Multifuncional environmental control unit

A novel stand alone multifunctional electro-mechanical device for sensing, monitoring, and controlling environmental conditions within an occupied space, such as thermal control, room pressure, and light levels. The device utilizes a standard VAV Diffuser, an intelligently controlled window, or an intelligently controlled shutter that would optimize functionality and satisfy the aesthetic needs of occupants, designers, and architects while utilizing energy harvesting combined with ultra-low power operations to reduce the long term operational costs and installation costs, due to its stand alone configuration. The device has the capability and versatility to perform additional functions, such as life safety monitoring, fire detection, vital sign monitoring of occupants, entertainment features such as audio and video displays in conjunction with wireless and network communication features.

Taking the following specifications in conjunction with the accompanying drawings will cause the invention to be better understood regarding these and other features and advantages. The specifications reference the annexed drawings wherein:

FIG. 1 is a perspective view of multifunctional environmental control unit depicting a multitude of functions including display, communication, and entertainment.

FIG. 2 is a more detailed perspective view of additional communication functions.

FIG. 3 is a more detailed perspective of lighting functions.

FIG. 4 is a more detailed perspective view security, fire detection, smoke detection, air quality monitoring functions.

FIG. 5 is a perspective view of other occupied space locations for the controlling unit enabling the multifunctional capabilities.

FIG. 6 is a detailed view of the best implementation of the environmental controlling unit

FIG. 7 is an exploded perspective view of the best implementation of the “iris” environmental controlling unit.

FIG. 8 is a more detailed perspective exploded view of “iris” type moveable baffle approach for supply pressure control and energy scavenging components in the controlling unit.

FIG. 9 is a more detailed exploded perspective view of “iris” type moveable baffle approach for room thermal control operation

FIG. 10 is a detailed view of an alternate rotating cylinder design for the temperature controlling unit.

FIG. 11 is another exploded perspective view of an alternate design for the controlling unit showing flow directional control.

FIG. 12 is a perspective view of a complete HVAC System.

FIG. 13 is a schematic of the control functions for a complete HVAC System.

FIG. 14 is a schematic of the control algorithm for the thermal environment control.

FIG. 15 is a schematic of the control algorithm for the pressure/sound/air quality control.

FIG. 16 is a perspective view of an intelligent window/shutter/damper control unit.


While describing the invention and its embodiments, various terms will be used for the sake of clarity. These terms are intended to not only include the recited embodiments, but also all equivalents that perform substantially the same function, in substantially the same manner to achieve the same result.

Now referring to FIG. 1 which discloses a preferred embodiment of the present invention, a multifunctional environmental control unit generally referenced by numeral 100 which is depicted in a closed environment, such as a room or office wherein the unit 100 has the functionality of the following, it can sense external and internal properties, such as temperature, pressure, and position, and control the movement of conditioned air for thermal control as well as, communicate wirelessly, display images and text, sound alarms, and illuminate. A remote display unit, for example, a computer, generally referenced by numeral 110, a wall mounted display generally referenced by numeral 120, an integral visible display referenced by numeral 130. All communicate wirelessly with bidirectional transmitter/receiver unit referenced by numeral 140. An integral projector referenced by numeral 150 can project images on an appropriate surface. Occupants, whether working or resting, healthy or sick, referenced by numerals 160 and 170, will benefit from the multifunctional capabilities of the control unit. The integral wireless communication module for room communication is generally referenced by numeral 140. The integral wireless communication module for communication with other system components is generally referenced by numeral 180.

Now referring to FIG. 2 which discloses an expanded display functionality of the control unit. Remote communication units are referenced by numeral 210 for a wall mounted device, numeral 220 for a desk top device, numeral 230 for a desktop display, numeral 240 for a desk top phone, and numeral 250 for a mobile device. An enclosure to house and environmentally protect the electronics interfacing with sensors, actuators, display devices, and allowing wireless communication with enclosed communication modules, and allowing computation of control logic referenced by numeral 190.

