Methods of applying a biological composition to an individual

Provided are methods of applying biological compositions, that is, autologous bioadhesive sealant compositions containing one or more biological agents, to an individual, wherein all the blood components used in preparing the composition are derived from the patient who is to receive the biological composition. In one embodiment, the method comprises obtaining a whole blood sample from an individual; forming an inactive platelet rich plasma from the whole blood sample; mixing a biological agent into the inactive platelet rich plasma; obtaining thrombin from the whole blood sample; mixing the thrombin into the inactive platelet rich plasma to form a biological composition; and applying the biological composition to the individual.

1. Field of the Invention

The present invention relates to autologous bioadhesive sealant compositions, and more particularly to a convenient and practical two-phase method for preparing a bioadhesive sealant specifically from blood components derived from the patient who is to receive the bioadhesive sealant.

2. Description of the State of the Art

When the lining of a blood vessel is damaged, a complex series of events takes place which is designed to prevent blood loss and, ultimately, to restore the integrity of the vessel. Although short-lived vasoconstriction and physical factors such as the pressure of extruded blood on the vessel wall may play some part in haemostasis, the main factors in the haemostatic mechanism are platelets and the blood coagulation system.

Blood coagulation is the result of the complex interaction of a number of protein clotting factors through a cascade (FIG. 1). In general, damage to the vascular endothelium exposes subendothelial structures, which attract platelets and induce them to aggregate reversibly. The protein thrombin, formed during activation of the coagulation pathway generates insoluble cross-linked fibrils of the protein fibrin and causes the platelets to aggregate irreversibly. The resulting platelet-fibrin clot is an effective barrier against loss of blood from the vascular system and also serves as a scaffold for subsequent repair of the lining of the blood vessel.

Bioadhesive sealants and fibrin glues represent a relatively new technological advance that duplicates the biological process of the final stage of blood coagulation. Clinical reports document the utility of fibrin glue in a variety of surgical fields, such as, cardiovascular, thoracic, transplantation, head and neck, oral, gastrointestinal, orthopedic, neurosurgical, and plastic surgery. At the time of surgery, the two primary components comprising the fibrin glue, fibrinogen and thrombin, are mixed together to form a clot. The clot adheres to the necessary tissues, bone, or nerve within seconds, but is then slowly reabsorbed by the body in approximately 10 days by fibrinolysis. Important features of fibrin glue is its ability to: (1) achieve haemostasis at vascular anastomoses particularly in areas which are difficult to approach with sutures or where suture placement presents excessive risk; (2) control bleeding from needle holes or arterial tears which cannot be controlled by suturing alone; and (3) obtain haemostasis in heparinized patients or those with coagulopathy. See, Borst, H. G., et al., J. Thorac. Cardiovasc. Surg., 84:548-553 (1982); Walterbusch, G. J, et al., Thorac Cardiovasc. Surg., 30:234-23 5 (1982); and Wolner, F. J, et al., Thorac. Cardiovasc. Surg., 30:236-237 (1982).

Despite the effectiveness and successful use of fibrin glue by medical practitioners in Europe, neither fibrin glue nor its essential components fibrinogen and thrombin are widely used in the United States. In large part, this stems from the 1978 U.S. Food and Drug Administration ban on the sale of commercially prepared fibrinogen concentrate made from pooled donors because of the risk of transmission of viral infection, in particular the hepatitis-causing viruses such as HBV and HCV (also known as non A, non B hepatitis virus). In addition, the more recent appearance of other lipid-enveloped viruses such as HIV, associated with AIDS, cytomegalovirus (CMV), as well as Epstein-Barr virus, and the herpes simplex viruses in fibrinogen preparations make it unlikely that there will be a change in this policy in the foreseeable future. For similar reasons, human thrombin is also not currently authorized for human use in the United States. Bovine thrombin, which is licensed for human use in the United States is obtained from bovine sources which do not appear to carry significant risks for HIV and hepatitis, although other bovine pathogens, such as bovine spongiform, encephalitis, may be present.

There have been a variety of methods developed for preparing fibrin glue. For example, Rose, et al. discloses a method of preparing a cryoprecipitated suspension containing fibrinogen and Factor XIII useful as a precursor in the preparation of a fibrin glue which involves (a) freezing fresh plasma from a single donor such as a human or other animal, e.g. a cow, sheep or pig, which has been screened for blood transmitted diseases, e.g. one or more of syphilis, hepatitis or acquired immune deficiency syndrome at about −80° C. for at least about 6 hours, preferably for at least about 12 hours; (b) raising the temperature of the frozen plasma, e.g. to between about 0° C. and room temperature, so as to form a supernatant and a cryoprecipitated suspension containing fibrinogen and Factor XIII; and (c) recovering the cryoprecipitated suspension. The fibrin glue is then prepared by applying a defined volume of the cyroprecipitate suspension described above and applying a composition containing a sufficient amount of thrombin, e.g. human, bovine, ovine or porcine thrombin, to the site so as to cause the fibrinogen in the suspension to be converted to the fibrin glue which then solidifies in the form of a gel. See U.S. Pat. No. 4,627,879.

A second technique for preparing fibrin glue is disclosed by Marx in U.S. Pat. No. 5,607,694. Essentially a cryoprecipitate as discussed previously serves as the source of the fibrinogen component and then Marx adds thrombin and liposomes. A third method discussed by Berruyer, M. et al., entitled “Immunization by Bovine Thrombin Used with Fibrin Glue During Cardiovascular Operations,” (J. Thorac. Cardiovasc. Surg., 105(5):892-897 (1992)) discloses a fibrin glue prepared by mixing bovine thrombin not only with human coagulant proteins, such as fibrinogen, fibronectin, Factor XIII, and plasminogen, but also with bovine aprotinin and calcium chloride.

