of the protein with other molecules, for example, enzymes, substrates, receptors, DNA, antibodies, antigens, and the like.

Each amino acid has been assigned a hydropathic index on the basis of their hydrophobicity and charge characteristics. These are: isoleucine (+4.5); valine (+4.2); leucine (+3.8); phenylalanine (+2.8); cysteine/cystine (+2.5); methionine (+1.9); alanine (+1.8); glycine (−0.4); threonine (−0.7); serine (−0.8); tryptophan (−0.9); tyrosine (−1.3); proline (−1.6); histidine (−3.2); glutamate/glutamine/aspartate/asparagine (−3.5); lysine (−3.9); and arginine (−4.5).

It is known in the art that certain amino acids may be substituted by other amino acids having a similar hydropathic index or score and still result in a protein with similar biological activity, i.e., still obtain a biologically functional protein. In making such changes, the substitution of amino acids whose hydropathic indices are within ±2 is preferred, those within ±1 are more preferred, and those within ±0.5 are most preferred.

It is also understood in the art that the substitution of like amino acids may be made effectively on the basis of hydrophilicity. U.S. Pat. No. 4,554,101 (Hopp, T. P., issued Nov. 19, 1985) states that the greatest local average hydrophilicity of a protein, as governed by the hydrophilicity of its adjacent amino acids, correlates with a biological property of the protein. The following hydrophilicity values have been assigned to amino acids: arginine/lysine (+3.0); aspartate/glutamate (+3.0 ±1); serine (+0.3); asparagine/glutamine (+0.2); glycine (0); threonine (−0.4); proline (−0.5 ±1); alanine/histidine (−0.5); cysteine (−1.0); methionine (−1.3); valine (−1.5); leucine/isoleucine (−1.8); tyrosine (−2.3); phenylalanine (−2.5); and tryptophan (−3.4).

It is understood that an amino acid may be substituted by another amino acid having a similar hydrophilicity score and still result in a protein with similar biological activity, i.e., still obtain a biologically functional protein. In making such changes, the substitution of amino acids whose hydropathic indices are within ±2 is preferred, those within ±1 are more preferred, and those within ±0.5 are most preferred.

As outlined above, amino acid substitutions are therefore based on the relative similarity of the amino acid side-chain substituents, for example, their hydrophobicity, hydrophilicity, charge, size, and the like. Exemplary substitutions which take various of the foregoing characteristics into consideration are well known to those of skill in the art and include: arginine and lysine; glutamate and aspartate; serine and threonine; glutamine and asparagine; and valine, leucine, and isoleucine. Changes which are not expected to be advantageous may also be used if these resulted in functional fusion proteins.

Example 23

GA Compounds as “Rescue Agents” for Transgenic, GA-deficient Dwarf Soybeans and Other Self-fertile Plants

GA Synthesis and Accumulation During Seed Formation and Seedling Growth

Conceptually, the development of seeds and seedlings in soybeans and other plants can be divided into three phases: seed development, seed germination, and seedling growth. The endogenous GA levels in wild-type soybeans during seed development, germination, and seedling growth are shown schematically in FIG.



In soybean, GAs increase through mid-seed development, and then decline as the seed matures (Birnberg et al. (1986)

Plant Physiol.

82:241-246). This trend is similar to that observed in other legumes. There does not appear to be any net increase in gibberellins in the seed during germination. This is supported by the following observations (data not shown). First, ancymidol, an inhibitor of gibberellin biosynthesis at ent-kaurene oxidase, does not reduce soybean axis elongation during the first one to two days of growth; afterwards, the hypocotyl becomes substantially shorter than that of controls (data not shown). This observation suggests that de novo gibberellin biosynthesis is not required for early axis elongation. Secondly, as detected by Northern blotting, expression of mRNA for copalyl diphosphate synthase, the early GA pathway enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of geranylgeranyl diphosphate to copalyl diphosphate (FIG.


. of Hedden and Kamiya 1997.

Annu. Rev. Plant Physiol. Plant Mol. Biol.

48:431-460.), begins about 1.5 days after planting (data not shown). This is well after germination and axis elongation have begun. Both of these observations support the hypothesis that soybean seed germination and early axis elongation are not dependent on de novo gibberellin biosynthesis.

In fact, as shown in the following experiment, mature soybean seeds contain quantities of bioactive gibberellins that may be sufficient to fuel seed germination and seedling axis elongation. The experimental procedures are as follows.

Plant Material

A3237 soybean seeds (Asgrow Seed Company, Des Moines, Iowa), are sown in vermiculite, and plants are grown in a growth chamber under a 12-hour light cycle. Seedlings are harvested at specific time points, and rinsed under cool tap water. Seedlings are cut into tissue fractions with a scalpel, and the tissue fractions kept on ice during the fractionation process. After tissue fractionation, samples are frozen in liquid nitrogen or placed at −80° C. overnight and lyophilized to dryness. Dry seeds are lyophilized directly. Imbibed seeds are placed on moist absorbent paper in trays, covered and placed in the growth chamber for five hours. For 0 DAP and imbibed seed (0.2 DAP), whole seed is extracted. For 1 DAP time point, data for the axis only is shown on this FIG.


. For 3 and 5 DAP, data presented is for the hypocotyl. Data for the whole seedling is not presented because the one sample set, the cotyledon fraction of the 3 DAP seedlings, did not provide usable endogenous gibberellin data.

Extraction and Purification

Method A. Frozen tissue is ground to a fine powder in a mortar and pestle in liquid nitrogen. Cold 80% methanol is added to the frozen powder. Two nanograms of deuterated standards of GA


and GA






and 17,17-d




, provided by Lew Mander, Australian National University) are added to the methanol plus tissue powder prior to grinding. The homogenate is filtered (Whatman No. 42), the retentate is re-ground in fresh 80% cold methanol and filtered, and the filtrates are combined. The 80% methanol extract is added to a C


chromatography column (Bakerbond spe, J T Baker, Inc., Phillipsburg, N.J.). Gibberellins are eluted with 80% methanol, and the methanol is evaporated under vacuum. The aqueous portion of the extract is adjusted to approximately pH 3 with HCl and partitioned three times against hydrated ethyl acetate. The combined ethyl acetate fractions are evaporated under vacuum, resuspended in 35% acidified (0.05% v/v glacial acetic acid) methanol, filtered (0.25 mm, 25 mm Nylon Acrodisc, Gelman Sciences), and injected onto a C18 reverse-phase HPLC column (Xpertek Spherisorb ODS 4.6 mm×250 mm). GA


and GA


are eluted a flow rate of 1 ml/min using a 40-min linear gradient from 35% (v/v) acidified (0.05% v/v acetic acid) methanol; 65% acidified (0.05% v/v acetic acid) water to 100% acidified methanol into 1-ml fractions. Fractions containing GA


and GA


are pooled based on the elution of tritiated standards (












(provided by R. Pharis, University of Calgary) injected previously. Pooled HPLC fractions are evaporated under vacuum and resuspended in methanol.

Method B. Tissue is frozen with dry ice and ground with a Waring blender to a fine meal. After sublimation of the carbon dioxide and weighing, the frozen powder is ground with a blender in 80% methanol/water after addition of deuterated GA


and GA


standards. The homogenate is filtered using a prewashed glass fiber filter pad and 2 ml of 0.1N NH


OH is added. The extract is added to an equilibrated anion exchange chromatography column (AG-1-X8, 200-400 mesh, chloride form, Bio-Rad Laboratories, Richmond, Calif.). The column (1.7 cm OD×22 cm, topped with a 3 cm OD×8 cm reservoir) plus extract is washed with 100 ml deionized water and 100 ml methanol at high flow rates. These eluates are discarded. GA


and GA


are eluted with 100 ml 2% (v/v) HOAC/MeOH. The first 15 ml of the eluate is discarded. The anion exchange column eluate is evaporated under vacuum to dryness, dissolved in 5 ml deionized water, and added to a 20 cc Alltech Hi-Load C


column. The column plus sample is rinsed with water and hexane. The water and hexane washes are discarded. GA


and GA


are eluted with 10 ml of 25% and 50 ml of 50% ETOC/hexane with slow vacuum. The eluate is evaporated to dryness and resuspended in methanol.

GC/MS. GA samples in methanol are methylated with diazomethane and excess diazomethane and its solvent are removed with a stream of nitrogen. Each methylated sample is heated at 70° C. for approximately 45 minutes in BSTFA (N,O-bis(Trimethylsilyl)trifluroracetamide) and pyridine. Excess BSTFA is removed with a stream of nitrogen. An aliquot is injected into a gas chromatograph from GC/SIM (selected ion monitoring). The GC is typically programmed from 100° C. to 300° C. at 10° C./min. GA


and GA


levels are quantified by comparison of peaks for deuterated standards and endogenous GA


and GA



Both GA


and GA


are detected in mature soybean seeds in the first experiment; the presence of GA


is confirmed in two subsequent experiments using two different GA purification methods (Table 8). GA


is not detected in the second two experiments. Based on three experiments, GA


levels in mature A3237 soybean seeds are between 0.14 and 0.85 ng/g fwt. GA


, detected in one experiment only, is present at 0.33 ng/g fwt.


Measurement of GA


and GA


in mature A3237 soybean seeds




















Gibberellin levels are calculated on a “ng/g fresh tissue weight” basis to provide information on the total increase/decrease in specific gibberellins during the course of development of a single soybean plant. GA


and GA


levels are also calculated on fresh weight, dry weight, and estimated in vivo concentration bases. GA


levels, measured on a ng/tissue basis, increased to a maximum at 3 days after planting (DAP) and then declined by 5 DAP (FIG.


). In contrast, GA


levels increased to similar levels by 3 DAP and continued to increase by 5 DAP. Since both GA


and GA


are bioactive, a summary profile of bioactive gibberellin levels versus plant development is shown in FIG.


. The combined levels of GA


and GA


stays approximately the same through 1 DAP, rises to a maximum at 3 DAP, and then stays approximately the same through 5 DAP.

The presence of significant amounts of bioactive gibberellins in mature soybean seeds is surprising. This result suggests that soybeans may store residual bioactive gibberellins from seed development in the mature seed. The levels detected are very low, but GA


has been detected three times using two different GA purification protocols. This level of gibberellins may be sufficient to increase axis elongation during germination/early seedling growth. Measurement of the levels of both GA


and GA


in seeds and seedlings demonstrates an increase after imbibition, and that the level GA


in hypocotyls correlates with hypocotyl elongation, which occurs between approximately 1-3 days after planting (FIG.


). Measured gibberellin levels are initially low, and increase in the axis/hypocotyl about one to two days after imbibition. Presumably, the stored gibberellins promote very early seedling growth prior to de novo GA biosynthesis.

FIG. 3

suggests that there is a lag of approximately 1 day in de novo gibberellin biosynthesis. This lag period is consistent with other data suggesting that soybean seedlings with impaired de novo GA biosynthesis, either through treatment with inhibitors or expression of an antisense construct of a key biosynthetic gene (CPS), do germinate and begin early seedling growth before substantial growth inhibition is observed. The results shown in

FIG. 38

suggest that GA


levels correlate well with hypocotyl elongation; hypocotyl elongation is essentially complete by 5 DAP.

These results support the hypothesis that soybean seeds utilize gibberellins present in the mature seed for germination and/or early seedling growth until de novo gibberellin biosynthesis is sufficient to drive stem elongation after 1.5 days after planting. These results also provide insight into the endogenous levels in soybean that an optimal seed treatment, developed to restore normal growth and development to GA-deficient soybeans without oversupplying bioactive gibberellins during seedling emergence, would provide.

Control of Seedling Growth by Modification of GA Biosynthesis and Accumulation in Planta

The presence of bioactive gibberellins in mature seeds (e.g., Bimberg et al. (1986)

Plant Physiol.

82:241-246; Rock et al. (1995)

Plant Hormones, Physiology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,



Edition, P. J. Davies, Ed., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, pp. 671-697) and their presumed role in driving germination and seedling emergence, present a novel opportunity to create GA-deficient phenotypes of soybean and other self-fertile, non-hybrid plants, e.g., peas, beans, peppers, cucumbers, cotton, wheat, canola, rice, and tomato, of varying severity and developmental stage specificity in which endogenous GA levels can be manipulated so as to produce plants in which seed germination and early seedling growth can be reversibly inhibited. Understanding the identity, presence, and distribution over time of GAs in plant seeds, seedlings, and plants permits the selection of appropriate genes and promoters that can be used to produce transgenic seedlings and plants containing selectively modified GA levels, and therefore modifications in seed germination and early seedling growth phenotypes. Transgenic techniques can be used to produce plants in which inhibited seed germination/early seedling growth can be rescued (reversed) by the use of a GA “rescue agent.” If, in fact, gibberellins stored in the seed are necessary to support very early seedling emergence growth, then transgenic approaches that interfere with this process may well provide desirable phenotypes. Conceivably, severe interference with these processes could produce plants that do not emerge at all.

Targeting of seed-stored and early seedling gibberellins in soybeans and other self-fertile, non-hybrid plants to produce phenotypes that are unable to emerge, or that emerge poorly, provides a number of different opportunities to develop seed rescue treatments. Restricting the requirement for exogenously-applied GA compounds to seed germination/seedling emergence/early seedling growth by transgenic techniques makes these developmental time frames attractive for a seed rescue treatment by GA compounds. The gibberellins studied to date are rapidly taken up by germinating seeds, and have a very short half-life in planta, i.e., about one day. This imposes a particular set of technical requirements in epicotyl-intensive GA-deficient soybeans, such as those containing the AX5/asCPScc cassette, which require more exogenous GA at about five to eight days after planting. In contrast, targeting the GA-deficient phenotype to the period from zero to about three days after planting facilitates the use of GA compounds on seeds/germinating seedlings at a time when these compounds can be conveniently made available to the germinating seed, and after which they dissipate rapidly in the seedling. This permits the use of GA


and/or other GA compounds in low amounts as a seed treatment system, soil drench, or foliar spray to rescue transgenic GA-deficient dwarf soybeans and other self-fertile, non-hybrid plants.

Transgenic plant technology permits the targeting, among others, of three stages of plant/seedling development: seed development, seed germination, and seedling growth, as well as throughout the plant life cycle when using a constitutive promoter. These stages can be targeted alone, or in various combinations. Such targeting can be achieved, for example, by employing promoters that drive gene expression during specific growth stages. For example, the Lea9 promoter is active during seed development (Galau et al. (1987)

Dev. Biol.

123:213-221), the SIP promoter is active during seed imbibition (Heck et al. (1996)

Plant Mol. Biol.

30:611-622), and the AX5 promoter is active during seedling growth (described above).

Growth stage-specific promoters can be used in combination with nucleic acid sequences encoding GA biosynthesis enzymes for cosuppression of endogenous GA biosynthetic pathway genes, and antisense DNAs to GA biosynthesis genes, such as the CPS gene, to produce transgenic plant lines with controllable seedling morphology. In addition, other GA pathway genes can be employed to effect control over GA levels, and therefore control over seedling growth and development. For example, the enzyme GA 2-oxidase inactivates endogenous gibberellins by catalyzing the addition of a hydroxyl group at carbon-2 of the A ring. Coding sequences for GA inactivating enzymes can be used alone or in combination with one another, or in various combinations with CPS gene antisense DNA and other GA biosynthetic enzyme antisense DNAs, and GA biosynthetic enzyme-encoding DNAs to achieve cosuppression, to control seedling growth and development. GA levels in transgenic plants produced by these methods can be reduced anywhere from about 90%, about 80%, about 70%, about 60%, about 50%, about 40%, about 30%, about 20%, or about 10% of normal, to levels below the limits of detection by current methods. This can be achieved by affecting GA biosynthesis, accumulation, or both.

The use of different developmental stage-specific promoters in combination with CPS antisense DNA, the GA 2-oxidase gene, and other GA-related DNAs permits the production of transgenic plants in which seedling growth and development can be selectively modified in multiple, different ways to affect the biosynthesis and accumulation of storage gibberellins during seed formation, as well as de novo biosynthesis during seed germination and seedling growth. This can be achieved by transforming plants with single promoter/gene constructs, or combinations of promoter/gene constructs to achieve the desired effect on morphology. Various of the above combination strategies can be employed to introduce these DNAs into transgenic plants. Cross pollination to produce a hybrid plant containing a mixture of the DNA constructs resulting in the desired phenotype. Sequentially transforming plants with plasmids containing each of the encoding DNAs of interest. Simultaneously cotransforming plants with plasmids containing each of the encoding DNAs. Transforming plants with a single plasmid containing two or more DNAs of interest. Transforming plants by a combination of any of the foregoing techniques in order to obtain a plant that expresses a desired combination of DNAs of interest.

Endogenous GA Levels in Germinating Soybean Seeds, and the Effect of Exofenously-applied GA


Application of




to Asgrow 3237 soybeans as a seed treatment via the hilum at a rate (5-20 ppm) within the range effective in rescuing the hypocotyl of dwarf, GA-deficient plants causes a substantial oversupply in the level of GA


compared to the levels of endogenous bioactive gibberellins GA


and GA


in germinating soybean seeds (FIG.


). The data upon which

FIG. 39

is based are taken from the experiment described below in the section entitled “Determination of half-lives and distribution of


C-labeled GA compounds in planta”. More particularly, the data in

FIG. 39

are taken from the experiment in which




is applied to the hilum at 20 ppm.

As can be seen from the results presented in

FIG. 39

, at an application rate of 20 ppm, the calculated concentration of GA


delivered to the seedling axis at one day after planting (DAP) is approximately 100 times higher than the combined levels of endogenous bioactive GAs present in similar untreated tissue (4310 nM vs. 44.6 nm, respectively). The concentration of GA


in the seedling axis appeared to be directly proportional to the amount of GA


applied to the seed.

Effect of GA


on Stand Count and Yield in Soybeans



is highly active when applied to germinating soybean seeds, and can cause stand count and yield reduction under conditions of compacted soil and soil crusting prior to emergence. Note the data presented in Table 9. This may be due to over dosing of GA


at the wrong stage during germination and emergence, and/or the fact that GA


is not a natural growth regulator in soybeans.


Effect of GA


seed treatment on soybean stand count and yield

Seed Treatment

Plants per Acre

Yield (bushels/acre)

Untreated Control



 5 ppm GA




10 ppm GA




15 ppm GA




In this experiment seed of wild-type soybean variety A4922 (Asgrow) is treated with an aqueous solution of GA


using a Hege 11 seed treater (Hans-Ulrich Hege GmbH & Co., Waldenburg, Germany). Treated seed is planted about 1 inch deep in previously disced soil using a cone planter. The rows are about 30 inches (76.2 cm) apart, and 15 feet (457.2 cm) long. Seeds are spaced about 3 inches (7.62 cm) apart within the rows. The emerged plants are counted periodically, and seed yields are obtained at harvest. The plant counts and yields are converted to a per acre basis. As can be seen from the data in Table 9, plants per acre and yield both decreased as GA


dose in the seed treatment increased. The decrease in plant population per acre is due to lack of emergence, in part due to broken and unhooked hypocotyls. In addition, some of the emerged plants are abnormal, e.g., with small, broken cotyledons, etc. Other seeds germinated, but seedlings did not emerge out of the ground.

Desirable Properties of GA “Rescue” Compounds



may not be a preferred GA for rescuing GA-deficient dwarf soybeans. Preferred compounds for rescuing transgenic soybeans and other plants exhibiting symptoms of GA deficiency are GAs or other GA compounds having one or more of the following properties:

(1) That are not directly or intrinsically bioactive per se;

(2) That are not immediately bioactive, or that exhibit low bioactivity compared to GA compounds naturally occurring in the species or variety of plant to which they are applied;

(3) That are available for bioconversion in the appropriate tissue, e.g., the hypocotyl and/or epicotyl, and that can be converted to bioactive gibberellins in planta in the appropriate amount as needed by the seedling at or by the appropriate developmental stage;

(4) That are sufficiently stable in planta, in soil, and on plant surfaces to exert their rescue effect;

(5) That are translocatable within the seedling or plantlet;

(6) That exhibit selective bioactivity in specific tissue(s) (tissue specificity), such as the hypocotyl and/or epicotyl. This tissue-specific bioactivity can also be developmental stage-specific or intensive (temporal specificity);

(7) That are capable of rescuing GA-deficient plants without over-supplying bioactive gibberellins during the early stages of seedling emergence;

(8) That do not cause undesirable hypocotyl or epicotyl overelongation during seedling emergence;

(9) That exhibit lower bioactivity on normal plants than on GA-deficient plants, and that therefore do not cause undesirable overelongation of normal, non-GA-deficient plants;

(10) That are capable of restoring substantially normal growth, development, and morphology in GA-deficient plants without causing substantial abnormal growth, development, and morphology due to oversupply or activity of bioactive GAs;

(11) That do not cause increased hypocotyl fragility;

(12) That do not adversely affect seedling emergence;

(13) That do not adversely affect plant stand count or yield;

(14) That do not cause stem overelongation;

(15) That do not cause thinning of stem cell walls;

(16) That do not weaken stems;

(17) That do not promote insect and disease infestation; and

(18) That are cheaply produced.

Such compounds will “rescue” transgenic or non-transgenic GA-deficient plant lines, but will not cause over-elongation in GA-deficient and non-GA-deficient lines. In essence, these GA compounds will permit seedlings and plants to self-regulate the biosynthesis of GA compounds, such as physiologically active GAs, therefrom to overcome any GA deficit where, when, and to the extent, necessary to substantially restore normal seedling and plant morphology. In some cases, it is desirable that the GA compound only partially restores a morphological trait such as height. Such “partial rescue” is defined as restoration of a morphological trait, such as height, in an amount in the range of from about 5% to about 70%, or from about 10% to about 60%, or from about 20% to about 50%, or from about 30% to about 40%, compared to that in an otherwise identical seedling or plant in which the capacity to biosynthesize a GA is not inhibited. As shown below, such a GA compound is GA


. In the case of soybeans, the appropriate time frame for activity is in the range of from about one day after planting to about three days after planting, preferably at about two days after planting. Such compounds can be applied to transgenic seeds, seedlings, or plants designed to contain a lesion or other modification in GA biosynthesis resulting in a GA deficiency. If a GA compound is used for rescue of GA-deficient soybeans or other plants, then the seedlings or plants may convert the inactive or poorly active GA compound to a physiologically bioactive GA compound such as a GA as needed, thus eliminating the possibility of detrimental overexposure at an inappropriate time during growth and development. It is also possible, of course, that the GA compound itself exhibits the desired activity profile, and therefore requires no further modification in planta.

As shown in FIGS.


and Table 8, GA


and GA


are major GAs present in mature soybean seeds and germinating seedlings. The level of GA


correlates with hypocotyl elongation. As shown in

FIG. 38

, treatment of soybean seeds with GA


at 20 ppm greatly oversupplies this gibberellin compared to the levels of endogenous GA


and GA


, and results in reduced stand count (number of fully emerged, healthy seedlings with fully expanded cotyledons) and yield reduction under conditions of compacted soil and soil crusting prior to emergence. One can therefore hypothesize that while GA


may not be an appropriate rescue agent for all GA-deficient dwarf soybeans under these conditions, it may be useful on some transgenic GA-deficient lines or plants. On the other hand, GA


and GA


, or precursors or biosynthetic intermediates thereof, or derivatives of any of these compounds, may be appropriate rescue agents. In the case of GA


deficiency, review of the gibberellin biosynthetic pathway suggests that GA


, GA


, GA


, GA


, and/or GA


may be appropriate rescue agents for GA-deficient soybeans exhibiting retarded hypocotyl elongation. In the case of GA


deficiency, GA


, GA


, GA


, and/or GA


may be appropriate rescue agents.

In order to evaluate the ability of a variety of different GA compounds to rescue constitutively GA-deficient transgenic dwarf soybeans transformed with the FMV/asCPScc cassette, several greenhouse and field tests are conducted. The first two tests are conducted in the greenhouse, and are aimed at determining the biological activity of the compounds and their ability to rescue constitutively GA-deficient transgenic dwarf soybean without elongating wild-type soybeans. Three later tests are conducted in the field to confirm the greenhouse results, and to determine the ability of selected GA compound leads to provide rescue of constitutively GA-deficient transgenic dwarfs without loss of stand and/or without elongation of wild-type soybeans in compacted soil.

