The invention relates to formal analysis and verification of computer systems.
Multi-threading is a well-known and pervasive technique for extracting performance from a computer system by exploiting parallelism among its different components. Unfortunately, the many possible interleavings among the local operations of individual threads makes multi-threaded software behaviorally complex and difficult to analyze. It would be advantageous to apply formal methods to debug such systems, but existing techniques for verifying concurrent programs suffer from various drawbacks. Some prior art schemes do not scale to large programs due to the state space explosion problem. Some techniques such as thread modular model checking are not guaranteed complete, thus resulting in possible bogus error traces. Other prior art techniques rely on manual and hence time-consuming abstractions to compress the state space enough to make verification amenable.
In co-pending commonly-assigned U.S. Utility patent application No. 11/174,791, the contents of which are incorporated by reference, a new model checking technique was disclosed which reduces the problem of correctness of a concurrent program comprised of multiple threads communicating via locks to one concerned with verifying augmented versions of each individual thread. It would be advantageous to extend the technique disclosed therein to a broad range of correctness properties, e.g., as expressed using full-blown temporal logic.
A technique for model checking of multi-threaded software is herein disclosed which advantageously can be used to verify correctness properties expressed using temporal logic, e.g., linear time temporal logic and branching time temporal logic. The model checking problem of a concurrent system is decomposed into a plurality of model checking problems on individual threads of the multi-threaded software.
In one embodiment, the multi-threaded software is modeled as a concurrent system comprising pushdown systems communicating using nested locks, each thread modeled as a pushdown system. An automaton is constructed for the correctness property expressed as a temporal logic formula, and a product automaton is constructed from this automaton and the concurrent system of pushdown systems. The model checking problem then reduces to deciding whether the product automaton has an accepting path. Unfortunately, systems comprised of multiple pushdown systems do not have a finite number of states since they have stacks which can potentially grow to an unbounded depth. Nevertheless, due to the structure of nested locks which loosely couples the pushdown systems, the acceptance condition in the product automaton can be formulated as multiple instances of a reachability problem on the individual threads. In one embodiment, lock-constrained multi-automata pairs are constructed to capture regular sets of configurations of the concurrent system. The lock interaction among threads is encoded into the acceptance conditions for the lock-constrained multi-automata pair which filters out those local configurations of the threads which are not simultaneously reachable due to lock interaction. To capture lock interaction, patterns of lock acquisitions and releases are tracked in what the inventors refer to as a backward acquisition history and a forward acquisition history. The computation of predecessor sets for the concurrent system thereby can be decomposed into computations of predecessor sets on the constituent threads, this decomposition advantageously avoiding the state explosion problem.
The disclosed technique advantageously is exact and efficient—provably avoiding false error traces. It is sound and complete and caters to automatic error trace recovery. Moreover, it can be readily incorporated into existing model checking tools by exploiting existing implementations for calculating predecessor sets. These and other advantages of the invention will be apparent to those of ordinary skill in the art by reference to the following detailed description and the accompanying drawings.
At step 110 in
It can be shown that, unlike the general problem of two or more coupled pushdown systems which is not decidable, this problem is decidable if the locks are nested. Herein, a concurrent program is said to access locks in a nested fashion iff along each computation of the program a thread can only release the last lock that it acquired along that computation and that has not yet been released.
The correctness properties 105 of the concurrent program can be expressed as a formula f using temporal logic, e.g., as further discussed herein, using linear time temporal logic or branching time temporal logic. Accordingly, a broad range of properties can be expressed; the technique is not limited to correctness properties such as deadlocks or data races.
The model checker proceeds to process the concurrent system model and the correctness property by essentially decomposing the model checking problem of the concurrent system into a plurality of model checking problems on individual threads of the multi-threaded software. By reducing the problem of the correctness of the concurrent system to multiple instances of model checking problems on the constituent threads, existing model checking techniques can be used at 141, 142, . . . 145 to solve the individual model checking problems. Then, at step 150, the results from the plurality of individual model checking problems can be merged to obtain a general result for the concurrent system.
For example, and as illustrated by
An embodiment of the technique will be discussed in further detail below with regard to linear time temporal logic and branching time temporal logic formulations of the correctness properties.
Linear Time Temporal Logic
Let f be a formula expressing a linear time temporal logic property, such as an LTL property. The concurrent program with n threads T1, . . . , Tn and m locks l1, . . . , lm can be formally defined as a tuple of the form CP=(T1, . . . , Tn, L1, . . . , Lm), where for each i, Ti is a thread modeled as a pushdown system and, for each j, Lj⊂{⊥, T1, . . . , Tn} is a representation of the possible set of values that lock lj can be assigned. Each thread is modeled as a pushdown system which has a finite control part corresponding to the valuation of the variables of the thread it represents and a stack which models recursion. Formally, a PDS can be represented by a five-tuple P=(P, Act, Γ, c0, Δ), where P is a finite set of control locations, Act is a finite set of actions, Γ is a finite stack alphabet, and Δ⊂(P ×Γ) ×Act ×(P ×Γ*) is a finite set of transition rules. If ((p, γ), a, (p′, w))∈Δ then we write
A configuration of P is a pair (p, w), where p∈P denotes the control location and w∈Γ* the stack content. We call c0 the initial configuration of P. The set of all configurations of P is denoted by C. The rest of the details of the system model are set forth in the APPENDIX.
The goal is to compute the set of configurations of CP such that every run starting from the set satisfies the correctness property f.
