- 1. A fail safe, crashworthy a modular passenger semi trailer with a semi trailer cabin structure module, a pneumatic unipoint suspension and a wheel unit disposed within a lower structure module, the improvement comprising:
said modular passenger semi trailer being pulled along a road by a tractor, said modular passenger semi trailer and said tractor being interconnected by a downwardly projecting oversized diameter king pin installed in a towplate compartment, the oversized diameter king pin member being pivotally connected to a tractor fifth wheel plate being generally rearwardly positioned on said tractor, the vehicle load being urged downwardly upon a tractor drive wheels, a vehicle length said semi trailer cabin structure module being framed by a cabin rollcage structure,being comprised of:
(a) a right cabin rollover tube, a left cabin rollover tube, the rollover tube members being vehicle length; (b) a plurality of cabin bulkheads slidably assembled at spaced intervals and securely attached along said cabin rollover tubes; (c) a plurality of cabin former assemblies slidably assembled at spaced intervals and securely attached along said cabin rollover tubes, interconnecting, said cabin bulkheads, said cabin former assemblies together forming the first assembled segment of said cabin rollcage structure; (d) a right side segmented cabin sideplate, a left side cabin sideplate, the cabin sideplate members being vehicle length; (e) a cabin floorplate being vehicle length, interconnecting, securely affixed to lowermost disposed portions of said right side segmented cabin sideplate, said left side cabin sideplate, forming a vehicle length channel structure together forming the second assembled segment of said cabin rollcage structure, interconnecting, securely attaching the first and second rollcage structure assemblies; (f) a cabin covering material, being lightweight, rigid, having a plurality of right and left side windows disposed therein and said cabin covering material cooperating with said right side segmented plate having at east two right side cabin doors disposed therein; (g) a plurality of a typical passenger cabin seats disposed within said enclosed semi trailer cabin structure module.
- 2. A fail safe, crashworthy said modular passenger semi trailer according to claim 1, said semi trailer cabin structure module is securely affixed and disposed upon a single, top, flat production joint face of said lower structure module.
said single, top, flat production joint face is comprised of a of plurality of upper faces of the generally vertically disposed longitudinal, transverse and diagonal members of said lower structure module. said fully assembled and fully occupied modular passenger semi trailer has a manufactured and operational vertical center of gravity below a pendulous longitudinal axis datum line of said modular passenger semi trailer, wherein the datum line is generally horizontally disposed reference line that is generally parallel to the level surface of the road, the vertical height of the datum line being established at the point of contact of said tractor fifth wheel plate with the lowermost face of generally horizontally disposed portion of the forward baseplate member of a towplate compartment, the datum reference continuing rearwardly and terminating at the apex of the convexed face of the a truncated hemisphere.
- 4. A fail safe, crashworthy said modular passenger semi trailer according to claim 1, said cabin bulkheads are slidably assembled at spaced intervals, securably fixed along said cabin rollover tubes,
(a) a forward closed cabin bulkhead one cooperating with a forward closed bulkhead two forming said closed forward compartment, serving as the most forward cabin bulkhead, (b) said closed cabin bulkhead two cooperating with a forward cabin door bulkhead forming a forward cabin compartment, (c) said forward door cabin bulkhead cooperating with an aft cabin door bulkhead forming a main cabin compartment, (d) said aft cabin door bulkhead cooperating with an end cabin door bulkhead forming an aft cabin compartment, wherein the cabin door bulkhead members having a cabin interior door cutout providing passenger interior access to various said cabin compartments, said end cabin door bulkhead having a aft cabin door allowing exterior access to said cabin compartments, wherein said main cabin compartment is formed by a plurality of said cabin former assembly members, slidably assembled at spaced intervals, securably fixed to the cabin rollover tube members, the cabin former assembly members constituting congruently profiled structural supports, first composing the enclosed interior main cabin compartment and secondly supporting the cabin covering material member, wherein the cabin sideplate members, being securely attached to the generally vertically disposed, abutting, recessed portions of the cabin former assembly members constitute an elevated rollover bend point for said cabin former assemblies, point being orientated at the juncture of uppermost, horizontally disposed plane of the cabin sideplate members, the cabin bulkhead members acting as fail safe, redundant structures for the cabin former assembly members, the cabin sideplate members further being securely attached to the generally vertically disposed, abutting, recessed portions of the cabin bulkhead members.