The initial compounds tested are GA


, GA


, GA


, GA


, GA


-3-acetate, kaurenoic acid, GA


, GA


, kaurene, GA


-methyl ester, GA


-methyl ester, ent-7,13-dihydroxy-kaurenoic acid (steviol), GA


-aldehyde, and GA


. These compounds are selected to represent a wide spectrum of locations within the gibberellin biosynthetic pathway (Hedden and Kamiya (1997)

Annu. Rev. Plant. Physiol Plant Mol. Biol.

48:431-460) after the step catalyzed by copalyl diphosphate synthase (CPS), which is targeted for inhibition by antisense constructs. These compounds are evaluated by three criteria: 1) Their effectiveness in rescuing hypocotyls of GA-deficient soybean plants; 2) Their ability to avoid causing overelongation of hypocotyls of wild-type soybeans at a concentration that rescues hypocotyls of GA-deficient soybean plants. This is important because overelongation can lead to hypocotyl breakage, lodging of plants, disease susceptibility, and poor stature (abnormal phenotype); and 3) Whether they produce less emergence drag (reduced emergence of seedlings above ground level due, for example, to weak or broken hypocotyls, etc.) than GA


. Based on the greenhouse and field results, four compounds, i.e., GA


-3-acetate, GA


, GA


, and GA


, are shown to provide acceptable to good rescue of constitutively GA-deficient transgenic dwarf soybeans (an equal mixture of transgenic lines 719−2 and 719+17) with acceptable stand count, without causing excessive elongation of wild-type soybeans (varieties A3237 and A4922). In these experiments, the other compounds either did not exhibit substantial biological activity, or provided rescue of constitutive transgenic dwarfs while causing some or excessive elongation of wild-type soybeans. Some difficulty is encountered in solubilizing several of the test compounds in the treatment solutions, which might have led to the conclusion that they are not biologically active. Subsequent experiments are carried out to solubilize those compounds prior to testing them again as seed treatments. Parameters that can be varied to improve solubility include the nature of the carrier solvent and pH. In any event, appropriate carrier solvents are those that are non-phytotoxic.

Four additional field tests are conducted with GA


, GA


-3-acetate, GA


, GA


, and GA


. Two tests are performed in a light textured soil, while two other tests are conducted in a heavy textured soil. In each soil type, two tests are conducted, one each with constitutively GA-deficient transgenic dwarf soybean line 719 and with wild-type line A4922. The objectives of these studies are to determine: a) if the selected precursors/derivatives provide rescue of constitutively GA-deficient transgenic dwarf soybeans when applied as seed coat treatments; b) the rate ranges that can provide rescue of constitutively GA-deficient transgenic dwarfs; and c) the rate ranges that cause reduced stand and/or overelongation of wild-type plants. GA


, GA


-3-acetate, GA


, and GA


each provided rescue of constitutively GA-deficient transgenic dwarfs with crop safety. Although GA


is effective in rescuing constitutive transgenic dwarfs, plants are short in stature.

Preparation of Stock Solutions for Biological Testing

Stock solutions of selected GA compounds are prepared for use in evaluating their potential to restore normal hypocotyl elongation in constitutively GA-deficient transgenic dwarf soybean seedlings without over-elongating wild-type soybeans. Selected compounds are initially dissolved in ethanol for testing on soybean. Three separate stock solutions are prepared for three separate experiments (Experiments I-III).


GA Compounds Tested

Selected GA compounds are obtained from

Sigma Chemical Company, St. Louis, MO, or

from Lew Mander, Australian National University,

Canberra, Australia, as indicated below.



Product Number

Lot Number



















methyl ester






methyl ester










kaurenoic acid

















Solutions for Experiment I

Each of the compounds noted above is weighed to the nearest 0.1 mg in a pre-tarred 1.5-ml polypropylene vial with a screw-top lid. Absolute ethanol is added to the weighed powder to prepare a 25 mg/ml solution. Solutions are thoroughly mixed using a vortex mixer. A stainless steel spatula is used to crush any particulate material remaining after extensive mixing. Vials are left overnight at room temperature, and then remixed to form the concentrated ethanol stock solutions. The presence of undissolved material is noted throughout this procedure. In addition, the solubility of 0.25 mg/ml compound in water is tested. The results are shown in Table 11.


Particulate material present in solutions after mixing


Initial Mixing

O/N Incubation

100X Diln w/water



























, methyl ester






, methyl ester










kaurenoic acid





























Solutions for Experiment II

A subset of the compounds tested in Experiment I is selected for further evaluation in Experiment II: kaurenoic acid, GA


, GA


, GA


-3-acetate, GA


, GA


, GA


, and GA


. Stock solutions (25 mg/ml) in ethanol are prepared as described for Experiment I. For GA


only, a 12.5 mg/ml stock solution is prepared instead of a 25 mg/ml solution due to limited compound availability. The GA


stock solution contained particulate matter after the overnight incubation, as noted in Experiment I. The 25 mg/ml stock solutions are further diluted to 2.5 and 0.25 mg/ml with ethanol. 0.3 ml of each concentration of each gibberellin/precursor is supplied for biological testing.

Solutions for Experiment III

A subset of the compounds tested in Experiment II is selected for further evaluation in Experiment III: kaurenoic acid, GA


, GA


-3-acetate, GA


, GA


, and GA


. 25 mg/ml stock solutions in ethanol are prepared as in Experiments I and II. Due to limited compound availability, a 14 mg/ml stock of GA


is prepared instead of a 25 mg/ml solution. Freshly prepared stock solutions are mixed with previously prepared solutions (Experiments I and II, stored at −20° C. in ethanol) to obtain a sufficient supply for biological testing. Stock solutions (25 mg/ml) are supplied for biological testing.

Experiment I: Greenhouse Test

The objective of this experiment is to determine if any of the selected GA compounds exhibit biological activity on constitutively GA-deficient transgenic dwarf soybeans (line 719) or wild-type (line A3237) soybeans at a concentration of 0.25 mg/ml.

Compounds are first prepared as 25 mg/ml solutions in ethanol as described above, and then diluted into 40 ml of water to prepare the final 0.25 mg/ml treatment solutions. Visual observations on solubilities (milky, clear, etc.) of the treatment solutions are noted. The treatment solutions are divided into two 20 ml portions, each in 50 ml plastic centrifuge tubes. In addition to treating seeds with solutions containing the test compounds, untreated seeds and seeds imbibed in ethanol-water solution (300 μl ethanol in 30 mls of water) are also included in this experiment as controls. In the latter case, 20 seeds are imbibed in 30 mls of solution for six hours.

Two soybean varieties are selected for testing: constitutively GA-deficient transgenic dwarf soybean line 719 (plasmid pMON29801, constitutive FMV promoter/asCPScc; which is a mixture of 719−2 and 719+17), and A3237, the wild-type parent material. The line 719 seed used in these early experiments consisted of a segregating population of three different phenotypes: seed producing seedlings with normal-looking morphology, including hypocotyls of normal length as in wild-type plants; seed producing seedlings having hypocotyls shorter than those in wild-type plants, but in which cotyledons do not rest on the soil, i.e., “intermediate dwarfs”; and seed producing seedlings having little or no hypocotyls, wherein the cotyledons touch the ground, i.e., “extreme dwarfs.” Twenty seeds of each variety are imbibed in 30 mls of the test solutions for 5 hours. After imbibition, seeds are removed from the test tubes, placed on wax paper to dry, and planted in bread pans containing farm soil amended with fertilizer at 20 seeds/pan. Seeds are covered with 0.5″ of vermiculite. Pans are transferred to the greenhouse, which had day/night temperatures of 86/68° F. (30/20° C.), and subirrigated. Illumination is at a light intensity of 300-400 μmolm




photosynthetic photon flux; 16 hours light/8 hours dark. Subsequent waterings are also through sub-irrigation until the test is terminated three weeks later. Observations included the number of dwarf, intermediate, and tall plants; plant height; uniformity of rescue; and any visual effects. The results are shown in Table 12.


Effect of Various GA Compounds at 0.25 mg/ml on Constitutively

GA-Deficient Transgenic Dwarf Soybeans and Wild-Type Soybeans

in the Greenhouse

*Observation on

*Observation on

Wild-Type Line

GA Compound

Trt #

Transgenic Line 719

Trt #






















































Kaurenoic acid


1, some rescue


















1, Rescued, shorter



plants; no over-

























*−1 = treated plants are shorter as compared to untreated plants; 0 = treated plants had the same stature as untreated plants; 1 = treated plants are slightly elongated as compared to untreated plants; 2 = treated plants are moderately elongated as compared to untreated plants; 3 = treated plants are highly elongated as compared to untreated plants; 4 = treated plants are extremely elongated as compared to untreated plants.

The data in Table 12 demonstrate that at 0.25 mg/ml, GA


, GA


, GA


, GA


, GA


-3-acetate, and GA


caused excessive elongation in both the constitutive transgenic dwarf and wild-type soybean lines. GA


-methyl ester, GA


-methyl ester, and GA


at this concentration caused slight to medium elongation in both lines. Kaurene, steviol, and GA


aldehyde exhibited no substantial activity in either line when applied via imbibition. GA


and kaurenoic acid resulted in rescue (elongated hypocotyls) with very little elongation. It should be noted that several of the compounds, i.e., GA


, kaurene, kaurenoic acid, steviol, GA


-methyl ester, GA


, and GA


-aldehyde, are less soluble in water during imbibition, perhaps contributing to some lower activity and differential activity among the various compounds in this experiment.

Experiment II: Second Greenhouse Test

The objective of this test is to evaluate further the results of the initial greenhouse test with respect to a subset of the compounds tested in Experiment I, i.e., kaurenoic acid, GA


, GA


, GA


-3-acetate, GA


, GA


, GA


, and GA


, at concentrations equal to or below those used in Experiment I.

All compounds are tested at final concentrations of 0.25, 0.025, and 0.0025 mg/ml except for GA


, which is tested at 0.125, 0.0125, and 0.00125 mg/ml. (The compounds are tested in Experiment I at only one concentration, i.e., 0.25 mg/ml). Test tubes contained 300, 30, or 3 ml of ethanol solution per tube. Final volumes are made up to 30 ml with deionized water. After shaking, the treatment solutions (15 ml each) are transferred to each of two 50 ml test tubes. Treatments 1 to 27 are performed on wild-type line A3237; treatments 28 to 54 are performed on constitutively GA-deficient transgenic dwarf soybean line 719 (a mixture of 719−2 and 719+17). Twenty seeds are used in each treatment. Dry seed, ethanol/water-imbibed seed (1% ethanol in water, v/v), and water-imbibed seeds are included as controls. Seeds are imbibed for 6 hours in the test solutions, then planted in bread pans containing Metromix 350 (The Scotts Company, Marysville, Ohio), and covered with 0.5″ Metro-mix. Covered pans are transferred to the greenhouse and subirrigated. Illumination is at a light intensity of 300-400 μmolm




photosynthetic photon flux; 16 hours light/8 hours dark. Subsequent waterings are also through sub-irrigation until the test is terminated three weeks later. Observations included the number of dwarf, intermediate, and tall plants; plant height; uniformity of rescue; and any visual effects. Digital photographs are also taken. The results are shown in Table 13.


Effect of Various Concentrations of Selected GA Compounds on

Constitutively GA-Deficient Transgenic Dwarf and Wild-Type

Soybeans in the Greenhouse



Significant Visual

Significant Visual


Observations on

Observations on


Trt #

Line A3237

Trt #

Line 719





Poor emergence


Excessive elongation






Excessive elongation






Excessive elongation













Good rescue of dwarfs






Good rescue of dwarfs







Excessive elongation







Good rescue of dwarfs






Good rescue of dwarfs





Normal height


Good rescue, no







Good rescue of dwarfs






Poor rescue






Excessive elongation







Poor rescue






Normal height


Good rescue, no



Kaurenoic Acid



Poor rescue


Kaurenoic Acid



Poor rescue


Kaurenoic Acid



Poor rescue






Short plants


Good rescue, no

elongation, short







Incomplete rescue






Poor rescue







Excessive elongation






Normal height


Good rescue, no







Good rescue of dwarfs







Dry seed



The results presented in Table 13 demonstrate that in this experiment, GA


at 0.125 mg/ml, GA


-3-acetate at 0.0025 mg/ml, GA


at 0.25 mg/ml, and GA


at 0.025 mg/ml resulted in good rescue, with no overelongation, in constitutive dwarf transgenic line 719. The improved results with GA


in this experiment compared with that obtained in the first experiment may have been due to the lower concentrations used. Similarly, in this experiment, GA


-3-acetate at 0.0025 mg/ml and GA


at 0.025 mg/ml yielded improved results compared to the same compounds used at 0.25 mg/ml in experiment I, i.e., concentrations {fraction (1/100)} and {fraction (1/10)}, respectively, of those used in experiment I. This suggests that concentration may be a result-affective variable. Finally, the results with GA


are roughly comparable between this and the preceding experiment.

The results of the first two greenhouse experiments are summarized in Table 14.


Summary of First Two Greenhouse Experiments on the Biological

Activity of GA Compounds in Constitutively GA-Deficient

Transgenic Dwarf and Wild-Type Soybeans


Concentration, mg/ml

of GA-

**Elongation of

solution (ethanol-



GA Compound





























































Kaurenoic Acid



































-methyl ester






-methyl ester



















*+ = transgenic soybeans are rescued; 0 = transgenic soybeans are not rescued

**+ = wild type soybeans are elongated; 0 = wild type soybeans are not affected;

− = wild type soybeans are shorter than untreated plants

Experiments III and IV: Field Tests

The objective of these experiments is to determine if there is a greenhouse to field translation of results with selected GA compounds with respect to rescue of constitutively GA-deficient transgenic dwarf soybeans and elongation of wild-type plants. Experiment III is carried out on wild-type line A3237; experiment IV is carried out on constitutively GA-deficient transgenic dwarf soybean line 719 (719−2 and 719+17). For the first field trial, the solutions previously used for the second greenhouse test, and stored in the freezer, are employed. The solutions used for imbibing line A3237 and constitutively GA-deficient transgenic dwarf soybean line 719 in greenhouse test 2 are pooled to produce approximately 30 ml of solution. For comparison, freshly prepared solutions of GA


are also employed. The compounds tested included kaurenoic acid, fresh GA


, stored GA


, GA


-3-acetate, GA


, GA


, and GA


. The concentrations tested are 0.25, 0.025, and 0.0025 mg/ml. Seeds of line A3237 are imbibed for 8 hours. Untreated dry seeds served as controls. After imbibition, the remaining solutions are returned to the freezer. Seeds are kept on the benchtop at room temperature overnight. At 7 PM the next day, they are planted. Fifty seeds are planted 1 inch (2.54 cm) deep in two five foot (152.4 cm) rows, and the soil is compacted following planting. Seeds of constitutive transgenic dwarf line 719 are imbibed for 8 hours using the same solutions as used for line A3237, and 25 seeds are planted 1 inch (2.54 cm) deep in 5 foot (152.4 cm) rows behind the A3237 study. Untreated dry seeds served as controls. Following planting line 719, all plots (both A3237 and line 719) are compacted by driving an all-terrain vehicle over the planted rows twice, and watered. All GA solutions are discarded. The results are shown in Table 15 for constitutively GA-deficient transgenic dwarf line 719 only as insufficient A3237 germinated to make any useful observations. Observations included number of plants that germinated, number rescued, and visual observations.

Two points should be noted concerning the data in Table 15. First, there are no entries in the “% of dwarfs rescued” column for treatments 1 and 2, i.e., the untreated controls. As explained previously, the line 719 seed used in these early experiments consisted of a segregating population of three phenotypes, i.e., seed producing seedlings with essentially normal morphology; seed producing “intermediate dwarfs”; and seed producing “extreme dwarfs.” The number of dwarfs not “rescued” among untreated controls 1 and 2 represent extreme dwarfs; no dwarfs are actually rescued since no GA compound is applied to these seeds. Secondly, “% of dwarfs rescued” for treatments 3-23 is calculated as follows: The number of true dwarfs per plot is calculated as the average of the number of dwarfs not rescued in treatments 1 and 2, i.e., as 8+9/2=8.5. Next, the number of dwarfs not rescued in any treatment is subtracted from 8.5. Thus, for example, in treatment 4, one dwarf is not rescued; 8.5−1=7.5. Finally, the percentage of dwarfs rescued is calculated as 7.5/8.5×100=88.2%.


Effect of Selected GA Compounds on Constitutively GA-Deficient

Transgenic Dwarf Soybean Line 719 Plants in the Field

No. of


% of


GA Compound,




Visual Observations on






Transgenic Line 719


Untreated control




Untreated control






fresh 0.0025







fresh 0.025







fresh 0.25







stored 0.25




Extremely elongated plants




stored 0.025




Extremely elongated plants




stored 0.0025







stored 0.25




Slightly elongated plants




stored 0.025




Not uniform in height, 1

broken plant




stored 0.0025







-3-Ac stored




Extremely elongated plants





-3-Ac stored








-3-Ac stored




Not uniform in height, 2


broken plants


Kaurenoic acid




stored 0.25


Kaurenoic acid




stored 0.025


Kaurenoic acid




stored 0.0025




stored 0.25




Uniform in height, 3 broken

plants, Short rescued plants




stored 0.025







stored 0.0025







stored 0.25




Extremely elongated plants




stored 0.025




Not uniform in height, 1

broken plant, slightly





stored 0.0025




The rate response (dose response) data for GA


, GA


-3-acetate, and GA


in Table 14 indicate that low rates result in less stand reduction than high rates (note the “Total plants” column). There is a good rate response with GA


with respect to plant count and rescue. Rescue is observed with the high rate (0.25 mg/ml) of GA


. Treatment with GA


resulted in good emergence. All GA


-treated plants are rescued with no excessive elongation and excellent plant height uniformity at 0.25 mg/ml. GA


-treated plants appeared shorter than untreated ones. There is no rate response to GA


with respect to stand, and there is no overelongation of plants. Treatment with GA


resulted in poor emergence at all rates. While all emerged plants are rescued, there is excessive elongation at all rates. Treatment with GA


resulted in slight elongation, and no uniformity in height. Treatment with GA


-3-acetate resulted in excessive elongation, and no uniformity in plant height. GA


treatment resulted in slight to excessive elongation, and no uniformity in plant height. Finally, kaurenoic acid treatment resulted in poor uniformity in plant height.

Fifth and Sixth Field Tests

The objective of these tests is to determine the highest concentrations of the available GA compounds that do not adversely affect emergence of constitutive transgenic dwarf soybean seedlings (line 719).

Fresh stock solutions of compounds are prepared for this test. Kaurenoic acid is tested at 0.025 and 0.25 mg/ml; GA


is tested at 0.025, 0.25, and 0.5 mg/ml; GA


-3-acetate at 0.025 and 0.25 mg/ml; GA


at 0.025 and 0.25 mg/ml; GA


at 0.025 and 0.04 mg/ml; and GA


at 0.025 and 0.25 mg/ml. Stock solutions are prepared in ethanol in 50 ml plastic centrifuge tubes; deionized water is then added to make up the volumes to 30 ml. The final solutions contained 300 μl ethanol in 30 mls. 50 seeds of constitutively GA-deficient transgenic dwarf soybean line 719 are placed in each vial. Seeds are imbibed for 6 hours, and planted 1″ deep in a single row in moist to wet soil. They are then covered with dry soil, and the row is compacted twice with an all-terrain vehicle. Untreated dry seeds served as controls. The GA solutions are placed on dry ice until reuse the next day.

The next day, additional seeds of constitutive transgenic dwarf line 719 (50 seeds/treatment) are imbibed in the remaining treatment solutions for 5 hours, and planted in moist soil. The rows are compacted twice. The results are shown in Table 16.


Effect of Various GA compounds on emergence of constitutively GA-

deficient transgenic dwarf soybean line 719


GA Compound,


Visual Observations on




Transgenic Line 719


Untreated control


Poor and erratic emergence






Hypocotyl hooks and broken

plants; over elongation






Hypocotyl hooks and broken

plants; over elongation






Hypocotyl hooks only; rate







No dwarfs in plots









-3-Ac 0.025





-3-Ac 0.25




Kaurenoic acid


Poor rescue



Kaurenoic acid


Poor stand







Good emergence; no dwarfs in

plot; good uniformity; good

rescue; good stand






Poor emergence; frozen and

broken hypocotyl hooks;







Good emergence; good stand;

poor rescue






Poor emergence; frozen and

broken hypocotyl hooks; no

overelongation; good uniformity;

good rescue; poor stand


Untreated control


Poor and erratic emergence;

only 1 dwarf

The first set of seeds did not emerge due to frost, and this study is terminated. In the second planting of 50 seeds, a few untreated plants emerged, but emergence is erratic. This is attributed to cold weather soon after planting. Better emergence is observed at lower concentrations of GA compounds than at higher concentrations. Frozen hypocotyl hooks and broken plants occurred frequently with GA


. There are only hooks (no broken or normal plants) with the highest GA


concentration. GA


at low rate (0.025 mg/ml) resulted in good emergence but poor rescue; at high rate (0.25 mg/ml), there is poor emergence, good rescue, good plant height uniformity, and a few broken plants. GA


at 0.025 mg/ml and GA5 at 0.025 mg/ml provided good emergence with good rescue.

Seventh Through Eleventh Field Tests



, GA


-3-acetate, GA


, GA


, and GA


are evaluated in further field trials. The first trial (data reported in Tables 16-20) provided information on appropriate application rates. The objectives of these tests are: 1) to determine if seed coatings, as compared to imbibition, of GA compounds facilitate rescue of constitutively GA-deficient transgenic dwarf soybeans (transgenic lines 719−2 plus 719+17) without causing elongation of wild-type soybeans (line A4922), and 2) to determine the seed treatment rate ranges for each of the selected GA compounds that would provide rescue of constitutively GA-deficient transgenic dwarf soybeans (transgenic lines 719−2 plus 719+17) without causing elongation of wild-type soybeans (line A4922).

The second trial (data reported in Tables 22-24) tested the precursors under conditions of soil compaction.

Determination of Appropriate Application Rates for GA


, GA


-3-acetate, GA


, GA


, and GA


Seeds are treated with GA


, GA


, GA


, GA


, and GA


-3-acetate at rates of 0, 0.1, 1, 10, and 100 μg/seed. These GA compounds are applied to the seeds using a Hege 11 seed treater (Hans-Ulrich Hege GmbH & Co., Waldenburg, Germany); 100% acetone is used as the carrier solvent. The amount of liquid introduced into the seed treater is six fluid ounces/100 lbs seed rate. In addition, GA


is tested at 50 μg/seed. The untreated control (UTC) consisted of dry, untreated seeds. Seeds of constitutively GA-deficient transgenic dwarf soybean line 719 and wild-type A4922 are sown in both light and heavy soil. The planting depth is 0.5 to 1 inch (1.27 to 2.54 cm); watering is via drip irrigation. The experiment is carried out in three repetitions, using 25 seeds/plot (one five foot (152.4 cm) long row) for line 719, and 75 seeds/plot (two eight foot (243.8 cm) rows) for line A4922. Observations included total emergence, number of dwarfs not rescued, uniformity in plant height, average plant height, visual notes, and digital photos. The results are shown in Tables 16 through 20. In these tables, treatment means within a given column followed by the same letter are not significantly different from each other at the 0.05 level of probability.

In all the experiments reported in Tables 17-24, treatments are replicated three times in a randomized block design. Data are analyzed using LSD (least significant difference) 0.05 probability using the PRM 5.0 Statistical Analysis Program (SAS Institute, North Carolina).


