The present invention relates to mobile telecommunications; in particular, to a method of communication of data in a mobile telecommunications network, to a mobile telecommunications network, to a transmitter and to a receiver.
The invention was made in the course of work relating to multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) telecommunications systems, but the invention can relate to other telecommunications systems.
Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) techniques are well known, and the reader is referred to, for example, G. J Foschini and M. J. Gans “On limits of wireless communications in a fading environment when using multiple antennas”, Wireless Personal Communications, vol. 6, pp. 311-335, 1998, as background. MIMO radio links have been suggested for use in code division multiple access (CDMA) networks, such as Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) telecommunications networks in particular with high-speed downlink packet access (HSDPA) schemes. The underlying idea of HSPDA is to increase the achievable data rates for a particular user through a combination of spreading code re-use across transmit antennas and higher-order modulation schemes. However, the code re-use inevitably results in high levels of interference at the mobile receiver, even under non-dispersive channel conditions.
In order to tackle such high interference levels, MIMO receivers based on the aposteriori probability (APP) detector have been proposed. In order to deal with dispersive channels (and hence to avoid sequence estimation) it is necessary to precede such an APP detector with a space-time channel equalizer, followed by a de-spreading operation which allows the APP to perform joint detection of bits transmitted from multiple antennas but corresponding to a single spreading code only, thereby resulting in a significant reduction in computational complexity.
More recently, a multi-stage partial parallel interference canceller (MS-PPIC) has been proposed as an alternative to the APP detector within the above-described receiver structure. Such interference cancellation (SIC) schemes have been considered for many years in the context of multi-user detection for the CDMA uplink.
When using high-order modulations, known MIMO receivers experience problems. For example, the MS-PPIC based detector is manageable in complexity, but provides poor performance for higher order modulations. On the other hand, the APP detector becomes too complex to implement due to its exponential growth in computational complexity.
Specifically, in the known MIMO receiver based on an APP detector but including also a space-time equaliser and a turbo decoder, the computational complexity of the detector grows exponentially both with the number of transmit antennas and with the modulation scheme. The APP (a posteriori probability) detector essentially compares the despread and pre-whitened received signal vector with all possible candidates (all possible symbol combinations from all transmitter antennas). Then the APP detector calculates soft outputs for the most likely transmitted symbol vector in the form of log-likelihood ratios (LLRs). With increasing numbers of transmitter antennas and modulation orders the number of possible candidates for the transmitted symbol vector, and hence the computational complexity, grows exponentially (2N
Furthermore, the computational complexity of a MIMO detector has a significant effect on both the area (and therefore price) of the integrated circuit that would include the MIMO detector, and also its power consumption (which relates to battery lifetime). These characteristics are important, especially for high speed transmissions to the user equipment in MIMO HSDPA (Multiple-Input Multiple Output—High Speed Downlink Packet Access mode) for UMTS.
An example of the present invention is a method of communication of data in a mobile telecommunications network involving at a transmitter first grouping data into a first sequence of bits and a second sequence of bits. There is then a step of modulating a signal with the bits of the first sequence so that the bits of the first sequence have a first level of communication error protection provided by the modulation and with the bits of the second sequence so that the bits of the second sequence have a second level of communication error protection provided by the modulation less than the first level of communication error protection. The signal is then transmitted. At a receiver, estimates of the bits of the first sequence from the signal are detected and contributions to the signal corresponding to the estimates are determined and cancelled from the signal so as to produce a modified signal. Estimates of the bits of the second sequence are then detected from the modified signal.
In some embodiments, at the transmitter, to handle higher order modulations, bit groups are encoded dependent on the level of protection provided by the modulation scheme. Bits which are to be given equivalent protection by the modulation scheme are encoded together in one block. In this way, in the receiver, the well-protected bits can be detected and their interference cancelled independently of the less-protected bits. Each data stream is detected (including being decoded) separately as 4-QAM symbols, and therefore with low computational complexity, even when the transmitted modulation scheme is 16-QAM, 64-QAM, 256-QAM or higher. This is achievable without loss of performance, in terms of bit error rate (BER) and frame error rate (FER).
