This invention relates to methods, devices, and systems for sorting highly motile, morphologically normal, and/or genetically normal sperm from unprocessed semen.
Human infertility is a worldwide disease of epidemic proportions, with an estimate of 80 million couples affected annually. In developed countries, 1-3% of all births are conceived via assisted reproduction, most commonly in vitro fertilization (IVF) and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) [1]. Among infertility causes, one third are of male origin and many such cases are treated with assisted reproduction (ART) [2, 3]. Although powerful enough to bypass human infertility, assisted reproductive techniques commonly fail to do so, with live birth rates averaging less than 35% per cycle in the U.S. in 2014 [4]. In addition, ART may have associated risks to offspring which include: (a) increased risk of sex chromosome anomalies, (b) increased risk of genomic imprinting disorders [5, 6], (c) a controversial increased risk of birth defects, and (d) transmission of paternal or maternal infertility issues [7]. Although helpful to many couples, ART is still limited in its ability to overcome most of human infertility.
When ART is used for male-factor infertility, sperm are usually processed with traditional gradient wash or swim-up techniques to enhance for motile and morphologically normal sperm [8-10]. With ICSI, sperm are then selected for use by trained embryologists who chose individual sperm for egg injection based on morphological features [7, 11]. Other sperm attributes that can affect ART outcomes such as embryo quality, pregnancy and miscarriage rates, include sperm DNA-chromatin, or chromosomal integrity or mutational or methylome analyses, and these are not considered in routine ICSI procedures [12-13]. This begs the question of whether or not important and consequential natural selection barriers to sperm are being bypassed by the ICSI technique.
Currently, there are no reliable ways to non-invasively assess sperm attributes that might be particularly relevant to successful conception and birth when employing ICSI. These shortcomings in the art are addressed by the present invention.
The present invention provides a method and device for self-sorting relatively high-motile or morphologically-normal sperm cells with high DNA integrity from raw or unprocessed semen.
In one embodiment, the invention provides a fluidic channel with an inlet at one end and an outlet at the other end. An array of pillar-structures is periodically spaced inside the fluidic channel. The spacing between adjacent pillar-structures ranges from one micrometer to 250 micrometers. Raw or unprocessed semen containing sperm cells is inducted at the inlet of the fluidic channel. At the outlet sorted sperm cells is collected from the fluidic channel. The sorted sperm cells have being self-sorted by their own self-induced movements within the fluidic channel though their interactions with the periodically spaced array of pillar-structures, wherein the device and the self-sorting operates without the use of any external flow, forces or mechanisms to feed the raw or unprocessed sperm through the fluidic channel, and wherein the self-sorting outputs in the outlet the relatively highly-motile, morphologically normal sperm cells with high DNA integrity compared to the non-sorted sperm unprocessed semen.
In another embodiment, the invention provides a fluid channel with one or more inlets for the induction of raw sperm into the device, and one or more arrays of geometric structures or impediments periodically spaced inside the fluidic channel. The spacing between adjacent pillar-structures ranges from one micrometer to five hundred micrometers.
The array of geometric structures is designed such that when the self-induced movements of sperm occur within the array, the sperm self-sort without the use of any external flow, forces or mechanisms to feed the raw or unprocessed sperm through the fluidic channel. These geometric structures could be cylindrical, square, hexagonal, or other types of prisms, and could be bare or coated with any type of chemicals that attract or repel sperm cells. The array of structures could be square, rectangular, hexagonal or any other tessellating pattern.
The sorting process selects the relatively highly-motile, morphologically-normal, or genetically-normal sperm cells compared to the non-self-sorted sperm cells. One or more outlets are used for the collection of sorted sperm from the device.
The arrangement of the inlet(s), pillar array(s), and outlet(s) could be a line, circle, or other arrangement.
In still another embodiment a method of self-sorting sperm cells is provided using a device as described supra. A sperm sample is inserted, whether raw or otherwise processed, into the inlet of the device. The device is incubated for a period of time ranging from five to sixty minutes. During this incubation process, the sperm cells undergo a self-sorting process without the use of any external flow, forces or mechanisms beyond the initial deposition to feed the unprocessed sperm through the fluidic channel, and whereby the self-sorting outputs the relatively highly-motile, morphologically-normal, high DNA integrity and low epigenetic abnormality sperm cells compared to the unprocessed semen.
A portion of the sperm is extracted from the outlet of the device. Those sperm cells being primarily the ones with a preferred quality selected for by the device, such as having (i) high-motility and linear persistence, (ii) morphological-normality, (iii) high DNA integrity, and (iv) low epigenetic abnormality. The un-extracted sperm is discarded, which is the sperm being the less preferred in comparison to the ones in the outlet.
