The current and future generations of wireless systems require compact, broadband/high-speed Monolithic<br/>Microwave Integrated Circuits and Antennas. Higher speed circuits need large bandwidth that can be realized at<br/>higher frequencies. There are FCC bands for wireless applications up to and beyond 67 GHz. In order to facilitate<br/>research in these bands the following instruments need to be acquired: a) Network Analyzer (67GHz), b) Spectrum<br/>Analyzer (50GHz), c) Signal Generator (40GHz), d) Wafer Probe Station (67GHz), e) Printed Circuit Scriber, and f)<br/>Printed Circuit Through-Hole Plating System. These are the highest performance equipment currently available.<br/>The objectives of the proposed activity are:<br/>1) To enhance the capabilities of the Microwave Engineering laboratory facilities for continued research and design<br/>at high frequencies in the areas of Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuits (MMICs), Hybrid-MICs and, printed<br/>Antennas, 2) To expand the scope of collaborative efforts with industry in the design of novel MMICs for current<br/>and future generation communication systems, 3) To increase the extent of training in advanced research, design,<br/>tests and measurements imparted to students, and 4) To strengthen the Universitys position to seek research funding<br/>from industry and government agencies.<br/>Industry-sponsored collaborative research and design activities in the areas of MMICs have been going on at<br/>Bradley University for the past 12 years with Northrop-Grumman Corp. and Fujitsu Compound Semiconductor, Inc.<br/>These projects have involved MMIC designs in which students have been trained in advanced research and design.<br/>The outcome was the development of novel circuits for applications in current and future generation communication<br/>and radar systems. The MMICs were designed at Bradley University, but fabrication, tests and measurements were<br/>conducted at the laboratories of the industry. The MMICs could not be measured at Bradley University because of<br/>the frequency limitation (40 GHz) of the existing Network Analyzer and lack of Wafer Probe Station. This deprived<br/>the students of valuable research experience. Also, active device modeling projects from industry had to be turned<br/>down due to lack of Wafer Probe Station. Therefore, acquisitions of a 67GHz Network Analyzer and a Microwave<br/>Wafer Probe Station will alleviate this deficiency. It will allow the students to do tests and measurements and<br/>expand opportunities to seek more industry-supported research projects. The fabrications of MMICs however will<br/>continue to be done at industry. The Principal Investigator has been exploring potential collaboration with TriQuint<br/>Semiconductor. He will also explore collaborations with the following companies: Hughes, US Monolithics, iTerra<br/>Communications, TRW, TLC Precision Wafer Technology, Motorola, Conexant, and M/A-COM where he has<br/>established connections or his former students are working.<br/>Other research projects included development of novel, Hybrid-MICs, sub-systems, and printed antennas for<br/>wireless Communication systems. In these projects, the existing microwave Anechoic Chamber/Antenna Data<br/>acquisition system, Microwave Source (18 GHz), Spectrum Analyzer (22 GHz) and Network Analyzer (40 GHz)<br/>have been used. The circuits and antennas have been fabricated using the existing printed circuit fabrication<br/>(chemical etching) facility. Again, the extent of research and design activities has been limited due to frequency<br/>limitation of the current Signal Source and Spectrum Analyzer, and lack of precision printed circuit fabrication<br/>facility. For example, a 24 GHz printed array antenna for Automobile Collision Avoidance System project could not<br/>be undertaken. Therefore acquisition of the instrumentation requested above will overcome this limitation, enabling<br/>research and design work at higher frequencies, and enhance the research training of students.<br/>There is a critical shortage of microwave engineers in this country. Bradley University is one of the few select<br/>institutions that offers advanced education and training in this area of specialization. Graduate and senior<br/>undergraduate students are educated and trained through capstone thesis and design projects as well as courses. The<br/>projects are intensive and involve planning, design, fabrications, tests and measurements, documentation and<br/>presentation. The projects have resulted in numerous refereed publications. Industry has been a partner in<br/>microwave education and training by supporting projects and, providing assistantships and internships.<br/>The acquisitions of the requested equipment will have the following impact: a) Enhance the capability to provide<br/>advanced research and design experience in RF and Microwave Engineering, including tests and measurements, b)<br/>Expand the scope of projects and partnerships with industry, c) Strengthen the University's position to seek research<br/>funding from industry and government agencies, d) Help attract and train students in the critical area of RF and<br/>Microwave Engineering, and e) Enrich the Microwave Engineering curriculum and education at Bradley University.