In MIMO systems, this approach avoids the problem of known approaches of exponential growth in detector complexity with higher order modulation schemes such as 16-QAM and 64-QAM.
An example embodiment of the present invention will now be described with reference to the drawings, in which:
In a 4 Quadrature Amplitude Modulation or 4 Quadrature Phase Shift Keying modulation scheme, bits corresponding to each symbol are allocated the same amount of energy and are therefore given the same amount of protection by the modulation scheme. In higher order modulation schemes such as 16-QAM, 64-QAM or 256-QAM, the modulated bits are not equally protected. The inventors realised that this fact can be made use of to introduce a layered encoding scheme, whereby bits which are given equivalent protection by the modulation scheme are encoded together in one block.
This allows us to first detect and decode the bit blocks which are well-protected by the modulation scheme, and subsequently subtract their contribution from the received signal in order to reduce the interference for the remaining less-protected bit blocks.
In this way, the received 16/64/256-QAM modulated signal can be treated as the sum of separately encoded 4-QAM data-streams which can be detected sequentially with any 4-QAM detection algorithm. Therefore even very high-order modulations like 256-QAM become feasible, since the computational complexity per information bit stays constant and does not grow exponentially as in the known receivers.
The basic detection process for 16-QAM would work as follows:
At the transmitter 2, user data is encoded in encoders 4,6 using layered encoding scheme as described below, and then interleaved by interleavers 8,10. The coded data stream is de-multiplexed into NT sub-streams, corresponding to the NT transmit antennas. Each sub-stream is then modulated by a 16QAM modulator 12 on to NK 16-QAM symbols and subsequently spread by spreading stage 14 by a factor Q via a set of K orthogonal spreading codes prior to transmission by transmit antennas 16. Each transmitted spread stream then occupies N symbol intervals. Also note that the same set of K codes are re-used across all transmit antennas. Therefore, the MIMO propagation environment, which is assumed to exhibit significant multipath, plays a major role in achieving signal separation by receiving circuitry 18.
Layered Encoding at the Transmitter
For a so-called Gray-mapped 16-QAM constellation, each symbol xk(n)(t) is given by
The feature of layered encoding is exploited by the receiving circuitry 18, whereby the well-protected bits bk,0(n)(t) and bk,1(n)(t) are detected and decoded first. Due to the greater Euclidean distance associated with these bits, they can be estimated reliably using a 4-QAM detector which is part of a 4-QAM receiver 20, treating the signal contributions from the remaining bits as interference. The contribution of the estimated bits is subsequently cancelled from the received signal. This significantly reduces the interference for the remaining less-protected bits bk,2(n)(t) and bk,3(n)(t), which are only then detected and decoded.
In order for the well-protected and less-protected bits to be detected and decoded separately, it is required that they are also encoded separately at the transmitter 2. This is indicated in
In an alternative but otherwise similar embodiment (not shown) to the example embodiment, the performance of the layered encoding scheme is further improved by the encoding rate of each sequence being adapted to the method of detection and channel conditions, for example by puncturing or repetition of bits in the coded sequence. In this way, forward error correction coding is adjusted for each sequence, i.e. layer, so as effect a trade-off between protecting subsequent layers and minimising the error propagation from previous layers. By doing this the bit-error rate of the receiver can be improved without altering the average code rate for a transmitted data block.
We now return to describing the example embodiment.
MIMO Reception
The transmitted signals are received by NR receive antennas 22 after propagation through dispersive radio channels 24 with impulse response lengths of W chips. The received signal vector observed over the tth symbol interval may then be written as
The signal vector r is first applied to a processing stage 26 including a channel equalizer, de-spreader, and pre-whitener, then passed to the receiver 20.
As shown in
Receiver Circuitry
While the layered receiver process has been described for 16-QAM, it can be readily extended to 64-QAM or higher orders, whereby the receiver treats the transmitted symbols as the aggregate of three or more inter-dependent 4-QAM constellations corresponding to three classes or more of reliability.