- 5. A fail safe, crashworthy said modular passenger semi trailer according to claim 4, the cabin bulkhead members and the cabin former assembly members cooperate, each using a hole for right cabin rollover tube, a hole for left rollover tube, each said rollover tube hole being commonly disposed within the uppermost portions of each of the cabin bulkhead, cabin former assembly members faces,
- 6. A fail safe, crashworthy a modular passenger semi trailer with a semi trailer cabin structure module, a pneumatic unipoint suspension and a wheel unit disposed within a lower structure module, the improvement comprising:
said lower structure module becomes a vehicle length, closed box beam construct once said semi trailer cabin module is juxtaposed, securely attached to said single, top, flat production joint face of said lower structure module, the vehicle length said lower structure module comprising a plurality of abutting, front to rear, closed box beam compartments including said towplate compartment, a forward spar compartment, a forward guideplate compartment, a cylinder compartment, a aft guideplate compartment, a aft spar compartment, wherein said lower structure module having a manufactured gross weight greater than the gross weight of equipped and fully occupied said passenger semi trailer cabin module facilitating a low vertical vehicle center of gravity, provides a limited freedom of vehicle rotation in response thereto along the reference of said pendulous longitudinal axis datum line, facilitating a self leveling urging of said modular passenger semi trailer as it operates over variable road surface conditions, wherein the maximum width of said lower structure module being determined and limited by the maximum vehicle width established by federal Department of Transportation standards for passenger carrying and industrial use semi trailer vehicles, the height of said lower structure module being determined by the approximate operational height of topmost disposed portion of said cylinder compartment being added to the approximate height of a wheel unit down to point of the centerline of an axle, said wheel unit occupying lowermost disposed portion of said cylinder compartment, the width and height dimensions resulting for said lower structure module forming an approximately defined rectangular side cross sectional structure, wherein a plurality of a spar planks provide a finalized, manufactured center of gravity point for the fully assembled said modular passenger semi trailer by the provision of juxtaposing said spar planks upon the lowermost adjacent faces of a right forward spar and a left forward spar, all four said spar planks collectively urging a shifting of the collective generally vertically disposed vertical center of gravity point, the generally horizontally disposed longitudinal and laterally center of gravity points according to,
(a) the weight of each of four said spar planks according to the length and material thickness of each said spar plank; (b) the weight of each of four said spar planks according to the placement of any individual said spar plank at any of four possible said forward spar placement locations; (c) the longitudinal, front to rear, placement of each of four said spar planks within said forward spar compartment.
- 7. A fail safe, crashworthy said lower structure module according to claim 6, the vehicle length, closed box beam structure being formed by a plurality of generally vertical longitudinal and transverse members and generally horizontal members, all members being securely attached to each other at abutting joints, wherein the lower structure module is comprised of:
(a) longitudinal members being a right sideplate, a right internal doubler plate, a left sideplate, a left internal doubler plate, a right forward spar, a left forward spar, a right aft spar, a left aft spar, (b) laterally transverse members being a forward plank of said towplate compartment; also including a forward diagonal plank one, a forward diagonal plank two, a forward diagonal plank three, a forward diagonal plank four and a closing plank of said towplate compartment; a generally vertically disposed portion of the forward baseplate member, a forward spar compartment bulkhead, said forward cylinder wall, said aft cylinder wall, an aft spar bulkhead, an aft spar compartment end bulkhead, (c) generally horizontal members being the forward baseplate member forming the lowermost disposed floor face of said towplate compartment, the mid baseplate member forming the lowermost disposed floor face of said forward spar compartment, said forward guideplate compartment, the aft baseplate member forming the lowermost disposed floor face of said aft guideplate compartment, said aft spar compartment, said cabin floorplate, wherein a right lower sideplate, a left lower sideplate, the sideplate members being vehicle length, generally vertically disposed, the most forwardly disposed portions of each of the lower sideplate member having a formed side profile determined by the horizontal, radiused and vertically disposed side profile of the forward baseplate member and having a generally rearwardly disposed, a right side wheel cutout, a left side wheel cutout, said wheel cutouts being congruently shaped and located in the lower sideplate, internal doubler plate members thereby allowing side access to said wheel unit being captively located in bottom portion of said cylinder compartment, wherein
(a) said right internal doubler plate being generally vertically disposed, juxtaposed, securely affixed to interior face of said right lower sideplate and said left internal doubler plate being generally vertically disposed, juxtaposed, securely affixed to interior face of said left lower sideplate the internal doubler plate members being of sufficient length to provide a fail safe longitudinal stiffening of a selected portion of said lower structure module, the height of the internal doubler plate members being approximately the height of the lower sideplate members.
- 8. A fail safe, crashworthy said lower structure module according to claim 6, having disposed within, said towplate compartment being the most forward, generally horizontally disposed compartment overhanging the aft end of said tractor, comprising:
the generally vertically disposed compartment members have congruent heights equal to the top faces of said right lower sideplate, said left lower sideplate, all compartment member top faces constituting said towplate compartment portion of said single, top, flat production joint face of said lower structure module, the compartment becoming a closed box beam construct with the assemblage of the cabin Doorplate member, (a) said forward baseplate, having a generally horizontally disposed portion forming a lowermost compartment floor face, a forward baseplate radius portion facilitating a transition to the generally vertically disposed member portion comprising the forward transverse member of said forward spar compartment, abutting, juxtaposed, securely affixed to forward edges of the lower sideplate, mid baseplate members of said forward spar compartment, wherein said towplate compartment is framed by the generally horizontally disposed members being said forward plank, at most forward transverse location, said closing plank at most rearward transverse location and the longitudinally disposed lower sideplate members forming the sides of the compartment, wherein (a) a king pin collar being of cylindrical form, generally horizontally and centrally disposed within towplate compartment, securely affixed upon the topmost face of the forward baseplate member, the collar member having a king pin tapered hole to facilitate the installation of a oversized diameter king pin, the collar member being centralized, secured in a fail safe manner upon the compartment floor face by four said forward diagonal planks, each of the plank members abutting, securely affixed to circumferential face of said king pin collar, each of the plank members radiating into, abutting, securely affixed to each interior corner of said towplate compartment, (b) said oversized diameter king pin of fail safe design having a king pin tapered shaft section on its upper portion of the downwardly projecting said king pin providing a quick change installation of the king pin member into the king pin collar member, both members being placed concentrically over, (c) a forward baseplate king pin hole, centrally disposed in the horizontal portion of the forward baseplate member.
