Disclosed embodiments relate to the physiologic monitoring of movement. Specifically, they relate to systems and devices for objective measurement and assessment of movement disorders.
A. Objective Assessment of Movement Disorders
In recent years, large advances have been made in micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) and inertial sensors. It is now possible to record body movements for hours with small, low-power, wearable sensors that include accelerometers, gyroscopes, goniometers, and magnetometers. Despite these advances, clinical practice and clinical trials related to movement disorders are still based on subjective assessment using rating scales. This is due to the fact that there are no commercially available systems to perform objective assessment of movement disorders. One of the main challenges in designing a complete, portable, and easy-to-use system for objective assessment of movement disorders that would be appropriate for clinical practice and clinical trials is the unavailability of movement monitors that can wireless communicate with each other in order to collect synchronized kinematic data from different locations such as the ankles, wrists, waist, and trunk. Currently, there are no movement monitors capable of performing wireless synchronization of the data collected by the different sensors and ensuring that the collected data is never lost during wireless data transmission (i.e. robust wireless data transfer).
A.1. Subjective Assessment of Movement Disorders and Clinical Trials
Subjective assessment of movement disorders using clinical rating scales or poor instruments of mobility result in clinical trials that are inefficient, slow, complicated, and expensive. The primary outcomes are typically self-reported outcomes recorded from patient diaries (falls), clinician rating scales (UPDRS, Berg Balance scale), and/or patient questionnaires (PDQ-39). All of these instruments have limited resolution, are subjective, and are susceptible to bias. To overcome the limitations of these instruments, clinical trials typically require a large number of subjects to detect a clinically significant difference between groups. The data is typically collected on paper versions of the scales and questionnaires. The data is then entered into a database by research assistants, which may result in transcription errors. Finally, the data from each site is then transmitted to a central site, so that a statistician can analyze the data and generate the results of the trial.
A.2. Subjective Assessment of Movement Disorders
Subjective clinical rating scales such as the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (UP-DRS) are the most widely accepted standard for motor assessment. Presently motor symptoms are diagnosed and assessed during a brief clinical evaluation performed by a primary care physician or neurologist every 3-6 months. Current methods of motor system assessment for PD are inadequate because they are intermittent, coarse, subjective, momentary, stressful to the patient, and insensitive to subtle changes in the patient's motor state. These scales can only be applied in clinical settings by trained clinicians.
Patient diaries and other methods of self reporting are sometimes used to determine patients' motor condition throughout the day, but these are often inaccurate, incomplete, cumbersome, and difficult to interpret. These methods are also susceptible to selection, perceptual, and recall bias. Patients generally have poor consistency and validity at assessing the clinical severity of their impairment. Patients with mild or moderate dyskinesia may be unaware of their impairment and may have poor recall. However, patients may be able to accurately monitor their overall disability.
A.3. Objective Assessment of Balance, Gait, and Fall Risk
Neurological deficits, such as Parkinson's disease, inevitably result in limitations on mobility, a sensitive measure of health and a critical element for independent living and quality of life. However, clinical practice aimed at reducing mobility disability have been limited either by insensitive, descriptive balance rating scales, timed tests of gait speed, fall counts or by complex, expensive, and time-consuming laboratory assessments of balance and gait. For instance, the lack of accurate objective measures of balance and gait greatly impedes the development and testing of new treatments to improve mobility in neurological patients.
As an example, movement disorders such as balance and gait disorders, are the most common cause of falls and reduced quality of life in people with neurological disorders. People with Parkinson's disease (PD) fall more often than any other neurological disease with 43-70% falling each year. Fear of falling leads to activity restriction and declines in mobility. However, no system currently exists that allows clinicians to evaluate fall risk based on objective tests of balance and gait in a clinical environment.
Up to 52% of healthy older adults experience a fall each year. Falls are costly, both financially and in terms of quality of life. Financially, one in four falls necessitates use of health care resources. In addition, fear of falling often leads to self-induced activity restriction and declines in mobility status and emotional well being. Although the cost of falls in patients with all neurological disorders has not been explicitly delineated, people with Parkinson's disease have a 57% higher prevalence of falls and injuries than same age control subjects. This is especially significant given the cost of falls, which in 1996 apparently exceeded $9 billion spread across 225,000 older Americans.
B. Movement Monitors
State of the art movement disorder monitors employ inertial sensors, such as accelerometers and gyroscopes, to measure position, velocity and acceleration of the subject's limbs and trunk. Current monitors fall into two classes, namely activity monitors and inertial monitors, both of which have disadvantages and limitations that make them incapable of continuous monitoring of movement disorders or objective monitoring.
Activity monitors, such as in U.S. Pat. No. 4,353,375, collect low frequency and low resolution samples of the subject's gross activity for days to weeks at a time. These monitors are usually small, unobtrusive devices resembling watches or brooches which are worn by the subject for long periods of time such as days or weeks outside of the clinical setting. They measure movement using low quality inertial sensors at low sampling frequencies, and usually measure only a few degrees of freedom of motion instead of all six possible degrees of freedom of motion. The low quality measurements are stored in data storage on-board the device which is later downloaded and analyzed. While they are useful for recording the gross activity levels of the subject, and they may be comfortable and unobtrusive enough to be worn by the subject for longs periods of time, they are only useful in measuring non-subtle symptoms of movement disorders such as activity versus rest cycles. Subtle symptoms, such as symptom onset and decline, or non-obvious symptoms such as bradykinesia, can not be measured by these devices. These devices, also known as actigraphers, typically measure movement counts per minute which make even simple determinations such as determining the wake-up time challenging. Consequently, actigraphers are inappropriate for continuous ambulatory monitoring of movement disorders such as in Parkinson's disease.
