This invention relates generally to the monitoring of patient medication adherence to a prescribed regimen, and more particularly to organization and automated monitoring of automatically generated patient medication administration data.
The total healthcare cost of drug-related morbidity, including poor adherence, is estimated at $290 billion per year in the US. “National Council on Patient Information & Education. Thinking Outside the Pillbox A System-wide Approach to Improving Patient Medication Adherence for Chronic Disease. NEHI Research Brief. August 2009. .pdf.” Treatment of patients with poor adherence can require twice the resources from the healthcare system than treatment of more compliant individuals. “Sokol M, McGuigan K, Verbrugge R, Epstein R. Impact of medication adherence on hospitalization risk and healthcare cost. Med Care. June, 2005; 43(6):521-30.” Mortality and morbidity rates are much higher for patients who do not follow their prescribed drug therapy, especially for patients suffering from a chronic illness. “Ho P, Magid D, Masoudi F, McClure D, Rumsfeld J. Adherence to cardioprotective medications and mortality among patients with diabetes and ischemic heart disease. BMC Cardiovasc Disord. December, 2006; 15; 6:48.” Currently, 75% of healthcare spending in the US is directed towards treatment of chronic disease. “CDC. Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion.” These same chronically ill patients who are also nonadherent to their medication prescriptions are twice as likely to be hospitalized. “Kenreigh C, Wagner L. Medication Adherence: A Literature Review 2005. Medscape. 2005.”; and “Sokol M, McGuigan K, Verbrugge R, Epstein R. Impact of medication adherence on hospitalization risk and healthcare cost. Med Care. June, 2005; 43(6):521-30.” In psychiatric patients in particular, medication nonadherence is among the most common causes of psychotic relapse and rehospitalization. “Marder, Stepher R., Overview of Partial Compliance, J Clin Psychiatry 2003; 64[suppl 16]; 3-9.”
Barriers to medication adherence such as the perceived impact of a medicine, knowledge about illness, forgetfulness, or lack of social support, “Friedman et. al.; Voila et al.; Wu et al. Three studies quoted in W. F., Grenard J, McGlynn E. A. A Review of Barriers to Medication Adherence: A Framework for Driving Policy Options. RAND, 2009”, help to explain why 75% of Americans do not take their medicine as prescribed. “National Council on Patient Information and Education. Enhancing Prescription Medicine Adherence: A National Action Plan. Bethesda, Md. August, 2007.” Traditional monitoring methods have problems with reliability and cost and generally fail to allow for immediate intervention by a healthcare professional. Pill counting and patient interviews are unreliable ways of measuring medication adherence. “Osterberg L, Blaschke T. Adherence to medication. N Engl J Med. Aug. 4, 2005; 353(5):487-497.” Self-reporting by individuals, using ePRO diaries, IVRS or web portal communications have also been shown to be untrustworthy as many patients fail to record accurate data. “Simmons M, Nides M, Rand C, Wise R, Tashkin D. Unpredictability of deception in compliance with physician-prescribed bronchodilator inhaler use in a clinical trial. Chest 2000 118:290-295.” Technology such as digital pill container caps and smart packaging report only when patients open the medication container and cannot confirm medication administration. Importantly, these methods do not provide timely information sufficient to support care provider intervention. Smart pills, while accurate, are expensive and require the manufacturing process of the medication to be altered to include an RFID or other identification computer chip therein. Even data tools such as electronic health records fail to capture patient behavior such as medication adherence rates despite a new emphasis on meaningful use, fail to perform any useful analysis on captured data, and fail to learn any behavioral patterns to assist in adherence monitoring. “National Cancer Institute.”
An extremely effective way to confirm medication adherence is through direct observation, i.e. watching a patient take their medication. The WHO's Directly Observed Treatment, short course (DOTs) program has radically improved compliance rates of TB patients. “Stop TB Partnership. The Global Plan to Stop TB, 2006-2015: Actions for life: towards a world free of tuberculosis. Geneva: WHO; 2006. eng.pdf.” Such direct observation is typically employed in phase 1 clinical trials, where assurance of adherence is critical. Unfortunately, the labor-intensive nature of the program is expensive, time consuming and geographically limited, as well as being inconvenient and burdensome to patients.