Effect of GA


on Emergence, Rescue, and Height of Constitutively GA-Deficient

Transgenic Dwarf Soybeans and Wild-Type Soybeans in the Field


No. 719

No. 719 Not

719 Height,

No. A4922

μg Compound





A4922 Height, cm


per seed

Light soil

Heavy soil

Light soil

Heavy soil

Light soil

Heavy soil

Light soil

Heavy soil

Light soil

Heavy soil



23.0 a

21.3 abc

9.7 a

7.0 a

4.3 fg

4.3 d-h

63.3 a

59.3 a

5.3 g-j

5.0 fgh



21.7 abc

19.7 a-d

0 g

0.3 ef

5.0 efg

4.7 d-g

43.7 d-i

49.0 ab

6.3 fgh

6.3 efg





21.3 abc

19.7 a-d

1.0 fg

0 f

5.7 ef

5.7 cd

42.7 e-i

28.0 c-g

6.7 fg

5.7 efg





20.7 abc

17.3 b-e

0 g

0.3 ef

5.7 ef

5.3 cde

36.3 i

16.7 g

8.3 ef

6.0 efg





21.0 abc

18.3 a-e

0 g

0 f

11.7 bc

10.3 a

39.7 f-j

28.7 c-g

12.7 d

10.3 d





16.7 cd

8.0 f

0 g

0 f

13.7 a

9.3 ab

38.0 hi

19.7 efg

27.0 ab

21.0 a


LSD 0.05











The results shown in Table 17 demonstrate that the acetone blank did not reduce the emergence of transgenic line 719. Rescue (hypocotyl elongation) is observed in line 719 seeds treated with the acetone blank; it is subsequently discovered that the acetone blank is contaminated with a GA compound. There is no other sample contamination. All GA


rates rescued line 719 seedlings. Only the 100 μg rate reduced line 719 emergence. Only the 10 and 100 μg rates caused overelongation in line 719. The acetone blank reduced emergence of line A4922 seedlings at one site (light soil). All GA


rates reduced A4922 seedling emergence. The treatments that gave the best results in line 719 are numbers 2 and 3; the treatment that gave the best results in line A4922 is number 2. In this experiment, preferred rates for GA


appeared to be in the range of from about 0.1 to about 1 μg per seed.


Effect of GA


-3-Acetate on Emergence, Rescue, and Height of Constitutively GA-Deficient

Transgenic Dwarf Soybeans and Wild-Type Soybeans in the Field


No. 719

No. 719 Not

719 Height,

No. A4922

μg Compound





A4922 Height, cm


per seed

Light soil

Heavy soil

Light soil

Heavy soil

Light soil

Heavy soil

Light soil

Heavy soil

Light soil

Heavy soil



23.0 a

21.3 abc

9.7 a

7.0 a

4.3 fg

4.3 d-h

63.3 a

59.3 a

5.3 g-j

5.0 fgh



21.7 abc

19.7 a-d

0 g

0.3 ef

5.0 efg

4.7 d-g

43.7 d-i

49.0 ab

6.3 fgh

6.3 efg




-3 Acetate 0.1

21.0 ab

18.7 a-d

0.7 fg

0.3 ef

5.3 efg

3.3 e-i

40.0 f-i

46.0 abc

7.7 fg

6.7 efg




-3 Acetate 1

21.7 ab

21.3 abc

0.3 fg

0 f

6.3 e

6.0 cd

47.7 b-f

38.3 b-e

8.3 ef

8.0 de




-3 Acetate 10

20.3 a-d

17.7 a-e

0 g

0 f

9.3 d

9.0 ab

40.0 f-i

29.0 c-g

13.0 d

13.0 c




-3 Acetate 100

17.7 b-f

16.7 b-e

0 g

0 f

12.0 b

8.7 ab

39.3 ghi

36.3 b-f

25.7 b

21.7 a


LSD 0.05











The results shown in Table 18 demonstrate that the acetone blank did not reduce the emergence of transgenic line 719. Rescue (hypocotyl elongation) is observed in line 719 seeds treated with the acetone blank; it is subsequently discovered that the acetone blank is contaminated with a GA compound. There is no other sample contamination. All GA


-3-acetate rates rescued line 719 seedlings. GA


-3-acetate at 1 μg and above caused elongation in line 719 seedlings. The 100 μg rate reduced emergence of line 719. The acetone blank reduced the emergence of line A4922 at one site (light soil). All rates reduced line A4922 emergence. GA


-3-acetate at 1 μg and above elongated line A4922 seedlings. The treatment that gave the best results in lines 719 and A4922 is treatment 20. In this experiment, the preferred rate for GA


-3-acetate appeared to be about 1 μg per seed.


Effect of GA


on Emergence, Rescue, and Height of Constitutively GA-Deficient

Transgenic Dwarf Soybeans and Wild-Type Soybeans in the Field


No. 719

No. 719 Not

719 Height,

No. A4922

μg Compound





A4922 Height, cm


per seed

Light soil

Heavy soil

Light soil

Heavy soil

Light soil

Heavy soil

Light soil

Heavy soil

Light soil

Heavy soil



23.0 a

21.3 abc

9.7 a

7.0 a

4.3 fg

4.3 d-h

63.3 a

59.3 a

5.3 g-j

5.0 fgh



21.7 abc

19.7 a-d

0 g

0.3 ef

5.0 efg

4.7 d-g

43.7 d-i

49.0 ab

6.3 fgh

6.3 efg





21.7 ab

22.0 ab

4.3 c

1.7 def

4.3 fg

5.0 def

51.7 bcd

32.3 b-g

6.0 fgh

4.3 ghi





22.7 a

21.0 abc

0 g

0.7 ef

6.3 e

4.7 d-g

47.3 c-g

37.3 b-f

7.3 fg

7.0 ef





20.0 a-d

20.0 a-d

0.7 fg

0.3 ef

11.3 bc

7.3 bc

45.7 c-h

32.7 b-g

16.3 c

17.3 b





14.3 f

12.3 ef

0 g

0 f

12.0 b

9.0 ab

46.7 c-g

38.3 b-e

29.7 a

22.3 a


LSD 0.05











The results shown in Table 19 demonstrate that the acetone blank did not reduce the emergence of transgenic line 719. Rescue (hypocotyl elongation) is observed in line 719 seeds treated with the acetone blank; it is subsequently discovered that the acetone blank is contaminated with a GA compound. There is no other sample contamination. GA


at the rate of 1 μg and above resulted in good rescue in line 719 seedlings. Only the 100 μg rate reduced line 719 seedling emergence. The 10 and 100 μg rates caused excessive elongation of line 719 seedlings. The acetone blank reduced the emergence of line A4922 at one site (light soil). All GA


rates reduced line A4922 emergence. GA


at the rates of 10 and 100 μg/seed resulted in overelongation of line A4922. The treatment that gave the best results in line 719 is treatment 7; treatments 6 and 7 gave the best results in line A4922. In this experiment, preferred rates for GA


appeared to be in the range of from about 0.1 to about 1 μg per seed


Effect of GA


on Emergence, Rescue, and Height of Constitutively GA-Deficient

Transgenic Dwarf Soybeans and Wild-Type Soybeans in the Field


No. 719

No. 719 Not

719 Height,

No. A4922

μg Compound





A4922 Height, cm


per seed

Light soil

Heavy soil

Light soil

Heavy soil

Light soil

Heavy soil

Light soil

Heavy soil

Light soil

Heavy soil



23.0 a

21.3 abc

9.7 a

7.0 a

4.3 fg

4.3 d-h

63.3 a

59.3 a

5.3 g-j

5.0 fgh



21.7 abc

19.7 a-d

0 g

0.3 ef

5.0 efg

4.7 d-g

43.7 d-i

49.0 ab

6.3 fgh

6.3 efg





48.3 b-e

41.0 a-d

5.7 f-i

5.7 efg





46.7 c-g

43.0 a-d

6.3 fgh

6.3 efg





21.7 ab

16.3 b-e

0.3 fg

0.7 ef

5.0 efg

4.0 d-i

46.0 c-h

26.3 d-g

7.3 fg

6.7 efg





19.0 a-e

20.3 a-d

0 g

0 f

10.3 cd

8.3 ab

40.0 f-i

28.3 c-g

11 0 de

10.3 d


LSD 0.05











The results shown in Table 20 demonstrate that the acetone blank did not reduce the emergence of line 719. Rescue (hypocotyl elongation) is observed in line 719 seeds treated with the acetone blank; it is subsequently discovered that the acetone blank is contaminated with a GA compound. There is no other sample contamination. Seedlings of seeds treated with 0.1 and 1 μg per seed GA


appeared unusually abnormal. These seedlings are slow in developing, and remained short, as if they had been treated with paclobutrazol, high rates of GA


, or had prolonged exposure to solvents. Both the 10 and 100 μg rates produced no stand reduction in line 719; both rates rescued line 719 seedlings. The acetone blank reduced the emergence of line A4922 seedlings at one site (light soil). GA


at 0.1 and 1 μg/seed caused stand reduction in line A4922 seedlings at only one site. GA


at 10 and 100 μg/seed caused stand reduction at both sites. The treatment that gave the best results in line 719 is number 12; treatments 10, 11, and 12 gave the best results in line A4922. Because of the lack of reliable data on line 719 at the 0.1 and 1 μg/seed rates in this experiment, no preferred rate for GA


could be determined.


Effect of GA


on Emergence, Rescue, and Height of Constitutively GA-Deficient

Transgenic Dwarf Soybeans and Wild-Type Soybeans in the Field


No. 719

No. 719 Not

719 Height,

No. A4922

μg Compound





A4922 Height, cm


per seed

Light soil

Heavy soil

Light soil

Heavy soil

Light soil

Heavy soil

Light soil

Heavy soil

Light soil

Heavy soil



23.0 a

21.3 abc

9.7 a

7.0 a

4.3 fg

4.3 d-h

63.3 a

59.3 a

5.3 g-j

5.0 fgh



21.7 abc

19.7 a-d

0 g

0.3 ef

5.0 efg

4.7 d-g

43.7 d-i

49.0 ab

6.3 fgh

6.3 efg





22.3 a

20.7 a-d

6.3 b

4.3 bc

4.0 g

4.0 d-i

45.7 c-h

24.3 d-g

5.7 f-i

5.3 fg





22.0 a

21.0 abc

3.7 cd

5.3 ab

4.0 g

3.3 e-i

55.7 ab

48.0 ab

5.0 g-i

5.7 efg





21.0 ab

22.3 ab

1.7 efg

1.7 def

2.3 h

3.0 f-i

46.3 c-g

19.0 fg

3.7 hij

5.0 fgh





22.3 a

23.7 a

3.0 cde

5.0 bc

2.3 h

3.3 e-i

51.3 bcd

40.0 bcd

3.0 ij

2.7 hi





21.3 ab

20.7 a-d

1.0 fg

2.0 de

2.0 h

2.7 ghi

53.0 bc

38.7 bcd

2.7 j

2.3 i


LSD 0.05











The results shown in Table 21 demonstrate that the acetone blank did not reduce the emergence of transgenic line 719 seedlings. Rescue (hypocotyl elongation) is observed in line 719 seeds treated with the acetone blank; it is subsequently discovered that the acetone blank is contaminated with a GA compound. There is no other sample contamination. There is no reduction in line 719 seedling emergence due to GA


at any rate, although emergence is delayed. Due to the short stature of seedlings, it is difficult to determine the rescue count. It appeared that GA


at 10 μg and above resulted in rescue of line 719 seedlings. GA


at 10 μg and above reduced the height of line 719 seedlings. The acetone blank reduced the emergence of line A4922 seedlings at one site (light soil). All GA


rates reduced line A4922 seedling emergence. GA


at 10 μg and above reduced the height of A4922 seedlings. In general, as the rate of GA


application increased, seedling height decreased.

Effect of GA3, GA3-3-acetate, GA5, GA9, and GA12 on Seedling Emergence and Rescue in Compacted Soil

As noted above, the second trial tested the noted precursors under conditions of soil compaction. These experiments are performed in the same manner as in the first trial, except that the soil is compacted with an all-terrain vehicle. The GA compounds are tested on both transgenic line 719 and non-transgenic line A4922.

The results are shown in Tables 22-24. In these tables, treatment means within a given column followed by the same letter are not significantly different from each other. “Height” equals total plant height in cm. Selected data from Tables 22-24 are summarized in FIG.


and Table 25.


Effect of GA Compounds on Emergence, Rescue, and Height of Soybean Seedlings in Different Soils

Treatment, μg/seed

Light soil - Compacted

Heavy soil - loose

Actual Rate


Line 719


Line 719


Target Rate













41 a

5.0 efg

37 a-d

8.0 a

32 abc

4.0 g

35 abc

10.0 a







28 bcd

5.7 def

22 efg

0 d

25 cde

5.0 efg

27 cd

2.0 cde







13 ef

8.0 c

19 fg

0 d

21 ef

6.7 bcd

25 de

0.7 cde







37 abc

6.7 d

39 abc

0 d

32 abc

5.3 d-g

32 bcd

2.0 cde







22 de

9.0 c

30 a-f

0 d

25 cde

6.7 bcd

32 bcd

0.7 cde







38 abc

5.7 def

38 abc

0.7 cd

33 ab

5.3 d-g

42 a

2.0 cde







22 de

6.0 de

27 b-f

0 d

29 a-d

6.3 cde

35 abc

0.7 cde







41 a

4.3 g

42 a

3.7 bc

33 ab

4.3 g

35 abc

3.3 c




-3-Ac 0.5



28 bcd

6.3 d

25 def

0 d

29 a-d

5.3 d-g

31 bcd

3.3 c




-3-Ac 2.0



18 def

8.7 c

22 efg

0 d

15 f

6.0 c-f

27 cd

0.3 de

Based on the data presented in Table 22 with respect to seedling emergence under conditions of soil compaction, wide margin of selectivity, ability to rescue seedlings without causing overelongation, and consistency across tests, the tested GA compounds showed the best to least selectivity in the order GA










Effect of GA Compounds on Emergence, Rescue, and Height of Soybean Seedlings in Different Soils

Treatment, μg/seed

Heavy soil - Loose

Heavy soil - compacted


Actual Rate


Line 719


Line 719


Target Rate













31.7 a-d

4.0 g

34.7 abc

10.0 a

16.7 ab

4.0 de

11.7 b-e

4.0 a



27.7 b-e

4.0 g

33.7 bc

8.3 ab

12.7 abc

4.0 de

16.0 a-d

4.3 a







25.0 cde

5.0 efg

27.3 cd

2.0 cde

8.3 cd

4.3 b-e

7.7 efg

0.3 cd







21.3 ef

6.7 bcd

24.7 de

0.7 cde

2.0 de

6.0 bc

7.3 efg

0 d







24.7 de

8.7 a

14.3 f

0 e

4.0 de

8.0 a

3.3 fg

0 d







32.0 abc

5.3 d-g

31.7 bcd

2.0 cde

13.7 abc

4.7 cde

18.3 ab

0 d







24.7 de

6.7 bcd

32.3 bcd

0.7 cde

9.0 bcd

6.7 ab

9.0 d-g

0 d







26.7 b-e

9.0 a

30.3 bcd

0 e

6.7 cde

6.7 ab

7.0 efg

0 d







32.7 ab

5.3 d-g

42.0 a

2.0 cde

13.3 abc

5.3 b-e

17.3 abc

0 d







29.3 a-d

6.3 cde

35.3 abc

0.7 cde

9.7 a-d

6.0 bc

8.7 d-g

0 d







24.7 dc

7.0 bc

30.7 bcd

0 e

6.3 cde

6.7 ab

12.0 b-e

0 d







36.0 a

4.7 fg

36.0 ab

10.0 a

17.0 a

4.3 cde

18.7 ab

4.0 a







26.7 b-c

4.0 g

35.3 abc

7.0 b

12.3 abc

3.7 e

13.0 b-e

2.0 b







33.0 ab

4.3 g

35.3 abc

3.3 c

13.7 abc

4.0 de

22.7 a

1.3 bc




-3-Ac 0.5



29.0 a-d

5.3 d-g

31.3 bcd

0.3 de

4.0 de

5.3 b-e

10.3 c-f

0.3 cd




-3-Ac 2.0



15.3 f

6.0 c-f

27.3 cd

0 e

6.0 cde

5.7 bcd

7.3 efg

0 d




-3-Ac 4.0



7.0 g

8.0 ab

18.3 ef

0 e

0 e


2.0 g

0 d

Treatment means, within a given column, followed by the same letter are not significantly different from each other.

Height = total plant height in cm.

Dwarfs = number of dwarfs/number of dwarfs not rescued.

The results shown in Table 23 are consistent with those in Table 22. Based on the data presented in Table 23 with respect to seedling emergence under conditions of soil compaction, wide margin of selectivity, ability to rescue seedlings without causing overelongation, and consistency across tests, the tested GA compounds again showed the best to least selectivity in the order GA










Effect of GA Compounds on Emergence, Rescue, and Height of Soybean Seedlings in Different Soils

Treatment, μg/seed

Light soil - Loose

Light soil - compacted


Actual Rate


Line 719


Line 719


Target Rate













46.3 a

4.7 hi

47.0 a

20. a

40.7 a

5.0 efg

37.3 a-d

8.0 a



43.7 abc

4.0 hi

47.0 a

19.0 ab

35.7 abc

4.7 fg

29.7 a-f

5.3 ab







43.0 abc

7.0 ef

45.0 ab

0 e

28.3 bcd

5.7 def

12.0 g

0 d







38.3 bc

9.0 cd

43.7 ab

0 e

12.7 ef

8.0 c

19.3 fg

0 d







37.7 c

10.3 b

39.3 b

0 e

7.7 f

10.3 b

26.3 c-f

0 d







44.7 ab

6.0 fg

46.3 a

1.0 e

36.7 abc

6.7 d

39.0 abc

0 d







41.0 abc

10.0 bc

43.3 ab

0 e

21.7 de

9.0 c

30.3 a-f

0 d







43.3 abc

12.7 a

45.0 ab

0 e

18.7 def

11.7 a

32.7 a-e

0 d







41.3 abc

5.0 gh

48.0 a

2.3 e

38.0 abc

5.7 def

38.3 abc

0.7 cd







39.3 bc

7.0 ef

49.0 a

0 e

21.7 de

6.0 de

27.3 b-f

0 d







39.0 bc

8.0 de

45.0 ab

0 e

20.0 de

8.3 c

29.7 a-f

0 d







43.7 abc

4.0 hi

46.3 a

17.3 b

39.3 ab

4.3 g

40.3 a

8.3 a







47.7 a

3.7 i

48.3 a

11.3 c

41.7 a

4.0 g

40.0 ab

4.3 b







44.0 abc

4.0 hi

46.0 a

7.7 d

41.0 a

4.3 g

42.0 a

3.7 bc




-3-Ac 0.5



44.3 abc

6.3 f

45.3 ab

0.3 e

27.7 cd

6.3 d

25.3 def

0 d




-3-Ac 2.0



42.0 abc

9.7 bc

43.3 ab

0 c

18.0 def

8.7 c

22.0 efg

0 d




-3-Ac 4.0



42.3 abc

10.3 b

42.7 ab

0 c

22.7 dc

11.0 ab

33.7 a-e

0 d

Treatment means, within a given column, followed by the same letter are not significantly different from each other.

Height = total plant height in cm.

Dwarfs = number of dwarfs/number not rescued.

The results shown in Table 24 are consistent with those in Tables 22 and 23. Based on the data presented in Table 24 with respect to seedling emergence under conditions of soil compaction, wide margin of selectivity, ability to rescue seedlings without causing overelongation, and consistency across tests, the tested GA compounds again showed the best to least selectivity in the order GA










Effect of soil conditions on rescue and emergence of line 719

soybeans using GA


and GA


Light Soil-Compact

Heavy Soil-Loose




































The results shown in FIG.


and Table 25 are based on selected data in Tables 22-24. As shown in

FIG. 40

, GA


and GA


-3-acetate yielded dose/response curves similar to that of GA


with respect to plant height in wild-type soybean line A4922. GA


inhibited plant height at ten days after planting. GA


is less active than GA


, GA


-3-acetate, and GA


, and produced a dose/response curve having a lower slope in compacted soil. In addition, at approximately equivalent biological response (height), GA


resulted in higher emergence (93%) than GA


(68%). GA


is also superior to GA


when applied to constitutively GA-deficient transgenic dwarf line 719 soybeans (Table 25). In two soil types (light-compact and heavy-loose), GA


resulted in greater percent emergence than GA


, and equally high rescue of line 719 soybeans as compared to GA



Based on these last two field trials, the GA compounds employed in these experiments can be ranked in order of potential for use in rescuing GA-deficient dwarf soybeans without decreasing emergence as follows: GA










. GA


decreases overall plant height.

Example 24

Half-lives of GA Compounds in Planta and in Soil and Distribution of


C-labelled GA Compounds in Seedlings

The half-lives of GA


, GA


, and GA


in soil and in planta, and their distribution throughout the soybean seedling when added as a seed treatment, are investigated using


C-radiolabelled compounds.

Determination of Half-lives and Distribution of


C-labelled GA Compounds in Planta


C-radiolabelled compounds are obtained from Lew Mander (Australian National University).




is dissolved in water:ethanol, 80:20, v/v;








are dissolved in 100% ethanol. Seeds of Asgrow 3237 soybeans are treated separately with solutions of each of the


C-radiolabelled compounds (1.7-6.8 μg; 10-40 ppm; 111,000-2,000,000 dpm/seed) by placing one to four μl of the dosing solution directly on the seed coat (




, GA


, and GA


), or on the hilum portion of the seed (




). After evaporation of the carrier solvent (approx. one hour), the treated seed is planted in containers containing approximately 30 gm of Metromix-350, and transferred to a growth chamber. Plants are grown under a 12 hour light/12 hour dark regime at 92° F. (33° C.)and 75% humidity. The pattern of uptake and translocation of


C-radioactivity in treated seed is monitored up to 12 days past initial treatment. For most experiments, three replicate plants are harvested at one hour after treatment, one day after treatment (DAT), two DAT, three DAT, six or seven DAT, and 12 DAT. At the time of each harvest, plants are divided into leaves, epicotyl, cotyledon, hypocotyl, and roots. The level of


C-radioactivity in different plant parts is determined by extraction of plant tissues with aqueous methanol and scintillation counting. The extent of metabolism of the


C-labelled GA compounds in planta is determined by HPLC analysis of plant extracts. The details are as follows.

Extraction and Quantitation of GA Compound Metabolites

The general extraction procedure consisted of blending the plant parts in a high speed polytron tissue homogenizer for 1-5 minutes with 10-20 ml of ice-cold methanol:water, 80:20, v/v, followed by vacuum filtration through a Whatman glass fiber filter. The filter cake is re-extracted as necessary using the procedure described above until an insignificant amount of radioactivity is removed. Prior to combining the extracts from each sample, aliquots are weighed and analyzed by liquid scintillation counting (LSC) to determine the amount of extracted radioactivity in each extract. Aliquots of the air-dried filter cakes are combusted and analyzed by LSC in order to determine the amount of non-extracted radioactivity. The extracts are combined and, when necessary, concentrated by rotary evaporation at a bath temperature of less than 35° C. to a small volume for analysis by HPLC to determine the extent of metabolism of the


C-labelled GA compounds in planta.

High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) with Radioactive Flow Detection

The HPLC system used for chromatographic analysis of sample extracts comprised the following components: A Rheodyne model 7125 syringe loaded sample injector; a Waters model 680 gradient controller; Waters model 510 solvent pumps; a Waters model 484 variable wavelength UV detector (set at 210 nm); a Radiomatic Flo-One radioactive flow detector with a 2.5 ml liquid flow cell; and an ISCO model 328 fraction collector. Atomflow liquid scintillation cocktail (NEN Co., Boston, Mass.) is mixed with the column effluent at a flow rate of 9 ml/min., yielding a ratio of 3:1, cocktail:effluent. An Eldex Model B-120-SRM pump is used to pump the scintillation cocktail. The HPLC column is a Beckman Ultrasphere-ODS column (5 μm packing, 10 mm×25 cm). The column is eluted (flow rate: 3 ml/min.) with 90% water containing 0.1% trifluoroacetic acid and 10% methanol for 5 minutes, followed by linear gradient to 100% methanol over the next 30 minutes.

Determination of Half-lives of


C-labelled GA Compounds in Soil

Metabolic studies in soil are conducted with


C-labelled GA compounds in order to investigate the route and rate of compound degradation in soil under aerobic conditions.


C-labelled GA compounds are obtained from Lew Mander (Australian National University). The


C-labelled compounds dissolved in 0.2-2 ml water:ethanol, 80:20, v/v, are applied to 50-60 gm portions of spinks soil (USDA classification Loamy Sand: 82% sand, 14% silt, and 4% clay) in 250 ml centrifuge bottles at a rate of 0.1-0.2 ppm (6-12 μg; approximately 1,200,000 dpm per soil sample. The soil samples are placed in a glass dessicator which served as a container for all soil bottles. The glass dessicator is connected to three separate trapping solutions in series, each containing 20 ml of ethylene glycol:ethanolamine, 2:1, v/v. Air is pulled into the glass dessicator and through the trapping solutions by house vacuum. The trapping solutions are used to collect


C-volatiles and




. Soil samples are incubated for eight days at 25° C. in darkness. For most experiments, duplicate soil samples are harvested 0, 6, 12, 24, 46, 72, 120, and 192 hours after initial treatment. Soil samples are extracted twice with 100 ml of water:methanol, 20:80, v/v, and the combined extracts are analyzed by HPLC under the same conditions as described for the determination of half-lives of GA compounds in planta, above.

