Bandpass filters are used in many applications including radio frequency receiver paths and bandpass delta-sigma analog-to-digital converters. Typical bandpass filter implementations require inductors, and it is difficult to implement high quality, appropriately sized, inductors in complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) processes. Other options exist for implementing bandpass filters, but they tend to have issues with performance and/or power, or require alternative process technologies.
N-path filters are a practical method for implementing high-Q bandpass filters in modern CMOS processes without inductors using a combination of mixers and low-pass filters. The Q factor is the ratio of the center frequency of the filter to the pass band bandwidth. The basic structure of an N-path filter is multiple paths, each path composed of a mixer, filter and mixer, summed together to form the filter output. With trends in process scaling leading to higher switching frequencies, N-path filters are a viable option for integrated bandpass filter designs with center frequencies of interest in current communication standards. As the center frequency of the filter is decoupled from the bandwidth of the filter, high Q values are achievable. The mixer sequences have a high impact on the performance of the N-path filter. Therefore optimizing practically realizable mixer sequences allows optimization of the N-path filter.
A bandpass filter in accordance with one illustrative embodiment of the present invention includes a plurality of parallel paths, each receiving the input signal to the bandpass filter. Each path includes a first mixer, a low-pass filter, and a second mixer. The first mixer in each path is coupled to receive the input signal and mixes the input signal with a periodic mixer sequence having a period that is divided into a plurality of time slots. The mixer value is constant during each time slot. The low-pass filter in each path is operable to filter an output of the associated first mixer. The second mixer in each path is coupled to receive an output of the associated low-pass filter and mixes said filter output with a periodic mixer sequence having a period that is divided into a plurality of time slots, wherein again the mixer value is constant during each time slot. A summer sums the outputs of the second mixers of each of the paths to generate an output of the bandpass filter.
Another embodiment of the invention is directed to a bandpass filter that includes a first path and a second path. The first path includes a first mixer, a first low-pass filter, and a second mixer. The first mixer mixes an input signal with a sampled cosine signal to produce a first mixed signal. The first low-pass filter is operable to low-pass filter the first mixed signal to produce a first filtered signal. The second mixer mixes the first filtered signal with the sampled cosine signal to produce a second mixed signal. The second path includes a third mixer, a second low-pass filter, and a fourth mixer. The third mixer mixes the input signal with a sampled sine signal to produce a third mixed signal. The second low-pass filter low-pass filters the third mixed signal to produce a second filtered signal. The fourth mixer mixes the second filtered signal with the sampled sine signal to produce a fourth mixed signal. A summer sums the second mixed signal and the fourth mixed signal to produce an output of the bandpass filter.
Another embodiment of the invention is directed to a bandpass filter that has N parallel paths, each path arranged to receive the input signal to the bandpass filter. Each path includes a first mixer, a low-pass filter, and a second mixer. The first mixer in each path is coupled to receive the input signal and mixes the input signal with a periodic two-level mixer sequence having a period of length T that is divided into M time slots, where M is an integer greater than one. The mixer value is constant during each time slot. Assume M is an even number. The number of paths N is greater than or equal to M/2. Only the first M/2 paths are active, where the mixer sequence p of the first mixer of the nth path (1≦n≦M/2) is chosen to satisfy
The low-pass filter in each path is operable to filter an output of the associated first mixer. The second mixer in each path is coupled to receive an output of the associated low-pass filter and mix said filter output with a periodic two-level mixer sequence having a period of length T that is divided into M time slots. The mixer value is constant during each time slot. The mixer sequence q of the second mixer of the nth path (1≦n≦M/2) is chosen to satisfy
A summer sums the outputs of the second mixers of each of the paths to generate an output of the bandpass filter.
The present invention is directed generally to an N-path bandpass filter having mixer sequences that are constrained to a staircase sequence and to a two-level sequence.
