Microfluidic device and method for focusing, segmenting, and dispensing of a fluid stream

A microfluidic device for forming and/or dispensing minute volume segments of a material is described. In accordance with one aspect of the present invention, a microfluidic device and method is provided for spatially confining the material in a focusing element. The device is also capable of segmenting the confined material into minute volume segments, and dispensing a volume segment to a waste or collection channel. The device further includes means for driving the respective streams of sample and focusing fluids through respective channels into a chamber, such that the focusing fluid streams spatially confine the sample material. The device may also include additional means for driving a minute volume segment of the spatially confined sample material into a collection channel in fluid communication with the waste reservoir.


This invention relates to microfluidic devices for the electrokinetic manipulation of fluidic chemical and biological materials. More specifically, this invention provides a microchip device for spatially confining and dispensing a sample material stream in a manner which lowers the axial extent of the dispensed plug.


In order to facilitate the development of the biological and chemical sciences, fluidic microchip technologies are increasingly utilized to perform traditional chemical laboratory functions within a controlled microfabricated environment. Microfabricated chemical instrumentation, also known as “lab-on-a-chip” technology, requires the development of a plurality of microfabricated functional elements or unit processes cooperatively linked on the microchip to perform small volume chemical and biochemical measurements.

These “on-chip” laboratories facilitate the precise transport and analysis of fluidic chemical and biological materials. The known microfluidic devices provide the advantages of reduced analysis time and reagent consumption, ease of automation, and valveless fluid control of nanoliter to sub-nanoliter volumes. A variety of electrically driven separations have been performed within microchannel networks. Microchips have also been developed for controlling chemical reactions, including arrays for solid-phase chemistry, reaction wells for polymerase chain reactions, channels with immobilized enzymes for flow injection analysis, and manifolds for homogenous enzyme assays.

The ability to design and machine channel manifolds with low-volume connections renders microchips suitable for performing several steps of an analytical process on a single device. Microchips that perform multiple chemical reactions with the speed of microscale CE analysis have been fabricated for pre- and post-separation reactions, for DNA restriction digests with fragment sizing, and for cell lysis, multiplex PCR amplification and electrophoretic sizing.

Electrokinetic techniques, i.e., electroosmotically induced fluid transport and/or electrophoretic migration of ions, are the preferred methods of manipulating biological and chemical materials on microfluidic devices. The mixing of two or more liquid-phase materials or the dispensing of a reagent material on a microchip is accomplished by controlling the electric potentials applied to the various reservoirs to electrokinetically drive the materials contained therein through the channels of the microchip. Electrophoresis transports charged species, whereas electroosmosis imparts a velocity to all ions and neutral species. Under conditions where both electroosmosis and electrophoresis are operative, the net velocity of an ion will be the vector sum of the electroosmotic and electrophoretic velocities.

Electrokinetic transport mechanisms are highly effective for effectuating a number of highly useful experiments as identified above. Several applications require the ability to spatially confine a sample material stream with consistent reproducibility. This spatial confinement or “electrokinetic focusing” refers to the use of electrokinetic transport to confine spatially the transport of both fluids and ions. An example of such focusing is disclosed in related U.S. Pat. No. 5,858,187, issued on Jan. 12, 1999, which describes and shows a microfluidic device and method for spatially confining a stream of fluidic material.

Further applications require the ability to dispense a volume segment of a sample material with consistent reproducibility. An example of such dispensing is disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 5,858,195, granted Jan. 12, 1999, which describes and shows a microfluidic device and method for dispensing a volume segment of a sample material. The entire disclosure of said U.S. Pat. No. 5,858,195 is incorporated herein by reference.

More recently, a need has arisen for an improved microchip wherein the profile of the dispensed segment may be controlled to dispense more minute quantities. Examples of the benefit of shorter axial extent material segments include (i) decreasing the length required for a separation and reducing the analysis time, (ii) enabling faster axial mixing by diffusion of the segment with adjacent materials, and (iii) increasing the number of material segments per unit axial length of channel.


