This Major Research Instrumentation (MRI) award supports the acquisition of a dynamic micro-computed tomography instrument. Dynamic testing is essential for evaluating functionality over time. Micro-computed tomography techniques are non-destructive and provide 3D information at the micrometer scale. This project aims to integrate advanced research instrumentation in science and engineering with educational training for minority students. The micro-computed tomography instrument will be acquired by Florida A&M University (FAMU), a historically black college and university. The capability of the instrument provides an efficient characterization tool for examining many microstructured systems. It will be used in a range of research projects to conduct significant work in novel polymer-metal-ceramic composites, actuation mechanisms, bio-composites and macro-organisms, and fossilized creatures. The instrument will also help train students from multiple disciplines in the behavior of materials to produce the next generation of a STEM minority workforce. The instrument will also play an important role in the newly established Materials Science and Engineering graduate program. Additionally, this instrument will help FAMU establish the X-Ray Imaging Science Center and be part of the training network for the United States synchrotron facilities.<br/><br/>The procurement of a Rigaku Computed Tomography (CT Lab HX) system provides new research opportunities by scaling experimentation through nondestructive 3D imaging, critical for identifying key microstructural dynamic features. The CT500 is a 500N in-situ tensile/compressive stage. The integrated mechanical testing unit within the CT's available open-frame can achieve 10-20 mm, respectively, for compression or tension modes. This will enable application-specific testing across a multidiscipline basis to encompass varying scan times from seconds, minutes and processes occurring over an hour. FAMU will be the steward and will coordinate fundamental studies of novel interdisciplinary challenges. Fundamental research projects using the instrument address cross-campus needs that encompass studies of 1) multiarchitectured polymer material flow for functional fiber production and 4D printing; 2) physiological and morphological growth of common pests for the food-water nexus; and 3) enhanced computational image processing. By systematically investigating material structures at length scales where critical features can be detected, this instrument allows the research community to study innate mechanisms of a range of problems spanning structural, environmental, chemical, and organic-related processes. This project will also attract collaborations with regional industry, national laboratories, and municipal entities for public STEM engagement.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.