

  • Patent Application
  • 20210137158
  • Publication Number
  • Date Filed
    May 09, 2020
    4 years ago
  • Date Published
    May 13, 2021
    3 years ago
An air-filter device based on water/oil which doesn't lose liquid in any position, used for smoking herbal products. Works as any classic bong when in vertical position and in horizontal position the mechanism it's activated manually and filtration of smoke merges thru circle of water/oil created by centrifugal force by the inner piece, an empty holed at poles sphere. Moves by magnetic force and has no electronic components. Small dimension filter based on metal wool comes on the main device to prevent tar and high temperature coming from the smoke. Additional, has an attachable flexible bong bowl which holds unrolled herbs and comes attached on the small dimension filter, option for raw herb consumers. Materials used are transparent plastic, rubber, metal and magnets.

Do you know which is the main plant/compound recommended by pharmaceutical science in the first aid for people with Parkinson, Seizures, Angelman syndrome and Panic Attack Disorders?

It's Cannabis! The two main cannabinoids used in medicine are tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD).

Hi. Today is Jul. 7, 2017 and i have resolved an old problem is affecting me and many others. All the smokers know smoking is bad, i love the smell of burning tabacco so that's why i don't like to vape, i have one but i use it just for fun, and my friends are the same. When people smoke weed or tabacco they use to smoke from a bong when they are not moving, ussually in their houses or take it with them in different places but you cannot care a bong outside specially when the bong is big, for more cleaning of bad properties that are in the smoke.

How is to have a little bong of the dimension and shape of an apple, a Minibong, caring with you no matter you stick a cigarette or a joint in to it.?

This product will have the shape of a Pokemon Ball and will be based on water or a Liquid-Oil based on cold pressed natural oils to keep the tar, unharmful for the body or lungs 100%, those ingredients help the Minibong to keep the things we don't want into the lungs. The Minibong will work like a normal bong, the only difference will be that the water does not drop in any pozition because the mechanisms inside, that was the part which put me to combine geometry, fizics and mechanisms to get a device that doesn't need electrical parts or a position to be hold to work and to look great. Now, i dont incite to smoking but is something that all smokers are waiting for, there are devices similar but they necesit cotton parts who must be replaced buying new parts, take the flavor away and are long almost like a cigarette, others are pretty big and looks like pipes, others have electrical parts, NOTHING like this exists yet. My Minibong is gonna have the cool dimenssion of max 2.5 inches in diameter (the beggining prototype may be 4 inches), easy, no necesit for electrical, no need to change parts or even the water, people can just add normal sink water, beside is gonna have a cool aspect, transparent, different colors, phosphorescent, images or even the aspect of a Minion draw will atract people, they been called Minibongs, at a price where can be easily accessed, under 70 $, the First.Fiter lid under 5 $ and the Liquid-Oil will be under $10 for 300 ml liquid, one Minibong requesting no more then 80 ml (i presume).

Beside, for costumers who like flavors, there will be different natural esential oils added into the Liquid-Oil for flavors like lemon, raspberry, strawberry, apple and many others.

    • Device works in any position.
    • Device doesn't lose water in any position.
    • The design must be pokemon-ball to work properly.
    • The shape-design can function 100% in oval, rectangular and cylinder shapes as well.
    • It must have a great look for the customer, so it will be made mostly of transparent materials, for the costumers pleasure colors and different models can also be produced.
    • The final product must be made small as possible.
    • Should be proven to keep 60% (will be good) of the harmful substances.
    • Tests of Density and Viscosity of different vegetable cold pressed oils can be done so that the water can be replaced with a good easy weight, low evaporation rate oil, to act as a Better Way of Filtering.
    • (Preferably: Soybean-Oil which i tested and concluded that's the best).
    • Essential oils can be added for flavors in the main oil so that the process of filtering will give a great natural fragrance out to the smoke.
    • The main stratagem it to chose very powerful magnets and place them accurate so they reject each other only when activating/closing the device.
    • This device CAN and MUST exist!
    • I am waiting for feedback.
    • Emanuel Serban


FIG. 1

Shows how the end product looks like, can have minor differences.

FIG. 2

Shows how the end product looks like, can have minor differences.

FIG. 3

Shows the end product in function mode, each color of the arrows covering the below given information.

