The proposal initiates a partnership to support an LSAMP Phase I alliance of seven institutions to address the problem of underrepresentation of African-Americans, Hispanics, and Native Americans in technological education and enterprises. The partnership institutions are Elizabeth City State University, Fisk University, James Madison University, Johnson C. Smith University, St. Augustine's College, and Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. The goal of the alliance is to double the current number of SMET degrees earned by underrepresented minorities (371) in five years. To achieve this the alliance will incorporate regionally focused orientation programs for first-year students, oversee program management and technical assistance aggressively, and measure progress toward the outcomes through internal and external evaluation. Skill development activities including undergraduate research experiences and mentor guidance will be provided for LSAMP participants, and enrichment activities will be provided to improve the analytical skills of K-12 students. The program will also pursue goals for graduate school matriculation by LSAMP graduates.