In accordance with one aspect of the present invention there is provided a fluidic microchip having a microchannel network for the spatial confinement of a material stream. The microchannel network includes a focusing element formed in a surface of a substrate. A sample channel is formed in the surface of the substrate for conducting a first sample fluid stream therethrough. The sample channel has a first end in fluid communication with a source of a sample fluid and a second end in fluid communication with the focusing element. A focusing channel is also formed in the surface of the substrate for conducting a focusing fluid stream therethrough. The focusing channel has a first end in fluid communication with a source of focusing fluid and a second end in fluid communication with the focusing element. A sample-waste channel formed in the surface of the substrate has a first end in fluid communication with the focusing chamber and a second end in fluid communication with a sample-waste reservoir. The fluidic microchip further includes means for driving the respective streams of the sample and focusing fluids through the respective channels into the focusing chamber, whereby the focusing fluid stream spatially confines the sample fluid stream within the focusing chamber.

In accordance with a second aspect of the present invention there is provided a fluidic microchip that is adapted for the spatial confinement of an electrokinetically driven fluidic material stream to permit dispensing of a low profile volume segment of the fluidic material. The apparatus includes a focusing element and a sample channel formed in the surface of a substrate for carrying a sample fluid stream therethrough. The device also includes a focusing channel for carrying a focusing fluid stream therethrough. In addition, the device includes a sample-waste channel for carrying a focused stream of the sample fluid stream therethrough. Further, the device includes a buffer channel for carrying a buffer fluid stream therethrough. Still further, the device includes a collection channel for carrying a volume segment of the focused stream of the sample fluid therethrough.

The sample channel, focusing channel, collection channel, buffer channel, and sample-waste channel have respective first ends in fluid communication with a source of sample fluid, a source of focusing fluid, a source of buffer fluid, a reservoir for sample waste fluid, and a reservoir for a volume segment of the sample fluid stream, respectively. The sample, focusing, buffer, sample-waste, and collection channels have their respective second ends in fluid communication with a chamber.

The buffer, sample, sample-waste, and collection channels intersect directly to form a valving element. The buffer channel and collection channel are formed such that they are positioned opposite to each other across the valving element. The focusing channel intersects the sample channel ahead of and adjacent to the valving element. The focusing channel is formed such that it is positioned more proximal to the sample fluid source than either the buffer channel or collection channel.

The apparatus may include electromotive means operatively connected to the sample fluid and the focusing fluid for (i) electrokinetically driving their respective streams of the sample and focusing fluids through their respective channels into said focusing element such that the focusing fluid stream spatially confines the sample fluid stream within the chamber and (ii) electrokinetically driving the stream of the buffer fluid through the respective channel into said valving element chamber such that a volume segment of the focused sample stream is dispensed into and transported along the collection channel.

In accordance with another aspect of the present invention there is provided a fluidic microchip having each of the features of the aforementioned first aspect of the invention with the addition of a second focusing channel. In this aspect of the device, two focusing channels are formed in the surface of said substrate for carrying focusing fluid streams therethrough. The focusing channels have respective first ends in fluid communication with a source of the focusing fluid and respective second ends in fluid communication with the focusing element. The focusing channels are formed such that they are positioned on opposite sides of the focusing element. The focusing channels are further formed such that they are positioned more proximal to the sample fluid source than either the buffer channel or collection channel.

In accordance with yet another aspect of this invention, there is provided a method for dispensing minute volume segments of the focused sample stream. The method includes the step of conducting a stream of a sample fluid through a sample fluid channel to a focusing element. In the conducting step the width of the sample fluid stream is narrowed in the focusing chamber by transporting a focusing fluid into the focusing element on one side or two opposite sides of the sample fluid stream. The method includes the further step of withdrawing a portion of the focused sample stream from the focusing chamber into the respective sample and sample-waste channels. A stream of buffer fluid is conducted through a buffer channel into the valving element such that a volume segment of the focused sample stream is dispensed into and transported along the collection channel.

Here and throughout this application, the term “chamber” is used to describe an area or zone that includes a “focusing element” and a “valving element” as those terms are described herein.

An alternative to electrokinetic transport mechanisms, the moving of the sample and buffer materials, and any other materials used in a device or method according to the present invention can be accomplished by application of pressure or vacuum to the appropriate channel or channels. It is also contemplated that combinations of electrokinetic, pressure, and/or vacuum transport mechanisms can be utilized in implementing a given device or method in accordance with this invention if desired.