- 9. A fail safe, crashworthy said lower structure module according to claim 6, having disposed within, a said forward spar compartment comprising:
the generally vertically disposed compartment members have congruent heights equal to the top faces of said right lower sideplate, said left lower sideplate, all compartment member top faces constituting said forward spar compartment portion of said single, top, flat production joint face of said lower structure module, the compartment becoming a closed box beam construct with the assemblage of the cabin floorplate member, wherein the vertically disposed portions of said forward baseplate, said forward spar bulkhead being the primary transverse structural members of said forward spar compartment, the right lower sideplate, right forward spar, left forward spar, left lower sideplate members being the primary longitudinal structural members of said forward spar compartment, said mid baseplate forming the generally horizontally, lowermost disposed portion of compartment floor face, is juxtaposed and securely affixed to the abutting portions of the primary lateral and primary longitudinal structural members of said forward spar compartment, wherein the four fail safe compartment length, longitudinally disposed primary longitudinal loadbearing members for said forward spar compartment are so formed that the structural failure of any two primary longitudinal loadbearing structures will not affect the operational roadworthiness of said modular passenger, said right forward spar, said left forward spar being spaced apart from each other in a parallel disposition within the forward spar compartment, each of the primary loadbearing members are comprised of a compartment length, generally horizontally disposed plates and a plurality of the right angle, compartment length members, all facilitating compartment fail safe structural stiffening and vehicle weight and balance criteria; (a) the primary outboard loadbearing member of said forward spar compartment being said right lower sideplate having a forward upper angle six juxtaposed, securely affixed to its topmost inner face and a forward lower angle six juxtaposed, securely affixed to its lowermost inner face, the assemblage constituting the inward facing channel member, (b) the primary inboard loadbearing member of said forward spar compartment being said right forward spar upper portion being comprised of a right forward spar web being generally vertically disposed having a forward upper angle five being juxtaposed, securely affixed upon right, top face of said right forward spar web, a forward upper angle four juxtaposed, securely affixed upon left, top face of said right forward spar web, the assemblage constituting a right forward top spar cap, said right forward spar lower portion being comprised of a right forward spar web being generally vertically disposed having a forward lower angle five, a spar plank four, being cooperatively juxtaposed, securely affixed upon right, lower face of said right forward spar web, said right forward spar lower portion being comprised of a right forward spar web being generally vertically disposed having a forward lower angle four, a spar plank three, being cooperatively juxtaposed, securely affixed upon left, lower face of said right forward spar web, (c) the primary inboard loadbearing member of said forward spar compartment being said left forward spar upper portion being comprised of a left forward spar web being generally vertically disposed having a forward upper angle three being juxtaposed, securely affixed upon right, top face of said left forward spar web, a forward upper angle two juxtaposed, securely affixed upon left, top face of said left forward spar web, the assemblage comprising a left forward top spar cap, said left forward spar lower portion being comprised of a left forward spar web being generally vertically disposed having a forward lower angle three, a spar plank two, being cooperatively juxtaposed securely affixed upon right, lower face of said left forward spar web, said left forward spar lower portion being comprised of a left forward spar web being generally vertically disposed having a forward lower angle two, a spar plank one, being cooperatively juxtaposed, securely affixed upon right, lower face of said left forward spar web, the generally horizontally disposed lower portion of said right forward spar, said left forward spar are juxtaposed, securely affixed upon lowermost compartment floor face of said mid baseplate, (d) the primary outboard loadbearing member of said forward spar compartment being said left lower sideplate having a forward upper angle one juxtaposed, securely affixed to its topmost inner face and a forward lower angle one juxtaposed, securely affixed to its lowermost inner face, the assemblage constituting an inward facing channel member, (e) the forward right and left spar members, being spaced apart, provide a forward attachment point for a future antijacknife restraint apparatus, the apparatus projecting through a future opening in the vertical portion of the forward baseplate member, wherein the plurality of the compartment plate and right angle members, and the spar plank members disposed within said forward spar compartment individually cooperate according to weight, balance and strength manufacturing criteria insuring a low vertical center of gravity point for said lower structure module.