As illustrated by
The above result gives the required witness with the special structure, as illustrated by
The execution of the local pumping sequences of the two threads can be interleaved as follows to construct a valid accepting path of BP. Assume ρ, σ, v are the sequences of global configurations realizing conditions 1, 2 and 3, respectively, in the above statement. First, define sequences of transitions spliced from ρ, σ and v that we will concatenate appropriately to construct the accepting path.
Conditions 1, 2 and 3 in the statement above can be re-formulated as a set of reachability problems for regular sets of configurations. Let
R0=pre*({p}×αΓ*1×P2×Γ*2×{(l1, . . . , lm)})
Then condition 1 can be re-written as c∈R0. Similarly, if
R1=P1×Γ*1×{q}×βΓ*2×{(l′1, . . . , l′m)}
R2=pre*(R1)∩P1×Γ*1×P2×Γ*2×{(⊥, . . . , ⊥)}.
R3=pre*(R2)∩{p}×{α}×P2×Γ*2×{(l1, . . . , lm)}
then condition 2 can be captured as R3≠∅. Finally, let
R4=P1×Γ*1×{q}×βΓ*2×{(l′1, . . . , l′m)}
R5=pre*(R4)∩P1×Γ*1×P2×Γ*2×{(⊥, . . . , ⊥)}.
R6=pre*(R5)∩{p}×αΓ*1×P2×Γ*2×{(l1, . . . , lm)}
R7=pre*(R6)∩P1×Γ*1×P2×Γ*2×{(⊥, . . . , ⊥)}.
R8=pre*(R7)∩G×L1× . . . ×Lm, where G=∪g1,g2({g1}×Γ*1{×g2}×Γ*2) with (g1, g2) being an accepting state of BP.
R9=pre+(R8)∩P1×Γ*1×P2×Γ*2×(⊥, . . . , ⊥).
R10=pre*(R9)∩P1×Γ*1×{q}×{β}×{l′1, . . . , l′m)}.
Then condition 3 can be captured as R10≠∅.
Accordingly, by exploiting the special structure of the witness (pseudo-)lollipop, it is possible to reduce the problem of deciding its existence to the computation of pre*-closures of regular sets of configurations of CP. Due to the witness structure, for model checking LTL formuale for programs with nested locks, we need to either (i) compute pre*-closures for a set C of configurations in which all locks are free, or (ii) compute those configurations of the pre*-closure of a set (that possibly contains configurations in which some locks are held) in which all locks are free.
The computation of the pre*-closures can be accomplished efficiently by introducing the concept of what the inventors refer to as a lock-constrained multi-automata. Given a concurrent program CP comprised of the two threads T1=(P1, Act1, Γ1, c1, Δ1) and T2=(P2, Act2, Γ2, c2, Δ2), it is necessary to keep track of the contents of the stacks of both T1 and T2. This is accomplished by using a pair of multi-automata (MAs). We define a Lock-Constrained Multi-Automata Pair (LMAP) for CP, denoted by CP-LMAP, as a pair (A1, A2), where Ai=(Γi, Qi, δi, Ii, Fi) is a multi-automaton accepting a (regular) set of configurations of thread Ti. MAs are used to capture regular (potentially infinite) sets of configurations of a single PDS in a finite form. LMAPs play a similar role in the context of multiple loosely-coupled PDSs, by allowing us to succinctly and finitely represent potentially infinite sets of configurations of the given concurrent program in a way that enables us to compute their pre*-closure efficiently. The broad idea is that a global configuration c is accepted by A iff the local configurations of T1 and T2 in c are accepted by A1 and A2, respectively.
It is also necessary to factor in lock interaction among the threads that prevents them from simultaneously reaching certain pairs of local configurations. To capture lock interaction, we introduce the concepts of backward acquisition history (BAH) and forward acquisition history (FAH).
Backward Acquisition History.
and the configuration ((q2, b5), ⊥, T2) which belongs to pre*T2(LC2) via the path
Unless clear from the context, we use pre*Ti(C) to denote the pre*-closures for a set C of configurations of thread Ti. Note that even though T1 and T2 hold different sets of locks, i.e., {l1} and {l2}, respectively, at control locations p2 and q2, there does not exist a global configuration of CP with T1 and T2 in the local configurations ((p2, a5), T1, ⊥) and ((q2, b5), ⊥, T2), respectively, that is backward reachable in CP from ((p6, a1a2a3), (q6, b1b2b3), ⊥, ⊥). The reason is that in order for T1 to reach p6 from p2 it first has to acquire (and release) lock l2. However, in order to do that T2, which currently holds lock l2, must release it. But for T2 to release l2, it first has to acquire (and release) li which is currently held by T1. This creates an unresolvable cyclic dependency.
In general, when testing for backward reachability of c from d in CP, it suffices to test whether there exist local paths x and y in the individual threads from states c1=c↓T1 to d1=d↓T1 and from c2=c↓T2 to d2=d↓T2, respectively, such that along x and y locks can be acquired in a compatible fashion. Compatibility ensures that we do not end up with an unresolvable cyclic dependency as above. This allows us to reconcile x and y to get a valid path of CP from c to d. The notion of backward acquisition history captures patterns of lock releases from d to c that can be used to test compatibility.