The results are shown in Tables 26a and 26b, respectively.


Half-lives of GA


, GA


and GA


in planta and in soil

Half-life (days)


in planta

in soil



2 to 3










C Label Distribution in plant parts


C Label Distribution (% of dose)








 3 DAP
















12 DAP






















As shown in Table 26a, the half-lives of GA


and GA


inplanta are less than one day; the half-life of GA


in planta is two to three days. The half-life of GA


in soil is about one-half day.

As shown in Table 26b,


C-labeled GA


, GA


, and GA


are taken up and mobilized by soybean seedlings. No compelling differences are observed in the distribution of these compounds among cotyledons, roots, hypocotyls, epicotyls, and leaves at either three or 12 days after planting.

Example 25

Evaluation of GA Compounds as Rescue Agents Via Hilum Treatment

In the previous experiments, the effect of various GA compounds on transgenic, GA-deficient and wild-type soybean is evaluated by treating seeds with these compounds via imbibition. Several of these compounds are not completely soluble in water, which limited the interpretation of their utility in rescuing GA-deficient dwarf plants. The purpose of this experiment is to reevaluate selected, previously tested compounds, and additional compounds, by introducing them to the seed via the hilum. As shown by the results presented below, direct application of small quantities of GA compounds dissolved in an organic solvent to the hilum is an effective method of treating soybean seeds. As in the previously described experiments, comparison is made between activity on GA-deficient soybean seedlings and normal (wild-type) seedlings.








Sigma Chemical Co., USA



L. Mander, Australian Natl. U.



L. Mander

kaurenoic acid

L. Mander




L. Mander


L. Mander



L. Mander


L. Mander


L. Mander



L. Mander

Soybean Seeds

A3237 soybean seeds are supplied by Asgrow Seed Company (Des Moines, Iowa). Seed of GA-deficient transgenic soybean line 719 is created by transformation of A3237 soybean with pMON29801 (FMV/antisense CPScc). Fifth generation seed (R5) is used for these experiments.

Preparation of GA Compound Solutions

GA compounds are dissolved in absolute ethanol at a concentration of approximately 10 mg/ml. Compounds are applied to the hilum of dry soybean seed at levels between 1 μl and 10 μl per seed as 1 μl drops. When multiple droplets are applied, each 1 μl droplet is allowed to dry before subsequent droplets are added. Ethanol minus compound is used a treatment control.

Seedling Growth

Seeds are sown the same day as treatment in 4-inch plastic pots (2 pots per treatment; 5 seeds/pot) containing commercial potting soil (Metromix 200). Pots are placed in a greenhouse set for 12 hr light, and day/night temperatures of 85° F. (29° C.) and 75° F. (24° C.), respectively. Emergence timing is measured by counting the number of emerged seedlings at different times after planting. Emergence is defined as the presence of cotyledons raised to soil level or above. After all treatments are emerged (5 to 6 days after planting (DAP)), hypocotyl length is measured. Both hypocotyl and first internode length are measured at 9 to 10 DAP. To assess the ability of a seed treatment to deliver biological activity beyond the first internode, measurements are taken on selected treatments after prolonged growth and development.

The candidate compounds are first evaluated at a single rate to determine if further evaluations are warranted. Four compounds, i.e., kaurenol, steviol, GA


-aldehyde and GA


, exhibited activity on GA-deficient plant tissue at a concentration that does not affect normal plant tissue which is not limited in gibberellin supply. All four compounds are biologically active on transgenic, dwarf GA-deficient line 719 in terms of both emergence timing and hypocotyl length.

Interestingly, GA


inhibited emergence timing and hypocotyl length. A surprising finding from further observations of the soybean plants in this study is that GA


continued to stimulate stem elongation past the first internode. GA


at an initial seed dose of approximately 10 μg/seed caused measurable increases in internode length up to the third internode, while GA


and the other compounds are not active beyond the first internode.


Effect of selected GA compounds applied to the hilum of transgenic GA-deficient

dwarf soybean seeds and wild-type soybean seeds on seedling growth and development


1st internode

2nd internode

3rd internode








(6 DAP)

(12 DAP)

(12 DAP)

(20 DAP)









































































kaurenoic acid












































Kaurenol, steviol, GA


-aldehyde, and GA


are re-evaluated at different rates to 1) confirm the results obtained above, and 2) assess their relative bioactivity. Previously evaluated compounds, i.e., GA


, GA


, and GA


, are included in this study to broaden the information on their biological activity profiles.

The biological activity of steviol, GA


-aldehyde, and GA


observed in Table 27 is confirmed in this experiment. In each case, the amount of GA compound producing a biological response on dwarf, GA-deficient transgenic line 719 soybean is at least 10 times lower than the amount causing a response on wild-type (A3237) soybean. The abbreviations in Table 27 are: “pos” is emergence faster/stem segment longer than controls, “0” emergence timing/stem segment length similar to controls, “neg” emergence slower/stem segment shorter than controls. Thus, these compounds are attractive as seed treatments for GA-deficient soybeans because they are less likely than commercially available gibberellins such as GA


to cause negative agronomic traits, for example reduced emergence, due to oversupply of gibberellin bioactivity. The activity previously observed with kaurenol is not confirmed at a rate up to 100 ng/seed.

The unique longer duration bioactivity of GA


is confirmed in this second study (Table 28). GA


is approximately 10 times more biologically active on the first internode of line 719 soybeans compared to GA


and GA


. Increased internode elongation at internode number 3 is attributed to GA


at a rate greater than or equal to 1 μg/seed. No activity is noted on visual inspection of the other treatments for the other compounds tested.


Evaluation of the rate response of biological activity of selected GA

compounds applied to the hilum of transgenic GA-deficient dwarf soybean

seeds and wild-type soybean seeds on seedling growth and development

Lowest rate where biological activity is observed (μg/seed)





3rd internode






(5 DAP)

(10 DAP)

(20 DAP)




































































The experiments conducted in the present example incorporate several improvements over those described in the previous examples. First, the supply of GA-deficient soybean seed (R5 line 719) gave an approximately 95% severe dwarf phenotype. Seed used in preceding examples contained a segregating population of normal looking, intermediate, and severe dwarf phenotypes. Secondly, hilum treatment of the soybean seeds allowed direct seed treatment with compounds dissolved in organic solvents. Third, more data are collected for each treatment, increasing the characterization of each compound tested.

The results of this study demonstrate that intermediates in the biosynthetic pathway to endogenous bioactive gibberellins in plants (such as GA


-aldehyde and GA


, see Scheme 1) or derivatives (such as steviol, i.e., ent-7,13-dihydroxy-kaurenoic acid, note Scheme 1) are biologically active as seed treatments on GA-deficient soybeans. Furthermore, these compounds are active on GA-deficient soybeans at rates at least 10 times lower than the rates that show biological activity on wild-type soybeans. None of these three compounds showing this type of activity profile have all the molecular attributes thought to be necessary for biological activity per se, i.e., a 3-hydroxyl group, a 7-carboxyl group, and the lactone bridge; thus, it is possible that these compounds are converted into biologically active gibberellins in planta. Plants limited in their gibberellin biosynthetic intermediates, such as plants blocked at CPS (line 719), might be expected to be more likely to convert exogenously applied biosynthetic intermediates downstream from the block than would wild-type plants where these intermediates are not limiting plant growth. This unique property of these GA compounds, i.e., relatively high biological activity on GA-deficient soybean compared to wild-type soybeans, may be advantageous in restoring normal growth and development to GA-deficient soybeans when added as a seed treatment, foliar spray, or soil drench because these compounds would be less likely to oversupply plant tissues that do not need additional gibberellins. An oversupply of gibberellin bioactivity added as a soybean seed treatment has been attributed to decreased seedling emergence due to hypocotyl arch breakage under environmental conditions that favor soil crust formation.

The results of this study also clearly show that GA


has uniquely long-lived biological activity in soybean. It increases stem elongation in soybean up to the third internode under conditions where none of the other compounds tested showed notable activity past the first internode. GA


may have a substantially greater half-life than GA


due to greater in planta stability of the 2,3 double bond in the A-ring of GA


compared to that of the 1,2 double bond in GA


. The unexpected longer duration of biological activity of GA


suggests it may have an advantage over GA


in restoring normal growth to GA-deficient soybeans that remain short past the first internode.

Example 26

Effect of GA


, GA


, GA


, and GA


on Constitutive Transgenic GA-deficient Dwarf Soybeans and Wild-type Soybeans

Previous experiments evaluated the biological activity of late pathway gibberellin biosynthesis precursors (e.g., GA


and GA


; note Hedden and Kamiya 1997.

Annu. Rev. Plant Physiol. Plant Mol. Biol.

48:431-460) and early pathway precursors (kaurene to GA




). The purpose of this experiment is to evaluate potential gibberellin rescue agents occurring at an intermediate or middle portion of the gibberellin biosynthesis pathway (between GA




and GA




) as seed treatments. These GA compounds are tested using hilum treatment and comparing activity on GA-deficient soybean plants and normal (wild-type) plants.







Lew Mander, Aust. Natl. U.



L. Mander



L. Mander



L. Mander

Soybean Seeds

Wild-type A3237 soybeans are obtained from Asgrow Seed Company. Transgenic seeds are fifth generation (R5) line 719 seeds.

Test Solutions

The GA compounds are dissolved in absolute ethanol at a concentration of approximately 10 μg/ml. Compounds are applied to the hilum of dry soybean seed as 1 μl drops. Seeds are sown in 4-inch plastic pots (2 pots per treatment; 5 seeds/pot) containing commercial potting soil (Metromix 200) placed in a greenhouse set for 12 hr light, and day and night temperatures of 85° F. (29° C.) and 75° F. (24° C.), respectively. After all treatments are emerged (5 DAP), hypocotyl length is measured.

All four compounds evaluated, i.e., GA


, GA


, GA


and GA


, restored normal or greater hypocotyl height to GA-deficient (Line 719) soybeans at a test rate of 10 μg/seed as shown in FIG.


. GA


, included in this experiment for comparison, caused overelongation of A3237 hypocotyls. Interestingly, the four new compounds provided only modest increases in hypocotyl elongation of wild-type (A3237) soybean. These four compounds therefore possess desirable properties as rescue agents for GA-deficient, dwarf soybeans; when applied as a seed treatment, they restored approximately normal growth and development to GA-deficient soybeans while minimizing overelongation of wild-type soybeans.

Example 27

Effect of GA Compounds on Seedling Growth in Epicotyl-intensive GA-deficient Transgenic Dwarf Soybeans

The studies described above identified four GA compounds that are either biosynthetic precursors of bioactive gibberellins (GA


, GA


, and GA


) or a gibberellin derivative (GA


-3-acetate) that can restore normal growth and development to GA-deficient soybeans with higher emergence than GA


when applied as seed treatments. These studies are performed on soybean plants engineered to express their GA-deficient phenotype throughout the life cycle via the use of the constitutive FMV promoter (line 719, FMV/antisense CPScc). In contrast to the constitutive FMV promoter, the peak activity of the AX5 promoter is developmentally restricted to the soybean seedling axis (epicotyl) three to five days after the start of imbibition, with limited expression beyond the seedling stage of development. Soybean lines transformed with the AX5/asCPScc cassette therefore display an epicotyl-intensive dwarf phenotype. In these lines, inhibition of the hypocotyl is modest; most of the total height reduction in these plants is due to shortening of the epicotyl. Rescue of AX5/asCPScc soybean plants therefore presents different technical challenges from those required for rescue of constitutively GA-deficient transgenic dwarf soybean lines containing the FMV/asCPScc construct. Soybean lines engineered to express the GA-deficient phenotype during early seedling growth using the AX5 promoter, and not appreciably during the rest of the life cycle, have therefore been produced (line 46 and line 234, AX5/antisense CPScc). Line 46 and line 234 have shorter hypocotyls than controls, but the greatest effect is on the epicotyl of approximately two-week old plants. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the ability of four GA compounds, i.e., GA


, GA


, GA


-3-acetate, and GA


, to restore normal growth in AX5/antisense CPScc soybean lines when applied as a seed treatment.




is obtained from Abbott Laboratories (Chicago, Ill.) as Ryzup™. GA


-3-acetate is purchased from Sigma Chemical Company (St. Louis, Mo.). GA


, GA


, and GA


are supplied by Lew Mander (Australian National University, Canberra, Australia).

Soybean Seeds

A4922 soybean seeds are supplied by Asgrow Seed Company (Des Moines, Iowa).

Transgenic soybean lines 46 and 234 are prepared by transforming A4922 soybean with pMON34439 (AX5/antisense CPScc) as described above, and selected based on first generation (R1) phenotype and molecular analysis. Line 46 plants are R2; Line 234 plants are R3. Seed from both lines is produced from greenhouse-grown plants.

Seed Treatment

The GA compounds are dissolved in ethanol and applied to the hilum of dry seeds as not more than 10 μl droplets with a syringe. If multiple applications are made to seeds, the previous application is allowed to dry before a subsequent application is made.

Plant Growth

Seeds are sown 1 inch deep in commercial potting soil (Metromix 200) in 4-inch plastic pots and placed in a greenhouse set for 12 hours artificial light and a temperature regime of 85° F. (29° C.) day and 75° F. night (24° C.). Pots are watered as necessary by overhead hand watering. Hypocotyl and epicotyl measurements are made for each plant at various stages of plant growth.


The GA compounds are first tested using a broad range of concentrations on R2 seeds of line 46. The results are shown in

FIG. 42

, where the error bar represents +/−two times the standard error of the mean (n=12-15). The lower dashed horizontal line represents the total height of untreated AX5 line 46 soybeans. The upper dashed horizontal line represents the total height of untreated wild-type A4922 soybeans. Measurements are made 8 days after planting.

As shown in

FIG. 42

, GA


did not increase line 46 seedling height at concentrations up to 40 μg/seed. GA


, GA


-3-acetate, and GA


and are similar in their activity at 1 μg/seed. GA


is approximately ten times less active in this assay than GA


, GA


-3-acetate, and GA


. The four latter compounds rescued AX5/asCPScc soybean line 46 total height, with some hypocotyl over-elongation. GA


reduced plant height.

Based on the results of the previous experiment, a narrower rate range is selected to compare the effects of GA


, GA


-3-acetate, GA


, and GA


on R3 line 234 seeds. The results are shown in

FIG. 43

, where the error bar represents +/−two times the standard error of the mean (n=7-10). The lower dashed horizontal line represents the total height of untreated AX5 line 234 soybeans. The upper dashed horizontal line represents the total height of untreated wild-type A4922 soybeans. Measurements are made 10 days after planting.

As shown in

FIG. 43

, GA


, GA


-3-acetate, and GA


produced a generally similar response in seed treatment rates between 0.1 and 1 μg/seed. GA


is approximately 10 times less active than these compounds. Each of these compounds could restore normal height to line 234 soybeans by producing both hypocotyl and epicotyl elongation; however, they did not maintain the same ratio of hypocotyl to epicotyl length as in the control line (A4922). These results suggest that GA


, GA


-3-acetate, GA


, and GA


can each restore normal height to AX5/antisense CPScc soybean, but that they may not maintain the same hypocotyl to epicotyl height ratio as in wild-type soybeans, i.e., some over-elongation of the hypocotyl contributed to restoration of full plant height.

All of the compositions and/or methods disclosed and claimed herein can be made and executed without undue experimentation in light of the present disclosure. While the compositions and methods of this invention have been described in terms of preferred embodiments, it will be apparent to those of skill in the art that variations may be applied to the compositions and/or methods and in the steps or in the sequence of steps of the methods described herein without departing from the concept, spirit and scope of the invention. More specifically, it will be apparent that certain agents which are both chemically and physiologically related may be substituted for the agents described herein while the same or similar results would be achieved. All such similar substitutes and modifications apparent to those skilled in the art are deemed to be within the spirit, scope and concept of the invention.


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#             SEQUENCE LISTING


<210> SEQ ID NO 1

<211> LENGTH: 1265

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Brassica napus

<220> FEATURE:

<221> NAME/KEY: unsure

<222> LOCATION: (17)..(1228)