- 10. A fail safe, crashworthy said lower structure module according to claim 6, having disposed within, said forward guideplate compartment and said aft guideplate compartment comprising:
the generally vertically disposed compartment members have congruent heights equal to the top faces of said right lower sideplate, said left lower sideplate, all compartment member top faces constituting said forward guideplate, aft guideplate compartment portions of said single, top, flat production joint face of said lower structure module, the compartments becoming a closed box beam construct with the assemblage of the cabin floorplate member, wherein said forward guideplate compartment having an open face at its aft, vertically transverse orientated plane, the open face being adjacent to the forward plane of said cylinder compartment, said aft guideplate compartment having an open face at its forward, vertically transverse orientated plane, the open face being adjacent to the aft plane of said cylinder compartment, wherein said forward guideplate compartment has,
(a) a right forward guideplate, a left forward guideplate, both forward guideplate members vertically and centrally disposed, set apart so as to sandwich (b) a forward swivel block, a forward cam block, both block members being pivotably mounted on the forward external extension of a wheel unit shaft, both block members being slidably operative between both forward guideplate members, (c) said aft guideplate compartment has a right aft guideplate, a left aft guideplate, both aft guideplate members vertically and centrally disposed, set apart so as to sandwich (d) a aft swivel block, a aft cam block, both block members being pivotably mounted on the aft external extension of a wheel unit shaft, both block members being slidably operative between both forward guideplate members, the combined guideplate, cam block and swivel block members providing precise centerline alignment of the wheel unit member with said lower structure module datum line while further captively locating the wheel unit member within the lower portion of said cylinder compartment, wherein
a right forward guideplate contact face, being generally vertically disposed, is aligned with the aft edge of said mid baseplate, a left forward guideplate contact face, being generally vertically disposed, is aligned with the aft edge of said mid baseplate, a right aft guideplate contact face, being generally vertically disposed, is aligned with the aft edge of said aft baseplate, a left aft guideplate contact face, being generally vertically disposed, is aligned with the aft edge of said aft baseplate, wherein the open faces of the forward and aft guideplate compartments are reinforced, whereby,
(a) both the uppermost portions of the forward guideplate members abut and are securely attached to the generally horizontally disposed lower face of said cabin floorplate, while the lowermost portions of the forward guideplate members abut and are securely attached to the generally horizontally disposed upper face of said mid baseplate, (b) both the uppermost portions of the aft guideplate members abut and are securely attached to the generally horizontally disposed lower face of said cabin floorplate, while the lowermost portions of the aft guideplate members abut and are securely attached to the generally horizontally disposed upper face of said aft baseplate, the vertical dispositions of the guideplate members facilitating a reinforcement of the open faced portions of each closed box beam guideplate compartment.
- 11. A fail safe, crashworthy said lower structure module according to claim 6, having disposed within, said cylinder compartment comprising:
the generally vertically disposed compartment members have congruent heights equal to the top faces of said right lower sideplate, said left lower sideplate, all compartment member top faces constituting said cylinder compartment portion of said single, top, flat production joint face of said lower structure module, the compartment becoming a closed box beam construct with the assemblage of the cabin floorplate member, (a) said cylinder compartment upper portion forming an airtight enclosure, facilitating a air chamber generally horizontally disposed above a piston assembly, said piston assembly reciprocally movable in the uppermost portion of said cylinder compartment, (b) the cylinder compartment wall members comprising the inwardly disposed faces of said left internal doubler plate, a cylinder comer one, said forward cylinder wall, a cylinder corner two, said right internal doubler plate, a cylinder comer three, said aft cylinder wall, a cylinder corner four, all cylinder wall members securely affixed to each other, the inwardly, generally vertically disposed cylinder wall faces forming a smooth, operational face, operational air pressure being supplied by (c) a cylinder compartment compressor equipment, the air pressure entering said air chamber through a aft cylinder wall air pressure supply hole, the operational air pressure sensed by a aft cylinder wall air pressure hole, wherein (d) the uppermost disposed portion of said cylinder compartment, the approximate operational height of said forward cylinder wall, said aft cylinder wall is the accumulated distances of; (e) the operational distance between the generally horizontally disposed lower face of said cabin floorplate, which forms the compartment cylinder head, and the generally horizontally disposed upper face of a piston resilient material pad when there is the predetermined amount of operational air pressure contained in said air chamber; (f) the mechanical distance as measured from the upper face of said piston resilient material pad to the generally horizontally disposed lower face of the rim of a lower seal carrier piston skirt; (g) the operational distance that is sufficient for the normally downwardly reciprocal movements of said piston assembly that occurs during all phases of over the road operations of the vehicle, wherein (h) the uppermost disposed portion of said cylinder compartment is comprised of the primary transverse structural members, said forward cylinder wall, said aft cylinder wall, a typical guideplate cylinder wall cutout in upper portions of the four guideplates reinforcing the central portions of each cylinder wall preventing transverse twisting, bowing distortions of the cylinder walls while stiffening the upper portions of the right side primary longitudinal structural members, said right lower sideplate, said right inboard doubler plate and left side primary longitudinal structural members, said left lower sideplate, said left internal doubler plate (i) the lowermost disposed portion of the cylinder compartment is open at its lowermost portion to allow the installation of a pneumatic unipoint suspension, said truncated hemisphere, said wheel unit, said lower structure module having its lowermost portions defined by said aft baseplate member forming the lowermost disposed floor face of said towplate compartment, a mid baseplate forming the lowermost disposed floor face of said forward spar compartment and said forward guideplate compartment, a aft baseplate forming the lowermost disposed floor face of said aft guideplate compartment and said aft spar compartment.