It can be shown mathematically that the N-path filter 100 transforms a low-pass-filter into a bandpass filter. Defining X(jΩ) as the input and Y(jΩ) as the output spectrum of the N-path filter, and denoting H(jΩ) as the low-pass filter, the output of the N-oath filter can be represented as:
in which the input and mixer related terms are
where {circumflex over (p)}m(n) and {circumflex over (q)}m(n) are the mth Fourier series coefficients of pn(t) and qn(t), respectively. Typically, the bandwidth BW<<Ω0 and Eq. (1) implies that the output only has significant power in frequencies ±BW/2 around the harmonics of Ω0.
For simplicity, it can be assumed that the power is flat in frequencies ±BW/2 around a harmonic, so only the midpoint of each band (i.e., Y(j·lΩ0)) is considered. When Ω=lΩ0 in Eq. (1), only the r=l term remains. Since H(j0) is the same scale factor for all harmonics, let H(j0)=1 to obtain
α(m, l) can be viewed as the transfer coefficient from the mth harmonic in the input to the lth harmonic in the output.
It can further be assumed for simplicity's sake that the stationary input signals at different harmonics are uncorrelated and both X(j·mΩ0) and X2(j·mΩ0) have zero mean. Denoting E{·} as the average operator, the output signal power spectral density (PSD) at the lth harmonic is:
The in-band output corresponds to l=1 and has two components: the in-band signal and the folded harmonic. The desired in-band signal, which is the output of a traditional bandpass filter, corresponds to the term l=m=1 and has average power
=E{|X(jΩ0)|2}·|α(1, 1)|2· (6)
The unwanted folded harmonics can be viewed as interference to the in-band signal. They correspond to terms with l=1, m≠1 in (4) and have average total power
In addition to the in-band output, the N-path filter typically has out-of-pass-band outputs around the harmonics of Ω0. For the lth harmonic (l≠±1), the average out-of-band power is
The above analysis shows that the N-path filter transforms a low-pass filter to a bandpass filter with two nonidealities: in-band harmonic folding and out-of-band signal residue.
Alternatively, as α(m, l) in Eqs. (6-8) depends on the Fourier coefficients of the mixer signals, it's possible to design mixer signals that reduce the in-band harmonic folding and the out-of-band signal residue such that the requirements on the pre and post low-pass filters 210 and 230 are reduced or eliminated. The design of the mixer sequences p(n)(t) of the mixers 105, 110, 115, and the mixer sequences q(n)(t) of the mixers 135, 140, 145 for this purpose is explored below.
In an illustrative embodiment of the present invention, the mixer sequences p(n)(t) of the mixers 105, 110, 115, and the mixer sequences q(n)(t) of the mixers 135, 140, 145 have periodic staircase sequences. Each period is split into M equal time slots and each mixer value is constant within each time slot.
For purposes of the present invention, two criteria are considered in evaluating N-path filters: in-band signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and out-of-band harmonic power ratio, if the folded harmonics are considered as in-band noise, then the goal is to maximize the in-band SNR=Psignal/Pfolded. Regarding the out-of-band harmonic power ratio, for l≠±1, the goal is to minimize Rout(l)=Pout(l)/Psignal.
The following lemma and corollary, which put an upper limit on the achievable in-band SNR and a lower limit on the out-of-band harmonic power ratio, are used in design of the mixer sequences p(n)(t) of the mixers 105, 110, 115, and the mixer sequences q(n)(t) of the mixers 135, 140, 145. The lemma states that, for M-slot staircase mixer sequences, the harmonic power ratio for the lth harmonic is lower bounded by
and the lower bound is achieved if
α(m, l)=0, for 0≦m<M, 0≦l<M,
except for (m, l)=(1, 1 ) or (M−1, M−1). (10)
The ratio α(bM+1, cM+1)/a(1, 1) is independent of the input, where a(1, 1) controls Psignal and α(bM+1, cM+1) controls the power contributed from the (bM+1)th input harmonic to Pout (cM+1). The bound is achieved when no other input harmonics contribute to the (cM+1)th output harmonic. The case l=cM−1 is due to spectrum symmetry. Setting l−1 in the lemma leads to the corollary: with M-slot staircase mixer sequences, the in-band signal-to-noise ratio is upper bounded by
and the upper bound is achieved if
α(m, 1)=0, for m≠1, 0≦m<M. (12)
In one illustrative embodiment of the M-slot staircase mixer sequences of the present invention, the signal amplitude can vary from time slot to time slot and from path to path, and there is no constraint on the relationship between the mixer signals on different paths or the number of paths N. In this scenario, a two-path sampled quadrature filter achieves both the optimal in band signal-to-noise ratio and the optimal harmonic power ratio at each harmonic frequency, among all N-path filters with M-slot staircase mixer sequences. In the period [0, T], the mixer sequences in the two-path sampled quadrature filter have values
(1)(t)=q(1)(t)=cos(2 πm/M)
(2)(t)=q(2)(t)=sin(2 πm/M) (13)
where (mT/M)≦t<((m+1)T/M) and 0≦m≦M−1.
