This award to a non-Ph.D. granting institution is for the acquisition of a high resolution 1.3-<br/>m optical monochromator system with fast gated CCD camera for incorporation into the Laboratory for<br/>Plasma Physics at Troy University. This instrument will expand the current research capabilities of the PI's<br/> Laboratory into high resolution spectral line broadening measurements for high-velocity plasmas, which <br/>requires linewidth resolution on the order of 0.01 nm or better. Spectroscopic studies in basic plasma<br/> sciences will also be conducted with the help of the instrument in determining plasma density and temperature information. <br/>The high resolution monochromator system with fast gated ICCD camera<br/>fills a crucial void in the PI?s Laboratory. The instrument will make possible the investigations of the<br/>effects of a weak shock wave (Mach 1-5) on plasmas as well as of plasmas behind a strong ionizing<br/>shock wave (Mach 20 or higher). This research will provide new insight into fundamental plasma<br/> processes involved in the electronic layers formed at the shock-front. The high resolution spectroscopic<br/> line broadening data measured in the laboratory plasma behind a strong ionizing shock wave<br/> (Mach 20 or higher) can have potential use for space and inter-stellar plasma diagnostics.