Inertial monitors, such as in U.S. Pat. No. 5,293,879, collect high frequency, high resolution samples of the subject's movements for short periods of time. These devices are larger and more obtrusive, resembling small boxes which are worn by the subject for short periods of time such as hours, or at most, a day, and usually in clinical settings. They measure movement using high quality inertial sensors, and usually include all six degrees of freedom of motion (three linear axes and three rotational axes). Inertial monitors may store the inertial measurements in the device for later analysis, or they may use telemetry radios to wirelessly transmit the measurements in real-time to a nearby computer or recording device. These devices are useful for measuring all symptoms of movement disorders, but because of their larger, obtrusive size and short operational times, they are not useful for measuring symptoms outside of clinical settings or for long periods of time.
Movement disorder monitoring can be enhanced by monitoring multiple locations on a subject at the same time. Current systems either do not synchronize their measurements, or require wires to synchronize sampling. Additionally, current movement disorder monitoring devices also lack aiding sensors, such as absolute measures of position.
Movement monitoring devices and systems that overcome challenges of physical size, power consumption, and wireless synchronization are currently unavailable and have significant potential in numerous applications including clinical practice and research.
Currently, the most common and accurate method of tracking movement is based on optical motion analysis systems. However, these systems are expensive, can only measure movements in a restricted laboratory space, and cannot be used to observe patients at home.
Current inertial monitoring systems can be divided into three categories: computer-tethered, unit-tethered, and untethered. Computer-tethered devices connect the sensor directly to a computer. One of the best systems in this category is MotionNode (GLI Interactive LLC, Seattle). These systems are not practical for home settings. Unit-tethered systems connect the sensors to a central recording unit that is typically worn around the waist. This unit typically houses the memory, batteries, and wireless communications circuits. Currently, these systems are the most widely available and are the most common in previous studies. One of the best systems in this category is the Xbus kit (Xsens, Netherlands). This system includes up to five sensors, each with high-performance, triaxial accelerometers, gyroscopes, and magnetometers. The system can operate continuously and wirelessly stream data via Bluetooth to a laptop for over 3 h at distances up to 100 m. However the system is too cumbersome and difficult to use in a home study due to the wires connecting the sensors and central recording unit, the battery life is too short, and the interconnecting wires may be hazardous during normal daily activities. The typical untethered system combines the batteries, memory, and sensors in single stand-alone units. The only wireless untethered systems reported in the literature are “activity monitors,” which measure the coarse degree of activity at intervals of 1-60 s, typically with a wrist-worn device that contains a single-axis accelerometer. These devices are sometimes called actigraphs or actometers. Most of these devices only report activity counts, which are a measure of how frequently the acceleration exceeds a threshold. Some custom activity monitors directly compute specific metrics of motor impairment, such as tremor. A few studies have shown that activity monitors worn over 5-10 days could detect on/off fluctuations, decreased activity from hypokinesia, and increased activity associated with dyskinesia. However, typical activity monitors cannot distinguish between motor activity caused by voluntary movement, tremor, or dyskinesia. They do not have sufficient bandwidth, memory, or sensors for precise monitoring of motor impairment in PD. They also cannot distinguish between periods of hypokinesia and naps.
Recently, Cleveland Medical Devices (Cleveland, Ohio) introduced two untethered systems, the KinetiSense and Kinesia devices. These systems include triaxial accelerometers and gyroscopes with bandwidths of 0-15 Hz, but lack magnetometers. Although large, the central recording units could to be worn on the wrist. The sensor and recording unit can be connected to form a single unit. This devices can record data continuously and store it on an on-board memory for up to 12 h. However, 1) the due to their size it is difficult for several of these devices to be used at the same time (e.g. wrist, ankle, waits, trunk), 2) the storage capability is limited to a single day and consequently it is difficult to conduct multiple day studies, and 3) the devices are not synchronized.
Movement monitoring devices and systems that overcome the challenges of 1) physical size (volume), 2) power consumption, 3) wireless synchronization, 4) wireless connectivity, 5) automatic calibration, and 6) noise floor; are currently unavailable and have significant potential in numerous applications including clinical practice and research. Finally, the limited solutions currently available are device-centric and do not include a complete platform to perform collection, monitoring, uploading, analysis, and reporting.
C. Movement Monitors with Wireless Synchronization
While there are several commercial movement monitors available capable of wireless data transmission, currently none of these movement monitors is capable of providing wireless synchronization of the sampling instances. The most advanced inertial monitors capable of wireless data transfer such as Xsens' full body motion capture monitor (XSens Technologies) require wires between each of the movement monitors and a central unit in order to synchronize the sampling instances of each of the monitors. Synchronization is critical for applications where more than one movement monitor is needed.
Wireless sensor networks have multiple independent nodes all sensing environmental factors at the same time. In the case of a wearable wireless movement monitor, these environmental factors are the kinetic state of the various limbs of a subject wearing two or more movement monitors. Later, during data analysis, the samples of the two or more movement monitors must correlated in time to make any sense together. For example, two movement monitors on the ankles need to be correlated in time in order to show the difference between a lopsided gallop and a smooth run. The problem is that in order to be correlated in time, the sensors must sample at the same time, and, over time, at the same rate, over a long time period of hours, or even days.
There are many ways to do this correlation, but the challenge with small wireless sensor systems is how to go about providing this synchronization of the sampling time and rate without unduly impacting other system parameters.
One way in which current wireless sensor networks synchronize with each other is to provide a wired sync line between nodes. While simple and effective, this not only requires cumbersome wires running between nodes, but obviously defeats the wireless part of the wireless sensor network.
