Methods for producing libraries of expressible gene sequences


  • Patent Application
  • 20040009477
  • Publication Number
  • Date Filed
    November 21, 2001
    22 years ago
  • Date Published
    January 15, 2004
    20 years ago
The present invention comprises a method for producing libraries of expressible gene sequences. The method of the invention allows for the simultaneous manipulation of multiple gene sequences and thus allows libraries to be created in an efficient and high throughput manner. The expression vectors containing verified gene sequences can be used to transfect cells for the production of recombinant proteins. The invention further comprises libraries of expressible gene sequences produced using the method of the invention and expression vectors used in the construction of said libraries.


[0001] The invention disclosed herein relates to the fields of genomics and molecular biology. More specifically the invention relates to new high through-put methods of making libraries of expressed gene sequences and the libraries made using said methods.


[0002] Recent breakthroughs in nucleic acid sequencing technology have made possible the sequencing of entire genomes from a variety of organisms, including humans. The potential benefits of a complete genome sequence are many, ranging from applications in medicine to a greater understanding of evolutionary processes. These benefits cannot be fully realized, however, without an understanding of how and where these newly sequenced genes function.

[0003] Traditionally, functional understanding started with recognizing an activity, isolating a protein associated with that activity, then identifying and isolating the gene, or genes, encoding that protein. Each gene of interest was identified, isolated and expressed separately, a relatively time consuming process.

[0004] Recently, breakthroughs in high through-put DNA sequencing technology have allowed massive amounts of gene sequence information to become available to the public. Yet methods of expressing these sequences to produce the proteins encoded by them for study have still required that each sequence be manipulated one at a time. Accordingly, a need exists for the development of methods for the rapid, simultaneous expression of large numbers of gene sequences. The invention described herein addresses this and related needs as will become apparent upon inspection of the specification and the appended claims.


[0005] The present invention comprises a method for producing libraries of expressible gene sequences. The method of the invention allows for the simultaneous manipulation of multiple gene sequences and thus allows libraries to be created in an efficient and high through-put manner. The expression vectors containing verified gene sequences can be used to transfect cells for the production of recombinant proteins. The invention method utilizes known techniques in such a way as to create an efficient high through-put means of producing libraries of expressible gene sequences.

[0006] The invention further comprises libraries of expressible gene sequences produced using the method of the invention and expression vectors used in the construction of such libraries.


FIG. 1 shows a schematic representation of the vaccinia topoisomerase type I cloning method used in the practice of the invention.


[0008] The present invention comprises a method for producing libraries of expressible gene sequences. The invention method comprises the following steps: amplifying a plurality of gene sequences, purifying the amplified gene sequences, inserting each of the purified gene sequences into an expression vector, and verifying the size and orientation of the inserted gene sequence.

[0009] In the first step, the gene sequences that are to be expressed are amplified. By “amplification” it is meant that the copy number of the gene sequence(s) is increased. One commonly used method of amplification is the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). In brief, starter DNA is heat-denatured into single strands. Two synthetic oligonucleotides, one complementary to sequence at the 3′ end of the sense strand of DNA segment of interest and the other complementary to the sequence at the 3′ end of the anti-sense strand of a DNA segment of interest, are added in great excess to the DNA sequence to be amplified and the temperature is lowered to 50-60° C. The specific oligonucleotides hybridize with the complementary sequences in the DNA and then serve as primers of DNA chain synthesis, which requires the addition of a supply of deoxynucleotides and a temperature-resistant DNA polymerase, such as Taq polymerase, which can extend the primers at temperatures up to 72° C. When synthesis is complete, the whole mixture is heated further (up to 95° C.) to melt the newly formed DNA duplexes. When the temperature is lowered again, another round of synthesis takes place, since an excess of primer is still present. Repeated cycles of synthesis and melting quickly amplify the sequence of interest. A more detailed description of PCR can be found in Erlich, Ed, PCR Technology: Principles and Applications for DNA Amplification, W. H. Freeman and Co., 1992 and Erlich, et al, Eds., Polymerase Chain Reaction, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, 1989, both of which are incorporated by reference herein.

[0010] Starter DNA can come from a variety of sources. It can be total genomic DNA from an organism, for example, or can be cDNA that has been synthesized from cellular mRNA using reverse transcriptase. Sources of suitable RNA include normal and diseased tissues, cellular extracts, and the like.

[0011] In practicing the method of the invention, the desired gene sequences can come from any source. The examples presented below show the amplification of all open reading frames (ORFs) from a single organism, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, for example. By “open reading frame” it is meant a segment of DNA that exists between a start codon and a stop codon and is likely to represent a gene. The examples presented below further show the amplification of a group of human genes thought to be important in the development of cancer.

[0012] Public databases exist that contain the entire or partial genome of a particular organism, for example yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), prokaryotes (Bacillus subtilis, E. coli, Borrelia burgdorferi, Helicobacter pylori, Mycoplasma genitalium, and the like), fish (Fugu rubripes), mammals (human, mouse), plants (rice, cotton) and the like. Well known databases include GenBank, Unigene, EMBL, IMAGE and TIGR, for example. Public databases such as these can be used a source of gene sequences for use in the method of the invention.

[0013] The primers employed in the amplification step are specific for each desired gene sequence and include a variety of unique features. For example, the 5′ “sense” primer starts with the sequence 5′-CACCATG . . . (the start codon is underlined). The CACC sequence is added as a Kozak consensus that aids in translational efficiency. When the gene sequence being amplified represents a full-length gene, the 3′ “antisense” codon is preferably designed to make the amplification product end at the 3rd position of the last codon of the gene being amplified, plus a single adenine residue. This facilitates the fusion of the coding region in-frame with a heterologous peptide sequence such as an epitope tag, an affinity purification tag, and the like (see below). The gene sequence need not encode a full-length sequence, however, as the invention methods are equally suitable for any gene sequence, including Expressed Sequence Tags (ESTs). The primers can be synthesized and dried in multiwell formats, such as 96-well microtiter plates to facilitate identification and further processing.

[0014] The amplified gene products are next isolated from the other components of the amplification reaction mixture. This purification can be accomplished using a variety of methodologies such as column chromatography, gel electrophoresis, and the like. A preferred method of purification utilizes low-melt agarose gel electrophoresis. The reaction mixture is separated and visualized by suitable means, e.g. by ethidiun bromide staining. DNA bands that represent correctly sized amplification products are cut away from the rest of the gel and placed into appropriate corresponding wells of a 96-well microtiter plate. These plugs are subsequently melted and the DNA contained therein utilized as cloning inserts. The use of gel electrophoresis has the advantage that the practitioner can purify the desired amplified gene sequence while additionally verifying that the sequence is of the correct size, i.e., represents the entire desired gene sequence.

[0015] The purified, amplified gene sequences are next inserted into an expression vector. A variety of expression vectors are suitable for use in the method of the invention, both for prokaryotic expression and eukaryotic expression. In general, the expression vector will have one or more of the following features: a promoter-enhancer sequence, a selection marker sequence, an origin of replication, an affinity purification tag sequence, an inducible element sequence, an epitope-tag sequence, and the like.

[0016] Promoter-enhancer sequences are DNA sequences to which RNA polymerase binds and initiates transcription. The promoter determines the polarity of the transcript by specifying which strand will be transcribed. Bacterial promoters consist of consensus sequences, −35 and −10 nucleotides relative to the transcriptional start, which are bound by a specific sigma factor and RNA polymerase. Eukaryotic promoters are more complex. Most promoters utilized in expression vectors are transcribed by RNA polymerase II. General transcription factors (GTFs) first bind specific sequences near the start and then recruit the binding of RNA polymerase II. In addition to these minimal promoter elements, small sequence elements are recognized specifically by modular DNA-binding/trans-activating proteins (e.g. AP-1, SP-1) which regulate the activity of a given promoter. Viral promoters serve the same function as bacterial or eukaryotic promoters and either provide a specific RNA polymerase in trans (bacteriophage T7) or recruit cellular factors and RNA polymerase (SV40, RSV, CMV). Viral promoters are preferred as they are generally particularly strong promoters.

[0017] Promoters may be, furthermore, either constitutive or, more preferably, regulatable (i.e., inducible or derepressible). Inducible elements are DNA sequence elements which act in conjunction with promoters and bind either repressors (e.g. lacO/LAC Iq repressor system in E. coli) or inducers (e.g. gal1/GAL4 inducer system in yeast). In either case, transcription is virtually “shut off” until the promoter is derepressed or induced, at which point transcription is “turned-on”.

[0018] Examples of constitutive promoters include the int promoter of bacteriophage λ, the bla promoter of the β-lactamase gene sequence of pBR322, the CAT promoter of the chloramphenicol acetyl transferase gene sequence of pPR325, and the like. Examples of inducible prokaryotic promoters include the major right and left promoters of bacteriophage (PL and PR), the trp, reca, lacZ, LacI, AraC and gal promoters of E. coli, the α-amylase (Ulmanen et al., J. Bacteriol. 162:176-182, 1985) and the sigma-28-specific promoters of B. subtilis (Gilman et al., Gene sequence 32:11-20(1984)), the promoters of the bacteriophages of Bacillus (Gryczan, In: The Molecular Biology of the Bacilli, Academic Press, Inc., NY (1982)), Streptomyces promoters (Ward et al., Mol. Gen. Genet. 203:468-478, 1986), and the like. Exemplary prokaryotic promoters are reviewed by Glick (J. Ind. Microbiol. 1:277-282,1987); Cenatiempo (Biochimie 68:505-516,1986); and Gottesman (Ann. Rev. Genet 18:415-442, 1984).

[0019] Preferred eukaryotic promoters include, for example, the promoter of the mouse metallothionein I gene sequence (Hamer et al., J. Mol. Appl. Gen. 1:273-288, 1982); the TK promoter of Herpes virus (McKnight, Cell 31:355-365, 1982); the SV40 early promoter (Benoist et al., Nature (London) 290:304-310, 1981); the yeast gal1 gene sequence promoter (Johnston et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA) 79:6971-6975, 1982); Silver et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA) 81:5951-5955, 1984), the CMV promoter, the EF-1 promoter, Ecdysone-responsive promoter(s), and the like.

[0020] Selection marker sequences are valuable elements in expression vectors as they provide a means to select for growth only those cells which contain a vector. Such markers are of two types: drug resistance and auxotrophic. A drug resistance marker enables cells to detoxify an exogenously added drug that would otherwise kill the cell. Auxotrophic markers allow cells to synthesize an essential component (usually an amino acid) while grown in media which lacks that essential component.

[0021] Common selectable marker gene sequences include those for resistance to antibiotics such as ampicillin, tetracycline, kanamycin, streptomycin, bleomycin, hygromycin, neomycin, Zeocin™, and the like. Selectable auxotrophic gene sequences include, for example, hisD, which allows growth in histidine free media in the presence of histidinol.

[0022] A preferred selectable marker sequence for use in yeast expression systems is URA3. Laboratory yeast strains carrying mutations in the gene which encodes orotidine-5′-phosphate decarboxylase, an enzyme essential for uracil biosynthesis, are unable to grow in the absence of exogenous uracil. A copy of the wild-type gene (ura4+in S. pombe and URA3 in S. cerevisiae) will complement this defect in trans.

[0023] A further element useful in an expression vector is an origin of replication sequence. Replication origins are unique DNA segments that contain multiple short repeated sequences that are recognized by multimeric origin-binding proteins and which play a key role in assembling DNA replication enzymes at the origin site. Suitable origins of replication for use in expression vectors employed herein include E. coli oriC, 2μ and ARS (both useful in yeast systems), sf1, SV40 (useful in mammalian systems), and the like.

[0024] Additional elements that can be included in expression vectors employed in the invention method are sequences encoding affinity purification tags or epitope tags. Affinity purification tags are generally peptide sequences that can interact with a binding partner immobilized on a solid support. Synthetic DNA sequences encoding multiple consecutive single amino acids, such as histidine, when fused to the expressed protein, may be used for one-step purification of the recombinant protein by high affinity binding to a resin column, such as nickel sepharose. An endopeptidase recognition sequence is often engineered between the polyamino acid tag and the protein of interest to allow subsequent removal of the leader peptide by digestion with a specific protease. Sequences encoding peptides such as the chitin binding domain (which binds to chitin), glutathione-S-transferase (which binds to glutathione), biotin (which binds to avidin or strepavidin), and the like can also be used for facilitating purification of the protein of interest. The affinity purification tag can be separated from the protein of interest by methods well known in the art, including the use of inteins (protein self-splicing elements, Chong, et al, Gene 192:271-281, 1997).

[0025] Epitope tags are short peptide sequences that are recognized by epitope specific antibodies. A fusion protein comprising a recombinant protein and an epitope tag can be simply and easily purified using an antibody bound to a chromatography resin. The presence of the epitope tag furthermore allows the recombinant protein to be detected in subsequent assays, such as Western blots, without having to produce an antibody specific for the recombinant protein itself. Examples of commonly used epitope tags include V5, glutathione-S-transferase (GST), hemaglutinin (HA), the peptide Phe-His-His-Thr-Thr, chitin binding domain, and the like.

[0026] A further useful element in an expression vector is a multiple cloning site or polylinker. Synthetic DNA encoding a series of restriction endonuclease recognition sites is inserted into a plasmid vector downstream of the promoter element. These sites are engineered for convenient cloning of DNA into the vector at a specific position.

[0027] The foregoing elements can be combined to produce expression vectors useful in the practice of the present invention. Suitable prokaryotic vectors include plasmids such as those capable of replication in E. coli (for example, pBR322, Co1E1, pSC101, PACYC 184, itVX, pRSET, pBAD (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, Calif.) and the like). Such plasmids are disclosed by Sambrook (cf. “Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual”, second edition, edited by Sambrook, Fritsch, & Maniatis, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, (1989)). Bacillus plasmids include pC194, pC221, pT127, and the like, and are disclosed by Gryczan (In: The Molecular Biology of the Bacilli, Academic Press, NY (1982), pp. 307-329). Suitable Streptomyces plasmids include plJlOl(Kendall et al, J. Bacteriol. 169:4177-4183,1987), and streptomyces bacteriophages such as φC31 (Chater et al., In. Sixth International Symposium on Actinomycetales Biology, Akademiai Kaido, Budapest, Hungary (1986), pp. 45-54). Pseudomonas plasmids are reviewed by John et al. (Rev. Infect. Dis. 8:693-704, 1986), and Izaki (Jpn. J. Bacteriol. 3:729-742, 1978).

[0028] Suitable eukaryotic plasmids include, for example, BPV, vaccinia, SV40, 2-microns circle, pcDNA3.1, pCDNA3. 1/GS, pYES2/GS, pMT, p IND, pIND(Sp1), pVgRXR (Invitrogen), and the like, or their derivatives. Such plasmids are well known in the art (Botstein et al., Miami Wntr. Symp. 19:265-274, 1982); Broach, In: “The Molecular Biology of the Yeast Saccharomyces: Life Cycle and Inheritance”, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, NY, p. 445-470, 1981; Broach, Cell 28:203-204, 1982; Dilon et al., J. Clin. Hematol. Oncol. 10:39-48, 1980; Maniatis, In: Cell Biology: A Comprehensive Treatise, Vol. 3, Gene Sequence Expression, Academic Press, NY, pp. 563-608, 1980).

[0029] Construction of chimaeric DNA molecules in vitro relies traditionally on two enzymatic steps catalyzed by separate protein components. PCR amplification or site-specific restriction endonucleases are used to generate linear DNAs with defined termnini that can then be joined covalently at their ends via the action of DNA ligase. DNA ligase has limitations, however, in that it is relatively slow acting and temperature sensitive.

[0030] Thus, when inserting the purified, amplified gene sequence into the expression vector the use of an enzyme that can both cleave and religate DNA in a site specific manner is preferred. Any site-specific enzyme of this type is suitable, for example, a type I topoisomerase or a site-specific recombinase. Examples of suitable site-specific recombinases include lambda integrase, FLP recombinase, P1-Cre protein, Kw recombinase, and the like (Pan, et al, J. Biol. Chem. 268:3683-3689, 1993; Nunes-Duby, et al, EMBO J. 13:4421-4430, 1994; Hallet and Sherratt, FEMS Microbio. Revs 21:157-178, 1997; Ringrose, et al, Eur J. Biochem 248:903-912, 1997).

[0031] A particularly suitable enzyme for use in the invention method is a type I topoisomerase, particularly vaccinia DNA topoisomerase. Vaccinia DNA topoisomerase binds to duplex DNA and cleaves the phosphodiester backbone of one strand. The enzyme exhibits a high level of sequence specificity, akin to that of a restriction endonuclease. Cleavage occurs at a consensus pentapyrimidine element 5′-(C/T)CCTT in the scissile strand. In the cleavage reaction, bond energy is conserved via the formation of a covalent adduct between the 3′ phosphate of the incised strand and a tyrosyl residue of the protein. Vaccinia topoisomerase can religate the covalently held strand across the same bond originally cleaved (as occurs during DNA relaxation) or it can religate to a heterologous acceptor DNA and thereby create a recombinant molecule.

[0032] When the substrate is configured such that the scissile bond is situated near (within 10 basepairs of) the 3′ end of a DNA duplex, cleavage is accompanied by the spontaneous dissociation of the downstream portion of the cleaved strand. The resulting topoisomerase-DNA complex, containing a 5′ single-stranded tail, can religate to an acceptor DNA if the acceptor molecule has a 5′ OH tail complementary to that of the activated donor complex.

[0033] In accordance with the present invention, this reaction has been optimized for joining PCR-amplified DNA fragments into plasmid vectors (See FIG. 1). PCR fragments are naturally good surrogate substrates for the topoisomerase I religation step because they generally have 5′ hydroxyl residues from the primers used for the amplification reaction. The 5′ hydroxyl is the substrate for the religation reactions. The use of vaccinia topoisomerase type I for cloning is described in detail in copending U.S. patent application Ser. No. 08/358,344, filed Dec. 19, 1994, incorporated by reference herein in its entirety.

[0034] The gene sequence being inserted into the expression vector can insert in either the sense or antisense direction. Therefore, the invention method provides for verification of both the size and orientation of the insert to insure that the gene sequence will express the desired protein. Preferably, the insert plus vector is utilized in a standard bacterial transformation reaction and the contents of the transformation plated onto selective growth media. Bacterial transformation and growth selection procedures are well known in the art and described in detail in, for example, Ausubel, et al, Short Protocols in Molecular Biology, 3rd ed. 1995.

[0035] Individual bacterial colonies are picked and grown in individual wells of a multiwell microtiter plate containing selective growth media. An aliquot of these cells is used directly in a diagnostic PCR reaction. Primers for this reaction are designed such that only plasmids with correctly oriented inserts give amplification product. The amplified DNA is separated and visualized by SDS-PAGE gel electrophoresis using standard protocols (see Ausubel, et al, Short Protocols in Molecular Biology, 3rd ed. 1995).

[0036] Performing the PCR reaction directly from the cultured cell lysates, rather than first preparing DNA from the bacteria, is a particular advantage of the invention method as it significantly reduces both the time needed to generate the required data and the cost of doing so.

[0037] Once plasmids containing the gene sequence insert in the correct orientation have been identified, plasmid DNA is prepared for use in the transformation of host cells for expression. Methods of preparing plasmid DNA and transformation of cells are well known to those skilled in the art. Such methods are described, for example, in Ausubel, et al, supra.

[0038] Prokaryotic hosts are, generally very efficient and convenient for the production of recombinant proteins and are, therefore, one type of preferred expression system. Prokaryotes most frequently are represented by various strains of E. coli. However, other organisms may also be used, including other bacterial strains.

[0039] Recognized prokaryotic hosts include bacteria such as E. coli and those from genera such as Bacillus, Streptomyces, Pseudomonas, Salmonella, Serratia, and the like. However, under such conditions, the polypeptide will not be glycosylated. The prokaryotic host selected for use herein must be compatible with the replicon and control sequences in the expression plasmid.

[0040] Suitable hosts may often include eukaryotic cells. Preferred eukaryotic hosts include, for example, yeast, fungi, insect cells, and mammalian cells either in vivo, or in tissue culture. Mammalian cells which may be useful as hosts include HeLa cells, cells of fibroblast origin such as VERO, 3T3 or CHOK1, HEK 293 cells or cells of lymphoid origin (such as 32D cells) and their derivatives. Preferred mammalian host cells include nonadherent cells such as CHO, 32D, and the like. Preferred yeast host cells include S. pombe, Pichia pastoris, S. cerevisiae (such as INVSc1), and the like.

[0041] In addition, plant cells are also available as hosts, and control sequences compatible with plant cells are available, such as the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S and 19S, nopaline synthase promoter and polyadenylation signal sequences, and the like. Another preferred host is an insect cell, for example the Drosophila larvae. Using insect cells as hosts, the Drosophila alcohol dehydrogenase or MT promoter can be used. Rubin, Science 240:1453-1459, 1988). Alternatively, baculovirus vectors can be engineered to express large amounts of peptide encoded by a desire gene sequence in insects cells (Jasny, Science 238:1653, 1987); Miller et al., In: Genetic Engineering (1986), Setlow, J. K., et al., eds., Plenum, Vol 8, pp. 277-297).

[0042] In a farther embodiment of the invention, there are provided libraries of expressible gene sequences produced by the methods of the invention. As shown in more detail in the Examples presented below, such libraries comprise gene sequences from a variety of sources such as yeast, mammals (including humans), and the like. The present invention also features the purified, isolated or enriched versions of the expressed gene products produced by the methods described above.

[0043] Kits comprising one or more containers or vials containing components for using the libraries of the present invention are also within the scope of the invention. Kits can comprise any one or more of the following elements: one or more expressible gene sequences, cells which are or can be transfected with said gene sequences, and antibodies recognizing the expressed gene product or an epitope tag associated therewith. Cells suitable for inclusion in such a kit include bacteria cells, yeast cells (such as INVSc1), insect cells or mammalian cells (such as CHO).

[0044] In one embodiment, such a kit can comprises a detergent solution, preferably the Trax® lysing reagent (6% NP-40 and 9% Triton X-100 in 1X PBS). Also included in the kit can be one or more binding partners, e.g., an antibody or antibodies, preferably a pair of antibodies to the same expressed gene product, which preferably do not compete for the same binding site on the expressed gene product.

[0045] In another embodiment, a kit can comprise more than one pair of such antibodies or other binding partners, each pair directed against a different target molecule, thus allowing the detection or measurement of a plurality of such target molecules in a sample. In a specific embodiment, one binding partner of the kit may be pre-adsorbed to a solid phase matrix, or alternatively, the binding partner and matrix are supplied separately and the attachment is performed as part of the assay procedure. The kit preferably contains the other necessary washing reagents well-known in the art. For EIA, the kit contains the chromogenic substrate as well as a reagent for stopping the enzymatic reaction when color development has occurred. The substrate included in the kit is one appropriate for the enzyme conjugated to one of the antibody preparations. These are well-known in the art, and some are exemplified below. The kit can optionally also comprise a target molecule standard; i.e., an amount of purified target molecule that is the target molecule being detected or measured.

[0046] In a specific embodiment, a kit of the invention comprises in one or more containers: (1) a solid phase carrier, such as a microtiter plate coated with a first binding partner; (2) a detectably labeled second binding partner which binds to the same expressed gene product as the first binding partner; (3) a standard sample of the expressed gene product recognized by the first and second binding partners; (4) concentrated detergent solution; and (5) optionally, diluent.

[0047] The invention will now be described in greater detail by reference to the following non-limiting examples.


High-throughput Expression of Yeast ORFs

[0048] The following example illustrates the creation of a library of expressible yeast gene sequences.

[0049] Amplification -

[0050] 6,032 yeast ORFs and a corresponding gene-specific primer of the 3′ end of each were obtained from Research Genetics (Huntsville, Ala.) in a 96-well microtiter plate format at a concentration of 0.3 ng/μl Each gene specific primer was designed to exclude the gene's stop codon. Since the templates each contain a common sequence immediately 5′ of the start ATG (5′-GCAGTCCTGGAATTCCAGCTGACCACC) (SEQ ID NO:1), it was possible to amplify each template with a common 5′ primer.

[0051] 5 μl of ORF template was added to a fresh 96-well microtiter plate (polycarbonate Thermowell Thinwall, Model M. Cat # 6511) using a 12 channel pipetter. 6 μl of specific 3′ primer solution (2 μM) was added and the total volume per well brought to 30 μl with PCR cocktail, immediately after which the plate was placed on ice. (PCR cocktail for 120 reactions- 720 μl 5X Buffer J, 48 μl dNTPs (50 mM stock), 12 μl common 5′ primer (1 μg/μl stock), 48 μl Taq DNA polymerase (Boeringer-Mannheim or Promega, 5 units/μl), 1.92 μl Pfu DNA polymerase (Stratgene, cat. # 600153-81, 2.5 units/μl) and 1464 μl distilled water. 5X Buffer J: 300 mM Tris (pH 9.5), 75 mM ammonium sulfate, 10 mM MgCl2). The rubber Hybaid Micromat lid was washed by soaking in 0.1 M HCl, the rinsed for 2 minutes with distilled water and dried completely before applying to the 96-well plate.