The notion of Backward Acquisition History can be defined formally as follows. Let x be a computation of a concurrent program CP leading from configurations c to d. Then for thread Ti and lock lj of CP, if lj∉Lock-Set(Ti, c) then BAH(Ti, c, lj, x) is defined to be the empty set ∅. If lj∈Lock-Set(Ti, c), then BAH(Ti, c, lj, x) is the set of locks that were released (and possibly acquired) by Ti after the last release of lj by Ti in traversing backward along x from d to c. If lj∈Lock-Set(Ti, c) and lj wasn't released along x, then BAH(Ti, c, lj, x) is the set of locks that were released (and possibly acquired) by Ti in traversing backwards along x. The following backward decomposition result can then be proven: Let CP be a concurrent program comprised of the two threads T1 and T2 with nested locks. Then configuration c of CP is backward reachable from configuration d in which all locks are free iff configurations c1=c↓T1 of T1 and c2=c↓T2 of T2 are backward reachable from configurations d1=d↓T1 and d2=d↓T2, respectively, via computation paths x and y of programs comprised solely of threads T1 and T2, respectively, such that
The configuration of each individual thread can, accordingly, be augmented with a backward acquisition history entry for each lock. Thus a configuration of a program comprised solely of thread Ti is now of the form ((c, w), l1, . . . , lm, BAH1, . . . , BAHm) where BAHi tracks the BAH of lock li. Consider the example in
Note that in traversing backwards from the configuration ((p6, a4a3), ⊥, ⊥, ∅, ∅) via the transition release(l1), we set l1=T1 indicating that l1 is now held by T1. Next, in traversing backwards from the configuration ((p4, a5), T1, ⊥, ∅, ∅) via the transition release(l2) and set l2=T1 and add lock l2 to the backward acquisition history of lock l1 as it is currently held by T1. Similarly we can see that configuration ((q2, b5), ⊥, T2, ∅, {l1}) of the augmented thread T2 belongs to pre*T2({d2}) via the path y:
Since the states c1=((p2, a5), T1, ⊥, {l2}, ∅) and c2=((q2, b5), ⊥, T2, ∅, {l1}) are not BAH-compatible as l2∈BAH(T1, c1, l1, x)={l2} and l1∈BAH(T2, c2, l2, y)={l1}, global configuration c is not backward reachable from d in CP. However, it can be seen that c′1=((p1, a5), ⊥, ⊥, ∅, ∅) is backward reachable from d1 in T1 and c′2=((q1, b5), ⊥, ⊥, ∅, ∅) from d2 in T2. Note that since all locks of CP are free in c′1 and c′2, the BAH of each lock is the empty set in these configurations. In this case, however, since c′1 and c′2 are trivially BAH-compatible, c′=((p1, a5), (q1, b5), ⊥, ⊥) is backward reachable from d in CP.
An MA accepting the pre*-closure of a regular set of BAH-enhanced configurations accepted by a given MA can be constructed as follows: Start with an MA A accepting a regular set C of acquisition history augmented configurations of an APDS T. Corresponding to each augmented control state (pj, l1, . . . , AH1, . . . , AHk) we have an initial state (sj, l1, . . . , lm, AH1, . . . , AHk) of the multi-automation A, and vice versa. Set A0=A and construct a finite sequence of multi-automata A0, . . . , Ap resulting in the multi-automaton Ap such that the set if AH-augmented configurations accepted by Ap is the pre*-closure of the set of BAH-augmented configurations accepted by A. We denote by →i as the transition relation of Ai. For every i≧0, Ai+1 is obtained from Ai by conserving the sets of states and transitions of Ai and adding new transitions as follows
Forward Acquisition History.
The notion of Forward Acquisition History (FAH) is motivated by our goal of using backward reachability to compute those configurations in the pre*-closure of a set C of global configurations of CP in which all locks are free. FAHs are defined for paths starting at arbitrary states. Since we are only interested in those configurations of pre*(C) is which all locks are free, we need to consider only those computation paths that start at configurations of CP in which all locks are free.
The notion of Forward Acquisition History can be defined formally as follows. Let x be a computation of a concurrent program CP leading from configurations c to d. For thread Ti and lock lj of CP, if lj∉Lock-Set(Ti, d) then FAH(Ti, c, lj, x) is defined to be the empty set ∅. If lj∈Lock-Set(Ti, d), then we define FAH(Ti, c, lj, x) to be the set of locks that were acquired (and possibly released) by Ti after the last acquisition of lj by Ti in traversing forward along x from c to d. If lj∈Lock-Set(Ti, d) but lj was not acquired along x, then FAH(Ti, c, lj, x) is the set of locks that were acquired (and possibly released) by Ti along x. The following forward decomposition result can then be proven. Let CP be a concurrent program comprised of the two threads T1 and T2 with nested locks. Then configuration c of CP in which all locks are free is backward reachable from d iff configurations c1=c↓T1 of T1 and c2=c↓T2 of T2 are backward reachable from configurations d1=d↓T1 and d2=d↓T2, respectively, via computation paths x and y of programs comprised solely of threads T1 and T2, respectively, such that
Unlike pre*-closure for BAH-augmented configurations, an important issue that arises when computing pre*-closure for FAH-augmented configurations, is that we need to compute FAHs while performing a backward reachability analysis. For that we need to augment the configurations of each thread with two extra fields as we now illustrate. Suppose that we want to compute the lock free configurations of pre*({d}), where d is the configuration ((p5, a4a3), (q5, b4b3), T1, T2) of the concurrent program shown in
Going back to our example, we see that the FAH-augmented configuration ((p1, a5), ⊥, ⊥, {l2}, ∅, {l1}, {l1}) of the augmented thread T1 belongs to pre*T1({d1}) via the backwardly traversed path x:
Similarly, the FAH-augmented configuration ((q1, b5), ⊥, ⊥, ∅, {l1}, {l2}, {l2}) of the thread T2 belongs to pre*T2({d2}) via the backwardly traversed path y:
Since augmented states c1=((p1, a5), ⊥, ⊥, {l2}, ∅, {l1}, {l1}) and c2=((q1, b5), ⊥, ⊥, {l1}, {l2}, {l2}) are not FAH-compatible as l2∈{l2}=FAH(T1, c1, l1, x) and l1∈{l1}=FAH(T2, c2, l2, y), global configuration c is not backward reachable from d in CP.