Another way wireless sensors synchronize their sampling time and rates is by attempting to post-process the data to correlate common events in time. The problem is that disparate sensor locations can sometimes have very little data in common, and many times there is not enough information in common to quickly and reliably correlate the data. For example, a movement monitor on the right wrist and left ankle usually have very little kinetic information in common.
Another way that post processing can be done is by purposely injecting a signal into all sensors at the same time. For movement monitors, this requires the subject to do a sudden, rapid motion at regular intervals, like a jump or a fall. This rapidly becomes annoying to the subject, and produces unreliable synchronization information, especially if the subject does not perform the synchronization move correctly because they're tired—or even asleep.
Another synchronization method for wireless sensor networks is to start the sampling at a known time when the units are together, and then rely on a high precision timing source in each node, such as a temperature compensated crystal oscillator, to keep the units synchronized. This has the disadvantage that such high precision timing sources are usually large and consume much more power—sometimes as much as ten times the power—as regular timing components. Further, despite the significant reduction in the timing drift using high precision timing components, drift is not eliminated, and over long timer periods, like days, these devices do drift. Worse, if the various components experience different temperatures (such as one motion monitor on the sternum under a jacket and one exposed to the elements on a wrist), then the drift is much worse.
D. Movement Monitors with Robust Wireless Data Transfer
In small, highly mobile wireless devices, such as wireless movement monitors, it is necessary to robustly stream large amounts of data (100 s of bits to 100 s of kilobits per second) in near real time (without large latencies in transmission) over a radio frequency communication channel. These continuous, real-time wireless transmissions often suffer from unpredictable data loss due to a variety of environmental factors, including distance between transmitter and receiver, absorption of the signals by local materials (including human bodies), multipath interference due to objects which reflect or refract signals, and even interference from other devices. The challenge with these small embedded systems is how to go about guaranteeing transmission of the signal without unduly impacting other system parameters.
One way in which current wireless movement monitors overcome transmission problems, such as distance and interference, is to increase the radio frequency (RF) signal strength of their transmissions and/or to use receive amplifiers. Either method leads to an large increase in consumed power, which leads to larger battery sizes, which leads to dramatically larger and heavier devices, forcing some systems to even have large, separate wired unit which holds a replaceable battery pack.
Another way in which current wireless sensors overcome radio problems is by using a high gain antenna. The tradeoff here is that the high gain antenna means large size, so that the antenna size alone can equal the size of the wireless sensor.
A third way these wireless systems overcome radio problems is by using state-of-the-art transmission protocols and encodings. The problem with these systems is that the increased complexity of the radio encoding or protocol requires large RF chipsets and increased power consumption, both of which negatively impact size and weight.
A fourth way to overcome radio transmission issues is by having a local data buffer on-board the sensor, which allows later re-transmission of the data packet when the transmission issue has been solved (that is, the interference is over or the transmission distance has been reduced). The problem here is that small embedded devices usually employ a microcontroller that has small amounts of RAM (usually 10 s to 100 s of kilobytes) which allows buffering of only a few seconds of data before the buffers overflow.
None of these ways to overcome radio communication disruptions allows a wireless sensor to remain small, reduce power consumption, and avoid data loss during long interruptions in communication.
Disclosed embodiments include a movement monitoring system and apparatus for objective assessment of movement disorders of a subject, comprising (a) one or more movement monitors, and (b) a computer-implemented analysis system comprising one or more protocols and associated data analysis methods to objectively quantify movement disorders based on movement data acquired by the movement monitors. According to one embodiment, and without limitation, the movement monitors are robust wireless synchronized movement monitors and the protocols include one or more tests for assessment of neural control of balance.
Disclosed embodiments are illustrated by way of example, and not by way of limitation, in the figures of the accompanying drawings:
A. Movement Monitoring System and Apparatus for Objective Assessment
As an example, in a particular implementation of the system, and without limitation, the system which we will refer to as “Mobility Lab” comprises: (a) one or more wireless synchronized movement monitors 100, (b) a laptop computer containing a computer-implemented analysis system 102 with functionality for storing, analyzing, and visualizing the data collected from the movement monitors, and (c) one or more plugins to extend the basic functionality of the analysis system to conduct a particular test according to a protocol and generate the corresponding results, that is, each plugin comprises a protocol with the corresponding test 104 and the associated data analysis methods 108 to report the results of the test. In alternative embodiments, the laptop computer can be replaced by a desktop computer or an especially designed medical system with equivalent structure and functionality to a computer system, that is, containing at least one or more processors, one or more memories, one or more displays, one or more input devices, one or more output devices and ports, wireless communication capabilities, and an operating system.
As an example, and without limitation, the Mobility Lab system includes a plugin to conduct an Instrumented-Time-Up-and-Go-Test (iTUG) of gait and postural transitions using 3 to 6 wireless synchronized movement monitors. In one embodiment, the ITUG test provides 53 measures of dynamic mobility, including cadence, stride velocity, trunk rotation, and turning duration that are objective and sensitive tests of gait and postural transitions. In another embodiment, and without limitation, the system includes a plugin to conduct an Instrumented Sway Test (ISway) to measure postural sway during stance based on instrumenting the Static Balance Test conducted with a single wireless movement monitor. ISway test provides results of 42 primary measures of postural sway including area, velocity, frequency and jerkiness that have been shown to be objective and sensitive tests of balance control.