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: n = a, c, g, or 


<400> SEQUENCE: 1

tcggcgtacg atacggngtg ggttgctttg atcgacgcgg agataaactc cg

#gcatttcc     60

tccgccgtga aatggatagn cacantcagc tatccgatgg tcanggggtg at

#gctactct    120

ctcttatcat gacgtctcat caataccctg gcgtgcgtcg ttgctctaac at

#catggaat    180

ctctttcctc atcaatgcca caaaggaatc atgtttttta gagaaaatat cg

#gaaagcta    240

gaagaagaag acgatgagca tatgccaatt ggattcgaag tagcctttcc tt

#cattactt    300

gagatagctc gaggaataaa catagatgta ccgnacgatt ctccggtctt ga

#agggatat    360

atacgccaag aaggagctaa agctaacaag gatacccaaa gagataatgc ac

#aagatacc    420

aacaacattg ttgcatagtt tgggagggca tgcgtgattt agactgggaa aa

#actattga    480

aacttcaatg tcaagatgga tctttcctct tctctcctnc ctcgaccgnt tt

#cggattca    540

tgcaggaccc gagacagtaa gtgtcttggg gtattngggc aatgccggca aa

#cgtttcaa    600

tggagggggt ccccaatgtn ttcctgtggg tcttttcggg catatatggt tc

#gtgggggg    660

cctacancgg ttngggnata tccgagatac ttcgaagaag agantaagca gt

#gtcttgac    720

tatgttcaca gatagtggac aggcaaggna tatgntgggc tagatgttct ca

#tgtncgag    780

anatcgacga cacacccntg gnanntagac tcntaagact tgatggatac nc

#agtttccg    840

cagatntgtt caagntcttt gagaaagang gagagttttt ctgcntcgcg gn

#ccaatcan    900

accngnnggt gnctggtatg ttcaatctat accgggcatc ncaantagcg tt

#tccaaggg    960

aagagatatt gtganacgcc caagaatttt cgtccaagta tctacaacat aa

#acaagaga   1020

naggggagtt gcttgataag tggattataa tganagactt acctgctcga ga

#ttgggttc   1080

acgttggaga ttccatggta tncaagcttn cctcgagttg agaccagatt ct

#atattgag   1140

cagtatggtg gagaaaccga cgtttggatt ggcaagaccc tttataggat gc

#catatgtg   1200

aacaataatg aatatctgga attagcnnaa caagactaca acaactgcca ag

#ctccgcat   1260




#          1265

<210> SEQ ID NO 2

<211> LENGTH: 2460

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Glycine max

<400> SEQUENCE: 2

aacactccat ggcttctcac ttccgccttc cgtctttctc ttcttctaac ca

#tttccttt     60

taacatcttc ttcttcttct tcttccatct ctcttcacca cttctccaaa tc

#ctctctgg    120

gtgccgtgtc gtctgagact aacgacaaac aagagataag atgcagagca at

#atccaaac    180

cacgaacaca agaatgttca gacatatttc agggtagtct agcaacgtta aa

#gtttcgtg    240

agattaatgt ggaagatgac atagaagagg agcaagacat tggggctttg gt

#ggcaaatg    300

agatcaagaa gagagtggac actatcaaat caatattggg ttccatggaa ga

#tggagaga    360

taacagtatc tgcttatgac actgcttggg ttgctctgat agaagatgtt ca

#tggaactg    420

gtgtccctca atttccatcg agtctagaat ggatagcgaa aaatcaacac cc

#cgatggtt    480

catggggtga taaggaatta ttctcagccc atgatcggat tattaacacg tt

#ggcttgtg    540

ttattgcatt aaaaacatgg aatatgcacc ctgaaaagtg tgagaaagga at

#ggcatttt    600

ttagagagaa tcttggcaag cttcagaacg agaatgtaga gcatatgcca at

#tggttttg    660

aagtagcctt tccatcactt cttgacatgg ctcgtggctt ggacattgaa gt

#gccgaaca    720

attccccaat ccttaataaa atcttcgcaa tgagaaacgt aaaactcaca ag

#aataccaa    780

gagctatgag gcataaagtg cccacaagtc tccttcatag cttggaaggg at

#gtcaggcc    840

ttgactggaa agaacttcta aaactgcagt ctcaagacgg gtctttcttg tt

#ttctccgt    900

catccacagc ctttgctctc atgcaaacta aggaccaaaa ttgccacaat ta

#cttgaata    960

aagtggtcaa gaggttcaat gggggagttc caaacgtgta tccagtggat tt

#gttcgaac   1020

atatttgggt ggttgatagg cttgaacgtc taggaatatc tcagtatttt ca

#gcaagaga   1080

tcaaggactg tttgagttat gtttacagat attggactga aaagggtatt tg

#ttgggcaa   1140

gaaattcaaa tgttcaagac attgatgaca cggcaatggg tttcagacta tt

#aagattac   1200

acggttacca agtttcagcc gatgtgttca agaactttga gagaaatggt ga

#atttttct   1260

gctttacggg gcagaccaca caagcagtga caggaatgtt taatctgtat ag

#ggccacac   1320

aaatcatgtt cccgggagag agaattcttg agcacgggaa gcacttctct gc

#caaatttt   1380

tgaaggagaa gagagcagca aatgagcttg tagataaatg gatcataatg aa

#gaacctgg   1440

cagaagaggt tgcgtatgct ttggacgtac catggtatgc aagcctacct cg

#agtggaga   1500

caagattcta cattgatcaa tacggcggtg agagtgacgt gtggataggc aa

#aacccttt   1560

ataggatggc atatgtgaac aacaataact atctcgagct tgctaaatta ga

#ttacaaca   1620

attgccaggc actgcatcta atagagtggg ggagaattca aaagtggtac tc

#agaatcta   1680

gattggagga gtttggaatg aacagaagaa cgcttctatt ggcctatttt gt

#ggcagcag   1740

caagcatatt tgagcctgaa aagtctcgtg tgagactagc gtgggcacaa ac

#cagtatct   1800

tacttgagac cataacatcc tatgttagtg atgcagaaat gaggaaagct tt

#catgaaaa   1860

aattcagtga ctgtcttaac aggcgagact actccattgg ctggaggttg aa

#caggaaca   1920

gaacaggaca tggactcgct gagactttgg ttgccaccat agatcaaatc tc

#gtgggata   1980

tactcgtgtc tcacggtcat gaaattggat atgacatgca tcgcaattgg ga

#aaagtggc   2040

tttcgagttg gcatcgggaa ggagacaaat gtaaaggaca agccgagctt tt

#ggcgcaga   2100

caataaacct atgtggcggg cattggattt ccgaggatca agtgtcggat cc

#actgtatc   2160

agagtctcct tcaactcact aacaatctct gcaataaact tcgttgccac ca

#aaaggaca   2220

aggaacttga gagcagcaac agcggcacga atgtaaacag catgatcacc ca

#agaagaag   2280

agtcaaaaat gcaagaactc gtgcaattgg tgcaccaaaa atctccaact gg

#cattgatt   2340

tcaatatcaa gaatactttc ctcacagtgg ccaagagttt ttactataca gc

#tttttgtg   2400

attcaaggac cgtcaacttc catattgcca aagttctgtt tgatgaagtc gt

#ttaaaagc   2460

<210> SEQ ID NO 3

<211> LENGTH: 870

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Gossypium hirsutum

<400> SEQUENCE: 3

agcttggtac cgagctcgga tccactagta acggccgcca gtgtgctgga at

#tcggcttt     60

gtcataaacc cgagtgtttc ttgcccagga aattccatct tcagtccagt at

#ctataaac    120

gtaatctagg cattctttaa tttctgggtg gaaatatctt gaaatcccaa gg

#cgttgcaa    180

gcggtcgaca gtccaaatat gttcaaacag gtcaaccgga tacacattgg gg

#actccccc    240

attgaatctt tgaacagttt tcattaaata tctgaggcaa ttctcatctt tg

#gtttgcat    300

gagtgcgaag gcagtggagg atggcgagaa caagaaagac ccatctatgc ac

#tgcaactt    360

caaaagcttt tcccagtcca agtctggcat cccttcaagg ctatggagta gt

#gttgtggg    420

tacattatgc attatctcct ttggtatcct tgtgagcttt agatctctct tt

#gcatatat    480

gtctataaag acaggggagt catacggtac ttcaatgtgt aaacttcgag ct

#atctccag    540

aagcggagga aaagccactt caaacccgat tggcatgtgc tcctcactct cg

#ttttcgag    600

tttgcttata ttatctttga aaaacgacac ccctttctgg catttgtcag ga

#tgaatacc    660

ccatgttttc aaggcaataa cacaagctaa agtgttgatc agacgatcat gt

#gccatgaa    720

tatttgtcta tcgccccagg atccatcggg gagctgattg ttagcgatcc at

#tcaagccg    780

aattctgcag atatccatca cactggcggc cgctcgagca tgcatctaga cc

#gcccaatt    840

cgccctatag tgagtcgtat tacaatcact         


#          870

<210> SEQ ID NO 4

<211> LENGTH: 2109

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Triticum aestivum

<400> SEQUENCE: 4

gcacgagcca acacccttgc ctgtgtcgtg gctctcacaa agtggtctct tg

#gccctgat     60

aaatgcagta gagggctctc ttttctggaa gagaacatgt ggaggctagc ag

#aggaagac    120

ctggagtcga tgcccatcgg cttcgagatt gcgtttcctt ctctcctgga gg

#tggccaag    180

agcttgggca ttgggttccc gtatgatcac catgctctgc agtgcatata tg

#ccaacaga    240

gaagtgaagc tcaagaggat tccgatggag atgatgcaca gaattccaac ga

#cgatcctg    300

cattcccttg aaggtatgcc cggggtggac tggcacaaga tcctcaggct cc

#agtctagt    360

gatgggtcct tcctctattc tccttcggct acagcctttg ctctcaagca aa

#ctggtgac    420

gcaaaatgct tcgagtacat cgacagaatc gtcaagaaat tcaatggagg ag

#ttcccaat    480

gtttacccgg tcgatctctt tgaacacatc tgggtcgtcg atcggctgga gc

#gtcttgga    540

atctcgcgct acttcaagca agaaattaaa cagtgcttgg actatgtcca ca

#gccactgg    600

actgaagacg ggatttgctg ggcaaggaac tccgctgtaa gagacgtgga tg

#acacagcc    660

atggccttcc ggctgctgcg gctgcatgga tacaccgtct cgccgagtgt at

#ttgagaag    720

tttgagaagg acggggagtt cttctgtttc gcggggcaat caacgcaagc ag

#tcactggg    780

atgtacaacc tgaacagggc ctctcagcta agattccctg gagaggatgt gt

#tgcagcgt    840

gcagggagat tctcgtatga gttccttaga gaaagggaag cccagggcac ta

#ttcgggac    900

aaatggatca ttgctaagga tctaccaggc gaggtaaaat atacactgga ct

#tcccatgg    960

tatgcaagct taccgcgtgt agaagcaagg gcctacctag atcaatatgg tg

#gtgagaat   1020

gatgtctgga ttggaaagac actctacagg atgccacttg tgaacaacaa ca

#cctatctt   1080

gaattggcaa agcgtgattt caatcgctgc caagtccaac atcagcttga gt

#ggcatggc   1140

ctacaaaagt ggtttattga gaatggcctc gagacttttg gggtggcttt aa

#gagatgtt   1200

ctgagagctt attttctagc tgccgcttgc attttcgaac caagccgtgc ca

#cagagcga   1260

cttgcatggg ccaaggtctc agtgctggcc aacattatta ctaaatatct tc

#atagcgat   1320

ttatcgggta atgaaatgat ggaacggttt atgcacggcg gtctccatga ag

#gaaatagt   1380

actatatcat ggcgtaaagg agatgcaaaa gaggacattc ttgtgggggt ac

#ttcagcag   1440

tttattgatt tattggcaca agagacacta cctgttggtg aaggaccaat gt

#acatcaac   1500

aatttgttac gctgcgcttg gattgaatgg atgatgcaac tgataaatag ag

#aggatgac   1560

acatacgatt caagtgttat tcaagcaggg tcgtgcatgg ttcacgataa ac

#aaacattt   1620

ttgcttctag tcaaaattat tgagatttgt ggtggacgaa tcggtgaagc at

#catcgatg   1680

ataaacagca aggatggtgc ttgctttatt caacttgcgt cctctatttg tg

#acaacctt   1740

caccacaaga tgttactttc tcaggacacc gaaactaacg aggcggcgat ga

#gccacatg   1800

gatgagaaaa tcgaggctgg catgcaggaa ctcacccaga actttctcca ga

#cgcatgac   1860

gatggggcga acagcgagac gaagcggacc ttgttgagcg tcgtgaggag ct

#gttactac   1920

gcggctaact gccctcgcca tgtattcgat agacatgttt cgaaggtcat tt

#tcgaacat   1980

gtgttttgaa agaaagaaag aagaattatc ctscaatggt agggatggtg ga

#gatgggat   2040

ctgtatgtac atagagaaaa gaatgctgca aagaggaagg gcgtattcaa aa

#aaaaaaaa   2100




#       2109

<210> SEQ ID NO 5

<211> LENGTH: 1030

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Glycine max

<400> SEQUENCE: 5

atgccttcac tctcagaagc ctaccgagcc caccccgtgc acgttcaaca ca

#agcaccct     60

gacttaaact ccctacaaga actccccgag tcttacactt ggacacacca ta

#gccatgat    120

gatcatactc ctgcagcttc caacgagagt gtccccgtta ttgatctcaa cg

#acccaaat    180

gcttcaaagt tgatacacca tgcatgcata acttggggag cgtaccaagt gg

#tgaaccat    240

gccataccca tgagcctcct ccaagacatt caatgggttg gggagacact ct

#tctctctc    300

ccttgtcacc aaaaacaaaa agcagctcgt tcccctgacg gtgctgatgg ct

#atggcctt    360

gctcgcatct cttccttctt ccccaaactc atgtggtctg agggattcac aa

#ttgttgga    420

tcccctcttg agcattttcg tcaactctgg ccccaagatt accacaaata ct

#gtgatatc    480

gtcaagcgat atgatgaagc catgaaaaag ctagtgggaa agctgatgtg gc

#tgatgttg    540

gattctctgg gtattacaaa ggaagacctg aaatgggccg ggtccaaagg cc

#aattcaaa    600

aagacatgcg cagccttgca attgaactct tacccgactt gtccggatcc gg

#atcgggcc    660

atgggtctgg ccgcccacac cgactccacc cttctcacaa tcctttacca aa

#acaacata    720

agcgggttgc aggttcaccg aaaaggcggc gggtgggtga cggtggcacc ag

#tccccgaa    780

gggcttgtga tcaatgtagg cgacctcctc cacatattgt cgaacgggtt gt

#acccgagt    840

gtgctccacc gggtcttagt gaaccggatc cagcaaaggc tttcagttgc gt

#atttatgt    900

gggccccctc cgaatgtgga gatatgtcca catgcgaagc tagtgggccc aa

#ataagcct    960

cccctttata aggcagtgac ttggaatgag taccttggca ctaaagcaaa gc

#atttcaac   1020




#      1030

<210> SEQ ID NO 6

<211> LENGTH: 950

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Gossypium hirsutum

<220> FEATURE:

<221> NAME/KEY: unsure

<222> LOCATION: (41)..(661)

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: n = a, c, g, or 


<400> SEQUENCE: 6

ggcttgtgcg aaggtactct ttccaagtca ccaaccatgg natctccaca ag

#tctccttg     60

atatgggtgg agcacacttg ccgctccctt ttctctttac cagttcacca aa

#aacttaaa    120

gctgcaaggt ctcctgacgg cgtctccggc tatggatttg ccaggatttc ct

#cctttttt    180

tctaagctta tgtggtctca ggggttcact attgttgggc caccagacga gc

#atttttgc    240

caactttggc cccaagattt cagctaccac tggtgagcac ccattgcaca ca

#tgcgaatg    300

cacgtgcaaa ttctgattat tattgattct ctttgttctg atatttttct ct

#tttgtggc    360

aaccccccct tcccatttgc ttttcttaat gcaattagca aagattacaa tg

#aaagctat    420

ggacccacga agtagattag gagtagtaat ggagttaaaa aaaaacanaa ac

#caacccac    480

ttgtcaagtg tttgcttgtt gtatcaccag cataatagca gcttaactgt tg

#catacagt    540

attctgattc tttcgtaatt tgattgtttc atttgtttgt ttcttcctca gt

#gatgttat    600

taaggattac aagggaggaa ttgaaaaagt tagccgggag attgatgtgg ct

#catgttgg    660

nttccttagg cataattgcc aaagaggata tcaaatgggc cggcccaaaa gc

#tgacttca    720

aaggggcctc agcagcttta cagttgaatt actacccggc ttgtccggac cc

#ggaccgag    780

ccatgggtct cgccccgcac accgactcca ctctcctcac catcctctac ca

#aaacagca    840

ctagtgggtt gcaggtcttt aaagagggag ccggatgggt cgcggtacct cc

#ggtaccgg    900

ggggacttgt gataaacgtt ggtgacctta tgcatatact gtccaacggg  

#             950

<210> SEQ ID NO 7

<211> LENGTH: 943

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Glycine max

<400> SEQUENCE: 7

gtttcaaaca aaatgggtgc gtggagtttt ccaaaattgg ttgaaaagaa tt

#aaatttga     60

tcaagtacta tgagtattca aggccaaatc atggaaatcg caaatgcaat tc

#aacaggaa    120

agccttgtct gtgttaattt ctaatctaac ataataatgt ttctaatttc aa

#tttagcca    180

actcaatttt tgagccaaat atcatatatg ttttcagcta gagtagtttg ca

#agatccgc    240

atacgggcct taattagttt atactattat ttagtagcat tgcttcatta gg

#attaatgg    300

tttatttctt gaaagaaaga aaaaaaaggt actaaactat taactaataa tt

#tacttata    360

ctaccattat gtccataaac ttgatcagta agtgtataat aagtgatttg ag

#cctagcca    420

aacatagcaa atctcataca actaaagtat atatgcagaa agcatttctt gg

#ctcctaat    480

atggtatata tctaaatcaa ttctccagtg ttaagactct ttttctttgt ta

#gttagcaa    540

ttaatcatga gtcaaaacca gaaactagct actacactcc catgccataa tg

#cgtaaaac    600

aattcaatta tttggtatgg caattgaaat tatttgtatt aacacctttc ca

#aaggagac    660

aaagacgtcg gtgcattgag aaatgtgaaa aaaaaatatt atcacttgtg tg

#gacttgtc    720

aatgctcccg ttaaatttcc aactttgcaa ctacaagaag acagcattca cc

#tacacagc    780

aattgaaaat ccacaccgaa gattgacctt tgtacaacgg tgctagaaac cg

#cgtcacta    840

gtaataacta ttggattgag acatgcactt aacagtaagg cccccaacta gt

#ataaaaac    900

cagttattgg gtgtgttact catcagcaac tacaacgtga gaa    



<210> SEQ ID NO 8

<211> LENGTH: 1077

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Glycine max

<220> FEATURE:

<221> NAME/KEY: unsure

<222> LOCATION: (90)..(998)

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: n = a, c, g, or 


<400> SEQUENCE: 8

atggaattaa gtgcttccac tctagtactt taccctgcat cacagccacc ac

#aagagcct     60

aaaaatgaga acaatggggg catagtttgn gactcaaaaa atttgnagca aa

#tgcaaggg    120

gaaatgccca aagagttcct ttggccttct agggacttgg ttgacaccac cc

#aagaggag    180

ctaaaggaac cccttgtgga cctagcaatc tttaagaatg gtgacgagaa ag

#ctatttcc    240

aatgcagcag agcttgtgag aaaagcatgc ttgaagcatg ggtttttcca ag

#tgataaac    300

catggtgtgg acccagatct cattgatgct gcatatcatg aaattgactc ca

#tttttaag    360

ctcccattga gcaaaaagat gggtgctaag agcaaaacct ggtggtgtct ca

#gggtactc    420

tggtgctcat gcagatcgtt attcgtccaa gttgccatgg aaagagacgt tt

#tctttcct    480

ctatgatcac caaagcttct ccaactccca gattgttgac tacttcaagt ct

#gtgttagg    540

ggaggatctt caacacacag ggagggtata tcaaaagtac tgcgaggcaa tg

#aaggattt    600

atctttagta attatggagc tattggtrta ttwgkttggg tgtggatcgt ga

#gcattatc    660

gaagattttt tcaagatggt gactcaataa tgaggtgcaa ctattatcca cc

#ttgcaaca    720

gagcgaacct caccttaggc actggccctc acactgatcc aacctcacta ac

#cattcttc    780

atcaagacca agttggaggt ttagaagttt ttgtagataa caaatggctc gc

#tgttcgcc    840

ctcgatctga agccttagtc ataaacatag gtgatacttt catggcattg tc

#aaatggga    900

gatacaagag ttgtctacac agggcattgg tgaacacata cagggagaga ag

#gtcccttg    960

tttattttgt gtgtccaaga gaagaccaaa tagtgagncc cccagacaat tt

#gttatgca   1020

gaaatgagga aaggaagtac cctgattcac atgtccaatt gttaggtacc gg

#atcca      1077

<210> SEQ ID NO 9

<211> LENGTH: 21

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence

<220> FEATURE:

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: Description of Artificial 


<220> FEATURE:

<221> NAME/KEY: modified_base

<222> LOCATION: (6)


<220> FEATURE:

<221> NAME/KEY: modified_base

<222> LOCATION: (15)


<220> FEATURE:

<221> NAME/KEY: modified_base

<222> LOCATION: (18)


<400> SEQUENCE: 9

tcggcntacg ayacngcntg g           




<210> SEQ ID NO 10

<211> LENGTH: 19

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence

<220> FEATURE:

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: Description of Artificial 


<220> FEATURE:

<221> NAME/KEY: modified_base

<222> LOCATION: (10)


<400> SEQUENCE: 10

agctgatgcn gagcttggc             



# 19

<210> SEQ ID NO 11

<211> LENGTH: 23

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence

<220> FEATURE:

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: Description of Artificial 


<220> FEATURE:

<221> NAME/KEY: modified_base

<222> LOCATION: (3)


<220> FEATURE:

<221> NAME/KEY: modified_base

<222> LOCATION: (12)


<220> FEATURE:

<221> NAME/KEY: modified_base

<222> LOCATION: (15)


<220> FEATURE:

<221> NAME/KEY: unsure

<222> LOCATION: (21)

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: n = a, c, g, or 


<400> SEQUENCE: 11

gcntaygaya cngcntgggt ngc           


#                23

<210> SEQ ID NO 12

<211> LENGTH: 21

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence

<220> FEATURE:

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: Description of Artificial 


<220> FEATURE:

<221> NAME/KEY: modified_base

<222> LOCATION: (3)


<220> FEATURE:

<221> NAME/KEY: modified_base

<222> LOCATION: (12)


<220> FEATURE:

<221> NAME/KEY: modified_base

<222> LOCATION: (18)


<400> SEQUENCE: 12

ytncayagyc tngarggnat g           




<210> SEQ ID NO 13

<211> LENGTH: 23

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence

<220> FEATURE:

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: Description of Artificial 


<220> FEATURE:

<221> NAME/KEY: modified_base

<222> LOCATION: (6)


<220> FEATURE:

<221> NAME/KEY: modified_base

<222> LOCATION: (12)


<220> FEATURE:

<221> NAME/KEY: modified_base

<222> LOCATION: (15)


<400> SEQUENCE: 13

ckraangcca tngcngtrtc rtc           


#                23

<210> SEQ ID NO 14

<211> LENGTH: 24

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence

<220> FEATURE:

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: Description of Artificial 


<220> FEATURE:

<221> NAME/KEY: modified_base

<222> LOCATION: (4)


<220> FEATURE:

<221> NAME/KEY: modified_base

<222> LOCATION: (10)


<220> FEATURE:

<221> NAME/KEY: modified_base

<222> LOCATION: (13)


<220> FEATURE:

<221> NAME/KEY: modified_base

<222> LOCATION: (19)


<220> FEATURE:

<221> NAME/KEY: modified_base

<222> LOCATION: (22)


<400> SEQUENCE: 14

catnckrtan arngtyttnc cnat          


#                24

<210> SEQ ID NO 15

<211> LENGTH: 24

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence

<220> FEATURE:

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: Description of Artificial 


<400> SEQUENCE: 15

aacactccat ggcttctcac ttcc          


#                24

<210> SEQ ID NO 16

<211> LENGTH: 29

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence

<220> FEATURE:

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: Description of Artificial 


<400> SEQUENCE: 16

ttaaacgact tcatcaaaca gaactttgg         


#            29

<210> SEQ ID NO 17

<211> LENGTH: 27

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence

<220> FEATURE:

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: Description of Artificial 


<400> SEQUENCE: 17

cctcaatttc catckagtct agartgg          


#             27

<210> SEQ ID NO 18

<211> LENGTH: 29

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence

<220> FEATURE:

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: Description of Artificial 


<400> SEQUENCE: 18

ccgtattgat caatgtaraa tcttgtctc         


#            29

<210> SEQ ID NO 19

<211> LENGTH: 21

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence

<220> FEATURE:

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: Description of Artificial 


<400> SEQUENCE: 19

gaatggatcg ctaacaatca g           




<210> SEQ ID NO 20

<211> LENGTH: 21

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence

<220> FEATURE:

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: Description of Artificial 


<400> SEQUENCE: 20

tgtcataaac ccgagtgttt c           




<210> SEQ ID NO 21

<211> LENGTH: 25

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence

<220> FEATURE:

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: Description of Artificial 


<220> FEATURE:

<221> NAME/KEY: modified_base

<222> LOCATION: (3)


<220> FEATURE:

<221> NAME/KEY: modified_base

<222> LOCATION: (12)


<220> FEATURE:

<221> NAME/KEY: modified_base

<222> LOCATION: (15)


<220> FEATURE:

<221> NAME/KEY: modified_base

<222> LOCATION: (18)


<400> SEQUENCE: 21

ctncrrgarc tnccngantc ttaya          


#               25

<210> SEQ ID NO 22

<211> LENGTH: 27

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence

<220> FEATURE:

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: Description of Artificial 


<220> FEATURE:

<221> NAME/KEY: modified_base

<222> LOCATION: (4)


<220> FEATURE:

<221> NAME/KEY: modified_base

<222> LOCATION: (10)


<220> FEATURE:

<221> NAME/KEY: modified_base

<222> LOCATION: (16)


<220> FEATURE:

<221> NAME/KEY: unsure

<222> LOCATION: (25)

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: n = a, c, g, or 


<400> SEQUENCE: 22

gtcngtrtgn gskgknagac ccatngc          


#             27

<210> SEQ ID NO 23

<211> LENGTH: 27

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence

<220> FEATURE:

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: Description of Artificial 


<220> FEATURE:

<221> NAME/KEY: modified_base

<222> LOCATION: (3)


<220> FEATURE:

<221> NAME/KEY: modified_base

<222> LOCATION: (12)


<220> FEATURE:

<221> NAME/KEY: modified_base

<222> LOCATION: (15)


<220> FEATURE:

<221> NAME/KEY: modified_base

<222> LOCATION: (18)


<220> FEATURE:

<221> NAME/KEY: unsure

<222> LOCATION: (24)

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: n = a, c, g, or 


<400> SEQUENCE: 23

gcnatgggtc tnrcnscnca ycangac          


#             27

<210> SEQ ID NO 24

<211> LENGTH: 26

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence

<220> FEATURE:

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: Description of Artificial 


<400> SEQUENCE: 24

gtkcsaagrt actcwttcca wgtcac          


#              26

<210> SEQ ID NO 25

<211> LENGTH: 15

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence

<220> FEATURE:

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: Description of Artificial 


<220> FEATURE:

<221> NAME/KEY: unsure

<222> LOCATION: (1)

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: n = a, c, g, or 


<400> SEQUENCE: 25

ntcgastwts gwgtt              



#    15

<210> SEQ ID NO 26

<211> LENGTH: 24

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence

<220> FEATURE:

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: Description of Artificial 


<400> SEQUENCE: 26

ttataaactg gtggtttctc agtg          


#                24

<210> SEQ ID NO 27

<211> LENGTH: 23

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence

<220> FEATURE:

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: Description of Artificial 


<400> SEQUENCE: 27

gaagccatgt ttctcacgtt gta           


#                23

<210> SEQ ID NO 28

<211> LENGTH: 39

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence

<220> FEATURE:

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: Description of Artificial 


<400> SEQUENCE: 28

aaatagcggc cgcgtttcaa acaaaatggg tgcgtggag      


#    39

<210> SEQ ID NO 29

<211> LENGTH: 27

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence

<220> FEATURE:

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: Description of Artificial 


<400> SEQUENCE: 29

gaagatctgg ttctcacgtt gtagttg          


#             27

<210> SEQ ID NO 30

<211> LENGTH: 18

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence

<220> FEATURE:

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: Description of Artificial 


<400> SEQUENCE: 30

gtggtagctg aaatcttg             



#  18

<210> SEQ ID NO 31

<211> LENGTH: 18

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence

<220> FEATURE:

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: Description of Artificial 


<400> SEQUENCE: 31

cctggcaaat ccatagcc             



#  18

<210> SEQ ID NO 32

<211> LENGTH: 18

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence

<220> FEATURE:

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: Description of Artificial 


<400> SEQUENCE: 32

cccatatcaa ggagactt             



#  18

<210> SEQ ID NO 33

<211> LENGTH: 18

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence

<220> FEATURE:

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: Description of Artificial 


<400> SEQUENCE: 33

catggttggt gacttgga             



#  18

<210> SEQ ID NO 34

<211> LENGTH: 22

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence

<220> FEATURE:

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: Description of Artificial 


<400> SEQUENCE: 34

agttagccgg gagattgatg tg           


#                 22

<210> SEQ ID NO 35

<211> LENGTH: 20

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence

<220> FEATURE:

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: Description of Artificial 


<400> SEQUENCE: 35

ccttaggcat aattgccaaa            



# 20

<210> SEQ ID NO 36

<211> LENGTH: 22

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence

<220> FEATURE:

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: Description of Artificial 


<400> SEQUENCE: 36

cagcactagt gggttgcagg tc           


#                 22

<210> SEQ ID NO 37

<211> LENGTH: 41

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence

<220> FEATURE:

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: Description of Artificial 


<400> SEQUENCE: 37

ccatctagaa gatctcatat ggctttgaac ggcaaggtgg c    


#   41

<210> SEQ ID NO 38

<211> LENGTH: 44

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence

<220> FEATURE:

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: Description of Artificial 


<400> SEQUENCE: 38

ccagcatccg gtacctcatt aagcagacgg ggcgctaata gtgg   


# 44

<210> SEQ ID NO 39

<211> LENGTH: 22

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence

<220> FEATURE:

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: Description of Artificial 


<400> SEQUENCE: 39

agcaagttca gcctggttaa gt           


#                 22

<210> SEQ ID NO 40

<211> LENGTH: 21

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence

<220> FEATURE:

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: Description of Artificial 


<400> SEQUENCE: 40

ttatgagtat ttcttccagg g           




<210> SEQ ID NO 41

<211> LENGTH: 61

<212> TYPE: PRT

<213> ORGANISM: Consensus

<220> FEATURE:


<222> LOCATION: (10)


<220> FEATURE:


<222> LOCATION: (13)


<220> FEATURE:


<222> LOCATION: (25)


<220> FEATURE:


<222> LOCATION: (30)


<220> FEATURE:


<222> LOCATION: (32)


<220> FEATURE:


<222> LOCATION: (35)


<220> FEATURE:


<222> LOCATION: (38)


<220> FEATURE:


<222> LOCATION: (39)


<220> FEATURE:


<222> LOCATION: (61)


<220> FEATURE:


<222> LOCATION: (18)

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: Xaa = any amino aci


<220> FEATURE:


<222> LOCATION: (20)

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: Xaa = any amino aci


<220> FEATURE:


<222> LOCATION: (26)..(27)

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: Xaa = any amino aci


<220> FEATURE:


<222> LOCATION: (33)

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: Xaa = any amino aci


<220> FEATURE:


<222> LOCATION: (43)..(48)