An MA accepting the pre*-closure of a regular set of HAF-enhanced configurations can be constructed as follows: Start with an MA A accepting a regular set C of FAH-augmented configurations of a thread (PDA) T. Corresponding to each augmented control state (pj, l1, . . . , lm, FAH1, . . . , FAHm, LHI, LR) we have an initial state (sj, l1, . . . , lm, FAH1, . . . , FAHm, LHI, LR) of the multi-automaton A, and vice versa. Set A0=A and construct a finite sequence of multi-automata A0, . . . , Ap resulting in the multi-automaton Ap such that the set of FAH-augmented configurations accepted by Ap is the pre*-closure of the set of FAH-augmented configurations accepted by A. We denote by →i as the transition relation of Ai. For every i≧0, Ai+1 is obtained from Ai by conserving the sets of states and transitions of Ai and adding new transitions as follows
By tracking patterns of lock acquisition and releases, it can be shown that an LMAP accepting the pre*-closure of the set of configurations accepted by the LMAP A=(A1, A2) is the pair B=(B1, B2), where Bi is a multi-automaton accepting the pre*-closure of the set of configurations of thread Ti accepted by Ai. This reduces the pre*-closure computation of a set of configurations of a concurrent program with threads interacting via nested locks to its individual threads and thereby not only avoids the state explosion problem but, as can be shown, makes the procedure provably efficient.
To track lock interactions, it is advantageous to augment the configurations of each thread with their respective backward and forward acquisition histories and the LHI and LR fields as discussed above. Thus an augmented configuration of thread Ti is of the form ((c, w), l1, . . . , lm, BAH1, . . . , BAHm, FAH1, . . . , FAHm, LHI, LR), where BAHi and FAHi are used to track the backward and forward acquisition histories, respectively, of lock li. As in the case of a multi-automaton, we have an initial state of Ai corresponding to each configuration of Ti, and vice versa. Since in this case the configurations are augmented with FAHs and BAHs, each initial state of Ai is of the form ((si, w), l1, . . . , lm, BAH1, . . . , BAHm, FAH1, . . . , FAHm, LHI, LR), where ((pi, w), l1, . . . , lm, BAH1, . . . , BAHm, FAH1, . . . , FAHm, LHI, LR) is an augmented configuration of Ti. We say that augmented configurations s=((c, w), l1, . . . , Im, BAH1, . . . , BAHm, FAH1, . . . , FAHm, LHI, LR) and t=((c′, w′), l′1, . . . , l′m, BAH′1, . . . , BAH′m, FAH′1, . . . , FAH′m, LHI′, LR′) of T1 and T2, respectively, are FAH-compatible iff there do not exist locks li and lj such that li=T1, l′j=T2, li∈FAH′j and lj∈FAHi. Analogously, we say that s and t are BAH-compatible iff there do not exist locks li and lj such that li=T1, l′j=T2, li∈BAH′j and lj∈BAHi.
Let A=(A1, A2) be a CP-LMAP. We say that A accepts global configuration ((pi, w), (qj, v), l1, . . . , lm) of CP iff there exist sets FAH1, . . . , FAHm, BAH1, . . . , BAHm, LHI, LR, FAH′1, . . . , FAH′m, BAH′1, . . . , BAH′m, LHI′, LR′ such that if s1=((pi, w), l′1, . . . , I′m, BAH1, . . . , BAHm, FAH1, . . . , FAHm, LHI, LR) and s2=((qj, v), l″1, . . . , l″m, BAH′1, . . . , BAH′m, FAH′1, . . . , FAH′m, LHI′, LR′), where l′i=T1 if li=T1 and ⊥ otherwise and l″i=T2 if li=T2 and ⊥ otherwise, then
Given a CP-LMAP A, we use Conf(A) to denote the set of configurations of CP accepted by A. A set of configurations C of CP is called lock-constrained regular if there exists a CP-LMAP A such that C=Conf(A). For model checking LTL properties of concurrent programs interacting via nested locks we need two key properties of LMAPs
Accordingly, computation of the pre*-closure of an LMAP can proceed as follows. Let LC be a lock-constrained regular set accepted by a CP-LMAP A=(A1, A2). It can be shown that it is possible to efficiently, in polynomial time, construct a CP-LMAP B=(B1, B2) accepting (1) pre*(LC) in case all locks are free in each configuration of LC, or (2) those configurations of pre*(LC) in which all locks are free. Since A1 and A2 are MAs accepting regular sets of configurations of the individual PDSs T1 and T2, respectively, we can construct, for example, using the efficient techniques given above, multi-automata B1 and B2, accepting, respectively, the pre*-closures, pre*T1(Conf(A1)) and pre*T2(Conf(A2)). In the first case, since all locks are free in each configuration of LC, the forward acquisition history of each lock as well as the LHI and LR fields are ∅. Thus these fields do not come into play and so B1 and B2 can be computed using the procedure given above, thereby giving the following proposition. Let LC be a lock-constrained regular set of configurations of CP such that all locks are free in every configuration c∈LC. If A is a CP-LMAP accepting LC and if B is the CP-LMAP constructed from A as above, then Conf(B)=pre*(LC). In the second case, we are interested only in those configurations c of pre*(LC) in which all locks are free and due to which each BAH field of c is the empty set. Thus, in this case, the BAH fields are immaterial, and so B1 and B2 can be computed using the second procedure set forth above. Thus, if A is a CP-LMAP accepting a lock-constrained regular set LC and if B is the CP-LMAP constructed from A as above, then Conf(B)∩LF=pre*(LC)∩LF, where LF is the set of all configurations of CP in which all locks are free.