In general, the protocols 104 include instrumented tests for assessment of neural control of balance substantially equivalent to a TUG test (timed up and go test for dynamic balance and turning), a SWAY test (sway during quiet stance), a STEP test (anticipatory postural adjustments prior to step initiation), and a PUSH test (postural responses to a push and release procedure), as well as other similar tests. Such combination of protocol, test, and analysis method is bundled in a plugin (104, 108) for the computer-implemented analysis system 102, according to one embodiment without limitation. According to one embodiment, a combined comprehensive test of mobility including instrumented TUG, SWAY, STEP, PUSH, and takes approximately 20 minutes, and is appropriate for clinical trials or for initial rehabilitation assessment of mobility. According to another embodiment, the system includes an abbreviated composite test procedure for clinical practice that combines all the important aspects of the four mobility components into one instrumented test: quiet stance (ISWAY), followed by initiating gait (ISTEP), followed by walking a distance (e.g. 6 meters) meters and turning to return (ITUG), followed by a “push and release” procedure to test backwards postural responses (IPUSH). This particular embodiment is designed to reduce the time of the test to less than 5 minutes, and focus on identifying a single score that best predicts risk of a fall based on impaired balance and gait.
According to one embodiment, the movement monitoring system and apparatus includes an analysis system 102 containing algorithms (data analysis methods) 108 to generate a plurality of outcome metrics based on movement data acquired by the wireless synchronized movement monitors from the subject during performance of the prescribed activities, the outcome metrics include spatio-temporal, range of motion, angular velocities, asymmetry, variability, arm swing, lateral stability, turning duration, number of steps during turns, sway area, jerk, frequency, trunk/hip/angle comparison, reaction time, size of step, number of steps, and recovery time. Additionally, it includes a single mobility fall risk score as well as gait and balance subscores that alert them to patients who have an increasing risk for falling or mobility disability that restricts their activities and quality of life.
According to a particular embodiment, and without limitation, the computer-implemented analysis system 102 further comprises: (a) a data management database 106; (b) one or more analysis methods to generate a plurality of outcome metrics and combined summary scores 108; (c) a graphical user interface 110; and (d) a bidirectional communication interface to send and retrieve data to and from an external web-enabled clinical data management system 112. Additionally, the graphical user interface 110 comprises: (a) an operator graphical user interface comprising a control interface, a configuration interface, a data management interface, and a data visualization interface; and (b) a subject graphical user interface. Other embodiments do not include the bidirectional communication interface and rely exclusively in a local computer-implemented analysis system.
In one embodiment the graphical user interface 110 of the analysis systems comprises: (a) a training module to train the subject to perform the protocols correctly; and (b) a feedback system to provide auditory and/or visual feedback to the subject during performance of the protocols of prescribed activities. More particularly, the control, configuration, data management, and data visualization graphical user interface for an operator of the movement monitoring system includes a remote control for remote control operation and visualization methods to perform a comparison to norm analysis for a given subject against a characterized population and perform assessment and movement disorder diagnosis.
The objective movement monitoring system relies on several movement monitors working synchronously together and without ever dropping data packets. Consequently, these integrated objective movement monitoring system require movement monitors that have wireless synchronization and robust wireless data transmission. The following section describes an embodiment of such movement monitors in detail, including how to achieve wireless synchronization and robust wireless data transfer.
B. Wearable Devices: Movement Monitors
According to one embodiment the wearable movement monitor 100 is a lightweight device (<100 g) comprising (a) a sensor module comprising a plurality of low power (<50 mW) solid state and micro-electromechanical systems kinematics sensors; (b) a microprocessor module comprising a low power (<50 mW) microcontroller configured for device control, device status, and device communication; (c) a data storage module comprising a solid state local storage medium; (d) a wireless communication module comprising a low power (<50 mW) surface mount transceiver and an integrated antenna; and (e) a power and docking module comprising a battery, an energy charging regulator circuit, and a docking connector. In one embodiment, the micro-electromechanical systems kinematics sensors include a plurality of solid-state, surface mount, low power, low noise inertial sensors including a plurality of accelerometers and gyroscopes, as well as a solid-state, surface mount, low power, low noise, Gigantic Magneto-Resistance (GMR) magnetometers. In a particular embodiment, the solid state local storage medium is substantially equivalent to a high capacity SD card (>4 GB) in order to enable for multi-day (>2 days) local storage of movement monitoring data at high frequencies (sampling frequencies >20 Hz). In one embodiment, the communication module is designed to communicate with a plurality of wearable movement monitors (peer-to-peer communication) in order to synchronize the monitors, and to communicate with a host computer (peer-to-host communication) in order to transmit sensor data, uses a bidirectional groundplane PCB patch antenna, and accepts transmissions from a plurality of beacons to calculate the device location. In one embodiment, the power and docking module includes an external connector to access external power and provide high speed communication with an external docking station, the energy charging regulator circuit is a solid state integrated circuit charger such as a linear Lithium Ion Polymer battery charger IC and said battery is a Lithium Ion Polymer battery, and Lithium Ion Polymer battery can be selected for a particular application as a function of its mAHr characteristics (e.g. 450 mAHr or 50 mAHr).
According to another embodiment, the wearable movement monitoring apparatus 100 further comprises an external movement monitoring system comprising: (a) an external docking station for re-charging the wearable movement monitoring apparatus, storing movement data, and transmitting the movement data to a plurality of receiver devices, (b) a plurality of wireless transceiver access points for wireless transmission of the movement data to a plurality of receiver devices, and (c) a web-enabled server computer including a clinical data management and analysis system for storing, sharing, analyzing, and visualizing movement data using a plurality of statistical signal processing methods.
