1. Field of invention
This invention relates to high power, infra-red lasers, more specifically, efficient laser diode excited solid state pumped molecular gas lasers and amplifiers.
2. Description of prior art
Mid-infrared vibrational-rotational transition lasers are well known. They are potentially very important as they have high power/high energy capability within critical atmospheric windows in the mid-wave infrared (MWIR) and long wave infrared (LWIR) spectral regions. These systems are typically energized using chemical interactions or electrical discharges. Chemically pumped systems are undesirable from the standpoint of the reactive precursors required, plus toxic exhaust product handling or release considerations. Electrical discharge pumped Carbon Monoxide (CO) lasers are less than successful as they generally emit at wavelengths greater than ˜5.6 μm which is above the ˜4.6 μm to ˜5.4 μm atmospheric transmission window. There is a clear need to replace chemical or electrical discharge excitation of these devices.
U.S. Pat. No. 7,145,931 (Diode Pumped Alkali-Molecular Lasers and Amplifiers) describes optically-pumped mid-infrared vibrational-rotational transition gas lasers and amplifiers with improved efficiency and practicality, to wit, inventive lasers and amplifier devices include: laser active media comprising a mixture of alkali vapor, selected hetero-nuclear molecular gas, and one or more buffer gases; conventional semiconductor laser diode pump sources with nanometer scale spectral bandwidths; and preferential laser emission in rovibrational transitions among relatively low-lying vibrational levels.
This is a laser diode pumped resonant transfer approach and is deficient for a number of reasons. It is deficient in that it is not configured for direct and selected excitation of higher vibrational levels as this is a resonant transfer approach, as distinct from the concept proposed herein where multiple principle and excited state overtone pumps are applied [
Additionally it has been asserted in the above cited patent (U.S. Pat. No. 7,145,931) that direct optical pumping of molecular transitions necessarily results in reduced performance from the pump source system because of the need to narrow the line width of these sources to match the line width of the molecular transitions concerned. Typically, for the gas system process presented herein, a rotational-vibrational line width will be in the range of 0.5 GHz to ˜2 GHz. This is equivalent to, for the pump concerned, ˜0.007 nm to 0.03 nm. Such interaction line widths do traditionally diminish solid state laser performance courtesy of the limitations of cross relaxation. However, the cited patent's assertion is deficient as this problem is amenable to the following mitigating features particular to this invention: (a) The specific full sustained cascade process, in a suitable gas optically pumped, can only arise for pump pulse durations significantly greater than several to many times the rotational manifold thermalization time constant of the pumped gas. Typically this implies optical pump durations greater than several hundred nanoseconds. Thus short pulse interactions are not suitable and not under consideration and thus the rapid cross relaxation in highly Tm doped YAG (Yttrium Aluminum Garnet), for example, in conjunction with its long excited state lifetime of ˜10 ms will allow for efficient narrow band extraction. Similarly cross relaxation in Tm:glass, as in fibers, is also rapid at high dopant levels. Solid state Tm doped pulsed systems tend to produce, or can be configured to produce, pulse lengths in the range desired which is greater than several hundred nanoseconds to microseconds; a case with Ceramic Tm:YAG has recently been demonstrated, the implication of which is that arbitrarily configured and scaled highly doped amplifier structures can be fabricated. (b) In the case of continuous wave (CW) fiber pumps, the medium is characterized by an inhomogeneously broadened gain distribution. It is possible to amplify several spectrally separate wavelength components in such a medium—enhancing the effective interaction bandwidth and thus system performance. This fact has natural synergism with the principle plus multi excited state overtone or multi principle overtone (differing rotational vibrational transitions) gas pump feature of the invention presented here. To a degree this behavior would also manifest for pulsed Tm:YAG, or YAP, YSGG or any other suitable solid state host, as system is quasi 4 level with different wavelengths between differing Stark components of the energy level structure and in response, inhomogeneously broadened.