[0052] The PCR reaction was performed using a Hybaid, Ltd. (Middlesex, UK) thermo-cycler according to the manufacturer's instructions. The conditions used were as follows: pre-melt step: 94° C.×4 min; melt step: 94° C.×30 sec, anneal step: 58° C.×45 sec, extend step: 72° C.×3 min—repeated for 25 cycles; final extension: 72° C.×4 min; final block temperature set to room temp (approx. 22° C.). The plates were stored at 40° C.

[0053] Purification -

[0054] The plates were spun briefly at 1000 rpm, then 10 μl of 6X gel loading dye was added to each well (6X gel loading dye: 6 mM Tris (pH 8), 6 mM EDTA, 0.03% Bromphenol Blue, 30% glycerol). The entire contents of each well were loaded onto a 1% low melt agarose (Invitrogen # 46-0150) gel (plus ethidium bromide at 20 μl of a 10 mg/ml solution added to 400 mls of agarose) in 1X TAE (50X TAE=242 g Tris base, 57.1 ml glacial acetic acid, 100 ml 0.5 M EDTA, pH 8.0 per liter (water)) and run at 110-120 volts for 1.25 to 1.5 hours. A UV light box was used to visualize the amplification products and ensure that only correct-sized PCR products are used in the insertion step.

[0055] Insertion into expression vector(s) -

[0056] The portion of each lane containing the amplified gene sequence was cut from the gel and transferred to a well in a 96-well microtiter plate, melted on a heat block (75° C.), and a portion of the melt multi-channel pipetted into a 96-well microtiter plate (7 μl/well) containing one of two expression vectors: TOPO-adapted pcDNA3.1/GS or pYES2/GS (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, Calif.) previously digested with HindIII. The plate was covered with parafilm and incubated at 37° C. for 7 minutes. Top 10 Chemically Competent Cells (Invitrogen) were added to each well (45 μl/well, O.D.=4.7), whereupon the plate was re-covered and incubated on ice for 5 minutes. The cells were then heat shocked on a 42° C. block for 1 minute and returned to ice for 1 minute. An aliquot of SOC medium was added to each well (150 μl, 20 g tryptone, 5 g yeast extract, 0.5 g NaCl, 250 mM KCl, 20 ml 1M glucose/liter), and the plate was incubated at 37° C. for 90 to 120 minutes.

[0057] The contents of each well were plated onto a LB(10 g tryptone, 5 g yeast extract, 10 g NaCl per liter)1.5% agar petrie plate containing the appropriate selection marker (ampicillin (50 μg/ml) for pYES2/GS and Zeocin™ (25 μg/ml) for pcDNA3.1/GS). The petrie plates were grown overnight at 37° C.

[0058] Verification of size and orientation -

[0059] Contamination is a potentially serious problem in this step. Care should be taken to guard against contaminating the process through airborne contamination, unsterile reagents or equipment, or well-to-well contamination.

[0060] Eight colonies were picked from each petrie plate and placed in eight individual wells of a 96-well microtiter plate. Each well contained 100 μl of 2X LB plus 100 μg/ml ampicillin or 50 μg/ml Zeocin™ as appropriate for the expression vector used. The plates were incubated overnight at 37° C.

[0061] The plates were spun briefly at 1000 rpm. The cells were stirred by pipetting up and down in a pipetter, then 2 μl from each well was transferred to a corresponding well in a PCR reaction plate containing 28 μl/well PCR cocktail (PCR cocktail for 840 reactions—5040 μl 5X Buffer J, 336 μl dNTPs (50 mM stock), 84 μl common 5′ primer (1 μg/μl stock, Dalton Chemical Lab. Inc, Ont. CAN), 84 μl 3′ H6stopprevu primer (1 μg/μl, Dalton Chemical Lab. Inc, Ont. CAN), 336 μl Taq DNA polymerase (Boeringer-Mannheim or Promega, 5 units/μl), and 17.64 mls distilled water. H6stopprevu primer has the sequence 5′ AAA CTC AAT GGT GAT GGT GAT GAT GACC-3′) (SEQ ID NO:2).

[0062] The PCR reaction was run essentially as described above with the following cycle: pre-melt step: 94° C.×10 min; melt step: 94° C.×1 min, anneal step: 67° C.×1 min, extend step: 72° C.×3 min—35 cycles; final extension: 72° C.×4 min; final block temp set to room temp (approximately 22° C.). The plates were spun briefly at 100 rpm and 6 μl of 6X gel loading dye added to each well. Samples were run on a 1% agarose gel which was subsequently stained with ethidium bromide. Only plasmids with correctly oriented inserts give an amplification product in this step.

[0063] The location of the positive clones was entered into a database and a spreadsheet of positive clones generated. The spreadsheet was downloaded onto a Qiagen BioRobot 9600™ to direct the re-racking of the positive cultures into deep-well culture blocks. Essentially, a single positive culture for each clone was grown and used to prepare plasmid DNA according to the Quia-Prep Turbo protocol.

[0064] CHO cells were transfected with the prepared plasmid DNA using the Pfx-6 PerFect Lipid system (Invitrogen, Cat #T930-16). Yeast cells (INVSc1) were transfected using the S.C. EasyComp Transformation kit (Invitrogen, Cat #K5050-01). Expression was verified by Western blot using anti-V5 antibody to detect the epitope tag. A total of 558 clones expressing a correct protein were obtained after a single pass.


High-throughput Expression of Human Gene Sequences

[0065] The following example illustrates the construction of a library of expressible human gene sequences using the method of the invention. Primers were constructed based on sequences of human genes available from GenBank.

[0066] Fetal human heart tissue was obtained from the International Institute for the Advancement of Medicine (IIAM). Poly A+nRNA was isolated using the FastTrack™ 2.0 Kit (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, Calif.) according to the manufacturer's instructions. The mRNA was converted to first-strand cDNA using a cDNA Cycle® Kit (Invitrogen) using the oligo dT primer provided and the protocols suggested. A single cDNA synthesis reaction was split into 12 separate wells of a 96-well PCR amplification plate, and PCR amplifications were performed using specific primer sets, essentially as described above, with the exception that the ratio of Taq to Pfu was 50:1 in the initial amplification (final conc. 2 U Taq:0.04 U Pfu/well).

[0067] Primers were synthesized using a Primerstation 960 (Intelligent Automation Systems, Inc.) used according to the manufacturer's instructions and were designed from sequences downloaded from Unigene and sent directly to the synthesizer. Approximately 15 nMoles of each primer, having an average length of 25 basepairs, was synthesized in a 96-well format. After synthesis, the primers were cleaved from the supports, deprotected and dried in the same 96-well format (see manufacturer's instructions).