The above patents by Rose, et al., and Marx, and the technical paper by Berruyer, et al. each disclose methods for preparing fibrin sealants; however, each of these methods suffer disadvantages associated with the use of bovine thrombin as the activating agent. A serious and life threatening consequence associated with the use of fibrin glues comprising bovine thrombin is that patients have been reported to have a bleeding diathesis after receiving topical bovine thrombin. This complication occurs when patients develop antibodies to the bovine factor V in the relatively impure bovine thrombin preparations. These antibodies cross-react with human factor V, thereby causing a factor V deficiency that can be sufficiently severe to induce bleeding and even death. See, Rapaport, S. I., et al., Am. J. Clin. Pathol., 97:84-91 (1992); Berruyer, M., et al., J. Thorac. Cardiovasc. Surg., 105:892-897 (1993); Zehnder, J., et al., Blood, 76(10):2011-2016 (1990); Muntean, W., et al., Acta Paediatr., 83:84-7 (1994); Christine, R. J., et al., Surgery, 127:708-710 (1997).

A further disadvantage associated with the methods disclosed by Marx and Rose, et al. is that the cryoprecipitate preparations require a large time and monetary commitment to prepare. Furthermore, great care must be taken to assure the absence of any viral contaminants.

A final disadvantage associated with the methods previously disclosed is that while human thrombin is contemplated for use as an activator, human thrombin is not available for clinical use and there is no evidence that patients will not have an antigenic response to human thrombin. By analogy, recombinant human factor VIII has been shown to produce antigenic responses in hemophiliacs. See, Biasi, R. de., Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 71(5):544-547 (1994). Consequently, until more clinical studies are performed on the effect of human recombinant thrombin one cannot merely assume that the use of recombinant human thrombin would obviate the antigenic problems associated with bovine thrombin. A second difficulty with thrombin is that it is autocatalytic, that is, it tends to self-destruct making handling and prolonged storage a problem.

There is still a need, therefore, for a convenient and practical method for preparing a bioadhesive sealant composition wherein the resulting bioadhesive sealant poses a zero risk of disease transmission and a zero risk of causing an adverse physiological reaction.


Accordingly, this invention provides a method for preparing a completely autologous bioadhesive sealant composition.

This invention further provides an autologous bioadhesive sealant composition wherein the risks associated with the use of bovine and recombinant human thrombin are eliminated.

This invention further provides an autologous bioadhesive sealant composition or fibrin glue prepared by a two-phase method, wherein all of the blood components for the bioadhesive sealant are derived from a patient to whom the bioadhesive sealant will be applied.

Additional advantages and novel features of this invention shall be set forth in part in the description that follows, and in part will become apparent to those skilled in the art upon examination of the following specification or may be learned by the practice of the invention. The objects and advantages of the invention may be realized and attained by means of the instrumentalities, combinations, compositions, and methods particularly pointed out in the appended claims.

To achieve the foregoing and in accordance with the purposes of the present invention, as embodied and broadly described therein, the method of this invention comprises the formation of an autologous bioadhesive sealant comprising the steps of forming a platelet rich plasma or platelet poor plasma containing an anticoagulant. The platelet rich plasma or platelet poor plasma is then divided into two portions and the first portion is restored so that it can coagulate, thus forming a clot. The clot is triturated and the resulting serum is collected. The bioadhesive sealant composition is then prepared by combining a defined volume of the second portion of platelet rich plasma or platelet poor plasma with a sufficient volume of serum causing the fibrinogen in the second portion of platelet rich plasma or platelet poor plasma to be converted to fibrin, which then solidifies in the form of a gel.


The accompanying drawings, which are incorporated herein and form a part of the specification illustrate preferred embodiments of the present invention, and together with the description, serve to explain the principles of the invention.

In the Drawings:

FIG. 1 is a diagrammatic representation of the blood coagulation cascade.

FIG. 2
a is a flow diagram representing the initial portion of the method of the present invention used to obtain platelet rich plasma and platelet poor plasma.

FIG. 2
b is a flow diagram representing the final portion of the method for preparing the bioadhesive sealant composition of the present invention using platelet rich plasma as a starting material.

FIG. 2
c is a flow diagram representing the final portion of the method for preparing the bioadhesive sealant composition of the present invention using platelet poor plasma as a starting material.

FIG. 3 is a graphic representation of the effect that the serum-to-plasma ratio has on clotting times.

FIG. 4
a is a graphic representation of the relationship between clotting time and actual gel time using blood drawn from a donor.

FIG. 4
b is a graphic representation of the relationship between clotting time and actual gel time using blood drawn from a donor.

FIG. 5
a graphically represents the effect of calcium addition on clotting times and gel times using blood drawn from a donor.

FIG. 5
b graphically represents the effect of calcium addition on clotting times and gel times using blood drawn from a donor.

FIG. 6 graphically represents the effect of calcium addition on the clotting times of platelet rich plasma and platelet poor plasma.