This approach is also deficient, in regards of output spectral range accessible and thus for specific applications, in terms of the fact that resonant transfer systems in general (and as stated in the abstract (Krupke: U.S. Pat. No. 7,145,931)) offer preferential laser emission in ro-vibrational transitions among relatively low-lying vibrational levels. This as indicated will limit the spectral diversity achievable by pumping of higher vibrational levels which is directly addressable and may be intentionally tailored within the context of the invention presented here.
The article, CW Optical Resonance Transfer Lasers. [J. H. S. Wang et al, Journal de Physique, Colloque C9, supplement au n° 11, Tome 41, 1980, C9-463] describes wavelength-agile, single and multiline laser radiation that has been obtained from a subsonic gas flow system which is optically pumped with a multiline chemical laser. This optical resonance transfer laser (ORTL) concept was first demonstrated on the 10.6 μm DF/CO2 system in 1976. Since then, several infrared (IR) laser pumped molecular lasers have been demonstrated. The pump laser is either a CW (Continuous Wave) HF or DF chemical laser. Two classes of ORTL have been developed: inter- and intramolecular ORTLs. The demonstrated intermolecular systems include: 10.6 μm DF/CO2, 10.8 μm DF/N2O, 4.1 μm DF/HBr, 3.8 μm HF/DF and 3.85 μm HF/HCN. The intramolecular ORTLs include 2.9 μm HF/HF and 3.9 μm DF/DF. Demonstration experiments and the kinetics of ORTL systems will be described.
This was a fundamental cascade optically pumped followed by a fundamental cascade lasing response system. The approach of this article is deficient as there is no practical value to optically pumping HF with another HF laser. That is, there is no useful wavelength shift induced between pump input and output. The approach of this article is also deficient in that the pump chemical HF laser system utilized is impractical. Chemical lasers although in general efficient require exhaust product plus precursor fuel and oxidizer handling. If purely cold reaction discharge initiated by dissociation of halogen donor, then are typically inefficient plus still require product gas handling and high voltage.
The article, CW Optically Resonance Pumped Transfer Laser in DF-CO2 System [J. H. S. Wang et al, Applied Physics Letters, 31(1), 1977, 35-37] describes an optically pumped CW 10.6 μm DF/CO2 transfer laser that has been demonstrated. This has been accomplished by exciting a 3 cm×0.3 cm transfer laser medium, consisting of a 1:19:80 DF/CO2/He flowing gas mixture at 22 Torr and room temperature, with a 70 Watt multiline chemical DF laser. In the preferred ‘intracavity’ configuration where the transfer-laser medium was located in between the DF-laser resonator mirrors, 1.5 W of 10.6 μm power was out coupled. This power corresponds to a photon conversion efficiency of available DF-pump flux to out coupled transfer-laser flux of 6%. Analysis predicts that multiline DF laser-to-single-line CO2 photon conversion efficiencies exceeding 90% should be attainable in an optimized apparatus configuration.
This approach is deficient in that the pump laser is impractical. Chemical lasers although in general efficient require exhaust product plus precursor fuel and oxidizer handling. If purely cold reaction discharge initiated by dissociation of halogen donor, then are typically inefficient plus still require product gas handling and high voltage.
The article CW HF/HCN and HF/DF Optical Resonance Transfer Lasers [J. Finzi et al, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, QE-16(9), 1980, 912-914] describes that CW laser oscillation has been observed in HCN at 3.85-3.9 μm and in DF at 3.8-4.0 μm. Mixtures of HF/HCN/He and HF/DF/He were irradiated by a CW multiline HF chemical laser. Vibrational excitation of HF by resonance absorption, followed by rapid v-v energy transfer to HCN or DF, produced a population inversion. The HCN gain was estimated to be between 0.08 and 0.17 percent/cm. The DF gain was greater than 0.17 percent/cm and 25 mW of power were out coupled.
This approach is deficient in that the pump laser is impractical. Chemical lasers although in general efficient require exhaust product plus precursor fuel and oxidizer handling. If purely cold reaction discharge initiated by dissociation of halogen donor, then are typically inefficient plus still require product gas handling and high voltage.