[0068] The amplified gene sequences were purified and inserted into the pcDNA3.1/GS expression vector essentially as described above. The expression vectors containing sequences verified to be in the correct orientation were transfected into CHO cells in 96-well deep-well blocks using the Pfx-6 PerFect Lipid system (Invitrogen, Cat #T930-16) Cell lysates were made 48 hours after transfection, and the lysates were separated by SDS-PAGE and analyzed by Western blot according to standard protocols using an anti-V5 epitope tag Mab/horseradish peroxidase conjugate Table 1 lists the human proteins successfully expressed using this methodology. A total of 66 clones expressing a correct protein, out of 118, were obtained after a single pass.
1TABLE 1Human ORFsPredictedActualPlate NumberAccession NumberDescriptionSizeSizeM235 C7H-A06977albumin67.167.0 kDaE1H-AB002391Human mRNA for KIAA039368.0968gene, complete cdsH3H-AB006969Homo sapiens hGAA1 mRNA,68.4270complete cdsE2H-AB007875Homo sapiens KIAA0415 mRNA,51.4851complete cdsD1H-AB007887Homo sapiens KIAA0427 mRNA,66.5570complete cdsM421 D6H-AB010710Homo sapiens mRNA for lectin-30.1445.0 kDalike oxidized LDL receptor,complete cdsG3H-AD001528Homo sapiens spermidine40.3740aminopropyltransferase mRNA,complete cdsB5H-AE000659Homo sapiens T-cell receptor12.3916alpha delta locus from bases250472 to 501670 (section 2 of 5)of the CE2H-AF004022Homo sapiens protein kinase38.2844mRNA, complete cdsM428 C1H-AF004231Homo sapiens65.7870.0 KDamonocyte/macrophage Ig-relatedreceptor MIR-10 (MIR cl-10)mRNA, complete cdsA5H-AF004327Homo sapiens angiopoietin-254.6760mRNA, complete cdsC1H-AF006501Homo sapiens chromosome 2214.0824cosmid clone c1155, RNApolymcrase II subunit 14.4 kDa(POLRF) gene, complete cdsH4H-AF008936Homo sapiens syntaxin-16B35.7547mRNA, complete cdsH5H-AF009243Homo sapiens proline-rich Gla22.3336protein 2 (PRGP2) mRNA,complete cdsM462 D6H-AF013249Homo sapiens leukocyte-31.6840.0 kDaassociated Ig-like receptor-1(LAIR-1) mRNA, complete cdsA1H-AF013512untitled53.0253A3H-AF013970Homo sapiens MTG8-like protein66.5570(MTGRI) mRNA, complete cdsM467 A7H-AF014807Homo sapiens23.5429.0 kDaphosphatidylinositol synthase(PIS) mRNA, complete cdsD2H-AF015257Homo sapiens flow-induced41.3640endothelial G protein-coupledreceptor (FEG-1) mRNA,complete cdsM422 B5H-AF017307Homo sapiens Ets-related40.9249.0 kDatranscription factor (ERT) mRNA,complete cdsA6H-AF017656Homo sapiens G protein beta 538.9448subunit mRNA, complete cdsE1H-AF017995Homo sapiens 3-phosphoinositide61.2752dependent protein kinase-I(PDKI) mRNA, complete cdsG1H-AF019612Homo sapiens S2P mRNA,57.257complete cdsD3H-AF020591Homo sapiens zinc finger protein78.7674mRNA, complete cdsA7H-AF022385Homo sapiens apoptosis-related23.4333protein TFAR15 (TFAR15)mRNA, complete cdsH6H-AF024714Homo sapiens interferon-37.8448inducible protein (AIM2) mRNA,complete cdsB1H-AF025527Homo sapiens leucocyte48.447immunoglobulin-like receptor-4(LIR-4) mRNA, complete cdsM424 B4H-AF025532Homo sapiens leucocyte49.3959.0 kDaimmunoglobulin-like receptor-5(LIR-5) mRNA, complete cdsH5H-AF026071Homo sapiens soluble death30.5850receptor 3 beta (DR3) mRNA,complete cdsM428 A1H-AF026273Homo sapiens interleukin-165.0168.0 kDareceptor-associated kinase-2mRNA, complete cdsB6H-AF026293Homo sapiens chaperonin58.9658containing t-complex polypeptide1, beta subunit (Cctb) mRNA,complete cdsB5H-AF026548Homo sapiens branched chain45.4350alpha-ketoacid dehydrogenasekinase precursor, mRNA, nucleargene encoding mitochondrialprotein, complete cdsB2H-AF027204Homo sapiens putative tetraspan21.7827transmembrane protein L6H(TM4SF5) mRNA, complete cdsM426 D3H-AF028008Homo sapiens SP1-like zinc56.4364.0 kDafinger transcription factor SLPmRNA, complete cdsB1H-AF029232Homo sapiens calpamodulin70.6270(CalpM) mRNA, complete cdsM422 A7H-AF029761Homo sapiens decoy receptor 242.5750.0 kDamRNA, complete cdsM477 F3H-AF029893Homo sapiens i-beta-1,3-N-45.7650.0 kDaacetylglucosaminyltransferasemRNA, complete cdsC5H-AF032437Homo sapiens mitogen activated51.9250protein kinase activated proteinkinase gene, complete cdsM416 F3H-AF035824Homo sapiens vesicle soluble25.6336.0 kDaNSF attachment protein receptor(VT11) mRNA, complete cdsF3H-AF037335Homo sapiens carbonic anhydrase39.0539precursor (CA 12) mRNA,complete cdsG1H-AF039019Homo sapiens zinc finger DNA87.4587binding protein 89 kDa (ZBP-89)mRNA, complete cdsG1H-AF039136Homo sapiens Fas binding protein81.5198(hDaxx) mRNA, complete cdsA7H-AF040705Homo sapiens putative tumor31.5741suppressor protein unspliced form(Fus-2) mRNA, complete cdsM469 F1H-AF040958Homo sapiens lysosomal45.7646.0 kDaneuraminidase precursor, mRNA,complete cdsG2H-AF043472Homo sapiens Shab-related54.1264delayed-rectifier K+ channelalpha subunit (Kv9.3) mRNA,complete cdsE2H-AJ001340Homo sapiens mRNA for U352.3660snoRNP associated 55 kDaproteinG1H-D00096Transtyretin (prealbumin)16.2820C4H-D00408Cytochrome P450 IIIA7 (P450-55.4464HFLa)M302 E7H-D00682cofilin18.3730M383 G2H-D00726ferrochelatase46.6450.0 kDaM383 C3H-D00760proteasome, subunit HC325.8534.0 kDaM305 B4H-D00761proteasome, subunit HC526.6233M266 F7H-D00763proteasome, subunit HC928.8233E2H-D00860Phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate35.0947synthetase subunit I215-13H-D10522human mRNA for 80K-L protein3536.59M423 F5H-D11086Interleukin 2 receptor gamma40.745.0 kDachainM248 D2H-D11094positive modulator of HIV tat-47.7440.0 kDamediated transactivationG3H-D11428Peripheral myelin protein 2217.7117M424 D3H-D13168Human gene for endothelin-B48.7348.0 kDareceptor (hET-BR)M271 B8H-D13315glyoxalase 1,20.3534.0 kDaLACTOYLGLUTATHIONELYASE. CATALYZES THECONVERSION OFHEMIMERCAPTAL, FORMEDFROM METHYLGLYOXALAND GLUTATHIONE, TO S-LACTOYLGLUTATHIONE.M306 F1H-D13627hypothetical protein60.3990(GB: D13627)M248 D1H-D13630hypothetical protein46.249(GB: D13630), Human mRNA forKIAA0005 gene, complete cdsM270 D5H-D13634hypothetical protein34.6542.0 kDa(GB: D13634)M250 D2H-D13642hypothetical protein4448.0 kDa(GB: D13642), Human mRNA forKIAA0017 gene, complete cdsM250 E6H-D13748translation initiation factor 4A44.7749.0 kDaM305 C3H-D13892carboxyl methyltransferase,25.1934aspartateD1H-D13900enoyl-Coenzyme A hydratase,32.0158short chain, mitochondrialE1H-D14446Human HFREP-1 mRNA for34.4340unknown protein, complete cds167-14H-D14497H. sapiens (Ewing's sarcoma cell51.4464line) mRNA encoding openreading frameM266 D2H-D14520basic transcription element-24.233.0 kDabinding protein 2M318 D2H-D14658hypothetical protein13.6417(GB: D14658)D2H-D14661Human mRNA for KIAA010516.7228gene, complete cdsM236 E2H-D14662HYPOTHETICAL 29.5 KD24.7536.0 kDaPROTEIN IN UBPI3-KIPIINTERGENIC REGION[Saccharomyces cerevisiae]M271 G6H-D14695hypothetical protein43.1250.0 kDa(GB: D14695), Human mRNA forKIAA0025 gene, complete cds.M311 A3H-D14696hypothetical protein25.7430.0 kDa(GB: D14696)H3H-D14697Farnesyl diphosphate synthase46.255(farnesyl pyrophosphatesynthetase,dimethylallyltranstransferase,geranyltranstransferase)M271 E7H-D14705catenin, alpha 2(E). Catenin99.77110(cadherin-associated protein),alpha 1 (102 kD). ASSOCIATESWITH THE CYTOPLASMICDOMAIN OF A VARIETY OFCADHERINS.M236 A6H-D14811hypothetical protein30.2542(GB: D14811)M250 A3H-D14812hypothetical protein(GB: D14812), Human mRNA forKIAA0026 gene, complete cdsA5H-D14874Human mRNA for20.4633adrenomedullin, complete cdsF3H-D14887Human mRNA for TFIIA-42,41.4750complete cdsM250 H6H-D16234phospholipase C, alpha,55.6656.0 kDaPROBABLE PROTEINDISULFIDE ISOMERASE ER-60 PRECURSOR [Homo sapiens]M305 B1H-D16480enoyl-CoA hydratase/3-84.0484hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenasetrifunctional protein, alpha-subunit, mitochobdrialM271 G2H-D164813-ketoacyl-CoA thiolase, betasubunit, mitochodrial,Hydroxyacyl-Coenzyme Adehydrogenase/3-ketoacyl-Coenzyme Athiolase/enoyl-Coenzyme A hydratase(trifunctional protein), betasubunitH1H-D16626Histidine ammonia-lyase72.3864A2H-D17532Human mRNA for RCK,52.0353complete cdsM266 F4H-D17554DNA-binding protein TAX31.7938M248 A3H-D21235xeroderma pigmentosum group C40.0455repair complementing proteinHHR23AM235 E1H-D21261SM22-ALPHA HOMOLOG,2231hypothetical protein(GB: D21261)M311 E1H-D21262hypothetical protein77.95063(GB: D21262)M466 B4H-D21853Human mRNA for KIAA011145.3249.0 kDagene, complete cdsM311 H3H-D23660ribosomal protein L447.0847M419 E1H-D26309human mRNA for LIMK (LIM71.24075.0 kDakinase)M271 B9H-D26362hypothetical protein79.9770(GB: D26362), Human mRNA forKIAA0043 gene, complete cdsM361 H2H-D26598proteasome, subunit HsC10-II22.6633.0 kDaM302 G4H-D26599proteasome, subunit HsC7-I22.2234G1H-D26600Human mRNA for proteasome29.1536subunit HsN3, complete cdsG9H-D28540hypothetical protein, CDC1044.7760homologM266 A5H-D29011proteasome, subunit X22.9923M236 F3H-D29012Proteasome (prosome, macropain)26.432.0 kDadelta subunit, beta type, 6C1H-D30037Human mRNA for29.9238phosphatidylinositol transferprotein (PI-TPbeta), complete cdsM250 H4H-D30655translation initiation factor 4AII,44.8845.0 kDaand ribosomal binding protein167-26H-D30742human mRNA for calmodulin-52.1055dependent protein kinase IVM236 A4H-D31767hypothetical protein18.5930(GB: D31767), Human mRNA forKIAA0058 gene, complete cdsE1H-D31883Human mRNA for KIAA005950.9364gene, complete cdsG2H-D32129MHC class 1 protein HLA-A40.2650M422 A6H-D37965Human mRNA for PDGF receptor41.3645.0 kDabeta-like tumor suppressor(PRLTS), complete cdsM305 H4H-D3804726S proteasome regulatory28.34034.0 kDasubunit P31M423 B2H-D38081Thromboxane A2 receptor37.8445.0 kDaM317 D3H-D38305ErbB-2 transducer38.0649M270 A8H-D38583calgizzarin, Human mRNA for11.6612calgizzarin, complete cdsM270 A6H-D42038hypothetical protein15.2927(GB: D42038), Human mRNA forKIAA0087 gene, complete cdsM318 F3H-D42085hypothetical protein90.2100(GB: D42085)M311 C2H-D43642YL-1 protein homolog40.1536E1H-D45213Human mRNA for zinc finger12.8720protein, complete cdsM236 B2H-D45248proteasome activator hPA28,26.438subunit beta, may be celladhesion proteinH3H-D45887Human mRNA for calmodulin,16.520complete cds166-3H-D45906human mRNA for LIMK-27070.25A7H-D49357Human mRNA for S-43.5651adenosylmethionine synthetase,complete cdsC5H-D49489Human mRNA for protein48.5154disulfide isomerase-relatedprotein P5, complete cdsM482 E2H-D49958Human fetus brain mRNA for30.6932.0 kDamembrane glycoprotein M6,complete cdsM305 G5H-D50063proteasome, subunit p4035.7539M250 B6H-D50310cyclin 1, Human mRNA for cyclin41.58471, complete cdsE3H-D50419Homo sapiens mRNA for OTK18,78.3264complete cdsM298 B1H-D50495transcription elongation factor h-3333.0 kDaSII-T1 (GB: D50495)M302 A3H-D50840ceramide glucosyltransferase43.4544167-40H-D50863human mRNA for TESK168.9370166-28H-D50927human myeloblast mRNA for60.4664KIAA0137 geneD1H-D63521Homo sapiens mRNA for LECT216.7216precursor, complete cdsM302 A5H-D78134glycine-rich binding protein CIRP19.0330.0 kDaM313 E5H-D78275proteasome subunit p4242.948.0 kDaB3H-D79205Human mRNA for ribosomal5.7210protein L39, complete cdsA4H-D79206Human gene for ryudocan core21.8933protein, exon1-5, complete cdsA1H-D80008Human mRNA for KIAA018621.6732gene, complete cdsM298 H4H-D83004ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E216.8332.0 kDasimilar to Drosophila bendlessgene productC3H-D83702Human brain mRNA for64.5764photolyase homolog, completecdsM306 A1H-D83735neutral calponin34.134.0 kDaH2H-D86322Homo sapiens mRNA for67.2164calmegin, complete cdsB1H-D86979Human mRNA for KIAA022682.2282gene, complete cds169-16H-D87116dual specificity mitogen-activated38.2442protein kinase kinase 3166-27H-D87119human cancellous bone osteoblast37.8040mRNA for GS3955E2H-D88308Homo sapiens mRNA for very-68.3164long-chain acyl-CoA synthetase,complete cds166-26H-D89077human mRNA for Src-like30.4338adapter proteinM440 H2H-D89479Homo sapiens mRNA for STIB2,32.6738.0 kDacomplete cdsH1H-D90086Human pyruvate dehydrogenase39.635(EC beta subunit gene,exons 1-10M362 F1H-D90209DNA-binding protein38.7248.0 kDaTAXREB67M316 B2H-J00068actin, alpha 1, skeletal muscle41.5850M250 B2H-J00194major histocompatibility complex,28.0536.0 kDaMHC class II, DR alphaG2H-J00212Interferon, alpha 2120.930G1H-J00287Human pepsinogen gene42.7948M298 C2H-J02611apolipoprotein D20.931.0 kDaM266 C4H-J02683ADP/ATP carrier protein32.8936M383 H2H-J02685plasminogen activator inhibitor,45.7650.0 kDaplacenta167-3H-J02853“casein kinase II, alpha chain”43.0850E3H-J02854Human 20-kDa myosin light19.0331chain (MLC-2) mRNA, completecdsM248 F3H-J02874fatty-acid-binding protein 4,14.6317adipocyte, LIPID TRANSPORTPROTEIN IN ADIPOCYTESM235 D5H-J02939antigen 4F2, heavy chain58.358C3H-J02943Corticosteroid binding globulin44.6650M248 F2H-J02966adenine nucleotide translocator 132.7833(skeletal muscle) [ANT1],CATALYZES THE EXCHANGEOF ADP AND ATP ACROSSTHE MITOCHONDRIALINNER MEMBRANE.E1H-J02982Glycophorin B10.1220167-91H-J03075“protein kinase c substrate, 80 kD58.0498protein heavy chain”M266 A3H-J03191profilin 115.5117.0 kDaM248 H4H-J03231glucose-6-phosphate56.7651dehydrogenase [G6PD]M266 F2H-J03459LEUKOTRIENE A-467.3264HYDROLASE [Homo sapiens]A2H-J03460Prolactin-induced protein16.1726M271 E5H-J03799laminin receptor 1, Laminin32.56receptor (2H5 epitope). 40SRIBOSOMAL PROTEIN SA[Homo sapiens].M440 A4H-J03890Human pulmonary surfactant21.7830.0 kDaprotein C (SP-C) and pulmonarysurfactant protein C1 (SP-C1)genes, complete cdsM271 D8H-J03934NAD(P)H menadione30.2538oxidoreductase 1, dioxin-inducible. INVOLVED INDETOXICATION PATHWAYS.M271 A8H-J04031trifunctional enzyme102.96117.0 kDa (GB: J04031). C-1-TETRAHYDROFOLATESYNTHASE, CYTOPLASMIC[Homo sapiens]M305 F6H-J04046calmodulin 3 [CALM3]16.520M305 G7H-J04071cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-27.2838associated serine esterase 1(cathepsin G-like 1, granzyme B)[CTLA1]M311 D2H-J04183lysosomal-associated membrane44.9947protein 2M300 F4H-J04205Sjogren syndrome antigen B44.9951.0 kDaM416 G8H-J04430Acid phosphatase 5, tartrate35.6445.0 kDaresistantB1H-J04501Glycogen synthase 1 (muscle)81.1881M313 B5H-J04543synexin51.3751B1H-J04605Peptidase D54.3455M250 C6H-J04615small nuclear ribonucleoprotein26.5134.0 kDaSM-D, ROLE IN THE PRE-mRNA SPLICING OR INSNRNPSTRUCTURE.M248 E2H-J04964steroid sulfatase (microsomal)64.2460.0 kDa[STS]M250 A7H-J05249replication protein A, 32 kDa29.8136.0 kDasubunit, REQUIRED FOR SV40 DNA REPLICATION INVITRO, RP-A IS SINGLE-STRANDED DNA-BINDINGPROTEIN.F1H-J05272IMP (inosine monophosphate)56.6551dehydrogenase 1169-15H-J05401“creatine kinase, sarcomeric5046.16mitochondrial precursor”M266 E4H-J05448RNA polymerase II, subunit B3330.3635.0 kDaM305 C2H-K00558tubulin, alpha k1 [TUBA*]49.7252.0 kDaM416 H7H-K01571Human T-cell receptor active34.4336.0 kDabeta-chain, mRNA from cell lineMOLT-3, complete cdsM311 E4H-K01763haptoglobin38.2847.0 kDaG5H-K02100Human omithine39.0547transcarbamylase (OTC) mRNA,complete coding sequenceM302 D5H-K02574purine nucleoside phosphorylase31.936.0 kDa169-39H-K02581“thymidine kinase, cytosolic”3425.81M248 E4H-K03020phenylalanine hydroxylase [PAH]49.8350M556 B3H-K03191Cytochrome P450, subfamily 156.4353.0 kDa(aromatic compound-inducible),polypeptide 1H2H-L00190Antithrombin III51.1555169-62H-L01087“protein kinase c, theta type”8077.7M318 C2H-L01124ribosomal protein S1316.7228M313 F1H-L02321glutathione S-transferase M524.0928M305 E5H-L02426protease 26S, regulatory subunit 448.5153M302 D4H-L02547cleavage stimulation factor, 50 kDa47.5250.0 kDasubunitM266 H7H-L02648transcobalamin II47.0848.0 kDaE2H-L02932Human peroxisome proliferator51.5959activated receptor mRNA,complete cdsM270 A1H-L03380gonadotropin-releasing hormone36.1936receptor [GRHR]. THISRECEPTOR MEDIATES ITSACTION BY ASSOCIATIONWITH G PROTEINSM270 H1H-L03411RD protein [RDBP], Radin blood41.9159.0 kDagroupD3H-L03426Human XE7 mRNA, complete42.4645alternate coding regionsB1H-L03785Myosin, light polypeptide 5,19.1432regulatoryA7H-L04483ribosomal protein S219.2434M416 B2H-L05147Human dual specificity20.4630.0 kDaphosphatase tyrosine/serinemRNA, complete cds215-38H-L05624dual specificity mitogen-activated5043.30protein kinase kinase 1M271 D4H-L06132anion channel, voltage-gated,31.2437isoform 1. FORMS A CHANNELTHROUGH THE CELLMEMBRANE, THAT ALLOWSDIFFUSION FROM SMALLHYDROPHYLIC MOLECULES.169-27H-L06139tyrosine-protein kinase receptor125123.7TIE-2 precursorH1H-L06147Human (clone SY11) golgin-9568.3168mRNA, complete cdsM250 A1H-L06419procollagen-lysine, 2-oxoglutarate80.0880.0 kDa5-dioxygenase (lysinehydroxylase) [PLOD]M236 F6H-L06498ribosomal protein S2013.223.0 kDaM318 D1H-L06499ribosomal protein L37a10.2327M270 D1H-L07414CD40 antigen ligand [CD40LG],28.8236NVOLVED INIMMUNOGLOBULIN CLASSSWITCHING.M298 A6H-L07548aminoacylase 144.9952.0 kDaM424 C3H-L07592Human peroxisome proliferator48.6248.0 kDaactivated receptor mRNA,complete cdsM298 G6H-L07633proteasome (prosome, macropain)27.533.0 kDaactivator subunit 1 (PA28 alpha)[PSME1]M318 B1H-L08096CD70 antigen (CD27 ligand)21.3428[CD70]D2H-L08187cytokine receptor EBI325.342M313 F4H-L08850amyloid, non-A beta component,15.5131.0 kDaAlzheimer's diseaseM426 E1H-L08895MADS box transcription enhancer52.1460.0 kDafactor 2, polypeptide C (myocyteenhancer factor 2C)M266 A8H-L09235ATPase, vacuolar67.9864.0 kDaM266 D1H-L09604differentiation-dependent16.8317.0 kDaintestinal membrane A4 protein(Homo sapiens)M317 C1H-L10338sodium channel, voltage-gated,24.0924type I, beta polypeptide [SCN1B]M317 E1H-L10717tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK68.27068.0 kDaM300 B5H-L10820formyl peptide receptor 1 [FPR1]38.6137M312 A4H-L10838pre-mRNA splicing factor SRp2018.1531.0 kDaM300 A5H-L10918chemokine (C-C) receptor 139.1630[CMKBR1]M311 F2H-L11245complement component 4-binding27.8330protein, betaM266 B7H-L11353neurofibromatosis 2 (bilateral65.5663.0 kDaacoustic neuroma) [NF2]M311 B3H-L11667cyclophilin 4040.8150.0 kDa215-49H-L11695serine/threonine-protein kinase6455.40receptor R4 precursorM466 C2H-L11931Human cytosolic serine53.2456.0 kDahydroxymethyltransferase(SHMT) mRNA, complete cdsM271 B7H-L12168ADENYLYL CYCLASE-52.3660.0 kDaASSOCIATED PROTEIN 1[Homo sapiens]M416 D4H-L12964Interleukin-activated receptor,28.1638.0 kDahomolog of mouse Ly63B3H-L13203Human HNF-3/fork-head38.7249homolog-3 HFH-3 mRNA,complete cdsD2H-L13744Human AF-9 mRNA, complete62.5963cds167-8H-L13943glycerol kinase6057.71M311 G3H-L13974leucine zipper protein41.1451(GB: L13974)M271 H5H-L13977LYSOSOMAL PRO-X54.6757CARBOXYPEPTIDASEPRECURSOR [Homo sapiens].M270 G2H-L14283protein kinase C, zeta [PRKCZ],65.2398SERINE-AND THREONINE-SPECIFIC ENZYME.M235 A3H-L14286antioxidant protein, thiol-specific21.8932.0 kDaM426 H3H-L14778Protein phosphatase 3 (formerly57.4260.0 kDa2B), catalytic subunit, alphaisoform (calcineurin Aalpha) {alternative products}B4H-L15702complement factor B84.15100M426 A4H-L16794Human-transcription factor57.4260.0 kDa(MEF2) mRNA, complete cds215-25H-L16862g protein-coupled receptor kinase7063.4GRK6167-74H-L16991thymidylate kinase3623.39169-3H-L18964“protein kinase c, iota type”8064.64M305 E2H-L18972hypothetical protein (GB: L18972)75.2478M426 D4H-L19067Human NF-kappa-B transcription59.1863.0 kDafactor p65 subunit mRNA,complete cds215-26H-L19268Homo sapiens myotonic7068.71dystrophy associated proteinkinase mRNAM271 E1H-L19297carbonic anhydrase V [CA5],33.6642Mitochondrial carbonicanhydrase. REVERSIBLEHYDRATATION OF CARBONDIOXIDE.M298 G4H-L19437transaldolase37.1839.0 kDaM423 C4H-L19593Interleukin 8 receptor, beta39.7141.0 kDaG1H-L19686Homo sapiens macrophage12.7613migration inhibitory factor (MIF)gene, complete cdsG2H-L19739metallopanstimulin 19.3532M302 E3H-L19871activating transcription factor 320.0236.0 kDa167-86H-L2042214-3-3 protein eta3427.13M440 B2H-L20492Human gamma-glutamyl24.8635.0 kDatranspeptidase mRNA, completecdsM315 B1H-L20688GDP-dissociation inhibitor22.2232protein rhoAM271 H3H-L20941ferritin, heavy polypeptide.20.2432FERRITIN IS ANINTRACELLULARMOLECULE THAT STORESIRON IN A SOLUBLE,NONTOXIC, READILYAVAILABLE FORM.M235 B7H-L21893Na+/taurocholate cotransporter,STRICTLY DEPENDENT ONTHEF1H-L21934Sterol O-acyltransferase (acyl-60.6160Coenzyme A: cholesterolacyltransferase)C2H-L22075Human guanine nucleotide41.5850regulatory protein (G13) mRNA,complete cds169-18H-L22206vasopressin v2 receptor6058.00M421 A10H-L22214Human adenosine A1 receptor35.9738.0 kDa(ADORAI) mRNA exons 1-6,complete cdsM424 F1H-L23959Homo sapiens E2F-related45.2153.0 kDatranscription factor (DP-1)mRNA, complete cdsC2H-L24498Human gadd45 gene, complete18.2628cdsM302 E2H-L25080proto-oncogene rhoA, multidrug21.3431resistance proteinM270 B8H-L25081guanine nucleotide-binding and21.3430transforming protein rhoC,Aplysia ras-related homolog 9M236 E3H-L25085Sec61 complex, beta subunit,10.6719PROTEIN TRANSLOCATIONIN THE ENDOPLASMICRETICULUM167-85H-L25610cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 13218.11B2H-L25610cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 118.11040M297 H2H-L26232cathepsin A/phospholipid transfer54.3464.0 kDaprotein167-4H-L26318stress-activated protein kinase5242.31JNK1M428 F1H-L27586Human TR4 orphan receptor67.7667.0 kDamRNA, complete cdsM302 E5H-L27711protein phosphatase KAP123.4328M250 A6H-L28010Homo sapiens HnRNP F proteinmRNA, complete cds,F1H-L28821Alpha mannosidase II isozyme87.6787167-89H-L28824tyrosine-protein kinase SYK7069.92M298 E6H-L28997ADP-ribosylation factor-like20.0233.0 kDagene 1D4H-L29219Homo sapiens clk 1 mRNA,53.3560complete cds169-63H-L29222Homo sapiens clk 1 mRNA2515.03M429 B3H-L29277Signal transducer and activator of84.8188.0 kDatranscription 3 (acute-phaseresponse factor)C1H-L29433Human factor X (blood53.7964coagulation factor) geneG3H-L31860Glycophorin A16.6126D1H-L31881Nuclear factor 1/X (CCAAT-48.6248binding transcription factor)169-13H-L31951human protein kinase (JNK2)5546.71mRNAA1H-L32179Arylacetamide deacetylase4450(esterase)B2H-L33404Human stratum corneum27.9436chymotryptic enzyme mRNA,complete cdsM312 D3H-L33799procollagen C-proteinase49.551.0 kDaenhancer169-77H-L33801human protein kinase mRNA5546.27GSK-3M305 D6H-L34041L-glycerol-3-phosphate: NAD+38.542.0 kDaoxidoreductaseB4H-L34355Homo sapiens (clone p4) 50 kD42.6847dystrophin-associatedglycoprotein mRNA, completecdsM297 B3H-L35013spliceosomal protein SAP 4946.7552.0 kDa167-32H-L35253human CSaids binding protein5239.67(CSBP1) mRNAM266 D6H-L35545C/activated protein C receptor,26.2938.0 kDaendothelialM300 F1H-L35594autotaxin100.7691.0 kDaM318 E2H-L36720bystin33.7729M305 H2H-L37127RNA polymerase II12.9816M300 D1H-L38490ADP-ribosylation factor22.2232(GB: L38490)M318 E1H-L38941ribosomal protein L3412.9818C2H-L38969Homo sapiens thrombospondin 3105.27110(THBS3) gene, complete cdsM476 F4H-L39060Homo sapiens transcription factor49.6153.0 kDaSL1 mRNA, complete cdsM300 E4H-L40399hypothetical protein (GB: L40399)29.2636E3H-L40802Homo sapiens 17-beta-42.6860hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase(17-HSD) geneM478 F1H-L40904H. sapiens peroxisome52.6960.0 kDaproliferator activated receptorgamma, complete cdsM306 C2H-L41268natural killer associated transcript37.62402 [NKAT2*]M306 E2H-L41270natural killer associated transcript50.1665.0 kDa4 [NKAT4*]M306 F2H-L41347natural killer associated transcript33.55405 [NKAT5*]M468 C3H-L41351Homo sapiens prostasin mRNA,37.8445.0 kDacomplete cds169-53H-L41816Homo sapiens cam kinase 14840.77mRNA167-25H-L41939tyrosine-protein kinase receptor108108.6EPH-3 precursorC3H-L42374Homo sapiens protein54.7864phosphatase 2A B56-beta (PP2A)mRNA, complete cdsM306 B1H-L42531glutathione synthetase52.2554.0 kDaM302 F6H-L42856RNA polymerase II transcription13.0920.0 kDafactor SIII, p18 subunitM313 C7H-L76200guanylate kinase (GUK1)21.7832.0 kDaM428 E1H-L76702Homo sapiens protein66.3368.0 kDaphosphatase 2A B56-delta (PP2A)mRNA, complete cdsM478 A1H-L76703Homo sapiens protein51.4860.0 kDaphosphatase 2A B56-epsilon(PP2A) mRNA, complete cds166-52H-L77213H. sapiens phosphomevalonate3421.19kinase mRNA169-64H-L77964H. sapiens ERK3 mRNA10079.38M360 C3H-M10050fatty-acid-binding protein 2,14.0820.0 kDaintestinalD5H-M10050fatty-acid-binding protein 2,14.0836intestinalM421 E7H-M10058Asialoglycoprotein receptor 132.1248.0 kDaM429 D3H-M10901Glucocorticoid receptor85.5885.0 kDaM312 G1H-M11025asialoglycoprotein receptor 234.3234.0 