Note that the computation of an LMAP accepting the pre*-closure of given LMAP A=(A1, A2) reduces to the computation of MAs Bi accepting the pre*-closure of Conf(Ai) for each individual thread Ti, instead of the entire program CP. Bi can be computed in time polynomial in the sizes of Ai and the control states of Ti and exponential in the number of locks of Ti. Thus it can be shown that, given a concurrent program CP comprised of threads T1 and T2 interacting via nested locks, and a CP-LMAP A=(A1, A2), then in the two cases considered above, we can construct a CP-LMAP Apre* recognizing pre*(Conf(A)) in time polynomial in the sizes of Ai and the control states of Ti and exponential in the number of locks of CP.
Branching Time Temporal Logic
The above technique can be extended so as to apply to branching time temporal logic, such as alternation-free Mu-calculus.
Let Prop be a set of atomic propositions and χ a finite set of variables. The set of formulas of the propositional μ-calculus is defined by the following grammar:
where in formulas of the form μX.φ, the variable X must occur in φ under an even number of negations. The Alternation-free Mu-Calculus is the fragment of the mu-calculus without any meaningful nestings of μs and νs. Furthermore, for a concurrent program comprised of the n threads T1, . . . , Tn, correctness properties of the form hi are considered herein, where hi is an alternation-free mu-calculus formula interpreted over the set of control locations of thread Ti. Note that the global state graph of CP results from an interleaved execution of the local transitions of the individual threads forcing a thread Ti to stutter when a global transition results from the execution of the local transition of another thread. In order to ensure that hi is stuttering oblivious, we specify that hi be a formula of the weak mu-calculus. It is worth mentioning here that the model checking problem for even simple doubly-indexed temporal formulas of the form φ(i, j) wherein atomic propositions are interpreted over the control states of two or more threads is undecidable for systems comprised of multiple PDSs even if they do not interact with each other. Furthermore, one can show that for threads communicating via locks the model checking problem is undecidable even for single-index alternation free weak mu-calculus formulas. Fortunately, it can be shown that the model checking problem, for PDSs interacting via nested locks for singly indexed alternation-free Mu-calculus, is efficiently decidable.
Reasoning about the branching time behavior of PDSs via the automata theoretic paradigm involves constructing the product of the given PDS with the alternating automaton corresponding to the given property. Such product automata can be naturally modeled as alternating pushdown systems (APDS) and regular sets of configurations of APDSs as Alternating Multi-Automata (AMA). See APPENDIX.
The automata-theoretic paradigm for model checking is again invoked. Given a mu-calculus formula φ=φi, and a concurrent program CP, comprised of the threads T1, . . . , Tn, we first construct the product Ti of Ti and Af, the alternating automaton for f. Each Ti is represented as an APDS. Note that model checking for each of the threads Ti for φi can be reduced to the computation of pre*-closures of regular sets of configurations Ti. However, for model checking the concurrent program CP for φ, we need to compute the pre*-closure of regular sets of global configurations of the system comprised of all the APDSs T1, . . . , Tn. For that we need to take into account lock interaction among the threads. The main complexity here lies in the fact that we have to reason about lock interaction along all paths of tree-like models of APDSs T1, . . . , Tn having potentially infinitely many states.
The technique proceeds analogously to the above. The complexity of reasoning about lock interaction among all paths of tree-like models is overcome by showing how to decompose the computation of the pre*-closure of a regular set of configurations of a concurrent program CP with threads communicating via nested locks to that of its constituent threads for which existing efficient techniques can be leveraged. This decomposition avoids the state explosion problem. To achieve this decomposition, we leverage the new concept of Lock-Constrained Alternating Multi-Automata Pairs (LAMAP) which are used to capture a regular set of configurations of a given multi-threaded program with nested locks. An LAMAP A accepting a regular set of configurations C of a program CP comprised of threads T1 and T2 is pair of AMAs A=(A1, A2), where Ai is an AMA accepting the set of local configurations of APDS Ti corresponding to thread Ti occurring in the global configurations of CP in C. The lock interaction among threads is encoded in the acceptance criterion for an LAMAP which filters out those pairs of local configurations of T1 and T2 which are not simultaneously reachable due to lock interaction and are therefore not in C. Indeed, for a pair of two tree-like models w1 and w2 for φ1 and φ2 in the individual APDS T1 and T2, respectively, to act as a witness for φ=φ1 Λφ2 in the concurrent program CP, they need to be reconcilable with respect to each other in order, viz., for each path x in w1 there must be a path y in w2 such that the local computations of T1 and T2 corresponding to x and y, respectively, can be executed in an interleaved fashion, and vice versa. This can be decided by tracking patterns of lock acquisition along x and y. The tracking of lock acquisition patterns along all paths of a tree-like model in each APDS Ti, can be accomplished using the above-mentioned notions of backward acquisition history (BAH) and forward acquisition history (FAH) by merely augmenting the control state of each thread to track a finite amount of extra information. Decomposition is then achieved by showing that given an LAMAP A=(A1, A2), if Bi is an AMA accepting the pre*-closure of the configurations of the individual thread Ti accepted by Ai, then, the LAMAP B=(B1, B2) accepts the pre*-closure of the regular set of concurrent program CP accepted by A. Thus, broadly speaking, the decomposition results from maintaining the local configurations of the constituent threads separately as AMAs and computing the pre*-closures on these AMAs individually for each thread for which existing efficient techniques can be leveraged.