According to an embodiment the movement monitor apparatus 100 is a lightweight, low-power, low noise, wireless wearable device with the following characteristics: 1) weight of 22 g, 2) sampling frequency of 128 Hz, 3) wireless synchronization, 4) 14 bit resolution, 5) three-axis MEMS accelerometers (user configurable from ±2 g to ±6 g), 6) three-axis MEMS gyroscopes with a ±1500 deg/s range, 7) three-axis magnetometers with a ±6 Gauss range, 7) automatically calibrated, 8) over 16 hours of operation per charge, and 9) over 20 days of onboard storage capacity. According to an embodiment the device, and without limitation, the device 100 includes solid state, low-power, low-noise sensors as follows: accelerometer (0.8 cm/s2/sqr(Hz)), XY gyroscope (0.05 deg/s/sqrt(Hz)), z Gyroscope (0.05 deg/s/sqrt(Hz)), and magnetometer (40 nT/sqrt(Hz)).
According to one embodiment, the wearable devices or apparatus 100 are compact movement monitoring devices that continuously record data from embedded sensors. The sensors 100 may be worn at any convenient location on the body that can monitor impaired movement. Convenient locations include the wrists, ankles, trunk, and waist. In one embodiment, the sensors include one or more channels of electromyography, accelerometers, gyroscopes, magnetometers, and other MEMS sensors that can be used to monitor movement. The wearable sensors 100 have sufficient memory and battery life to continuously record inertial data throughout the day from the moment subjects wake up until they go to sleep at night, typically 18 hours or more. In one particular embodiment designed for continuous monitoring of movement during daily activities the device uses a storage element substantially equivalent to an SD card to store movement data for extended periods of time (e.g. 1 month). The sensors 100 automatically start recording when they are removed from the docking station. In one embodiment, there is no need for the user to turn them on or off.
According to one embodiment, the wearable devices 100 include the components and interconnections detailed in
B.1. Sensor Module
The sensor module 200 in
The next three sensors in the sensor module 200 are solid state, low noise rate gyroscopes 203. In one embodiment, the gryroscopes are off-the-shelf, commercially available Micro-ElectroMechanical Systems (MEMS) rotational sensors in small surface-mount packages, such as a the Invensense IDG-650 and the Epson Toyocomm XV-3500CBY. In other embodiments they are custom made MEMS. The gyroscopes are arranged in three orthogonal axes either on a single multi-axis device, or by using one or more separate sensors in different mounting configurations. According to one embodiment, the output of the gyroscopes 203 is an analog signal. This analog signal needs to be filtered to remove high frequency components by anti-aliasing filters 207, and then sampled by the analog-to-digital (ADC) peripheral inputs of the microprocessor 212. According to one embodiment the anti-aliasing filters are single pole RC low-pass filters that require a high sampling frequency; in another, they are operational amplifiers with multiple-pole low pass filters that may use a slower sampling frequency. In other embodiments, the device includes an analog interface circuit (AIC) with a programmable anti-aliasing filter. According to another embodiment, the output of the gyroscopes is digital, in which case the sensor must be configured for the correct gain and bandwidth and sampled at the appropriate rate to by the microprocessor 212.
The sensor module 200 also contains one or more aiding sensors. According to one embodiment, an aiding system is a three axis magnetometer 201. By sensing the local magnetic field, the magnetometer is able to record the device's two axes of absolute attitude relative to the local magnetic field which can aid correcting drift in other inertial sensors such as the gyroscopes 203. In one embodiment, the magnetometer sensors are off-the-shelf, low noise, solid-state, GMR magnetometer in small surface-mount packages such as the Honey-well HMC1043. In other embodiments they are custom made MEMS. The magnetometers are arranged in three orthogonal axes either on a single multi-axis device, or by using one or more separate sensors in different mounting configurations. According to one embodiment, the output of each magnetometer 203 is an analog signal from two GMR magnetometers arranged in a Wheatstone bridge configuration, which requires a differential operational amplifier 204 to amplify the signal and an anti-aliasing filter 207 to remove high frequency components. These amplified, anti-aliased filters are then sampled by the analog-to-digital (ADC) peripheral inputs of the microprocessor 212. According to one embodiment the anti-aliasing filters are single pole RC low-pass filters that require a high sampling frequency; in another, they are operational amplifiers with multiple-pole low pass filters that may have a slower sampling frequency. In other embodiments, the device includes an analog interface circuit (AIC) with a programmable anti-aliasing filter. According to another embodiment, the output of the magnetometers is digital, in which case the sensor must be configured for the correct gain and bandwidth and sampled at the appropriate rate to by the microprocessor 212. Unlike conventional MEMS inertial sensors, magnetometer sensors may need considerable support circuitry 208, which in one embodiment include such functions as temperature compensation of the Wheatstone bridge through controlling the bridge current, and low frequency magnetic domain toggling to identify offsets through the use of pulsed set/reset coils. Although not specifically depicted in the sensor module 200, other aiding sensors could be added. In one embodiment, a Global Positioning System Satellite Receiver is added in order to give absolute geodetic position of the device. In another embodiment, a barometric altimeter is added to give an absolute indication of the vertical altitude of the device. In another embodiment, beacons consisting of devices using the same wireless transceiver 231 could also tag specific locations by recording the ID of the beacon.
B.2. Microprocessor Module
The microprocessor module 210 in
According to one embodiment, the microprocessor 212 is a low power microcontroller such as the Texas Instruments MSP430FG4618. The microprocessor coordinates the sampling of sensors, data processing, data storage, communications, and synchronization across multiple devices. The microprocessor should be a lower power device with enough computational resources (e.g. 20 MIPS) and input/output resources (more than 20 general purpose input/output lines, 12 analog-to-digital converter inputs, and more than two serial communication ports) to interface to other modules.