FIG. 4

Images 1 and 2 shows how the smoke moves thru (C) Ball in the Minibong in both modes:

Classical Bong use in img.1. and img.2 Activated Mod mixing the smoke thru circle of water created by centrifugal force of (C) Ball which spins.

FIG. 5

FIGS. 5 and 6 are alike: X-Ray of Minibong from 2 sides; in rest mode and activated mode, seeing how the shell A (FIG. 15) and the Spring Struts FIG. 18 are compressing and the magnets marked with ‘N’ are coming face to face, therefore they reject each other in activated mode, making (C) Ball to spin against the magnets attached on (A) FIG. 15.

Shows clear where each component its having its own place: each color being representative for 1 kind of piece: orange=FIG. 18, green=FIG. 16, yellow=FIG. 24 (C) and (B) Balls are alike, letter ‘N’ of blue and red colors=FIG. 17, the rest are pieces already marked with ‘fig. --’.

FIG. 6

FIG. 6 Its the side image of FIG. 5, the only difference its that the green color its replaced with the actual! piece, the Thin Bearing (FIG. 16).

FIG. 7

Shows the layers of the device and their letter simbol: (A), (B) and (C) and where the magnets are placed. (A) being the shell (FIG. 15), (B) the middle layer/ball and (C) the last inner layer/ball.

(B) and (C) are alike (FIG. 24), but different dimensions, (B) Ball being more large then (C) Ball.

Red collored magnets comes on (A) being positioned slightly to left or right(depends which way you want (C) to rotate) against the trajectory of Blue colored magnets attached on (C).

FIG. 8

Shows that between (B) Ball and (C) Ball comes the Thin Bearing (represented with green) allowing (C) Ball to spin free inside (B) Ball.

(B) stays stable being connected thru Spring Struts(represented with orange) with the shell (A) (FIGS. 15, 5).

(M.R.V) FIG. 20 comes inside the (R.T.B.) FIG. 21, close to (C) Ball—see (FIG. 5).

(R.T.B.) goes thru the main holes all the way from shell (A) thru (B) to the inside of Minibong ending at surface of (C) Ball. The outside tip of (R.T.B.) being bond to the Rubber Cover (FIGS. 23, 5).

FIG. 9

FIG. 9 its a more explicit example of FIG. 8 showing how magnets are attached on (C) Ball circling the main holes and how (T.B.) marked with green color comes right between the main holes.

FIG. 10

Shows the alternative ideea of Semicircle Round Pipes inside of (C) Ball for the water does not climb to the exit where air is sucked in the process of filtering.

This is very much impossible to happen, but for the first users can be a help if they don't know how to use the minibong properly.

Also, Semicircle Round Pipes can be placed wisely in order for the water to make a more mixing movement for smoke to get filtered. (FIG. 22)

Below we have information of how the Minibong gets cleaned and refilled.

FIG. 11

Just like a classical bong bowl, but flexible, it helps the user to fire the herbs in both modes (FIG. 4). Its practical way, flexibility and the cool look makes it indispensable for any smoker that doesn't have time to roll herbs, but just want to fire them straightaway.

The figure shows the 3 parts of the Flexible Bong Bowl, what materials are recommended and how they merge together.

The concept its very well known.

FIG. 12

Shows color-number thru the arrows green and blue, how coupling must be done so the smoking using the device its a pleasure and not a struggle. (1) Blue arrow=The Flexible Bowl gets attached on the First Filter (FIGS. 3, 13). (2) Green arrow=The Funnel Cup attaches on the Hard-Wired tube.

FIG. 13

Big pieces of tar and high temperatures can affect the Minibong so the smoke that enters must be clear. Thats where the First Filter intervene.

Shows the insides of F.F. thru a X-Ray-like image.

Made of easy metal, heat-rezistant, i recommend: aluminum.

FIG. 14

Basically the smoke must go thru the Metal Wool, thru a clever one-way tunnel and exit with a lower temperature and less dark aspect, without being hard for the smoke to travel.

An easy, not dense material of Metal Wool must be used.

A shape-example of the best model i designed and the representation of how the smoke passes thru it's shown.