In general, the present invention relates to a two-phase method, shown in FIGS. 2a, 2b and 2c, for forming an autologous bioadhesive sealant composition or fibrin glue wherein all of the blood components for the bioadhesive sealant are derived from a patient to whom the bioadhesive sealant will be applied. First, a platelet rich plasma and a platelet poor plasma are formed by centrifuging a quantity of anticoagulated whole blood that was previously drawn from the patient. The platelet rich plasma and platelet poor plasma are then divided into two portions. To the first portion, which is used in phase-one, a compound that reverses the effect of the anticoagulant is added, and a clot is allowed to form. The clot is then triturated and the resulting serum, containing autologous thrombin, is collected. The serum obtained from phase-one is then mixed with the second portion of the platelet rich plasma or platelet poor plasma, used in phase-two, to form the bioadhesive sealant of the present invention.

The method of the present invention for preparing an autologous bioadhesive composition, discussed in further detail below, is represented in the flow diagram depicted in FIGS. 2a, 2b and 2c. The method of the present invention begins by forming anticoagulated whole blood 90, which is achieved by collecting a patient's whole blood 80 in a medium containing an anticoagulation agent, such as sodium citrate (citrate) or heparin. The act of drawing blood initiates clotting reactions, and unless something is done to stop the process, a clot will form. The formation of a clot is a multi-step process and several of these steps require the presence of calcium ions. By removing the calcium ions present in whole blood, as is the effect when the blood is collected in citrate, the blood can be prevented from clotting. To reinitiate the clot-forming process, calcium is added back into the whole blood (recalcification). A calcium chelating agent is a chemical that reacts with the calcium, present in blood, in such a fashion that the calcium can no longer function in blood coagulation. The most common chelating agent is a salt of citric acid (citrate), since it has the fewest side effects on the components of the clotting system. By collecting blood into a medium containing a calcium chelating agent such as citrate, sample collection and further preparations of the citrated sample can be performed over a time period of up to several hours.

Preferably, the whole blood 80 is collected and mixed with a 3.8% solution of sodium citrate (referred to herein as “citrate collection medium”) specifically in a 9:1 ratio of blood to citrate collection medium. A 3.8% solution of sodium citrate is prepared by adding 3.8 grams of sodium citrate per 100 ml of water. While a 3.8% sodium citrate collection medium is that which is frequently used to collect and preserve blood, the person skilled in this art will recognize that the ratio of sodium citrate to whole blood could be in the range of about 10.9-12.9% mMAL, final concentration.

The anticoagulated whole blood 90 is next centrifuged at a rate of approximately 20-50 r.c.f.'s (relative centrifugal force) for 10-40 minutes, and preferably in a refrigerated centrifuge at 25 r.c.f.'s for 20 minutes, resulting in the formation of two liquid phases. The top phase is a platelet rich plasma (PRP) 100, and the bottom phase is anticoagulated whole blood minus the platelet rich plasma 190. The platelet rich plasma (PRP) 100 is then gently drawn off and saved in a container.

The remaining anticoagulated whole blood minus the platelet rich plasma phase 190 is further centrifuged at a rate of approximately 3000-4500 r.c.f's for 15-30 minutes, and preferably in a refrigerated centrifuge at 3850 r.c.f.'s for 20 minutes. This higher rate of centrifugation results in the red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets being spun out of the anticoagulated whole blood minus the platelet rich plasma phase 190 thereby forming a pellet (not shown) comprising cellular components which is to be discarded. The resulting platelet poor plasma (PPP) 200 is then decanted from the pellet and saved in a container.

The containers (not shown), which store the platelet rich plasma 100 and platelet poor plasma 200, may have either wettable surfaces (such as, silica, diatomaceous earth, kaolin, etc.) or non-wettable surfaces (such as plastic, siliconized glass, etc.). Since surfaces play a role in activating blood coagulation, the surface of the container chosen to store either the platelet rich plasma 100 or the platelet poor plasma 200 is dependent on whether clot formation is desired quickly or slowly. Chemical activators, such as kaolin, can also be used to speed up the clotting time; however, their subsequent removal would also be necessary. In the preferred embodiment, a glass tube is the preferred container used to collect the platelet rich plasma 100 and the platelet poor plasma 200.

In the preferred embodiment, according to route 101, the platelet rich plasma 100 is divided into two portions. The first portion is approximately ¼ to ½ of the total volume of platelet rich plasma 100 and is utilized in phase-one to prepare the thrombin, while the second portion of platelet rich plasma 100 is utilized in phase-two. Once the platelet rich plasma 100 and the platelet poor plasma 200 are obtained, the preferred methods to obtain the bioadhesive sealant compositions in an expedited manner, that is, in less than two minutes, are detailed diagrammatically in routes 101 or 201, shown in FIGS. 2b and 2c, respectively and discussed in detail below. If, however, a longer clotting time, that is, in a range of two to eight minutes, is desirous, the method to obtain the bioadhesive sealant composition of the present invention can proceed along the routes 105 and 205, which are also detailed diagrammatically in FIGS. 2b and 2c, respectively and discussed in detail below.

