Objective<br/>The objective of this program is to acquire a direct current/radio frequency (DC/RF) sputtering system to support multi-disciplinary research on medical sensors, micro power generators, miniaturized flexible tag antennas, and novel bioengineering applications and implementations in robust and energy efficient wireless body area network (WBAN) systems.<br/><br/>Intellectual merit<br/>The intellectual merit is to provide the basis for hardware implementation of wireless body area networks for reliable data acquisition in patient diagnosis and health monitoring scenarios. It will enhance the scope of the current research activities and training capabilities as well as help to develop a new learning environment by adding research exploration and hands-on instrumentation experience to current undergraduate and graduate curricula at New York Institute of Technology. The proposed equipment will be configured to accommodate various materials and operate as a shared facility with access given to qualified members of the research community in the Long Island area.<br/><br/>Broader impacts<br/>The broader impacts are to provide invaluable educational and training opportunities for students at both the undergraduate and graduate levels and to be a vehicle for enabling and advancing faculty research. Using the proposed wireless body area network system, patients in a hospital or clinic setting can receive constant monitoring and care in an unobtrusive manner. Although not strictly limited to health care applications, such efforts could significantly reduce the cost of medical care. The proposed multidisciplinary research will also contribute to the recruitment of potential students, especially women, for degree programs in engineering fields.