Dr Lars Osterberg, Md. and Dr, Terence Blaschke have reported in the New England Journal of Medicine, Adherence to Medication, (N Engl J Med 2005; 353:487-97) 2005 an alarming lack of adherence to required medication protocol, further noting that while the average rates of adherence in clinical trials is categorized as “high”, this number still comprises only rates of 43 to 78 percent. Most importantly, the authors note “The ability of physicians to recognize nonadherence is poor, and interventions to improve adherence have had mixed results.” Adherence, p. 487. The authors conclude “Poor adherence to medication regimens is common, contributing to substantial worsening of disease, death and increased healthcare costs.” Adherence, p. 494. The Trend Repot Series, 2008 Patient Adherence Update: New Approaches for Success, October 2008, report similar discouraging statistics. This broad range may possibly contribute to the public confidence in the FDA approval process and the importance of continued surveillance of a drug throughout the process. Furthermore, it may help to explain why, according to the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA May 1, 2002), one out of every five new drugs that comes to market in the US is found to have serious or life-threatening adverse effects—unknown or undisclosed at the time of approval. It is against this backdrop of poor adherence, and potential danger to patients, that the present invention operates.
It has been widely recognized that methods and systems for insuring proper medication ingestion or administration by individuals are very important in defending against unnecessary sickness, deaths and other problems. Giving instructions and then letting patients fend for themselves has been shown not to work particularly well. This is because it is not only the improper ingestion of medicines that is the primary cause of medical danger. Rather, an overall lack of sufficient patient guidance is also part of the problem. Further, the inability to confirm a proper prescription regimen being provided to a user in the first place may cause a number of other problems with the use of such medication.
Traditionally, participants attend introductions and follow ups for clinical trials in-person. Other patients attempting to adhere to a particular medication protocol similarly are given a prescription and a particular set of instructions from a prescribing medical provider or prescribing doctor, and then compliance is measured, typically by counting remaining pills, at a next visit with that prescribing professional. Thus, data collection is similarly limited to patient visits, rather than on a daily basis. Old methods such as patient questioning and pill counting have been proven to be inadequate measures of adherence and offer no information on dose timing and drug holidays (omission of medication for three or more sequential days, for example).
Compliance technologies can increase the statistical power of clinical trials. Through the use of such technology, clinical events can be precisely linked to medication use history. Captured data can be linked to other sources such as EDC, patient diaries and data collected by the physician. Technologies can create many possibilities for remote visits and data capture. While smart packaging technologies exist such as RFID-enabled computer chip technology, smart blister packs and MEMS caps (microprocessor in a bottle cap), they are: a) invasive and need to be physically attached to the medications; b) are non-conclusive regarding compliance—a patient may activate the technology without ingestion of the medication; c) remain largely unadopted in clinical trials by the pharmaceutical and biotech companies due to their high cost; and d) take a longer time to implement. Further, electronic patient diaries allow for ease of entry of data by a patient. These diaries, however, are still subject to issues related to compliance with medication adherence. Thus, even if a patient is meticulous about entering information into the diary, and thus complying with the requirements for data entry, there is still no guarantee that they are properly taking medication at prescribed times.
Jo Carol et al. stated that “The most reliable method for research purposes, although not practical in a clinical setting, may be a combination approach that includes pill counts, patient self-report, and electronic monitoring.” (Carol J. et al, Patterns to Antiretroviral Medication, The Value of Electronic Monitoring, AIDS, 17 (12), pp 1, 763-767, October 2003. Furthermore, it is well known that it is expensive to check up on people and directly monitor medication administration, but studies have shown that care provider intervention has a significant benefit on medication adherence rates and patient behavior. To date, technologies alone have only been used in an attempt to monitor compliance rather than to encourage it. Furthermore, there has been no comprehensive system provided that allows for the management of multiple patients and multiple patient populations. While current technology may allow poor compliers to be recognized, as will be described below, the proposed apparatus and method of the present invention will help to encourage pharmaceutical compliance and tackle some of the problems that are encountered in the clinical trial process in particular, and the medication protocol monitoring problem in general.
A number of systems exist that provide instructions to a user regarding when to take a medication and records when the user indicates that a medication has been taken. U.S. Pat. No. 7,359,214 describes such a system. A device is provided that instructs a patient regarding medications to take. Furthermore, the system may provide a method for determining that the prescription is appropriate given the patient's conditions, and other medications he or she may already be taking. The system may monitor the dispensing of medicine in accordance with a predetermined treatment protocol. While such a system provides many improvements for easing a burden on the patient, this system suffers in many ways and in particular in ways relevant to the administration of clinical trials and other active patient monitoring of medication adherence.
