This award for the acquisition of a multiphoton laser scanning confocal microscope has established a shared-use imaging facility that will serve varied and extensive research and training purposes for basic scientists at Loma Linda University. This advanced microscopy system will provide a broad range of imaging technologies including multiphoton and spectral analysis, as well as real-time imaging. The system is equipped with UV and multiple lasers for visible and multiphoton excitation, a multi-channel scanning module for multispectral detection and point scanning, a transmitted-light detector, and 2 non-descanned detectors for multiphoton imaging. This array of excitation and emission detection systems will provide researchers the capacity to use multiple fluorophores for innovative multidimensional imaging studies. To promote investigation of basic mechanisms of cellular interactions and function and perform live-cell and tissue studies, the system will include an incubation stage, an electrophysiology system, and myograph apparatus. The confocal microscope will be integrated into a microscopy training program, academic courses, and training workshops. The visual nature of the images acquired by the proposed system make an excellent entry point for students to engage in research. Students will be recruited through established outreach and research internship and graduate programs at Loma Linda University that target high-school age, undergraduate and graduate students and post-graduate trainees with a strong emphasis on under-represented minorities. Our goal for use of the proposed instrumentation is to facilitate multidisciplinary research and training at Loma Linda University and in the surrounding community. This facility and its members will provide the resource base and essential infrastructure that meet the needs for enduring collaboration and education, as well as serve as a catalyst that promotes basic science productivity in a diverse academic community.