The foregoing summary, and the following detailed description, will be better understood when read in conjunction with the attached drawings, in which:


is a schematic diagram of a fluidic microchip channel network for spatially focusing sample material streams in accordance with a first embodiment of the present invention;


is a schematic diagram of a fluidic microchip channel network for spatially focusing sample material streams in accordance with a second embodiment of the present invention;

FIGS. 2A and 2B

are enlarged views of the chamber of the fluidic microchip device shown in



FIGS. 3A and 3B

are enlarged views of the chamber of the fluidic microchip device shown in



FIG. 4

is a schematic view showing electrical connections between various reservoirs of the microchip and a voltage source;


is a white light image of a chamber used in a fluidic microchip according to the present invention as depicted schematically in


; and


is a fluorescence image of the chamber of


showing the focusing of a fluid stream therein; and

FIG. 6

is a graph of the linear profile of the segment of sample fluid in the collection channel of the microchip device shown in FIG.




The fluidic microchip according to this invention will be described in connection with two preferred embodiments thereof. In one embodiment, a focusing element is provided on the microchip in which a sample material stream is laterally confined or focused using a single focusing fluid stream provided through a first focusing channel. In the second embodiment, the microchip according to this invention includes a second focusing channel for providing a second focusing fluid stream operating in conjunction with the first focusing fluid stream for laterally confining or focusing the sample material stream. In both the first and second embodiments, the microchip according to this invention provides a collection channel for receiving a volume segment of the focused sample stream, wherein the volume segment of the focused sample stream is generated by transporting a buffer fluid from a buffer channel through the valving element and into a collection channel.

A device embodying this invention preferably uses electrokinetic forces to drive streams of fluidic materials through the microfabricated channels. The microfabricated device includes a sample channel and one or two focusing channels in fluid communication with a focusing element for spatially confining the streams of fluidic materials traveling therethrough. The microfabricated device further includes buffer and collection channels in fluid communication with the valving element for confining, segmenting, and transporting volume segments of the confined stream of sample fluidic material. The combination of the focusing element and the valving element defines a chamber within which the focusing and dispensing functions take place.

The sample and focusing fluid streams are manipulated such that the sample fluid stream can be narrowed to a desired width. Focusing of the sample fluid stream is preferably achieved using electrokinetic techniques such as electrophoresis, electroosmosis, or a combination thereof. The focusing or spatial confinement is achieved by using a fluidic buffer material that is transported to the focusing element through the focusing channels. The spatial confinement of the sample fluid stream passing through the focusing element is caused by having confluent flow of the focusing fluid with the sample fluid.

Referring now to the drawings, and in particular to

FIGS. 1A and 2A

, there is shown schematically a fluidic microchip device


in accordance with the present invention. Fluidic microchip device


is designed and fabricated from a solid substrate material, preferably glass. Silicon may also be used because of the well-developed technology permitting its precise and efficient fabrication. Other materials, including polymers, quartz, fused silica, sapphire, or plastics are also suitable as substrate materials. The surface of the fluidic microchip device


is covered and sealed by a cover plate in a known manner as disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 5,858,187, the entirety of which is incorporated herein by reference.

The fluid conduction channels on fluidic microchip device


are formed using micromachining methods known to those skilled in the art. The micromachining methods available include film deposition processes such as spin coating, chemical vapor deposition, laser fabrication, photolithographic techniques such as UV or X-ray processes, or etching methods which may be performed by either wet chemical processes or plasma processes. Preferably, the microchannel configurations are transferred onto the substrate material using a positive photoresist, photomask, and UV exposure. The channels are etched into the substrate in a dilute, stirred BF/NH


F bath.

The fluidic microchip device


has a sample channel


, a focusing channel


, a buffer channel


, a sample-waste channel


and a collection channel


formed in the surface thereof, which intersect at common ends to form a chamber


which is defined by a focusing element


and a valving element


. The focusing channel


intersects with the sample channel


to form the focusing element


. The sample channel


, sample-waste channel


, buffer channel


, and collection channel


intersect to form the valving element


. Sample reservoir


is formed or positioned at the end of the sample channel


, such that the sample channel


is in fluid communication with the reservoir


. Focusing reservoir


, buffer reservoir


, sample-waste reservoir


, and waste reservoir


are similarly associated with the focusing channel


, buffer channel


, sample-waste channel


, and collection channel


, respectively.