kDa167-44H-M11026interferon alpha-4 precursor3320.86F2H-M11321Human group-specific component52.2556vitamin D-binding proteinmRNA, complete cdsM236 B5H-M11354histone H3.2, CENTRAL ROLE15.0724IN NUCLEOSOMEFORMATIONM236 G2H-M11433retinol-binding protein 1, cellular14.9628transport proteinM270 G7H-M11560aldolase A, FRUCTOSE-40.1540BISPHOSPHATE ALDOLASE A[Homo sapiens]H3H-M11717Human heat shock protein (hsp70.516070) gene, complete cdsE1H-M12523Human serum albumin (ALB)67.170gene, complete cdsB5H-M12963Alcohol dehydrogenase 1 (class41.36481), alpha polypeptideD6H-M1322851.1550D4H-M13981Inhibin, alpha40.3750M236 G4H-M13982interleukin 4 [IL4] precursor, B-16.9430cell activatorM271 B6H-M14043lipocortin II, Annexin II37.445.0 kDa(lipocortin II). CALCIUM-REGULATED MEMBRANE-BINDING PROTEINM271 F4H-M14218argininosuccinate lyase51.0456M297 A3H-M14221cathepsin B37.432.0 kDaM305 B2H-M14328enolase, alpha47.8550167-54H-M14333human c-syn protooncogene6059.14167-51H-M14505H. sapiens mRNA (open reading3633.40frame; patient SK29(AV))215-74H-M14676human src-like kinase (slk)6059.14mRNA167-55H-M14780“creatine kinase, m chain”5241.98M416 F8H-M15059Fc fragment of IgE, low affinity35.4245.0 kDaII, receptor for (CD23A)M271 F1H-M15182glucuronidase, beta [GUSB],71.7272PLAYS AN IMPORTANT ROLEIN THE DEGRADATION OFDERMATAN AND KERATANSULFATES.215-37H-M15465human pyruvate kinase type L6459.80mRNAM298 A4H-M15796cyclin28.8243.0 kDaC3H-M15800Mal, T-cell differentiation protein16.9417M440 E1H-M15841Human U2 small nuclear RNA-24.8634.0 kDaassociated B antigen mRNA,complete cdsM248 C3H-M15887endozepine9.6815.0 kDaM463 A2H-M15990human c-yes-1 mRNA59.80065.0 kDaM418 E2H-M16038tyrosine-protein kinase LYN56.39064.0 kDaM266 D3H-M16342HETEROGENEOUS NUCLEAR32.0149RIBONUCLEOPROTEINSC1/C2 [Homo sapiens]; smallnuclear ribonucleoprotein,polypeptide C167-20H-M16591tyrosine-protein kinase HCK6055.62C7H-M16591tyrosine-protein kinase HCK55.62070M305 E7H-M16660heat shock 90 kD protein 1, beta79.7580[HSPCB]167-65H-M16750PIM-1 proto-oncogene3834.50serine/threonine-protein kinaseM311 A1H-M16827acyl-Coenzyme A dehydrogenase,46.4250.0 kDaC-4 to C-12 straight-chain.D3H-M16961Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein alpha40.4850and beta chainD3H-M16974Complement component 8, alpha64.3555polypeptideM248 C2H-M17017INTERLEUKIN-8 PRECURSOR1111[Homo sapiens]M305 E4H-M17885ribosomal phosphoprotein P0,34.9837.0 kDaacidicM339 E2H-M17887ribosomal phosphoprotein P212.7619.0 kDaM248 D5H-M18731galactose-1-phosphate41.9142uridylyltransferase [GALT]F2H-M19309Troponin T1, skeletal, slow30.6940M385 E2H-M19713tropomyosin, alpha, muscle31.3541.0 kDa167-79H-M19722proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein6458.26kinase FGRM248 H1H-M20560Annexin III (lipocortin III),35.6437INHIBITOR OFPHOSPHOLIPASE A2M235 H1H-M20681GLUCOSE TRANSPORTER54.6750TYPE 3, BRAIN167-29H-M21616beta platelet-derived growth121121.7factor receptor precursorM305 A3H-M21812myosin light chain 218.8130167-30H-M22146“40S ribosomal protein S4, x3426.91isoform”M302 D6H-M22430phospholipase A2 RASF-A15.9531.0 kDaE2H-M22491Bone morphogenetic protein 352.0355(osteogenic)M340 A2H-M22538NADH-ubiquinone reductase, 2427.533kDa subunit, mitochondrialB2H-M22632Glutamic-oxaloacetic47.4147transaminase 2, mitochondrial(aspartate-aminotransferase 2)B4H-M22960Protective protein for beta-52.9160galactosidase (galactosialidosis)M250 C4H-M22995ras-related protein RAP1A,member of RAS oncogene familyB3H-M23254Calpain, large polypeptide L277.1177M266 B4H-M23613Nucleophosmin (nucleolar32.4542phosphoprotein B23, numatrin),BELIEVED TO BIND SINGLE-STRANDED NUCLEIC ACIDSM469 D2H-M23668Homo sapiens adrenodoxin gene20.3525.0 kDaM478 H3H-M24439Human liver/bone/kidney-type57.7564.0 kDaalkaline phosphatase (ALPL)geneF5H-M24470Glucose-6-phosphate38.0644dehydrogenaseM270 E5H-M24898thyroid hormone triiodothyronine67.6585receptor c-erbA, ear-1, Thyroidhormone receptor, alpha (avianerythroblastic leukemia viral (v-erb-a) oncogene homolog)D3H-M24902Acid phosphatase, prostate42.5754D6H-M25809ATPase, H+ transporting,56.3257lysosomal (vacuolar protonpump), beta polypeptide,56/58 kD, isoform 1167-77H-M26252“pyruvate kinase, M2 isozyme”6058.48M271 F8H-M26326keratin 1847.4150.0 kDaB1H-M26901Human renin gene44.4450M271 G4H-M27396asparagine synthetase61.8262M338 B3H-M27542globulin, sex hormone-binding39.20040M512 B6H-M27602Protease, serine, 2 (trypsin 2)27.2836.0 kDaM270 B6H-M27691DNA-binding protein CREB,36.0850cAMP-responsiveC1H-M27878Zinc finger protein 84 (HPF2)81.2981M270 F6H-M28209guanine nucleotide-binding22.6630.0 kDaprotein rab1M512 H5H-M28210RAB3A, member RAS oncogene24.3136.0 kDafamilyB3H-M28214Homo sapiens GTP-binding24.234protein (RAB3B) mRNA,complete cdsM300 C5H-M28249integrin, alpha 2 (CD49B, alpha 2130.02130.0 kDa subunit of VLA-2 receptor)[ITGA2]M248 B6H-M28372zinc finger protein 9 (a cellular19.5828.0 kDaretroviral nucleic acid bindingprotein) [ZNF9]M248 C5H-M28983interleukin 1, alpha [IL1A]29.9242M298 C1H-M29536translation initiation factor 2, beta36.7450.0 kDasubunitM425 A5H-M29696Interleukin 7 receptor50.663.0 kDaE1H-M29960Human steroid receptor (TR2-11)66.4465mRNA, complete cdsM361 D3H-M299716-O-methylguanine-DNA22.8833.0 kDamethyltransferase [MGMT]167-67H-M30448“casein kinase II, beta chain”3423.72M250 E2H-M31211MYOSIN LIGHT CHAIN 1,22.9930.0 kDaSLOW-TWITCH MUSCLE AISOFORM [Homo sapiens]M311 C4H-M31452proline-rich protein65.7868M312 H3H-M31469ras-like protein TC423.8732.0 kDa167-41H-M31606“phosphorylase B kinase gamma5044.7catalytic chain, testis isoform”B4H-M31642Hypoxanthine24.0936phosphoribosyltransferase 1(Lesch-Nyhan syndrome)M416 D8H-M31932Fc fragment of IgG, low affinity34.9845.0 kDaIIa, receptor for (CD32)M305 A8H-M32011neutrophil cytosolic factor 257.9758(65 kD, chronic granulomatousdisease, autosomal 2) [NCF2]B2H-M32315Human tumor necrosis factor50.8260receptor mRNA, complete cdsM266 C2H-M33374cell adhesion protein SQM114.9618.0 kDaM431 F1H-M33375dihydrodiol dehydrogenase 433.9940.0 kDaG6H-M33680Human 26-kDa cell surface26.0724protein TAPA-1 mRNA, completecdsF1H-M33772Human fast skeletal muscle17.7129troponin C gene167-15H-M34065m-phase inducer phosphatase 35552.10F4H-M34079Human immunodeficiency virus44.5552tat transactivator binding protein-1 (tbp-1) mRNA, complete cds169-86H-M34181“cAMP-dependent protein kinase,5038.68beta-catalytic subunit”D1H-M34379Elastatse 2, neutrophil29.4835M314 E1H-M34671CD59 glycoprotein precursor14.15020M266 C3H-M35252CO-029 (GB: M35252)26.1830M315 A4H-M36035benzodiazapine receptor18.719(peripheral) [BZRP]M300 C1H-M36340ADP-ribosylation factor 120.0230M312 C3H-M36341ADP-ribosylation factor 219.9129D6H-M36634Vasoactive intestinal peptide18.8128169-26H-M36881proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein6056.06kinase LCK167-76H-M36981nucleoside diphosphate kinase B2616.79M298 D6H-M37400aspartate aminotransferase,45.5450.0 kDacytosolic167-88H-M37712galactosyltransferase associated5548.36protein kinase P58/GTAM424 F4H-M38258Retinoic acid receptor, gamma 150.0558.0 kDaM266 H3H-M38690CD9 antigen, INVOLVED IN25.1926.0 kDaPLATELET ACTIVATION ANDAGGREGATION.M270 A5H-M55265casein kinase II, alpha catalytic43.1250subunit169-74H-M55284human protein kinase C-L8075.09(PRKCL) mRNAM512 B3H-M55514Potassium voltage-gated channel,71.94100.0 kDa shaker-related subfamily,member 4M271 F5H-M57567ADP-ribosylation factor 5 [AR5].19.9132.0 kDaINVOLVED IN PROTEINTRAFFICKING AND ACTS ASAN ALLOSTERIC ACTIVATOROF CHOLERA TOXIN.M250 D1H-M57627interleukin 10 [IL10],19.6927SUPPRESSOR FACTOR FORTHI IMMUNE RESPONSES(BY SIMILARITY).M302 D3H-M57730EPH-related receptor tyrosine22.62036.0 kDakinase ligand 1 precursorM248 B5H-M58458ribosomal protein S4, X-linked29.0436.0 kDa[RPS4X]M248 A5H-M58459ribosomal protein S4, Y-linked29.0436[RPS4Y]M248 G5H-M58525CATECHOL O-29.9236METHYLTRANSFERASE,MEMBRANE-BOUND FORM[Homo sapiens], COMTM482 B2H-M59916Sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase69.369.0 kDa1, acid lysosomal (acidsphingomyelinase)M390 C1H-M60091galactose-1-phosphate41.850.0 kDauridylyltransferaseM316 B1H-M60314bone morphogenetic protein 550.0555[BMP5]B4H-M60459Erythropoietin receptor55.9960C7H-M60483Human protein phosphatase 2A34.156catalytic subunit-alpha gene,complete cdsM462 D7H-M60484Human protein phosphatase 2A34.144.0 kDacatalytic subunit-beta gene,complete cdsA12H-M60527deoxycytidine kinase28.67050167-5H-M60724human p70 ribosomal S6 kinase6657.82alpha-I mRNA167-17H-M60725human p70 ribosomal S6 kinase6255.29alpha-II mRNAM271 A4H-M61199cleavage signal 1, ESTs, Highly27.536.0 kDasimilar to CLEAVAGE SIGNAL-1 PROTEIN [Homo sapiens]B1H-M61733Homo sapiens erythroid70.6271membrane protein 4.1 mRNA,complete cdsM298 A1H-M61764tubulin, gamma49.7255.0 kDaM422 E2H-M62505Complement component 538.6138.0 kDareceptor 1 (C5a ligand)M313 G5H-M62810transcription factor 1,27.1735.0 kDamitochondrialC9H-M62839apolipoprotein H38.0660G5H-M63154Gastric intrinsic factor (vitamin B45.9852synthesis)167-6H-M63167RAC-alpha serine/threonine6452.87kinaseB1H-M63573Peptidylprolyl isomerase B23.8733(cyclophilin B)M302 H2H-M63603phospholamban5.836M306 D1H-M63838interferon, gamma-inducible80.3108protein 16M423 H3H-M63959Low density lipoprotein-related39.3848.0 kDaprotein-associated protein 1(alpha-2-macroglobulin receptor-associated protein 1G3H-M64099Human gamma-glutmyl64.5752transpeptidase-related protein(GGT-Rel) mRNA, complete cdsM475 B8H-M64673Human heat shock factor 158.365.0 kDa(TCF5) mRNA, complete cdsM266 D5H-M64716ribosomal protein S2513.8617.0 kDaM248 C6H-M64752glutamate receptor, ionotropic,99.88100AMPA 1 [GRIAI]M312 G3H-M64925palmitoylated membrane protein,51.3751.0 kDaerythrocyte, 55 kDaM302 C7H-M65292complement factor H-related36.4150protein (GB: M65292)D3H-M68516Human protein C inhibitor gene,44.7754complete cds167-27H-M68520cell division protein kinase 23832.85M236 D5H-M68867Cellular retinoic acid-binding15.2919.0 kDaprotein 2, MAY REGULATETHE ACCESS OF RETINOICACID TO THE NUCLEARRETINOIC ACID RECEPTORS.M441 E1H-M69226monoamine oxidase A [MAOA]58.0864.0 kDaM298 D5H-M72393calcium-dependent phospholipid-82.5117.0 kDa binding protein [PLA2*]M422 D5H-M73238Ciliary neurotrophic factor41.0351.0 kDareceptorC1H-M73255Human vascular cell adhesion81.481molecule-1 (VCAM1) gene,complete CDSM422 G6H-M73481Human gastrin releasing peptide42.3545.0 kDareceptor (GRPR) mRNA,complete cdsM235 G6H-M73499carboxylesterase, INVOLVED IN62.4890.0 kDaTHE DETOXIFICATION OFXENOBIOTICS AND THEACTIVATION OF ESTER ANDAMIDE PRODRUGS.M302 D1H-M73547polyposis locus DP120.4628M300 H4H-M73969interleukin 8 receptor, beta39.7136[IL8RB]G1H-M74491ADP-ribosylation factor 320.0231B4H-M7481649.550B2H-M75110H, K-ATPase, beta subunit32.1237M416 B8H-M76766General transcription factor IIB34.8744.0 kDa167-18H-M77198RAC-beta serine/threonine kinase6457.27167-87H-M77348PMEL 17 protein precursor7473.55C4H-M77698YY1 transcription factor45.6548M248 G6H-M80261apurinic/apyrimidinic (abasic)35.0937.0 kDaendonuclease [APE], REPAIRSOXIDATIVE DNA DAMAGESIN VITRO169-50H-M80359putative serine/threonine-protein8078.50kinase P78M330 H1H-M80461immunoglobulin-associated beta25.37027.0 kDa(B29) [IGB]169-1H-M80613ring3 protein10083.01M298 A2H-M80783B12 protein34.8743.0 kDa217-1H-M81457calpactin 1 light chain1010.74M422 C6H-M81589Homo sapiens serotonin 1D41.5841.0 kDareceptor (5-HTID) mRNA,complete cdsM424 A1H-M81590Homo sapiens serotonin 1D43.0148.0 kDareceptor (5-HTID-) mRNA,complete cdsM250 H1H-M81592gamma-glutamyl carboxylase83.4985[GGCX], CONVERTSGLUTAMATE RESIDUES TOGAMMA-CARBOXYGLUTAMATEM250 F2H-M81601TRANSCRIPTION33.2236.0 kDaELONGATION FACTOR S-II[Homo sapiens]C2H-M81650Human semenogelin 1 (SEMGI)50.9352gene, complete cdsM266 A4H-M81757ribosomal protein S1916.0618169-61H-M81933m-phase inducer phosphatase 15757.60M302 H1H-M82809annexin IV35.4238.0 kDaM300 C4H-M83653cytoplasmic phosphotyrosyl17.4928.0 kDaprotein phosphatase, type I169-14H-M83941tyrosne-protein kinase receptor108108.2ETK1 precursorF1H-M84443Galactokinase 250.4952M305 H6H-M84747interleukin 9 receptor [IL9R]57.5358167-53H-M8640014-3-3 protein zeta/delta3327.02M271 C8H-M86521transketolase68.6468.0 kDa169-51H-M86699human kinase (TTK) mRNA9292.58M316 F2H-M86752transformation-sensitive protein59.8460.0 kDaM270 C8H-M86921membrane glycoprotein mb-1,24.9734Immunoglobulin-associatedalpha, ASSOCIATED TOSURFACE IGM-RECEPTOR;MAY BE INVOLVED INSIGNAL TRANSDUCTIONA5H-M87507Homo sapien interleukin-1 beta44.5550convertase (IL1BCE) mRNA,complete cdsM305 B7H-M88011glucokinase [GCK]51.2660M305 H1H-M88279immunophilin FKBP5250.664.0 kDaM420 F1H-M88468mevalonate kinase43.60047.0 kDaM305 A7H-M89913dUTP pyrophosphatase15.6219(dUTPase) [DUT*]M316 E2H-M90657tumor-associated antigen L622.3328167-31H-M90813human D-type cyclin (CCND2)3631.86mRNAA1H-M91036H. sapiens G-gamma globin and16.2818A-gamma globin genes, completecds'sG2H-M91463Human glucose transporter55.6652(GLUT4) gene, complete cdsA1H-M91670Human ubiquitin carrier protein24.8636(E2-EPF) mRNA, complete cdsE4H-M92444Homo sapiens35.0945apurinic/apyrimidinicendonuclease (HAP1) gene,complete cdsM305 C4H-M94556single-stranded DNA-binding16.3920protein, mitochondrialG12H-M94856fatty-acid-binding protein14.9636homologM453 C3H-M95623Homo sapiens39.8250.0 kDahydroxymethylbilane synthasegene, complete cdsM302 F2H-M95787smooth muscle protein SM2222.2233.0 kDaA1H-M95809Human basic transcription factor60.396462 kD subunit (BTF2), completecdsM271 E8H-M96982small nuclear ribonucleoprotein26.5139.0 kDaU2 auxiliary factor, 35 kDa,SPLICING FACTOR U2AF 35KD SUBUNIT. NECESSARYFOR THE SPLICING OF PRE-mRNA.M416 B3H-M96995Growth factor receptor-bound23.9832.0 kDaprotein 2G2H-M96995Growth factor receptor-bound23.9849protein 2H4H-M97016Bone morphogenetic protein 844.3361(osteogenic protein 2)M271 D1H-M97190Sp2 transcription factor [SP2],54.5660BINDS TO GC BOXPROMOTERS ELEMENTS ANDSELECTIVELY ACTIVATESmRNA SYNTHESIS FROMGENES THAT CONTAINFUNCTIONAL RECOGNITIONSITES.M271 C1H-M97191Sp3 transcription factor [SP3],71.9472BINDS TO GT AND GC BOXESPROMOTERS ELEMENTS.PROBABLETRANSCTRIPTIONALACTIVATOR.M305 C7H-M97388transcription repressor (interacting19.4730with the TATA-binding protein)[DR1*]217-13H-M97675human transmembrane receptor100103.1(ror1) mRNAB3H-M97856Nuclear autoantigenic sperm86.6887protein (histone-binding)M429 G2H-M97935Homo sapiens transcription factor82.6189.0 kDaISGF-3 mRNA, complete cdsD1H-M99487Human prostate-specific82.6192membrane antigen (PSM) mRNA,complete cdsM363 A1H-P0002riboflavin synthase beta chain17.27(ribE)M363 B1H-P0004carbonic anhydrase (icfA)24.42M363 C1H-P0005orotidine 5′-phosphate25.08decarboxylase (pyrF)M363 D1H-P0006pantoate-beta-alanine ligase30.47(panC)M379 A1H-P0010-2chaperone and heat shock protein60.17(groEL)M363 E1H-P0011co-chaperone (groES)13.09M363 F1H-P0012DNA primase (dnaG)61.6M363 G1H-P0013hypothetical protein38.61M363 H1H-P0014hypothetical protein30.36M363 A2H-P0015hypothetical protein10.34M363 B2H-P0016hypothetical protein9.68M363 C2H-P0017virB4 homolog (virB4)86.68M363 D2H-P0018hypothetical protein51.7M363 E2H-P0021hypothetical protein21.01M363 F2H-P0022conserved hypothetical integral57.42membrane proteinM363 G2H-P0026citrate synthase (gltA)46.97M363 H2H-P0027isocitrate dehydrogenase (icd)46.86M363 A3H-P0028conserved hypothetical secreted19.58proteinM363 B3H-P0030hypothetical protein65.34M363 C3H-P0031hypothetical protein15.18M363 D3H-P0034aspartate 1-decarboxylase (panD)12.98M363 E3H-P0035conserved hypothetical protein10.78M363 F3H-P0037NADH-ubiquinone38.72oxidoreductase subunitM363 G3H-P0044GDP-D-mannose dehydratase42.02(rfbD)M363 H3H-P0047hydrogenase expression/formation36.63protein (hypE)M363 A4H-P0048transcriptional regulator (hypF)84.7M363 B4H-P0052hypothetical protein36.41M363 C4H-P0055proline permease (putP)54.67M363 D4H-P0056delta-1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate130.46dehydrogenaseM363 E4H-P0057hypothetical protein7.7M363 F4H-P0063hypothetical protein54.67M363 G4H-P0064hypothetical protein15.4M363 H4H-P0066conserved hypothetical ATP-91.52binding proteinM363 A5H-P0067urease accessory protein (ureH)29.26M363 B5H-P0068urease accessory protein (ureG)22M363 C5H-P0075urease protein (ureC)49.06M363 D5H-P0077peptide chain release factor RF-138.83(prfA)M363 E5H-P0082methyl-accepting chemotaxis74.14transducer (tlpC)M363 F5H-P0086conserved hypothetical protein49.61M363 G5H-P0087hypothetical protein50.38M363 H5H-P0088RNA polymerase sigma-70 factor73.92(rpoD)M363 A6H-P0089pfs protein (pfs)25.52M363 B6H-P0090malonyl coenzyme A-acyl carrier34.1protein transacylase (fabD)M363 C6H-P0093hypothetical protein12.21M363 D6H-P0096phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase34.65M304 A1H-P0099methyl-accepting chemotaxis74.36protein (tlpA)M304 B1H-P0100conserved hypothetical protein40.59M304 C1H-P0101hypothetical protein27.94M304 D1H-P01042',3'-cyclic-nucleotide 2'-64.02phosphodiesterase (cpdB)M304 E1H-P0105conserved hypothetical protein17.16M304 F1H-P0106cystathionine gamma-synthase41.91(metB)M304 G1H-P0107cysteine synthetase (cysK)33.77M304 H1H-P0108hypothetical protein20.57M304 A2H-P0109chaperone and heat shock protein68.3170 (dnaK)M304 B2H-P0110co-chaperone and heat shock20.9protein (grpE)M304 C2H-P0111hypothetical protein30.47M304 D2H-P0113hypothetical protein10.89M304 E2H-P0114hypothetical protein69.19M304 F2H-P0115flagellin B (flaB)56.65M304 G2H-P0116DNA topoisomerase I (topA)81.07M304 H2H-P0117conserved hypothetical protein33.99M304 A3H-P0118hypothetical protein43.56M304 B3H-P0119hypothetical protein50.82M304 C3H-P0120hypothetical protein43.89M304 D3H-P0121phosphoenolpyruvate synthase89.43(ppsA)M304 E3H-P0122hypothetical protein4.84M304 F3H-P0123threonyl-tRNA synthetase (thrS)67.43M304 G3H-P0124translation initiation factor IF-322.44(infC)M304 H3H-P0125ribosomal protein L35 (rpl35)7.15M304 A4H-P0126ribosomal protein L20 (rpl20)12.87M304 B4H-P0127outer membrane protein (omp4)31.57M304 C4H-P0128hypothetical protein4.62M304 D4H-P0129hypothetical protein15.62M304 E4H-P0130hypothetical protein31.57M304 F4H-P0131hypothetical protein3.74M304 G4H-P0132L-serine deaminase (sdaA)50.16M304 H4H-P0133serine transporter (sdaC)45.54M304 A5H-P01343-deoxy-D-arabino-heptulosonate49.57-phosphate synthase (dhsI)M304 B5H-P0135hypothetical protein4.95M304 C5H-P0136bacterioferritin comigratory16.83protein (bcp)M304 D5H-P0137hypothetical protein23.32M304 E5H-P0138conserved hypothetical iron-sulfur53.02proteinM304 F5H-P0139conserved hypothetical secreted26.73proteinM304 G5H-P0140L-lactate permease (lctP)60.5M304 H5H-P0141L-lactate permease (lctP)60.72M304 A6H-P0142A/G-specific adenine glycosylase36.19(mutY)M304 B6H-P0144cytochrome c oxidase, heme b53.79and copper-binding subunit,membrane-bound (fixN)M304 C6H-P0145cytochrome c oxidase, monoheme25.63subunit, membrane-bound (fixO)M304 D6H-P0146cbb3-type cytochrome c oxidase8.14subunit Q (CcoQ)M304 E6H-P0147cytochrome c oxidase, diheme31.57subunit, membrane-bound (fixP)M304 F6H-P0148hypothetical protein7.59M304 G6H-P0150hypothetical protein21.67M304 H6H-P0152hypothetical protein31.68M304 A7H-P0153recombinase (recA)38.28M304 B7H-P0154enolase (eno)46.97M304 C7H-P0155hypothetical protein10.12M304 D7H-P0157shikimic acid kinase 1 (aroK)17.93M304 E7H-P0158hypothetical protein35.09M304 F7H-P0159lipopolysaccharide 1,2-41.03glucosyltransferase (rfaJ)M304 G7H-P0161hypothetical protein4.07M304 H7H-P0162conserved hypothetical protein26.51M304 A8H-P0163delta-aminolevulinic acid35.64dehydratase (hemB)M304 B8H-P0164signal-transducing protein,28.05histidine kinaseM304 C8H-P0165hypothetical protein19.14M304 D8H-P0166response regulator (ompR)24.86M304 E8H-P0167hypothetical protein17.38M304 F8H-P0168hypothetical protein9.68M304 G8H-P0170hypothetical protein27.94M304 H8H-P0171peptide chain release factor RF-240.04(prfB)M304 A9H-P0172molybdopterin biosynthesis43.12protein (moeA)M304 B9H-P0173flagellar biosynthetic protein28.16(fliR)M304 C9H-P0174hypothetical protein28.49M304 D9H-P0175cell binding factor 233M304 E9H-P0176fructose-bisphosphate aldolase33.88(tsr)M304 F9H-P0177translation elongation factor EF-P20.68(efp)M304 G9H-P0178spore coat polysaccharide37.51biosynthesis protein EM304 H9H-P0179ABC transporter, ATP-binding23.54proteinM304 A10H-P0180apolipoprotein N-acyltransferase46.86(cute)M304 B10H-P0182lysyl-tRNA synthetase (lysS)55.22M304 C10H-P0183serine hydroxymethyltransferase45.87(glyA)M304 D10H-P0184hypothetical protein19.91M304 E10H-P0185hypothetical protein29.48M304 F10H-P0186hypothetical protein44.55M304 G10H-P0187hypothetical protein10.56M304 H10H-P0188hypothetical protein3.74M304 A11H-P0189conserved hypothetical integral19.58membrane proteinM304 B11H-P0190conserved hypothetical secreted55.33proteinM304 C11H-P0191fumarate reductase, iron-sulfur27.06subunit (frdB)M304 D11H-P0192fumarate reductase, flavoprotein78.65subunit (frdA)M304 E11H-P0193fumarate reductase, cytochrome b28.16subunit (frdC)M304 F11H-P0194triosephosphate isomerase (tpi)25.85M304 G11H-P0195enoyl-(acyl-carrier-protein)30.36reductase (NADH) (fabI)M365 A1H-P0197S-adenosylmethionine synthetase42.462 (metX)M365 B1H-P0203hypothetical protein10.12M365 C1H-P0209hypothetical protein49.61M365 D1H-P0213glucose inhibited division protein68.42(gidA)M381 E1H-P0218hypothetical protein20.24M365 E1H-P0221nifU-like protein35.97M365 F1H-P0227outer membrane protein (omp5)76.12M365 G1H-P0228conserved hypothetical integral43.01membrane proteinM365 H1H-P0230CTP: CMP-3-deoxy-D-manno-26.84octulosonate-cytidylyl-transferase(kdsB)M365 A2H-P0233conserved hypothetical protein43.01M365 B2H-P0235conserved hypothetical secreted39.16proteinM365 C2H-P0236hypothetical protein13.64M365 D2H-P0238prolyl-tRNA synthetase (proS)63.58M381 E2H-P0243neutrophil activating protein15.95(napA) (bacterioferritin)M365 E2H-P0244signal-transducing protein,42.02histidine kinase (atoS)M365 F2H-P0246flagellar basal-body P-ring protein37.73(flgI)M365 G2H-P0247ATP-dependent RNA helicase,54.23DEAD-box family (deaD)M365 H2H-P0248conserved hypothetical protein39.93M379 B1H-P0249-2hypothetical protein19.8M379 C1H-P0250-2oligopeptide ABC transporter,56.87ATP-binding protein (oppD)M381 A3H-P0251oligopeptide ABC transporter,37.29permease protein (oppC)M379 E1H-P0252-2outer membrane protein (omp7)53.68M365 A3H-P0254outer membrane protein (omp8)47.52M365 B3H-P0255adenylosuccinate synthetase45.32(purA)M365 C3H-P0257conserved hypothetical secreted24.2proteinM365 D3H-P0259exonuclease VII, large subunit46.31(xseA)M381 D3H-P0260adenine specific DNA42.35methyltransferase (mod)M365 E3H-P0263adenine specific DNA27.83methyltransferase (hpaim)M365 F3H-P0264ATP-dependent protease binding94.27subunit (clpB)M365 G3H-P0266dihydroorotase (pyrC)41.69M365 H3H-P0267chlorohydrolase45.1M365 A4H-P0271hypothetical protein36.08M365 B4H-P0275ATP-dependent nuclease (addB)47.41M381 G3H-P0276hypothetical protein20.46M365 C4H-P0278guanosine pentaphosphate53.35phosphohydrolase (gppA)M365 D4H-P0279lipopolysaccharide37.51heptosyltransferase-1 (rfaC)M365 E4H-P0280heat shock protein B (ibpB)36.19M365 F4H-P0282hypothetical protein52.91M365 G4H-P02833-dehydroquinate synthase (aroB)37.84M365 H4H-P0284conserved hypothetical integral57.64membrane proteinM365 A5H-P0285conserved hypothetical protein46.09M381 A4H-P0287hypothetical protein19.03M381 C4H-P0288hypothetical protein17.38M366 A1H-P0389superoxide dismutase (sodB)23.54M366 B1H-P0390adhesin-thiol peroxidase (tagD)18.37M366 C1H-P0391purine-binding chemotaxis18.26protein (cheW)M366 D1H-P0392histidine kinase (cheA)88.44M366 E1H-P0393chemotaxis protein (cheV)34.32M366 F1H-P0394hypothetical protein27.83M366 G1H-P0395conserved hypothetical protein24.53M366 H1H-P0396conserved hypothetical protein67.87M366 A2H-P0397phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase57.75(serA)M366 B2H-P0398hypothetical protein20.13M366 C2H-P0399ribosomal protein SI (rpsl)61.27M366 D2H-P0403phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase,36.19alpha subunit (pheS)M366 E2H-P0404protein kinase C inhibitor11.55(SP: P16436)M366 F2H-P0405nifS-like protein48.51M366 G2H-P0406hypothetical protein21.67M366 H2H-P0407biotin sulfoxide reductase (bisC)87.67M381 D1H-P0409GMP synthase (guaA)55.99M381 F1H-P0410putative neuraminyllactose-27.5binding