Thus a bandpass filter according to this embodiment comprises just two paths. Referring again to
To prove that this two-path scheme employing sampled sine and cosine mixer sequences is the optimal N-path filter that uses periodic staircase mixer sequences, it is necessary only to test whether the sequences of (13) satisfy (10) and (12). Note that for 0≦m≦M−1, the only nonzero terms of Fourier series coefficients of p(n)(t) and q(n)(t) in (13) are {circumflex over (p)}1(n), {circumflex over (p)}M−1(n), {circumflex over (q)}1(n), and {circumflex over (q)}M−1(n). Thus, for 0≦m, l≦M−1, the only possible nonzero terms of α(m, l) are α(l, 1), α(l, M−1), α(M−1, 1) and α(M−1, M−1). Direct calculation can verify that α(l, M−1)=α(M−1, 1)=0. As such, (10) is satisfied and the minimum harmonic power ratio at each harmonic is achieved.
Constraint (12) for the optimal in-band signal-to-noise ratio is a special case of (10) with l=1 which is already satisfied. Thus, the sampled sine and cosine mixer signals of (13) achieve both maximum in-band signal-to-noise ratio and minimum harmonic power ratio at each harmonic.
It is noted that, if the mixers of the N-path filter such as that shown in
In another illustrative embodiment of the M-slot staircase mixer sequences of the present invention, the mixer sequences are further constrained to taking on one of only two values in each of the M slots. Thus:
p(n)(t) ∈ {1, −1}, q(n)(t) ∈ {An, −An}, (14)
where An is a constant gain for the nth path. Limiting the mixers to two levels makes them easier to implement in analog.
In the following design, it is assumed for the sake of simplicity of explanation that M is an even number. If M is odd, the results are similar as will be explicitly described subsequently. For an even M, the cases of N≧M/2 and N<M/2 paths are separately considered. Additionally, only the in-band signal-to-noise ratio criterion is considered in the analysis of the two-level sequences.
Two-Level Sequences with N≧M/2 Paths
Among N-path filters whose mixer sequences have M slots per period and are constrained to taking on one of only two values in each of the M slots, the M/2-path filter with the following class of mixer sequences achieves the optimal in-band signal-to-noise ratio:
(n)(t)=p(1)(t−((n−1)T/M)), (15)
(n)(t)=q(1) (t−((n−1)T/M)), (16)
(1)(t30 (T/2))=−p(1)(t). (17)
The antisymmetric condition of Eq. (17) indicates that p(n)(t) has no even harmonics. Thus {circumflex over (p)}2m(n)=0 and α(2m, 1)=0. The delay relationships in Eqs. (15) and (16) result in a phase factor in the Fourier series coefficients and it can be verified that α(2m+1, 1)=0 for 1≦m<M/2. Thus, (12) is satisfied and the optimal in-band SNR is achieved.
In particular, the half-plus half-minus (HPHM) sequences
satisfy the constraints of (15-17) and have optimal in-band SNR. These sequences are particularly implementation friendly as there are only two level changes in one period in each path, and mixer sequences in consecutive paths have a delay of one slot.
It is noted that additional paths beyond M/2 do not provide a gain for in-band signal-to noise ratio. However, out-of-band signal rejection could potentially be improved. Additionally, the optimal sequences are independent of the input signal power spectral density.