An electric voltage source


is connected to the various reservoirs through platinum wires


that extend into the reservoirs as shown in FIG.


. Electrical contact to the reservoirs is made using platinum wire to operably link the fluidic microchip device


with the source of electric potential.

In the operation of the fluidic microchip device



FIGS. 1A and 2A

, the sample fluid is infused through the focusing element


of chamber


. The electric potentials at the reservoirs are adjusted to increase or diminish the degree of lateral focusing. The potentials applied at the sample and focusing reservoirs




are controlled independently, and the sample-waste reservoir


is preferably grounded. Small variations in channel lengths and widths may require that the voltages applied to the reservoirs differ slightly for balancing the field strengths to obtain a symmetric fluid transport in the focusing chamber


. Assuming that the operational conditions, e.g., relative conductivities of the buffers, applied voltages, electroosmotic transport, remain unchanged, the stream width over time remains essentially constant.

Lateral spatial confinement (focusing) of the sample material stream from sample channel


occurs with the transport of focusing fluid into the focusing element


from the focusing channel


and the transport of sample fluid into focusing chamber


from sample channel


. If the focusing fluid flow is too large, the sample is not electrokinetically transported from the sample reservoir


to the focusing chamber


. In


, arrows depict flow directions in the various channels during focusing.

Dispensing of the focused sample material stream from chamber


is shown in FIG.


B. Dispensing begins with the application of electric potentials at the sample reservoir


, focusing reservoir


, and the sample-waste reservoir


such that the sample fluid is transported from the sample channel


and the sample-waste channel


towards reservoirs




, respectively. Simultaneously, or nearly simultaneously, electric potentials are applied to the buffer reservoir


and waste reservoir


causing the buffer fluid from the buffer reservoir


to flow through the buffer channel


and into the collection channel


. A portion of the segment


of the focused sample stream that is present in the intersection between buffer channel


and collection channel


is transported into collection channel


by movement of the buffer fluid. In


, arrows depict flow directions in the various channels during dispensing.

A second preferred embodiment of a focusing and dispensing device according to the present invention will now be described with reference to




A, and


B. A fluidic microchip


has a first focusing channel


, a sample channel


, a sample-waste channel


, buffer channel


, a collection channel


, and a chamber


which are formed and disposed on a substrate in the same manner as the embodiment described above. Each of the aforementioned respective channels is in fluid communication with the respective reservoir in the same manner as the first embodiment. However, the fluidic microchip


also has a second focusing reservoir


and a second focusing channel


, which is in fluid communication with the chamber


. The chamber


is defined by a focusing element


and a valving element


. The focusing channels




intersect with the sample channel


to form the focusing element


. The sample channel


, sample-waste channel


, buffer channel


, and collection channel


intersect to form the valving element



In the operation of the fluidic microchip device


, the sample fluid is infused through the focusing chamber


. The electric potentials at the reservoirs are adjusted to increase or diminish the degree of lateral focusing. The potentials applied at the sample and focusing reservoirs are controlled independently, and the sample-waste reservoir


is preferably grounded. Small variations in channel lengths and widths may require that the voltages applied to the reservoirs differ slightly for balancing the field strengths to obtain desired fluid transport in the chamber


. Assuming that the operational conditions, e.g., relative conductivities of the buffers, applied voltages, electroosmotic transport, remain unchanged, the variability of the stream width over time remains essentially constant.

Focusing of the sample material stream from sample channel


occurs with the transport of focusing fluid into the focusing element


from the focusing channels




and the transport of sample fluid into focusing chamber


from sample channel


. When the fluid flow rates in each focusing channel




are equal, the sample material stream is confined substantially along the center axis of the sample channel


. The position of sample material stream within the sample channel


may be controlled by adjusting the ratio of fluid flow rates between the two focusing channels




. If the focusing flow is too large, the sample is not transported from the sample reservoir


to the chamber


. In


, the arrows depict flow directions in the various channels during focusing.

Dispensing of a volume segment of the focused sample material stream from chamber


is shown in FIG.