hemagglutinin homolog(hpaA)M366 A3H-P0411hypothetical protein11.66M366 B3H-P0412hypothetical protein3.63M366 C3H-P0413transposase-like protein, PS31S29.59M366 D3H-P0414IS200 insertion sequence from15.29SARA17M366 E3H-P0415conserved hypothetical integral68.64membrane proteinM366 F3H-P0416cyclopropane fatty acid synthase42.9(cfa)M366 G3H-P0417methionyl-tRNA synthetase71.61(metS)M366 H3H-P0418hypothetical protein36.96M366 A4H-P0419conserved hypothetical protein28.82M366 B4H-P0420hypothetical protein15.73M366 C4H-P0421type I capsular polysaccharide42.9biosynthesis protein J (capJ)M366 D4H-P0422arginine decarboxylase (speA)67.76M366 E4H-P0424hypothetical protein68.2M366 F4H-P0425hypothetical protein45.98M366 G4H-P0427hypothetical protein12.32M366 H4H-P0433hypothetical protein16.28M366 A5H-P0436hypothetical protein13.42M366 B5H-P0437IS605 transposase (tnpA)15.73M366 C5H-P0438IS605 transposase (tnpB)47.08M366 D5H-P0442hypothetical protein9.79M366 E5H-P0445hypothetical protein6.82M366 F5H-P0452hypothetical protein57.09M366 G5H-P0455hypothetical protein11.44M366 H5H-P0457hypothetical protein9.68M366 A6H-P0463type I restriction enzyme M53.68protein (hsdM)M366 B6H-P0464type I restriction enzyme R116.16protein (hsdR)M366 C6H-P0465conserved hypothetical protein69.52M366 D6H-P0466conserved hypothetical protein28.16M366 E6H-P0467conserved hypothetical integral12.76membrane proteinM366 F6H-P0468conserved hypothetical protein54.56M366 G6H-P0469conserved hypothetical protein17.93M366 H6H-P0471glutathione-regulated potassium-45.87efflux system protein (kefB)M366 A7H-P0472outer membrane protein (omp 11)20.57M366 B7H-P0473molybdenum ABC transporter,27.17periplasmic molybdate-bindingprotein (modA)M366 C7H-P0474molybdenum ABC transporter,24.75permease protein (modB)M366 D7H-P0475molybdenum ABC transporter,29.26ATP-binding protein (modD)M366 E7H-P0476glutamyl-tRNA synthetase (gltX)51.04M366 F7H-P0477outer membrane protein (omp12)40.48M366 G7H-P0478adenine specific DNA60.06methyltransferase (VSPIM)M366 H7H-P0479hypothetical protein31.13M366 A8H-P0481adenine specific DNA23.32methyltransferase (MFOKI)M366 B8H-P0482hypothetical protein18.81M366 C8H-P0483cytosine specific DNA36.3methyltransferase (H-PHIMC)M367 A1H-P0486hypothetical protein58.19M367 B1H-P0487hypothetical protein52.91M367 C1H-P0489hypothetical protein32.56M367 D1H-P0490putative potassium channel41.69protein, putativeM367 E1H-P0491ribosomal protein L28 (rpL28)6.93M367 F1H-P0492hypothetical protein30.69M367 G1H-P0494UDP-N-acetylmuramoylalanine-46.53D-glutamate ligase (murD)M367 H1H-P0495hypothetical protein9.57M367 A2H-P0496conserved hypothetical protein14.74M367 B2H-P0498sodium- and chloride-dependent48.73transporterM367 C2H-P0499phospholipase A1 precursor (DR-39.16phospholipase A)M367 D2H-P0500DNA polymerase III beta-subunit41.25(dnaN)M367 E2H-P0501DNA gyrase, sub B (gyrB)85.14M367 F2H-P0503hypothetical protein27.17M367 G2H-P0504hypothetical protein5.5M367 H2H-P0505hypothetical protein17.05M367 A3H-P0507conserved hypothetical protein23.43M367 B3H-P0509glycolate oxidase subunit (glcD)50.6M367 C3H-P0510dihydrodipicolinate reductase28.05(dapB)M367 D3H-P0512glutamine synthetase (glnA)53.02M367 E3H-P0514ribosomal protein L9 (rpl9)16.61M367 F3H-P0515heat shock protein (hsIV)19.91M367 G3H-P0516heat shock protein (hsIU) ORFI48.84M367 H3H-P0517GTP-binding protein (era)33.33M367 A4H-P0519conserved hypothetical protein30.47M367 B4H-P0520cag pathogenicity island protein12.76(cag1)M367 C4H-P0522cag pathogenicity island protein53.02(cag3)M367 D4H-P0523cag pathogenicity island protein18.7(cag4)M367 E4H-P0525virB11 homolog36.41M367 F4H-P0526cag pathogenicity island protein22(cag6)M367 G4H-P0528cag pathogenicity island protein57.53(cag8)M379 H1H-P0531-2cag pathogenicity island protein24.09(cag11)M367 H4H-P0532cag pathogenicity island protein30.91(cag12)M367 A5H-P0534cag pathogenicity island protein21.67(cag13)M367 B5H-P0541cag pathogenicity island protein40.81(cag20)M367 C5H-P0542cag pathogenicity island protein15.73(cag21)M367 D5H-P0545cag pathogenicity island protein22.88(cag24)M367 E5H-P0549glutamate racemase (glr)28.16M367 F5H-P0550transcription termination factor48.29Rho (rho)M367 G5H-P0551ribosomal protein L31 (rpl31)7.48M367 H5H-P0552conserved hypothetical protein31.68M367 A6H-P0553conserved hypothetical protein25.08M367 B6H-P0554hypothetical protein35.42M367 C6H-P0555hypothetical protein30.14M367 D6H-P0556hypothetical protein16.06M367 E6H-P0557acetyl-coenzyme A carboxylase34.43(accA)M367 F6H-P0558beta ketoacyl-acyl carrier protein45.43synthase II (fabF)M367 G6H-P05613-ketoacyl-acyl carrier protein27.28reductase (fabG)M367 H6H-P0562ribosomal protein S21 (rps21)7.81M367 A7H-P0563hypothetical protein45.87M367 B7H-P0566diaminopimelate epimerase30.14(dapF)M367 C7H-P0568hypothetical protein28.16M367 D7H-P0570aminopeptidase a/i (pepA)54.67M367 E7H-P0571conserved hypothetical integral21.23membrane proteinM379 A2H-P0572-2adenine19.8phosphoribosyltransferase (apt)M379 B2H-P0573-2hypothetical protein12.21M379 C2H-P0574-2galactosidase acetyltransferase16.72(lacA)M379 D2H-P0575-2conserved hypothetical membrane25.63proteinM379 E2H-P0576-2signal peptidase I (lepB)32.01M367 F7H-P0577methylene-tetrahydrofolate32.23dehydrogenase (folD)M367 G7H-P0579hypothetical protein20.35M367 H7H-P0580hypothetical protein41.03M367 A8H-P0581dihydroorotase (pyrC)37.4M367 B8H-P0582hypothetical protein35.75M367 C8H-P0583hypothetical protein32.34M368 A1H-P0584flagellar switch protein (fliN)13.64M368 B1H-P0585endonuclease III (nth)24.09M368 C1H-P0587aminodeoxychorismate lyase36.3(pabC)M368 D1H-P0591ferredoxin oxidoreductase,20.57gamma subunitM368 E1H-P0593adenine specific DNA65.89methyltransferase (mod)M368 F1H-P0594hypothetical protein6.05M368 G1H-P0596hypothetical protein21.23M368 H1H-P0597penicillin-binding protein 1A72.6(PBP-1A)M368 A2H-P0599hemolysin secretion protein47.74precursor (hylB)M368 B2H-P0601flagellin A (flaA)56.21M368 C2H-P0602endonuclease III24.09M368 D2H-P0603hypothetical protein20.9M379 F2H-P0608-2hypothetical protein17.71M368 E2H-P0614hypothetical protein12.32M368 F2H-P0616chemotaxis protein (cheV)34.54M368 G2H-P06l7aspartyl-tRNA synthetase (aspS)63.58M368 H2H-P0621DNA mismatch repair protein83.93(MutS)M368 A3H-P0622hypothetical protein13.31M368 B3H-P0623UDP-N-acetylmuramate-alanine49.5ligase (murC)M368 C3H-P0625protein E (gcpE)39.6M368 D3H-P0626tetrahydrodipicolinate N-44.22succinyltransferase (dapD)M368 E3H-P0627hypothetical protein12.21M368 F3H-P0629hypothetical protein75.02M368 G3H-P0630modulator of drug activity21.45(mda66)M368 H3H-P0631quinone-reactive Ni/Fe42.35hydrogenase, small subunit(hydA)M368 A4H-P0632quinone-reactive Ni/Fe63.69hydrogenase, large subunit(hydB)M368 B4H-P0633quinone-reactive Ni/Fe24.75hydrogenase, cytochrome bsubunit (hydC)M368 C4H-P0634quinone-reactive Ni/Fe19.69hydrogenase (hydD)M368 D4H-P0635hypothetical protein56.43M368 E4H-P0636hypothetical protein10.23M368 F4H-P0637hypothetical protein16.61M368 G4H-P0638outer membrane protein (omp13)33.66M368 H4H-P0643glutamyl-tRNA synthetase (gltX)48.4M368 A5H-P0644conserved hypothetical integral10.78membrane proteinM368 B5H-P0645soluble lytic murein61.71transglycosylase (slt)M368 C5H-P0646UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase30.14(galU)M368 D5H-P0647hypothetical protein14.96M368 E5H-P0648UDP-N-acetylglucosamine46.53enolpyruvyl transferase (murZ)M368 F5H-P0649aspartate ammonia-lyase (aspA)51.59M368 G5H-P0650hypothetical protein21.67M379 A3H-P0651-2fucosyltransferase52.47M381 E3H-P0652phosphoserine phosphatase (serB)22.88M368 H5H-P0653nonheme iron-containing ferritin18.48(pfr)M379 G2H-P0654-2conserved hypothetical protein39.71M379 H2H-P0655-2protective surface antigen D15100.87M368 A6H-P0656conserved hypothetical protein42.24M368 B6H-P0657processing protease (ymxG)47.63M368 C6H-P0658PET112-like protein52.36M368 D6H-P0659hypothetical protein45.65M368 E6H-P0660hypothetical protein37.29M368 F6H-P0661ribonuclease H (rnhA)15.84M368 G6H-P0662ribonuclease III (rnc)26.51M368 H6H-P0663chorismate synthase (aroC)40.26M368 A7H-P0665oxygen-independent50.38coproporphyrinogen III oxidase(hemN)M368 B7H-P0667hypothetical protein9.46M368 C7H-P0668hypothetical protein66.88M368 D7H-P0671outer membrane protein (omp14)29.81M368 E7H-P0672solute-binding signature and43.01mitochondrial signature protein(aspB)M379 B3H-P0673-2hypothetical protein46.97M381 H3H-P0674hypothetical protein25.19M368 F7H-P0676methylated-DNA-protein-18.59cysteine methyltransferase (dat1)M368 G7H-P0677conserved hypothetical integral28.16membrane proteinM368 H7H-P0679lipopolysaccharide biosynthesis31.9protein (wbpB)M369 A1H-P0681hypothetical protein18.59M369 B1H-P0682hypothetical protein13.97M369 C1H-P0683UDP-N-acetylglucosamine47.74pyrophosphorylase (glmU)M369 D1H-P0685flagellar biosynthetic protein19.03(fliP)M369 E1H-P0687iron(II) transport protein (feoB)70.73M369 F1H-P0688hypothetical protein18.37M369 G1H-P0690acetyl coenzyme A43.12acetyltransferase (thiolase) (fadA)M381 A1H-P06913-oxoadipate coA-transferase25.63subunit A (yxjD)M381 B1H-P06923-oxoadipate coA-transferase22.88subunit B (yxjE)M369 H1H-P0694hypothetical protein28.38M369 A2H-P0695hydantoin utilization protein A78.54(hyuA)M369 B2H-P0697hypothetical protein18.59M369 C2H-P0699hypothetical protein37.73M369 D2H-P0700diacylglycerol kinase (dgkA)14.19M369 E2H-P0701DNA gyrase, sub A (gyrA)91.08M369 F2H-P0703response regulator42.02M369 G2H-P0707conserved hypothetical protein33.99M369 H2H-P0711hypothetical protein44.77M369 A3H-P0715ABC transporter, ATP-binding26.51proteinM369 B3H-P0716conserved hypothetical protein14.74M369 C3H-P0718conserved hypothetical integral23.21membrane proteinM369 D3H-P0719hypothetical protein12.1M369 E3H-P0723L-asparaginase II (ansB)36.41M369 F3H-P0724anaerobic C4-dicarboxylate48.84transport protein (dcuA)M369 G3H-P0727transcriptional regulator, putative36.19M369 H3H-P0728conserved hypothetical protein37.07M369 A4H-P0730hypothetical protein11.22M369 B4H-P0732hypothetical protein13.09M369 C4H-P0734conserved hypothetical protein48.4M369 D4H-P0735xanthine guanine phosphoribosyl16.94transferase (gpt)M369 E4H-P0737conserved hypothetical integral17.49membrane proteinM381 H2H-P0738D-alanine: D-alanine ligase A38.28(ddlA)M369 F4H-P07392-hydroxy-6-oxohepta-2,4-26.62dienoate hydrolaseM369 G4H-P0741conserved hypothetical protein17.82M369 H4H-P0745conserved hypothetical protein36.08M369 A5H-P0747conserved hypothetical protein43.34M369 B5H-P0748cell division protein (ftsE)24.64M369 C5H-P0749cell division membrane protein29.59(ftsX)M369 D5H-P0750hypothetical protein44.11M369 E5H-P0752flagellar hook-associated protein74.252 (fliD)M381 F3H-P0755molybdopterin biosynthesis23.21protein (moeB)M379 C3H-P0757-2beta-alanine synthetase homolog32.23M369 F5H-P0758conserved hypothetical integral48.18membrane proteinM369 G5H-P0759conserved hypothetical integral45.98membrane proteinM369 H5H-P0761hypothetical protein22.11M369 A6H-P0762hypothetical protein20.46M369 B6H-P0767hypothetical protein2.75M369 C6H-P0768molybdenum cofactor35.42biosynthesis protein A (moaA)M369 D6H-P0769molybdopterin-guanine22.22dinucleotide biosynthesis proteinA (mobA)M369 E6H-P0771hypothetical protein27.06M369 F6H-P0772N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanine48.51amidase (amiA)M369 G6H-P0773hypothetical protein40.04M369 H6H-P0777uridine 5′-monophosphate (UMP)26.51kinase (pyrH)M370 A1H-P0782hypothetical protein50.16M370 B1H-P0783hypothetical protein18.26M370 C1H-P0792sigma-54 interacting protein55.77M370 D1H-P0793polypeptide deformylase (def)19.25M370 E1H-P0794ATP-dependent clp protease21.67proteolytic component (clpP)M370 F1H-P0796outer membrane protein (omp18)30.69M379 G3H-P0797-2flagellar sheath adhesin hpaA28.71M379 H3H-P0798-2molybdenum cofactor17.49biosynthesis protein C (moaC)M370 G1H-P0799molybdopterin biosynthesis19.47protein (mog)M370 H1H-P0800molybdopterin converting factor,16.06subunit 2 (moaEM379 A4H-P0801-2molybdopterin converting factor,8.25subunit 1 (moaD)M379 B4H-P0802-2GTP cyclohydrolase II (ribA)21.23M379 D3H-P0803-2hypothetical protein30.8M379 E3H-P0804-2GTP cyclohydrolase II/3,4-37.95dihydroxy-2-butanone 4-phosphate synthase (ribA, ribB)M379 F3H-P0805-2lipooligosaccharide 5G8 epitope31.35biosynthesis-associated protein(lex2B)M370 A2H-P0806hypothetical protein22.77M379 C4H-P0807-2iron(III) dicitrate transport protein86.68(fecA)M370 B2H-P0808holo-acp synthase (acpS)13.2M370 C2H-P0809hypothetical protein20.24M370 D2H-P0810conserved hypothetical protein22.11M370 E2H-P0811hypothetical protein11.99M370 F2H-P0812hypothetical protein37.07M370 G2H-P0813conserved hypothetical protein22.66M370 H2H-P0814thiamin biosynthesis protein28.16(thiF)M370 A3H-P0815flagellar motor rotation protein28.38(motA)M370 B3H-P0831conserved hypothetical ATP21.67binding proteinM379 D4H-P0832-2spermidine synthase (speE)28.93M379 E4H-P0833-2hypothetical protein32.23M370 C3H-P0834GTP-binding protein homologue50.49(yphC)M370 D3H-P0835histone-like DNA-binding protein10.45HU (hup)M370 E3H-P0836hypothetical protein13.2M370 F3H-P0837hypothetical protein11.33M370 G3H-P0838hypothetical protein22.66M370 H3H-P0839outer membrane protein P164.68(ompP1)M370 A4H-P0840flaA1 protein36.74M370 B4H-P0841pantothenate metabolism46.86flavoprotein (dfp)M370 C4H-P0843thiamin phosphate24.2pyrophosphorylase/hyroxyethylthiazolekinase (thiB)M370 D4H-P0845thiamin phosphate30.14pyrophosphorylase/hyroxyethylthiazolekinase (thiM)M370 E4H-P0850type I restriction enzyme M58.08protein (hsdM)M370 F4H-P0851conserved hypothetical integral25.08membrane proteinM370 G4H-P0854GMP reductase (guaC)36.08M370 H4H-P0858ADP-heptose synthase (rfaE)50.82M370 A5H-P0859ADP-L-glycero-D-mannoheptose-36.416-epimerase (rfaD)M370 B5H-P0861hypothetical protein27.17M370 C5H-P0862hypothetical protein24.64M379 F4H-P0863-2hypothetical protein59.73M370 D5H-P0865deoxyuridine 5′-triphosphate16.06nucleotidohydrolase (dut)M370 E5H-P0866transcription elongation factor18.15GreA (greA)M379 G4H-P0867-2lipid A disaccharide synthetase39.71(lpxB)M379 H4H-P0870-2flagellar hook (flgE)79.09M370 F5H-P0871CDP-diglyceride hydrolase (cdh)26.95M370 G5H-P0872alkylphosphonate uptake protein12.1(phnA)M370 H5H-P0873hypothetical protein7.92M371 A1H-P0879hypothetical protein22.33M371 B1H-P0883Holliday junction DNA helicase20.24(ruvA)M371 C1H-P0885virulence factor mviN protein50.82(mviN)M371 D1H-P0886cysteinyl-tRNA synthetase (cysS)51.26M371 E1H-P0889iron(III) dicitrate ABC35.97transporter, permease protein(fecD)M371 F1H-P0890conserved hypothetical protein28.27M371 G1H-P0891conserved hypothetical protein19.25M371 H1H-P0892conserved hypothetical protein10.01M371 A2H-P0894conserved hypothetical protein9.79M371 B2H-P0895hypothetical protein13.86M371 C2H-P0896outer membrane protein (omp19)77.99M371 D2H-P0897hypothetical protein22.99M371 E2H-P0898hydrogenase expression/formation40.81protein (hypD)M371 F2H-P0899hydrogenase expression/formation8.58protein (hypC)M371 G2H-P0900hydrogenase expression/formation26.73protein (hypB)M371 H2H-P0905phosphotransacetylase (pta)24.64M371 A3H-P0906hypothetical protein58.08M371 B3H-P0907hook assembly protein, flagella33.22(flgD)M371 C3H-P0909hypothetical protein22.22M371 D3H-P0912outer membrane protein (omp20)56.76M371 E3H-P0913outer membrane protein (omp21)58.3M371 F3H-P0914hypothetical protein56.65M371 G3H-P0915iron-regulated outer membrane61.93protein (frpB)M371 H3H-P0916iron-regulated outer membrane27.5protein (frpB)M380 A1H-P0917-2hypothetical protein2.64M371 A4H-P0918hypothetical protein15.84M371 B4H-P0920conserved hypothetical integral25.41membrane proteinM371 C4H-P0921glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate36.63dehydrogenase (gap)M371 D4H-P0923outer membrane protein (omp22)40.7M371 E4H-P0925recombinational DNA repair21.34protein (recR)M371 F4H-P0927heat shock protein (htpX)35.97M371 G4H-P0928GTP cyclohydrolase 1 (folE)19.91M371 H4H-P0929geranyltranstransferase (ispA)33.44M371 A5H-P0930stationary-phase survival protein29.48(surE)M371 B5H-P0931hypothetical protein16.17M371 C5H-P0932hypothetical protein11.11M371 D5H-P0933hypothetical protein22.11M371 E5H-P0934conserved hypothetical protein27.72M371 F5H-P0935hypothetical protein17.82M371 G5H-P0936proline/betaine transporter (proP)42.9M371 H5H-P0938hypothetical protein12.76M371 A6H-P0939amino acid ABC transporter,26.18permease protein (yckJ)M371 B6H-P0940amino acid ABC transporter,28.27periplasmic binding protein(yckK)M371 C6H-P0941alanine racemase, biosynthetic41.58(alr)M371 D6H-P0942D-alanine glycine permease49.61(dagA)M371 E6H-P0943D-amino acid dehydrogenase45.21(dadA)M371 F6H-P0944translation initiation inhibitor,13.86putativeM371 G6H-P0946conserved hypothetical integral54.67membrane proteinM371 H6H-P0947hypothetical protein13.31M371 A7H-P0949conserved hypothetical secreted16.61proteinM371 B7H-P0950acetyl-CoA carboxylase beta31.9subunit (accD)M371 C7H-P0951hypothetical protein22.66M371 D7H-P0952conserved hypothetical integral24.09membrane proteinM371 E7H-P0953hypothetical protein20.79M371 F7H-P0955prolipoprotein diacylglyceryl31.35transferase (lgt)M371 G7H-P0956conserved hypothetical protein26.73M371 H7H-P09573-deoxy-d-manno-octulosonic-43.34acid transferase (kdtA)M371 A8H-P0958hypothetical protein28.05M371 B8H-P0960glycyl-tRNA synthetase, alpha33.44subunit (glyQ)M371 C8H-P0961glycerol-3-phosphate34.43dehydrogenase (NAD(P)+)M380 B1H-P0965-2hypothetical protein48.84M371 D8H-P0966conserved hypothetical protein60.5M380 F1H-P0968-2hypothetical protein2.42M371 E8H-P0969cation efflux system protein112.31(czcA)M371 F8H-P0970nickel-cobalt-cadmium resistance39.6protein (nccB)M371 G8H-P0971hypothetical protein45.54M371 H8H-P0972glycyl-tRNA synthetase, beta77.22subunit (glyS)M371 A9H-P0973hypothetical protein38.94M380 C1H-P0974-2phosphoglycerate mutase (pgm)54.12M380 D1H-P0975-2conserved hypothetical protein10.34M380 E1H-P0976-2adenosylmethionine-8-amino-7-48.07oxononanoate aminotransferase(bioA)M380 H1H-P0994-2hypothetical protein29.48M380 G1H-P1000-2PARA protein24.09M380 A2H-P1001-2hypothetical protein10.45M380 B2H-P1002-2hypothetical protein43.45M380 C2H-P1003-2hypothetical protein40.81M380 D2H-P1004-2hypothetical protein30.14M380 E2H-P1005-2hypothetical protein11.55M380 F2H-P1006-2conjugal transfer protein (traG)19.58M380 G2H-P1017-2amino acid permease (rocE)57.2M380 H2H-P1042-2hypothetical protein38.39M380 A3H-P1056-2hypothetical protein31.35M380 B3H-P1075-2conserved hypothetical secreted48.29proteinM373 A1H-P1076hypothetical protein18.92M373 B1H-P1077nickel transport protein (nixA)36.52M373 C1H-P1080conserved hypothetical integral20.9membrane proteinM373 D1H-P1081hypothetical protein22.88M373 E1H-P1082multidrug resistance protein60.72(msbA)M373 F1H-P1083hypothetical protein52.8M373 G1H-P1084aspartate transcarbamoylase33.88(pyrB)M373 H1H-P1085hypothetical protein18.92M373 A2H-P1086hemolysin (tly)25.96M373 B2H-P1087riboflavin biosynthesis regulatory30.91protein (ribC)M373 C2H-P1088transketolase A (tktA)70.62M373 D2H-P1091alpha-ketoglutarate permease46.97(kgtP)M373 E2H-P1092flagellar basal-body rod protein29.7(flgG)M373 F2H-P1096IS605 transposase (tnpA)15.73M373 G2H-P1098conserved hypothetical secreted32.01proteinM373 H2H-P1101glucose-6-phosphate46.86dehydrogenase (g6pD)M373 A3H-P1102glucose-6-phosphate 1-25.08dehydrogenase (devB)M373 B3H-P1103glucokinase (glk)37.07M373 C3H-P1108pyruvate ferredoxin20.57oxidoreductase, gamma subunitM373 D3H-P1109pyruvate ferredoxin14.41oxidoreductase, delta subunitM373 E3H-P1110pyruvate ferredoxin44.88oxidoreductase, alpha subunitM373 F3H-P1111pyruvate ferredoxin34.65oxidoreductase, beta subunitM373 G3H-P1112adenylosuccinate lyase (purB)48.51M380 C3H-P1113-2outer membrane protein (omp24)30.58M373 H3H-P1117conserved hypothetical secreted28.27proteinM373 A4H-P1120hypothetical protein15.95M373 B4H-P1121cytosine specific DNA34.43methyltransferase (BSP6IM)M380 D3H-P1122-2hypothetical protein8.47M373 C4H-P1123peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans20.46isomerase, FKBP-type rotamase(slyD)M373 D4H-P1124hypothetical protein36.52M373 E4H-P1125peptidoglycan associated19.8lipoprotein precursor (omp18)M373 F4H-P1126colicin tolerance-like protein45.98(tolB)M373 G4H-P1128hypothetical protein9.35M373 H4H-P1129biopolymer transport protein14.74(exbD)M373 A5H-P1131ATP synthase F1, subunit epsilon13.75(atpC)M373 B5H-P1134ATP synthase F1, subunit alpha55.44(atpA)M373 C5H-P1135ATP synthase F1, subunit delta19.91(atpH)M373 D5H-P1137ATP synthase F0, subunit b15.95(atpF)M373 E5H-P1138plasmid replication-partition32.01related proteinM373 F5H-P1139SpoOJ regulator (soj)29.15M373 G5H-P1140biotin operon repressor/biotin23.43acetyl coenzyme A carboxylasesynthetase (birA)M373 H5H-P1141methionyl-tRNA33.44formyltransferase (fmt)M373 A6H-P1144hypothetical protein9.46M373 B6H-P1145hypothetical protein11.44M373 C6H-P1147ribosomal protein L19 (rpl19)13.09M373 D6H-P1148tRNA (guanine-NI)-25.3methyltransferase (trmD)M373 E6H-P1149conserved hypothetical protein20.35M380 F3H-P1150-2hypothetical protein12.76M373 F6H-P1152signal recognition particle protein49.39(ffh)M380 G3H-P1153-2valyl-tRNA synthetase (valS)96.25M380 E3H-P1157-2outer membrane protein (omp26)135.41M373 G6H-P1158pyrroline-5-carboxylate reductase28.38(proC)M373 H6H-P1159cell filamentation protein (fic)19.58M373 A7H-P1160conserved hypothetical protein15.51M380 A4H-P1163-2hypothetical protein7.04M373 B7H-P1165tetracycline resistance protein42.57tetA(P), putativeM373 C7H-P1168carbon starvation protein (cstA)75.68M373 D7H-P1169glutamine ABC transporter,23.98permease protein (glnP)M380 H3H-P1169-2glutamine ABC transporter,23.98permease protein (glnP)M374 A1H-P1170glutamine ABC transporter,24.64permease protein (glnP)M374 B1H-P1171glutamine ABC transporter, ATP-27.39binding protein (glnQ)M374 C1H-P1172glutamine ABC transporter,30.58periplasmic glutamine-bindingprotein (glnH)M374 D1H-P1173hypothetical protein20.24M374 E1H-P1174glucose/galactose transporter44.88(gluP)M374 F1H-P1175conserved hypothetical integral47.96membrane proteinM374 G1H-P1177outer membrane protein (omp27)70.62M374 H1H-P1178purine-nucleoside phosphorylase25.74(deoD)M374 A2H-P1179phosphopentomutase (deoB)45.54M374 B2H-P1180pyrimidine nucleoside transport46.09protein (nupC)M374 C2H-P1183NA+/H+ antiporter (napA)42.24M374 D2H-P1184conserved hypothetical integral50.6membrane proteinM374 E2H-P1185conserved hypothetical integral43.12membrane proteinM374 F2H-P1186carbonic anhydrase22.33M374 G2H-P1187hypothetical protein42.46M374 H2H-P1188hypothetical protein29.7M374 A3H-P1189aspartate-semialdehyde38.17dehydrogenase (asd)M374 B3H-P1191ADP-heptose-lps38.5heptosyltransferase II (rfaF)M374 C3H-P1196ribosomal protein S7 (rps7)17.16M374 D3H-P1200ribosomal protein L10 (rpl10)18.15M374 E3H-P1201ribosomal protein L1 (rpl1)25.85M374 F3H-P1202ribosomal protein L11 (rpl11)15.62M374 G3H-P1203transcription termination factor19.47NusG (nusG)M380 B4H-P1205-2translation elongation factor EF-44Tu (tufB)M374 H3H-P1206multidrug resistance protein63.69(hetA)M374 A4H-P1207hypothetical protein24.53M374 B4H-P1210serine acetyltransferase (cysE)18.92M380 F4H-P1213-2polynucleotide phosphorylase75.79(pnp)M380 G4H-P1214-2conserved hypothetical protein26.51M380 C4H-P1215-2hypothetical protein8.91M380 D4H-P1216-2conserved hypothetical secreted72.71proteinM380 E4H-P1217-2hypothetical protein17.6M374 C4H-P1220ABC transporter, ATP-binding25.19protein (yhcG)M374 D4H-P1221conserved hypothetical protein25.85M374 E4H-P1222D-lactate dehydrogenase (dld)104.39M374 F4H-P1224uroporphyrinogen III cosynthase24.97(hemD)M374 G4H-P1225conserved hypothetical integral14.41membrane proteinM374 H4H-P1226oxygen-independent38.83coproporphyrinogen III oxidase(hemN)M380 H4H-P1227-2cytochrome c55310.67M380 A5H-P1228-2invasion protein (invA)17.16M380 B5H-P1229-2aspartokinase (lysC)44.66M374 A5H-P1230hypothetical protein19.91M374 B5H-P1231DNA polymerase III delta prime24.09subunit (holB)M374 C5H-P1232dihydropteroate synthase (folP)41.91M380 D5H-P1233-2hypothetical protein16.94M374 D5H-P1234conserved hypothetical integral32.89membrane proteinM374 E5H-P1235conserved hypothetical integral45.76membrane proteinM374 F5H-P1236hypothetical protein20.24M374 G5H-P1237carbamoyl-phosphate