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: Xaa = any amino aci


<400> SEQUENCE: 41

Gly Phe Gly Glu His Thr Asp Pro Gln Xaa Il

#e Ser Xaa Leu Arg Ser

  1               5 

#                 10 

#                 15

Asn Xaa Thr Xaa Gly Leu Gln Ile Xaa Xaa Xa

#a Asp Gly Xaa Trp Xaa


#             25     

#             30

Xaa Val Xaa Pro Asp Xaa Xaa Ser Phe Phe Xa

#a Asn Val Gly Asp Xaa


#         40         

#         45

Leu Gln Val Met Thr Asn Gly Arg Phe Lys Se

#r Val Xaa


#     55             

#     60

<210> SEQ ID NO 42

<211> LENGTH: 22

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence

<220> FEATURE:

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: Description of Artificial 


<400> SEQUENCE: 42

agggctccaa gtgtccaatt ca           


#                 22

<210> SEQ ID NO 43

<211> LENGTH: 22

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence

<220> FEATURE:

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: Description of Artificial 


<400> SEQUENCE: 43

taaatctccc gttcgtcatc ac           


#                 22

<210> SEQ ID NO 44

<211> LENGTH: 25

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence

<220> FEATURE:

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: Description of Artificial 


<400> SEQUENCE: 44

ctaaaaagct ttgctcataa acctg          


#               25

<210> SEQ ID NO 45

<211> LENGTH: 27

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence

<220> FEATURE:

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: Description of Artificial 


<400> SEQUENCE: 45

atggtgaaag ggtcccagaa aatcgtg          


#             27

<210> SEQ ID NO 46

<211> LENGTH: 21

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence

<220> FEATURE:

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: Description of Artificial 


<400> SEQUENCE: 46

gagagctgag agcgaaaggc a           




<210> SEQ ID NO 47

<211> LENGTH: 31

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence

<220> FEATURE:

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: Description of Artificial 


<400> SEQUENCE: 47

tttagatcta gggagagagg gattttatga g        


#          31

<210> SEQ ID NO 48

<211> LENGTH: 35

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence

<220> FEATURE:

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: Description of Artificial 


<400> SEQUENCE: 48

atgcggccgc agaatattat atcgaccggt cggtt       


#       35

<210> SEQ ID NO 49

<211> LENGTH: 24

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence

<220> FEATURE:

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: Description of Artificial 


<400> SEQUENCE: 49

atggtgaaag ggtcccagaa aatc          


#                24

<210> SEQ ID NO 50

<211> LENGTH: 25

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence

<220> FEATURE:

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: Description of Artificial 


<400> SEQUENCE: 50

ccttatcatc ttctctcata aaatc          


#               25

<210> SEQ ID NO 51

<211> LENGTH: 21

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence

<220> FEATURE:

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: Description of Artificial 


<400> SEQUENCE: 51

ggcctccagg tggcattccc t           




<210> SEQ ID NO 52

<211> LENGTH: 21

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence

<220> FEATURE:

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: Description of Artificial 


<400> SEQUENCE: 52

gaatctccca ttcgtcatca c           




<210> SEQ ID NO 53

<211> LENGTH: 20

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence

<220> FEATURE:

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: Description of Artificial 


<400> SEQUENCE: 53

ggccacgcgt cgactagtac            



# 20

<210> SEQ ID NO 54

<211> LENGTH: 37

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence

<220> FEATURE:

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: Description of Artificial 


<400> SEQUENCE: 54

ggccacgcgt cgactagtac tttttttttt ttttttt      


#      37

<210> SEQ ID NO 55

<211> LENGTH: 23

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence

<220> FEATURE:

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: Description of Artificial 


<400> SEQUENCE: 55

tgtaatacga ctcactatag ggc           


#                23

<210> SEQ ID NO 56

<211> LENGTH: 723

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Arabidopsis thaliana

<400> SEQUENCE: 56

tatccaccgt ccgatcaatt ctttggtgaa gccaatcttt ctgaccaatc tg

#tgtcactg     60

acaagagttg gcttcggaga acacaccgac cctcagattt taacagttct ta

#gatctaac    120

ggtgtaggag ggctccaagt gtccaattca gatggcatgt gggtttctgt ct

#cccctgac    180

ccttcagctt tctgcgtcaa tgtaggagac ttgttacagg tcaatgtctt ct

#tttttctt    240

tctttcttga ttacattttt tttattacat catttttatt tgtggtgatt aa

#agatcgta    300

attaaaaaaa aaaattgtta gtcctaaacg aaatcagaaa ccgtaaaaat cg

#aacatata    360

ctaaactata accatttatt tataaaatca tcaaacaaga aaccataaaa gc

#caaaccta    420

aactaaacat taaacatgtt tttatctttc ttttggtcac aagatattac tt

#taacattt    480

tttctgtcat ttatcaatgt tgtggacctt atattaattg gttcttggat tt

#taaggtga    540

tgacgaacgg gagatttata agtgtaaggc atagagcatt gacctacgga ga

#agaaagcc    600

ggctatccac ggcgtacttt gccggaccac cgcttcaggc gaagattggg cc

#tctttcgg    660

cgatggttat gacgatgaat cagccacggt tgtaccaaac atttacttgg gg

#cgagtaca    720




#            723

<210> SEQ ID NO 57

<211> LENGTH: 4170

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Arabidopsis thaliana

<400> SEQUENCE: 57

tctagaatat tatatcgacc ggtcggttat tataatacta tctcacatat at

#tatctttt     60

attttattca actagaggaa agcaagattc caaaaagaaa acaataaaat tg

#tattgtgg    120

atgttgaata gtataaagag gtcaaacttc ttttgcaaat tgggaatttg cg

#ggttctac    180

tttagccaga agtctttgat cagctgaata tcccgaggaa tacaaattaa ta

#tatgtgaa    240

agaggtttac gacgaatatt tggaagaata gtactatgca ttcttaccta aa

#aggtaggg    300

gaagtatatt acatgatggg gtgacaaaaa ataatattag gtgcaatgat ct

#aacacgaa    360

attgagtttt gagttagatg ttgaatgatg ggttcatatt aagcatttac at

#atgagata    420

atacatagag aacacgcatt ttgactattt atgtttaata tatatgtacc ta

#cacttgaa    480

agtataaagg attttaacaa attcatctta acaatagata aaaaaaattc ac

#aaaaaaag    540

aagaagatga aattctatca gttagtaact tcttaatttt attctgtaaa gt

#ggtcgtag    600

ttgtattgct aaaaaattca tcatcagtta aaatgatttg tgtaagaaaa ga

#agaaagca    660

aaatttcagt gaaaaaggaa aaaccaaaaa gctaattgaa gtcttaattc tg

#atgcgttt    720

agaaaacttt aatcgtaaca aagcatcatg caatactctt tttcgttaat ta

#tctacctt    780

tagtccttat aaatttataa gagtactcca ccaaacatag tattacccga at

#acccgttg    840

gtgcctaata catgcacgtg ataaccaatt ttaatttgcc aacaattctc tc

#tcttgtgt    900

gcagtgtgta tataaatata gccacacata catacactaa tgttgaaaat tt

#cttcctta    960

tcatcttctc tcataaaatc cctctctccc tttctctaaa aatggtgaaa gg

#gtcccaga   1020

aaatcgtggc cgtagatcaa gacataccaa taatagacat gtcgcaggag ag

#atcacaag   1080

tgtcgatgca gatagtcaaa gcctgcgaga gtctcggctt cttcaaagtc at

#caaccatg   1140

gcgttgacca aaccaccatc tcaagaatgg agcaagagtc tataaacttc tt

#tgctaaac   1200

cggctcacga gaagaaatct gtccgaccag ttaaccagcc tttccggtat gg

#ttttagag   1260

acattggact caacggtgac tctggtgagg tcgagtattt gctgtttcac ac

#taacgacc   1320

ctgcctttcg ctctcagctc tccttcaggt agacgtatag taactgtatt tc

#tagatata   1380

tacggttcgg gtttggtctc attttaacct aatcattatt aatattttaa tg

#aaattata   1440

ttgaaatagt ttatatatag ttgcatgtaa aatatacaac tgcatgtata gc

#ttggatac   1500

gttcaaaagc ttatactata tatctaccaa acttcaaaaa tattaatgtg at

#aaatgcac   1560

atgattatta tatgtaggca aagtgcatgt ttatgttaat tattttttaa tg

#catgctaa   1620

tatgtcagca taacagtata tataatttaa ttaagtgtta acttgtaggt ct

#acatttat   1680

gtaaaaggag acagttatag ctcatggaag cattaattat tgatactaaa ta

#caaacagt   1740

tcacctttta tgtatttaaa tagatatagg cttgtttttc atttattttg ga

#agctttta   1800

aacaatacta gagtctggag aaaccaaacg taccagacat gtagtaaact aa

#aaaaatgt   1860

aatagtctct ctcaataaca gtgtatggat aagaattgtg tatctactaa tc

#tacatgat   1920

acatgacatg tactatttta tatttgagct tttagaaaaa cttatatata ct

#acaatctg   1980

ctagtctttg ttctcaaata tactaactct tacgaagttg tataattgtt cg

#tactaatg   2040

tttcaacagt ttttttttgt acttaactca ataatggctc aataatgatt ca

#tttttgtc   2100

tatctttttt tttctttgat agaaaaaaac ccaacttctt tctgaaagta ga

#aatattaa   2160

ggttacgtgg atatatttcg tatatttcta taagtaacca aaaataaatg aa

#tctcgtgc   2220

tgatgtgtga cgtatatgtt tgacagctcg gcagtgaatt gttacataga ag

#cagttaag   2280

cagttggctc gtgagatctt agatctgacg gctgagggac ttcatgtccc ac

#ctcacagt   2340

ttcagtaggt taatcagctc cgtcgatagt gactccgttc tgagagtgaa tc

#attatcca   2400

ccgtccgatc aattctttgg tgaagccaat ctttctgacc aatctgtgtc ac

#tgacaaga   2460

gttggcttcg gagaacacac cgaccctcag attttaacag ttcttagatc ta

#acggtgta   2520

ggagggctcc aagtgtccaa ttcagatggc atgtgggttt ctgtctcccc tg

#acccttca   2580

gctttctgcg tcaatgtagg agacttgtta caggtcaatg tcttcttttt tc

#tttctttc   2640

ttgattacat tttttttatt acatcatttt tatttgtggt gattaaagat cg

#taattaaa   2700

aaaaaaaatt gttagtccta aacgaaatca gaaaccgtaa aaatcgaaca ta

#tactaaac   2760

tataaccatt tatttataaa atcatcaaac aagaaaccat aaaagccaaa cc

#taaactaa   2820

acattaaaca tgtttttatc tttcttttgg tcacaagata ttactttaac at

#tttttctg   2880

tcatttatca atgttgtgga ccttatatta attggttctt ggattttaag gt

#gatgacga   2940

acgggagatt tataagtgta aggcatagag cattgaccta cggagaagaa ag

#ccggctat   3000

ccacggcgta ctttgccgga ccaccgcttc aggcgaagat tgggcctctt tc

#ggcgatgg   3060

ttatgacgat gaatcagcca cggttgtacc aaacatttac ttggggcgag ta

#caagaaac   3120

ttgcgtactc tctacgactt gaggatagcc gtttagacat gtttcgtaca tg

#taaggact   3180

agtattcagg tttatggcaa agctttttag taatatctat gaaatgtttt cg

#tctaacta   3240

tgttccctta aaaaagttta agctaaacgt agacatgtta gatctgtgta cc

#tagaacta   3300

ggagttgaaa gttttgtaat gtgttacctt aactttgttg aggtgaaatg tg

#atacccca   3360

ctatattaag gaagtgatat tagataaaac gattcaatta tgaagtataa ga

#ttctttta   3420

attattgaac tgttaaagta gggatgagga tgaatataca ttacctgtta ac

#cgttttac   3480

ctataaccat tttacttgta aaatcatctt tatattttct tactcgaatt tc

#aaatcttc   3540

ttcttctcca tctccttgat tatttatcat gggtacatac atgtatcatg ta

#ttagacta   3600

ttagtcgttt agtattgggt tgttattagg tacaacggcc ttttgggcct at

#tgaatttg   3660

gataatctta attttccttt ttaaaatcag ttgtacaatc aaccatctta ta

#tagttcat   3720

gtgcttgcaa cgtttttaga tatttgagat ccaatctttt acattttatc ta

#tataatga   3780

ctaaatggat tttatagtaa tcattattac tattttgcga gtgagtgcgt aa

#attcaact   3840

ttgtcaagac agaaatacac tttgaaaatg tcaataagta aacatgacaa tg

#tccacgaa   3900

tggtttattt cttgaggttg ctttgcatac actctaatca taatttacat ac

#agcttttg   3960

acatttgtct aactttagtt ctttataaag ttctaactgc ataattaacc tt

#tgtaacct   4020

tttatagatt agactaattg attaagtttc ttttaatttt cataaaaccc ca

#ttaactcg   4080

tgcatcagtg catgtagggt tcccttttct actttatatt agaacaagtt cc

#taagcaaa   4140

gactttcgtt ttgttacttt attttctaga         


#         4170

<210> SEQ ID NO 58

<211> LENGTH: 966

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Arabidopsis thaliana

<400> SEQUENCE: 58

atggtgaaag ggtcccagaa aatcgtggcc gtagatcaag acataccaat aa

#tagacatg     60

tcgcaggaga gatcacaagt gtcgatgcag atagtcaaag cctgcgagag tc

#tcggcttc    120

ttcaaagtca tcaaccatgg cgttgaccaa accaccatct caagaatgga gc

#aagagtct    180

ataaacttct ttgctaaacc ggctcacgag aagaaatctg tccgaccagt ta

#accagcct    240

ttccggtatg gttttagaga cattggactc aacggtgact ctggtgaggt cg

#agtatttg    300

ctgtttcaca ctaacgaccc tgcctttcgc tctcagctct ccttcagctc gg

#cagtgaat    360

tgttacatag aagcagttaa gcagttggct cgtgagatct tagatctgac gg

#ctgaggga    420

cttcatgtcc cacctcacag tttcagtagg ttaatcagct ccgtcgatag tg

#actccgtt    480

ctgagagtga atcattatcc accgtccgat caattctttg gtgaagccaa tc

#tttctgac    540

caatctgtgt cactgacaag agttggcttc ggagaacaca ccgaccctca ga

#ttttaaca    600

gttcttagat ctaacggtgt aggagggctc caagtgtcca attcagatgg ca

#tgtgggtt    660

tctgtctccc ctgacccttc agctttctgc gtcaatgtag gagacttgtt ac

#aggtgatg    720

acgaacggga gatttataag tgtaaggcat agagcattga cctacggaga ag

#aaagccgg    780

ctatccacgg cgtactttgc cggaccaccg cttcaggcga agattgggcc tc

#tttcggcg    840

atggttatga cgatgaatca gccacggttg taccaaacat ttacttgggg cg

#agtacaag    900

aaacttgcgt actctctacg acttgaggat agccgtttag acatgtttcg ta

#catgtaag    960




#          966

<210> SEQ ID NO 59

<211> LENGTH: 321

<212> TYPE: PRT

<213> ORGANISM: Arabidopsis thaliana

<400> SEQUENCE: 59

Met Val Lys Gly Ser Gln Lys Ile Val Ala Va

#l Asp Gln Asp Ile Pro

  1               5 

#                 10 

#                 15

Ile Ile Asp Met Ser Gln Glu Arg Ser Gln Va

#l Ser Met Gln Ile Val


#             25     

#             30

Lys Ala Cys Glu Ser Leu Gly Phe Phe Lys Va

#l Ile Asn His Gly Val


#         40         

#         45

Asp Gln Thr Thr Ile Ser Arg Met Glu Gln Gl

#u Ser Ile Asn Phe Phe


#     55             

#     60

Ala Lys Pro Ala His Glu Lys Lys Ser Val Ar

#g Pro Val Asn Gln Pro


# 70                 

# 75                 

# 80

Phe Arg Tyr Gly Phe Arg Asp Ile Gly Leu As

#n Gly Asp Ser Gly Glu


#                 90 

#                 95

Val Glu Tyr Leu Leu Phe His Thr Asn Asp Pr

#o Ala Phe Arg Ser Gln


#           105      

#           110

Leu Ser Phe Ser Ser Ala Val Asn Cys Tyr Il

#e Glu Ala Val Lys Gln


#       120          

#       125

Leu Ala Arg Glu Ile Leu Asp Leu Thr Ala Gl

#u Gly Leu His Val Pro


#   135              

#   140

Pro His Ser Phe Ser Arg Leu Ile Ser Ser Va

#l Asp Ser Asp Ser Val

145                 1

#50                 1

#55                 1


Leu Arg Val Asn His Tyr Pro Pro Ser Asp Gl

#n Phe Phe Gly Glu Ala


#               170  

#               175

Asn Leu Ser Asp Gln Ser Val Ser Leu Thr Ar

#g Val Gly Phe Gly Glu


#           185      

#           190

His Thr Asp Pro Gln Ile Leu Thr Val Leu Ar

#g Ser Asn Gly Val Gly


#       200          

#       205

Gly Leu Gln Val Ser Asn Ser Asp Gly Met Tr

#p Val Ser Val Ser Pro


#   215              

#   220

Asp Pro Ser Ala Phe Cys Val Asn Val Gly As

#p Leu Leu Gln Val Met

225                 2

#30                 2

#35                 2


Thr Asn Gly Arg Phe Ile Ser Val Arg His Ar

#g Ala Leu Thr Tyr Gly


#               250  

#               255

Glu Glu Ser Arg Leu Ser Thr Ala Tyr Phe Al

#a Gly Pro Pro Leu Gln


#           265      

#           270

Ala Lys Ile Gly Pro Leu Ser Ala Met Val Me

#t Thr Met Asn Gln Pro


#       280          

#       285

Arg Leu Tyr Gln Thr Phe Thr Trp Gly Glu Ty

#r Lys Lys Leu Ala Tyr


#   295              

#   300

Ser Leu Arg Leu Glu Asp Ser Arg Leu Asp Me

#t Phe Arg Thr Cys Lys

305                 3

#10                 3

#15                 3



<210> SEQ ID NO 60

<211> LENGTH: 810

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Arabidopsis thaliana

<220> FEATURE:

<221> NAME/KEY: unsure

<222> LOCATION: (766)

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: n = a, c, g, or 


<400> SEQUENCE: 60

taacgctaac ttatatcaac aataaaaaag tccttttttc ctttttttcc cc

#ccctgaaa     60

ctgttatgct ttcgaaattt cacttatctc tctgacgtgt ttagtttcat cc

#taaaagtg    120

tatatatata tagcttaatg tttctatgtt ttctcttatc ttataatata tg

#tatttctt    180

ataatgagca actcgtgatg atgtatgata tgtctgtttg acagctctgc gg

#tgacgtgt    240

tacgtagaag caattaagca gttggcgtgt gagatcttag acctcacggc tg

#aaggacta    300

cggctcccac ctcatacctt cagcaagtta atcagagccg ttgatagcga ct

#cagttctc    360

aggcttaatc actacccatc atccaatcaa ttccttagtg gagccaaggt tt

#ctgatatg    420

tctgtgtcat taccgagagt tggcttcggg gaacacacag accctcagat ct

#tgacagtc    480

cttagatcca atagagtagg gggcctccag gtggcattcc ctgacggaag gt

#gggtctct    540

gtctcccctg acccttcaac cttttgcgta aacgttggcg atcttttgca gg

#tcagtccc    600

tatattcatt acccatttga ttctgtatat gttactttaa aaaaaaaaaa ag

#gttttcag    660

gtgctacttg aaaaacttaa aatgcaggaa tctaactatt taataataca ta

#tcaacatg    720

taagaatcta ctaagattct ataaatttcc caactattat aactanaata tt

#aatcgatg    780

caaaatttct aggtgatgac gaatgggaga         


#          810

<210> SEQ ID NO 61

<211> LENGTH: 123

<212> TYPE: PRT

<213> ORGANISM: Arabidopsis thaliana

<400> SEQUENCE: 61

Ser Ala Val Thr Cys Tyr Val Glu Ala Ile Ly

#s Gln Leu Ala Cys Glu

  1               5 

#                 10 

#                 15

Ile Leu Asp Leu Thr Ala Glu Gly Leu Arg Le

#u Pro Pro His Thr Phe


#             25     

#             30

Ser Lys Leu Ile Arg Ala Val Asp Ser Asp Se

#r Val Leu Arg Leu Asn


#         40         

#         45

His Tyr Pro Ser Ser Asn Gln Phe Leu Ser Gl

#y Ala Lys Val Ser Asp


#     55             

#     60

Met Ser Val Ser Leu Pro Arg Val Gly Phe Gl

#y Glu His Thr Asp Pro


# 70                 

# 75                 

# 80

Gln Ile Leu Thr Val Leu Arg Ser Asn Arg Va

#l Gly Gly Leu Gln Val


#                 90 

#                 95

Ala Phe Pro Asp Gly Arg Trp Val Ser Val Se

#r Pro Asp Pro Ser Thr


#           105      

#           110

Phe Cys Val Asn Val Gly Asp Leu Leu Gln Va



#       120

<210> SEQ ID NO 62

<211> LENGTH: 1359

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Glycine max

<400> SEQUENCE: 62

ctcaatctct cttcttaccc atttcctccc cccctctttc tcttttcttg tt

#ctgttttt     60

attttcactg ttctctgata acaacgttgt tagttgtcac catggttgtt ct

#gtctcagc    120

cagcattaaa ccagtttttc cttctgaaaa catgcaagcc cacgcccttg tt

#cgcgggga    180

ttcctgtggt cgacctcacg gaccccgatg ccaagaccca catagtcaat gc

#ctgcaggg    240

acttcggctt cttcaagctc gtgaaccacg gtgttccgtt acagttcatg gc

#caatttgg    300

aaaacgaaac cctcgggttc ttcaaaaaac ctcaatccga gaaagacagg gc

#tggtcccc    360

ctgacccttt tggctacggc agcaagagga ttggccctaa cggcgatgtc gg

#ttgggtcg    420

aatacctcct tctcaacacc aaccctgatg tcatctcccc caagtcacag tt

#cattttca    480

gagaaggtcc tcagaatttc agggcggtgg tggaggaata cattagagcg gt

#gaagaaca    540

tgtgctatga ggtgttggaa ttgatggctg agggattggg gataacgcag ag

#gaatgtgt    600

tgagtaggtt gctgaaggat gagaagagtg atycttgctt cagacttaac ca

#ctacccgc    660

catgcccgga ggtgcaagca ttgaacggaa ggaatttggt tggatttgga ga

#gcacacag    720

acccacagat aatttctgtc ttgagatcta acagcacctc aggcctgcaa at

#ctgtctca    780

cagatggcac ttgggtttct gtcccacctg atcaaacttc ctttttcatc aa

#tgttggtg    840

acactcttca ggtaatgact aatgggaggt ttaaaagtgt aaagcataga gt

#tttggctg    900

acccaaccaa gtcaaggttg tcaatgatct actttggagg accacccttg tg

#tgaaaaga    960

tagcaccttt accttcactc atgttaaaag gagaagagag tttctacaaa ga

#gttcacat   1020

ggtgggaata caagaaggct gcgtacgcgt caaggctagc ggataataga ct

#cggccctt   1080

ttgagaaatc tgctgctgat taaggaggca aagtgtgtca aaattctact ac

#tcaatttt   1140

ggcacgtgtt gttaggccaa cttttttatt ttttattttt tttgggtgtg tg

#tatctagg   1200

ttccaaacag ttgactttac ttgagatata tagaaaatga ataggttgct ta

#tgcacttc   1260

cttttaatcc ttgttctttt tcttgtttga ttgaagtgta atagtcacta ct

#gcccttct   1320

attatcaatg aaacgcaact ctagtcacag cttttcatt      


#  1359

<210> SEQ ID NO 63

<211> LENGTH: 333

<212> TYPE: PRT

<213> ORGANISM: Glycine max

<220> FEATURE:


<222> LOCATION: (178)

