The invention relates to data communication and signal processing, especially, data communication in which multiple transmit and/or receive antennas are used.
Multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) communication systems can have significantly higher channel capacity than single-input-single-output (SISO) systems for the same total transmission power and bandwidth [1]. In wireless communications, MIMO systems have the ability to deal with multipath propagation [1] [2]. It is also known that capacity of MIMO systems increases with the number of antennas. However, in practical communication systems, combining signals carried by a larger number of antennas increases the number of RF chains, which increases the cost of the overall system. In [4], Molisch et al. showed that hardware cost can be significantly reduced by selecting a good subset of antennas from the set of physically available antennas and using the signals from the selected antennas only, without much sacrificing the advantage of multi antenna diversity. Which subset of antennas is good depends on the channels' conditions. Therefore, one can embody a MIMO communication system that has a larger number of antennas than the number of RF chains and selects, on the basis of the channels' conditions, a subset of antennas to which to connect the RF chains. Therefore, a need exists for antenna selection scheme that has low computational complexity and better performance. Especially, for wireless communications, the channels conditions can vary in time rapidly and the communication systems may have to change its selection of the antennas frequently in order to maintain high performance in communication. Therefore, computational efficiency of the antenna selection algorithm is important for adapting the antennas selection quickly to changing channel conditions.
No polynomial-time algorithm is known to select the antennas optimally. Finding an optimal selection of antennas can require a large amount of processing at the receiver side and thus result in a long processing delay and high processing power consumption. Due to the high computational complexity of the optimal selection, a number of suboptimal solutions with lower complexity were proposed in literature [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]. There are a few patents on antenna selection method, e.g. for joint transmit/receive antenna selection [I] and receive antenna selection [II] [III] [IV]. The complexity an algorithm and the performance of a MIMO communication system depend on the number of transmit/receive antennas; i.e., complexity of an algorithm increases with the number of antennas and the performance of a MIMO communication system improves if the number of antennas increases.
A major aim for transmit or receive antenna selection schemes in the literature is to determine a good selection of antennas with low computational complexity. Different receive antenna selection algorithms are proposed in [5][6][8][9][10], and similarly a number of transmit antenna selection algorithms are proposed in [3][4][7]. All these proposed algorithms are presented to reduce the complexity of antenna selection while obtaining a good selection. There is tradeoff between the goodness of a selection and the computational amount to determine the selection. Our proposed transmit and/or receive antenna selection algorithm shows a better goodness-computation tradeoff.
Most of the antenna selection schemes are either proposed for receive antenna selection [4][5][6][7][8][9][10] or transmit antenna selection [1][2][3] separately. The main drawback of separate antenna selection is that hardware cost can only reduce at one side (either transmit side or receive side). In [13] authors proposed a kind of joint antenna selection scheme by performing separate exhaustive search on transmit and receive side. (This technique is termed as Decoupled antenna selection.) Decoupled antenna selection has two disadvantages 1) its complexity is high and 2) its performance is not close to the optimal performance. Our proposed joint antenna selection algorithm not only searches for a near optimum solution in real time but also has low computational complexity than all previous joint antenna selection algorithms.
This invention provides methods and apparatus for selecting, inter alia, antennas on transmitter, and/or receiver in multi-antenna communication systems, for selecting antennas and/or users in multi-user and/or multi-antenna communication systems, and for selecting sensors in a system comprising multiple sensors. The invention may be embodied in numerous engineering systems comprising multiple sensors and communication systems. One aspect of the invention provides methods that cope well with externally imposed constraints on antenna and/or sensor selections such as the maximum number of antennas that can be in use and/or the maximum number of sensors that can be in operation at a time frame.
Embodiments of our method use and configure population-based evolutionary algorithms, and an aspect of the invention provides methods of generating initial populations for these algorithms. Such methods include representing a possible solution by a vector and generating multiple vectors by choosing an initial feed vector and its cyclic shifts. Another aspect of the invention allows the methods to configure the population-based algorithm in order to prevent premature convergence to a local optimum.
Another aspect of the invention also allows applying biased weights in estimating probability distributions used in generating populations in the case of employing an Estimation-of-Distribution algorithm (EDA).