Most importantly, this system provides no mechanism for actually confirming that a patient is in fact ingesting or otherwise properly administering medication as required in a clinical drug trial, or as prescribed by a prescribing physician in the case where adherence to a particular regimen may prove to be critical to efficacy of the prescription regimen. Further, while the system may be sufficient for one who is in full possession of their mental faculties, any individual who may have difficulty following directions, or one who is actively avoiding medication may still not be taking required medication after it is dispensed. Thus, participants may be forgetful, visually impaired, or otherwise do not believe in the benefit of taking such medication, and may thus not properly log medication administration. Additionally, the system requires preloading of various medications into a dispenser, and thus likely requires regular visits by an administering manager to be sure appropriate medications are in fact properly loaded therein. It is surely possible that an inexperienced user may place incorrect medications into the device, or may somehow provide incorrect dosages into the device. Still further, for potentially more complex regimens, there is no method provided for insuring that a user is able to follow such a protocol, and to thereafter confirm that the user has in fact taken all required medications in accordance with any provided instructions or the like, or has taken the medications according to one or more specifications or followed suggested procedures. Additionally, there is no method for determining in near real time whether a patient has taken their medication, and does not allow for intervention on the part of a healthcare provider to immediately address adherence issues. Finally, this system is expensive and requires constant maintenance to confirm that the various mechanical parts are in working order.
U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/839,723, filed Aug. 16, 2007, titled Mobile Wireless Medication Management System provides a medication management system employing mobile devices and an imaging technology so that a user is able to show a pill to be taken to the system, and the system can then identify the medication. Patient histories are available to an administrator, including various vital signs as measured by the system. Images may also be taken of the patient, provider, medication container or the like. While the system professes to ensure adherence to a protocol, the system only provides such help if requested by a user. There is in fact no particular manner in which to ensure actual adherence (i.e. taking of the medication by a particular person) or the relationship of adherence to the efficacy of the drug over time. Furthermore, the system relies only on a single still image of the medication, thus not being very versatile if the image is poor. When requiring adherence to a predetermined protocol for a clinical trial, this is particularly relevant.
Additionally, existing systems fail to maintain an audit trail for post administration review by a medical official or other clinical trial administrator, and further cannot therefore confirm confirmation of proper medication administration. They also fail to allow for intervention by a healthcare provider on a near real time basis, and indeed fail to properly allow an administrator to monitor a large group of patients efficiently and accurately.
Therefore, it would be desirable to provide a method and apparatus that overcome the drawbacks of the prior art.
In U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/620,686 filed Nov. 18, 2009 titled Method and Apparatus for Verification of Medication Administration Adherence; Ser. No. 12/646,383 filed Dec. 23, 2009 titled Method and Apparatus for Verification of Clinical Trial Adherence; Ser. No. 12/646,603 filed Dec. 23, 2009 titled Method and Apparatus for Management of Clinical Trials; and Ser. No. 12/728,721 filed Mar. 22, 2010 titled Apparatus and Method for Collection of Protocol Adherence Data, the entire contents of each of these applications being incorporated herein by reference, as well as in other co-owned applications, the inventors of the present invention have proposed a system and method that allow for complete control and verification of adherence to a prescribed medication protocol or machine or apparatus use in a clinical trial or other setting, whether in a health care provider's care, or when self administered in a homecare situation by a patient. As part of these applications, determination of when a user has taken a pill is an important step in the monitoring process. Further determination of user administration of inhalable, injectable and other medication administration processes may also be provided. These applications also describe a dashboard presented to one or more healthcare providers in order to properly aggregate and review various monitored medication administration sequences for any number of patients.
These applications present the only medication management system that may determine whether a user is actually following a protocol (preferably employing audio/video analysis of captured audio/video information), provide additional assistance to a user, starting with instructions, video instructions, and the like, and moving up to contact from a medication administrator if it is determined that the user would need such assistance in any medical adherence situation, including clinical trial settings, home care settings, healthcare administration locations, such as nursing homes, clinics, hospitals and the like, and in clinical trial settings.