The microprocessor is clocked by a low drift time base 213 in order to accurately maintain both a real time clock (RTC) and to minimize drift in the synchronous sampling across multiple devices on one subject over long periods of time. In one embodiment, the low drift time base is a temperature compensated crystal oscillator (CTXO) such as the Epson TG3530SA. In another embodiment, the time base is a standard microprocessor crystal with custom temperature compensation using the digital-to-analog converter of the microprocessor 212. Using a CTXO instead of a standard microprocessor crystal also minimizes power consumed by the wireless communication module 230 since the frequency necessary to re-synchronize devices is reduced.
B.3. Data Storage Module
The data storage module 221 stores the measurements from the sensors 200 and status of the device (such as the energy storage device's 245 charge level) locally on the device. It is especially designed to support studies involving multi-day continuous movement monitoring. In one embodiment, the device is capable of storing movement data at a sampling frequency of 128 Hz for over 20 days. In one embodiment, the local storage is flash memory soldered to the device's printed circuit board. In another embodiment, a high capacity Flash card, such as a >4 GB MicroSD card, is used with a high speed synchronous serial port (SPI) from the microprocessor 212 to minimize wire complexity and to enable a standard protocol to hand off to a host computer as necessary. In another embodiment, the data storage module is greatly reduced, or even unnecessary, because data is streamed directly off the device using the wireless communication module 230.
B.4. Wireless Communication Module
The wireless communication module 230 allows the device to communicate to other devices (peer-to-peer), to a host computer (peer-to-host) and to listen to other data such as wireless beacons. The wireless communication module serves multiple functions: it broadcasts data from the device's inertial sensors 200 to a computer or other recording device, it synchronizes sampling rate across multiple devices through a sampling time synchronization protocol, and allows for configuring the devices behavior (i.e. mode of operation). Another use for the wireless communication module is to listen for transmissions from beacons which informs the device about its current location (e.g. bathroom, kitchen, car, workplace). In one embodiment, the communication protocol is a industry standard protocol such as Bluetooth, ZigBEE, WiFi or substantially equivalent protocol. In another embodiment, it is a custom communication protocol based on a physical layer transceiver chip.
One embodiment of the wireless communication module consists of a low power, 2.4 GHz surface mount wireless transceiver 231, such as the Nordic Semiconductor nRF24L01+. The wireless transceiver uses a small on-board antenna 232, such as a chip antenna like the gigaNOVA Mica antenna for both transmitting and receiving wireless communications. In another embodiment, the antenna is a groundplane PCB patch antenna. In one embodiment, the wireless transceiver 231 uses a high speed synchronous serial port, such as the serial peripheral interface (SPI), to communicate with the host microprocessor 212. In another embodiment, the wireless transceiver is built into the microprocessor as a peripheral. In another embodiment, the wireless transceiver uses skin conduction to create a Personal Area Network (PAN) instead of a broadcast radio. Another embodiment uses light, such as infrared light, as a wireless communication system like the industry standard IRDA. In this last embodiment, the antenna 232 would be an optical transceiver.
B.5. Wireless Synchronization
B.5.A. Master Synchronization Scheme
According to one embodiment the movement monitor incorporates a wireless synchronization scheme based on master synchronization. In the master wireless synchronization scheme a plurality of movement monitors on a wireless network with a plurality of access points receive the data generated by the wireless network. One of these access points, which is identified during configuration, becomes the master timing source for the entire network. All other access points are synchronized to the master.
In one embodiment, the access points are synchronized to the master using a cable to transmit a synchronization clock. In another embodiment, the between-access point synchronization signal is sent over the wireless network between access points, possibly on a different wireless channel. In another embodiment, the synchronization signal is sent from the master access point to the other access points via connection to a local host computer.
The access point synchronization signal is used to precisely time the transmission of a synchronization data packet. This data packet is is transmitted at the exact same time by all access points and is received by all wireless nodes. This synchronized packet, in one embodiment, contains the counter value representing the time since the epoch for the master access point clock.
On receipt of the synchronization data packet, the wireless nodes adjust their clock or primary timer based on their local time stamp of the reception of that packet. In one embodiment, the nodes utilize a timer-based hardware capture (capture and compare) input pin to get a precise offset between the arrival of the synchronization packet and the device's local time. This offset can be used to measure the drift in the sensor node's clock and allow the node to either adjust its clock frequency directly via a voltage controlled oscillator, or allow it to periodically adjust a counter/timer to be used for sampling.
According to a particular embodiment, and without limitation, a single access point is chosen to be the master access point, and thus the master clock, for the entire wireless network. At the same time, all access points are updated to the same 64 bit absolute time stamp. This access point generates a precisely and deterministically timed clock signal using its PWM peripheral which is distributed to all other access points. On receipt of the clock pulse, each access point enters a high priority interrupt which has a known, deterministic delay to execution. Then each access point executes a predetermined number of instructions to send a synchronization packet from the access points to the rest of the wireless sensor nodes. This synch packet includes the absolute time. The radios on the wireless sensor nodes receive the packet and assert an interrupt line. This interrupt line is tied to a capture and compare peripheral pin, which takes a snapshot of the local timer in an interrupt. This snapshot allows the sensor node to reliably and deterministically find out when exactly the packet was sent according to its onboard time base. The sensor node takes this snapshot and compares it to what it should be, given a known synchronization packet rate. The difference is used in a simple software PLL to synchronize the local timer with the master access point clock.
The advantage to the master synchronization scheme is that it allows the sensor nodes to quickly and easily come into synchronization with the network: it requires very little computation to adjust the local clocks on the nodes, and the isochronous rate of the synchronization packets can be adjusted based on the need for synchronization tolerance. The higher the rate, the less time there is for clock drift.