- 12. A fail safe, crashworthy said lower structure module according to claim 6, having disposed within, said aft spar compartment comprising:
the generally vertically disposed compartment members have congruent heights equal to the top faces of said right lower sideplate, said left lower sideplate, all compartment member top faces constituting said aft spar compartment portion of said single, top, flat production joint face of said lower structure module, the compartment becoming a closed box beam construct with the assemblage of the cabin floorplate member, disposed within said aft spar compartment there is,
(a) said aft spar bulkhead, said aft spar compartment end bulkhead being the primary transverse structural members of said aft spar compartment, (b) said right lower sideplate and said right internal doubler plate, said right aft spar, said left aft spar, said left lower sideplate and said left internal doubler plate being the primary longitudinal structural members of said aft spar compartment, said aft baseplate, forming the generally horizontally, lowermost disposed portion of compartment floor face, is juxtaposed, securely affixed to the lowermost portions of the primary lateral and longitudinal structural members of said aft spar compartment, wherein the four fail safe,
(c) longitudinally disposed primary longitudinal loadbearing members for said aft spar compartment are so formed that the structural failure of any the two primary longitudinal loadbearing members will not affect the operational roadworthiness of said modular passenger semi trailer, said right aft spar, said left aft spar being oriented apart from each other in a parallel disposition within the compartment, wherein
(d) both of the outboard primary loadbearing members are comprised of a compartment length, generally horizontally disposed said right lower sideplate, said right inboard doubler plate being juxtaposed, securely attached to each other forming a dual plate redundant structure, generally horizontally disposed said left lower sideplate, said left inboard doubler plate being juxtaposed, securely attached to each other forming a dual plate redundant structure, (e) both of the inboard primary loadbearing members are comprised of a compartment length generally horizontally disposed plates and a plurality of the right angle, compartment length members all facilitating compartment fail safe structural stiffening and vehicle weight and balance criteria, (f) the primary inboard loadbearing member of said aft spar compartment being said right aft spar upper portion being comprised of a right aft spar web being generally vertically disposed having a aft upper angle four being juxtaposed, securely affixed upon right, top face of said right aft spar web, a aft upper angle three juxtaposed, securely affixed upon left, top face of said right aft spar web, the assemblage constituting a typical right aft spar cap, said right aft spar lower portion being comprised of a right aft spar web being generally vertically disposed having a aft lower angle four, being cooperatively juxtaposed, securely affixed upon right, lower face of said right aft spar web, a aft lower angle three, being cooperatively juxtaposed, securely affixed upon left, lower face of said right aft spar web, (g) the primary inboard loadbearing member of said aft spar compartment being said left aft spar upper portion being comprised of a left aft spar web being generally vertically disposed having a aft upper angle two being juxtaposed, securely affixed upon right, top face of said left aft spar web, a aft upper angle one juxtaposed, securely affixed upon left, top face of said left aft spar web, the assemblage constituting a typical left aft top spar cap, said left aft spar lower portion being comprised of a left aft spar web being generally vertically disposed having a aft lower angle two, being cooperatively juxtaposed, securely affixed upon right, lower face of said left aft spar web, a aft lower angle one, being cooperatively juxtaposed, securely affixed upon left, lower face of said left aft spar web, herein the generally horizontally disposed lower portion of said right aft spar, said left aft spar are juxtaposed, securely affixed upon lowermost compartment floor face of said aft baseplate, wherein the generally horizontally disposed members and a plurality of the topmost right angle members have congruent heights equal to the top faces of said right lower sideplate, said left lower sideplate, all top faces constituting a compartment portion of said single, top, flat production joint face of said lower structure module, wherein the plurality of the right angle members and the spar web members disposed within said aft spar compartment individually cooperate according to weight, balance and strength manufacturing criteria insuring a low vertical center of gravity point for said lower structure module.
- 13. A fail safe, crashworthy said lower structure module according to claim 6, having disposed within, said aft spar compartment comprising:
(a) a central cavity portion disposed between said left aft spar and said right aft spar in which there are provided in said central cavity portion of said aft spar compartment: (b) a gasoline powered electrical generator unit, said generator air inlet opening in a generally, centrally disposed position within said aft spar bulkhead facilitating the entrance of fresh onrushing air to said gasoline powered electrical generator unit into said central cavity to a generator exhaust slots disposed within said aft spar compartment access door, (c) the output air pressure of a electrically powered air compressor communicated through pressure loop members in which there are provided within the upper portion of said central cavity of said aft spar compartment, pressure loop members comprising:
(d) a supply air pressure line, and, further including in which there are provided within the upper portion of said aft bulkhead compartment, a continuation of the pressure loop members comprising:
(e) a aft spar bulkhead air pressure supply hole; (f) a air supply line check valve, (g) a air supply line hose (h) a aft cylinder wall air pressure supply hole pressurizing said air chamber in the upper portion of said cylinder compartment, said piston assembly is downwardly urged which raises aft end of said modular passenger semi trailer, producing the predetermined amount of operational air pressure within said air chamber, the air pressure being sensed and communicated by the interconnecting feed back loop members in which there are provided within the upper portion of said aft guideplate compartment, the sense loop members comprising:
(i) a aft cylinder wall air pressure sense hole: (j) a air sense line hose; (k) a aft spar bulkhead air pressure sense hole, and, further including in which there are provided within the upper portion of said central cavity of said aft spar compartment, a continuation of the sense loop members comprising:
(l) a sense air pressure line, the output air pressure being automatically regulated by:
(m) a low air pressure switch; (n) a low air pressure switch power cable; (o) a electrical generator power cable; (p) a electrical powered air compressor, and, wherein the predetermined amount of operational air pressure being sensed will open at a predetermined setting the normally closed said air pressure switch, interrupting the flow of electrical power in said low air pressure switch power cable discontinuing the operation of a electrical powered air compressor, thereby achieving the predetermined amount of operational air pressure in the air chamber, wherein should the predetermined amount of operational air pressure be lost in said air chamber, that underpressure condition will be sensed through the feed back loop members, thereafter said low air pressure switch will close at a predetermined pressure setting thereby energizing said electrical powered air compressor, the air pump member operation again being reactivated by:
(q) an underpressure event created by an upward motion of said piston assembly moving in response to a slow leakage failure by a upper piston seal and a lower piston seal, both seals being fail safe redundant members, a second operational condition being, (b) an underpressure event created by a downward motion of said piston assembly moving in response to an rapid reaction of said piston assembly and said wheel unit due to an encounter with a substantial wheel unit wide depression in the road surface, wherein any underpressure event caused by a collective failure of the piston seal members will urge the piston assembly to move upward in the said cylinder compartment providing an operational condition where a piston resilient material pad will be eventually juxtaposed upon the generally horizontally lower face of said cabin floorplate causing the upward motion of the piston assembly to cease while also providing a fail safe measure of shock absorption of road vibrations, and, further still, the predetermined amount of operational air pressure for said air chamber may be alternately and manually initially supplied to said air chamber and thereafter be unregulated by either an onboard air pressure source, a external air pressure source, the provided air pressure flowing through the pressure loop members and thereafter being sensed through the feed back loop members which may be further interconnected to an air pressure gauge which may be conveniently located within said modular passenger semi trailer.
