An award is made to South Dakota Mines to acquire an atomic force microscopy-based infrared spectroscopy instrument (AFM-IR, nanoIR3). In general, nanoIR3 combines IR spectroscopy and chemical imaging of bio-material interfaces at resolutions below 10 nanometers. Especially important is the ability of nanoIR3 to provide a method for mapping IR-absorbing species in biological materials, correlating the electrical, thermal, and mechanical properties, and enriching the understanding of the heterogeneity of the sample, while imaging the surface topography. Hence, nanoIR3 enhances the state of SD infrastructure to perform interdisciplinary research at the intersection of biology and surface engineering, especially in the fields of applied biology, bio-inspired engineering, biophysics, chemical engineering, materials science, and nano-engineering. The fundamental knowledge from the nanoIR3 enabled research projects will support the design of innovative course materials, technical workshops, and hands-on research training, as well as broadening the participation and enhancing the technical skills of undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral researchers. The nanoIR3 supported projects will enrich additional programs that will be instrumental in the training and development of the next-generation STEM workforce who work with the faculty as they develop a background in both IR spectroscopy and high-resolution AFM microscopy. Much of the research to be performed with this instrument is related to developing bio-based materials and energy storage materials that will protect the environment, result in sustainable manufacturing, and enhance the role of the agricultural economy in next generation of materials synthesis.<br/><br/>This new AFM-IR capability enables South Dakota faculty and research centers to study structure-property relationships with sub-10 nm spatial resolution, far below the conventional optical diffraction limit (micrometers) for biological specimens, polymer-based composites, bio-composites, nanocomposites, and 2D materials. The research enabled by the nanoIR3 will especially benefit the studies of the principal investigators related to design, synthesis, characterization, and tuning of sub-cellular properties of new biodegradable polymers, which address major issues related to the use and replacement of polluting fossil-fuel based plastics. The new capability also provides a path for in-depth chemical characterization of thin films of nanomaterial-reinforced biopolymers, thermoplastics, electrospinning-enabled heterogeneous structures, stacked assemblies, or hybrid composites formed from 2D materials. The ability to measure nano-scale variations in the material properties at the interfacial and interphase regions also enables SD researchers to develop next-generation protective coatings that will be resistant to corrosion and engineer high-capacity lithium-ion anode materials to resist excessive lithium-ion entrapment in the solid-electrolyte interphase. In summary, the nanoIR instrument will allow South Dakota Mines to become a hub for high-resolution AFM-IR analysis, supporting researchers in the state of South Dakota and the region.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.