Now referring to FIG. 3 which discloses an expanded illumination capability. The luminaries can be integral with the controlling unit 100 as referenced by numeral 310 and at any height on any wall as referenced by numeral 320. Illumination On-Off or dimming signals can be relayed through the controlling unit numeral 100 to the luminaries 320 and 310, by sending signals from a human interface device referenced by numeral 220 for a table top device or numeral 250 for a mobile device

Now referring to FIG. 4 which discloses an expanded security and safety capability. The controlling unit numeral 100 incorporates integral sensors referenced by numeral 410 for motion detection, numeral 420 for fire detection, numeral 430 for smoke detection and numeral 480 for CO2 sensing to monitor air quality. The objects detected are referenced by numerals 440 for an intruder, numeral 450 for fire, and numeral 460 for generated smoke. The alarm signal detected by controlling unit is transmitted by the bidirectional transmitter/receiver unit referenced by numeral 140 is sent to receiving unit typically referenced by mobile device referenced by numeral 250 located on non-intruder referenced by numeral 470. For quality of air monitoring and control, wireless communication is enabled between bidirectional transmitter/receiver unit referenced by numeral 140 located in controlling unit numeral 100 and a separate module referenced by numeral 490 in a preferred location in the occupied space.

Now referring to FIG. 5 which discloses optional locations for the controlling unit. Optional locations for controlling unit include centrally located in the ceiling referenced by numeral 510, at the ceiling/wall corner along a long wall in a rectangular room referenced by numeral 520 at the wall/ceiling corner along a short wall in a rectangular room referenced by numeral 530, at a wall/wall corner referenced by numeral 540, at a wall/floor corner referenced by numeral 550, at a under floor location referenced by numeral 560, at a corner apex referenced by numeral 570.

Now referring to FIG. 6 which discloses the one possible internal construction of the controlling unit which embodies the improvement capabilities described above. Internal components include an internal sensing element for occupied space detection and communication 140 and sensor for the measurement of external environmental thermal conditions (preferably an infrared temperature sensor with a single sensing element or a multi-element with individual addressable elements, referenced by numeral 610, and system supply communication referenced by numeral 180, a moveable horizontal flow baffle referenced by numeral 630, an actuator for positioning the moveable horizontal flow baffle 630 referenced by numeral 640, a moveable vertical flow baffle referenced by numeral 660, an actuator for positioning the moveable vertical flow baffle 660 referenced by numeral 670, a moveable supply flow baffle referenced by 690, a actuator to position the moveable supply flow baffle 690 referenced by 695, an internal temperature sensor referenced by numeral 696, an internal pressure sensor referenced by numeral 697 with a tube referenced by numeral 617 to communicate internal pressure to the pressure sensor 697, a position sensor for the moveable horizontal flow baffle 630 referenced by numeral 632, a position sensor for the moveable vertical flow baffle 660 referenced by numeral 661, a position sensor for the moveable supply baffle 690 referenced by numeral 691, a housing for the electronic control unit referenced by numeral 600, and a mounting plate for the baffle motors referenced by numeral 607, and the housing for the complete assembly referenced by numeral 601. In the best implementation of air movement control for thermal comfort, the horizontal and vertical directional air directional control is incorporated into a single baffle assembly with extended rotational movement driven by a gear or belt referenced by numeral 631

Now referring to FIG. 7, which further discloses a more detailed exploded view of the control unit depicted in FIG. 6. Components are referenced by numerals 150, 180, 600, 601, 610, 630, 631, 632, 640, 660, 661, 670, 690, 691, 695, 696, 697 and Additional components include bearings referenced by numeral 604 under each moveable wings of the horizontal baffles 630, posts referenced by numeral 603 guiding the horizontal baffle wings 630 and bearings 604, a rotating plate referenced by numeral 631 with attached pins or gear whereby the pins or gear engage slots or gears referenced by numeral 605 in the horizontal baffle wings 630 to rotate them thereby exposing a flow gap between the housing 601 and a fixed face plate referenced by numeral 689, a actuator mounting plate referenced by numeral 607 to support actuators 640 and 670, a cam like or gear drive mechanism referenced by numeral 609 attached to actuator 640 to rotate the rotating ring or gear referenced by numeral 606, a slotted arm (shown) or gear referenced by numeral 611 attached to actuator 670 to drive a pin (shown) or gear referenced by numeral 618 attached to vertical moving baffle 660 thereby exposing a flow gap between the fixed plate referenced by numeral 689 and vertical moving baffle 660, center shaft assembly referenced by numeral 612 mounting the complete horizontal and vertical baffle assembly to the housing 601, a gas impermeable flexible fabric referenced by numeral 613 to block the supply air upon actuation of the supply damper 690, a fixed support plate referenced by numeral 614 with attached pins referenced by numeral 615 to guide the bearings referenced by numeral 616 and the individual arms of supply damper 690, a pressure sensing tube referenced by numeral 617 to communicate internal static pressure to internal pressure sensor 697. In the best implementation of the concept, the horizontal and vertical flow baffle function is incorporated into a single gear driven mechanism utilizing the baffles wings 630, rotating gear 606 and gears 605 attached to the individual baffle wings 630.