Phase one according to the preferred embodiment begins by restoring the clot-forming process. To accomplish this, an agent (restoration agent) capable of reversing the effects of the anticoagulation agent is added back into the first portion of the platelet rich plasma 100. In the presently preferred embodiment of the invention, the reversal of the anticoagulant is accomplished using calcium chloride. However, any substance that is known or found to be functionally equivalent to calcium chloride, such as, calcium gluconate, in restoring the coagulation activity of citrated blood may be used in the practice of the present invention. Thus, although calcium chloride is the presently preferred calcium salt for use in the invention, any calcium salt which functions in a similar manner to calcium chloride may be used in the invention. Similarly, although many blood coagulation reactions are currently believed to require calcium ions as cofactors, any substance that is known or subsequently found to be functionally equivalent to calcium in facilitating these coagulation reactions may be used, either individually or in combination with calcium, in the practice of the present invention. If the anticoagulation agent used was heparin, then heparinase would be used to reverse the effect of the anticoagulation agent. The concentration of the restoration agent used to reverse the anticoagulation will depend, in part, upon the concentration of the anticoagulation agent in the platelet rich plasma 100 and the stoichiometry of the chelating and coagulation reactions. However, the concentration of the restoration agent used to reverse the anticoagulation must be sufficient to achieve clot formation.

Upon restoration of the platelet rich plasma 100 as shown in FIG. 2b, a clot 110 will naturally form. The resulting clot 110 is then triturated by high-speed centrifugation, or squeezed through a mesh, thus releasing a serum 120 that comprises thrombin. In the preferred embodiment, the serum 120 is then mixed with the second portion of platelet rich plasma (PRP) 100 to form the bioadhesive sealant composition 130 of the present invention in less than two minutes and in quantities sufficient for clinical use.

In an alternative embodiment, serum 120 is mixed with the platelet poor plasma 200 of phase-two thereby forming the autologous bioadhesive sealant composition 140 of the present invention in less than two minutes.

A third embodiment of the present invention, route 105, shown in FIG. 2b, contemplates collecting the original quantity of platelet rich plasma (PRP) 100 derived from the anticoagulated whole blood 90 in a container, having a wettable surface, such as glass. The platelet rich plasma 100 is then recalcified and the bioadhesive sealant composition 150 forms. The desired bioadhesive sealant composition 150 will require approximately two to eight minutes to form as opposed to less than a two minute formation as was described in the preferred embodiment.

In the fourth embodiment depicted diagrammatically by route 201 in FIG. 2c, the platelet poor plasma 200, rather then the platelet rich plasma 100, is divided into two portions, as discussed previously in the preferred embodiment. The first portion, used in phase-one, which is approximately ¼ to ½ the original volume is stored in a container having a wettable surface, then the restoration agent, preferably calcium chloride, is added directly to the platelet poor plasma 200. Surface activation of the restored platelet poor plasma 200 occurs as result of the container's surface and a clot forms. The resulting clot is triturated, as described previously, and the serum 220 is collected. Serum 220 is then mixed with the platelet rich plasma 100 of phase-two thereby forming the autologous bioadhesive sealant composition 230.

In the fifth embodiment, serum 220 is mixed with the platelet poor plasma 200 of phase-two thereby forming the bioadhesive sealant composition 240 in less than two minutes.

The sixth embodiment follows route 205, shown in FIG. 2c wherein the original quantity of platelet poor plasma 200, derived from the anticoagulated whole blood minus platelet rich plasma 190, is collected in a container having a wettable surface, such as glass. The platelet poor plasma 200 is then recalcified and the bioadhesive sealant composition 250 forms.

A seventh embodiment contemplates mixing human recombinant thromboplastin directly with the platelet rich plasma to form a bioadhesive sealant composition (not shown). Alternatively, human recombinant thromboplastin is utilized to generate thrombin in a small aliquot of plasma and then the resulting thrombin is combined with the platelet rich plasma to form a bioadhesive sealant. Thromboplastin may be later removed by centrifugation.

The tensile strength of the bioadhesive sealant compositions of the present invention can be affected by the addition of calcium ions. Consequently, if a stronger bioadhesive sealant composition is desired using the methods discussed above and disclosed in routes 101 and 201, in FIGS. 2b and 2c, respectively, more calcium ions may be added at the time the serum is introduced into the platelet rich plasma 100 or the platelet poor plasma 200. Alternatively, if the method of preparing the bioadhesive sealant compositions follows routes 105 and 205, depicted in FIGS. 2b and 2c, respectively, then calcium ions may be introduced directly into the platelet rich plasma 100 or the platelet poor plasma 200 and the bioadhesive sealant compositions 150 and 250, respectively, will form.

As discussed in further detail below, the time period necessary for the formation of the bioadhesive sealant composition of the present invention is dependent on the quantity of serum added. A 1:4, 1:2 and 3:4 ratio of serum to platelet rich plasma or platelet poor plasma results in the formation of the bioadhesive gel composition in approximately 90, 55 and 30 seconds, respectively. Furthermore, due to the fact that thrombin is autocatalytic, it is important that the serum be used within five hours of preparation, preferably within two hours and ideally immediately. Alternatively, the serum can be chilled or frozen indefinitely.

The bioadhesive sealant compositions of this invention may be used for sealing a surgical wound by applying to the wound a suitable amount platelet rich plasma or platelet poor plasma once it has begun to gel. Moreover, due to the fact that the bioadhesive sealant compositions of the present invention have been prepared solely from blood components derived from the patient that is to receive the bioadhesive sealant there is a zero probability of introducing a new blood transmitted disease to the patient.

The methods of the present invention may be further modified so that the formed bioadhesive sealant composition functions not only as a haemostatic agent, but also as an adjunct to wound healing and as a matrix for delivery of drugs and proteins with other biologic activities. For example, it is well known that fibrin glue has a great affinity to bind bone fragments, which is useful in bone reconstruction, as in plastic surgery or the repair of major bone breaks. Consequently, in keeping with the autologous nature of the bioadhesive sealant composition of the present invention, autologous bone from a patient can be ground or made into powder or the like, and mixed into the platelet rich plasma obtained in phase-two of the methods of the present invention. Serum comprising thrombin is then mixed in with the platelet rich plasma and bone fragments in an amount sufficient to allow the resulting gel to be applied to the desired locale where it congeals.