In accordance with various aspects of the present invention, a web-based (or otherwise housed) dashboard may be provided to manage information captured from a computer vision software module that uses webcams to automate the direct observation of medication administration without the need for one on one human supervision. The dashboard will allow healthcare providers to monitor medication adherence rates and interact with patients through a patient issued (or patient owned) webcam enabled laptop, smartphone or other device in the hospital room, at home, or in any other convenient location, and store, monitor and review recorded video data associated with one or more patients using the system. This interactive and functional application is unlike traditional electronic medical records which provide a full medical history but often failing to capture data reflecting crucial health behaviors. The inventive solution offers a clear snapshot of medication adherence behavior both past and present. Healthcare providers may be notified of behavioral trends in medication adherence, receive alerts, and review correlations to medication efficacy and contraindications. Further, healthcare providers may view such information at the patient, small group, or population level, thus allowing for trends to be noticed, yet individual attention to be provided.
Importantly, a user may be able to quickly switch from viewing one patient's profile in the dashboard to viewing entire patient populations in one screen. Summary statistics and demographic information may also be accessible. The system may highlight predictive patterns of behavior and alert care providers to possible “danger zones”. Other population based metrics may also be employed. The more data collected, the more efficient the system will be at predicting patterns and risk. The integrated communication platform may allow for patient communication and intervention when appropriate. Interventions may include automated messages (text, audio, visual) on the patient's device triggered by specific events or trends, live phone calls, video conferencing requesting in-person appointments, status updates or other appropriate notifications and contacts. This may encourage adherence to prescribed protocol and reduce expensive hospital readmissions.
Embodiments of the present invention may allow automated direct observation of medication adherence to be used as a population health tool, especially where the risk and cost of patients not taking medication is high and stakeholders have a vested interest in monitoring behavior. The system may help to virtualize the patient, avoid the reliance on self-reporting or direct human supervision, and still allow for intervention when necessary. The system may also work to improve medication adherence. Patient safety and treatment will confidently be assured and fewer supervisory personnel will be needed to supervise much larger patient populations thus reducing overall costs of patient supervision. Summary data of medication adherence rates may provide the basis for intervention and reaction to the medication could lead to a change prescribing practice. This is especially useful for chronic conditions, complex drug regimens, and patients transitioning from an inpatient to an outpatient environment. Faster follow-up in certain at risk populations may reduce rehospitalizations. The system may also have applications in clinical trials, lowering costs and increasing safety and efficacy because of more reliable adherence data. Better regulation can be enforced and action swiftly taken before drugs come to market.
Various embodiments of the present invention will obtain and manage video information of patient medication administration. As described in the above-referenced applications, such video data is captured and analyzed to determine medication adherence. The patient may be provided with immediate feedback related to such administration, and thus a focused application will allow for immediate feedback to the user. Determination of adherence is used to categorize patients into various patient states, and thus allow for reaction of the system to patients in particular patient states. In addition, this video information may be stored for further analysis offline, in a common or remote location, and may employ substantially greater computing power than available on an individual mobile or other device, such as analyzing trends in adherence and other factors over time, as will be described in detail below. These trends may be used to further define patient states. Further information, including other medication administration information such as visual cues, audio cues, side effect information, contraindication information, positive medication effects and the like.
Therefore, various embodiments of the present invention will provide a state machine of the type described below that utilizes audio/video information to offer a population health tool to manage any number of patients, understand their behavior, and communicate and intervene when necessary or desirable. The system further employs machine learning to identify one or more trends and make automated judgments about patient states, as well as an ability to learn and highlight outliers or at risk populations. Thus, based upon captured information, patients may be placed into states that may aid in predicting those patients at risk for future hospitalizations, for example, or other types of situations where a varied intervention strategy may be beneficial. When considering large patient populations, such automated monitoring and categorization allows for monitoring of such patients, allowing managers to direct their attention to patients who might best benefit from such attention, and allowing the system to provide automated intervention when determined to be appropriate. This level of automated, intelligent intervention allows for effective management of patient behavior and medication adherence. Existing systems fail to capture patient behavior. Various embodiments of the inventive solution, including the described state machine, provide data relevant to medication adherence and other medical treatments as opposed to entire patient history, such as in an existing electronic medical record. Furthermore, the system acts as a video repository, recording administration by patients, and thus allowing for future review of such administration sequences by a manager or other healthcare professional if appropriate. Thus, upon determination by the system in a manner noted above, patients in one or more predetermined states may be indicated for such manual review by the manager or other healthcare provider. Finally, the inventive system may be applicable not only to adherence information, but to any patient action or healthcare related treatment to which monitoring may be applicable.
