The technical field of invention is fitness equipment and it is relates to MoonWeight.
Physical activity today is done in different ways, with simple equipment and even with complex equipment. There are many products to be able to exercise the body. The physical exercises with these equipment allow us better our physical mental and spiritual health. But it also has another importance that many people usually seek, is to become a sexy person mainly in men. That is an important factor to better enjoy sexual activity. But there is another fundamental element necessary it is the weight in the man or in the woman. So to increase the weight of both you can use the MoonWeight a new product specifically for that purpose and thus enjoy better sex. The way to use it is only to place it on the back as if it were a backpack. Another application of MoonWeight will be used as fitness equipment.
The main objective of the MoonWeight is to increase the weight of the body, in the man or in the woman during the sexual activity. Weight is important in both men and women to enjoy sex better in a relationship. Another application will be used as fitness equipment. The MoonWeight will be made of different weights and dimensions. The material will be metal. The MoonWeight will have a cover bag with sponge inside.
The MoonWeight 4 is a unique piece that will be placed inside a cover sponge bag 6. It will have two pairs of belts 2A y 2B and also two adjust belts 1A y 1B that have two connection points 3A y 3B. The adjust belts 1A y 1B are like the life jacket belts. The points 3A y 3B are tighten points of belts.