B.5.B. Mesh Synchronization Scheme
According to an alternative embodiment the wireless synchronization scheme is comprised of a plurality of sensors on a wireless network with a plurality of access points to receive the data generated by the wireless network. In this scheme, however, there is no master time source. Instead, each device on the network sends a synchronization packet during its prescribed time slot, enabling each device to compare its clock against the clock of each of the other nodes and access points in the wireless network. This comparison allows each node in the mesh to create a statistical model of the network time—a distributed statistical clock model—and of its own clock relative to the network time.
Packet transmission and reception in the mesh synchronization scheme must be deterministic. In one embodiment, the sending and receiving of mesh synchronization packets is tied to a transmit enable from a local hardware timer. The packets will be sent at the exact time according to the local clock, and on receiving the synchronization packets, the nodes will capture their local timer values to determine their relative offsets.
In one embodiment, and without limitation, the Flooding Time Synchronization Protocol (FTSP) is used to synchronize the nodes.
In another embodiment, the FTSP is modified such that each synchronized node broadcasts its estimated clock model parameters. The root node can then estimate it's own parameters such that the error of all the clocks from the nominal frequency is minimized. If the distribution of clock frequencies is centered about the nominal frequency, this will reduce drift with respect to actual time. In another embodiment, the Reference Broadcast Protocol is used to synchronize the nodes. A root node is chosen to send synchronization packets. The other nodes then exchange their local times upon receipt of each synchronization packet. In another embodiment, the Timing-sync Protocol for Sensor Networks is used.
In another embodiment, each node in the network will calculate confidence intervals for its own clock and provide this to other nodes for use in calculating the weight that its clock should provide to the statistical network time. In another embodiment, each node calculates the confidence interval for the other nodes based on the variance of received packet time compared to their local clock.
In cases where a node or subset of nodes gets disconnected from the network, they will calculate their own network time using the nodes they can connect to. The larger the network, or the better their local clock, the more confident the unified network time can be. In the case where two or more groups are connected via a small subset of nodes the unified time can be propagated throughout the network. When two or more subsets of the network get completely disconnected from each other the chance for multiple diverging network times can occur. Reconnection of the two subnets is smoothly implemented by using the statistical modeling and allowing only very slow slewing of local clocks.
B.6. Robust Wireless Data Transfer Controller
The low power radio unit is a small volume, extremely low power radio system. In one embodiment, it is a a Nordic Semiconductor nRF24L01+ 2.4 GHz transceiver. In another embodiment, it is a low power IC that conforms to a radio standard such as Bluetooth or IEEE 802.15 (ZigBee). The small antenna is an extremely small volume antenna that trades a reduction in radiation efficiency for an decrease in the occupied volume by the antenna. In one embodiment, the antenna is a small custom made 2.4 GHz PCB patch antenna. In another embodiment, it is a commercially available chip antenna. The data collection unit collects the data to be transmitted. In one embodiment, the data collection unit is a six-degree-of-freedom inertial measurement unit (three axis accelerometers, three axis gyroscopes). In another embodiment, the data collection unit contains a six-degree-of-freedom inertial measurement unit (three axis accelerometers, three axis gyroscopes), a three axis magnetometer, and a temperature sensor. The data controller controls the flow of data from the data collection unit to the data storage unit, and from the data storage unit to the low power radio unit. In one embodiment the data controller is a microcontroller such as the Texas Instruments MSP430FG4618, in another it is a programmable logic device like an FPGA or CPLD.
In order to achieve robust wireless data transfer the system and apparatus includes a data transfer controller 602 that can run one of several methods, optimizing for power, communication bandwidth, or robustness. In one embodiment, the data controller methods running on the data controller store all data from the data collection on the data storage unit, and stream the data from the data storage unit to the low power radio unit as the unreliable radio channel allows.
In another embodiment, the data controller method first sends the data to the lower power radio unit, then stores only the data that has failed to successfully transmit.
In another embodiment, the data controller methods store data in the data storage unit while sensing that the state of the communication channel. If the channel is not available, the data controller methods shuts off the low power radio to save power, and continues to poll the channel until it is available.
In another embodiment, the data controller methods store the data in the data storage unit, and only occasionally turns on the radio into their full speed modes in order to quickly and efficiently “burst” the data from the device.
In another embodiment, the external data storage unit utilizes a single data bus with only half duplex reads and writes. In this case, the data controller methods must schedule and prioritize the data on the data bus. In the case where sensor data is being produced at a constant rate there is a hard real time requirement that writes take precedence over reads to prevent the loss of data. It is therefore possible for the radio unit to be temporarily starved of data pending a read request since a pending read operation is only performed if there are no pending writes in the queue.
In another embodiment, the the data controller has a “data latency bound” that enables the data controller methods to keep only so many seconds (or minutes, or hours) of data before discarding the data.
B.7. Power and Docking Module
The power and docking module 240 provides external power, power regulation, and external data connections to the device. One aspect of the power and docking module is the docking connector 242 which provides an external connector to access external power and provide high speed communication with the docking station, and thus to a computer or other recording device. One embodiment of the connector 242 is the Hirose ST60 series connector which provides enough connections for both power and complete hand off of the data storage module 220 for extremely high throughput downloading of data. In another embodiment, the docking connector is completely wireless, and provides inductive wireless power transmission for external power and a local high speed wireless data channel.
Most energy storage devices much be carefully charged, so the energy storage charging regulator 244 must carefully charge the energy storage device 245. In one embodiment, the energy storage charger is a linear Lithium Ion Polymer battery charger IC such as the Microchip MCP73833, or substantially equivalent integrated circuit. In another embodiment, it is a switching battery charge IC. In another embodiment, the microprocessor 212 measures the battery capacity and controls the energy storage device's charge directly.