Still other objects and advantages of the invention will in part be obvious and will in part be apparent from the specification and drawings.
The invention accordingly comprises the several steps and the relation of one or more of such steps with respect to each of the others, and the apparatus embodying features of construction, combinations of elements and arrangement of parts that are adapted to affect such steps, all as exemplified in the following detailed disclosure, and the scope of the invention will be indicated in the claims.
For a more complete understanding of the invention, reference is made to the following description and accompanying drawings, in which:
The invention will now be described making reference to the following drawings in which like reference numbers denote like structure or steps.
In accordance with one or more embodiments of the present invention, healthcare providers are provided with access to real-time medication adherence information through a dashboard, allowing for active participation rather than passive observation in medication administration and tracking. The inventive solution combines population health, computer vision, predictive tools based on behavioral markers, and a built-in communication system to monitor and manage patients' medication adherence. The inventive system may provide analysis of medication efficacy and effectiveness in one or more different patient populations, such as by medication types, demographic groups, care provider performance and the like. The system will encourage better compliance and radically improve patient-provider care.
Embodiments of the invention present a patient management solution specifically geared towards medication adherence and other patient activities. Unlike electronic medical records and population health solutions that capture general medical history data and perform no analysis, embodiments of the present invention capture near real-time patient behavior data and may perform analysis, in near real time, and in a more advanced manner in an offline format. One or more embodiments of the present invention comprise computer vision technology to ensure that a patient is accurately recorded taking their medicine by tracking and confirming the patient's actions on the screen, identifying a pill to be taken and confirming the pill is swallowed. Other medication administration sequences may also be observed, such as inhaler apparatuses, injectable apparatuses, and the like. These data points may be saved and analyzed, providing real-time behavioral markers to healthcare providers giving them a much more accurate reflection of patient behavior. Healthcare providers may be notified through the dashboard of potentially nonadherent patients. Further information, such as doctor's prescribing trends and the effect on adherence, effectiveness and adherence in specific patient populations, as well as one or more trends associated with individual or population adherence may be provided.
Intervention techniques including automated or direct individual contact with the patient may be initiated from the dashboard in an automated manner, or at the request of a healthcare provider. Such intervention techniques may range from automated mass messages, to individual, personal text or email messages, to video conference, where appropriate. All messages and other interventions will be stored along with a patient's information so that further follow up task lists can be more easily managed, and so that healthcare provider has complete access to all patient data. Thresholds for use of such intervention strategies may be determined by the healthcare provider or system administrator. This will allow for more immediate intervention by healthcare providers to monitor and aid potentially limitless patient populations and their adherence, intervening only where necessary and likely to be effective. Indirect methods of determining patient adherence typically rely on patient questionnaires and pill counting, or employ more direct monitoring of a patient's actions, including monitoring the time of opening of bottles, dispensing drops, or activating a canister. Each of these methods is passive and only confirms whether a patient has opened a pill bottle or interacted with a device. Real-time patient behavior is not available. Therefore providers cannot react quickly or easily spot behavioral trends and changes in symptoms or side effects.
Embodiments of the present invention link adherence data to medication efficacy and patient safety, allowing for immediate interaction by a healthcare provider to improve medication adherence for a fraction of the cost of true direct observation. One or more embodiments of the present invention contemplate capture, storage and analysis of direct visual information of a patient, including but not limited to medication administration actions, patient appearance and other actions and any other patient information that may be acquired through the visual and other acquisition systems. Automated processing and analysis of acquired patient data allows for direct observation of patients, while greatly reducing the cost by reducing the need for human review of acquired information. Preferably, only when the automated system indicates a need will human review be implemented. However, the full audit trail of time and date stamped audio video captured information may be viewed as desired by a healthcare provider, clinical trial manager or the like at any time via the dashboard.