synthetase41.36(pyrAa)M374 H5H-P1240conserved hypothetical protein21.01M380 C5H-P1241-2alanyl-tRNA synthetase (alaS)93.28M374 A6H-P1242conserved hypothetical protein8.47M380 H5H-P1243-2outer membrane protein (omp28)80.74M374 B6H-P1244ribosomal protein S18 (rps18)9.46M374 C6H-P1245single-strand DNA-binding19.8protein (ssb)M374 D6H-P1246ribosomal protein S6 (rps6)15.73M380 A6H-P1247-2hypothetical protein37.51M374 E6H-P1248virulence associated protein70.95homolog (vacB)M380 B6H-P1249-2shikimate 5-dehydrogenase (aroE)29.04M380 E5H-P1251-2oligopeptide ABC transporter,38.39permease protein (oppB)M380 F5H-P1252-2oligopeptide ABC transporter,65.45periplasmic oligopeptide-bindingprotein (oppA)M380 G5H-P1253-2tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase37.4(trpS)M374 F6H-P1254biotin synthesis protein (bioC)26.51M374 G6H-P1255protein translocation protein, low22.22temperature (secG)M374 H6H-P1256ribosome releasing factor (frr)20.46M374 A7H-P1257orotate phosphoribosyltransferase22.22(pyrE)M374 B7H-P1258conserved hypothetical17.05mitochondrial protein 4M374 C7H-P1260NADH-ubiquinone14.74oxidoreductase, NQO7 subunit(NQO7)M374 D7H-P1262NADH-ubiquinone29.37oxidoreductase, NQO5 subunit(NQO5)M374 E7H-P1263NADH-ubiquinone45.1oxidoreductase, NQO4 subunit(NQO4)M380 C6H-P1264-2hypothetical protein8.47M374 F7H-P1265hypothetical protein36.19M375 A1H-P1268NADH-ubiquinone24.31oxidoreductase, NQO9 subunit(NQO9)M375 B1H-P1275phosphomannomutase (algC)50.6M375 C1H-P1277tryptophan synthase, alpha28.93subunit (trpA)M375 D1H-P1278tryptophan synthase, beta subunit43.34(trpB)M375 E1H-P1279anthranilate isomerase (trpC)49.83M375 F1H-P1282anthranilate synthase component 155.11(trpE)M375 G1H-P1285conserved hypothetical secreted25.41proteinM375 H1H-P1286conserved hypothetical secreted20.13proteinM375 A2H-P1287transcriptional regulator (tenA)23.98M375 B2H-P1288hypothetical protein14.63M375 C2H-P1289hypothetical protein17.82M375 D2H-P1290nicotinamide mononucleotide24.31transporter (pnuC)M375 E2H-P1291conserved hypothetical protein22.55M375 F2H-P1292ribosomal protein L17 (rpl17)12.87M375 G2H-P1293DNA-directed RNA polymerase,37.95alpha subunit (rpoA)M375 H2H-P1294ribosomal protein S4 (rps4)22.99M375 A3H-P1295ribosomal protein S11 (rps11)14.52M375 B3H-P1296ribosomal protein S13 (rps13)13.31M380 D6H-P1298-2translation initiation factor EF-18.03(infA)M375 C3H-P1299methionine amino peptidase27.94(map)M375 D3H-P1302ribosomal protein S5 (rps5)16.94M375 E3H-P1303ribosomal protein L18 (rpl18)13.2M375 F3H-P1305ribosomal protein S8 (rps8)14.52M375 G3H-P1307ribosomal protein L5 (rpl5)20.02M375 H3H-P1308ribosomal protein L24 (rpl24)8.14M375 A4H-P1309ribosomal protein L14 (rpl14)13.53M375 B4H-P1310ribosomal protein S17 (rps17)9.57M375 C4H-P1312ribosomal protein L16 (rpl16)15.62M375 D4H-P1314ribosomal protein L22 (rpl22)13.53M375 E4H-P1315ribosomal protein S19 (rps19)10.34M375 F4H-P1318ribosomal protein L4 (rpl4)23.76M375 G4H-P1319ribosomal protein L3 (rpl3)21.12M375 H4H-P1320ribosomal protein S10 (rps10)11.55M375 A5H-P1321conserved hypothetical ATP-41.58binding proteinM375 B5H-P1322hypothetical protein22.22M375 C5H-P1323ribonuclease HII (rnhB)23.1M375 D5H-P1324hypothetical protein9.24M375 E5H-P1326hypothetical protein13.86M375 F5H-P1327hypothetical protein45.43M375 G5H-P1328cation efflux system protein37.29(czcA)M375 H5H-P1330conserved hypothetical integral12.76membrane proteinM375 A6H-P1331conserved hypothetical integral25.19membrane proteinM375 B6H-P1332co-chaperone and heat shock40.7protein (dnaJ)M375 C6H-P1333hypothetical protein42.13M375 D6H-P1335conserved hypothetical protein39.71M375 E6H-P1336hypothetical protein27.94M375 F6H-P1337conserved hypothetical protein19.25M375 G6H-P1338conserved hypothetical protein16.39M375 H6H-P1340biopolymer transport protein14.3(exbD)M375 A7H-P1341siderophore-mediated iron31.46transport protein (tonB)M375 B7H-P1342outer membrane protein (omp29)76.12M375 C7H-P1343conserved hypothetical integral26.73membrane proteinM375 D7H-P1344magnesium and cobalt transport35.09protein (corA)M375 E7H-P1345phosphoglycerate kinase44.33M375 F7H-P1346glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate36.41dehydrogenase (gap)M375 G7H-P1347uracil-DNA glycosylase (ung)25.74M375 H7H-P1349hypothetical protein42.68M375 A8H-P1350protease50.6M375 B8H-P1355nicotinate-nucleotide30.14pyrophosphorylase (nadC)M375 C8H-P1356quinolinate synthetase A (nadA)37.07M375 D8H-P1357phosphatidylserine decarboxylase29.48proenzyme (psd)M375 E8H-P1358hypothetical protein18.59M375 F8H-P13604-hydroxybenzoate32.45octaprenyltransferase (ubiA)M375 G8H-P1361competence locus E (comE3)45.98M375 H8H-P1362replicative DNA helicase (dnaB)53.79M375 A9H-P1363conserved hypothetical integral51.37membrane proteinM376 A1H-P1364signal-transducing protein,43.78histidine kinaseM376 B1H-P1365response regulator23.54M376 C1H-P1371type III restriction enzyme R106.59proteinM376 D1H-P1372rod shape-determining protein27.39(mreC)M376 E1H-P1373rod shape-determining protein38.28(mreB)M376 F1H-P1374ATP-dependent protease ATPase49.17subunit (clpX)M376 G1H-P1375UDP-N-acetylglucosamine29.81acyltransferase (lpxA)M376 H1H-P1376(3R)-hydroxymyristoyl-(acyl17.6carrier protein) dehydratase(fabZ)M376 A2H-P1377hypothetical protein16.17M376 B2H-P1378competence lipoprotein (comL)24.31M376 C2H-P1379ATP-dependent protease (lon)91.96M376 D2H-P1380prephenate dehydrogenase (tyrA)29.26M381 C1H-P1381hypothetical protein8.58M376 E2H-P1382hypothetical protein14.41M376 F2H-P1383restriction modification system S17.71subunitM376 G2H-P1384hypothetical protein7.59M376 H2H-P1385fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase32.01M376 A3H-P1386D-ribulose-5-phosphate 323.98epimerase (rpe)M376 B3H-P1388hypothetical protein16.5M376 C3H-P1389hypothetical protein6.71M376 D3H-P1390hypothetical protein18.37M376 E3H-P1391hypothetical protein10.89M376 F3H-P1392fibronectin/fibrinogen-binding47.96proteinM376 G3H-P1393DNA repair protein (recN)57.75M376 H3H-P1394conserved hypothetical protein31.35M376 A4H-P1395outer membrane protein (omp30)26.73M376 B4H-P1396hypothetical protein31.79M376 C4H-P1398alanine dehydrogenase (ald)41.91M376 D4H-P1399arginase (rocF)35.53M376 E4H-P1400iron(III) dicitrate transport protein92.73(fecA)M376 F4H-P1401conserved hypothetical protein25.96M381 A2H-P1402type I restriction enzyme R109.34protein (hsdR)M381 B2H-P1403type I restriction enzyme M89.98protein (hsdM)M376 G4H-P1405hypothetical protein3.85M376 H4H-P1406biotin synthetase (bioB)31.13M376 A5H-P1407conserved hypothetical integral32.23membrane proteinM381 C2H-P1408hypothetical protein12.32M381 D2H-P1409hypothetical protein63.69M376 B5H-P1410hypothetical protein43.45M376 C5H-P1411hypothetical protein68.2M376 D5H-P1412hypothetical protein33.99M376 E5H-P1413conserved hypothetical protein16.39M376 F5H-P1414conserved hypothetical protein12.54M376 G5H-P1415tRNA delta(2)-29.37isopentenylpyrophosphatetransferase (miaA)M376 H5H-P1418UDP-N-28.6acetylenolpyruvoylglucosaminereductase (murB)M376 A6H-P1419flagellar biosynthetic protein9.79(fliQ)M376 B6H-P1420flagellar export protein ATP47.85synthase (fliI)M376 C6H-P1421conjugative transfer regulon33.55protein (trbB)M376 D6H-P1423conserved hypothetical protein9.35M376 E6H-P1424hypothetical protein22.77M376 F6H-P1425hypothetical protein8.36M376 G6H-P1427histidine-rich, metal binding6.71polypeptide (hpn)M376 H6H-P1428conserved hypothetical protein39.38M376 A7H-P1429polysialic acid capsule expression36.3protein (kpsF)M376 B7H-P1430conserved hypothetical ATP-75.9binding proteinM376 C7H-P143116S rRNA (adenosine-N6, N6-)-29.92dimethyltransferase (ksgA)M376 D7H-P1432histidine and glutamine-rich8.03proteinM376 E7H-P1433hypothetical protein94.27M376 F7H-P1434formyltetrahydrofolate hydrolase32.34(purU)M376 G7H-P1435protease IV (PspA)32.23M376 H7H-P1436hypothetical protein9.13M376 A8H-P1438conserved hypothetical37.29lipoproteinM376 B8H-P1439hypothetical protein9.02M376 C8H-P1440hypothetical protein28.6M376 D8H-P1441peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans18.04isomerase B, cyclosporin-typerotamase (ppi)M376 E8H-P1442carbon storage regulator (csrA)8.47M376 F8H-P1443conserved hypothetical protein29.59M376 G8H-P1444small protein (smpB)16.83M376 H8H-P1445biopolymer transport protein16.61(exbB)M376 A9H-P1446biopolymer transport protein14.74(exbD)M376 B9H-P1447ribosomal protein L34 (rpl34)4.95M376 C9H-P1448ribonuclease P, protein17.82component (rnpA)M376 D9H-P1449conserved hypothetical protein12.98M376 E9H-P145060 kDa inner-membrane protein60.28M376 F9H-P1451hypothetical protein29.15M376 G9H-P1452thiophene and furan oxidizer50.82(tdhF)M376 H9H-P1453conserved hypothetical protein82.17M376 A10H-P1454hypothetical protein33.44M376 B10H-P1455hypothetical protein14.41M376 C10H-P1456membrane-associated lipoprotein19.36(lpp20)M376 D10H-P1457hypothetical protein23.21M376 E10H-P1458thioredoxin11.55M376 F10H-P1461cytochrome c551 peroxidase38.61M377 A1H-P1462secreted protein involved in19.03flagellar motilityM377 B1H-P1463hypothetical protein24.86M377 C1H-P1464conserved hypothetical secreted29.92proteinM377 D1H-P1465ABC transporter, ATP-binding28.82protein (H11087)M377 E1H-P1466conserved hypothetical integral41.58membrane proteinM377 F1H-P1467hypothetical protein25.52M377 G1H-P1468branched-chain-amino-acid37.51aminotransferase (ilvE)M377 H1H-P1469outer membrane protein (omp31)27.39M377 A2H-P1473hypothetical protein21.12M377 B2H-P1474thymidylate kinase (tmk)21.12M377 C2H-P1475lipopolysaccharide core17.38biosynthesis protein (kdtB)M377 D2H-P1476phenylacrylic acid decarboxylase20.68M377 E2H-P1479hypothetical protein92.95M377 F2H-P1480seryl-tRNA synthetase (serS)45.76M377 G2H-P1481hypothetical protein29.26M377 H2H-P1482hypothetical protein9.57M377 A3H-P1483gerC2 protein (gerC2)27.17M377 B3H-P1484conserved hypothetical integral16.39membrane proteinM377 C3H-P1485proline dipeptidase (pepQ)21.01M377 D3H-P1486conserved hypothetical integral41.47membrane proteinM377 E3H-P1487conserved hypothetical integral40.26membrane proteinM377 F3H-P1488conserved hypothetical secreted36.3proteinM377 G3H-P1489lipase-like protein56.21M381 G1H-P1490hemolysin49.5M377 H3H-P1491phosphate permease58.74M377 A4H-P1492conserved hypothetical nifU-like9.9proteinM377 B4H-P1493hypothetical protein22.44M377 C4H-P1494UDP-MurNac-tripeptide49.28synthetase (murE)M377 D4H-P1495transaldolase (tal)34.87M377 E4H-P1496general stress protein (ctc)19.69M377 F4H-P1497peptidyl-tRNA hydrolase (pth)20.57M377 G4H-P1499hypothetical protein30.03M377 H4H-P1501outer membrane protein (omp32)42.79M377 A5H-P1502hypothetical protein16.06M377 B5H-P1503cation-transporting ATPase, P-86.79type (copA)M377 C5H-P1504conserved hypothetical protein26.29M377 D5H-P1505riboflavin biosynthesis protein37.95(ribG)M377 E5H-P1506glutamate permease (gltS)44.99M377 F5H-P1507conserved hypothetical ATP-42.46binding proteinM381 F2H-P1508ferrodoxin-like protein50.49M377 G5H-P1509conserved hypothetical integral28.93membrane proteinM377 H5H-P1510conserved hypothetical protein12.98M377 A6H-P1511hypothetical protein11.99M377 B6H-P1512iron-regulated outer membrane96.58protein (frpB)M377 C6H-P1513selenocystein synthase (selA)42.57M377 D6H-P1514transcription termination factor43.56NusA (nusA)M377 E6H-P1518hypothetical protein10.56M381 B3H-P1521type III restriction enzyme R106.48protein (res)M381 C3H-P1523DNA recombinase (recG)68.64M377 F6H-P1524hypothetical protein12.76M377 G6H-P1525hypothetical protein23.32M377 H6H-P1526exodeoxyribonuclease (lexA)27.61M377 A7H-P1527hypothetical protein52.8M377 B7H-P1530purine nucleoside phosphorylase19.91(punB)M377 C7H-P1531hypothetical protein8.8M377 D7H-P1532glucosamine fructose-6-phosphate65.78aminotransferase (isomerizing)(glmS)M377 E7H-P1533conserved hypothetical protein25.52M377 F7H-P1534IS605 transposase (tnpB)47.08M377 G7H-P1535IS605 transposase (tnpA)15.73M377 H7H-P1541transcription-repair coupling110factor (trcF)M377 A8H-P1548conserved hypothetical integral12.43membrane proteinM377 B8H-P1551conserved hypothetical secreted14.08proteinM377 C8H-P1552Na+/H+ antiporter (nhaA)48.29M381 B4H-P1554ribosomal protein S2 (rps2)29.15M381 D4H-P1555translation elongation factor EF-39.16Ts (tsf)M377 D8H-P1556cell division protein (ftsl)67.76M381 E4H-P1557flagellar basal-body protein (fliE)12.1M381 F4H-P1558flagellar basal-body rod protein17.82(flgC) (proximal rod protein)M381 G4H-P1559flagellar basal-body rod protein15.51(flgB) (proximal rod protein)M378 A1H-P1560cell division protein (ftsW)42.79M378 B1H-P1561iron(III) ABC transporter,36.96periplasmic iron-binding protein(ceuE)M378 C1H-P1562iron(III) ABC transporter,36.74periplasmic iron-binding protein(ceuE)M378 D1H-P1563alkyl hydroperoxide reductase21.89(tsaA)M378 E1H-P1564outer membrane protein29.92M378 F1H-P1565penicillin-binding protein 264.79(pbp2)M378 G1H-P1566hypothetical protein16.28M378 H1H-P1567conserved hypothetical ATP-22.99binding proteinM378 A2H-P1568hypothetical protein20.24M378 B2H-P1569hypothetical protein21.78M378 C2H-P1570conserved hypothetical protein18.15M378 D2H-P1571rare lipoprotein A (rlpA)34.76M378 E2H-P1572regulatory protein DniR41.03M378 F2H-P1573conserved hypothetical protein28.05M378 G2H-P1576ABC transporter, ATP-binding36.08protein (abc)M378 H2H-P1577ABC transporter, permease23.76protein (yaeE)M378 A3H-P1580hypothetical protein24.31M378 B3H-P1581methicillin resistance protein37.07(llm)M378 C3H-P1582pyridoxal phosphate biosynthetic28.93protein J (pdxJ)M378 D3H-P1583pyridoxal phosphate biosynthetic33.88protein A (pdxA)M378 E3H-P1584sialoglycoprotease (gcp)37.51M378 F3H-P1585flagellar basal-body rod protein28.93(flgG)M378 G3H-P1587conserved hypothetical protein17.16M378 H3H-P1588conserved hypothetical protein27.94M381 H1H-P1590hypothetical protein4.4M318 G2H-S38729autoimmune antigen Ku, p7067.167subunitH1H-S39329Kallikrein 124.6430(renal/pancreas/salivary){alternative products}M270 G4H-S43855Recoverin, photoreceptor protein22.1132.0 kDaM300 C2H-S56151milk fat globule protein HMFG24.0930M318 C1H-S57153retinoblastoma-binding protein 1,101.31101isoform 1 [RBBP1]M271 B2H-S57162retinoblastoma-binding protein 1,93.72110isoform III [RBBP1],INTERACTS WITH THE VIRALPROTEIN-BINDING DOMAINOF THE RETINOBLASTOMAPROTEIN.M317 H3H-S62027transducin, gamma subunit8.2511M270 G6H-S66793arrestin, X-anestin = S-antigen42.7950.0 kDahomolog [human, retina, mRNA,1314 nt], MAY PLAY A ROLEIN AN AS YET UNDEFINEDRETINA-SPECIFIC SIGNALTRANSDUCTION.M419 C2H-S67859“transcription initiation factor Ile.48.36064.0 kDaalpha subunit”M302 D7H-S69022myosin, light polypeptide 2,18.2631ventricularH5H-S69272cytoplasmic antiproteinase = 3841.4750kda intracellular serine proteinaseinhibitor [human, placenta,mRNA, 1465 nt]D1H-S72043GIF = growth inhibitory factor7.5919[human, brain, Genomic, 2015 nt]M266 B3H-S74221cytokine IK factor17.9336.0 kDaD1H-S74445cellular retinoic acid-binding15.1823protein [human, skin, mRNA, 735nt]E3H-S74728antiquitin = 26 g turgor protein56.3253homolog [human, kidney, mRNA,1809 nt]D4H-S75174E2F transcription factor 4,45.8758p107/p130-binding166-61H-S76474“trkB {alternately spliced}5552.54[human, brain, mRNA]”169-40H-S76617“Blk = protein tyrosine kinase6055.62[human, B lymphocytes, mRNA,2608 nt]”M250 D3H-S79522ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal17.2717.0 kDaextension protein, Ubiquitin A-52residue ribosomal protein fusionproduct 1M236 B4H-S80562calponin, acidic36.349G1H-S82470BB1 = malignant cell expression-37.7334enhanced gene/tumorprogression-enhanced gene[human, UM-UC-9 bladdercarcinoma cell line, mRNA, 1897nt]M313 E1H-S85655prohibitin [PHB]30.0340.0 kDaM465 A6H-S87759protein phosphatase 2C alpha42.1352.0 kDa[human, teratocarcinoma, mRNA,2346 nt]M472 B1H-U00803tyrosine-protein kinase FRK55.62064.0 kDaB2H-U02390Human adenylyl cyclase-52.5855associated protein homolog CAP2(CAP2) mRNA, complete cds167-2H-U02680human protein tyrosine kinase3638.57mRNAG2H-U03056Human tumor suppressor (LUCA-47.96471) mRNA, complete cdsM512 E3H-U03100Human alpha2(E)-catenin mRNA,102.52102.0 kDa complete cdsM306 G3H-U0318772.9395.0 kDaH3H-U03398Human receptor 4-1BB ligand28.0551mRNA, complete cdsD3H-U03486Human connexin40 gene,39.4940complete cdsM300 C3H-U03643leukophysin25.9634F5H-U03749Human chromogranin A (CHGA)50.3850gene, promoter andM314 C3H-U03886GS2 (GB: U03886)27.9432.0 kDaM306 E3H-U04343CD86 antigen (CD28 antigen35.6447ligand 2, B7-2 antigen) [CD86]167-61H-U05012TrkC9290.82M302 G5H-U05340cell division cycle protein p555555A4H-U05659Hydroxysteroid (17-beta)34.2136dehydrogenase 3F1H-U05861Human hepatic dihydrodiol35.6440dehydrogenase geneM302 B2H-U06452antigen MART-1, melanoma13.0920.0 kDa169-52H-U06454human AMP-activated protein7060.79kinase (hAMPK) mRNAM315 A3H-U06643lectin, epidermal15.0718H1H-U06715Cytochrome B56127.0625M476 E5H-U07132Human steroid hormone receptor50.8255.0 kDaNer-I mRNA, complete cdsM236 D3H-U07151guanine nucleotide-binding20.1334protein ADP-ribosylation factorlike gene 3M317 G3H-U07559homeotic protein Islet-138.1738M266 H1H-U07681Human NAD(H)-specific40.3740isocitrate dehydrogenase alphasubunit precursor mRNA,complete cdsE3H-U07919Aldehyde dehydrogenase 656.4353M298 A3H-U08021nicotinamide N-methyltransferase29.1536.0 kDaM297 B1H-U08024alcohol/hydroxysteroid31.4650.0 kDasulfotransferaseA2H-U08336Human basic helix-loop-helix21.8942transcription factor mRNA,complete cdsE2H-U09303Human T cell leukemia LERK-238.1740(EPLG2) mRNA, complete cdsM250 H5H-U09559RCHI, RAG (recombination58.358.0 kDaactivating gene) cohort 1167-50H-U09564human serine kinase mRNA7272.12166-74H-U09578human MAPKAP kinase (3pK)5042.09mRNAM302 C4H-U09813ATP synthase, subunit 9,15.7330mitochondrialA1H-U09850Zinc finger protein 143 (clone68.9768pHZ-1)M423 E1H-U09937Human urokinase-type36.9649.0 kDaplasminogen receptorM450 H4H-U10117Human endothelial-monocyte34.4338.0 kDaactivating polypeptide II mRNA,complete cdsM314 G1H-U10248ribosomal protein L2917.627M298 H1H-U10323nuclear factor 4544.7745E1H-U10492Human Mox 1 protein (MOX1)28.0537mRNA, complete cdsF3H-U10686Human MAGE-11 antigen35.235(MAGE11) gene, complete cds167-38H-U11050human NIMA-like protein kinase5549.021 (NLK1) mRNAM266 B2H-U11292Human Ki nuclear autoantigen29.4832mRNA, complete cds, may play arol in cell adhesion167-62H-U11791human cyclin H m RNA4035.60M423 D5H-U12255immunoglobulin gamma heavy40.2648.0 kDachain Fc receptor R1, high affinityM302 F7H-U12404Csa-1923.9832M236 A2H-U12465ribosomal protein L3513.6424169-4H-U12535human epidermal growth factor10090.49receptor kinase substrate (Eps8)mRNAF3H-U12597Human tumor necrosis factor type55.22642 receptor associated protein(TRAP3) mRNA, complete cdsM314 D1H-U12979transcriptional coactivator PC414.0823M476 G4H-U13044GA-binding protein transcription50.0553.0 kDafactor, alpha subunit (60 kD)M302 F3H-U13665cathepsin O (GB: U13665)36.350.0 kDaM311 G4H-U13831cellular retinol binding protein II14.8520.0 kDaA2H-U13991Human TATA-binding protein24.0934associated factor 30 kDa subunit(tafII30) mRNA, complete cdsM416 A4H-U14187Human receptor tyrosine kinase26.2929.0 kDaligand LERK-3 (EPLG3) mRNA,complete cdsM250 A2H-U14188eph-related receptor tyrosine22.2227kinase ligand 4 [EPLG4]M302 D2H-U14193human TFIIA gamma subunit12.06028.0 kDamRNAM416 G1H-U14603Human protein-tyrosine18.4830.0 kDaphosphatase (HU-PP-1) mRNA,partial sequenceE2H-U14747Visinin-like 121.1225M266 D4H-U14966ribosomal protein L532.7838M314 E2H-U14967ribosomal protein L2117.7129M266 F5H-U14968ribosomal protein L27a16.3919.0 kDaM248 E3H-U14969ribosomal protein L2815.1827M266 E1H-U14971ribosomal protein S921.4530M250 C2H-U15009small nuclear ribonucleoprotein,13.9717.0 kDaSm D3M311 D4H-U16660enoyl-Coenzyme A hydratase-like36.1938protein, peroxisomalM302 H4H-U17074cyclin-dependent kinase 618.5929inhibitor p18M306 A2H-U17195A-kinase anchor protein 10072.05100[AKAP100*]D1H-U17280Steroidogenic acute regulatory31.4635proteinM316 F1H-U18291cell division cycle protein 1668.271.0 kDaC5H-U18420Human ras-related small GTP23.8733binding protein Rab5 (rab5)mRNA, complete cdsM311 A2H-U18423spinal muscular atrophy gene32.4541M248 D4H-U18914hypothetical protein, (Human20.353219.8 kDa protein mRNA,complete cds)M302 B5H-U19718microfibril-associated20.2434.0 kDaglycoprotein 2M305 E3H-U20240CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein16.6129gammaM302 A8H-U20352malate dehydrogenase36.8540M416 F4H-U20391Human folate receptor (FOLR1)28.3834.0 kDagene, complete cdsM311 D1H-U20536apoptotic cysteine protease Mch232.3438.0 kDaM431 G2H-U20659RNA polymerase II, subunit B719.0331.0 kDaM499 C1H-U20938Human lymphocyte112.86100.0 kDa dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenasemRNA, complete cdsM305 F2H-U2097214-3-3 protein, epsilon28.1636M271 D3H-U21049hypothetical protein12.6516(GB: U21049), ESTs, Highlysimilar to DD96 [H. sapiens].M421 G5H-U21858Human transcriptional activation29.1538.0 kDafactor TAFII32 mRNA, completecdsM424 H3H-U22662Human nuclear orphan receptor49.2849.0 kDaLXR-alpha mRNA, complete cdsM271 D2H-U24074killer cell inhibitory receptor37.6243[KIR], Homo sapiens naturalkiller-associated transcript 3(NKAT3), complete cds.RECEPTOR ON NATURALKILLER (NK) CELLS FORHLA-C ALLELES.169-29H-U24153human p21-activated protein6057.82kinase (Pak2) geneM385 H2H-U24166EB129.5936.0 kDaG1H-U24169Human JTV-1 (JTV-1) mRNA,34.4340complete cdsE1H-U24576Human breast tumor autoantigen18.2627mRNA, complete sequenceG4H-U24577Human LDL-phospholipase A248.6252mRNA, complete cdsH1H-U25789Human ribosomal protein L2117.7132mRNA, complete cdsM416 D1H-U25849Human red cell-type low17.4928.0 kDamolecular weight acidphosphatase (ACP1) gene, 5′flanking region andM300 A3H-U26312heterochromatin protein H-P1Hs-19.1430gammaM416 D3H-U26403Human receptor tyrosine kinase25.1930.0 kDaligand LERK-7 precursor(EPLG7) mRNA, complete cdsM317 E2H-U27143human protein kinase C inhibitor-13.90017.0 kDaI cDNAE5H-U28249Human 11 kd protein mRNA,12.3212complete cdsF4H-U28386Human nuclear localization58.354sequence receptor hSRP1alphamRNA, complete cdsM423 E3H-U28694Chemokine (C-C) receptor 339.1639.0 kDaM266 G6H-U28963Gps236.0836M306 D3H-U30610CD94 antigen (NK/T-cell C-type19.827lectin receptor) [CD94]B1H-U31116Human beta-sarcoglycan A3b35.0933mRNA, complete cdsM297 C2H-U31278mitotic feedback control protein22.6631.0 kDaMadp2 homologM302 G2H-U31384guanine nucleotide-binding8.1410protein, gamma 11 subunitF4H-U31986Human cartilage-specific35.9747homeodomain protein Cart-1mRNA, complete cdsM390 F3H-U32114caveolin 217.9318.0 kDaE4H-U32324Human interleukin-11 receptor46.5354alpha chain mRNA, complete cdsF1H-U32576Apolipoprotein C-IV14.0816M298 C4H-U32907p37NB protein34.5439M300 D3H-U32944dynein, light chain 1, cytoplasmic9.915M297 D1H-U32989tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase44.7750.0 kDa166-51H-U33052“protein kinase PRK2 [human,110108.3DX3 B-cell myeloma cell line,mRNA]”166-64H-U33054“human G protein-coupled5263.65receptor kinase GRK4 mRNA,alpha splice variant”166-88H-U33055“human G protein-coupled6060.1receptor kinase GRK4 mRNA,beta splice variant”166-76H-U33056“human G protein-coupled5858.59receptor kinase GRK4 mRNA,gamma splice variant”A2H-U3458417.7131169-87H-U34820human MAP kinase mRNA5546.49215-2H-U34822human JNK1 alpha2 protein5547.04kinase (JNK1A2) mRNA169-37H-U35002human JNK2 betal protein kinase5042.09(JNK2B1) mRNA169-25H-U35003human JNK2 beta2 protein kinase5546.71(JNK2B2) mRNA167-16H-U35004human JNK1 betal protein kinase5242.31(JNK1B1) mRNAM300 B2H-U35048TSC-22 protein15.9527M423 E5H-U35398Human G protein-coupled40.2648.0 kDareceptor mRNA, complete cdsA3H-U35735Human RACH1 (RACH1)42.978mRNA, complete cdsM250 E5H-U36764Eukaryotic translation initiation35.8636.0 kDafactor 3 (elF-3) p36 subunit,transforming growth factor-betareceptor II interacting protein 1M270 E4H-U37283microfibril-associated19.1432glycoprotein-2 (GB: U37283)M426 F3H-U37352Protein phosphatase 2A,56.6555.0 kDaregulatory subunit B′ alpha-1E1H-U37529Human substance P beta-PPT-A14.322mRNA, complete cdsM305 H5H-U37547apoptosis inhibitor68.0964M424 D5H-U38480Human retinoid X receptor-51.0461.0 kDagamma mRNA, complete cdsM270 F4H-U38810Human mab-21 cell fate-determining protein homolog(CAGR1) mRNA,M467 F6H-U38904Human zinc finger