- 14. A fail safe, crashworthy said lower structure module according to claim 6, having disposed within, said cylinder compartment comprising:
the generally vertically disposed compartment members have congruent heights equal to the top faces of said right lower sideplate, said left lower sideplate, all compartment member top faces constituting said cylinder compartment portion of said single, top, flat production joint face of said lower structure module, the compartment becoming a closed box beam construct with the assemblage of the cabin floorplate member, disposed within said cylinder compartment there is said piston assembly comprising:
(a) a piston plate being of substantial size, formed of a generally, horizontally disposed plate having a exterior top profile closely congruent with the interior top profile of said cylinder compartment; (b) a upper seal carrier being of substantial size, formed of an outwardly facing channel shaped flange having an exterior top profile closely congruent with said piston plate, the flange being juxtaposed, securely attached upon the generally, horizontally disposed top face of said piston plate; (c) a upper seal being of substantial size and shape, being disposed within said upper seal carrier channel concavity, said upper seal being formed of an appropriate material, appropriate mechanism to prevent the loss of air pressure contained in said air chamber above said piston assembly; (d) a lower seal carrier piston skirt being of substantial size, formed of an upper outwardly facing channel shaped flange portion having an exterior top profile closely congruent with said piston plate, said lower seal carrier piston skirt being juxtaposed, securely attached upon the generally, horizontally disposed bottom face of said piston plate; the lower piston skirt flange portion being formed and extending downwardly for an approximate distance of three times that of the height of the upper channel shaped flange portion of said lower seal carrier piston skirt; (e) a lower seal being of substantial size and shape, being disposed within said lower seal carrier channel concavity, said lower seal being formed of an appropriate material, appropriate mechanism to prevent the loss of air pressure contained in said air chamber above said piston assembly; (f) the first member of the unipoint construct comprising a piston socket being centrally disposed, securely affixed upon the bottom face of said piston plate, said piston socket having a downwardly facing concavity that accepts the upper convexed shaped portion of said truncated hemisphere, and, (g) the second member of the unipoint construct comprising being congruently shaped, rotatably operative and compressively sandwiched within the downwardly facing concavity of said piston socket, said truncated hemisphere having a flat bottom portion which slidably operates upon the flat, upper face of a platform plate of the said wheel unit, wherein
said air chamber contains a high air volume, low air pressure, the total force acting downwardly over said piston assembly the total force thereafter being centrally transmitted to the centrally disposed, unipoint said piston socket, unipoint said truncated hemisphere, both unipoint members moving articulately in response to a variety of motions of said wheel unit, both of the unipoint members not transmitting any torque upon said modular passenger semi trailer.