In instances where the desired bioadhesive sealant composition of the present invention is to further function as a delivery device of drugs and proteins with other biologic activities the method of the present invention may be modified as follows. Prior to adding the serum comprising thrombin obtained in phase-one to the platelet rich plasma of phase-two, a wide variety of drugs or proteins with other biologic activities may be added to the platelet rich plasma of phase-two. Examples of the agents to be added to the platelet rich plasma prior to the addition of the serum include, but are not limited to, analgesic compounds, antibacterial compounds, including bactericidal and bacteriostatic compounds, antibiotics (e.g., adriamycin, erythromycin, gentimycin, penicillin, tobramycin), antifungal compounds, anti-inflammatories, antiparasitic compounds, antiviral compounds, enzymes, enzyme inhibitors, glycoproteins, growth factors (e.g. lymphokines, cytokines), hormones, steroids, glucocorticosteroids, immunomodulators, immunoglobulins, minerals, neuroleptics, proteins, peptides, lipoproteins, tumoricidal compounds, tumorstatic compounds, toxins and vitamins (e.g., Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, or derivatives thereof). It is also envisioned that selected fragments, portions, derivatives, or analogues of some or all of the above may be used.

A number of different medical apparatuses and testing methods exist for measuring and determining coagulation and coagulation-related activities of blood. These apparatuses and methods can be used to assist in determining the optimal formulation of activator, that is, thrombin, calcium and plasma necessary to form the bioadhesive sealant composition of the present invention. Some of the more successful techniques of evaluating blood clotting and coagulation are the plunger techniques illustrated by U.S. Pat. No. 4,599,219 to Cooper et al., U.S. Pat. No. 4,752,449 to Jackson et al., and U.S. Pat. No. 5,174,961 to Smith, all of which are assigned to the assignee of the present invention, and all of which are incorporated herein by reference.

Automated apparatuses employing the plunger technique for measuring and detecting coagulation and coagulation-related activities generally comprise a plunger sensor cartridge or cartridges and a microprocessor controlled apparatus into which the cartridge is inserted. The apparatus acts upon the cartridge and the blood sample placed therein to induce and detect the coagulation-related event. The cartridge includes a plurality of test cells, each of which is defined by a tube-like member having an upper reaction chamber where a plunger assembly is located and where the analytical test is carried out, and a reagent chamber which contains a reagent or reagents. For an activated clotting time (ACT) test, for example, the reagents include an activation reagent to activate coagulation of the blood. A plug member seals the bottom of a reagent chamber. When the test commences, the contents of the reagent chamber are forced into the reaction chamber to be mixed with the sample of fluid, usually human blood or its components. An actuator, which is a part of the apparatus, lifts the plunger assembly and lowers it, thereby reciprocating the plunger assembly through the pool of fluid in the reaction chamber. The plunger assembly descends by the force of gravity, resisted by a property of the fluid in the reaction chamber, such as its viscosity. When the property of the sample changes in a predetermined manner as a result of the onset or occurrence of a coagulation-related activity, the descent rate of the plunger assembly therethrough is changed. Upon a sufficient change in the descent rate, the coagulation-related activity is detected and indicated by the apparatus.

Using the methods discussed above, cartridges were assembled with serum obtained from either platelet rich plasma or platelet poor plasma, and CaCl2 in the reagent chambers. Clotting time tests were performed by the automated process with either platelet rich plasma (PRP) or platelet poor plasma (PPP) dispersed into the reaction chambers of the cartridges. In the first experiment, the results of which are represented in FIG. 3, the amount of serum, the type of plasma from which the serum was derived, and the type of plasma the serum was mixed with were tested to determine the shortest clotting times. The ratios of serum to platelet rich plasma or platelet poor plasma that were studied included 1:4, 1:2, and 3:4. In the second set of experiments, the results of which are represented in FIGS. 4a and 4b, the relationship between actual gel time for the bioadhesive sealant composition of the present was compared to the clotting time in the cartridge, wherein there is a 0, 30, or 60-minute delay of adding the serum from its generation. The third set of experiments, the results of which are represented in FIGS. 5a and 5b, studied the effect of calcium addition on actual gel time versus clotting time in the cartridge. The final set of experiments, the results of which are represented in FIG. 6, studied the effect of adding calcium on clotting times.

Although clotting times varied among donors, comparisons of clotting times for individual donors show significant effects of the serum to plasma ratio and the calcium concentration. For all donors, the shortest clotting times occurred for the 3:4 ratio, with clotting times that were 47% shorter than those for the 1:4 ratio. Although the difference in clotting times for the 3:4 ratio and the 1:2 ratio was not statistically significant, the clotting times were consistently shorter using the 3:4 ratio for all donors. These results demonstrate that clotting times may be shortened by increasing the serum to platelet rich plasma ratio. Similarly, clotting times were significantly affected by the amount of calcium added, with the shortest clotting times obtained when no calcium was added, suggesting that the serum contained levels, of calcium that were sufficient to recalcify the citrated platelet rich plasma. Preliminary results from the scale-up experiments suggest that experimental clotting times in the cartridges correlate with actual gel times.