Lock-Constrained Alternating Multi-Automata Pair.
The concept of Lock-Constrained Alternating Multi-Automata Pair (LAMAP) is herein introduced which is used to represent regular sets of configurations of concurrent programs with threads communicating via nested locks. It can be shown that LAMAPs are closed under the computation of pre*-closures and that the model checking problem of threads interacting via nested locks can be reduced to the computation of pre*-closures of regular sets of configurations accepted by LAMAPs. Thus LAMAPs allow us to finitely represent (potentially infinite) regular sets of configurations of the given concurrent program in a way that enables us to compute their pre*-closures efficiently. A key property of LAMAPs is that not only are they closed under the computation of pre*-closures but that the pre*-closure computation for a given LAMAP can be reduced to pre*-closure computations for regular sets of configurations of the individual threads thus avoiding the state explosion problem.
To accomplish the broad goal of reducing the computation of pre*-closure of a set of configurations of CP accepted by an LAMAP A=(A1, A2) to the computation of pre*-closure for the individual threads, it is necessary to capture lock interaction among the threads. Motivated by the above-described forward and backward decomposition results, it is advantageous to augment the configuration of each individual thread with BAH and FAH entries for each lock. Then the pre*-closure pre*T
To construct an AMA accepting the pre*-closure of a regular set of AH-enhanced configurations of an APDS T accepted by a given AMA (used later in the pre*-closure computation of LAMAPs), the following procedure can be utilized for constructing an AMA accepting the pre*-closure of a regular set of (non-enhanced) configurations accepted by a given AMA. Start with an AMA A accepting a regular set C of acquisition history augmented configurations of an APDS T. Corresponding to each augmented control state (pj, AH) we have an initial state (sj, AH) of the multi-automaton A, and vice versa. We set A0=A and construct a finite sequence of AMAs A0, . . . , Ap resulting in the AMA Ap such that the set of AH-augmented configurations accepted by Ap is the pre*-closure of the set of AH-augmented configurations accepted by A. We denote by →i the transition relation of Ai. For every i≧0, Ai+1 is obtained from Ai by conserving the sets of states and transitions of Ai and adding new transitions as follows
Given a concurrent program CP comprised of the two threads T1=(P1, Act1, Γ1, c1, Δ1) and T2=(P2, Act2, Γ2, c2, Δ2), an LAMAP for CP, denoted by CP-LAMAP, is a pair (A1, A2), where Ai=(Γi, Qi, δi, Ii, Fi) is an AMA accepting a (regular) set of configurations of the APDS Ti corresponding to thread Ti. To track lock interactions, we augment the configurations of each thread with their respective backward and forward acquisition histories and the LHI and LR fields as discussed above. Let c1=((c1, AH1), w1), and c2=((c2, AH2), w2) be AH-augmented configurations of T1 and T2, respectively. Recall that by our construction, AH1 tracks the set of acquisition histories encountered along all paths of a tree-like run w1 of T1 with each acquisition history tuple AH1j∈AH1 tracking the acquisition history of some path of T1 along w1. We say that acquisition history tuples AH1=(LH, BAH1, . . . , BAHm, FAH1, . . . , FAHm, LHI, LR) and AH2=(LH′, BAH′1, . . . , BAH′m, FAH′1, . . . , FAH′m, LHI′, LR′) are compatible iff the following conditions are satisfied (i) Disjointness of Lock-sets: LH∩LH′=∅ and LHI∩LHI′=∅, (ii) FAH-compatibility: there do not exist locks li and lj such that li=T1, l′j=T2, li∈FAH′j and lj∈FAHi, and (iii) BAH-compatibility: there do not exist locks li and lj such that li=T1, l′j=T2, li∈BAH′j and lj∈BAHi. Then for a local path of T1 along w1 starting at c1 to be executable in an interleaved fashion with a local path of T2 starting at c2 there must exist AH1j∈AH1 and AH2j′∈AH2 such that AH1j and AH2j′ are compatible.
Let A=(A1, A2) be a CP-LAMAP. We say that A accepts a pair ((p1, AH1), u1), ((p2, AH2), u2) of augmented configurations of T1 and T2 iff
The pre*-closure of a LAMAP can be computed as follows. Let LC be a lock-constrained regular set accepted by a CP-LAMAP A=(A1, A2). It can be shown that it is possible to efficiently, in polynomial time, construct a CP-LAMAP B=(B1, B2) accepting pre*(LC). Since A1 and A2 are AMAs accepting regular sets of configurations of the individual APDSs T1 and T2, respectively, we can construct AMAs B1 and B2, accepting, respectively, the pre*-closures, pre*T1(Conf(A1)) and pre*T2(Conf(A2)). Let LC be a lock-constrained regular set of configurations of CP. If A is a CP-LAMAP accepting LC and if B is the CP-LAMAP constructed from A as above, then Conf(B)=pre*(LC).