- 15. A fail safe, crashworthy said lower structure module according to claim 6, having disposed within the bottom portion said cylinder compartment comprising:
(a) a wheel unit bottom plate being generally horizontally disposed, generally rectangular in top cross sectional shape, forming the lowermost floor portion of said wheel unit upon which are abutted, securely attached a plurality of generally vertically disposed members; (b) a wheel unit forward plate having juxtaposed, securely affixed to its aft face, congruently formed a bearing plate one, forward plate member having an appropriate clearance hole for a wheel unit shaft, the bearing plate one member having an appropriate bearing clearance hole for installation of a shaft bearing one, both clearance holes being concentric to one another and formed along a wheel unit longitudinal roll axis; (c) a internal support plate one having juxtaposed, securely attached to its aft face, congruently formed a bearing plate two support plate one member having an appropriate clearance hole for said wheel unit shaft, the bearing plate two member having an appropriate bearing clearance hole for installation of a shaft bearing two, both clearance holes being concentric to one another and formed along a wheel unit longitudinal roll axis; (d) a internal support plate two having juxtaposed, securely attached to its forward face, congruently formed bearing plate three support plate one member having an appropriate clearance hole for said wheel unit shaft, the bearing plate two member having an appropriate bearing clearance hole for installation of a shaft bearing two, both clearance holes being concentric to one another and formed along a wheel unit longitudinal roll axis; (e) a wheel unit end plate having juxtaposed, securely affixed to its forward face, congruently formed a bearing plate four, forward plate member having an appropriate clearance hole for a wheel unit shaft, the bearing plate one member having an appropriate bearing clearance hole for installation of said shaft bearing four, both clearance holes being concentric to one another and formed along a wheel unit longitudinal roll axis; (f) said wheel unit platform plate being generally horizontally disposed, generally square in top cross sectional shape, forming the central topmost portion of said wheel unit upon which are abutted, securely attached a plurality of generally vertically disposed support plate one, bearing plate two members abutting, securely affixed to forward edge of generally horizontally said wheel unit platform plate, both members being higher than forward plate, bearing plate one members, support plate two, bearing plate three members abutting, securely affixed to aft edge of generally horizontally said wheel unit platform plate, both members being higher than end plate, bearing plate four members, (g) a wheel unit forward angled plate being generally horizontally disposed, generally rectangular in top cross sectional shape, forming the forward topmost portion, abutting, securely attached to forward edge of said wheel unit platform plate, sloping downward, abutting, securely attached to the topmost edges of said wheel unit forward plate, said bearing plate one; (h) a wheel unit aft angled plate being generally horizontally disposed, generally rectangular in top cross sectional shape, forming the aft topmost portion, abutting, securely attached to aft edge of said wheel unit platform plate, sloping downward, abutting, securely attached to the topmost edges of said wheel unit end plate, said bearing plate four; (i) a wheel unit right sideplate having a side cross sectional profile matching a plurality of edges for top platform plate, forward angled plate, forward plate, bottom plate, end plate and aft angled plate members, abutting, securely attached to this plurality of members forming said wheel unit being a closed box beam structure having a forward cavity, center cavity and aft cavity enclosures, wherein said wheel unit is comprised of a three fixed through axle design, devoid of conventional suspension apparatus, devoid of conventional suspension hardware,: (j) a axle tube one, a wheel axle one of fixed through axle design, both the tube and axle members transversely disposed and project out from clearance holes disposed in the lower central portion of forward cavity, the leftmost projection of said axle one supporting a wheel group one comprising dual wheels, tires and brake unit, the rightmost projection of said axle one supporting a wheel group two comprising dual wheels, tires and brake unit, (k) a axle tube two, a wheel axle two of fixed through axle design, both the tube and axle members transversely disposed and project out from clearance holes disposed in the lower central portion of central cavity, the leftmost projection of said axle two supporting a wheel group three comprising dual wheels, tires and brake unit, the rightmost projection of said axle two supporting a wheel group four comprising dual wheels, tires and brake unit, (l) a axle tube three, a wheel axle three of fixed through axle design, both the tube and axle members transversely disposed and project out from clearance holes disposed in the lower central portion of central cavity, the leftmost projection of said axle three supporting a wheel group five comprising dual wheels, tires and brake unit, the rightmost projection of said axle three supporting a wheel group six comprising dual wheels, tires and brake unit, (m) a brake system air supply line comprising of a standard flexible hose assembly, disposed and securely attached to standard air inlet fitting on said wheel unit, the air supply line member supplying brake air pressure to the standard brake actuator units within said wheel unit.
- 16. A fail safe, crashworthy said lower structure module according to claim 6, having disposed within the bottom portion of said cylinder compartment, said wheel unit comprising:
(a) said wheel unit shaft, being pivotally disposed within said wheel unit, orientated along said wheel unit longitudinal roll axis, the support provided by a typical antifriction roller bearing, wherein the four roller bearing members disposed in front to rear arrangement, said shaft bearing one disposed within clearance hole in said bearing plate one, said shaft bearing two disposed within clearance hole in said bearing plate two, said shaft bearing three disposed within clearance hole in said bearing plate three, said shaft bearing four disposed within clearance hole in said bearing plate four, wherein the three shaft tubular spacer members disposed in a front to rear arrangement, pivotal slid over the shaft member provides positional retention of the bearing members, cooperatively defined as,
(b) a shaft tubular spacer one abutting, sandwiched between shaft bearing one, support plate one members, forward rim of spacer one member abutting a roller bearing inner race of the bearing one member, (c) a shaft tubular spacer two abutting, sandwiched between shaft bearing two, shaft bearing three members, forward rim of spacer two member abutting a roller bearing inner race of the bearing one, bearing two members, (d) a shaft tubular spacer three abutting, sandwiched between the support plate two members, forward rim of spacer three member abutting a roller bearing inner race of the bearing three member, (e) said wheel unit shaft, having a forward disposed projection beyond said wheel unit forward plate, provides pivotally assembled a forward cam block, a forward shaft swivel block, the block members slidably assembled over shaft projection, tightened by a forward shaft nut a forward shaft threaded end, the nut member safetied by installation of a forward shaft nut tapered pin installed into a forward shaft tapered hole, (f) the shaft member being held locationally captive in relationship with said lower structure module is provided by a right forward guideplate contact face being engaged, sandwiched into a forward cam block groove one, a left forward guideplate contact face being engaged, sandwiched into a forward cam block groove two, (g) said wheel unit shaft, having a aft disposed projection beyond said wheel unit end plate, provides pivotally assembled a aft cam block, a aft shaft swivel block, both the block members slidably assembled over the shaft member, tightened by a aft shaft nut a aft shaft threaded end, the nut member safetied by installation of a aft shaft nut tapered pin installed into a aft shaft tapered hole, (h) the shaft member being held locationally captive in relationship with said lower structure module is provided by a right aft guideplate contact face being engaged, sandwiched into a aft cam block groove one, a left aft guideplate contact face being engaged, sandwiched into a aft cam block groove two, wherein a forward cam apex to aft cam apex distance for the cam block members is less than a forward guideplate contact face to aft guideplate contact face distance for the guideplate members provides a freedom of movement of the shaft member as it moves in response to various road face conditions, wherein said wheel unit shaft assembled with the forward cam block, forward swivel block members being sandwiched, slidably operative between the forward guideplate members, the aft cam block, aft swivel block members being sandwiched, slidably operative between the aft guideplate members, provides said wheel unit with its captive positioning in the lower portion of said cylinder compartment is operatively described.