For the purposes of the present invention, the sperm journey through the female reproductive tract, a phenomenon conserved in viviparous mammals throughout millions of years of evolution and reproduction, is argued to be a naturally effective “filter” for fertile sperm. The physical components of this pathway are mimicked in vitro using a microfluidic approach, designed via multi-scale computer simulations that incorporate the fluid physics, and examined how this artificial cervical-uterine-fallopian tube pathway influences the descriptive characteristics of sperm, as well as more subtle, but clinically relevant measures of fertile sperm, including DNA integrity and methylome status.
The developed SPARTAN (Simple Periodic ARray for Trapping And isolatioN) method successfully mimics the fundamental filtering characteristics of the natural pathway and isolates highly motile and morphologically normal sperm with high DNA integrity and low epigenetic aberrance for use in the fertility clinic.
The device to enable this method features series of micro-fabricated structures, to optimize the self-sorting efficiency and the selection of morphologically viable sperm. A schematic of the microfluidic device is shown in
The device is used by first filling it with a buffer solution that can support sperm cells. One example of this solution would be sperm washing medium.
Additionally, to prevent medium evaporation, the inlet(s) and outlet(s) can be covered by a non-evaporating medium that is immiscible in the buffer solution. One example of such a medium is mineral oil. The device is then loaded by depositing a raw sperm sample into the inlet(s), via a method such as a pipette. The device is then incubated for a prescribed period of time, ranging from 5 to 120 minutes depending on the device. At this point, the sorted sperm can be collected from the outlet(s), again using a method such as a pipette.
For proof of concept, an example microfluidic sperm-sorting device with cylindrical structures was fabricated using standard soft lithography. In brief, a 50 micrometer thickness layer of SU-8 photoresist was coated and developed on a 4″ silicon wafer, creating a micro-channel. Subsequently, sperm sorting microfluidic chip was fabricated using Sylgard 184 (Dow Corning, Midland, Mich., USA) in a 1:10 v/v ratio of base versus curing agent that was poured onto silicon wafer, degassed, and cured at 70 degrees Celsius for 2 hours. After curing, the inlet and outlet chambers were punched using Acu Punch (tips 1.0 and 2.0 mm). The resulting channel was sealed on a glass slide using oxygen plasma and baked at 60 degrees Celsius for 30 minutes before use. A schematic of this specific device is shown in
The purpose of the present device is to sort motile and healthy sperm cells in an efficient way, taking advantage of the hydrodynamic effects induced by the periodic structures in the microfluidic channel on the sperm cells. As there are many variables involved, such as periodic structure dimensions and shape, the spacing between structure elements, channel length, collection time, etc., a multi-scale computational model was developed to optimize channel design.
Since it is not clear or obvious how the geometric features of the self-sorting device can be chosen due to the non-linear nature of the fluid-swimmer coupling and the presence of complex geometries, we created a multi-scale model to simulate the movement of sperm cells in the device. The model is composed of two pieces: a fine-grained particle-based model, and a coarse-grained model using probabilistic movement along the lattice formed by the periodic array. Briefly, the fine-grained model uses Stochastic Rotation Dynamics (SRD), a particle-based mesoscale solvent that has been successfully used on numerous soft-matter systems for over a decade. In SRD, the fluid is modeled in a coarse-grained fashion, the sperm cells are embedded as bead-and-spring structures, and the pillars as impenetrable barriers, all of which interact via hydrodynamic interactions in the presence of thermal fluctuations. This model produces microscopic trajectories, which are then used to train a probabilistic, rule-based lattice model to describe the sperm's movement in a given pillar geometry for realistic time and length scales. More specifically, the coarse-grained model is a discrete-time lattice model with rotation. At each time-step, the sperm has a direction-dependent probability of rotating right or left, followed by a probability of taking a step along the lattice. By loading the probability rules produced from the SRD model, this model can replicate the sperm's behavior for a large number of sperm and many steps. Overview of the modeling approach is shown in
Several simulation geometries were constructed to investigate the effects of periodic set of obstacles have on the behavior of sperm using our multi-scale model. Since sperm are known to have hydrodynamic interactions with surfaces in their vicinity, one plausible outcome of such interactions is that various arrangements could speed up, slow down, or redirect incident sperm. Our simulations showed behaviors where at sufficiently small pillar spacing, sperm would get stuck due to the rigidity of the simulated sperm. Once above this tight confinement, however we found that sperm would hold quite persistent trajectories in the geometry (see
In addition, if the grid had a small aspect ratio in one dimension and a large aspect ratio in the other (on the order of the length of the sperm), the sperm would preferentially swim along the long-spacing axis. This effect is, on its face, paradoxical, as one would naively expect that sperm would take the path of least resistance—i.e., the wide channels. However, when the pillars are fairly close together, they act somewhat like a porous wall, and the sperm is attracted to them. Like all pusher swimmers, the swimming geometry of sperm causes them to turn towards the surface they swim against. When interacting with a flat surface, this causes the sperm to follow it. However, when the surface has gaps of sufficient size and favorable geometry, the sperm will turn into and swim through the gap. The net effect is redirecting of the sperm.
