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Capillary Electrophoresis and Sample Injection Systems Integrated on a Planar Glass Chip, D. Jed Harrison, A. Manz, Z. Fan, H. Lüdi, H.M. Widmer, Analytical Chemistry, 1992, vol. 64, p. 1926-1932. |
Micromachining a Miniaturized Capillary Electrophoresis-Based Chemical Analysis System on a Chip, D.J. Harrison, K. Fluri, K. Seiler, Z. Fan, C.S. Effenhauser, A. Manz, Science, 1993, vol. 261, p. 895-897. |
Micromachining of Capillary Electrophoresis Injectors and Separators on Glass Chips and Evaluation of Flow at Capillary Intersections, Z.H. Fan, D.J. Harrison, Analytical Chemistry, 1994, vol. 66, p. 177-184. |
Electroosmotic Pumping and Valveless Control of Fluid Flow within a Manifold of Capillaries on a Glass Chip, K. Seiler, Z.H. Fan, K. Fluri, D.J. Harrison, Analytical Chemistry, 1994, vol. 66, p. 3485-3491. |
Micromachining Chemical and Biochemical Analysis and Reaction Systems on Glass Substrates, D.J. Harrison, K. Fluri, N. Chiem, T. Tang, Z. Fan, Technical Digest, Transducers 95, 8th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors and Actuators, Stockholm, Jun. 25-29, 1995, p. 752-755. |
Glass Chips for High-Speed Capillary Electrophoresis Separations with Submicrometer Plate Heights, C.S. Effenhauser, A. Manz, H.M. Widmer, Analytical Chemistry, 1993, vol. 65, p. 2637-2642. |
Continuous Sample Preparation Using Free-Flow Electrophoresis on a Silicon Microstructure, D.E. Raymond, A. Manz, H.M. Widmer, Technical Digest, Transducers 95, 8th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors and Actuators, Stockholm, Jun. 25-29, 1995, p. 760. |
Electrostatis Manipulation of Biological Objects in Microfabricated Structures, M. Washizu, in Integrated Micro-motion systems—Micromachining, Control and Applications, F. Harashima, Ed., Elsevier: New York, 1990, p. 417-431. |
A Silicon Micromachined Device for Use in Blood Cell Deformability Studies, M.C. Tracey, R.S. Greenaway, A. Das, P.H. Kaye, A. Barnes, J. IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., 1995, vol. 42, p. 751-761. |
Applications of a Microfabricated Device for Evaluating Sperm Function, L.J. Kricka, O. Nozaki, S. Heyner, W.T. Gorside, P. Wilding, Clin. Chem., 1993, vol. 39, p. 1944-1947. |
High-Voltage Capillary Zone Electrophoresis of Red Blood Cells, A. Zhu, Y. Chen, J. Chromatogr. A, 1989, vol. 470, 251-260. |
Separation of hemoglobin variants in single human erythrocytes by capillary electrophoresis with lasser-induced native fluorescence detection, S.J. Lillard, E.S. Yeung, M.A. Lautamo, D.T. Mao, J. Chromatogr. A, 1995, vol. 718, p. 397-404. |
Variability of Intracellular Lactate Dehydrogenase Isoenzymes in Single Human Erythrocytes, Q. Xue, E.S. Yeung, Analytical Chemistry, 1994, vol. 66, p. 1175-1178. |
High-Speed Separation of Antisense Oligonucleotides on a Micromachined Capillary Electrophoresis Device, C.S. Effenhauser, A. Manz, H.M. Widmer, Analytical Chemistry, 1994, vol. 66, p. 2949-2953. |
Ultra-high-speed DNA fragment separations using microfabricated capillary array electrophoresis chips, A.T. Woolley, R.A. Mathies, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., USA, 1994, vol. 91, p. 11348-11352. |
Novel bispecific immunoprobe for rapid and sensitive detetion of prostate-specific angtigen, F.T. Kreutz, M.R. Suresh, Clin. Chem., 1997, vol. 43, p. 649-656. |
Normal Serum β-Galactosidase in Juvenile GM1 Gangliosiddosis, N. Ishii, A. Oshima, H. Sakuraba, Y. Fukuyama, Y. Suzuki, Ped. Neurol., 1994, vol. 10, p. 317-319. |
The Fucosyltransferase FucT-VII Regulates E-Selectin Ligand Synthesis in Human T Cells, R.N. Knibbs et al., J. Cell Biol., 1996, vol. 133, p. 911-919. |
Efficient transfer of genetic material into mammalian cells using Starburst polyamidoamine dendrimers, J.F. Kukowska-Latallo et al., Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., USA, 1996, vol. 93, p. 4897-4902. |
Biological Cell Assays on an Electrokinetic Microchip, P.E. Andersson, P.C.H. Li, R. Smith, R.J. Szarka, D.J. Harrison, Technical Digest: 1997 International Conference on Solid-State Sensors and Actuators, Transducers 97, Jun. 16-19, 1997, p. 1311-1314. |
Integrated Capillary Electrophoresis Devices with an Efficient Postcolumn Reactor in Planar Quartz and Glass Chips, Fluri et al., Analytical Chemistry, 1996, vol. 68, p. 4285-4290. |
Manipulation of a single cell with microcapillary tubing based on its electrophoretic mobility, Kitagawa et al., Electrophoresis, 1995, vol. 16, p. 1364-1368. |
Micromachining: A new direction for clinical analyzers, Kricka et al., Pure and Applied Chemistry, 1996, vol. 68, p. 1831-1836. |
Stacked modules for micro flow systems in chemical analysis: concept and studies using an enlarged model, Fettinger et al., Sens. Actuat. B. 17, 1993, p. 19-25. |
Normal Cations and Abnormal Membrane Lipids in the Red Blood Cells of Dogs with Familial Stomatocytosis-Hypertrophic Gastritis, Slappendel et al., J.J. Blood, 1994, vol. 84, p. 904-909. |
Planar Glass Chips for Capillary Electrophoresis: Repetitive Sample Injection, Quantitation, and Separation Efficiency, Seiler et al., Analytical Chemistry, 1993, vol. 65, p. 1481-1488. |
Introduction of a yeast artificial chromosome vector into Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells by electroporation, Rech et al., Nucleic Acids Res., 1990, vol. 18, p. 1313. |
Electrical Breakdown of Bimolecular Lipid Membranes as an Electromechanical Instability, J.M. Crowley, Biophys. J., 1973, vol. 13, p. 711-724. |
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High efficiency transformation of E.coli by high voltage electroporation, Dower et al., Nucleic Acids Res., 1988, vol. 16, p. 6127-6145. |
Martin U. Kopp et al., Chemical Amplification: Continuous-Flow PCR On A Chip, Science Magazine, vol. 28, pp. 1046-1048, May 15, 1998. |
Peter Wilding et al., Manipulation and Flow of Biological Fluids in Straight Channels Micromachined in Silicon, Clinical Chemistry, vol. 40, No. 1, 1994, pp. 43-47. |