The energy storage mechanism 245 is in one embodiment a Lithium Ion Polymer battery. Other embodiments involve other energy storage mechanism, such as super capacitors or other battery chemistries. The Lithium ion polymer battery should be sized appropriately to be as small as possible for the comfort of the subject wearing the device, yet still contain enough stored energy to power the system for a sufficiently long period of time. In one embodiment, a 450 mAHr battery is used to enable the device to last 24 hours and thus be usable for a full day before recharging is required. In another embodiment, a smaller 50 mAHr battery is used to minimize the device size for short term clinical use.
A power regulator 243 must be used to regulate the power coming from the energy storage device. According to one embodiment, a simple voltage regulator such as the Texas Instruments TPS79901 or equivalent, prepares the energy storage device's power for use by the other modules (200,210,210,220,230).
Device operation can be extended or performance improved by harvesting energy from the local environment. One embodiment of an energy harvesting device 241 is a small solar panel on the outside of the device. Another is a small kinetic generator using piezoelectric materials to generate voltage. A third uses heat differences between the subject's skin and the ambient air temperature.
B.8. External Docking Station
According to one embodiment, in order to facilitate use in the clinic, home, or other normal daily environments, the device includes a docking station 102 that is used to charge the batteries of the wearable devices 100 and download the data from each day of activities. The docking station 102 uploads the data using whatever means is available in that setting. If highspeed Internet access is available within the home, this may be used for data upload. Alternatively it permits the user to download the data to a portable storage device such as a USB thumb drive or hard drive that can then be transported to a site for final upload to the data server. If there is no simple means to download the data from the docking station 102, the data is downloaded once the docking station is returned at the end of the monitoring period. The docking station 102 requires no user intervention. The devices 100 stop recording as soon as they are docked and start recording as soon as they are undocked. According to one embodiment, the docking station 102 does not include any buttons. The docking station 102 can be connected to a computer for data extraction and processing.
B.9. Clinical Data Management and Processing Module
Once the data is uploaded to the server 104 including a clinical data management tool, the server 104 runs automatic statistical signal processing methods 106 to analyze the data and compute the results needed for the application. According to one embodiment, the system provides data for three applications: 1) human movement research, 2) movement disorders studies and clinical trials, and 3) clinical care. The system provides a simple means for researchers to conduct studies in human movement with wearable sensors 100. Study participants have an easy means of handling the devices by simply docking them when not in use. Researchers have easy, secure, and protected access to their raw sensor data through the server 104. The system also provides full support for research studies and clinical trials in movement disorders such as Parkinson's disease and essential tremor. It permits researchers to easily upload other types of data such as clinical rating scale scores, participant information, and other types of device data integrated into a secure database, and provides a means for sharing the data. Different views and controlled access permit study coordinators, research sponsors, statisticians, algorithm developers, and investigators to easily monitor the progress of studies and results. The system also provides the ability to do sequential analysis for continuous monitoring of clinical studies. According to one embodiment, the system has strict, secure, and encrypted access to any protected health information that is stored in the server. The system also supports clinical monitoring of individual patients to determine their response to therapy. This is especially helpful for movement disorders such as advanced Parkinson's in which the degree of motor impairment fluctuates continuously throughout the day. As with clinical studies and trials, the server provides secure, encrypted access to patient records for authenticated care providers as well as patients themselves.
According to one embodiment, the algorithms 106 process the raw device data and extract the metrics of interest. These algorithms are insensitive to normal voluntary activities, but provide sensitive measures of the motor impairments of interest. In Parkinson's disease this may include tremor, gait, balance, dyskinesia, bradykinesia, rigidity, and overall motor state.
Certain specific details are set forth in the above description and figures to provide a thorough understanding of various embodiments disclosed. Certain well-known details often associated with computing, firmware, and software technology are not set forth in the following disclosure to avoid unnecessarily obscuring the various disclosed embodiments. Further, those of ordinary skill in the relevant art will understand that they can practice other embodiments without one or more of the details described below. Aspects of the disclosed embodiments may be implemented in the general context of computer-executable instructions, such as program modules, being executed by a computer, computer server, or device containing a processor. Generally, program modules include routines, programs, objects, components, data structures, etc. that perform particular tasks or implement particular abstract data types. Aspects of the disclosed embodiments may also be practiced in distributed computing environments where tasks are performed by remote processing devices that are linked through a communications network. In a distributed computing environment, program modules may be located in both local and remote storage media including memory storage devices. Those skilled in the art will appreciate that, given the description of the modules comprising the disclosed embodiments provided in this specification, it is a routine matter to provide working systems which will work on a variety of known and commonly available technologies capable of incorporating the features described herein.
While particular embodiments have been described, it is understood that, after learning the teachings contained in this disclosure, modifications and generalizations will be apparent to those skilled in the art without departing from the spirit of the disclosed embodiments. It is noted that the foregoing embodiments and examples have been provided merely for the purpose of explanation and are in no way to be construed as limiting. While the system has been described with reference to various embodiments, it is understood that the words that have been used herein are words of description and illustration, rather than words of limitation. Further, although the system has been described herein with reference to particular means, materials and embodiments, the actual embodiments are not intended to be limited to the particulars disclosed herein; rather, the system extends to all functionally equivalent structures, methods and uses, such as are within the scope of the appended claims. Those skilled in the art, having the benefit of the teachings of this specification, may effect numerous modifications thereto and changes may be made without departing from the scope and spirit of the disclosed embodiments in its aspects.
This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 61/308,787 filed on 2010 Feb. 26, which is incorporated herein by reference.
Number | Date | Country | |
61308787 | Feb 2010 | US |