This award supports the acquisition of a microscope-enabled Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy instrument at the Desert Research Institute (DRI), for research expansion and training of DRI/University of Nevada, Reno undergraduate and graduate students. Infrared microscopy provides fundamental information on the molecular structure of organic and inorganic compounds and is both non-destructive and versatile. This instrument will be used to advance knowledge for at least two areas of research: 1) identification of microplastics (plastic particulates <5 mm) in environmental samples; and 2) reconstruction of past wildfire temperatures from sedimentary charcoal deposits. Such research will potentially transform the scientific community through further testing of new applications, field, and laboratory methodologies. In addition, the team of early career and experienced faculty and their students will use the infrared microscope to advance knowledge for various applications in the earth sciences including archaeology, sedimentology, climate change, assessment of human impacts to the environment, and paleoclimate. Undergraduate and graduate students will be engaged in hands-on training using this instrument through research experiences and teaching opportunities.<br/><br/>The microscope-enabled Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy instrument will support a wide range of research and educational opportunities at DRI. The infrared microscope will be used for the identification of microplastics in environmental samples, to further field and laboratory sampling methodologies for microplastics, development of a spatiotemporal dataset of polymer types, and to assess plastic/biotic interactions. In addition, this instrument will further test the application of infrared microscopy for determining wildfire combustion temperature from western U.S. sedimentary charcoal. These areas of research have implications for: 1) the identification of microplastic pollution sources and 2) placing modern wildfire observations in the context of past wildfires. Through these projects, the instrument will enhance research in areas of the Earth sciences and enable hands-on training to visiting researchers and students. The infrared microscope will provide the team of early career and experienced faculty with a state-of-the-art research tool necessary to establish new areas of research and to broaden collaborations.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.