Comfort Manufacturing Company "Vibra-Spring Field Conditioners" Brochure, Aug. 1980. |
Kverneland Seed Bedder Brochure, Jan., 1983. |
Lawrence Edwards "Kombi-Cult" Advertisement in Power Farming, vol. 64, No. 8, p. 20, Aug., 1985. |
Brochure of Bomford's Dyna-Drive Ground Driven Cultivator. |
Brochure of Forrest City's DO-ALL Farm Implement. |
Brochure of Unverferth's Rolling Harrow II Soil Conditioner (published 1989). |
Brochure of John Deere's Seedbed Tillage Implements. |
Richardson Mulch Treader brochure--Jul. 1984. |
Series 5000 Sunflower Field Cultivator brochure--1987. |
Series 6000 Sunflow Land Finisher brochure--1991. |
Series 6332 Sunflower Land Finisher Operator's Manual (1 year prior to Sep. 15, 1993). |