Further aspects of the invention and features of specific embodiments of the invention are described below.
We consider an embodiment of a MIMO (Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output) system
where Es is the total energy available at the transmitter during a symbol period, Y≡[Y1 Y2 . . . YNN
where IN
where Nr≦NR and Nt≦NT. For these |Φ| subsets the maximum capacity associated with joint transmit/receive antenna is
where C(Hφ) is the capacity achieved by selecting Nr receive and Nt transmit antennas, HφεN
, q
, . . . , q
, q
, q
, . . . , q
], q
Tε{0,1} and qjRε{0,1} (4)
where qiT is a binary indicator of whether antenna i is selected or not from NT transmit antennas. Similarly qjR is a binary indicator of whether antenna j is selected or not from NR receive antennas For example, let us consider a case with NT=4, Nt=2 and NR=5, Nr=3. Suppose that the first and third antenna are selected from transmit antennas and the first, second and fifth antenna are selected from receive antennas. Then φ representing this selection will be [1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1]. Exhaustive Search Algorithm (ESA) evaluate all possible |Φ| combinations, enumerating over all possible combinations and finding the one that can maximize the (3) is computationally inefficient, and a computationally efficient algorithm is not known. Computational complexity increases exponentially with number of transmit and receive antennas. High-speed communications demand a method with lower complexity.
We now present a method for joint transmit and receive antenna selection that utilizes Estimation of Distribution Algorithms (EDAs). EDAs are population based search algorithms that rely on probabilistic modeling of potential solutions. Generally in evolutionary algorithms, two fixed parents recombination and evolution often provide poor quality solution, causing a premature convergence to a local optimum. To overcome this problem, in EDAs the recombination process is replaced by generating new potential solutions according to the probability distribution of good solutions from the previous iteration. In estimating the probability distribution, the interdependence of variables remains intact. Thus, EDAs can consider interactions among variables.
A typical, conventional EDA is illustrated in
In general, conventional EDAs can be characterized [11] by parameters (Is, F, Δl, ηl, ps, Des, FTer), where
where binary n-dimensional vector, Xj=(x1j, x2j, x3j, . . . , xnj), xijε(0,1) represents an individual. The current population can be written in a matrix form
where each row of matrix X represents an individual in the population.
Step 2: Evaluate the current population according to the fitness function F 210. Sort the candidate solutions according to their fitness orders 220. Last sorted candidate solution is the best candidate solution for all iterations.
Step 3: If the best candidate solution satisfies the convergence criterion 230 or the number of iterations exceeds its limit then terminate 270 else go to step 4.
Step 4: Select the best ηl candidate solutions 240 from current Δl individuals. This selection is accomplished according to the sorted solutions 220.
Step 5: Estimate the probability distribution P(x1, x2, . . . , xn) 250 on the basis of |ηl-1| best candidate solutions. We denote this estimation by
=P(x1, x2, . . . , xn|ηl-1) (7)
Step 6: Generate new |Δl|−|ηl| populations according to this new estimated probability distribution Des 260.
