This award from the Major Research Instrumentation program supports the acquisition of a Scienta Omicron Infinity Scanning Probe Microscopy Lab, with a closed-loop cryostat, ultrahigh vacuum scanning tunneling and non-contact atomic force microscope. This microscope provides images on the atomic and molecular levels at low temperatures. The incorporation of closed helium loop technology rids the instrument users from needing expensive, nonrenewable helium cryogen resources, while still accessing low temperatures (< 10 K) in a low noise environment, necessary for atomic resolution. The stability of these instruments will allow the user to keep samples at low temperatures for weeks at a time, and enables users to conduct high impact, novel work at James Madison University (JMU), an undergraduate institution. The installation of the Infinity microscope at JMU will enhance the research opportunities for students by increasing the impact of research projects spanning four departments at both JMU and the University of Virginia (UVA): (JMU Chemistry/Biochemistry and Physics/Astronomy, UVA Chemistry/Biochemistry and Materials Science/Engineering). Researchers at UVA will travel to JMU to use the instrumentation to enhance their own projects while working with JMU PIs and undergraduates. These networking opportunities will enrich the experiences of JMU undergraduate researchers. Across the 9 research groups at JMU and UVA, undergraduate and graduate researchers will get hands-on experience with a state-of-the-art instrument. <br/><br/>The Infinity microscope will provide the atomic and nanoscale resolution, electronic structure characterization, and low temperature transitions (molecular packing, electronic structure and conductivity measurements, defect morphology and rearrangement, molecular binding sites) for 9 new or ongoing projects at both JMU and UVA. These cross-disciplinary projects will involve both undergraduate and graduate students in research in 1) intermolecular interactions and substrate effects on packing, 2) electron transport in individual photosynthesis proteins, 3) surface characteristics of entropy-stabilized oxides, 4) surface electronic structures of manganese-doped indium tin oxide, 5) local electronic structures of graphene defects, 6) defect sites of nickel-based alloys, 7) geometric and electronic structures of 2D ceria nanosheets, 8) tip-induced dissociation of adsorbates, and 9) self-assembly of block copolymer structures and domains. The microscope will provide nanoscale geometric and electronic details that will further the fundamental knowledge of each particular research project. The thermally stable, low temperature scanning tunneling microscope will allow researchers to investigate the morphology and electronic structure of their conductive samples, while atomic force microscopy will highlight nanoscale intricacies on nonconductive substrates. The atomic and molecular level insights gained by this microscope will aid the fundamental understanding of fields including catalysis, corrosion, photosynthesis, polymer science, surface science, and materials science.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.