This Major Instrumentation Grant supports the acquisition of Artificial Resynthesis Technology (ART, Lynton CNC) to establish the Chicago Experimental Wear (ChEW) laboratory. ART is an innovative chewing simulator that accurately replicates the many components of the oral environment, including temperature, jaw movement, bite force, and the action of the cheeks, tongue, and saliva. Although originally developed for human dentistry, this ART will be customized to include parameters for humans, non-human primates, other mammals, and reptiles, allowing for an unparalleled understanding of the formation and ramifications of dental wear and maximizing the scope of interdisciplinary research and education across Chicago, the Midwest, and beyond. ART’s unique technology will bring together a network of oral biology specialists at an institution where 40% of students identify as being from historically underrepresented groups and 66% of undergraduates are female identifying. It will provide crucial research experiences to undergraduates where demand for experiential learning is high, but the supply of such opportunities is low. ART will also be used to engage K-12 students and their teachers in active learning demonstrations through various virtual and in-person programs.<br/><br/>ART will significantly expand the ability of clinical and basic science researchers to address questions related to oral biology. These questions are multi-disciplinary in nature, bringing together dentists, anthropologists, biologists, and engineers to cross-pollinate ideas and enrich teaching and learning opportunities. Specifically, ART will help unravel the contributions of exogenous and dietary abrasives to dental macro- and microwear, fundamental to our understanding of biological and cultural adaptations through time. Another focus will include how primate oral processing behaviors change in relation to food geometry (e.g., size) and food material properties (e.g., toughness or hardness). It will also provide insight into the relationships between dental design and motor control during the evolution of vertebrate feeding systems. Clinically, ART will be used to unravel the biological and/or mechanical factors responsible for dental implant failures in human patients, and the wear of existing and experimental dental materials, such as dental zirconia, dental ceramics, and polymer-based restorative materials. It will be used to investigate the impact of nighttime grinding (sleep bruxism) on tooth wear and dental appliance longevity. Beyond this, ART will provide insight into the role of oral microbiomes, pH, and enzyme activity in the saliva during digestion, and how changes in the microbiota impact nutrition and health.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.