- 17. A fail safe, crashworthy said lower structure module according to claim 16, having disposed within the bottom portion of said cylinder compartment, the combined operating characteristics of the pneumatic unipoint suspension, wheel unit, wheel unit shaft and its external cam block, swivel block members comprises:
(a) said wheel unit shaft, being pivotally disposed within said wheel unit, orientated along said wheel unit longitudinal roll axis, support provided by a typical antifriction roller bearing, (b) said wheel unit, cooperating with the unipoint suspension members, the forward guideplate, aft guideplate members do not utilize any conventional suspension apparatus, conventional suspension hardware; (c) said wheel unit, is always disposed parallel to and orientated with said pendulous longitudinal axis datum line providing precise said wheel unit alignment with said modular passenger semi trailer as wheel unit member is pushed down the road as it cooperates with both aft guideplate members and while said modular passenger semi trailer completes vehicle turning events; (d) during braking and acceleration events, due to close operational clearances provided by the cam block members in relationship to the guideplate members, said wheel unit never imparts any braking recoil, acceleration recoil to said modular passenger semi trailer (e) during towing and turning events, said wheel unit cooperating with the unipoint suspension members, provided by the rotatable, slidable movements of the truncated hemisphere member, torque is never imparted to said modular passenger semi trailer, (e) during towing and turning events, said wheel unit cooperating with the unipoint suspension members, provided by the rotatable, slidable movements of the truncated hemisphere member, the wheel unit member operates reciprocally along a wheel unit vertical axis within the lower portion of said cylinder compartment, (f) during towing and turning events, said wheel unit cooperating with the unipoint suspension members, provided by the rotatable, slidable movements of the truncated hemisphere member and the guideplate members cooperating with the shaft cam block members, the wheel unit member operates along a wheel unit longitudinal roll axis, a wheel unit lateral axis within the lower portion of said cylinder compartment, wherein (g) the operating travel limits of the wheel unit member moving along said wheel unit lateral axis is provided by a forward shaft upper stop for the forward top limit, the topmost face of the mid baseplate member for the forward bottom limit, a aft shaft forward upper stop for an aft top limit, the topmost face of the aft baseplate member for the aft bottom limit.
- 18. A fail safe, crashworthy said lower structure module according to claim 6, an alternate embodiment, a modular freight semi trailer with a semi trailer flatbed module, a pneumatic unipoint suspension and a wheel unit disposed within a lower structure module, the improvement comprising:
- 19. A fail safe, crashworthy a modular vehicle with a upper structure module, one or more said pneumatic unipoint suspensions, one or more said wheel units disposed within said lower structure module, the improvement comprising:
(a) said modular vehicle is described and includes, but is not limited by, various vehicle types such as passenger semi trailers, industrial use semi trailers, busses, articulated busses, motorcoaches, passenger cars, taxicabs, sports utility vehicles, pickup trucks, trailers, trucks, passenger vans, cargo vans, motor homes, recreational vehicles, mobile homes, etc, wherein vehicle length, said upper structure module can be configured for either passenger or industrial use, said upper structure module having a cabin floorplate section that will cover and seal the uppermost portions of the said lower structure module portion that contains at least one three compartment configuration, the configuration comprising a leading guideplate compartment, a cylinder compartment, a trailing guideplate compartment, the three compartments housing a reciprocally operative, pneumatic pistion assembly being contained in the upper portion of the cylinder compartment, the wheel unit being contained in the lower portion of the three compartments, said wheel unit having a wheel unit shaft and exterior shaft unit members mechanically intervening with the leading, trailing guideplate compartments, wherein said cylinder compartment, said piston assembly can have a variety of top cross sectional profiles and sizes, the modular vehicle can also have one or more wheel units, any of which may be captively located in the lower portion of the cylinder compartment or allowed to swivel in the lower part of said cylinder compartment, the wheel unit can also be equipped internally with an engine and appropriate transmission which will power the modular vehicle along the road, wherein the said unipoint suspension may be attached to the wheel unit below it by an appropriate apparatus which will allow the wheel unit to operate along its veritical, longitudinal and vertical axis.
[0001] This application is entitled to the benefit of Provisional Patent Application serial No. 60/335,934 filed Nov. 2, 2001.
Provisional Applications (1)
Number |
Date |
Country |
60335934 |
Nov 2001 |
US |