The invention is further illustrated by the following non-limited examples. All scientific and technical terms have the meanings as understood by one with ordinary skill in the art. The specific examples that follow illustrate the methods in which the bioadhesive sealant compositions of the present invention may be prepared in a clinical setting and are not to be construed as limiting the invention in sphere or scope. The methods may be adapted to variation in order to produce compositions embraced by this invention but not specifically disclosed. Further, variations of the methods to produce the same compositions in somewhat different fashion will be evident to one skilled in the art.


The examples herein are meant to exemplify the various aspects of carrying out the invention and are not intended to limit the invention in any way.

Example 1
Preparation of Bioadhesive Sealant Composition Using Platelet Rich Plasma and Serum

10 cc's of platelet rich plasma is added to a sterile glass tube containing 0.33 cc's of 10% calcium chloride. A stopper is placed in the tube and the contents are gently mixed and the tube is set aside. Gelling of the contents will occur in two to eight minutes. The gel is passed to a dry sterile cup where it is squeezed out 4-6 cc's of the serum, produced therefrom, and 1 cc of air is drawn into a syringe containing 4 cc of platelet rich plasma along with 1 cc of the serum. The bioadhesive sealant composition will gel inside the syringe within approximately two minutes. The gel time may be decreased by increasing the amount of serum added to the platelet rich plasma.

Example 2

10 cc's of whole blood is withdrawn from a patient, placed into a sterile glass tube, and allowed to clot naturally. The clot may be subsequently squeezed or centrifuged to release approximately 4-6 cc's of serum.

An equivalent volume of 10% calcium chloride is then mixed with the serum. 1 cc of this' calcified serum is then mixed with 7-8 cc's of platelet rich plasma and 2 cc's of air. The resulting bioadhesive sealant will gel in approximately 1-2 minutes.

Example 3

To a sterile glass syringe containing 0.33 cc's of 10% calcium chloride is added 10 cc's of platelet rich plasma. The mixture is allowed to rest for 2 to 8 minutes. Once the gel appears to be appropriately viscous, it may be applied to the wound site.

The techniques demonstrated in Examples 1 and 2 may be simultaneously prepared for (a) an additional source of serum; and (b) to confirm successful coagulation.

The foregoing description is considered as illustrative only of the principles of the invention. Furthermore, since numerous modifications and changes will readily occur to those skilled in the art, it is not desired to limit the invention to the exact construction and processes shown as described above. Accordingly, all suitable modifications and equivalents may be resorted to falling within the scope of the invention as defined by the claims that follow.

The words “comprise,” “comprising,” “include,” “including,” and “includes,” when used in this specification and in the following claims, are intended to specify the presence of one or more stated features, integers, components, or steps, but they do not preclude the presence or addition of one or more other features, integers, components, steps, or groups thereof.

