Medical cyber-physical systems (MCPS) require high reliability and security because they are safety critical. The lack of test benchmarks, suitable hardware-software interfaces, and easy-to-test hardware platforms makes it challenging to evaluate, verify, and validate the security mechanisms and reliability of high-confidence MCPS (HC-MCPS). This project aims to develop a configurable, extendable, opensource, reliable, human-in-the-loop HC-MCPS testbed. The HC-MCPS testbed will advance the ability to simulate attack/defense models. It will provide a simulation platform for cyber-physical attacks, artificial intelligence (AI) attacks, control instability detectors, and allow the researchers to conduct multidisciplinary research. <br/><br/>The instrument will enable researchers to make medical cyber-physical systems more reliable and secure, ultimately improving the quality of healthcare. It will contribute to research, training, and teaching at the home institution in an EPSCoR state by enabling a large number of federally and state-funded projects in the areas of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Robotic Telesurgery, and Nursing. The instrument will also be used outside of the home institution to support cyber-enabled collaborative operations and data sharing among over twenty collaborators.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.