An award is made to support the acquisition of a next-generation sequencing System for Grand Valley State University's Annis Water Resources Institute (AWRI). High-throughput sequencing data is now incorporated into all areas of biology, from medical research to environmental sciences. AWRI is a research unit within Grand Valley State University that focuses on improving and enhancing freshwater resources. Sequencing system at AWRI will provide opportunity to directly train graduate and undergraduate students in this critical technology. AWRI's commitment to improving and preserving water resources also has broad societal benefit because of the basic research, public health and environmental relevance of understanding essential water resources. AWRI also engages in regional educational outreach program for K-12 students, universities, and the general public<br/><br/>Key projects that will be conducted by AWRI faculty and students through the acquisition of the sequencing system include: assessment of how invasive species alter mycorrhizal communities of native species in coastal sand dune systems; characterization of microbial communities associated with harmful algal blooms (HABs) across freshwater lakes ascribed to different trophic scales; evaluation of the relationship between invasive species introduction and changes in viral communities in the Great Lakes; and characterization of microbial communities associated with plastic pollution in freshwater lakes. Collectively, these projects will provide vital information regarding how some of the most significant environmental challenges of our time are driving changes in the Great Lakes, which comprises nearly 20% of the world's supply of freshwater. Furthermore, each project contributes to our understanding of how anthropogenic-related habitat degradation drives community level changes within ecosystems, which can be applicable not only for the Great Lakes region but for ecosystems throughout the world. Results from these studies will be published in peer-reviewed journals, presented at scientific meetings, and used in public outreach activities.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.