B and proceeds in a similar manner to the dispensing process using in the embodiment depicted in of FIG.


B. In


, the arrows depict flow directions in the various channels during dispensing.


In order to demonstrate the functionality of the apparatus and process according to the present invention, a microchannel device having a microchannel network as shown schematically in


was fabricated.


shows a white light image of the chamber


schematically depicted in




A, and


B with sample channel


, focusing channels




, buffer channel


, collection channel


, and sample-waste channel


. In the device shown in


the channels are 9.0 μm deep and 42 μm wide. The buffer channel


and first focusing channel


are separated by 14.5 μm. The channel lengths, in millimeters (mm), for this microchip device are listed in Table 1 below. The electroosmotic flow in this experiment it that of native glass.
















Focusing of the sample material stream is shown in the fluorescence image in FIG.


B. Rhodamine in sodium tetraborate buffer is the sample and sodium tetraborate buffer is the buffer and focusing fluid. Focusing of the sample material stream from sample channel


occurs with the flow of focusing fluid into the chamber


from the focusing channels




and sample fluid into the chamber


from sample channel


. The fluid flow rates in focusing channels




are approximately equal, and the sample material stream is confined substantially along the center axis of the chamber


. In


, arrows depict direction of flow in chamber


. The fluid flow from the buffer channel


and the collection channel


during focusing helps expand, maintain, or further confine the sample stream depending on the potential applied to the respective reservoirs




. Set forth In Table 2 are the electric potentials in kilovolts (kv) applied to the reservoirs during focusing of the sample fluid (Focusing) and dispensing of a volume segment of the sample fluid (Dispensing).























To obtain a narrower sample stream width, higher potentials can be applied to the focusing reservoirs




relative to the potential at the sample reservoir


. Similarly, higher potentials can be also applied to the buffer reservoir


and waste reservoir


relative to the potential at the sample reservoir


. Adjustments of the electric potentials at the focusing reservoirs




, buffer reservoir


, and waste reservoir


can also be made simultaneously to adjust the stream width. Conversely, lower potentials relative to the potential at the sample reservoir


will result in a wider sample stream.

FIG. 6

shows the integrated profile of a portion of the segment


of the sample stream after being dispensed into the collection channel


. The profile was detected 0.1 mm downstream from the chamber in the collection channel


with laser induced fluorescence.

Microfabricated devices in accordance with the present invention have been described. The devices employ focusing for spatially confining a stream of sample material passing therethrough. The device further employs transport of fluidic material to segment and dispense a portion of the focused sample material stream. The combination of focusing and dispensing is novel. In this way, the microfabricated device is capable of delivering precise, minute volumes of fluidic material reproducibly, by adjusting the axial extent of the dispensed plug. The device of the present invention is advantageous for use in various analytical procedures such as chemical separations. The spatial confinement of the sample fluid in and dispensing of controlled minute volumes from the chamber allows high efficiency, high sample throughput. Also, a microfluidic device in accordance with this invention can be operated with any combination of electrokinetic transport and pressure-driven flow to achieve comparable results.

The terms and expressions which have been employed are used as terms of description and not of limitation. There is no intention in the use of such terms and expressions of excluding any equivalents of the features shown and described or portions thereof. It is recognized, however, that various modifications such as channel dimension, location, and arrangement are possible within the scope of the invention as claimed.