It is the object of the present invention to provide for an efficient, at system electrical interface, laser diode excited Continuous Wave (CW) or quasi CW and pulsed energy capable, highly multispectral MWIR to LWIR laser system overcoming the shortcomings of prior art devices. The invention presented here is to use the synergism inherent in the recent development of efficient high power/high energy laser diode pumped Thulium (Tm), or Erbium (Er), doped solid state lasers and the matching of said systems useful spectral range with 1st (principle and excited state [
This system is absent primary chemical or discharge pumping, and is then absent the related fuel or exhaust product gas handling issues. Spectral agility is inherent in rotational manifold relaxation rates admitting efficient channeling of broadly multispectral output into desired atmospheric windows, or of output into atmospheric windows, or indeed into a near single frequency output comprised of multiple fundamental-transition cascade elements within atmospheric windows.
Implementation of multiple overtone pumps enhances interaction bandwidth with laser diode pumped solid state source (Tm or Er doped—any suitable solid state host) and thus optimizes efficiency of that system component, and thus of system globally.
Implementation of multiple, principle plus excited state, overtone pumps will permit selection of long wavelength edge of fundamental cascade output spectral range. Implementation of overtone pumps ensures a useful pump to output wavelength shift.
The accompanying drawings, which are incorporated into and form a part of the disclosure, illustrate embodiments of the invention, and together with the description, serve to explain the principles of the invention.
Definition of Deactivant or de-activant: a molecule or atom which may or may not efficiently serve to accept or dissipate excitation from another excited molecule, thus deactivating said molecule.
The invention presented here is to use the synergism inherent in the recent development of efficient high power/high energy laser diode pumped Thulium (Tm) doped solid state lasers and the matching of said systems useful spectral range with 1st (principle and excited state [
This multi spectral pump approach broadens the interaction bandwidth experienced by the solid state pump sources significantly above that of the typical single frequency narrow band matched to a single molecular transition approach, optimizing the efficiency of the solid state pump component of the system.
In addition, the identified methodology leverages a behavior characteristic of said gases, admitting a full sustained fundamental transition lasing cascade from more or less pump terminal level to ground (v→v−1→v−2 and so on [
Relevant gases are HCl, DF, HBr and by association CO2 if desired. CO2 is pumped via resonant transfer as per: HBr*+CO2→HBr+CO2*—reactions such as HCl*+CO2→HCL+CO2* and DF*+CO2→DF+CO2* represent the preferred embodiments of the resonant transfer methodology as the transition energy defect is minimized at high vibrational quantum number resulting in quenching of collisional mediated vibrational up pumping of donor species. The * superscript denotes excitation.
Solid state Er doped (Yb co-doped, as required, or other codopant) system spectral output overlays overtone transitions of other relevant gases. Said relevant gases are HI (2nd overtone) and HCN (0000->0002—a 1st overtone). HI and HCN will also function as donors in resonant transfer arrangements with CO. That is to say: H13CN*+CO→H13CN+CO* or HI+CO→HI+CO* in both cases of which the defect is less than or equal to background thermal kT.
In the case of resonant transfer systems spectral output may derive from both species—directly pumped donor and acceptor as determined by the component partial pressures and pump conditions.
Buffer gas components such as He, Argon, H2, N2 to be implemented as required.
In the case of hydrogen halide/deuterium halide, presence, the gas component would be biased with the related molecular halogen to yield chemical system energy recovery from up pumping driven dissociation plus closed cycle gas function. Closed cycle gas function, as understood here, specifically denotes the preservation of gas mix features, as recovery is to the initial specification, within some small acceptable variance. Molecular halogens are ineffective excitation deactivants and thus are tolerable at a significant partial pressure presence in system gas mix, which favors hot reaction scavenging of atomic hydrogen or deuterium dissociation products via reactions of the form: H+X2→X+HX*, which contribute to lasing and thus represent systemic recovery of useful energy. Utilization of H is merely for purposes of example, D is equally valid. Activation energies for the H+X2→X+HX* reactions are modest, resulting in favorable rates. Thus the optically pumped dissociation/recovery process is ultimately closed cycle as: M+HX (dissociation band)+X2→M+X+H+X2→M+2X+HX*→M+X2+HX+(lasing cascade photons) (M=generally any molecular or atomic collision partner). To reiterate, closed cycle gas function denotes specifically that the gas specifications, post recovery, are the same as initial specifications within some small acceptable variance.