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: Xaa = any amino aci


<400> SEQUENCE: 63

Met Val Val Leu Ser Gln Pro Ala Leu Asn Gl

#n Phe Phe Leu Leu Lys

  1               5 

#                 10 

#                 15

Thr Cys Lys Pro Thr Pro Leu Phe Ala Gly Il

#e Pro Val Val Asp Leu


#             25     

#             30

Thr Asp Pro Asp Ala Lys Thr His Ile Val As

#n Ala Cys Arg Asp Phe


#         40         

#         45

Gly Phe Phe Lys Leu Val Asn His Gly Val Pr

#o Leu Gln Phe Met Ala


#     55             

#     60

Asn Leu Glu Asn Glu Thr Leu Gly Phe Phe Ly

#s Lys Pro Gln Ser Glu


# 70                 

# 75                 

# 80

Lys Asp Arg Ala Gly Pro Pro Asp Pro Phe Gl

#y Tyr Gly Ser Lys Arg


#                 90 

#                 95

Ile Gly Pro Asn Gly Asp Val Gly Trp Val Gl

#u Tyr Leu Leu Leu Asn


#           105      

#           110

Thr Asn Pro Asp Val Ile Ser Pro Lys Ser Gl

#n Phe Ile Phe Arg Glu


#       120          

#       125

Gly Pro Gln Asn Phe Arg Ala Val Val Glu Gl

#u Tyr Ile Arg Ala Val


#   135              

#   140

Lys Asn Met Cys Tyr Glu Val Leu Glu Leu Me

#t Ala Glu Gly Leu Gly

145                 1

#50                 1

#55                 1


Ile Thr Gln Arg Asn Val Leu Ser Arg Leu Le

#u Lys Asp Glu Lys Ser


#               170  

#               175

Asp Xaa Cys Phe Arg Leu Asn His Tyr Pro Pr

#o Cys Pro Glu Val Gln


#           185      

#           190

Ala Leu Asn Gly Arg Asn Leu Val Gly Phe Gl

#y Glu His Thr Asp Pro


#       200          

#       205

Gln Ile Ile Ser Val Leu Arg Ser Asn Ser Th

#r Ser Gly Leu Gln Ile


#   215              

#   220

Cys Leu Thr Asp Gly Thr Trp Val Ser Val Pr

#o Pro Asp Gln Thr Ser

225                 2

#30                 2

#35                 2


Phe Phe Ile Asn Val Gly Asp Thr Leu Gln Va

#l Met Thr Asn Gly Arg


#               250  

#               255

Phe Lys Ser Val Lys His Arg Val Leu Ala As

#p Pro Thr Lys Ser Arg


#           265      

#           270

Leu Ser Met Ile Tyr Phe Gly Gly Pro Pro Le

#u Cys Glu Lys Ile Ala


#       280          

#       285

Pro Leu Pro Ser Leu Met Leu Lys Gly Glu Gl

#u Ser Phe Tyr Lys Glu


#   295              

#   300

Phe Thr Trp Trp Glu Tyr Lys Lys Ala Ala Ty

#r Ala Ser Arg Leu Ala

305                 3

#10                 3

#15                 3


Asp Asn Arg Leu Gly Pro Phe Glu Lys Ser Al

#a Ala Asp


#               330

<210> SEQ ID NO 64

<211> LENGTH: 1403

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Glycine max

<400> SEQUENCE: 64

ctgctcagag cctcattaag ttttttctct tatacttatt cattgactct cc

#aaaagccc     60

tttaaacctc tctattcctc tctcacgtac cctcttcctt ccattcactc ca

#cttcttaa    120

ctccccaaaa cagaaagcag caagaaaaat ggtgttgctg tccaaggcaa ca

#acagaaca    180

atactcctac atcaagaact acatgccaac ggcattctcc tcaacaattc cc

#gtagtgga    240

cctctccaaa ccagatgcaa agaccctcat agtgaaggct tgtgaggaat tt

#ggattctt    300

caaagtcatc aaccatggtg ttcccatgga aactatatcc caattggaat ct

#gaagcctt    360

caagttcttc tctatgccac tcaatgagaa ggaaaaagta ggccctccca aa

#ccatatgg    420

gtatggtagc aagaaaattg gacacaatgg ggatgttggt tgggttgagt ac

#cttcttct    480

caacaccaat caagaacaca acttctctgt ttatggcaaa aacgctgaga aa

#tttaggtg    540

tttgttgaac agttacatgt cttctgtgag gaaaatggca tgtgagattc tt

#gagctgat    600

ggcagaagga ttgaagatac aacaaaaaaa tgtgtttagc aagcttctta tg

#gataaaga    660

gagtgactct gtttttaggg tgaatcacta ccctgcttgc cctgaacttg tg

#aatggtca    720

aaacatgata gggtttggag aacacacgga cccacaaatc atttctctac tt

#aggtccaa    780

caatacttca ggccttcaga tttttcttag agatggaaac tggatttcag tc

#ccacctga    840

tcacaaatct ttcttcataa atgttggtga ttctcttcag gttatgacca at

#ggaaggtt    900

tcgaagtgtg aaacacagag ttttgacaaa tggatttaag tctagactct ca

#atgattta    960

ctttggaggt ccaccattga gtgagaaaat agtaccatta tcttcactta tg

#aaaggaaa   1020

agaaagctta tacaaagagt ttacgtggtt cgagtataaa aatttaacct at

#gcttcaag   1080

attggctgat aataggcttg gacattttga gagaattgtt gcttcataat at

#gctaaagg   1140

attacggggg catttgtcaa tacaaaatgg ggggttacaa tatatagtct at

#gtactata   1200

tatgtttttt tttttttttc aactttaagg ttatttatca attagaatgc tt

#catagacg   1260

atagaatata tacccctttt gcttttgctt caacactagt ggatgacgtc tg

#atgtagtc   1320

aacaatggag atttgttaat gattaaaagc ttgattcaaa ttgtaataaa ac

#attataag   1380

aataaagtat atattccatg cac           


#              1403

<210> SEQ ID NO 65

<211> LENGTH: 326

<212> TYPE: PRT

<213> ORGANISM: Glycine max

<400> SEQUENCE: 65

Met Val Leu Leu Ser Lys Ala Thr Thr Glu Gl

#n Tyr Ser Tyr Ile Lys

  1               5 

#                 10 

#                 15

Asn Tyr Met Pro Thr Ala Phe Ser Ser Thr Il

#e Pro Val Val Asp Leu


#             25     

#             30

Ser Lys Pro Asp Ala Lys Thr Leu Ile Val Ly

#s Ala Cys Glu Glu Phe


#         40         

#         45

Gly Phe Phe Lys Val Ile Asn His Gly Val Pr

#o Met Glu Thr Ile Ser


#     55             

#     60

Gln Leu Glu Ser Glu Ala Phe Lys Phe Phe Se

#r Met Pro Leu Asn Glu


# 70                 

# 75                 

# 80

Lys Glu Lys Val Gly Pro Pro Lys Pro Tyr Gl

#y Tyr Gly Ser Lys Lys


#                 90 

#                 95

Ile Gly His Asn Gly Asp Val Gly Trp Val Gl

#u Tyr Leu Leu Leu Asn


#           105      

#           110

Thr Asn Gln Glu His Asn Phe Ser Val Tyr Gl

#y Lys Asn Ala Glu Lys


#       120          

#       125

Phe Arg Cys Leu Leu Asn Ser Tyr Met Ser Se

#r Val Arg Lys Met Ala


#   135              

#   140

Cys Glu Ile Leu Glu Leu Met Ala Glu Gly Le

#u Lys Ile Gln Gln Lys

145                 1

#50                 1

#55                 1


Asn Val Phe Ser Lys Leu Leu Met Asp Lys Gl

#u Ser Asp Ser Val Phe


#               170  

#               175

Arg Val Asn His Tyr Pro Ala Cys Pro Glu Le

#u Val Asn Gly Gln Asn


#           185      

#           190

Met Ile Gly Phe Gly Glu His Thr Asp Pro Gl

#n Ile Ile Ser Leu Leu


#       200          

#       205

Arg Ser Asn Asn Thr Ser Gly Leu Gln Ile Ph

#e Leu Arg Asp Gly Asn


#   215              

#   220

Trp Ile Ser Val Pro Pro Asp His Lys Ser Ph

#e Phe Ile Asn Val Gly

225                 2

#30                 2

#35                 2


Asp Ser Leu Gln Val Met Thr Asn Gly Arg Ph

#e Arg Ser Val Lys His


#               250  

#               255

Arg Val Leu Thr Asn Gly Phe Lys Ser Arg Le

#u Ser Met Ile Tyr Phe


#           265      

#           270

Gly Gly Pro Pro Leu Ser Glu Lys Ile Val Pr

#o Leu Ser Ser Leu Met


#       280          

#       285

Lys Gly Lys Glu Ser Leu Tyr Lys Glu Phe Th

#r Trp Phe Glu Tyr Lys


#   295              

#   300

Asn Leu Thr Tyr Ala Ser Arg Leu Ala Asp As

#n Arg Leu Gly His Phe

305                 3

#10                 3

#15                 3


Glu Arg Ile Val Ala Ser


<210> SEQ ID NO 66

<211> LENGTH: 403

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Glycine max

<220> FEATURE:

<221> NAME/KEY: unsure

<222> LOCATION: (178)

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: n = a, c, g, or 


<400> SEQUENCE: 66

attcttctct atgtcactca atgaaaagga aaaagtagga cctcccaatc ca

#tttgggta     60

tggtagcaag aaaattggac acaatgggga cgttggttgg attgagtacc tt

#cttctcaa    120

caccaatcaa gaacacaact tctctgttta tggcaaaaac cctgagaaat tc

#aggtgnct    180

gttgaacagt tacatgtctt ctgtgaggaa gatggcatgt gagattcttg ag

#ttgatggc    240

agaagggttg aagattcagc aaaaggatgt gtttagcaag cttctaatgg at

#aaacaaag    300

tgactctatt ttcagggtga atcattacgc tgcttgtcct gaaatgactc tg

#aatgatca    360

gaacttgatt gggtttggag aacacacaga cccacaaatc atc    



<210> SEQ ID NO 67

<211> LENGTH: 783

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Gossypium hirsutum

<220> FEATURE:

<221> NAME/KEY: unsure

<222> LOCATION: (726)

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: n = a, c, g, or 


<400> SEQUENCE: 67

cccacgcgtc cgcttttgac tactaatcaa gaccccagtc tccatagctt cc

#aaactttg     60

agggtggctt tgaataatta tatgaaatca gtaaagaaaa tggcgtgtga ga

#tacttgaa    120

atgatggctg atgggttgaa gatacaaccc aggaatgtgt tgagcaagct gt

#tgatggat    180

gaagagagtg actctgtttt cagggtgaat cattacccac catgccctaa tg

#ttcaacct    240

ttgagtggta atggcaatgg caatggggat gtgattggat ttggtgaaca ca

#ctgatcca    300

caaattatct cagtgttgag atctaacaac acttctggtc ttcaaatctc tc

#taagagaa    360

ggaagctgga tttcagtgcc acctgaccaa acctcattct tcatcaatgt tg

#gtgactcc    420

ttacaggtaa tgaccaatgg aaggtttaaa agtgtaaaac atagggtagt ga

#ccaacagt    480

gtgaaatcaa ggctatcaat gatttatttt ggtggaccac cattgagtga ga

#aaatagca    540

cctttgccat ctttgatgag aggtgatcaa caaagcttat ataaagaatt ta

#cttggttc    600

gagtacaaga aatctgctta taattccaga ttggcagata ataggctcat tc

#actttgaa    660

aaaattgctg cttcttaatc tcttttttta tttttcactt ttgagtagat tt

#tttttata    720

cttcanataa aaaaatagga ttagggaaaa agtttgtagt atcaaaaaag gc

#ttgtgtga    780




#            783

<210> SEQ ID NO 68

<211> LENGTH: 406

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Gossypium hirsutum

<220> FEATURE:

<221> NAME/KEY: unsure

<222> LOCATION: (306)

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: n = a, c, g, or 


<400> SEQUENCE: 68

gaaaacagga caaccccagc cttatggcta tggtaataaa aggattggac ca

#aatggtga     60

tgttggttgg gtggaatatc ttctcctcac aaccaaccaa gacccgaatc tc

#cttggaac    120

tgaaaaccca gagagtttca ggattgcttt ggataattat atggcagcag tg

#aagaaaat    180

ggcatgtgag atacttgaaa tgatagctga tgggctaaag gttcagccaa ga

#aatgtgtt    240

aagtaagctg atgatggatg aacagagtga ctctgttttc aggctgaacc at

#taccctcc    300

gtgccnagag gtggttcagt ccttgaatgg aacgagcagt aatgtgattg ga

#ttcggtga    360

acacactgac ccacaaatca tttcagtcct aagatccaac aacact   

#                406

<210> SEQ ID NO 69

<211> LENGTH: 376

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Gossypium hirsutum

<400> SEQUENCE: 69

ctagggtcgt cgaagcttag actacttcag taaagtcttc atttttaggt aa

#aaaagaaa     60

cacacaaatg gttgtgctgt catcggcaac ttcaatgaga accaaaaaaa cc

#aaagcagt    120

agggattccc gtcgttgatc tttccctcga taggtccacc gtatcggagc ta

#atcgtcaa    180

agcttgtgaa gactatggtt tcttcaaggt catcaaccat ggcgtaccta gt

#gatacaat    240

atcgagactt gaagacgaag gggttcgttt ctttgacaag gaagcaggtg at

#aagcaacg    300

tgcagggcct gcaactccat ttggttatgg tttaaagaac atcggtctta at

#ggtgataa    360

gggtgaactt gagtac             



#   376

<210> SEQ ID NO 70

<211> LENGTH: 426

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Zea mays

<220> FEATURE:

<221> NAME/KEY: unsure

<222> LOCATION: (26)..(44)

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: n = a, c, g, or 


<400> SEQUENCE: 70

cggacccttg ggcggaccct tgggcnattg cngtgcngga caantacttg gc

#ggcggtaa     60

ggcgcataac ctgcacggtg ctgcagctga tggcgcaggg gctgggcctc ga

#cgacaggg    120

acgtgttcag ccggctggtg ctggaccggg acagcgactc catgctgagg gt

#gaaccact    180

acccgccagc ggcggagacg aggcggctga cggggttcgg cgagcacacc ga

#cccgcaga    240

tcatctccgt cctccgctcc aacgacgcgt ccggcctcga gatcacgctg cg

#ggacggca    300

cctgggtgtc cgtgccctcc gacacggaat ccttcttcgt caatgtcggc ga

#cgcgttgc    360

aggtactcca tagtcccatc taacattaca ttgctacttt attatacaat ac

#acacatga    420




#          426

<210> SEQ ID NO 71

<211> LENGTH: 811

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Zea mays

<400> SEQUENCE: 71

gtacacggtg gcggtgcggc ggatggcgtg cgcggtgctg gagctgatgg cg

#gaggggct     60

gggcatcgcc ggcggcgccg gggacgcggt gctggcgcgg ctggtggcgc gc

#gcggacag    120

cgactgcatg ctgcgggtga accactaccc gccgcggccg gcgctcaacc cc

#agcctcac    180

ggggttcggc gagcacaccg acccgcagat catctcggtg ctccgcgcca ac

#ggcacctc    240

cggcctggag atcgcgctgc gggacggcgc ctgggcctcc gtcccgcccg ac

#ggggacgc    300

cttcttcgtc aacgtcggcg acaccctgca ggtgttgacg aacgggaggt tc

#aggagcgt    360

gaggcacagg gtggtggtga acagcgagaa gtcccgggtg tccatggtct tc

#ttcggcgg    420

cccgccgccc ggcgagaggc tgggcccgct tccgcagctc ctgggcgacg gc

#ggccggag    480

ccggtaccgg gacttcacct ggagcgagtt caagaccagc gggtgcagga cc

#aggctcgc    540

ggaagaccgc ctgtcccgct tcgagaagaa gtagctagag gctacgtcat tt

#gcatgacc    600

gccggcggta ggatcgatta ccatgtatgc ttctctgtat atgtcagttg cc

#agctctag    660

ctactggcac tcccgtctat attagcggcc atgctcgtat tgtacgtgca cg

#tgtatgca    720

cgcatatggt gcaccacata cagggtatca tccaatgcta tctatccatg ga

#gtaccaac    780

catgcatatg catggtcctg ttattagctt t        


#         811

<210> SEQ ID NO 72

<211> LENGTH: 21

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence

<220> FEATURE:

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: Description of Artificial 


<400> SEQUENCE: 72

ctcaatctct cttcttaccc a           




<210> SEQ ID NO 73

<211> LENGTH: 21

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence

<220> FEATURE:

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: Description of Artificial 


<400> SEQUENCE: 73

ctgctcagag cctcattaag t           




<210> SEQ ID NO 74

<211> LENGTH: 21

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence

<220> FEATURE:

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: Description of Artificial 


<400> SEQUENCE: 74

tttgctcaaa gccaaaccaa a           




<210> SEQ ID NO 75

<211> LENGTH: 1239

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Lycopersicon esculentum

<400> SEQUENCE: 75

atgtctgttg ccttgttatg ggttgtttct ccttgtgacg tctcaaatgg ga

#caagtttc     60

atggaatcag tccgggaggg aaaccgtttt tttgattcat cgaggcatag ga

#atttggtg    120

tccaatgaga gaatcaatag aggtggtgga aagcaaacta ataatggacg ga

#aattttct    180

gtacggtctg ctattttggc tactccatct ggagaacgga cgatgacatc gg

#aacagatg    240

gtctatgatg tggttttgag gcaggcagcc ttggtgaaga ggcaactgag at

#ctaccaat    300

gagttagaag tgaagccgga tatacctatt ccggggaatt tgggcttgtt ga

#gtgaagca    360

tatgataggt gtggtgaagt atgtgcagag tatgcaaaga cgtttaactt ag

#gaactatg    420

ctaatgactc ccgagagaag aagggctatc tgggcaatat atgtatggtg ca

#gaagaaca    480

gatgaacttg ttgatggccc aaacgcatca tatattaccc cggcagccct ag

#ataggtgg    540

gaaaataggc tagaagatgt tttcaatggg cggccatttg acatgctcga tg

#gtgctttg    600

tccgatacag tttctaactt tccagttgat attcagccat tcagagatat ga

#ttgaagga    660

atgcgtatgg acttgagaaa atcgagatac aaaaacttcg acgaactata cc

#tttattgt    720

tattatgttg ctggtacggt tgggttgatg agtgttccaa ttatgggtat cg

#cccctgaa    780

tcaaaggcaa caacagagag cgtatataat gctgctttgg ctctggggat cg

#caaatcaa    840

ttaactaaca tactcagaga tgttggagaa gatgccagaa gaggaagagt ct

#acttgcct    900

caagatgaat tagcacaggc aggtctatcc gatgaagata tatttgctgg aa

#gggtgacc    960

gataaatgga gaatctttat gaagaaacaa atacataggg caagaaagtt ct

#ttgatgag   1020

gcagagaatg gcgtgacaga attgagctca gctagtatat tccctgtatg gg

#catctttg   1080

gtcttgtacc gcaaaatact agatgagatt gaagccaatg actacaacaa ct

#tcacaaag   1140

agagcatatg tgagcaaatc aaagaagttg attgcattac ctattgcata tg

#caaaatct   1200

cttgtgcctc ctacaaaaac tgcctctctt caaagataa      


#  1239

<210> SEQ ID NO 76

<211> LENGTH: 412

<212> TYPE: PRT

<213> ORGANISM: Lycopersicon esculentum

<400> SEQUENCE: 76

Met Ser Val Ala Leu Leu Trp Val Val Ser Pr

#o Cys Asp Val Ser Asn

  1               5 

#                 10 

#                 15

Gly Thr Ser Phe Met Glu Ser Val Arg Glu Gl

#y Asn Arg Phe Phe Asp


#             25     

#             30

Ser Ser Arg His Arg Asn Leu Val Ser Asn Gl

#u Arg Ile Asn Arg Gly


#         40         

#         45

Gly Gly Lys Gln Thr Asn Asn Gly Arg Lys Ph

#e Ser Val Arg Ser Ala


#     55             

#     60

Ile Leu Ala Thr Pro Ser Gly Glu Arg Thr Me

#t Thr Ser Glu Gln Met


# 70                 

# 75                 

# 80

Val Tyr Asp Val Val Leu Arg Gln Ala Ala Le

#u Val Lys Arg Gln Leu


#                 90 

#                 95

Arg Ser Thr Asn Glu Leu Glu Val Lys Pro As

#p Ile Pro Ile Pro Gly


#           105      

#           110

Asn Leu Gly Leu Leu Ser Glu Ala Tyr Asp Ar

#g Cys Gly Glu Val Cys


#       120          

#       125

Ala Glu Tyr Ala Lys Thr Phe Asn Leu Gly Th

#r Met Leu Met Thr Pro


#   135              

#   140

Glu Arg Arg Arg Ala Ile Trp Ala Ile Tyr Va

#l Trp Cys Arg Arg Thr

145                 1

#50                 1

#55                 1


Asp Glu Leu Val Asp Gly Pro Asn Ala Ser Ty

#r Ile Thr Pro Ala Ala


#               170  

#               175

Leu Asp Arg Trp Glu Asn Arg Leu Glu Asp Va

#l Phe Asn Gly Arg Pro


#           185      

#           190

Phe Asp Met Leu Asp Gly Ala Leu Ser Asp Th

#r Val Ser Asn Phe Pro


#       200          

#       205

Val Asp Ile Gln Pro Phe Arg Asp Met Ile Gl

#u Gly Met Arg Met Asp


#   215              

#   220

Leu Arg Lys Ser Arg Tyr Lys Asn Phe Asp Gl

#u Leu Tyr Leu Tyr Cys

225                 2

#30                 2

#35                 2


Tyr Tyr Val Ala Gly Thr Val Gly Leu Met Se

#r Val Pro Ile Met Gly


#               250  

#               255

Ile Ala Pro Glu Ser Lys Ala Thr Thr Glu Se

#r Val Tyr Asn Ala Ala


#           265      

#           270

Leu Ala Leu Gly Ile Ala Asn Gln Leu Thr As

#n Ile Leu Arg Asp Val


#       280          

#       285

Gly Glu Asp Ala Arg Arg Gly Arg Val Tyr Le

#u Pro Gln Asp Glu Leu


#   295              

#   300

Ala Gln Ala Gly Leu Ser Asp Glu Asp Ile Ph

#e Ala Gly Arg Val Thr

305                 3

#10                 3

#15                 3


Asp Lys Trp Arg Ile Phe Met Lys Lys Gln Il

#e His Arg Ala Arg Lys


#               330  

#               335

Phe Phe Asp Glu Ala Glu Lys Gly Val Thr Gl

#u Leu Ser Ser Ala Ser


#           345      

#           350

Arg Phe Pro Val Trp Ala Ser Leu Val Leu Ty

#r Arg Lys Ile Leu Asp


#       360          

#       365

Glu Ile Glu Ala Asn Asp Tyr Asn Asn Phe Th

#r Lys Arg Ala Tyr Val


#   375              

#   380

Ser Lys Ser Lys Lys Leu Ile Ala Leu Pro Il

#e Ala Tyr Ala Lys Ser

385                 3

#90                 3

#95                 4


Leu Val Pro Pro Thr Lys Thr Ala Ser Leu Gl

#n Arg


#               410

<210> SEQ ID NO 77

<211> LENGTH: 1161

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Cucurbita maxima

<400> SEQUENCE: 77

atggctttga acggcaaggt ggcaaccgaa tccgctccct caaacttgaa tg

#aggagatg     60

aaaggggagt accgtccgcc atttgggggc tccgacgagt caaaggtgcc gg

#aggatttc    120

atttggtcgg aaaagtttga ggcatccgag ttgctgccgg tgctggatgt tc

#caactatt    180

gacttggaaa agtttatgag tggcgacaaa agttatgtgg aagaggcgac aa

#ggctggtg    240

gatgaggctt gtagacaaca tggcatattt tttgtggtga accatggagt gg

#acatagaa    300

atgatgggcc gtgttcatga ctgtatgaat gagttcttta caatgccttt gg

#atgtgaag    360

cagagggcta agaggaaggt aggtgagagt tatggatata ccaatagctt ct

#ttgggaga    420

ttcgcgtcca atcttccatg gaaggaaacc ttttcccttc gctgtgtggc tg

#ctcaaaac    480

tcctccgcgg ctcatgacta tgttcttgac actttaggcc catcattctc cc

#atcatggg    540

aaggcgtatc aagagtgtgg gatagcattg aacgagcttg gtacgaagat tg

#tggagctt    600

ttggggctta gccttggcat ttcaagagaa tacttcaaga atttcttcga gg

#acaacgat    660

tcaatattga ggcttaatta ctacccaaca tgcgacaagc cagaggttgt gt

#tgggaact    720

ggccctcaca ctgatcccac ctccgtcaca atccttcacc aagaccctgt ca

#gtggcctt    780

caagtgtgct ccaatgatca atggtattca attcctccaa acccagaagc ct

#ttgtcatc    840

aacatcggtg acactttcac gtctctcacg aatgggattt acaagggctg ca

#tacaccgc    900

gctgtagtga attccatgaa tgcaagaaaa tcattggcct tctttctgtg tc

#catcgcat    960

gacaaagtgg tgagagcacc ggaggaattg gtggagaaga gtccaccacg aa

#agtatcca   1020

gattataaat ggccaatgtt gcttgaaatg acccaaaagc gttaccgacc tg

#attgcaac   1080

actttggaag ccttcaaaac ttgggttcaa gagggaaagg cgttggacac tg

#ggtccact   1140

attaccgccc cgtctgctta a           


#                1161

<210> SEQ ID NO 78

<211> LENGTH: 386

<212> TYPE: PRT

<213> ORGANISM: Cucurbita maxima

<400> SEQUENCE: 78

Met Ala Leu Asn Gly Lys Val Ala Thr Glu Se

#r Ala Pro Ser Asn Leu

  1               5 

#                 10 

#                 15

Asn Glu Glu Met Lys Gly Glu Tyr Arg Pro Pr

#o Phe Gly Gly Ser Asp


#             25     

#             30

Glu Ser Lys Val Pro Glu Asp Phe Ile Trp Se

#r Glu Lys Phe Glu Ala


#         40         

#         45

Ser Glu Leu Leu Pro Val Leu Asp Val Pro Th

#r Ile Asp Leu Glu Lys


#     55             

#     60

Phe Met Ser Gly Asp Lys Ser Tyr Val Glu Gl

#u Ala Thr Arg Leu Val


# 70                 

# 75                 

# 80

Asp Glu Ala Cys Arg Gln His Gly Ile Phe Ph

#e Val Val Asn His Gly


#                 90 

#                 95

Val Asp Ile Glu Met Met Gly Arg Val His As

#p Cys Met Asn Glu Phe


#           105      

#           110

Phe Thr Met Pro Leu Asp Val Lys Gln Arg Al

#a Lys Arg Lys Val Gly


#       120          

#       125

Glu Ser Tyr Gly Tyr Thr Asn Ser Phe Phe Gl

#y Arg Phe Ala Ser Asn


#   135              

#   140

Leu Pro Trp Lys Glu Thr Phe Ser Leu Arg Cy

#s Val Ala Ala Gln Asn

145                 1

#50                 1

#55                 1


Ser Ser Ala Ala His Asp Tyr Val Leu Asp Th

#r Leu Gly Pro Ser Phe


#               170  

#               175

Ser His His Gly Lys Ala Tyr Gln Glu Cys Gl

#y Ile Ala Leu Asn Glu


#           185      

#           190

Leu Gly Thr Lys Ile Val Glu Leu Leu Gly Le

#u Ser Leu Gly Ile Ser


#       200          

#       205

Arg Glu Tyr Phe Lys Asn Phe Phe Glu Asp As

#n Asp Ser Ile Leu Arg


#   215              

#   220

Leu Asn Tyr Tyr Pro Thr Cys Asp Lys Pro Gl

#u Val Val Leu Gly Thr

225                 2

#30                 2

#35                 2


Gly Pro His Thr Asp Pro Thr Ser Val Thr Il

#e Leu His Gln Asp Pro


#               250  

#               255

Val Ser Gly Leu Gln Val Cys Ser Asn Asp Gl

#n Trp Tyr Ser Ile Pro


#           265      

#           270

Pro Asn Pro Glu Ala Phe Val Ile Asn Ile Gl

#y Asp Thr Phe Thr Ser


#       280          

#       285

Leu Thr Asn Gly Ile Tyr Lys Gly Cys Ile Hi

#s Arg Ala Val Val Asn


#   295              

#   300

Ser Met Asn Ala Arg Lys Ser Leu Ala Phe Ph

#e Leu Cys Pro Ser His

305                 3

#10                 3

#15                 3


Asp Lys Val Val Arg Ala Pro Glu Glu Leu Va

#l Glu Lys Ser Pro Pro


#               330  

#               335

Arg Lys Tyr Pro Asp Tyr Lys Trp Pro Met Le

#u Leu Glu Met Thr Gln


#           345      

#           350

Lys Arg Tyr Arg Pro Asp Cys Asn Thr Leu Gl

#u Ala Phe Lys Thr Trp


#       360          

#       365

Val Gln Glu Gly Lys Ala Leu Asp Thr Gly Se

#r Thr Ile Thr Ala Pro


#   375              

#   380

Ser Ala


<210> SEQ ID NO 79

<211> LENGTH: 1041

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Cucurbita maxima

<400> SEQUENCE: 79

atggataagc ttcctgccgt aggccttttg actcctctgg acctcaacac ag

#ttgaggct     60

gttcctgaat ctcacgtatg gcctcacctc gatgaatcat cgcagaagtt ca

#aatcggac    120

aaaacggtct cgatcccggt tgtcgatttt aacgacgaca atgtgttgga gc

#tcataggg    180

aaagcctgcg aggagtgggg aatgtttcag ttgattaatc atggtatccc ga

#aaacccta    240

acagcagaaa ccgaggaggt ggctcgatgt cttttcgctc ttccaaaaag cc

#agaagatg    300

aagacattaa atgttcccgg aaccgccaac ggctactgca tggccagatt aa

#cgaagcat    360

catgacaaaa tgatgtggca tgaaggattc accgtcatag gttctccggt tg

#atgatttt    420

aagaaactct ggccatcgga ctaccaaccg ttctgtgata aagtggaaga at

#accaactt    480

aaaatgaagg ctttagctga taagctaata agcttaatct tcaagtatct tg

#gcatctcc    540

gatgaagaga tggtgaagaa gttgtcttac atcgacccgg ccaccggaaa ac

#cccacttg    600

gctttgcgct tgaactcgtt tcctccatgc cctgaaccaa gcaaagtcat gg

#gcctcgcg    660

gcccacactg acacctccct cttcaccatg cttcaccagg cacgcagaga gg

#ggctacag    720

atcttaaacg agaaagaagg ctggcttccg ctggctccga ggagagacgc tc

#tcatcatt    780

aacatcggcg acttcctcca aattatatcg aacgggcggt ttcatagcgt tc

#ctcaccgg    840

gtgatgatac gagagactga gaagactacg atgtcgatgg catatttctt tc

#atccacca    900

ggtcatttat acgtagcacc ttattgtaag ccattgagtg aaaccctaca ga

#ctcccatt    960

tataaaggag tgaacgtgaa agaatatttc atcatcaagg ctaaagcctc gg

#ggaaggga   1020

attgctgccc taacaatatg a           


#                1041

<210> SEQ ID NO 80

<211> LENGTH: 346

<212> TYPE: PRT

<213> ORGANISM: Cucurbita maxima

<400> SEQUENCE: 80

Met Asp Lys Leu Pro Ala Val Gly Leu Leu Th

#r Pro Leu Asp Leu Asn

  1               5 

#                 10 

#                 15

Thr Val Glu Ala Val Pro Glu Ser His Val Tr

#p Pro His Leu Asp Glu


#             25     

#             30

Ser Ser Gln Lys Phe Lys Ser Asp Lys Thr Va

#l Ser Ile Pro Val Val


#         40         

#         45

Asp Phe Asn Asp Asp Asn Val Leu Glu Leu Il

#e Gly Lys Ala Cys Glu


#     55             

#     60

Glu Trp Gly Met Phe Gln Leu Ile Asn His Gl

#y Ile Pro Lys Thr Leu


# 70                 

# 75                 

# 80

Thr Ala Glu Thr Glu Glu Val Ala Arg Cys Le

#u Phe Ala Leu Pro Lys


#                 90 

#                 95

Ser Gln Lys Met Lys Thr Leu Asn Val Pro Gl

#y Thr Ala Asn Gly Tyr


#           105      

#           110

Cys Met Ala Arg Leu Thr Lys His His Asp Ly

#s Met Met Trp His Glu


#       120          

#       125

Gly Phe Thr Val Ile Gly Ser Pro Val Asp As

#p Phe Lys Lys Leu Trp


#   135              

#   140

Pro Ser Asp Tyr Gln Pro Phe Cys Asp Lys Va

#l Glu Glu Tyr Gln Leu

145                 1

#50                 1

#55                 1


Lys Met Lys Ala Leu Ala Asp Lys Leu Ile Se

#r Leu Ile Phe Lys Tyr


#               170  

#               175

Leu Gly Ile Ser Asp Glu Glu Met Val Lys Ly

#s Leu Ser Tyr Ile Asp


#           185      

#           190

Pro Ala Thr Gly Lys Pro His Leu Ala Leu Ar

#g Leu Asn Ser Phe Pro


#       200          

#       205

Pro Cys Pro Glu Pro Ser Lys Val Met Gly Le

#u Ala Ala His Thr Asp


#   215              

#   220

Thr Ser Leu Phe Thr Met Leu His Gln Ala Ar

#g Arg Glu Gly Leu Gln

225                 2

#30                 2

#35                 2


Ile Leu Asn Glu Lys Glu Gly Trp Leu Pro Le

#u Ala Pro Arg Arg Asp


#               250  

#               255

Ala Leu Ile Ile Asn Ile Gly Asp Phe Leu Gl

#n Ile Ile Ser Asn Gly


#           265      

#           270

Arg Phe His Ser Val Pro His Arg Val Met Il

#e Arg Glu Thr Glu Lys


#       280          

#       285

Thr Thr Met Ser Met Ala Tyr Phe Phe His Pr

#o Pro Gly His Leu Tyr


#   295              

#   300

Val Ala Pro Tyr Cys Lys Pro Leu Ser Glu Th

#r Leu Gln Thr Pro Ile

305                 3

#10                 3

#15                 3


Tyr Lys Gly Val Asn Val Lys Glu Tyr Phe Il

#e Ile Lys Ala Lys Ala


#               330  

#               335

Ser Gly Lys Gly Ile Ala Ala Leu Thr Ile


#           345

<210> SEQ ID NO 81

<211> LENGTH: 30

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence

<220> FEATURE:

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: Description of Artificial 


<400> SEQUENCE: 81

cttgtctaga atgtctgttg ccttgttatg         


#           30

<210> SEQ ID NO 82

<211> LENGTH: 30

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence

<220> FEATURE:

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: Description of Artificial 


<400> SEQUENCE: 82

gtaacctagg aaatagaaac ttctctccgt         


#           30

<210> SEQ ID NO 83

<211> LENGTH: 33

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence

<220> FEATURE:

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: Description of Artificial 


<400> SEQUENCE: 83

tctagatggc tttgaacggc aaggtggcaa ccg       


#         33

<210> SEQ ID NO 84

<211> LENGTH: 30

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence

<220> FEATURE:

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: Description of Artificial 


<400> SEQUENCE: 84

ggatccggtt ggtttaagca gacggggcgg         


#           30

<210> SEQ ID NO 85

<211> LENGTH: 19

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence

<220> FEATURE:

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: Description of Artificial 


<400> SEQUENCE: 85

tttttttttt ttttttttv             



# 19

<210> SEQ ID NO 86

<211> LENGTH: 32

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence

<220> FEATURE:

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: Description of Artificial 


<400> SEQUENCE: 86

ggatccatca tattgttagg gcagcaattc cc       


#          32

<210> SEQ ID NO 87

<211> LENGTH: 31

<212> TYPE: DNA

<213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence

<220> FEATURE:

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: Description of Artificial 


<400> SEQUENCE: 87

gtctagatgg ataagcttcc tgccgtaggc c        


#          31

<210> SEQ ID NO 88

<211> LENGTH: 815

<212> TYPE: PRT

<213> ORGANISM: Glycine max

<400> SEQUENCE: 88

Met Ala Ser His Phe Arg Leu Pro Ser Phe Se

#r Ser Ser Asn His Phe

  1               5 

#                 10 

#                 15

Leu Leu Thr Ser Ser Ser Ser Ser Ser Ser Il

#e Ser Leu His His Phe


#             25     

#             30

Ser Lys Ser Ser Leu Gly Ala Val Ser Ser Gl

#u Thr Asn Asp Lys Gln


#         40         

#         45

Glu Ile Arg Cys Arg Ala Ile Ser Lys Pro Ar

#g Thr Gln Glu Cys Ser


#     55             

#     60

Asp Ile Phe Gln Gly Ser Leu Ala Thr Leu Ly

#s Phe Arg Glu Ile Asn


# 70                 

# 75                 

# 80

Val Glu Asp Asp Ile Glu Glu Glu Gln Asp Il

#e Gly Ala Leu Val Ala


#                 90 

#                 95

Asn Glu Ile Lys Lys Arg Val Asp Thr Ile Ly

#s Ser Ile Leu Gly Ser


#           105      

#           110

Met Glu Asp Gly Glu Ile Thr Val Ser Ala Ty

#r Asp Thr Ala Trp Val


#       120          

#       125

Ala Leu Ile Glu Asp Val His Gly Thr Gly Va

#l Pro Gln Phe Pro Ser


#   135              

#   140

Ser Leu Glu Trp Ile Ala Lys Asn Gln His Pr

#o Asp Gly Ser Trp Gly

145                 1

#50                 1

#55                 1


Asp Lys Glu Leu Phe Ser Ala His Asp Arg Il

#e Ile Asn Thr Leu Ala


#               170  

#               175

Cys Val Ile Ala Leu Lys Thr Trp Asn Met Hi

#s Pro Glu Lys Cys Glu


#           185      

#           190

Lys Gly Met Ala Phe Phe Arg Glu Asn Leu Gl

#y Lys Leu Gln Asn Glu


#       200          

#       205

Asn Val Glu His Met Pro Ile Gly Phe Glu Va

#l Ala Phe Pro Ser Leu


#   215              

#   220

Leu Asp Met Ala Arg Gly Leu Asp Ile Glu Va

#l Pro Asn Asn Ser Pro

225                 2

#30                 2

#35                 2


Ile Leu Asn Lys Ile Phe Ala Met Arg Asn Va

#l Lys Leu Thr Arg Ile


#               250  

#               255

Pro Arg Ala Met Arg His Lys Val Pro Thr Se

#r Leu Leu His Ser Leu


#           265      

#           270

Glu Gly Met Ser Gly Leu Asp Trp Lys Glu Le

#u Leu Lys Leu Gln Ser


#       280          

#       285

Gln Asp Gly Ser Phe Leu Phe Ser Pro Ser Se

#r Thr Ala Phe Ala Leu


#   295              

#   300

Met Gln Thr Lys Asp Gln Asn Cys His Asn Ty

#r Leu Asn Lys Val Val

305                 3

#10                 3

#15                 3


Lys Arg Phe Asn Gly Gly Val Pro Asn Val Ty

#r Pro Val Asp Leu Phe


#               330  

#               335

Glu His Ile Trp Val Val Asp Arg Leu Glu Ar

#g Leu Gly Ile Ser Gln


#           345      

#           350

Tyr Phe Gln Gln Glu Ile Lys Asp Cys Leu Se

#r Tyr Val Tyr Arg Tyr


#       360          

#       365

Trp Thr Glu Lys Gly Ile Cys Trp Ala Arg As

#n Ser Asn Val Gln Asp


#   375              

#   380

Ile Asp Asp Thr Ala Met Gly Phe Arg Leu Le

#u Arg Leu His Gly Tyr

385                 3

#90                 3

#95                 4


Gln Val Ser Ala Asp Val Phe Lys Asn Phe Gl

#u Arg Asn Gly Glu Phe


#               410  

#               415

Phe Cys Phe Thr Gly Gln Thr Thr Gln Ala Va

#l Thr Gly Met Phe Asn


#           425      

#           430

Leu Tyr Arg Ala Thr Gln Ile Met Phe Pro Gl

#y Glu Arg Ile Leu Glu


#       440          

#       445

His Gly Lys His Phe Ser Ala Lys Phe Leu Ly

#s Glu Lys Arg Ala Ala


#   455              

#   460

Asn Glu Leu Val Asp Lys Trp Ile Ile Met Ly

#s Asn Leu Ala Glu Glu

465                 4

#70                 4

#75                 4


Val Ala Tyr Ala Leu Asp Val Pro Trp Tyr Al

#a Ser Leu Pro Arg Val


#               490  

#               495

Glu Thr Arg Phe Tyr Ile Asp Gln Tyr Gly Gl

#y Glu Ser Asp Val Trp


#           505      

#           510

Ile Gly Lys Thr Leu Tyr Arg Met Ala Tyr Va

#l Asn Asn Asn Asn Tyr


#       520          

#       525

Leu Glu Leu Ala Lys Leu Asp Tyr Asn Asn Cy

#s Gln Ala Leu His Leu


#   535              

#   540

Ile Glu Trp Gly Arg Ile Gln Lys Trp Tyr Se

#r Glu Ser Arg Leu Glu

545                 5

#50                 5

#55                 5


Glu Phe Gly Met Asn Arg Arg Thr Leu Leu Le

#u Ala Tyr Phe Val Ala


#               570  

#               575

Ala Ala Ser Ile Phe Glu Pro Glu Lys Ser Ar

#g Val Arg Leu Ala Trp


#           585      

#           590

Ala Gln Thr Ser Ile Leu Leu Glu Thr Ile Th

#r Ser Tyr Val Ser Asp


#       600          

#       605

Ala Glu Met Arg Lys Ala Phe Met Lys Lys Ph

#e Ser Asp Cys Leu Asn


#   615              

#   620

Arg Arg Asp Tyr Ser Ile Gly Trp Arg Leu As

#n Arg Asn Arg Thr Gly

625                 6

#30                 6

#35                 6


His Gly Leu Ala Glu Thr Leu Val Ala Thr Il

#e Asp Gln Ile Ser Trp


#               650  

#               655

Asp Ile Leu Val Ser His Gly His Glu Ile Gl

#y Tyr Asp Met His Arg


#           665      

#           670

Asn Trp Glu Lys Trp Leu Ser Ser Trp His Ar

#g Glu Gly Asp Lys Cys


#       680          

#       685

Lys Gly Gln Ala Glu Leu Leu Ala Gln Thr Il

#e Asn Leu Cys Gly Gly


#   695              

#   700

His Trp Ile Ser Glu Asp Gln Val Ser Asp Pr

#o Leu Tyr Gln Ser Leu

705                 7

#10                 7

#15                 7


Leu Gln Leu Thr Asn Asn Leu Cys Asn Lys Le

#u Arg Cys His Gln Lys


#               730  

#               735

Asp Lys Glu Leu Glu Ser Ser Asn Ser Gly Th

#r Asn Val Asn Ser Met


#           745      

#           750

Ile Thr Gln Glu Glu Glu Ser Lys Met Gln Gl

#u Leu Val Gln Leu Val


#       760          

#       765

His Gln Lys Ser Pro Thr Gly Ile Asp Phe As

#n Ile Lys Asn Thr Phe


#   775              

#   780

Leu Thr Val Ala Lys Ser Phe Tyr Tyr Thr Al

#a Phe Cys Asp Ser Arg

785                 7

#90                 7

#95                 8


Thr Val Asn Phe His Ile Ala Lys Val Leu Ph

#e Asp Glu Val Val


#               810  

#               815

<210> SEQ ID NO 89

<211> LENGTH: 352

<212> TYPE: PRT

<213> ORGANISM: Glycine max

<220> FEATURE:


<222> LOCATION: (97)..(314)

<223> OTHER INFORMATION: Xaa = any amino aci


<400> SEQUENCE: 89

Met Pro Ser Leu Ser Glu Ala Tyr Arg Ala Hi

#s Pro Val His Val Gln

  1               5 

#                 10 

#                 15

His Lys His Pro Asp Leu Asn Ser Leu Gln Gl

#u Leu Pro Glu Ser Tyr


#             25     

#             30

Thr Trp Thr His His Ser His Asp Asp His Th

#r Pro Ala Ala Ser Asn


#         40         

#         45

Glu Ser Val Pro Val Ile Asp Leu Asn Asp Pr

#o Asn Ala Ser Lys Leu


#     55             

#     60

Ile His His Ala Cys Ile Thr Trp Gly Ala Ty

#r Gln Val Val Asn His


# 70                 

# 75                 

# 80

Ala Ile Pro Met Ser Leu Leu Gln Asp Ile Gl

#n Trp Val Gly Glu Thr


#                 90 

#                 95

Xaa Phe Ser Leu Pro Cys His Gln Lys Gln Ly

#s Ala Ala Arg Ser Pro


#           105      

#           110

Asp Gly Ala Asp Gly Tyr Gly Leu Ala Arg Il

#e Ser Ser Phe Phe Pro


#       120          

#       125

Lys Leu Met Trp Ser Glu Gly Phe Thr Ile Va

#l Gly Ser Pro Leu Glu


#   135              

#   140

His Phe Arg Gln Leu Trp Pro Gln Asp Tyr Hi

#s Lys Tyr Cys Asp Ile

145                 1

#50                 1

#55                 1


Val Lys Arg Tyr Asp Glu Ala Met Lys Lys Le

#u Val Gly Lys Leu Met


#               170  

#               175

Trp Leu Met Leu Asp Ser Leu Gly Ile Thr Ly

#s Glu Asp Leu Lys Trp


#           185      

#           190

Ala Gly Ser Lys Gly Gln Phe Lys Lys Thr Cy

#s Ala Ala Leu Gln Leu


#       200          

#       205

Asn Ser Tyr Pro Thr Cys Pro Asp Pro Asp Ar

#g Ala Met Gly Leu Ala


#   215              

#   220

Ala His Thr Asp Ser Thr Leu Leu Thr Ile Le

#u Tyr Gln Asn Asn Ile

225                 2

#30                 2

#35                 2


Ser Gly Leu Gln Val His Arg Lys Gly Gly Gl

#y Trp Val Thr Val Ala


#               250  

#               255

Pro Val Pro Glu Gly Leu Val Ile Asn Val Gl

#y Asp Leu Leu His Ile


#           265      

#           270

Leu Ser Asn Gly Leu Tyr Pro Ser Val Leu Hi

#s Arg Val Leu Val Asn


#       280          

#       285

Arg Ile Gln Gln Arg Leu Ser Val Ala Tyr Le

#u Cys Gly Pro Xaa Pro


#   295              

#   300

Asn Val Glu Ile Cys Pro His Ala Lys Xaa Va

#l Gly Pro Asn Lys Pro

305                 3

#10                 3

#15                 3


Pro Leu Tyr Lys Ala Val Thr Trp Asn Glu Ty

#r Leu Gly Thr Lys Ala


#               330  

#               335

Lys His Phe Asn Lys Ala Leu Ser Thr Val Ar

#g Leu Cys Ala Pro Ser


#           345      

#           350

  • 1. A method of growing a transgenic plant comprising:(a) providing a transgenic plant or a transgenic plant seed or seedling thereof comprising a transgene, the transgene comprising a promoter that drives RNA transcription preferentially in germinating seeds and seedlings and operably linked to said promoter, a DNA molecule that encodes an enzyme of a gibberellin biosynthetic pathway in an antisense orientation, and a 3′ termination region, such that when said transgene is expressed in said transgenic plant or a transgenic plant seed or seedling thereof, it decreases the level of an endogenous gibberellin hormone and causes a dwarf plant phenotype in said transgenic plant or a germination delayed phenotype in said transgenic seed; and (b) treating said transgenic plant or a transgenic seed or seedling thereof with a composition that comprises a gibberellin precursor or gibberellin biosynthetic intermediate compound that eliminates the dwarf plant or germination delayed phenotype in seed or seedling therefrom; and (c) growing said treated transgenic plant or transgenic seed or seedling thereof, wherein the growth of said transgenic plant or seedling is not dwarf and said transgenic seed is not germination delayed; wherein the DNA molecule is selected from the group consisting of SEQ ID NOs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 8.

This application claims priority from U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 60/096,111, filed Aug. 10, 1998, and U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 60/137,977, filed on Jun. 7, 1999. Both of these priority documents are incorporated by reference in their entirety.

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