Now referring to FIG. 8 which further discloses an explode view of the components on the supply side of the controlling unit. The a partial section of the housing 601 is shown below the moveable supply baffle 690 incorporating a multiple of geared arms referenced by numeral 891 synchronized by a central gear referenced by numeral 892. The gear assembly is driven by the actuator referenced by numeral 695 rigidly incorporating a gear referenced by numeral 893 which drives the central gear referenced by numeral 892 to in turn drive in a synchronized fashion the multiple gears of arms referenced by numeral 891. Above is also shown a small turbine blade assemble referenced by numeral 710 used to generate energy to operate the controls and supply storage energy for future use. The power to drive the turbine is extracted from the energy in the air flow supplied by the system blower upstream. Also shown are components for energy harvesting related to piezoelectric vibration as referenced by numeral 820 and thermoelectric power generation referenced by numeral 830. Sensing components referenced by numerals 617, 696, 697 and structural components referenced by numerals 613, 614, 615 and 616 are as described in FIG. 6.

Now referring to FIG. 9 which discloses a further exploded view of the room temperature control assembly depicted in FIG. 6 and FIG. 7. Components are referenced by numerals 600, 604, 605, 606, 607, 609, 611, 630, 631, 640, 660, 670.

Now referring to FIG. 10 which discloses an alternate construction for the controlling unit. The improvements over the current state of the art also apply to this alternate construction. Internal components include a multiplicity rotating slotted cylinders for controlling the volumetric flow and flow direction as typically referenced by numeral 1010 displaying orientation for horizontal air movement and numeral 1011 displaying orientation for vertical air movement, a multiplicity sealing surfaces for reducing uncontrolled flow bypassing the cylinder as typically referenced by numeral 1020, a multiplicity of actuators used to drive the rotation of the rotating cylinders as referenced by numeral 1030. The housing as referenced by numeral 1040 and face plate as referenced by numeral 1050 serve a similar purpose of enclosing the internal operational parts as the assembly described in FIG. 6 except the construction would be different to be compatible with these shown internal parts. Sensing components 610, 617, 696, 697 would be of similar construction and location as the assembly described in FIG. 6.

Now referring to FIG. 11 which discloses detailed exploded view of the control unit depicted in FIG. 10. Components on the supply side of the assembly for pressure control, sensing and energy harvesting are identical to components in FIG. 3, FIG. 4, FIG. 6, FIG. 7 and FIG. 8 referenced by numerals 130, 140, 150, 190, 310, 410, 420, 430, 440, 450, 460, 470, 480, 490, 612, 613, 614, 615, 616, 617, 690, 691, 695, 696, 697, 820, 830, 891, 892, and 893. The alternate temperature control assembly include numerals 1010, 1011, 1030, 1040, 1050, Additional components include gears referenced by numeral 1060 synchronizing the rotation of the cylinders.

Now referring to FIG. 12, which discloses the components of the system providing the conditioned air to thermally control the occupied space. Two possible sources of conditioned air, whether working in parallel or independently, are an electrically powered blower as referenced by numeral 1210 and a solar collector structure producing solar heated air moved mechanical with a blower or hydronic water flow system and by natural buoyancy forces as referenced by numeral 1220. The blower 1210 when feeding through a heating/cooling chamber referenced by numeral 1230 can produce the temperature and pressure of condition for the proposed controlling unit 100. Wireless or wired communication between the controlling unit 100 and electronic communication/control modules on the blower and heating/cooling unit as referenced by numerals 1240 allow the energy conservation algorithm in the controlling unit 100 to optimized performance. The operation of the solar collector 1220 for heating/ventilation/ventilation cooling with ductwork and dampers controlled by the energy conservation algorithm n the controlling unit 100 is covered in detail in patent application #13230835. Alternate locations for the controlling unit 100 are referenced by numerals 510, 560, 530, 540, 550. The return air diffuser allowing air passage back to the system blower numeral 1210 is referenced by numeral 1250.