The proposed scheme can be used to demodulate data sent using a layered encoded high-order modulation scheme such as 16- or 64-QAM, using any type of low complexity 4-QAM detector. The layered encoding scheme can be used with receiving circuitry including known non-iterative (standard) or known iterative 4-QAM receivers 20.
Space-Time Equalization
If optimum space-time detection were used, it would imply joint detection of KNT transmitted symbols per symbol epoch. For 4-QAM modulation, and for dispersive channels with intersymbol interference (ISI) extending over L symbols, this would require a search over a trellis containing 22(L+1)KN
Note that, in flat fading conditions (L=0) and for K orthogonal codes re-used over the transmit antennas, the number of trellis states reduces to a more realistic value of 22N
The equalization process in the equalizer of processing stage 26 inevitably causes noise colouring, which needs to be accounted for in the detection process.
The received signal over N symbol epochs is given by
The space-time equaliser removes most of the influence of the channel matrix H. As a result, assuming orthogonal spreading codes, the contribution of symbols transmitted using the kth spreading code can be retrieved at the output of the equalizer via the de-spreading operation of the despreader which is part of processing stage 26.
Even with complete access to channel state information, the space time equalisation can never fully eliminate the influence of the MIMO channel (the zero-forcing equalizer achieves this at the expense of noise enhancement). In other words, VH=D≠I, where D is a non-diagonal distortion matrix.
This has a number of implications with respect to the computation of pre-whitened sufficient statistics for input to the detector, as described next. The output of the equalizer may be written as
Considering only the NT rows of Eq. (8) corresponding to the tth symbol epoch, we have for t=1 . . . N
Accordingly, the pre-whitening with respect to interference and noise is
This pre-whitening function is performed by the pre-whitener which is part of processing stage 26.
Transversal Filter for Equalization
To avoid inaccuracies at block edges the matrix equaliser described in above Equation (7) is implemented as a transversal filter.
The channel matrix H consists of NR×NT sub-matrices, each of the form of a convolution matrix with the coefficients of the corresponding channel from transmitter antenna nT to receiver antenna nR. The property that the minimum mean square error (MMSE) equalizer matrix V also consists of convolution matrix type sub-matrices, which perform a filter operation in order to equalize each of the channels, is exploited to implement the equalizer using known transversal filters in which the weight coefficients w for each of the channels are derived from the block equalizer sub-matrices (m)V(n).
As shown in
Using this method, the maximum number of tap coefficients obtainable is NEQ. However, since the calculation of V includes a matrix inversion, increasing NE is undesirable due to the high increase in computational complexity.
For the transversal equalizer, the equalized signal for each receiver antenna can be written as
This operation is equivalent to the block equalization in Equation (7) for a block size over all N symbol epochs, assuming the number of taps of the filter are sufficient large, that the coefficient in upper right and lower left triangle of the matrix (m)V(n) which are not covered by the transversal equalizer approach zero. This operation is also equivalent to that shown schematically in
For the calculation of the pre-whitening matrix, the matrix equalizer matrix V is modified to match exactly the transversal filter operation. Then, the de-spreading and pre-whitening operation are performed as for the block-based equalization in Equations (8)-(12).
Approximate Modelling of the Equalizer Output
Since the equalizer effectively eliminates the channel dispersion, the remaining intersymbol interference (ISI), which leaks from each symbol in the next, is relatively small in comparison to the distortion from the remaining. Therefore, the contribution from other symbols to the sufficient statistics for the transmitter input is neglected and the NT rows of Eq. (8) corresponding to the ith symbol epoch are written as
One option as to the detector 28 to use in receiver 20 (see
Another option is a low complexity detector, namely a MS-PPIC detector. This detector can offer similar performance as the APP detector, at only about 20% of the computational complexity. Despite its low complexity, a receiver including the MS-PPIC detector is able to outperform an APP based receiver in dispersive channels, and also in combination with the layered encoding scheme.
These two types of detectors are considered in turn below.