  • 1-173. (canceled)
  • 174. A method of producing an autologous biological composition comprising: forming an autologous platelet rich plasma; forming an autologous platelet poor plasma; obtaining autologous thrombin from the autologous platelet poor plasma; and mixing the autologous thrombin with the autologous platelet rich plasma to produce the autologous biological composition.
  • 175. The method of claim 174 wherein the autologous platelet poor plasma contains a calcium chelating agent.
  • 176. The method of claim 175 wherein the calcium chelating agent is sodium citrate.
  • 177. The method of claim 175 wherein calcium ions are added to the autologous platelet poor plasma prior to obtaining the autologous thrombin.
  • 178. The method of claim 175 wherein the autologous platelet poor plasma contains heparin.
  • 179. The method of claim 175 wherein heparinase is added to the autologous platelet poor plasma prior to obtaining the autologous thrombin.
  • 180. The method of claim 175 wherein the autologous platelet poor plasma is formed by centrifuging a sample of whole blood.
  • 181. The method of claim 175 wherein the autologous platelet rich plasma is formed by centrifuging a sample of whole blood.
  • 182. The method of claim 175 wherein the step of obtaining autologous thrombin from the autologous platelet poor plasma includes obtaining a serum comprising the autologous thrombin.
  • 183. The method of claim 175 wherein the step of obtaining autologous thrombin from the autologous platelet poor plasma comprises the formation of a clot.
  • 184. The method of claim 183 wherein the step of obtaining autologous thrombin from the autologous platelet poor plasma further comprises triturating the clot to obtain the autologous thrombin.
  • 185. The method of claim 175 wherein the step of obtaining autologous thrombin from the autologous platelet poor plasma comprises activation of at least a portion of the coagulation pathway.
  • 186. The method of claim 175 wherein the step of obtaining autologous thrombin from the autologous platelet poor plasma comprises at least a portion of a clot-forming process.
  • 187. The method of claim 175 wherein the step of obtaining autologous thrombin from the autologous platelet poor plasma comprises the conversion of prothrombin to thrombin.
  • 188. The method of claim 175 wherein the autologous platelet rich plasma and the autologous platelet poor plasma are formed from a single sample of whole blood.
  • 189. The method of claim 175 wherein the autologous platelet poor plasma is placed in a container comprising an activator that activates blood coagulation.
  • 190. The method of claim 175 wherein the autologous platelet poor plasma is placed in a container comprising a surface that activates blood coagulation.
  • 191. The method of claim 175 wherein the autologous platelet poor plasma is placed in a container comprising glass.
  • 192. A method of applying a biological composition to an individual, comprising: forming a platelet rich plasma from blood taken from the individual; forming a platelet poor plasma from blood taken from the individual; obtaining thrombin from the platelet poor plasma; mixing the thrombin obtained from the platelet poor plasma into the platelet rich plasma to form the biological composition; and applying the biological composition to the individual.
  • 193. The method of claim 192 wherein the step of applying the biological composition to the individual results in a barrier against loss of blood from a vessel.
  • 194. The method of claim 192 wherein the step of applying the biological composition to the individual results in a scaffold for repair of tissue.
  • 195. The method of claim 192 wherein the step of applying the biological composition to the individual includes applying the biological composition to a needle hole.
  • 196. The method of claim 192 wherein the step of applying the biological composition to the individual includes applying the biological composition to an arterial tear.
  • 197. The method of claim 192 wherein the step of applying the biological composition to the individual includes applying the biological composition to tissue.
  • 198. The method of claim 192 wherein the step of applying the biological composition to the individual includes applying the biological composition to bone.
  • 199. The method of claim 192 wherein the step of applying the biological composition to the individual includes applying the biological composition to a nerve.
  • 200. The method of claim 192 wherein the step of applying the biological composition to the individual includes applying the biological composition to a vessel.
  • 201. The method of claim 192 wherein the step of applying the biological composition to the individual includes applying the biological composition to a wound.
  • 202. The method of claim 192 further comprising the step of adding an anticoagulation agent to the blood taken from the individual.
  • 203. The method of claim 202 wherein the anticoagulation agent is a calcium chelating agent.
  • 204. The method of claim 203 wherein the calcium chelating agent is sodium citrate.
  • 205. The method of claim 203 wherein the anticoagulation agent is heparin.
  • 206. The method of claim 192 further comprising the step of adding calcium ions to the platelet poor plasma prior to the step of obtaining thrombin from the platelet poor plasma.
  • 207. The method of claim 192 further comprising the step of adding heparinase to the platelet poor plasma prior to the step of obtaining the thrombin from the platelet poor plasma.
  • 208. The method of claim 192 wherein the platelet poor plasma is formed by centrifuging the blood taken from the individual.
  • 209. The method of claim 1192 wherein the platelet rich plasma is formed by centrifuging the blood taken from the individual.
  • 210. The method of claim 192 wherein the step of obtaining thrombin from the platelet poor plasma includes obtaining a serum comprising the thrombin.
  • 211. The method of claim 192 wherein the step of obtaining thrombin from the platelet poor plasma comprises the formation of a clot.
  • 212. The method of claim 211 wherein the step of obtaining thrombin from the platelet poor plasma further comprises triturating the clot to obtain the thrombin.
  • 213. The method of claim 192 wherein the step of obtaining thrombin from the platelet poor plasma comprises activation of at least a portion of the coagulation pathway.
  • 214. The method of claim 192 wherein the step of obtaining thrombin from the platelet poor plasma comprises the conversion of prothrombin to thrombin.
  • 215. The method of claim 192 wherein the step of obtaining thrombin from the platelet poor plasma comprises at least a portion of a clot-forming process.
  • 216. The method of claim 192 wherein the platelet rich plasma and the platelet poor plasma are formed from a single sample of whole blood.
  • 217. The method of claim 192 wherein the platelet poor plasma is placed in a container comprising an activator that activates blood coagulation.
  • 218. The method of claim 192 wherein the platelet poor plasma is placed in a container comprising a surface that activates blood coagulation.
  • 219. The method of claim 192 wherein the platelet poor plasma is placed in a container comprising glass.
  • 220. The method of claim 192 wherein the platelet rich plasma and platelet poor plasma are formed from a single sample of blood taken from the individual.
  • 221. An autologous biological composition prepared by the method comprising: forming a platelet rich plasma from blood taken from an individual to whom the biological composition is to be applied; forming a platelet poor plasma from blood also taken from the individual to whom the biological composition is to be applied; obtaining thrombin from the platelet poor plasma; and mixing the thrombin with the platelet rich plasma to produce the autologous biological composition.