Now referring to FIG. 13 which discloses a schematic for the completed system outlining the logic applied to the individual components for optimum energy efficiency control. Signals are received from a multitude of Multifunctional Environmental Control Units described in FIGS. 1-12 as referenced by process numeral 1301. User input information is received to “weight” the value of each Multifunctional Environmental Control Unit referenced by numeral 1301 as to its effect on the operation of the system cooling unit, the system heating unit, the system refrigeration unit referenced by numeral 1305, the blower motor control referenced by numeral 1310, and the damper control referenced by numeral 1309. The system control algorithm applies the weight factors from the user input referenced by process step numeral 1302 and Multifunctional Environmental Control Units numeral 1301 as referenced by process step numeral 1303 and determines if the system should be in heating, cooling, or recirculation referenced by numeral 1305 and the speed of the blower motor referenced by 1310, and the position of the system flow control damper referenced by 1309 as referenced by process control step numeral 1304. As a function of the user input referenced by numeral 1302 the system can be utilized to maximize comfort while minimizing energy usage. This “just enough on time’ concept is enabled as a result of detailed feedback from each Multifunctional Environmental Control Unit detailed in FIGS. 1-12.

Now referring to FIG. 14 which discloses the logic for the temperature control of the occupied space environmental control system. The algorithm is stored in a integrated circuit referenced by numeral 1401 that receives the dynamic sensor inputs during the control operation referenced by numeral 1402 and receives the fixed inputs, whether factory default or user dictated, referenced by numeral 1403. The algorithm applies the correction factors to the current measurement from sensor numeral in process steps referenced by numerals 1404 and 1405. The algorithm stores each consecutive temperature sensor reading from the room temperature sensor referenced by numeral 610 and supply temperature sensor referenced by numeral 696. The logical steps based on the algorithm follows the process steps referenced by numerals 1409-1422. The next step, after storing the factory and user input, is to determine a time delay period during which the electronics within the enclosure referenced by numeral 190 powers down to minimum and no signal is sent to actuators referenced by process numerals 1414, 1415, 1418 and 1420. Each process cycle indexes a counter in the registry for number of cycles in the cooling mode referenced by process numeral 1411 or the heating mode referenced by process numeral 1410 or the recirculation mode referenced by process numeral 1416. The duration of consecutive cycles in each mode dictates the time delay initiated in process numeral 1409. An exception to the complete electronics power down during the time delay is initiated in medical applications. A health monitor sensor would send a wireless signal to the wireless receiving unit numeral 140 more frequently for critical life monitoring referenced by process numeral 1421. After the time delay has expired, the algorithm determines if the system temperature is room temperature by a specified amount initiating the heating mode referenced by process numeral 1410, if the supply temperature is below room temperature by a specified amount initiating the cooling mode referenced by process numeral 1411, or if the supply temperature if within the plus and minus dead band (Tdb) around the room temperature initiating the recirculation mode referenced by process numeral 1416. Typically, but not exclusively, in the heating mode numeral 1410, a signal is sent to actuator numeral 640 to close the horizontal baffles numeral 630. Similarly, in the cooling mode numeral 1411, a signal is sent to actuator numeral 670 to close the vertical baffles numeral 660. In the cooling mode operation, if the room temperature is greater the cooling set point plus Tdb and the temperature control baffle is in an intermediate position between full open and full closed, an opening signal is sent to the actuator numeral 640 in accordance with process numerals 1413 and 1414. In the heating mode operation, if the room temperature is less the heating set point minus Tdb and the temperature control baffle is in a intermediate position between full open and full closed an opening signal is sent to the actuator numeral 670 in accordance with process numerals 1422 and 1415. In either the heating mode numeral 1410 or cooling mode numeral 1411, no signal is sent to actuators numeral 640 and numeral 670, thereby maintaining current open position.

Now referring to FIG. 15 which discloses the control operation of the pressure supply baffle. The first step is to store in memory all factory default inputs and user defined inputs referenced by process numeral 1503. All related sensor inputs for pressure referenced by process numeral 1502 are recorded in memory. Determine if there is a microphone input for sound measurements as reference by process numeral 1500. If the sound level is unacceptable as referenced by process numeral 1506, then the customer user set point input referenced by process numeral 1512 is adjusted. Recalibration of the relationship between the pressure sensor readings referenced by process numeral 1513 and microphone sensor referenced by process numeral 1514 is performed as referenced by process numeral 1504. A new relationship between microphone readings and sound rating are calculated and stored as referenced by process numeral 1507. With all the operational inputs stored, the first step in the control operation is to determine if the temperature control baffles actuator position sensors referenced by numerals 632 and 661 are in the fully closed position. If they are then the pressure control baffle actuator position sensor referenced by numeral 691 is driven to its fully closed position and the program starts over at the next iteration. If they are not, then the program continues with process steps referenced by numerals 1501, 1509, 1510, and 1511 to control internal pressure sensor input from pressure sensor numeral 697. If the pressure is above set point the pressure control actuator 695 is actuated to close the baffle to a position dictated by the control algorithm and measured by pressure actuator position sensor numeral 691 as referenced by process step 1511. If the pressure is below set point the pressure control actuator 695 is actuated to open the baffle to a position dictated by the control algorithm and measured by pressure actuator position sensor numeral 691 as referenced by process step 1509.

