Lateral In-Plane Displacement Microactuators with Combined Thermal and Electrostatic Drive, Xi-Qing Sun, Ziaoyi Gu and W.N.Carr, Microelectronics Research Center, New Jersey Institute of Technology. |
Micromachined Silicon Microvalve, T. Ohnstein, T. Fukiura, J. Ridley and U. Bonne, Proceedings of the IEEE, Micro Electro Mechanical Systems, 11-14 Feb. 1990, pp. 95-98. |
Electrically-Activated, Normally-Closed Diaphragm Valves. H. Jerman. IC Sensors, Milpitas, CA, presented at a the 1991 International Conference on Solid-State Sensors and Actuators. Jun. 24-27, 1991, San Francisco, CA. |
Fabrication, Packaging and Testing of a Wafer-Bonded Microvalve, Michael A. Huff and Martin A. Schmidt, Proceedings of the IEEE, Solid State Sensor and Actuator Workshop, Jun., 1992, pp. 194-197. |
Electrostatically-Actuated Gas Valve with Large Conductance, M. Shikida, K. Sato, S. Tanaka, Y. Kawamura, and Y. Fujisaki, presented at The 7th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors and Actuators, Jun. 7-10, 1995 Yokohama, Japan. |
On-Chip Integration of High-Voltage Generator Circuits for an Electrostatic Micromotor, Hong Jiang and William N. Carr, Microelectronics Research Center, New Jersey Institute of Technology, presented at The 8th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors and Actuators and Eurosensors IX, Jun. 25-29, 1995 Stockholm, Sweden. |
Self-Excited Piezoelectric Cantilever Oscillators, S. Lee and R. White. Berkeley Sensor and Actuator Center, presented at The 8th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors and Actuators and Eurosensors IX. Jun. 25-29, 1995 Stockholm, Sweden. |
Minimum Detectable Force Gradients of Piezoelectric Microcantilever, T. Itoh and T. Suga. Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, University of Tokyo, Japan, IPO Publishing Ltd., 1995, pp. 231-236. |
Fabrication of an S-shaped Microactuator, M. Shikida, Kazuo Sato and TAkeshi Harada, Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, vol. 6, No. 1, Mar. 1997. |
A Novel Micromachined Pump Based On Thick-Film Piezoelectric Actuation, Michael Koch, Nick Harris, Alan G.R. Evans, Neil M. White and Arthur Brunnschweiler, Transducers '97, 1997 International Conference on Solid-State Sensors and Actuators, Chicago, Jun. 16-19, 1997. |
Long-Term Performance Analysis of Thermo-Pneumatic Micropump Actuators, W.K. Schomburg, R. Ahrens, W. Bacher, S. Engemann, P. Krehl, J. Martin, Transducers '97, 1997 International Conference on Solid-State Sensors and Actuators, Chicago, Jun. 16-19, 1997. |
Latched Valve Manifolds for Efficient Control of Pneumatically Actuated Valve Arrays, Jeffrey Y. Pan, Ph.D., Donald VerLee, Mehran Mehregany, Ph.D., Transducers '97, 1997 International Conference on Solid-State Sensors and Actuators, Chicago, Jun. 16-19, 1997. |
Electromagnetically Driven Microvalve Fabricated in Silicon, Andreas Meckes, Jorg Behrens and Wolfgang Benecke, Transducers '97, 1997 International Conference on Solid-State Sensors and Actuators, Chicago, Jun. 16-19, 1997. |
Fabrication and testing of an ink-jet head based on buckling behavior, Susumu Hirata, Shingo Abe, Yorishige Ishii, Hirotsugu Matoba, Tetsuya Inui, 1995 Engineering Information, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey. |
Bimetallic thermally actuated micropump, Yue Yang, Zhaoying Zhou, Xiongying Ye, Xiaoning Jiang, 1995 Engineering Information, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey. |
Silicon Membrane micropump with integrated bimetallic actuator, Changqing Zhan, Taichin Lo, Litian Liu, Peihsin Tsien, 1995 Engineering Information, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey. |
Release-control structure for post-process release of a micromachined caNtilever, S. Naseh, L.M. Landsberger, M. Paranjape, B. Nikpour, M. Kahrizi, R. Antaki, J.F. Currie, 1995 Engineering Information, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey. |
Invitation To Pay Additional Fees, International Searching Authority, Oct. 10, 1997. |