Understanding and tracking adherence statistics may allow healthcare providers to meet quality metrics, adopt improved care processes, assume risk, and provide incentives for population health and wellness. The inventive population dashboard progresses knowledge of an unsolved area and responds to the need to place a high priority on innovations offering fundamental and applied research for the assistance of chronically ill patients. In addition, the inventive population dashboard will offer significant impact to the area of clinical trials and postmarketing surveillance of medications. Despite the FDA's rigorous preapproval processes, even well executed randomized controlled clinical trials cannot uncover all safety problems or rare serious adverse events either in the general population or sub-populations. Trials are simply not large enough, varied enough, or long enough in duration. It is only through rigorous monitoring of huge numbers of patients that any such rare events may be uncovered. Linking adherence data to such rare events is critical in warning of any such dangers in particular demographic patient populations. The system may be applicable in inpatient, outpatient, disease management, clinical trials, and other patient monitoring scenarios.
Referring first to
Referring next to
After such a confidence has been determined, as is once again noted in
If at step 310 medication administration is determined to be improper, then the inquiry is answered in the negative, and the patient is placed into medication administration State 1. Based upon programmed thresholds given a desired level of sensitivity (to be described below) a response may be generated at step 320 (corresponding to step 130 in
Once in State 1, at the time for a next medication administration, it is determined at step 330 whether such medication administration has been proper. If it is determined that the medication administration has been proper, the patient may be returned to State 0, and one or more responses as noted above may be provided. In an alternative embodiment, it may require more than one consecutive proper administrations to return to State 0, and thus any number of interim states may be provided, with accompanying messages therefrom. From any of these interim states, a failed medication administration may place the patient back into State 1, or other desired state indicative of further administration problems.
If at step 330 it is instead determined that the medication has not been properly administered, and therefore the inquiry at step 330 is answered in the negative, the patient may be placed into medication administration State 2, and a resulting one or more responses may be generated at step 340. It is anticipated that the responses in step 340 in response to the patient being placed in State 2 represent an escalation from the responses provided in step 320. Thus, for example, if the patient received an automated text message in step 320, a personal call from a healthcare provider may be provided in step 340. Any number of responses in step 340 may be provided. Additionally, it is contemplated in accordance with one or more embodiments of the present invention that the system may learn and select a most effective intervention strategy based upon a patient state. Thus, if patients in a particular state most often improve with a particular communication method, but fail to improve with another, the better received communication method may be suggested in the future for communication with one or more patients that are ultimately placed in that same state in the future.
Furthermore, the invention is not so limited to the three states shown in
While the description of
In particular, many factors may come into play regarding the confidence with which a determination of medication administration may be made. Thus, the detection of certain actions or circumstances of administration by the inventive system may be considered in determining a confidence of administration. Various of these factors may be tracked, and comprise a time sequence of behavioral markers that may also result in desired intervention or other action by the system, in addition to indicating lack of confidence in system determinations. These behavioral markers may comprise any attribute of a patient that may provide insight into a medical condition, or other symptom or the like that may influence a current state of a patient. Furthermore, machine learning of trends may be provided to understanding one or more variables that may aid in best classifying likely candidates, and to allow the system not only to automatically move a patient from state to state, but to define additional states (either as a result of patient improvement or degradation) that may be important to present to a manager or other administrator or care provider to allow for best medication administration monitoring. Various decision fusion learning systems may be employed in order to aid in making determinations regarding the various characteristics that may be reviewed an used to make such state determination decisions.
In one example, consider a patient trying to purposefully fool the system into thinking they have properly administered the medication when in fact they purposefully do not take the medication. During administration, the inventive system preferably watches for a number of predetermined movements, motions or actions performed by a user that may indicate a potential for purposeful tricking of the system. These may include a user's head leaving the display area frequently, the user's hand passing over their mouth during the administration sequence, coughing during the administration sequence, failure of a visible swallowing motion, changes in tone of voice, or any number of additional potential movements or actions. While none of these individually may suggest failure of administration, a number of these, or similar actions over a time sequence may indicate a problem. Therefore, in accordance with various embodiments of the present invention, the occurrence of multiple of such designated actions, or consistent determination one or more of such actions may be tracked, and may be used to place the user in a predefined state requiring further follow up. It is anticipated that such a state may be different from the states noted above where a patient is known to have skipped one or more medication administrations. Thus, any such actions may place the patient in a state or states related to potential malicious behavior, and perhaps requiring further follow up. Thus, whether trying to trick the system or not, embodiments of the present invention may be used to generate a scale of states related to confidence that the person has taken their medication. Once scaled, patients moving into such states over time can be compared to confirm a confidence level of medication administration, and responsive action may be taken by the system, even if it is determined that the person probably did take their medication. These confidence levels may be applied to individual protocols of correct patient behavior.