Step 7: Go to step 2 and repeat the steps
An EDA can get stuck in a local optimum due to premature convergence of the probability distributions. We present a preferred method of avoiding this problem by adding a threshold 345 on estimated distributions. Any of probability p1, p2 . . . pn in 340 can converge to 1 or 0 prematurely. We present a mechanism that thwarts such premature convergence; namely, we present an idea of adjusting the distribution p1, p2 . . . pn after estimating these at each iteration. The adjustment in general can be described as a mapping from set of n-dimensional vectors, Π≡{(p1, p2, . . . , pn)|0≦pi≦1, i=1, 2, . . . , n}, to set Π itself. A preferred embodiment of this idea is to use thresholds. First we address the problem that a probability value prematurely converges to 1. To avoid this, we define thresholds 0.5<γ1, γ2, . . . , γn<1. At any iteration, if the probability value in pi, i=1, 2, . . . , n, is greater than γ, we set that value to γi, so that some degree of randomness remains in the algorithm until the termination criterion is satisfied. A simpler application of this idea is to set the same threshold γ=γ1=γ2= . . . =γn. Now we address the problem that a probability value prematurely converges to 0. We define thresholds 0<α1, α2, . . . , αn<0.5. At any iteration, if the probability value in pi, i=1, 2, . . . , n, is less than αi, we set that value to αi, so that some degree of randomness remains in the algorithm until the termination criterion is satisfied. A simpler application of this idea is to set the same threshold α=α1=α2= . . . =αn
We introduce three modifications in conventional EDAs to improve the efficiency of the proposed joint antenna selection method. The modifications are 1) a predefined initial feed 300 2) cyclic shifted initial population 305 and 3) biased Estimation of Distribution. In conventional EDAs initial population is generated randomly from the uniform distribution. We present a method of selecting an initial population to make the average convergence time (the number of iterations until reaching an acceptable solution) shorter than the randomly generated initial population. The idea is to contrive the initial population by utilizing domain knowledge of the MIMO system and/or the dynamics of the EDAs evolution. A preferred embodiment of this idea is to use a promising initial selection of antennas (initial feed), which is represented by a binary string X0, and then to use cyclic shifts of this binary string X0 as initial population. In the joint antenna selection problem, a preferred implementation of the present invention is to set the length of binary string X0 (dimension of vector) X0 to be the total number of antennas (both transmit and receive antennas). Exemplary methods of choosing the initial feed include 1) adjacent antenna method 500,505 and 2) best antennas method 600,605.
Adjacent feed methods are illustrated in
In the next stage of initialization a cyclic shift is applied on these transmit initial feed 510 and receive initial deed 515. This cyclic shift process is used to generate the initial population from these initial feeds. The cyclic shifted initial population ensures that each antenna has equal contribution during starting phase of the proposed algorithm. In the process of cyclic shift, last element (Most Significant Bit) of the initial feed becomes the first element (Least Significant Bit) and all other elements are shifted right. The process of cyclic shift is repeated till we get the original initial feedback. This cyclic shift can be done in reverse order.
After generating initial population of transmit and receive antennas separately, concatenate these transmit/receive initial populations. Concatenation procedure is shown in
To obtain an acceptable solution (a near-optimum solution) in an efficient way, the present invention also includes an idea of adding some skew in estimating the probability distribution from a population, which is a modification 331,335 to (7). This skew can be added by giving more weights to the individuals in that have better fitness in estimating the probability distribution P(x1, x2, . . . , xn). We now provide an illustrative embodiment of this idea. Note that estimation (7) is often implemented in the following simple way:
is the ith column vector from matrix X and P(xi|Ωil-1) is the estimated probability from the selected |ηl-1 individuals in the (l−1)th iteration 240,250. A simple embodiment of the skewed estimation {tilde over (D)}es is
where {tilde over (Ω)}il-1 is the biased column vector determined through point by point multiplication of weight vector ω=[ω1 ω2 . . . ω|η
Again, and example choice of the weights include
To illustrate biased estimation of distribution idea in detail, assume that NR=7, Nr=3, NT=7, Nt=3, Δi|=10 and |ηl=5 are defined as initial parameters. Generate initial population as shown in
The weights are used such that the largest weight will be used for best solution and smallest weight will be used for worst solution. Numerical results show that this BED is better in performance than other proposed EDAs.
Quantum-inspired evolutionary algorithm [17] can be considered being in the family of EDAs and can be used for optimizing the selection of antennas and/or sensors.
In this section we describe a method for joint transmit and receive antenna selection that utilizes optimization algorithms inspired by biology such as social behavior of bird flocking or fish schooling. Like other evolutionary algorithms, bio-inspired optimization (BIO) algorithms are population-based search algorithms. In BIO, each individual is termed as an individual and a collection individuals is called a population. If we represent the optimization as minimizing the cost function of several variables, x1, x2, . . . , xn or finding the value of vector (x1, x2, . . . , xn) that best fit in according to fitness measure F(x1, x2, . . . , xn), then vector (x1, x2, . . . , xn) can be analogically viewed as a position of a particle in the n-dimensional space. Exploring through the space to find the best solution can be analogically viewed a particle flying in the space to find the best position.