  • 1. An apparatus for the spatial confinement of a material stream, comprising:a chamber formed in a surface of a substrate; a sample channel formed in the surface of the substrate for conducting a sample stream therethrough, said sample channel having a first end in fluid communication with a source of a sample material and a second end in fluid communication with said chamber; a focusing channel formed in the surface of the substrate for conducting a focusing stream therethrough, said focusing channel having a first end in fluid communication with a source of focusing material and a second end in fluid communication with said chamber; a waste channel formed in the surface of the substrate, said waste channel having a first end in fluid communication with said chamber and a second end in fluid communication with a waste reservoir; a buffer channel formed in the surface of the substrate for conducting a buffer stream therethrough, said buffer channel having a first end in fluid communication with a source of a buffer material and a second end in fluid communication with said chamber; means for driving the respective streams of the sample and focusing materials through the respective channels into said chamber, whereby the focusing stream spatially confines the sample stream within said chamber; and means for driving the buffer fluid through said buffer channel into said chamber such that the buffer material acts on the spatially confined sample stream.
  • 2. An apparatus as set forth in claim 1 further comprising a collection channel formed in the surface of the substrate for conducting a material stream therethrough, said collection channel having a first end in fluid communication with said chamber and a second end in fluid communication with a waste reservoir, said collection channel being adapted to conduct buffer fluid; andmeans for driving buffer material in said collection channel into said chamber such that the buffer material acts on the spatially confined sample stream.
  • 3. An apparatus as set forth in claim 2 wherein said means for driving the streams of the sample and focusing materials through the respective channels into said chamber, said means for driving the buffer material through said buffer channel into said chamber, and said means for driving the buffer material through said collection channel comprise a means selected from the group consisting of electrokinetic means for driving the respective streams, pressure-driven means for driving the respective streams, and a combination thereof.
  • 4. An apparatus as set forth in claim 1 wherein said means for driving the streams of the sample and focusing materials through the respective channels into said chamber comprises a means selected from the group consisting of electrokinetic means for driving the respective streams, pressure-driven means for driving the respective streams, and a combination thereof.
  • 5. An apparatus as set forth in claim 1 wherein said means for driving the streams of the sample and focusing materials through the respective channels into said chamber and said means for driving the buffer material through said buffer channel into said chamber comprise a means selected from the group consisting of electrokinetic means for driving the respective streams, pressure-driven means for driving the respective streams, and a combination thereof.
  • 6. An apparatus as set forth in claim 1, 2, 4, 5, or 3 further comprising a second focusing channel formed in the surface of the substrate for conducting a second focusing stream therethrough, said second focusing channel having a first end in fluid communication with a source of focusing material and a second end in fluid communication with said chamber, said second end of said second focusing channel being positioned and arranged to provide said focusing material into said chamber such that the sample stream can be spatially confined in said chamber; and means for driving the focusing material in said second focusing channel such that said sample stream is spatially confined in said chamber.
  • 7. An apparatus as set forth in claim 6 wherein said means for driving the focusing material in said second focusing channel comprises a means selected from the group consisting of electrokinetic means for driving the focusing material, pressure-driven means for driving the focusing material, and a combination thereof.
  • 8. An apparatus as set forth in claim 6 wherein said focusing material driving means comprises means for controlling the flow of the focusing material in said first and second focusing channels such that the sample stream is spatially confined substantially along the center axis of said chamber.
  • 9. A method of forming and dispensing minute volume segments of a material in a microfluidic device, said method comprising the steps of:providing a microfluidic device that includes a body having first, second, third, and fourth microchannels formed therein, said first, second, third, and fourth microchannels communicating at a first intersection and said first microchannel being connected to a source of a first material; providing a first focusing channel in said body having one end in fluid communication with a source of a focusing material and a second end in fluid communication with said first channel between said source of the first material and the first intersection; transporting a stream of the first material through said first channel toward the first intersection, said stream of first material having a width; transporting a stream of the focusing material from the first focusing channel into said first channel, such that the width of the stream of first material in said first channel is narrowed; and dispensing a volume segment of the narrowed first material stream into the fourth channel.
  • 10. A method as set forth in claim 9 comprising the step of transporting a buffer material in said third and fourth channels such that said buffer material acts on said narrowed stream of the first material.
  • 11. A method as set forth in claim 10 wherein the step of transporting the buffer material in the third and fourth channels comprises the step of controlling the flow of the buffer material in the third and fourth channels such that the buffer material expands, maintains, or further confines the stream of first material.
  • 12. A method as set forth in claim 9 wherein the step of dispensing the volume segment of the narrowed first material stream into the fourth channel comprises the steps of:transporting a first buffer material through said third channel toward the first intersection; and transporting the volume segment of the narrowed first material stream through the fourth channel.

This application claims the benefit of priority of now abandoned provisional application No. 60/175,684 filed Jan. 12, 2000 the entirety of which is incorporated herein by reference.


The U.S. Government has a paid-up license in this invention and the right in limited circumstances to require the patent owner to license others on reasonable terms as provided for by the terms of contract No. DE-AC05-00OR22725 awarded by the U.S. Department of Energy.

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