Atomic halogen recombination rates (3 body process typically) thus represents the gas mix recovery systemic limiting factor. Simply operate system pulsed or quasi CW with adequate inter event timescale for recovery, alternatively implement gas flow.
At the simplest possible gas process level, with HCl as an example, HCl is optically pumped on a principle 1st overtone−v(0→2), plus several subsequent excited state 1st overtones such as v(1→3), v(3→5) and so on to the extent desired or possible [
As indicated a contributory component to enabling this approach is the recent appearance of highly efficient high power laser diode pumped Tm, or Er, doped solid state systems. Tuning spectral range of Tm solid state laser systems extends from ˜1.74 μm to ˜2.017 μm. Correspondence of this spectral range with 1st overtone transitions, principle and excited state, of HCl, DF and HBr is good. In the case of Er (perhaps Yb co-doped) matching with HCN and HI 1st and 2nd overtones respectively is equally good.
The H13CN isotopologue is of particular interest courtesy of its facility for near resonant transfer to CO. HI presents with similar capability, although a full fundamental cascade to ground process, lasing potential in vicinity of ˜4.7 μm to ˜5.2 μm of this molecule is also viable and of interest. Exchange reactions between CO and HCN, HI or I2 in mixes are improbable.
This general approach results in what effectively is a laser diode initiated/sustained/pumped efficient high power access to the MWIR and LWIR spectral regions via the identified hetero-nuclear and triatomic molecules identified. The highly efficient Tm doped solid state bulk or fiber laser (or Er doped solid state) is the molecular pump source. This approach is enabled by leveraging cascaded overtone pumping (or multiple principle overtone pumping on related rotational vibrational transitions, or multiple principle and multiple excited state) of gas to produce a useful Stokes shifted output in a fundamental transition cascade to ground (
For efficient full cascade lasing operation, the pump fluence or irradiance must be such as to override gas vibrational and other loss processes sufficiently, with events of sufficient temporal extent, to induce the requisite pump transition saturation for vibrational levels which are essentially rotationally thermalized and positive gain for the fundamental transitions, in a cascade to ground, is the result.
At the gas component level, overtone transition cross sections generally increase with source level vibrational quantum number which facilitates the effectiveness of pump coupling with diminishing excited level populations. Similarly, in general, fundamental transition cross sections increase with increasing vibrational quantum number to some point aiding formation of lasing cascade
The following is a description of the best mode contemplated by the inventor of the laser diode excited solid state optically pumped molecular laser with chemical reaction recovery system. A laser diode excited, Tm doped, solid state CW laser, comprised of seed fiber oscillators tuned and locked onto principle and excited state overtone frequencies of gas. Solid state laser element in principle an oscillator amplifier configuration, amplifier amplifying one or more distinct frequencies with spectral beam combination prior to amplifier. Amplifier output coupled as input into gas component region and matched to volume of related cavity or waveguide mode. In coupling by spectral beam combination (a significant wavelength difference exists between pump and gas component output), dichroic optics or any other means. Gas mix as required plus bias for chemical reaction recovery. Refer to [
The following is a description of an alternative embodiment contemplated by the inventor of the laser diode excited solid state optically pumped molecular laser with chemical reaction recovery system. A laser diode excited, Tm doped, solid state pulsed laser, comprised of seed oscillators tuned and locked onto principle and excited state overtone frequencies of gas. Solid state laser element in principle an oscillator amplifier configuration, amplifier amplifying one or more distinct frequencies with spectral beam combination prior to amplifier. Oscillator outputs temporally synchronized. Amplifier output coupled as input into gas component region and matched to volume of related cavity or waveguide mode. In coupling by spectral beam combination (a significant wavelength difference exists between pump and gas component output), dichroic optics or any other means. Gas mix as required plus bias for chemical reaction recovery. Refer to [
