This MRI aims to acquire a High-Performance Computing (HPC) System to support research and training in Computational Biology and Data Science in a Historically Black College and University (HBCU). The system will allow Meharry Medical College to: <br/>• Support and expand multidisciplinary research in big data and areas with high Computational needs; support Maharry’s planned school of Applied Computational Sciences by incorporating state-of-the-art <br/>genetics studies, learning, data visualization, and other functions requiring high performance computing, and other functions, and other areas with high computational needs, <br/>• Assist in recruiting and retaining historically underrepresented minority students in computational sciences and biology, <br/>• Expand educational and research outreach in High Performance Computing in Middle Tennessee and other HBCU. <br/>This HPC system aims at providing robust computational processing to support programs at the Data Science Institute. <br/><br/>This system will provide significant computational support for high throughput research and advance knowledge in computational biology and data science. This includes, but is not limited to big data management, sequencing data analyses, image processing, machine learning, and other types of data analyses (sequencing data and Acade analyses). The system offers a safe place for resource sharing, and contributes in retaining valuable knowledge, as well as providing opportunities for collaboration and engaging in trying to restrain the pandemic, and attaining more students.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.