This award is supported by the Major Research Instrumentation and the Chemistry Research Instrumentation programs. Professor Cyren Rico from Missouri State University and colleagues Richard Biagioni, Robert Pavlowsky, Gary Michelfelder and Melissa Remley have acquired an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS). In general, mass spectrometry (MS) is one of the key analytical methods used to identify and characterize small quantities of chemical species in complex matrices. In a typical experiment, the components flow into a mass spectrometer where they are ionized and the ion masses are measured. This highly sensitive technique allows detection and determination of the structure of molecules in a complex mixture. The ionization using an inductively coupled plasma allows detection of metal ions and several non-metals present in very small concentrations. The acquisition strengthens the research infrastructure at the university and regional area. It is used by many students, some underrepresented in science. Fields of study include analytical, environmental, geochemical, and agricultural sciences. The ICP-MS also contributes toward outreach to other local universities such as Evangel University and Ozark Technical Community College. It is used for educational program targeting women and first generation college students since no academic institution in southwest Missouri has ICP-MS capability.<br/><br/><br/>The award of the ICP-MS is aimed at enhancing research and education at all levels, especially in areas. It especially impacts studies of fate, transport, toxicity, and food chain transfer of engineered nanomaterials as well as plant/soil interaction with environmental stressors. The instrument is also used to analyze nutrient and geochemical cycling. The mass spectrometer is employed for trace elements analysis in biological, food, dietary supplements, and environmental samples. Some examples are sediments, soil, volcanic rocks, drinking water, wastewater, effluents, and plants.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.