protein C2H2-40.4847.0 kDa25 mRNA, complete cdsE2H-U39318Human E2 ubiquitin conjugating16.2822enzyme UbcH5C (UBCH5C)mRNA, complete cds166-75H-U39657human MAP kinase kinase 64036.81(MKK6) mRNAM298 E4H-U39945human adenylate kinase 2 (adk2)26.363338.0 kDamRNA166-38H-U40282human integrin-linked kinase5549.68(ILK) mRNA169-65H-U40343human CDK inhibitor p19INK4d1818.33mRNAE2H-U40705Homo sapiens telomeric repeat48.452binding factor (TRF1) mRNA,complete cds166-50H-U40989human tat interactive protein6053.09mRNAM266 H6H-U41767metargidin precursor89.6590M270 F3H-U41804Human putative T1/ST2 receptor25.0835.0 kDabinding protein precursor mRNA,complete cdsD5H-U42360Human N33 gene38.2838A1H-U43368Vascular endothelial growth22.8833factor BM421 G7H-U43901Human 37 kD laminin receptor32.5658.0 kDaprecursor/p40 ribosomeassociated protein gene, completecdsM392 C2H-U43923transcription factor SUPTH412.9816.0 kDaE2H-U46024Myotubular myopathy 166.4458M330 A1H-U46838p105MCM90.4297M476 E2H-U47677Human transcription factor E2F148.1853.0 kDa(E2F1) gene, promoter andM421 H1H-U48707Human protein phosphatase-118.9236.0 kDainhibitor mRNA, complete cdsM302 B7H-U49070peptidyl-prolyl isomerase PIN118.0428.0 kDaC1H-U49188Human placenta (Diff33) mRNA,54.4570complete cdsM485 H2H-U49837Human LIM protein MLP mRNA,21.4534.0 kDacomplete cdsD2H-U49897Homo sapiens phenylalanine49.8364hydroxylase (PAH) mRNA,complete cdsB2H-U49957Human LIM protein (LPP)67.4367mRNA, partial cds166-16H-U50196human adenosine kinase mRNA5038.02A4H-U50939Human amyloid precursor58.8560protein-binding protein 1 mRNA,complete cdsG3H-U51224Human U2AFBPL gene, complete52.855cdsM486 E3H-U51333Hexokinase 3 (white cell)101.64100.0 kDa M305 D1H-U51478ATPase, Na+/K+ transporting,30.836beta 3 subunitM416 H3H-U52112Homo sapiens Xq28 genomic25.9636.0 kDaDNA in the region of the L1CAMlocus containing the genes forneural cell adhesion molecule L1(L1CAM), arginine-vasopressinreceptor (AVPR2), C1 p115 (C1),ARD1 N-acetyltransferase relatedprotein (TE2), renin-bindingprotein (RbP), host cell factor 1(HCF1), and interleukin-1receptor-associated kinase(IRAK) genes, complete cds, andXq28lu2 geneM463 E1H-U53442human p38Beta MAP kinase40.9949.0 kDamRNAG3H-U53446Human mitogen-responsive84.8198phosphoprotein DOC-2 mRNA,complete cdsM463 C1H-U54617human pyruvate dehydrogenase45.2852.0 kDakinase isoform 4 mRNA169-38H-U54645methylmalonyl-coA mutase3825.59precursorM300 H3H-U56255t-complex sterility protein12.5416homolog CW-1C4H-U56417Human lysophosphatidic acid31.2446acyltransferase-alpha mRNA,complete cdsM305 A2H-U56637actin-capping protein alpha31.5731subunit isoform 1M235 E6H-U56814Human DNase 1-Like III protein33.6640.0 kDa(DNAS1L3) mRNA, completecds, involved in apoptosis Bindsspecifically to G-ACTIN ANDBLOCKS ACTINPOLYMERIZATION.D5H-U5705931.0236B3H-U57093Human small GTP-binding24.0934protein rab27b mRNA, completecdsD3H-U57099Human APEG-1 mRNA,12.5420complete cdsF1H-U58331Sarcoglycan, delta (35 kD28.2724dystrophin-associatedglycoprotein)M512 F4H-U58334Human Bc12, p53 binding protein110.66108.0 kDa Bbp/53BP2 (BBP/53BP2) mRNA,complete cdsB3H-U58516Human breast epithelial antigen42.6850BA46 mRNA, complete cdsM250 E4H-U58522Human huntingtin interacting22.1130protein (HIP2) mRNA, completecdsM419 G2H-U60207human stress responsive53.64063.0 kDaserine/threonine protein kinaseKrs-2 mRNAM298 B2H-U60276arsA homolog (hASNA-I)36.6347.0 kDaB2H-U60521Human protease proMch6 (Mch6)45.8752mRNA, complete cdsF3H-U61166Human SH3 domain-containing57.3157protein SH3P17 mRNA, completecdsM250 B5H-U61232cofactor E (tubulin-foldingprotein), REQUIRED FORVIABILITY IN THE ABSENCEOF THE KINESIN-RELATEDCIN8A5H-U62392Homo sapiens zinc finger protein43.4552mRNA, complete cdsG1H-U62801Human protease M mRNA,26.9533complete cdsM266 B1H-U62962Int-6, Human Int-6 mRNA,49.0652.0 kDacomplete cdsM300 G1H-U63295seven in absentia homolog31.1336M306 H3H-U6419894.9398H3H-U64863Human hPD-1 (hPD-1) mRNA,31.7937complete cdsB3H-U65581Human ribosomal protein L3-like44.8852mRNA, complete cdsM341 D1H-U65918DAZ homologue [DAZLA]32.5636.0 kDaM302 E1H-U65928Jun activation domain binding36.8548.0 kDaproteinM512 D3H-U66347Homo sapiens cAMP46.9760.0 kDaphosphodiesterase (PDE4C)mRNA, 4C-426 isoform,complete cdsM306 F3H-U66867ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2117.4928[UBE2I]M416 E2H-U68111Human protein phosphatase22.6637.0 kDainhibitor 2 (PPP1R2) geneF2H-U68382Mannosidase, alpha B, lysosomal35.6436G2H-U69141Glutaryl-Coenzyme A48.2956dehydrogenaseB2H-U70660Human copper transport protein7.5916HAH1 (HAH1) mRNA, completecdsM297 B2H-U71374peroxisomal membrane protein40.1540.0 kDa(Pex13p)M306 A3H-U75272progastricsin [PGC]42.7949.0 kDaA2H-U75285Homo sapiens apoptosis inhibitor15.7325survivin gene, complete cdsB2H-U77456Human nucleosome assembly41.3650protein 2 mRNA, complete cdsC2H-U78294Homo sapiens 15S-lipoxygenase74.4774mRNA, complete cdsF6H-U78302Human 2,4-dienoyl-CoA36.9640reductase geneM478 G3H-U78798Human TNF receptor associated57.5365.0 kDafactor 6 (TRAF6) mRNA,complete cdsG3H-U80982Human myeloid-specific C/EBP-27.551epsilon transcription factor(CEBPE) gene, complete cdsM468 B7H-U82256Homo sapiens arginase type II39.0545.0 kDamRNA, complete cdsM465 B2H-U82812Human scavenger receptor38.2848.0 kDacysteine rich Sp alpha mRNA,complete cdsM484 D7H-U83410Human CUL-2 (cul-2) mRNA,82.0685.0 kDacomplete cdsM467 E6H-U83460Human high-affinity copper21.0132.0 kDauptake protein (hCTR1) mRNA,complete cdsD2H-U84763Homo sapiens UCP3 mRNA,34.4342complete cdsB2H-U86070Homo sapiens28.9336phosphomannomutase mRNA,complete cdsC2H-U90441Human prolyl 4-hydroxylase58.9664alpha (II) subunit mRNA,complete cdsB2H-U90543Human butyrophilin (BTF1)58.0854mRNA, complete cdsH2H-U90545Human sodium phosphate44.2236transporter (NPT4) mRNA,complete cdsG2H-U90552Human butyrophilin (BTF5)56.5448mRNA, complete cdsC3H-U91521Peroxisomal biogenesis factor 1239.648H1H-U91641Human alpha2,8-sialyltransferase41.4745mRNA, complete cdsC1H-U93869Human RNA polymerase III34.9836subunit (RPC39) mRNA,complete cdsF2H-U94346Human calpain-like protease70.465(htra-3) mRNA, complete cdsC2H-U94855Human translation initiation39.3836factor 3.47 kDa subunit mRNA,complete cdsM271 F7H-U95089Epidermal growth factor receptor.44.6647M424 A5H-U95847Human GDNF receptor alpha50.7152.0 kDamRNA, complete cdsD2H-U96094Human sarcolipin (SLN) mRNA,3.5210complete cdsB3H-U96769Homo sapiens chondroadherin39.643gene, 5′flanking region andM298 G2H-V00566prolactin25.0835M298 H2H-V00571corticotropin-releasing factor21.6749217-61H-V00572phosphoglycerate kinase 15045.94M314 B3H-V00597parathyroid hormone12.7614M305 B8H-X00129retinol-binding protein 4,2251interstitial [RBP4]F2H-X00351Human mRNA for beta-actin41.3641A4H-X00570apolipoprotein C-19.2435M362 E1H-X01057interleukin 2 receptor, alpha30.0340.0 kDa[IL2RA]A4H-X01677PHuman liver mRNA for10.4510glyceraldehyde-3-phosphatedehydrogenase (G3PD, EC1.2.1.12)M271 D6H-X02152lactate dehydrogenase A [LDHA],36.6345.0 kDaL-LACTATEDEHYDROGENASE M CHAINA1H-X02158Human gene for erythropoietin21.3432H4H-X02415Human gene for fibrinogen48.1850gamma chainA5H-X02750Protein C (inactivator of50.8253coagulation factors Va and VIIIa)M302 B3H-X02751proto-oncogene N-ras20.925.0 kDaD3H-X02812Human mRNA for transforming43.1250growth factor-beta (TGF-beta)M302 C1H-X03124tissue inhibitor of22.8836.0 kDametalloproteinase 1M362 B1H-X03342ribosomal protein L3214.9624.0 kDaM235 A2H-X03484human mRNA for raf oncogene71.35073.0 kDaM318 A3H-X03557interferon-induced protein 5652.6950.0 kDaA3H-X03747ATPase, Na+/K+ transporting,33.4445beta 1 polypeptideM305 D2H-X04297ATPase, Na+/K+ transporting,112.6499alpha subunitM305 A5H-X043272,3-bisphosphoglycerate mutase28.636M271 G5H-X04588tropomyosin TM30nm,26.2940.0 kDacytoskeletalM305 C8H-X04741ubiquitin related protein23.4328.0 kDaM236 A5H-X05231matrix metalloproteinase 151.753.0 kDa(interstitial collagenase) [MMPI],CLEAVES COLLAGENS166-53H-X05246“phosphoglycerate kinase, testis5045.94specific”M236 A1H-X05908annexin 1, REGULATES38.1740PHOSPHOLIPASE A2ACTIVITY, Binds CALCIUMIONSM250 A4H-X06234S100 calcium-binding protein A810.3410.0 kDa(calgranulin A)M266 B6H-X06323ribosomal protein L3, isoform 138.3939M313 A7H-X06617ribosomal protein S1117.4927M416 E4H-X06948High affinity IgE receptor alpha-28.3836.0 kDasubunit (FcERI)M421 H7H-X07203Human mRNA for CD20 receptor32.7840.0 kDa(S7)217-2H-X07743pleckstrin3838.57217-73H-X07767“cAMP-dependent protein kinase,4538.68alpha-catalytic subunit”M305 B3H-X07898troponin C, skeletal, fast17.7125M306 E1H-X07979integrin, beta 187.89110A11H-X08004ras-related protein rap 1B20.2438M235 A7H-X12387Cytochrome P450 IIIA355.4460.0 kDa(nifedipine oxidase chain 3)M315 F1H-X12496glycophorin C14.1924M316 D3H-X12517small nuclear ribonucleoprotein17.630.0 kDaU1, CM236 E5H-X12534guanine nucleotide-binding20.2434.0 kDaprotein rap2, ras-oncogene relatedM266 E3H-X12597High-mobility group (nonhistone23.7637chromosomal) protein 1, placenta217-14H-X12656human mRNA for protein4034.06phosphatase 2A (beta type)H4H-X12662H. sapiens arginase gene exon 135.5350and flanking regions (EC joined CDS)C1H-X12953RAB2, member RAS oncogene23.4329familyF5H-X13956Human 12S RNA induced by9.1319poly(rI), poly(rC) and Newcastledisease virusM297 A1H-X15005laminin receptor 133.1148.0 kDaM315 E3H-X15088guanine nucleotide binding38.6145protein (G protein), alphatransducing (transducin) activitypolypeptide 1 [GNAT1]G2H-X15183Human mRNA for 90-kDa heat-80.6380shock proteinM385 C1H-X15422mannose-binding lectin, soluble27.3927.0 kDa(opsonic defect) [MBL]M271 D7H-X15606INTERCELLULAR ADHESION30.3637.0 kDaMOLECULE-2 PRECURSOR[Homo sapiens].M298 C5H-X15653uracil-DNA glycosylase33.5537M302 B4H-X15822cytochrome-c oxidase, VIIa9.2420subunit, liverM305 A6H-X15940ribosomal protein L3113.8618M236 G5H-X15949interferon regulatory factor 2,38.554.0 kDaBINDS AND REPRESSESREGULATORY REGION OFTYPE I IFN AND IFN-INDUCIBLE MHC CLASS IGENES.M236 C2H-X16064translationally-controlled tumor19.0335proteinM512 B5H-X16323Hepatocyte growth factor80.19100.0 kDa (hepapoietin A)M315 C3H-X16461cell division cycle 2, G1 to S and32.7840G2 to M [CDC2]M297 G2H-X16832cathepsin H36.9645.0 kDaM271 B1H-X16983integrin, alpha 4 (CD49D, alpha 4114.29114subunit of VLA-4 receptor)[ITGA4], IMPORTANT FORCELL-CELL ADHESIONFUNCTION.M270 A7H-X17025plasminogen activator-inducible25.1934c54, Human homolog of yeast IPPisomeraseM302 C3H-X17042proteoglycan 1, secretory granule17.4926B1H-X17206ribosomal protein S224.4245B4H-X17254Transcription factor Eryfl45.5453M311 H2H-X17610beta-1-glycoprotein, pregnancy-46.9748.0 kDaspecific (GB: X17610)M315 D1H-X17644G1 to S phase transition protein5555(GST1)M340 G1H-X51415lipase, hormone-sensitive [LIPE]84.5998.0 kDaM464 A7H-X51688Cyclin A47.6347.0 kDaM313 G1H-X51745major histocompatibility complex,40.2650class I, AM297 A2H-X51804putative receptor protein PMI21.2330D4H-X51952Human UCP gene for uncoupling33.8837protein exons 1 and 2M300 B1H-X52011muscle determining factor26.7339M419 G1H-X52479“protein kinase c, alpha type”82.2885.0 kDaA2H-X52486Uracil-DNA glycosylase35.9736E3H-X52520Tyrosine aminotransferase50.0558B1H-X526386-phosphofructo-2-51.9247kinase/fructose-2,6-bisphosphataseM509 C4H-X52730Human gene for31.1335.0 kDaphenylethanolamine N-methylase(PNMT) (EC C5H-X52839ribosomal protein L1715.5118M426 C2H-X52943Human mRNA for ATF-a53.2464.0 kDatranscription factorM266 G5H-X53777ribosomal protein L2320.3531B4H-X53961Lactotransferrin78.3278M462 C6H-X54150Fc fragment of IgA, receptor for31.6837.0 kDaM302 A6H-X54304myosin, light polypeptide 2,18.9232.0 kDaregulatoryM311 G2H-X54802cytochrome-c oxidase, IV subunit18.723.0 kDaM270 H3H-X54871guanine nucleotide-binding23.7633.0 kDaprotein Rab5B, ras-oncogenerelated [RAB5B], PROTEINTRANSPORT. PROBABLYINVOLVED IN VESICULARTRAFFIC (BYSIMILARITY).M313 B6H-X54936placenta growth factor [PLGF*]16.522.0 kDaM496 B2H-X55079Human lysosomal alpha-104.8398.0 kDaglucosidase gene exon 1D1H-X55330Aspartylglucosaminidase38.1736E1H-X55448H. sapiens G6PD gene for25.4130glucose-6-phosphatedehydrogenaseM421 G6H-X56253Human MPR46 gene for 46 kd30.5852.0 kDamannose 6-phosphate receptor169-89H-X5646814-3-3 protein tau3427.02M300 B4H-X56549fatty-acid-binding protein, muscle14.7417M298 D2H-X56740guanine nucleotide-binding23.8731.0 kDaprotein rab11 [RAB11*]M266 E5H-X56932highly basic protein, 23 kDa22.4430.0 kDaM318 G1H-X57025insulin-like growth factor I16.9418M305 F5H-X57348protein kinase C inhibitor27.3935.0 kDaM236 D6H-X57351interferon-induced protein 1-8D14.6324H3H-X57352interferon-induced protein 1-8U14.7438M305 B6H-X58079S-100 protein, alpha chain10.4511E6H-X59131H. sapiens D13S106 mRNA for a34.7650highly charged amino acidsequeneM248 H5H-X59268transcription factor IIB [TCF2B*]34.8749E2H-X59357Epstein-Barr virus small RNA-14.1936associated proteinM236 D4H-X59417macropain, iota subunit, THE27.1736INTERACTION OF CALPONINWITH ACTIN INHIBITSACTOMYOSIN MG-ATPASEACTIVITYM271 H4H-X59618ribonucleotide reductase, small42.946subunitM250 G3H-X59710CAAT-box DNA-binding protein,22.6634subunit B, CCAAT-BINDINGTRANSCRIPTION FACTORSUBUNIT A [Homo sapiens]M423 E2H-X59711Nuclear transcription factor Y,38.2848.0 kDaalphaM271 C7H-X59798Cyclin D1 (PRAD1; parathyroid32.5640.0 kDaadenomatosis 1). ESSENTIALFOR THE CONTROL OF THECELL CYCLE AT THE G1/S(START) TRANSITION.M270 H5H-X59834calmodulin41.1453.0 kDaM416 D5H-X59871Transcription factor 7 (T-cell29.5936.0 kDaspecific)M485 D6H-X60036Phosphate carrier, mitochondrial39.8237.0 kDaM250 D4H-X60489translation elongation factor 1,24.8633.0 kDabetaF5H-X60592Human CDw40 mRNA for nerve30.5846growth factor receptor-related B-lymphocyte activation moleculeM312 F3H-X61587ras-related rhoG21.1221.0 kDaF9H-X61622cyclin-dependent kinase 232.8956[CDK2]M313 E3H-X61970macropain, zeta subunit26.6235.0 kDaM428 D1H-X62055tyrosine phosphatase, non-65.7866.0 kDareceptor type 6M248 C4H-X62534high mobility group protein 2,23.137BINDS PREFERENTIALLYSINGLE-STRANDED DNAAND UNWINDS DOUBLESTRANDED DNA.M305 F3H-X62753folate-binding protein28.3836M476 G2H-X63468H. sapiens mRNA for transcription48.453.0 kDafactor TFIIE alphaG6H-X63469General transcription factor TFIIE32.1256beta subunit, 34 kDG4H-X63522H. sapiens mRNA DAUD16 for58.7454retinoic acid X receptor bM316 G2H-X63526translation elongation factor 1,48.1852.0 kDagammaM305 C5H-X63527ribosomal protein L1921.6733E2H-X63629Cadherin 3 (P-cadherin)91.3110D4H-X64037-2General transcription factor IIF,56.9864polypeptide 1 (74 kD subunit)M302 C6H-X64559tetranectin22.3332.0 kDaM271 H1H-X64728choroideremia-like [CHML],72.2798H. sapiens CHML mRNAM270 E1H-X64810proprotein convertase82.9490subtilisin/kexin type I [PCSK1],INVOLVED IN PROCESSINGOF HORMONE AND OTHERPROTEIN PRECURSORSM311 F4H-X64877complement factor H-related29.8136.0 kDaproteinM388 D1H-X65293protein kinase C, epsilon81.1896.0 kDa[PRKCE]B5H-X65873kinesin, heavy polypeptide106.0434F4H-X66079Spi-B transcription factor (Spi-28.93541/PU.1 related)F3H-X661142-oxoglutarate carrier protein037[OGMT*]M305 C6H-X66141myosin, light polypeptide 2,18.3731regulatory, ventricularM419 H1H-X66357cell division protein kinase 333.62044.0 kDa166-13H-X66358serine/threonine-protein kinase4539.45KKIALRE166-25H-X66360serine/threonine-protein kinase6057.60PCTAIRE-2M419 A2H-X66363serine/threonine-protein kinase54.60064.0 kDaPCTAIRE-1166-37H-X66364H. sapiens mRNA PSSALRE for3832.19serine/threonine protein kinaseM419 B2H-X66365cell division protein kinase 635.90046.0 kDaH3H-X66839H. sapiens MaTu MN mRNA for50.654p54/58N proteinM266 G3H-X67325interferon, alpha-inducible gene13.5313p27M462 H7H-X67594Melanocortin 1 receptor (alpha34.9844.0 kDamelanocyte stimulating hormonereceptor)M236 C5H-X67951Proliferation-associated gene A2234(natural killer-enhancing factorA), PAGAH3H-X68486Adenosine receptor A245.4345M429 E3H-X68561Sp4 transcription factor86.3586.0 kDaM430 F2H-X69151ATP synthase, H+ transporting,42.1358.0 kDasubunit C, vacuolarM236 C3H-X69392ribosomal protein L2616.0629B3H-X69532H. sapiens gene for inter-alpha-100.3298trypsin inhibitor heavy chain H1,exons 1-3M236 F5H-X69654ribosomal protein S2612.7618M421 C8H-X70218Protein phosphatase 4 (formerly33.88X), catalytic subunitM266 H5H-X70848protein phosphatase 1, alpha36.4137catalytic subunitE1H-X70940Eukaryotic translation elongation51.0460factor 1 alpha 2M270 F1H-X72215[PITI], POU domain, class 1,32.1240.0 kDatranscription factor 1 (Pit1,growth hormone factor 1)M271 A7H-X72760Laminin, beta 2 (laminin S), S-67.8775.0 kDaLAMININ IS A LAMININ-LIKEADHESIVE PROTEINCONCENTRATED IN THESYNAPTIC CLEFT OF THENEUROMUSCULARJUNCTION.M235 B1H-X72841Human retinoblastoma-binding46.8652.0 kDaprotein (RbAp46) mRNA,complete cds, IEF 7442(GB: X72841)217-25H-X73428DNA-binding protein inhibitor2017.08ID-3M305 B5H-X73459signal recognition particle,15.0720subunit 14M250 D6H-X73460ribosomal protein L3, isoform 2,44.4450.0 kDaCOMPONENT OF THE LARGESUBUNIT OF CYTOPLASMICRIBOSOMESM462 D8H-X74008Protein phosphatase 1, catalytic35.6446.0 kDasubunit, gamma isoformM266 G2H-X74104Signal sequence receptor, beta;20.2427translocon-associated protein,beta subunitM266 E7H-X74262retinoblastoma binding protein46.8650.0 kDaRbAp48H1H-X74330DNA primase polypeptide 146.3151(49 kD)M313 F3H-X74570gal beta (1-3/1-4) GIcNAc alpha-36.346.0 kDa2,3 sialyltransferase (GB: X74570)M429 H3H-X74764H. sapiens mRNA for receptor94.12098.0 kDaprotein tyrosine kinaseM271 E6H-X75042V-rel avian reticuloendotheliosis68.288viral oncogene homologM305 G2H-X75252phosphatidylethanolaminc-20.6830binding proteinM302 G1H-X75593guanine nucleotide-binding22.4432.0 kDaprotein rab13166-49H-X75958H. sapiens trkB mRNA for5552.54protein-tyrosine kinaseC4H-X76013H. sapiens QRSHs mRNA for85.3685glutaminyl-tRNA synthetaseA2H-X76029H. sapiens mRNA for19.2520neuromedin UM305 D5H-X76228ATP synthase, H+ transporting,24.9736subunit E, vacuolarM298 F6H-X76648glutaredoxin11.7711.0 kDaM311 A4H-X76717metallothionein II6.8214C4H-X77533H. sapiens mRNA for activin type56.4361II receptorH2H-X77548H. sapiens cDNA for RFG67.6567169-41H-X77743H. sapiens CDK activating kinase4538.13mRNAA4H-X77909H. sapiens IKBL mRNA42.0252M305 CIH-X78136heterogeneous nuclear40.2640.0 kDaribonucleoprotein E2M306 G2H-X78416casein, alpha [CSN1]20.4633M271 C2H-X78678ketohexokinase (fructokinase)32.8939[KHK], H. sapiens KHK mRNAfor ketohexokinase, clonepHKHK3aM305 D4H-X79193cyclin-dependent kinase 738.1735(homolog of Xenopus MO15 cdk-activating kinase) [CDK7]M431 F2H-X79389glutathione S-transferase T126.5134.0 kDaM298 C6H-X79537glycogenin30.834.0 kDaM440 C1H-X79865H. sapiens Mrp17 mRNA21.8931.0 kDaM298 F5H-X80229protein kinase PKN52.864.0 kDa167-39H-X80230H. sapiens mRNA (clone C-2k)4240.99mRNA for serine/threonineprotein kinase217-49H-X80343H. sapiens p35 mRNA for4033.84regulatory subunit of cdk5 kinaseM270 D7H-X80695cytochrome oxidase-assembly47.9650protein, OXA1, H. sapiensOXA1Hs mRNAM266 B5H-X80909nascent polypeptide-associate23.7637.0 kDacomplex, alphaM416 D9H-X80910Protein phosphatase 1, catalytic36.0845.0 kDasubunit, beta isoformE2H-X81198Archain52.0363169-6H-X81817H. sapiens BAP31 mRNA3227.13E4H-X82018H. sapiens mRNA for ZID protein46.7557M313 D7H-X82456MLN5028.8233A2H-X82629H. sapiens mRNA for Mox-233.4442M236 D1H-X83006lipocalin, neutrophil gelatinase21.8934.0 kDaassociated166-40H-X83107H. sapiens Bmx mRNA for7574.32cytoplasmic tyrosine kinaseE3H-X83425H. sapiens LU gene for Lutheran69.1959blood group glycoproteinC6H-X83703H. sapiens mRNA for cytokine35.254inducible nuclear proteinM416 H2H-X83928H. sapiens mRNA for transcription23.3233.0 kDafactor TFIID subunit TAFII28166-17H-X85106H. sapiens mRNA for ribosomal9080.70S6 kinase166-39H-X85337H. sapiens mRNA for myosin light110109.0chain kinaseD2H-X85750H. sapiens mRNA for transcript26.2930associated with monocyte tomacrophage differentiationM266 E6H-X8717617-beta-hydroxysteroid81.0765dehydrogenase, type 4M297 F2H-X87689CLCP23.2133.0 kDaM300 A2H-X87843cyclin H assembly factor34.147M271 E3H-X89750homeotic protein, TGIF,30.0332.0 kDaH. sapiens mRNA for TGIFproteinM235 G1H-X90529guanine nucleotide-binding34.5440protein ragA [RAGA]M302 E6H-X90583translocon-associated protein,19.1428.0 kDadeltaM306 G1H-X90872gp251223.6533M416 D2H-X91504Transcription factor COUP 222.2232.0 kDa(a.k.a. ARP1)M250 B3H-X92098transmembrane protein rnp2422.2230M271 G7H-X92106bleomycin hydrolase50.1655.0 kDaPROTECTING NORMAL ANDMALIGNANT CELLS FROMBLM TOXICITY.F3H-X92715Zinc finger protein 74 (Cos52)63.0347M270 H6H-X92720H. sapiens mRNA for70.5171phosphoenolpyruvatecarboxykinaseH5H-X92762H. sapiens mRNA for tafazzins32.2337proteinM298 D3H-X93036MAT-89.6816.0 kDaM476 A5H-X93595H. sapiens mRNA for NK receptor50.1656.0 kDa(clone 17.1C)M417 D2H-X93920protein tyrosine phosphatase41.98048.0 kDaforeskinA5H-X95592H. sapiens mRNA for C1D protein15.6228M298 B4H-X95648translation initiation factor 2B,33.6634.0 kDaalpha subunitF3H-X95735H. sapiens mRNA for zyxin 263.0372M386 B1H-X96752L-3-hydroxyacyl-CoA34.6545.0 kDadehydrogenase, SCHAD geneM422 B6H-X97229H. sapiens mRNA for NK41.5848.0 kDareceptor, clone library 15.212B3H-X98173H. sapiens mRNA for MACH-51.1551alpha-2 protein166-14H-X99325H. sapiens mRNA for Ste20-like5546.93kinaseC4H-X99459H. sapiens mRNA for sigma 3B21.3430proteinM424 C4H-Y00291Human hap mRNA encoding a49.3959.0 kDaDNA-binding hormone receptorM386 H1H-Y00345polyadenylate-binding protein69.7470.0 kDaM469 A2H-Y00630Plasminogen activator inhibitor,45.7646.0 kDatype II (arginine-serpin)M305 E1H-Y00711lactate dehydrogenase B36.8538.0 kDaH2H-Y00764ubiquinol/cytochrome c reductase10.1233hinge proteinF5H-Y07848H. sapiens EWS, gar22, rrp22 and36.350bam22 genesM305 G6H-Z11559iron-responsive element binding97.998protein 1 [IREB1]M250 F3H-Z11566Pr22 protein, STATHMIN16.522.0 kDa[Homo sapiens], SERVES ASRELAY (VIAPHOSPHORYLATION) FORDIVERSE SECONDMESSENGER PATHWAYS169-73H-Z11695H. sapiens 40 kDa protein kinase5038.35related to rat ERK2M475 C8H-Z11737Flavin-containing61.4970.0 kDamonooxygenase 4C1H-Z11898Octamer binding protein 339.7150M266 H4H-Z12830SSR, alpha subunit31.5742.0 kDaA3H-Z14000Ring finger protein 141.5850M300 E1H-Z14978actin-related protein41.4749G1H-Z19002H. sapiens of PLZF gene encoding74.1484kruppel-like zinc finger proteinH1H-Z21966POU homeobox protein33.2243M248 G3H-Z23139CLASS II29.0434HISTOCOMPATIBILITYANTIGEN, M BETA CHAINPRECURSOR [Homo sapiens]D3H-Z26876ribosomal protein L387.8135F2H-Z28339H. sapiens mRNA for delta 4-3-35.9743oxosteroid 5 beta-reductaseM298 B3H-Z28407ribosomal protein L828.3839.0 kDaM313 C3H-Z29330ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme20.2434UbcH2, 23 kDaM271 F3H-Z29677guanine nucleotide-binding20.3528.0 kDaprotein, ras-relatedM465 C2H-Z30425H. sapiens mRNA for orphan38.3934.0 kDanuclear hormone receptorM302 F5H-Z31357cysteine dioxygenase22.1131.0 kDaM340 C1H-Z31695inositol polyphosphate 5-40.0449.0 kDaphosphatase, 43 kDaE3H-Z32564-2H. sapiens FRGAMMA mRNA26.8436(819bp) for folate receptorM236 H1H-Z35227small G protein, TTF, RAS-21.1230.0 kDaRELATED PROTEIN RAC1A10H-Z35491H. sapiens mRNA for novel30.2560glucocorticoid receptor-associatedproteinM440 G5H-Z37986H. sapiens mRNA for25.4128.0 kDaphenylalkylamine binding proteinM297 E2H-Z47087cyclin A/cyclin-dependent kinase18.0430.0 kDa2-associated p19F1H-Z48051H. sapiens gene for myelin27.2831oligodendrocyte glycoprotein(MOG)A2H-Z48475Glucokinase regulator68.8670M302 E4H-Z48570sperm zona pellucida-binding16.7224proteinM266 A2H-Z68907Human clone ID 193225 NAD43.3445.0 kDa(H)-specific isocitratedehydrogenase gamma subunitmRNA, alternatively spliced,partial cdsG1H-Z83850Human DNA sequence from PAC45.766082J11 and cosmid U134E6 onchromosome Xq22. Contains NIKlike and Thyroxin-bindingglobulin precursor (T4-bindingglobulin, TBG) genes, ESTs andSTSsH4H-Z97171Homo sapiens GLC1A (trabecular55.5555meshwork induced glucocortcoidresponse) gene, exon 1, joinedCDSM421 D5H-Z97632Human DNA sequence from PAC28.4938.0 kDa196E23 on chromosomeXq26.1-27.2.Contains the TAT-SF1(HIV-1 transcriptional elongationfactor TAT cofactor TAT-SF1)gene, the BRS3 (BombesinReceptor subtype-3 (UterineBombesin Receptor, BRS-3)gene, an unknown gene codingfor two isoforms, a predicted CpGisland, ESTs and STSs