Two-Level Sequences with N<M/2 Paths
N-path filters whose M-slot mixer sequences are constrained to taking on one of only two values in each of the M slots, and where the number of paths N is restricted to N<M/2, are now considered. Only the in-band signal-to-noise ratio criterion is considered in the analysis of these two-level sequences. In contrast to the previous results, an input signal independent mixer sequence is not obtained under these constraints. Instead, a heuristic optimization algorithm is proposed.
Let vk(n) and wk(n) represent the values in the kth time slot (1≦k≦M) of the mixer sequences p(n)(t) and q(n)(t) respectively. The in band signal-to-noise ratio has the form of
Since the Fourier coefficients {circumflex over (p)}m(n) and {circumflex over (q)}1(n) are linear in the values of vk(n) and wk(n), respectively, α(m, 1) is a bilinear form with respect to vk(n) and wk(n). Therefore, the powers of the signal and folded harmonic are both quadratic forms with respect to either vk(n) and wk(n). The total order of 4 is a challenge for optimizing the signal-to-noise ratio per Eq. (21).
To reduce the order of the objective function, an iterative two-part heuristic algorithm is used. The first part (i.e., part 1) optimizes over vk(n) with wk(n) held constant. The second part (i.e., part 2) optimizes over wk(n) with vk(n) held constant.
The optimization problem of part 1 can be written as
where S and N are positive semidefinite matrices dependent on N, M, wk(n) and the input signal power spectral density E{|X(j·mΩ0)|2}. If Nv≠0 for all “binary” v vectors, it can be shown that the optimal objective function of Eq. (22) has the value of λ if and only if the following problem
has a maximum of 0. Problem (23) is an unconstrained binary quadratic programming problem and can be approximately solved by greedy local search. The solution of (23) never decreases signal-to-noise ratio, which typically leads to convergence. Thus, the optimization problem in part 1 can be heuristically solved by an iterative algorithm.
For the second part of the heuristic algorithm, since the in-band signal-to-noise ratio involves only {circumflex over (q)}1(n) the optimization is performed on [{circumflex over (q)}1(1), . . . , {circumflex over (q)}1(N)]∈N. Equation (21) is the ratio of semidefinite quadratic forms with respect to {circumflex over (q)}1(n), hence, its solution is available in closed form. After solving for the optimal {circumflex over (q)}1(n), its phase is quantized into delays which are multiples of T/M.
The two parts of the algorithm may take multiple iterations to determine a heuristic-based optimal solution for the two-level mixer sequences in each path. There are potentially local maximums and no guarantees of global optimality are provided. In contrast to the staircase mixer sequence or two-level sequence with N≧M/2 paths, the optimal sequence in the case N<M/2 paths depends on the input signal and the number of paths.
In the above analysis of the two-level sequences, the number of time slots per period M is assumed an even number. If M is odd, the derivation is very similar and thus omitted. However, there are differences in certain conclusions, which are stated as follows. For an odd M, the cases of N≧M and N<M paths are separately considered. If N≧M, then the M-path filter with sequences satisfying Eq. (15) and (16) achieves the maximum in-band signal-to-noise ratio among all N-path filters with M-slot two-level mixer sequences. This optimum is independent of the input signal power spectral density; furthermore, additional paths beyond M does not improve in-band signal-to-noise ratio. In contrast, if N<M, the optimal sequences can be obtained by the heuristic optimization algorithm that is introduced in paragraphs [0037]-[0043]. In this case, the optimal sequences depend on the input signal and the number of paths.
Having thus described circuits and methods for implementing an N-path bandpass filter by reference to certain of its preferred embodiments, it is noted that the embodiments disclosed are illustrative rather than limiting in nature and that a wide range of variations, modifications, changes, and substitutions are contemplated in the foregoing disclosure. For example, in an illustrative embodiment of the invention, the N-path filter 100 is implemented in complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) integrated circuit(s), but other technologies, including other semiconductor technologies, can be used as well. Furthermore, in some instances, some features of the present invention may be employed without a corresponding use of the other features. Accordingly, it is appropriate that the appended claims be construed broadly and in a manner consistent with the broad inventive concepts disclosed herein.