A Posteriori Probability (APP) Detector
Consider pre-whitened sufficient statistics of the form
zw=Ax+ε (16)
With the availability of sufficient statistics zw, a detector is in a position to make a hypothesis x0 regarding the transmitted symbols. The probability that this hypothesis is correct is equal to the probability, P{x0|zw}, that x0 was indeed transmitted given zw. The maximum a posteriori probability (MAP) detector is defined as that which minimizes the probability of an incorrect hypothesis:
In the absence of such a priori information, the MAP detector degenerates into the maximum likelihood (ML) detector.
Soft outputs for the ith bit of the symbol vector x may be derived in the form of log-likelihood ratios (LLR) at the output of the MAP detector
Equation (19) represents what is commonly known as the a posteriori probability (APP) detector. Comparison of Eqs. (18) and (19) indicate that the signs of the above LLR values are equivalent to minimum probability of error (MAP) bit estimates.
As can be seen, the expression for the LLR is not computationally friendly and involves divisions, logarithms and exponentials The computation of the LLR can be simplified by exploiting the max-log approximation which states that In(eδ
Multi-Stage Parallel Interference Canceller
The multi-stage partial parallel interference canceller (MS-PPIC) detector is considered here as an alternative to APP-type detection in the context of MIMO downlink. The MS-PPIC detector is shown in
Having computed the set of pre-whitened sufficient statistics zw,k(t) for k=1 . . . K and t=1 . . . N, these vectors can be individually applied to the detector. Consider
zw=Ax+ε (21)
The matched filter output may then be written in the form
One could ignore the non-linearity and simply use the tentative estimates {circumflex over (x)}[m−1] directly in a linear cancellation process. It has been shown that (under certain constraints on the eigenvalues of S) the resulting linear MS-PIC converges to the MMSE joint-detector as the number of stages approaches infinity [ ]. At the other extreme, one could choose the function f{•} to be a mapping to the 4-QAM alphabet (i.e. a threshold operation). Such hard cancellation would perform well if and only if there was a high level of confidence regarding the reliability of tentative estimates {circumflex over (x)}[m−1].
In order to deal with cases where the tentative estimates are unreliable, one may instead use the expected value of the tentative estimates {circumflex over (x)}[m−1] in the cancellation process.
Finally, the M stages of parallel cancellation may be described as
Complexity Comparison
Table 1 shows a complexity comparison in multiplications per symbol period between comparative examples of a known receiver including an APP detector and the two proposed schemes based on reception of layered encoding (involving an APP detector and an MS-PPIC detector respectively). Each is considered in a scenario where there are 4 transmit antennas, 4 receive antennas and 1 bit of data becomes 3 encoded bits including error check data (denoted ⅓ rate coding). The computational complexity in the case of the known receiver including an APP detector (denoted “original APP” in the Table) grows exponentially. Therefore, when high-order modulations are used, the complexity becomes clearly prohibitive. On the other hand, it will be seen that with the proposed reception of layered encoding, the complexity per information bit stays constant for all modulations schemes. Additionally, the proposed scheme involving the MS-PPIC based detector reduces the complexity by a further 75% and allows high-speed MIMO receivers, capable of dealing with even 256-QAM modulation at very low computational complexity.
It is seen from the table that the proposed reception of layered encoding can have particular advantages in avoiding the exponential growth in complexity that occurs in known APP based receivers using higher order modulation. The receiver based on the APP detector and reception of layered encoding has an advantage that existing MIMO chips, can be reused to provide extremely high modulation schemes for MIMO HSDPA.
The receiver based on a MS-PPIC detector and reception of layered encoding has an advantage that computational complexity of the MS-PPIC detector is only 20% of the known APP-based receiver, and can achieve even better performance.
The reception of layered encoding scheme is not restricted to these two types of detectors, but can be used in conjunction with any 4-QAM capable detector.
Exploiting the layered encoding scheme in the proposed receivers (as described above) allows the use of higher order modulations (16-, 64-, 256-QAM) without exponential increase in computational complexity whilst maintaining good bit error rate/frame error rate (BER/FER) performance.