Proposal #: CNS 11-26327<br/>PI(s): Lee, Tai-Chi; Freed, Alan D; Hallouche, Farid; Kotsidou, Kassiani<br/>Institution: Saginaw Valley State University<br/>Title: MRI/Dev.: Custom Platform with Parallel Application from Rapid Simulation (PARS) Interconnecting DSPs and FPGAs for High Performance Computing.<br/>Project Proposed:<br/>This project, developing an instrument for high performance computing based on PARS technology with multiple digital signal processors (DSP) and field programmable field arrays (FPGAs) (as well as inclusion of an embedded processor with custom instructions capability, a development tool from Altera EP1C12 NIOS II), allows users to run their applications on the entire system within the Simulink environment and then automatically generate code for multi-DSP and multi-FPGA in the system. The research activities enabled by this instrument are expected to spotlight the need for adding the capabilities of parallel processing and reconfigurability offered by FPGA and DSP, as well as suggest important applications of the instruments in various areas of science. These areas include mathematics (number theory, fixed point mapping), computer science (data structures, algorithm analysis, computer architectures, and networking), and engineering. The instrument will service the following five projects: <br/>- Fractal image compression, <br/>- Cryptosystem with elliptic curve, <br/>- Experimental soft-tissue mechanics, <br/>- Image processing, and <br/>- DSP implementation for measuring ultrasonic waves.<br/>Broader Impacts: <br/>The acquisition of the platform will provide the faculty members from many disciplines a parallel platform including both DSPs and FPGAs, and expose cutting-edge computing to students. Students will be trained in the use of new and novel technologies that might impact an economically depressed area by providing a trained workforce. SVSU has good outreach to secondary school teachers and K-12.