These confidence levels may further be extended to training to ensure that all steps are confidently completed and allow for comparisons and intervention for improvement. Thus, a patient may be walked through various training sequences in an interactive manner, allowing for direct and near immediate feedback from the system regarding proper medication administration.
In addition to determining whether someone is trying to trick the system, monitoring of various other patient attributes may be employed to give additional insight into patient health, and potentially need for protocol specific, or more general intervention. For example, monitoring of patient attributes, such as change in skin tone or color over time or during different times of the days, visual detection of increased perspiration, visual detection of excessive blinking, head tilting, fidgeting, erratic movement, visual detection of changes in emotion, such as happiness, lethargy, etc., color of whites of eyes, eye movement, pupil dilation, nostril flaring, breathing rates, ticks, twitches, repetition of motion or the like may be employed to indicate a patient positive or adverse reaction to medication administration, lack of medication administration, or simply an overall deterioration or other change in a patient's health over time. Audio clues, such as one or more sounds that may be emitted upon swallowing a pill, for example, may also be employed, in addition to, for example, a swallowing motion of a throat. Thus, audio clues may be used alone, or as a supplement to one or more visual clues. In each of these instances, a baseline attribute measurement of the patient may be determined and used for comparison purposes. Additionally, a time sequence or trend may be determined. In addition to determine changes in such a trend over time, stability over time may be employed as a variable to indicate that any changes from that stable trend should be considered seriously, and may contribute to the movement of a patient from one patient state to another.
In addition to testing and monitoring for general patient attributes, in accordance with another embodiment of the invention, disease or medication specific side effects may be monitored over time. Therefore in accordance with embodiments of the invention, based upon a particular disease state, medication type being administered, or the like, a particular surveillance pattern may be prioritized, and thus the system may look for one or more particular known potential side effects. For example, for an Alzheimer patient, the system might monitor for shaking of a patient's hand, a glass held by the patient or the like. Comparison of shaking over time may be relevant to indicate a deterioration of the condition of the patient over time may be relevant. Acute situations may be determined based upon short term changes in these monitored attributes. Time on task may also be employed in such a situation to further determine deterioration of a patient in a gradual manner, or acutely. Each of these measurements may be employed to influence the patient state, and may in fact result in movement from one state to another, therefore warranting potentially different responses from the system. Furthermore, various implementation of the invention may be employed as a diagnostic tool to help assist care providers in understanding a patient's condition. Thus, patients may be asked one or more questions during or after medication administration, asking or any type of data, and preferably asking for data about a patient's health. Such data may include general wellness questions, or may comprise one or more patient state specific questions regarding side effects, etc. at least in part based upon the state of the patient. Such questions may comprise single answer questions, or may ask for the patient to rate the answers on a scale, as appropriate. Answers to such questions may be used in any desired manner, and may be used to change the state of the patient to provide a more personally tailored medication monitoring and feedback system, to change various dosage and or medication changes, for example.
In addition, while facial and other recognition activities are preferably performed based upon training from a large database, customization of the recognition criteria may be performed based upon one or more captured facial images of a particular user. Thus, rather than determining a particular user emotion, facial expression, or other feature based simply upon a common database, results that may be obtained from such a common database may be enhanced through the use of a weighted average between any of such results, and results primarily, or more weighted, based upon prior use of the system by the particular patient. In such a manner, as a user employs the system, the system will become more familiar with any peculiarities of the particular patient, thus being able to further personalize the system, and determine any changes in patient characteristics (of any type as noted above) to allow for further input into the system to assist with various adherence, training and other medication administration issues, as noted above.
Additionally, audio measurements may be made and monitored as a tracked attribute. Thus, coughing, heavier breathing, stuttering, time for response to audible prompts and the like may be monitored over time, again to determine gradual or acute changes in patient behavior and over time potential changes in the medical state of the patient. A patient may be asked to recite a word sequence, such as their name, so that differences from an expected cadence or the like may be determined. Indeed, it is contemplated in accordance with one or more embodiments of the present invention that if such audio changes in a patient are particularly indicative of changes in particular disease states or medication administration side effects, in addition to simply monitoring such audio responses, a particular audio sequence test may be performed to further test the patient. Such visual and/or audible measurements may further be employed in patients with dementia, distonia, to measure progression of Parkinson's disease, or the like. To further test patients regarding such attributes, the inventive system may purposely change one or more features of a patient medication administration sequence, such as changing a position of placing a pill to judge reaction time, etc. Responses to any of these situations may once again affect the patient's state, thus resulting in different responses and treatment by the system. Thus, the system monitors overall patient adherence, while various of these other attributes, features and the like may be used to adjust responses, and provided potentially different and helpful intervention where appropriate.