Having the option to redirect sperm allows us to give a path along which the active swimmers (healthy sperm) will preferentially travel, while debris and dead sperm will be limited by diffusion. This will allow us to make significantly smaller and faster devices for separation and selection of healthy sperm.
We additionally studied the differential effects of the pillar geometries on sperm with morphological defects. Sample simulated trajectories of sperm with a bent-neck and ×2 larger head are shown in
Using the predictions from the simulations as a guide, we fabricated a proof-of-concept sample micro-fluidic channel featuring high aspect ratio cylindrical periodic arrays. More specifically, the dimensions of the microfluidic chip fabricated are 8 mm in length and 1.5 mm in width with 1 mm and 2 mm inlet and outlet chamber diameters, respectively. In the middle of the channel, 10 μm in diameter cylindrical structures are placed at a specific distance to each other.
Sperm sorting analysis was performed using a de-identified discarded semen sample from IVF Laboratory, Stanford School of Medicine. Initially, the sperm-sorting microfluidic chip was pre-filled with sperm washing medium, and a thin layer of mineral oil was placed on top of the medium outlet to prevent medium evaporation during sperm-sorting analysis. De-identified discarded semen sample of volume 0.5-2 μL (4000-6000 sperms/pi) was added into the inlet reservoir, and then inlet was covered with a layer of mineral oil. Subsequently, the sperm sorting chip was placed in an incubator at 37° C. for 15 minutes. Finally, the sorting chip was imaged and analyzed using light microscopy (Carl Zeiss, Axio Vision for percentage of motile sperm, sperm trajectory, and recovery percentage at the outlet.
The sperm trajectory kinematic parameters such as sperm motility, curvilinear velocity (VCL), and straight-line velocity (VSL) were measured. VCL refers to the distance that the sperm head covers during the observation time. VSL refers to the straight-line distance between the starting and the ending points of the sperm trajectory (see
Our simulation and experimental results are in excellent agreement showing how the successful design parameters were obtained using computer simulations.
Sperm cells move faster within the periodic structures, similar to a self-induced flow field. One novelty of the system is that the structures that are periodically placed inside the channel change the way the sperm move. For instance, sperm with deformed morphologies interact and follow different pathways than the sperm with normal morphology. This is facilitated by the hydrodynamic interactions between the sperm and the periodic structures. The sperm cells are observed to move faster—in comparison to their counterparts in the inlet or outlet—within the pillar geometry due to effects including hydrodynamic interactions and can be thought of as a self-induced flow field generated by the sperm cells. It is not obvious that sperm cells would actually interact with the periodic impediments in the channel in such a way as to preferably choose narrower paths. There is evidence of links between the genetic and epigenetic quality of the sperm and their morphology and motility, hence affecting its function. The net effect of these geometric structures, therefore, is to sort for functional sperm, which is unique and not an obvious outcome.
We also see in certain periodicities that the sperm cells move faster in the periodic impediment areas of the channel than outside. Depending on the geometry of the channel impediments, and the sperm tail movement and sperm morphology, this effect can be harnessed to more effectively sort sperm cells. Computer simulations are being used to develop the optimum designs and have been used to guide initial experiments and the development of prototypes. This is an effect that is unique and was not expected. A naive expectation would be that these periodic impediments would slow down sperm cells as they move through; however, we find that sperm cells can be made to speed up or divert in different directions depending on the specifics of the geometry. This leads to an unexpected self-sorting phenomenon.
The fluidic channel used in this invention is without movement or flow, and the fluid inside is not actively driven. The entire process of sorting happens without any external flow or attitudinal forces from the channel. The source of motion of the sperm cells is due their own motility, which has a unique pattern and varies from sperm to sperm, especially in morphologically challenged or clinically problematic samples. This unique self-induced movement of the sperm leads to the self-sorting behavior, which has never been reported before in the presence of periodic structures. This is especially striking given that we can alter the sorting effects by tuning the periodicity and shape of the impediments that we place in front of the sperm. These properties can be changed between different groups of rows and/or columns in order to induce specific sorting capabilities.
An exemplary range for the periodicities is, as we have observed in our computer simulations, that these effects that enable sorting are pronounced for periodicity spacing values in the range from one to five hundred micrometers.