The model checking of concurrent programs with nested locks for single-index alternation-free mu-calculus formulas can then be reduced to model checking the individual threads as follows. Let CP be a concurrent program comprised of the PDSs T1=(P1, Act1, Γ1, c1, Δ1) and T2=(P2, Act2, Γ2, c2, Δ2) and a labeling function Λi: Pi→2Prop
Then the general case for the alternation-free mu calculus can be handled by recursively applying the procedure for the above two cases giving us the following result for threads with AH-augmented control states: Let Ti be the APDS corresponding to thread Ti as constructed above, and let φi a formula of the alternation-free mu-calculus, and let Vi be a valuation of the free variables of φi. We can construct an AMA Aφ
Nested Locks Check.
It can be advantageous to test whether each thread accesses locks in a nested fashion. The following is an efficient technique for checking whether locks are nested.
Let T=(P, Act, Γ, c0, Δ) be a thread of a concurrent program CP using locks l1, . . . , lm. One way of testing whether T accesses locks in a nested fashion is to maintain information regarding the order in which locks are accessed by T. Towards that end, one can augment each control state c∈P to store the order of lock accesses. Thus each state of the augmented thread Ta can be of the form (c, li
While exemplary drawings and specific embodiments of the present invention have been described and illustrated, it is to be understood that that the scope of the present invention is not to be limited to the particular embodiments discussed. Thus, the embodiments shall be regarded as illustrative rather than restrictive, and it should be understood that variations may be made in those embodiments by workers skilled in the arts without departing from the scope of the present invention as set forth in the claims that follow and their structural and functional equivalents.
System Model.
Each thread is modeled as a pushdown system which has a finite control part corresponding to the valuation of the variables of the thread it represents and a stack which models recursion.
Formally, a PDS can be represented by a five-tuple P=(P, Act, Γ, c0, Δ), where P is a finite set of control locations, Act is a finite set of actions, Γ is a finite stack alphabet, and Δ⊂(P×Γ)×Act×(P×Γ*) is a finite set of transition rules. If ((p, γ), a, (p′, w))∈Δ then we write
A configuration of P is a pair (p, w), where p∈P denotes the control location and w∈Γ* the stack content. We call c0 the initial configuration of P. The set of all configurations of P is denoted by C. For each action a, we define a relation
as follows:
for every v∈Γ*. A global configuration of CP is a tuple c=(t1, . . . , tn, l1, . . . , lm) where t1, . . . , tn are, respectively, the configurations of threads T1, . . . , Tn and l1, . . . , lm the values of the locks. If no thread holds lock li in configuration c, then li=⊥, else li is an index identifying the thread currently holding the lock. The initial global configuration of CP is (c1, . . . , cn, ⊥, . . . , ⊥), where ci is the initial configuration of thread Ti. Thus all locks are free to start with. We extend the relation
to global configurations of CP as follows: Let c=(c1, . . . , cn, l1, . . . , lm) and c′1=(c′1, . . . , c′n, l′1, . . . , l′m) be global configurations. Then
Multi-Automata are used to capture regular (potentially infinite) sets of configurations of a PDS in a finite form. Let P=(P, Act, Γ, c0, A) be a pushdown system, where P={p1, . . . , pm}. A P-multi-automaton (P-MA for short) is a tuple A=(Γ, Q, δ, I, F) where Q is a finite set of states, δ⊂Q×Γ×Q is a set of transitions, I={s1, . . . , sm}⊂Q is a set of initial states and F⊂Q is a set of final states. Each initial state si corresponds to a control state pi of P, and vice versa. We define the transition relation →Q×Γ*×Q as the smallest relation satisfying the following: (i) if (q, γ, q′)∈δ then
for every q∈Q, and (iii) if
We say that A accepts a configuration (pi, w) iff
for some q∈F. The set of configurations recognized by A is denoted by Conf(A).
Backward Decomposition Result
Let CP be a concurrent program comprised of the two threads T1 and T2 with nested locks. Then configuration c of CP is backward reachable from configuration d in which all locks are free iff configurations c1=c↓T1 of T1 and c2=c↓T2 of T2 are backward reachable from configurations d1=d↓T1 and d2=d↓T2, respectively, via computation paths x and y of programs comprised solely of threads T1 and T2, respectively, such that
Forward Decomposition Result.
Let CP be a concurrent program comprised of the two threads T1 and T2 with nested locks. Then configuration c of CP in which all locks are free is backward reachable from d iff configurations c1=c↓T1 of T1 and c2=c↓T2 of T2 are backward reachable from configurations d1=d↓T1 and d2=d↓T2, respectively, via computation paths x and y of programs comprised solely of threads T1 and T2, respectively, such that
Dual Pumping.
BP has an accepting run starting from an initial configuration c if and only if there exist α∈Γ1, β∈Γ2; u∈Γ*1, v∈Γ*2; an accepting configuration g; configurations lf0, lf1, lf2 and lf3 in which all locks are free; lock values l1, . . . , lm, l′1, . . . , l′m; control states p′, p′″∈P1, q′, q″∈P2; u′, u″, u′″∈Γ*1; and v′, v″, v′″∈Γ*2 satisfying the following conditions
Alternation-Free Weak Mu-Calculus.
Let Prop be a set of atomic propositions and χ a finite set of variables. The set of formulas of the propositional μ-calculus is defined by the following grammar:
where in formulas of the form μX.φ, the variable X must occur in φ under an even number of negations. We interpret formulas on the set of configurations of a PDS P=(P′, Γ, Δ). A labeling function Γ:P→2Prop, which intuitively assigns to each variable a set of configurations. The set of configurations of P that satisfy a formula φ is denoted by [[φ]]P(V) and defined by the following rules:
[[π]]P(V)=Λ−1(π) ×Γ*
where V[[P/X]] is the valuation which coincides with V for all variables but X, where it takes the value P.
