Stewart, B. M., Theory of Numbers, The MacMillan Company, 1952 pp. 111-112, and 133-135. |
Pohlig, Stephen C. and Martin E. Helman, "An Improved Algorithm for Computing Logarithms over GF(p) and Its Cryptographics Significance", IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. IT-24, No. 1, Jan. 1978. |
Abbruscato, C. R., "Data Encryption Equipment," IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 22, No. 9, Sep. 1984. |
Neuwirth, Lee, "A Comparison of Four Key Distribution Methods," Telecommunications, Jul., 1986. |
Barrett, Paul, MSc (Oxon), "Implementing the Rivest Shamir and Adleman Public Key Encryption Algorithm on a Standard Digital Signal Processor," Computer Security Ltd, Aug., 1986). |
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Sedlak, H. and Golze, U. "An RSA Cryptography Processor," Institute for Theoretisch Informatik Technische University Braunschweig (no date available). |
Matyas, Stephen M., "Public Key Registration" (no date available). |
Rankie, Gordon, Dr., "Thomas-A Complete Single Chip RSA Device." (no date available). |
Rivest, Ronald L., "RSA Chips (Past/Present/Future)," MIT Laboratory for Computer Science (no data available). |
Kochanski, Martin, "Developing an RSA Chip," Business Simulations, Ltd. (no date available). |
Brickell, Ernest F., "A Fast Modular Multiplication Algorithm with Application to Two Key Cryptography." (no date available). |
Orton, G. A., Roy, M. P., Scott, P. A., Peppard, L. E., and Tavares, S. E., "VLSI Implementation of Public-Key Encryption Algorithms," Department of Electrical Engineering, Queen's University. (no date available). |
Beth, T., Cook, B. M., and Gollmann, D., "Architectures for Exponentitation in GR(2.sup.n)." (no date available). |
Diffie, W. and M. E. Hellman, "New Directions in Cryptography", IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. IT-22, Nov. 1976, pp. 644-654. |