  • 222. The composition of claim 221 wherein an anticoagulation agent is added to the blood taken from the individual prior to forming the platelet poor plasma.
  • 223. The composition of claim 222 wherein the anticoagulation agent is a calcium chelating agent.
  • 224. The composition of claim 223 wherein the calcium chelating agent is sodium citrate.
  • 225. The composition of claim 222 wherein the anticoagulation agent is heparin.
  • 226. The composition of claim 221 wherein calcium ions are added to the platelet poor plasma prior to obtaining the thrombin.
  • 227. The composition of claim 221 wherein heparinase is added to the platelet poor plasma prior to obtaining the autologous thrombin.
  • 228. The composition of claim 221 wherein the platelet poor plasma is formed by centrifugation
  • 229. The composition of claim 221 wherein the platelet rich plasma is formed by centrifugation.
  • 230. The composition of claim 221 wherein the step of obtaining thrombin from the platelet poor plasma includes obtaining a serum comprising the thrombin.
  • 231. The composition of claim 221 wherein the step of obtaining thrombin from the platelet poor plasma comprises the formation of a clot.
  • 232. The composition of claim 231 wherein the step of obtaining thrombin from the platelet poor plasma further comprises triturating the clot to obtain the thrombin.
  • 233. The composition of claim 221 wherein the step of obtaining thrombin from the platelet poor plasma comprises activation of at least a portion of the coagulation pathway.
  • 234. The method of claim 221 wherein the step of obtaining thrombin from the platelet poor plasma comprises the conversion of prothrombin to thrombin.
  • 235. The composition of claim 221 wherein the step of obtaining thrombin from the platelet poor plasma comprises at least a portion of a clot-forming process.
  • 236. The composition of claim 221 wherein the platelet poor plasma is placed in a container comprising an activator that activates blood coagulation.
  • 237. The composition of claim 221 wherein the platelet poor plasma is placed in a container comprising a surface that activates blood coagulation.
  • 238. The composition of claim 221 wherein the platelet poor plasma is placed in a container comprising glass.
  • 239. The composition of claim 221 wherein the platelet rich plasma and the platelet poor plasma are formed from a single sample of blood taken from the individual to whom the biological composition is to be applied.
  • 240. The composition of claim 221 wherein an anticoagulation agent is added to the single sample of blood taken from the individual prior to forming the platelet poor plasma and the platelet rich plasma.
  • 241. A method of producing an autologous biological composition comprising: removing blood from an individual to whom the biological composition is intended to be applied; centrifuging the blood to form a platelet rich plasma and a platelet poor plasma; adding a first agent and a second agent to the platelet poor plasma; obtaining thrombin from the platelet poor plasma, wherein thrombin is formed via activation of at least a portion of the coagulation pathway; and mixing the thrombin with the platelet rich plasma to produce the autologous biological composition.
  • 242. The method of claim 241 wherein the first or second agent is a chemical agent.
  • 243. The method of claim 242 wherein the chemical agent is a restoration agent.
  • 244. The method of claim 243 wherein the restoration agent is a calcium salt.
  • 245. The method of claim 242 wherein the chemical agent is a chemical activator.
  • 246. The method of claim 245 wherein the chemical activator is kaolin.
  • 247. The method of claim 241 wherein the first or second agent is a biological agent.
  • 248. The method of claim 247 wherein the biological agent is a restoration agent.
  • 249. The method of claim 248 wherein the biological agent is heparinase.
  • 250. The method of claim 241 wherein the first or second agent is a clotting activator.
  • 251. The method of claim 241 wherein the first or second agent is a contact activator.
  • 252. The method of claim 241 wherein the first or second agent is thromboplastin.
  • 253. The method of claim 241 wherein the first and second agents are chemical agents.
  • 254. The method of claim 241 wherein the first and second agents are biological agents.
  • 255. The method of claim 241 further comprising the step of adding a third agent to the blood.
  • 256. The method of claim 255 wherein the third agent is an anticoagulation agent.
  • 257. The method of claim 256 wherein the anticoagulation agent is a chemical agent.
  • 258. The method of claim 257 wherein the chemical agent is a calcium chelating agent.
  • 259. The method of claim 258 wherein the calcium chelating agent is citrate.
  • 260. The method of claim 256 wherein the anticoagulation agent is a biological agent.
  • 261. The method of claim 260 wherein the biological agent is heparin.
  • 262. A method of producing an autologous biological composition comprising: removing blood from an individual to whom the biological composition is intended to be applied; centrifuging the blood to form a platelet rich plasma and a platelet poor plasma; adding calcium ions to the platelet poor plasma; obtaining thrombin from the platelet poor plasma, wherein thrombin is formed via activation of at least a portion of the coagulation pathway; and mixing the thrombin with the platelet rich plasma to produce the autologous biological composition.
  • 263. The method of claim 262 further comprising the step of adding an agent prior to producing the autologous biological composition.
  • 264. The method of claim 263 wherein the agent is a chemical agent.
  • 265. The method of claim 263 wherein the agent is a biological agent.
  • 266. The method of claim 263 wherein the agent has a biological activity.
  • 267. The method of claim 263 wherein the agent is a drug.
  • 268. The method of claim 263 wherein the agent is selected from the group consisting of: analgesic compounds, antibacterial compounds, antibiotics, antifungal compounds, anti-inflammatories, antiparasitic compounds, antiviral compounds, enzymes, enzyme inhibitors, glycoproteins, growth factors, hormones, steroids, glucocorticosteroids, immunomodulators, immunoglobulins, minerals, neuroleptics, proteins, peptides, lipoproteins, tumoricidal compounds, tumorstatic compounds, toxins and vitamins.
  • 269. The method of claim 263 wherein the agent is selected from the group consisting of growth factors, lymphokines and cytokines.
  • 270. The method of claim 263 wherein the agent is selected from the group consisting of antibacterial compounds, bacteriocidal compounds and bacteriostatic compounds.
  • 271. The method of claim 263 wherein the agent is selected from the group consisting of antibiotics, adriamycin, erythromycin, gentimycin, penicillin and tobramycin.
  • 272. The method of claim 263 wherein the agent is a vitamin.
  • 273. The method of claim 272 wherein the vitamin is selected from the group consisting of Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Vitamin B, Vitamin C and Vitamin D.
  • 274. The method of claim 263 wherein the agent is cells.
  • 275. The method of claim 274 wherein the cells are bone cells.

This patent application is a Continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/173,839, filed Jun. 18, 2002, which is a Continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 09/063,338, filed Apr. 20, 1998, now issued as U.S. Pat. No. 6,444,228, which is a Continuation-in-Part of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 08/640,278, filed Apr. 30, 1996, abandoned.

Continuations (3)
Number Date Country
Parent 10848302 May 2004 US
Child 11044984 Jan 2005 US
Parent 10173839 Jun 2002 US
Child 10848302 May 2004 US
Parent 09063338 Apr 1998 US
Child 10173839 Jun 2002 US
Continuation in Parts (1)
Number Date Country
Parent 08640278 Apr 1996 US
Child 09063338 Apr 1998 US