The set of formulas in positive normal form is defined by the following syntax:
A σ-subformula of a formula σX.φ(X) is proper if it does not contain any occurrence of X. The Alternation-free Mu-Calculus is the set of formulas φ in positive normal form such that for every σ-subformula φ of φ the following holds (i) if φ is a μ-formula, then all its ν-subformula are proper, and (ii) if φ is a ν-formula, then all its μ-subformula are proper.
The weak mu-calculus is obtained from the mu-calculus by replacing the modalities ∃◯φ and ∀◯φ by ∃◯wφ and ∀◯wφ, respectively, where [[∃◯φ]])P(V)={c|∃c such that ci c′ we have c′∈[[φ]]P(V)} and [[∃◯φ]]P(V)={c|∀c such that ci c′ we have c′∈[[φ]]P(V)}
Alternating Pushdown Systems.
An APDS is a five-tuple P=(P, Γ, c0, Δ), where P is a finite set of control locations, Γ is a finite stack alphabet, c0 the initial configuration, and Δ is a finite set of transition rules that assigns to each element of P×Γ a negation free boolean formula over elements of P×Γ*. Assuming that the boolean formulae are always in disjunctive normal form, we can equivalently define Δ as a subset of the set (P×Γ)×Act×2P×Γ* of transition rules. If (p, γ){(p1, w1), . . . , (pn, wn)}, then for each w∈Γ*, the configuration (p, γw) is an immediate predecessor of the set {(p1, w1w), . . . , (pn, wnw)} which is the immediate successor of (p, γw). Intuitively, at the configuration (p, γw) the APDS nondeterministically selects a transition rule of the form (p, γ){(p1, w1), . . . , (pn, wn,)} and forks n copies in the configuration (p1, w1w), . . . , (pn, wnw).
A run of P for an initial configuration c is a tree of configurations with root c, such that the children of a configuration c′ are the configurations that belong to one of its immediate successors (nodes of the form (p, ε) have no successors).
We define the reachability relation⊂(P×Γ*)×2P×Γ* between configurations and sets of configurations. Informally, cC if and only if C is a finite frontier of a run of P starting from c. Formally, is the smallest subset of (P×Γ*)×2(P×Γ*) such that
The function preP: 2P×Γ*→2P×Γ* is now defined as follows: c belongs to preP(C) if some immediate successor of c is contained in C. We denote by pre*P the transitive closure of preP, viz., pre*P(C)={c∈P×Γ*}. A set C of configurations is regular if for each control location p∈P the language {w∈Γ*|(p, w)∈C} is regular.
For each action a, we define a relation
as follows: if
for every v∈Γ*. We say that (q, γv) is an immediate predecessor of (q′, wv) and (q′, wv) an immediate successor of (q, γv). The reachability relation is the reflexive and transitive closure of the immediate successor relation. The predecessor function pre*:2C→2C of P is defined as follows: c belongs to pre*(C) if some successor of c belongs to C. We define post*(C) similarly.
Alternating Multi-Automaton.
Alternating Multi-Automata are used to capture regular (potentially infinite) sets of configurations of an APDS in a finite form. Let P=(P, Γ, c0, Δ) be an alternating pushdown system, where P={p1, . . . , pm}. A P alternating-multi-automaton (P-AMA for short) is a tuple A=(Γ, Q, δ, I, F) where Q is a finite set of states, I={si, . . . , sm}⊂Q is a set of initial states and F⊂Q is a set of final states, and δ is a function that assigns to every pair of Q×Γ a positive boolean formula with Q as a set of variables. Equivalently, we can represent δ as a set of transitions which are elements of (Q×Γ)×2Q. The transition relation →⊂Q×Γ*×2Q is the smallest relation satisfying
We define the transition relation →⊂Q×Γ*×Q as the smallest relation satisfying the following: (i) if (q, γ, q′)∈δ then
for every q∈Q, and (iii) if
We say that A accepts a configuration (pi, w) iff
for some q∈F. The set of configurations recognized by A is denoted by Conf(A).
Defining The Product APDS.
We define the product Ti=(Piφ, Γi, Δiφ), where
Enumerating All Possible Locksets at Control Location of PDS.
If we want to check whether a set L of locks can be held at p, then we can introduce an extra control state cL in Ti and cause Ti to transit to cL only if the thread Ti currently holds exactly the locks in L. Then the problem reduces to checking whether control state Ti is reachable in Ti which can be accomplished in polynomial time in the size of the control state of Ti. Note that we need to model check only Ti and not the entire concurrent program, since any local computation of Ti in a computation of CP can be mimicked by executing only Ti and letting other processes stutter in their initial states without executing any transition and not offering any competition for locks to Ti, i.e., by Ti alone.
This application claims the benefit of and is a non-provisional of U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/665,660, entitled “MODEL CHECKING THREADS FOR LTL PROPERTIES,” filed on Mar. 28, 2005, and U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/726,460, entitled “MODEL CHECKING THREADS FOR BRANCHING-TIME PROPERTIES,” filed on Oct. 13, 2005, the contents of which are incorporated by reference herein. This application is also related to U.S. Non-Provisional Application No. 11/174,791, entitled “METHOD FOR STATIC ANALYSIS OF CONCURRENT MULTI-THREADED SOFTWARE,” filed on Jul. 5, 2005, the contents of which are incorporated by reference herein.
Number | Date | Country | |
60665660 | Mar 2005 | US | |
60726460 | Oct 2005 | US |