The following is a description of an alternative embodiment contemplated by the inventor of the laser diode excited solid state optically pumped molecular laser with chemical reaction recovery system. A laser diode excited, Tm doped, solid state quasi CW laser, comprised of seed fiber oscillators tuned and locked onto principle and excited state overtone frequencies of gas. Solid state laser element in principle an oscillator amplifier configuration, amplifier amplifying one or more distinct frequencies with spectral beam combination prior to amplifier. Oscillator outputs temporally synchronized. Amplifier output coupled as input into gas component region and matched to volume of related cavity or waveguide mode. In coupling by spectral beam combination (a significant wavelength difference exists between pump and gas component output), dichroic optics or any other means. Gas mix as required plus bias for chemical reaction recovery. Refer to [
As a system feature, if laser diode excited solid state component of system is pulsed or quasi CW, then said system must be such that resultant event durations are of sufficient temporal extent and in gas hybrid component fluence (or irradiance) is sufficient to attain or exceed the required gas pump saturation condition consistent with establishment of positive gain on all fundamental lasing transitions to ground. Temporal extent must be significantly greater than gas rotational manifold thermalization times at least.
As a system feature, if laser diode excited solid state component of system is CW, then said system must be such that resultant in gas element irradiance must be in excess of a threshold condition, related to the maintenance of a pump transition saturation condition, associated with positive gain on all fundamental lasing transitions to ground.
As a system feature, a gas component (cell) with suitable broadband cavity resonator optics to access desired range of excited fundamental cascade transitions of optically pumped gas is required [
As a system feature a gas cell of material inert to gas components, or subject to prior chemical passivation [
As a system feature, a gas cell of material inert to gas components, or subject to prior chemical passivation [
As a system feature, a gas fill pressure and mix selected to optimize pump coupling, minimize full sustained cascade onset pump irradiance threshold (requisite driven saturation condition).
As a system feature, a gas cell with windows of inert materials of adequate spectral transmission range, bulk absorption and thermal conductivity for system duty cycle selected.
As a system feature, if solid state pump system pulsed or quasi CW, pulse full width at half maximum at least greater or equal to several hundred nanoseconds at pressures of interest.
As a system feature, in bulk pulsed gas systems, gas flow for thermal management plus heat exchanger required. In low to moderate power CW or quasi CW applications diffusion cooling with limited flow or no flow dependent on operational mode. In high power CW applications slab waveguide geometry with transverse flow and heat exchanger.
In molecules possessed of permanent dipole moments, the collisional rotational relaxation process may transition to limited far infra red (FIR) rotational-rotational amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) if adequately pumped and system configuration is supportive. This would have direct consequences in terms of quantum efficiency and limited thermal shedding in gas component of system.
As a system feature, passive selection of lasing within atmospheric windows in optically pumped gas component cell/cavity [
The efficient channeling of system optical output into critical infrared atmospheric windows, plus the natural capability for this output to be broadly multispectral, renders this invention ideal for disruption of infra red imaging and tracking systems. Similarly the spectral agility enabled ability to channel efficient lasing into a near single frequency optical output cascade renders this approach promising for legitimately eye safe wavelength directed energy applications. Medical laser and remote sensing applications are additionally valid given the spectral bands accessible.
The forgoing description of the invention has been presented for purposes of illustration and description and is not intended to be exhaustive or to limit the invention to the precise form disclosed. Many modifications and variations are possible in the light of the above teaching. The embodiments disclosed were meant only to explain the principles of the invention and its practical application to thereby enable others skilled in the art to best use the invention in various embodiments and with various modifications suited to the particular use contemplated.