Many ammeters implement some sort of current-to-voltage conversion circuit. These circuits respond either linearly with an input current or logarithmically. The benefit of a linear response is a constant resolution and measurement error throughout the entire measurement range. The drawback is a specific measurement range which may be too large or too small for a given application. A logarithmic response expands the measurement range over several orders of magnitude but generally has poorer performance than a linear response in any given range.
Precision ammeters attempt to extend the range of linear-response circuits by including many of them designed for specific ranges with which the instrument switches between. The switching can be done automatically when the ammeter detects an over- or under-range condition or manually by a user who expects a measurement to fall within a specific range.
The problems associated with switching circuits result from transients introduced back into the system under measurement when the ammeter switches between ranges. The switch takes a finite time during which the instrument's behavior is not well controlled. These transients can disrupt sensitive systems or cause erroneous measurements following the switch.
The present invention utilizes a dynamic resistance feedback network as a current-to-voltage converter to combine the advantages of a linear-response converter and a logarithmic-response converter. This allows the invention to accommodate many ranges of currents without a need for explicit switching. Furthermore, the accuracy of the invention is like that of a linear converter.
The following briefly describes the figures accompanying this invention:
The present invention implements a current-to-voltage conversion circuit with a combined linear-logarithmic voltage response while maintaining a capacity for high performance in terms of accuracy and speed. The invention utilizes a resistor-diode pair network as the feedback element of a negative feedback amplifier. The resistor-diode pairs are arranged in a ladder topology (
Each resistor-diode pair, or stage, is a linear and non-linear resistance in parallel. Each stage is designed such that the diode has greater impedance than the resistor at low voltages across the stage. The resistor is the controlling resistance in this condition. The diode becomes more conductive as the voltage across the stage increases and eventually the diode becomes the controlling resistance.
The amplifier has a strong linear response to the input current while the current is small enough to not cause a large voltage drop across the resistor, and hence the stage. At some design voltage, the diode becomes much more conductive than the resistor, allowing current over several orders of magnitude to bypass the resistor. The next stage in the network is designed for a current one order of magnitude higher. Thus, multiple stages placed in series maintain the strong linear response of the amplifier over a wide range of input currents.
The basic embodiment of the invention consists of: an operational amplifier (op-amp), at least two feedback resistors, and at least two diodes that are functional when reverse biased (such as a Zener diode). One resistor and one diode are paired together in parallel to form one stage of the feedback network. The stages are then placed in series between the amplifier output and the inverting input. The diodes have their cathodes towards the current input terminal. The feedback network consists of at least two resistor-diode stages.
Each stage is designed to a desired input current range. The desired range determines the resistor's resistance value through a choice of cutoff voltage. The cutoff voltage determines the reverse bias properties of the paired diode. The diode passes 10% of the stage's full-scale current at this cutoff voltage. Each stage is clamped to the cutoff voltage once the input current exceeds a given stage's range. The output of the op-amp is the sum of the voltages across each stage, from which a value and decade of the input current can be determined.
An example would be to select a resistor appropriate for a 1 nA (nano-amp) full-scale current range. The desired cutoff voltage might be 1 V. Thus a diode that passes 0.1 nA while reverse-biased at 1 V is chosen. The resistor passes the remaining 0.9 nA at 1 V which sets the resistance to 1.11 GΩ. The diode becomes more conductive as the voltage increases and bypasses a greater and greater proportion of the current. The next stage might be designed for a 10 nA range at a 1 V cutoff again. The diode in this stage would have to pass 1 nA at 1 V and the resistor passes the remaining 9 nA at 1 V, giving 111 MΩ.
An embodiment can consist of any number of stages in the feedback network. Two such feedback circuits can be placed in a back-to-back manner to allow for a bipolar input current.
An alternate embodiment for the feedback network involves placing two diodes back-to-back for each stage instead of one.