Now referring to FIG. 16 which discloses the operation of a smart window. When thermal radiation referenced by numeral 1602 from the sun referenced by numeral 1601 passes through a window referenced by numeral 1603 and heats the floor area referenced by numeral 1604. The heated air rises as referenced by numeral 1612 rises and raises the temperature within the enclosed space referenced by numeral 1607. An infrared sensor referenced by numeral 1605 with its cone of surface temperature measurement referenced by numeral 1606 measures the temperature of the floor area numeral 1604 near the window numeral 1603. If the surface temperature measurement exceeds a preset set point and the outside ambient temperature as measured by the ambient air temperature sensor referenced by numeral 1610 is below the set point, the control algorithm within the control module referenced by numeral 1608 sends a signal to actuator referenced by numeral 1609 to open the window. Cooler air flows into room driven by ambient outside wind or negative pressure within the space. This negative pressure is created by mechanical fans referenced by numeral 1613 or the buoyancy effect of the heated area within the room rises upward through a vertical tower referenced by numeral 1614 to ambient conditions. No power is required for this system as a result of energy harvesting from a thermoelectric module referenced by numeral 1611. The system would include a battery or super capacitor for energy storage. The system would include a moisture/humidity sensor referenced by numeral 1615 to signal the control module referenced by numeral 1608 to close the window in the event of rain or high humidity (i.e. fog). The system incorporates a low energy wireless communication module referenced by numeral 1616 to communicate with a remote CO2 module located in the multifunctional environmental control unit numeral 100 as referenced by numeral 480 or a separate module referenced by numeral 490 in a preferred location in the occupied space for quality of air monitoring and control.

The invention has been described in terms of the preferred embodiment. One skilled in the art will recognize that it would be possible to construct the elements of the present invention from a variety of means and to modify the placement of the components in a variety of ways. While the embodiments of the invention have been described in detail and shown in the accompanying drawings, it will be evident that various further modifications are possible without departing from the scope of the invention and it is not required to provide claims in a provisional application the following claims will help the invention to be better understood

