Extended Abstracts vol. II for 40th ISE (International Society of Electrochemistry) meeting held in Kyota, Japan Sep. 17-22, 1989 Kaneko et al., "Electrochemical Behavior of GRC Electrodes for Voltammetry". |
Extended Abstracts vol. II for 40th ISE (International Society of Electrochemistry) meeting held in Kyota, Japan Sep. 17-22, 1989 Abe, et al., "Fabrication and Application of Micro-electrode to In-vivo Voltammetry". |
Extended Abstracts vol. II for 40th ISE (International Society of Electrochemistry) meeting held in Kyota, Japan Sep. 17-22, 1989, Kaneko et al., "Redox Reactions of Vanadium Ions on GRC and Carbon Fiber Electrodes". |
Treatise for Technical Journal Tanso (Carbon) No. 152, pp. 106-114, 1992, Kawakubo et al., "Electrochemical Behavior of Carbon Microelectrodes Prepared by Using Graphite/Carbon Composite" no month available. |
Extended Abstracts for the 1991st year Autumn meeting of the Society of Electrochemistry held in Nagota Institute of Technology on Oct. 12-13, 1991. Negishi et al. "Micro Carbon Electrode with Reference Electrode". |
Treatise for Technical Journal "Electrochemistry", No. 12, 60, pp. 1143-1145 (1992) Kaneko et al., Carbon Sensor Electrode Containing a Reactant in the Microholes no month available. |
Treatise for "Science" 22 Apr. 1988 vol. 240, pp. 415-419, Wightman, Voltammetry with Microscopic Electrodes in New Domains. |
Catalogue of Ecosse Sentors, Co. "Disposable Electrodes for Anodic Stripping Voltammetry" no month or year available. |