More broadly, monitoring of various visual and audible characteristics of the patient and their action may provide insight into progression of disease states, notification of acute or gradual responses to medications, and provide additional input for placing a patient in a particular patient state (see
Additionally, it is contemplated that the various thresholds applicable to determine appropriate responses to various patient states may be predetermined, changed by an administrator or the like in order to match a required response by one or more people to actual availability, or may be determined based upon computer learning or the like. Thus, based upon population responses, errors, and states, changes may be made to the notification thresholds. For example, if a particular population continually performs a particular sequence of steps incorrectly, the system may recognize that an automated response, or other response, may cure this issue. Thus, if the system were previously set to send such an automated response after three such errors, it may automatically or manually be retrained to send such an automated response after, for example, a single such error, in order to reduce the overall number of errors. Furthermore, changes may be made to one or more notification thresholds. Finally, through computer learning or other system recommendations, one or more best medical practices for specific populations or patients included in one or more defined patient states, or patient risk factor, may be provided. In addition, consistent failures of performance, or other consistent information may warrant a change of medication dosage or other changes to medication administration protocol for patients in one or more patient states, or may result in reclassification of a state into multiple or a different state based upon divergence of patient responses in a previously classified homogeneous group.
It is preferred that the various information described above be presented to a healthcare provider, clinical trial manager, or other manager of healthcare information in the form of a dashboard providing critical information to allow for review and action related to medication adherence. Therefore, as is shown in the exemplary dashboard display 400 of
As is further shown in
In addition to providing such a dashboard providing information about a number of patients to a particular healthcare provider, it is anticipates that variations of such a dashboard may be provided in accordance with one or more embodiments of the present invention. Thus, each such administrator may have a unique log in sequence, and thus may be show different information based upon login status, patient accountability, access to confidential information, or preset personalization by the particular user. Thus, in accordance with embodiments of the invention, each use is provided with information relevant to their patient population, and in a format most requested by them. In addition, an individual patient may be provided with a dashboard including information related to their medication administration, including contact information for healthcare providers, scoring for recent adherence administrations, tracking of various attributes or other patient information over time, and any other information relevant to a single patient as described above. Further, direct access to a healthcare provider or the like may be provided, thus allowing for a single stop location for the user to access all medication adherence needs, and allowing different complexities and relevance of various personal adherence information. Of course, use of the system and access to help need not be provided through such a dashboard, and may be provided directly from the medication adherence processing system.
While the present technology has been described related to monitoring medication adherence, it is contemplated in accordance with various embodiments of the invention that the monitoring scheme including video and audio data, and including various computer learning systems for classifying such information, may be applied in various additional areas, such as monitoring manufacturing processes, energy generation and management, and indeed any situation in which automatically determining actions of a person, and providing near real time intervention may be beneficial.
It will thus be seen that the objects set forth above, among those made apparent from the preceding description, are efficiently attained and, because certain changes may be made in carrying out the above method and in the construction(s) set forth without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention, it is intended that all matter contained in the above description and shown in the accompanying drawings shall be interpreted as illustrative and not in a limiting sense.
It is also to be understood that this description is intended to cover all of the generic and specific features of the invention herein described and all statements of the scope of the invention which, as a matter of language, might be said to fall there between.
This application is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/189,518, filed Jul. 24, 2011 to Hanina et al., titled “Method and Apparatus for Monitoring Medication Adherence,” which claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. 61/495,415 filed Jun. 10, 2011 to Hanina et al., titled “Method and Apparatus for Monitoring Medication Adherence”. The contents of all of the prior applications are incorporated herein by reference in their entirety.
Number | Date | Country | |
61495415 | Jun 2011 | US |
Number | Date | Country | |
Parent | 13189518 | Jul 2011 | US |
Child | 14990347 | US |