Construction of Expression Plasmids

[0069] The following example illustrates the construction of the expression vectors used in the Examples above. Similar modifications can be made in other vectors for use in creating libraries of expressible gene sequences.

[0070] The vector pcDNA3.1/V5-His was obtained from Invitrogen (cat #V810-20) and modified slightly so that it carried an gene sequence for Zeocin™ resistance and lacked the multiple cloning site. A 100μg aliquot was suspended in 200 μl medical irrigation (MI) water. A 5 μl aliquot was saved for gel analysis. The remainder was transferred to a 1.7 ml Eppendorf tube. The vector was digested with HindIII (400 U) using Promega Buffer E (final volume=400 μl). The reaction ran 3 hours at 37° C. An aliquot was checked for completeness of digestion by running on an 0.8% agarose gel in 1X TAE, and visualizing with ethidium bromide.

[0071] The digested vector was treated with 200 μl phenol/chloroform (pH7.5) according to standard procedures, and the DNA precipitated from the aqueous phase using {fraction (1/10)} volume 3M NaOAc and 2 volumes 100% EtOH at room temperature, followed by washing with 80% EtOH. The pellet was resuspended in 100 μl MI water.

[0072] Two oligonucleotides were added to the resuspended DNA (Topo -H (40 μg) 5′-(P)AGCTCGCCCTTATTCCGATAGTG (SEQ ID NO:3), Topo-4 (12 μg) 5′-(P)AGGGCG (SEQ ID NO:4)), plus 17 μl 10X Promega T4 Ligase buffer. The tube was placed on ice and the volume increased to 170 μl with MI water. The oligos were ligated to the vector using 20U Promega T4 DNA ligase, incubated at 12° C. overnight.

[0073] The vector was treated with 100 μl phenol/chloroform and the aqueous phase precipitated as described above. The pelleted DNA was resuspended in 150 μl of sterile water the redigested with HindIII (17 μl Promega Buffer E, 200 U HindIII- 37° C., 1 hour). The redigested DNA was re-extracted with phenol/chloroform and precipitated with {fraction (1/10)} volume 3M NaOAc and {fraction (7/10)} volume isopropanol, then washed with 80% EtOH.

[0074] The pelleted DNA was resuspended in 82 μl TE buffer (10 mM Tris, pH8.0, 1 mM EDTA, pH 8.0). A 2 μl aliquot was used to check the foregoing procedure using agarose gel electrophoresis as described above. The remaining 80 μl was transferred to a Falcon tube and mixed with 16 μg Topo-5 oligonucleotide (5′-(P)CAACACTATCGGAATA (SEQ ID NO:5). To this mixture was added 190 μl NEB Restriction Buffer #1 (room temperature). The total reaction mixture was adjusted to 1.9 mls with MI water. Vaccinia Topoisomerase I enzyme was added (80 μg) and the reaction tube placed in a 37° C. water bath for 15 minutes.

[0075] After 15 minutes, 200 μl of room temperature Topo-10X stop buffer was added (100 mM Tris 7.4, 110 mM EDTA, bromophenol blue). The entire volume was loaded onto an agarose gel (1.2 gr agarose/130 mls 1X TAE) and run at 70 volts until the bromophenol blue dye had run down about ½ in (volume in the loading well was kept constant by the addition of 1X TE). The voltage was reversed for 90 seconds. The contents of the loading well were transferred to a 15 ml Falcon tube and placed on ice. 2 mls of cold Topo-2X Wash Buffer (60 mM Tris 7.4, 1 mM EDTA, 4 mM dithiothreitol (DTT), 200 μg/ml bovine serum albumin (BSA)) was added and the volume then adjusted to 4 mls with cold Topo-1X Enzyme Dilution Buffer (50% glycerol, 50 mM Tris 7.4, 1 mM EDTA, 2 mM DTT, 0.1% Triton X-100, 100 μg/ml BSA) plus 4 mls Topo-Glycerol mix (90% glycerol, 10% 50 mM TE pH 7.4, 0.1% Triton X-100) and stored until needed.

[0076] A similar procedure was used to make Topo-adapted pYES2 (Invitrogen cat #V825-20).

[0077] While the foregoing has been presented with reference to particular embodiments of the invention, it will be appreciated by those skilled in the art that changes in these embodiments may be made without departing from the principles and spirit of the invention, the scope of which is defined by the appended claims.

  • 1. A method for producing a library of expressible coding regions comprising the steps of: (a) amplifying a plurality of coding regions using at least one coding region specific primer, (b) inserting each coding region into an expression vector, and (c) verifying the size and orientation of the inserted coding region.
  • 2. The method according to claim 1 further comprising transforming cells with the vector containing the verified coding region.
  • 3. The method according to claim 1 further comprising purifying the amplified coding region prior to insertion into an expression vector.
  • 4. The method according to claim 1 wherein the coding regions encode full-length proteins.
  • 5. The method according to claim 4 wherein the 5′ primer used for amplification starts with the nucleotides CACCATFG and the 3′ primer causes the amplification product to end at the third position of the codon immediately preceding the stop codon of the coding region being amplified plus a single adenine residue.
  • 6. The method according to claim 3 wherein the purification is performed using agarose gel electrophoresis.
  • 7. The method according to claim 6 wherein the agarose is low melt agarose.
  • 8. The method according to claim I wherein insertion of the amplified coding region into an expression vector is performed using an enzyme that both cleaves and ligates DNA.
  • 9. The method according to claim 3 wherein the purification is performed using low melt agarose gel electrophoresis and insertion of the amplified coding region into an expression vector is performed using an enzyme that both cleaves and ligates DNA.
  • 10. The method according to claim 8 wherein said enzyme is a type I topoisomerase or a site-specific recombinase.
  • 11. The method according to claim 10 wherein said enzyme is vaccinia DNA topoisomerase, lambda integrase, FLP recombinase or P1-Cre protein.
  • 12. A method according to claim 11 wherein said enzyme is vaccinia DNA topoisomerase.
  • 13. The method of claim 1 wherein the expression vector is a eukaryotic expression vector.
  • 14. The method of claim 13 wherein said eukaryotic expression vector is pYES2/GS or pcDNA3.1/GS.
  • 15. The method of claim 1 wherein the expression vector is a prokaryotic expression vector.
  • 16. The method of claim 15 wherein said prokaryotic expression vector is pBAD.
  • 17. The method according to claim 1 wherein the expression vector comprises one or more elements selected from: a promoter-enhancer sequence, a selection marker sequence, an origin of replication, an affinity purification tag sequence, an inducible element sequence and an epitope-tag sequence.
  • 18. The method of claim 1 wherein size and orientation of the insert is verified using a polymerase chain reaction protocol.
  • 19. The method of claim 18 wherein said verification is performed using whole cell lysates.
  • 20. The method of claim 1 wherein the coding regions to be amplified are open reading frame sequences in prokaryotic DNA or eukaryotic DNA.
  • 21. The method according to claim 20 wherein the eukaryotic DNA is obtained from yeast or mammalian cells.
  • 22. The method according to claim 1 wherein the coding regions being amplified encode members of a family of proteins.
  • 23. The method according to claim 22 wherein the proteins are human proteins.
  • 24. The method according to claim 23 wherein the family of proteins are kinases, phosphatases, transcription factors, oncogenes, or tumor suppressors.
  • 25. The method according to claim 1 wherein steps (a) and (b) are performed in a multiwell microtiter plate.
  • 26. The method according to claim 1 wherein coding regions of the correct size and in the correct orientation are roboticly selected for transformation into cells for expression.
  • 27. The method according to claim 2 comprising the additional step of verifying that the transformed cells express the coding region.
  • 28. The method according to claim 2 wherein the transformed cells are eukaryotic cells or prokaryotic cells.
  • 29. A method according to claim 28 wherein the eukaryotic cells are CHO cells or S. cerevisiea cells.
  • 30. An expression library of coding regions produced according to the method of claim 1.
  • 31. The library according to claim 30 wherein the coding regions encode yeast proteins.
  • 32. The library according to claim 31 wherein the coding regions encode mammalian proteins.
  • 33. The library according to claim 32 wherein the mammalian proteins are human proteins.
  • 34. The library according to claim 33 wherein the human proteins are kinases, phosphatases, transcription factors, oncogenes, or tumor suppressors.
  • 35. An expression library obtainable from the method of claim 1.
  • 36. An expression vector pYES2/GS.
  • 37. An expression vector pCDNA3.1/GS.
  • 38. A method for producing a library of expressible coding regions comprising the steps of: (a) amplifying a plurality of coding regions using PCR, wherein the 5′ primer comprises the sequence CACCATG and the 3′ primer causes the amplification product to end just prior to any stop codon, (b) purifying the amplified coding regions using low melt agarose electrophoresis, (c) inserting each of the purified coding regions into an expression vector using vaccinia DNA topoisomerase, wherein said expression vector comprises a promoter-enhancer sequence, a selection marker sequence, an origin of replication, an affinity purification sequence, and an epitope-tag sequence, (d) transforming bacterial cells with the insert containing expression vector, (e) growing the transformed cells and verifying the size and orientation of the inserted coding region, (f) selecting expression vectors containing inserted coding regions in the correct orientation for expression of the gene product, and (g) transforming cells for expression with said expression vectors.
Priority Claims (1)
Number Date Country Kind
US99/07270 Apr 1999 US
Continuations (2)
Number Date Country
Parent 09843281 Apr 2001 US
Child 09990091 Nov 2001 US
Parent 09647651 US
Child 09843281 Apr 2001 US
Continuation in Parts (1)
Number Date Country
Parent 09054936 Apr 1998 US
Child PCT/US99/07270 Apr 1999 US