Examples of BIO includes Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) [14-15] and Biogeography-based Optimization (BBO) [16], etc.
PSO provides a population-based search procedure in which individuals (particles) change their position with time. In PSO, particles fly around (changes their position) in a multidimensional search space (set of all potential solutions). During flight, each particle adjusts its position on the basis of its own experience and on the basis of the neighboring particles' experience, making use of the best position encountered by itself and its neighbor. Thus, a PSO system combines local search methods with global search methods. Therefore each particle has a tendency to fly (move) towards better and better solutions [14].
We now present an embodiment, wherein each antenna selection is represented by a vector whose components take a binary digits 0 or 1. We refer to each vector in a population (a set of possible solutions) a particle. A particle may move to nearer and farther corners of the hypercube by flipping various numbers of bits.
The embodiment of particle swarm optimization (PSOP) for antenna/sensor selection being presented now can be characterized by parameters (Is, F, N, D, {tilde over (X)}l, GBl, PBl, Vl, FTer, INl), where
Our method introduces modifications in conventional population-based algorithms to improve the efficiency of the proposed joint antenna selection method. The modifications include a predefined initial feed and cyclic shifted initial population. A preferred embodiment of this method is illustrated in
Step 1: Set the initial parameters 700 such that dimension D of each particle is NT+NR; the size of the population N is max(NT,NR).
Step 2: Generate initial feed 705 as described in 500,505 (Adjacent feed) or 600,605 (Best Antenna Feed).
Step 3: Apply cyclic shift 710 to generate initial position of the population as described in 510,515 (cyclic shift on adjacent feed) or 610,615 (cyclic shift on best antenna feed). This initial population is a collection of particles. At the initial iteration l=0, initialize each particle's best position as Pb10=X10, Pb20=X20, . . . , PbN0=XN0 715; initialize the global best as GB0≡(gb10, gb20, . . . , gbD0)=arg maxl≦k≦NF(Pbk0).
For each particle k, initialize its velocity Vk0=(vk,10, vk,20, . . . , vk,D0) as the following.
where U(
qε(−∞, ∞) can be used. The value q is selected in a way that σ−1(q) should not be too large. Parameter
Step 4: Update the iteration counter.
Step 5: For each particle calculate the velocity 720
×U(0,1)×(gbil-1−xk,il-1)+c2×U(0,1)×(pk,bil-1−xk,il-1), gbil-1★{0,1},xk,il-1ε{0,1}, pk,bil-1ε{0,1}∀k=1, 2, . . . , N and ∀i=1, 2, . . . , D (12)
where U(0,1) is the uniform random variable between (0,1), c1>0 and c2>0 are social and cognitive parameters to control the movement of the particle in any specific direction.
Step 6: Update the position of kth particle's ith element as 725 and
Step 7: Evaluate the current population 730 according to the fitness function F. Store these values in temporary variables PBTmp=[Pb1Tmp, Pb2Tmp, . . . , PbNTmp].
Step 8: If the convergence criterions satisfied then terminate 740 otherwise go to step 9.
Step 9: Update the kth particle best as 750
if F(PbkTmp)>F(Pbkl-1) then Pbkl=PbkTmp else Pbkl=Pbkl-1 (14)
Step 10: Update the global best as 750
Tmp=arg maxl≦k≦NF(Pbkl) if F(GBTmp)>F(GBl-1) then GBl=GBTmp else GBl=GBl-1 (15)
Step 11: Go to step 4 and repeat the steps
This embodiment includes modifications to conventional population-based algorithms to improve the efficiency of the proposed joint antenna selection method
For performance comparison, we present simulation results of the EDA joint antenna selection together with some of the existing selection techniques for JTRAS system. In this simulation, the channel is assumed to be quasi-static for time slots, but independent among different mobile devices.
This application claims the benefit of provisional patent application No. 61/136,282 filed 25 Aug. 2008 and entitled JOINT TRANSMIT AND RECEIVE ANTENNA SELECTION METHODS WITH PROBABILISTIC EVOLUTIONARY ALGORITHMS.
Number | Date | Country | |
61136282 | Aug 2008 | US |