*** 9550532 Khalsa IntelliTools, Inc. is designing and developing Multi-Math Adaptations that work with multiple mathematics curricula, serve people with a multiplicity of disabilities, employ a multisensory approach, and use the power of multimedia computing combined with hands-on manipulatives and classroom activities. Multi-Math Adaptations targets some 70,000 students nationwide in grades K-6 with orthopedic and visual impairments and encompasses three different types of instructional materials: multimedia computer activities built on IntelliTools product platforms; accessible mathematics manipulatives that closely parallel standard mathematics manipulatives but can be handled by people with visual and orthopedic impairments; and upgrades to IntelliTools platform products. Some activities are generic and correspond to common mathematics teaching strategies and others are direct adaptations of those published by any of the three comprehensive elementary mathematics instructional materials development projects currently funded by NSF. ***