In exemplary devices, the dimensions of the self-sorting device and the periodically spaced array of structures could be as follows:
An approach was used combining the strengths of the detail of the behavior captured by fine-grained simulations, along with the computational efficiency of coarse-grained models. We start off by characterizing the microscopic behavior of sperm in the specific geometry under consideration. Once we have enough data about the movement of the sperm in this geometry, we can use that information to rapidly extrapolate larger trajectories, allowing us to examine their mass behavior over long times.
Fine-grained Sperm Model: We model sperm as a bead-spring chain using a Hookean potential to prevent stretching and bending. Non-straight bonds are accomplished by rotating the second of the segments making up a bond by the desired angle of minimum energy for that bond [14].
Solvent Model: Sperm is coupled to a mesoscale solvent simulated using a technique known as Stochastic Rotation Dynamics (SRD). This technique models the fluid as a set of point particles, proceeding in discrete time steps, with each time step consisting of two processes. In the first (streaming) step, the particles move ballistically, while in the second (collision) step, the particles exchange momentum with their local neighbors in a single collective collision [15-18].
To couple the sperm model to this solvent, the sperm's beads are included in the collective collisions, allowing them to exchange momentum with the fluid. This coupling is also used to insert the periodic structure array into the simulation. The array structures consist of particles that are confined to not be able to move. Additionally, the beads of the sperm and those of the obstacle interact with a truncated Lennard-Jones potential, providing a rigid repulsive interaction preventing the sperm from crossing the obstacle, and supplementing the hydrodynamic interactions mediated by the SRD fluid. [14] As the SRD solvent has a number of properties, including viscosity, that depend on temperature, it is necessary to ensure that the overall temperature of the system is constant over time. To achieve this, a thermostat process is inserted into the collision step [19]. All the parameters of the model are shown in
Coarse-grained Lattice Model: To model a large number of sperm moving across a long time-period, we developed a coarse-grained model for the movement of the sperm through a lattice. This model considered that there are a finite number of directions that a sperm can be facing as it travels through the grid, and that its movement will depend on direction. At every step, there is a probability that the sperm will turn left or right, switching its state to the next one. This is represented by a Markov model of the directional state of the sperm. As a function of state, there is also a probability that the sperm will move in one of the cardinal directions.
We label the movement probability as P(i, d) and the rotation probability as Q(e,d), where i is the directions {left, up, right, down}, d is the direction the sperm is currently facing, and e is the direction it will face next. State evolution consists of two parts, as shown mathematically in
Transition between models: The SRD simulations produce trajectories of the sperm (as defined by the center of mass of the head), as well as its angle (defined as the vector connecting the center of mass of the head and the attachment point of the neck), as a function of time. This data is in units of the SRD parameters. The lattice model, however, requires units of pillars and tail-cycles. To convert this, the position data is first coarse-grained into integer coordinates on a grid defined by the pillars. Time is discretized doing a block average to one point per swimming cycle. In order to limit the amount of computation required to determine movement probabilities, the symmetry of the system is used to count every trajectory both as itself and as if it was rotated 180 degrees. In other words, a trajectory in which the sperm starts out facing left, and then goes up is equivalent to one in which it starts out facing right and then goes down.
The lattice model does not directly use trajectories; however, it needs the transition probabilities for, at each step, the sperm moving and turning. To categorize the different directions that the sperm can face, a histogram of the distribution of angles is created, and its minima are used to separate out categories. Each category forms a discrete facing that the sperm can adopt in the lattice model. This coarse-grained trajectory is then used to calculate the movement and rotational transition probabilities. At every step, it is recorded if the sperm switches angle category or lattice position. Each category's results are averaged across every step taken by every sperm, to get a final array of probabilities. These probabilities are then used to feed the lattice model.
First, the sperm swimming speed is calibrated against the experimental results. This is done using the initial SRD results, by measuring the VSL and VCL of the simulated sperm cell in the SRD units. The pillar spacing establishes a conversion between SRD and physical length units, and the SRD parameter for the tail waveform a conversion between SRD units and tail cycles. For each sperm in the lattice simulation tests, its target velocity is drawn from the velocity distribution measured experimentally as shown in
This application is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 16/070,368 filed Jul. 16, 2018, which represented the U.S. national stage entry of International Patent Application No. PCT/US2017/014479 filed Jan. 22, 2017, which claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 62/286,227 filed Jan. 22, 2016, the contents of which are incorporated by reference herein in their entirety for all purposes.
This invention was made with government support under contract 1464673 awarded by the National Science Foundation. The government has certain rights in the invention.
Number | Date | Country | |
62286227 | Jan 2016 | US |
Number | Date | Country | |
Parent | 16070368 | Jul 2018 | US |
Child | 18114022 | US |