  • 1-20. (canceled)
  • 21. A multifunctional environmental control unit comprising: an air diffuser structure located within an environment to be controlled;at least one environmental sensor located within the air diffuser structure;a logic-based control device located within the air diffuser structure;an adjustable air-flow damper structure;an environmental control element;a power supply, and;a communication network between the logic based control device, the at least one environmental sensor, the adjustable air-flow damper and the environmental control element.
  • 22. The multifunctional environmental control unit of claim 21, wherein the unit is; self powered and the power supply is a battery, a fuel cell, a bi-metallic, a memory metal, a change of state device, an energy harvesting device, a thereto-electric device, an RF transfer device, a photo-electric device, an electromagnetic energy conversion device, an air velocity turbine, or radioactive decay converter with possible energy storage capability (batteries, super capacitors, hybrid battery/super capacitor); and has a control algorithm that increases self powered operation with logical steps based on the algorithm involves storing environmental sensor readings to determine environmental stability to enable a time delay period during which the electronics within the enclosure powers down to minimum and no signal is sent to the environmental control element wherein each process cycle indexes a counter in a registry for a number of cycles in each process mode, and the duration of consecutive cycles in each mode dictates a time delay initiated in the process wherein a critical time delay functions includes at least two history based series of sensor readings so that sensor readings indicating parameters within a range of a current set point would create a sleep period that would be progressively extended to lower power consumption subject to a reset triggered by an out of range sensor readings only if the sensor readings indicated a divergence form the desired set point.
  • 23. The multifunctional environmental control unit of claim 21, wherein the environmental sensor is an infrared sensor and the data is temperature located within the air diffuser structure; the logic-based control device further comprises an expert control algorithm utilizing remote measurement capability of the infrared sensor by monitoring surface temperature of nongaseous objects within its cone of detection that responds to physical properties that contribute to a human sense of comfortable temperature by measuring the surface temperature of exposed skin and clothing on a person, by convection with nearby objects heating or cooling surrounding air, by conduction when a person directly contacts an object whose surface temperature is monitored by the sensor, and by radiation.
  • 24. The multifunctional environmental control unit of claim 21, wherein the environmental sensor is an infrared sensor and the data is temperature located within the air diffuser structure; the logic-based control device further comprises an expert control algorithm utilizing remote measurement capability of the infrared sensor by monitoring temperature differences between an object and a nearby person.
  • 25. The multifunctional environmental control unit of claim 21, wherein the environmental sensor is an infrared sensor and the data is temperature located within the air diffuser structure; the logic-based control device further comprises an expert control algorithm utilizing remote measurement capability of the infrared sensor to measure a rate of temperature change of surface temperature of objects and comparing the position of the adjustable air-flow damper structure in relation to an open or closed state so as to further adjust the position of the adjustable air flow damper.
  • 26. The multifunctional environmental control unit of claim 22, wherein the self powered multifunctional environmental control unit includes a second control device comprising: at least one environmental sensor wherein the environmental sensor is at least a static pressure sensor, a differential pressure sensor, or a microphone;data from the sensor is static or differential pressure located within the air diffuser structure or aerodynamic sound level emanating into the environmental space;an expert control algorithm processing remote measurement from the second environment sensor to control the following environmental factors; internal pressure, aerodynamic sound level and temperature.
  • 27. The self powered multifunctional environmental control unit of claim 22, wherein the control element is an actuated damper or powered window.
  • 28. The self powered multifunctional environmental control unit of claim 22, wherein the at least one environmental sensors is an air quality sensor.
  • 29. The self powered multifunctional environmental control unit of claim 22, wherein the adjustable air-flow damper structure further comprises multi-directional baffles that change the direction of air exiting the control unit at any direction from horizontal to the mounting surface to vertical to the mounting surface.
  • 30. The self powered multifunctional environmental control unit of claim 29, wherein the adjustable air-flow damper structure further comprises a low friction and low hysteresis iris-shaped configuration.
  • 31. The self powered multifunctional environmental control unit of claim 21, wherein the unit further comprises: at least one internal wireless communication capability configured for occupants to communicate with individuals within the space, individuals within neighboring spaces, communication with other multifunctional environmental control units, or with a main system control unit; and,an additional internal logic board to communicate with at least one of the following:individuals within the space, individuals within neighboring spaces, communication with other multifunctional environmental control units, main system control unit, or with remote medical devices.
  • 32. The self powered multifunctional environmental control unit of claim 21, further comprising, integral illumination capability, fire detection, smoke detection, motion detection, integral display functions or an integral projector.
  • 33. The multifunctional environmental control unit of claim 22, wherein the environmental sensor is an infrared sensor and the data is temperature located within the air diffuser structure; the logic-based control device further comprises an expert control algorithm utilizing remote measurement capability of the infrared sensor by monitoring surface temperature of nongaseous objects within its cone of detection that responds to physical properties that contribute to a human sense of comfortable temperature by measuring the surface temperature of exposed skin and clothing on a person, by convection with nearby objects heating or cooling surrounding air, by conduction when a person directly contacts an object whose surface temperature is monitored by the sensor, and by radiation.
  • 34. The multifunctional environmental control unit of claim 22, wherein the environmental sensor is an infrared sensor and the data is temperature located within the air diffuser structure; the logic-based control device further comprises an expert control algorithm utilizing remote measurement capability of the infrared sensor by monitoring temperature differences between an object and a nearby person.
  • 35. The multifunctional environmental control unit of claim 22, wherein the environmental sensor is an infrared sensor and the data is temperature located within the air diffuser structure; the logic-based control device further comprises an expert control algorithm utilizing remote measurement capability of the infrared sensor to measure a rate of temperature change of surface temperature of objects and comparing the position of the adjustable air-flow damper structure in relation to an open or closed state so as to further adjust the position of the adjustable air flow damper.
  • 36. The multifunctional environmental control unit of claim 22, wherein the environmental sensor is at least a static pressure sensor or a differential pressure sensor; data from the sensor is static or differential pressure located within the air passage structure of the multifunctional environmental control unit or duct work connecting to or from the environmental control unit;an expert control algorithm processing remote measurement from the environment sensor to control the following environmental factors: system pressure in the connecting duct for system branch flow “balancing”, aerodynamic sound level.
Parent Case Info

This utility patent application claims the priority of provisional application of U.S. Ser. No. 61-631,388 filed on Jan. 3, 2012