The entry must be conical-shape so the tip of a classic cigarette must fit and stick in, and contains spiral-connection for the F.B (FIG. 12). The exit tip must be spiral-connection for 1 of the main hole of the Minibong (FIGS. 3, 13).

FIG. 15

Shows a shape-example of the first covers/layers of the Minibong.

The 2 pieces stretch on (B) Ball thru the Prop Struts (FIG. 18), coming closer to Activate Minibong (FIGS. 3, 7) by aligning the magnets attached on (A) and (C). (B) Ball remaining intact, it only allowa the power of magnets to go thru, (A) Shell pushing against the (C) Ball (FIGS. 5, 6, 8, 21).

FIG. 16

Thin Bearing are very well known. In my case we need an easy weight, smooth-fast sliding and very thin model, with a diameter around 3-5 inches(first prototypes of Minibong might vary in dimension).

FIG. 17

Small size magnets with very powerful repulsive force must be chosen. The dimensions between (A), (B) and (C) must be small, yet enough to let the magnets push each other thru (B). The alignment and number of magnets might vary; because the accuracy and orderliness in which they are placed, must go thru few tests.

FIG. 18

The Prop-Rail Struts must let the (A) Shell to swipe/rail on (B).

Steady on the trajectory it's needed for an easy straight-sliding.

FIG. 19

Shows few shape-examples for the flexible bong bowl. Main (FIG. 11).

The nature of its form its known and manufactured as ‘flexible funnel’.

FIG. 20

The valve, already knwon and manufactured;

I consider the CHECK/PRESSURE RELIEF type to be the best.

Allows & Blocks air (and water in case of CLEANING-REFILL FIG. 10) to pass from the outside to the inside of (C) Ball and backwards.

Stays inside the R.T.C, close to the (C) Ball (FIGS. 5, 10, 21).

FIG. 21

Allows (A)/Rubber Cover(FIG. 23) with (B) Ball to stay stable while letting (C) to rotate freely (FIGS. 5, 8). Rubber Cover (FIG. 23), (B) and (C) are glued on it.

Contains the valve (FIG. 20) and has the ability to carry air and water without any loss.

Contains the rotate-open; spiral-connection for the F.F (FIG. 13)

FIG. 22

Semicircle Round Pipes can be placed wisely inside (C) Ball in order for the water to make a more mixing movement for smoke to get filtered.

More information—paragraph Specification (FIG. 10).

FIG. 23

Connects (A) 2 Semi-Spheres (FIG. 15) with R.T.C (FIG. 21) making a nice cover.

Squeezes when Activating/closing the Minibong (FIGS. 5, 6).

FIG. 24

Empty sphere with 2 holes at the poles, R.T.C. (FIG. 21) goes thru them.

Shows shape-examples for (B) Ball and (C) Ball which are identical, only that (B) its a little bigger than (C), between them being placed T.B. (FIG. 16).

On (B) Ball are attached only the 4 Prop Struts (FIG. 18) and the R.T.C at the main holes (FIGS. 5, 6).

FIG. 25

It shows the struggle of using the classic bong and its easy-breaking components, versus the Minibong : situated in the left-up side—black framed rectangle. I made this so simple so everyone can understand it; made for the manufacturer eye.

Simplified image of the entire idea into advertising image sort.

  • a) Air-Filter device based on water/oil, doesn't lose liquid in any position, generally used for smoking: cannabis, tobacco or other herbal products, can be used as any classic bong in vertical position, the inside mechanism stays inactive. In horizontal position the mechanism it's activated manually and filtration merges thru circle of water/oil created by centrifugal force;
  • b) works by magnetic force, has no electronic components and contain 4 main parts: 2 semi-spheres as a shell ; 1 sphere in the middle ; 1 sphere that rotates in the center and powerful rejecting magnets which propels the mechanism to create the centrifugal force.
  • c) Small dimension filter based on metal wool that comes attached on the main device (Minibong), to prevent tar pieces and high temparature coming from the smoking object, ex. cigarette or from the Flexible Bowl.
  • d) Flexible bong bowl which holds unrolled raw-herbs, comes attached on the small dimension filter. Made of high-temp resistant hard-wired tube, has attachable glass/metal funnel cup.
Provisional Applications (1)
Number Date Country
62974000 Nov 2019 US